#meanwhile misaki is trying to balance both keeping them from doing stupid shit while also not destroying their confidence that shes been so
chisatowo · 3 years
Hhw in my band swap au are so fucking funny because from some horrifying twist of fate Misaki somehow managed to become the hype man of the group
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
(1) Yata is a delinquent who has to work as the student council's errand boy as a punishment for making trouble. Since the president, Munakata, doesn't really need any help, he has Yata help out Fushimi instead who is also part of the council and overworks himself alone so Munakata insist on giving him Yata as some kinda assistant. The two boys hated each other at first but soon became sort of friends and later crushes on each other. Of course, Yata doesn't want anyone to know he has a crush as
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“But with bigger idiots,” perfect XD So say Yata is part of the school delinquent group Homra, he thinks of himself as like this badass rule breaker but really Homra are mostly harmless troublemakers. Yata's really into showing that he's cool and manly though, like he's proud of having a reputation as a Homra member and he would never want to be like those geeks on the student council. One day though Yata ends up getting in a bit of trouble, like Homra was hanging out behind the school skipping class and they get caught by the student council president Munakata. The other Homra guys make a run for it and Munakata lets them go (he'll speak with Suoh about this later) but Yata was playing around on his skateboard and Munakata's sudden appearance causes him to wipe out. Munakata notes that skateboarding during school hours is not allowed and that he will certainly get in trouble with the school administrators for this. Yata, law breaking punk that he is, freaks out because his mom will be so mad if he gets suspended from school. Munakata is willing to be lenient however and decides that rather than turn Yata in they can make a deal, Yata will be the student council's errand boy for the rest of the year.
Yata's not thrilled at being dragged into the student council but it's better than being suspended so he agrees. He's all worried about what kind of boring shit Munakata will make him do, like what if he has to do paperwork or take the meeting minutes at boring events or bring everyone drinks while they treat him like a servant. Munakata however is a super multitasker and decides that he himself has no need of an assistant, instead assigning Yata to work with the council's treasurer, Fushimi. Fushimi is technically the treasurer but really he does just about everything, president Munakata and vice president Awashima handle a lot of day to day things and wrangling the other members but Fushimi's one always balancing the budgets and keeping track of school clubs and doing a bunch of clerical work. Yata walks into a classroom to find Fushimi just buried under paperwork, super focused on his task, and Yata asks what Fushimi needs from him. Fushimi looks up, scowls, clicks his tongue and tells Yata to stand in the corner and be quiet.
So of course the two of them don't get along at all at first, Fushimi's super prickly and has no interest in using Yata for anything except as the occasional errand boy. Yata can't believe that he's going to have to deal with this gloomy nerd for the rest of the school year but then of course he finds himself getting closer to Fushimi regardless. Like Fushimi keeps sending Yata to the nearest convenience store to get him canned drinks and Caloriemate and Yata's like what the hell is with your diet no wonder you're so skinny. He can't take any more of Fushimi being unhealthy so Yata brings him a bento the next day, only for Fushimi to pick out all the vegetables and only eat the meat. Yata's determined to get Fushimi to eat healthier, like Fushimi tends to be absent a lot too and Yata figures it must be because he's so skinny and has a terrible diet. Then another day Fushimi shows up at school with what is clearly a terrible cold and Yata can't believe he's even here much less trying to work, making Fushimi lie down for a bit and fussing over him while Fushimi grumbles but lets Yata take care of him.
Soon they're friends and they start developing crushes on each other too but that makes things even more complicated. All of Homra can tell that Yata is totally into that gloomy guy from the student council but Yata denies it, like love is for girls and he's definitely not the type to be into sappy shit like that (even as he heads home to make Fushimi his regular bento full of meat and pineapple). Fushimi meanwhile keeps getting lightly ribbed by the other members of the student council about how close he looks with his 'assistant,' Fushimi just clicks his tongue and is like why would anyone want to be close to that idiot don't be stupid. Really Fushimi is having feelings for Yata though and he doesn't know how to deal with them, like even if he was willing to admit that he's in love with Yata he thinks it's pointless because no way would Yata ever love him back, Yata's only working with him to avoid getting suspended after all.
They both then hit on a genius idea to get their respective comrades to stop teasing them: get the other guy to confess first. Fushimi figures if Misaki says something then it means it's safe for him to admit his own feelings, while Yata thinks if Fushimi confesses first then Yata can just accept all cool-like and he won't look sappy. The problem of course is that Yata doesn't understand any of Fushimi's cues while Fushimi can't read emotional cues like at all and so all their plans keep backfiring, like Fushimi thinks Yata's trying to indicate that he's in love with someone else while Yata's starting to doubt that Fushimi actually has a crush on him at all and they're both just flailing around like idiots (meanwhile Homra and the student council call a truce in order to try and get these two morons together because they can't take much more of this, it's just pathetic).
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