#meanwhile cazador insisted all his spawn were his family
madforhoran · 10 months
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the screenshot of these mental gymnastics is courtesy of @dmbakura
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nknovakwrites · 7 days
Astarion's Past Part Five: Does It Feel Alright To Not Know Me?
The noblestalk potion had restored most of Astarion's memories immediately after taking it. Although, he found that even weeks after he had gone back home to Hope in Baldur's Gate, he was still getting more. Some of the memories he was getting back weren't like the others, they weren't clear but instead were like looking at faded portraits. It was weird but he didn't spend too much time worrying about it. He had his memories of Hope and their adventure back, that was all that mattered.
Meanwhile, Hope, who was used to performing in Lower City taverns (and the occasional one in the Upper City) got invited to perform in the fancy Upper City tavern, The Gilded Dragon, which was being rented out for a patriar's wife's birthday party. Hope was ecstatic to be hired for a private event and the host was nice enough to give her a plus one! Astarion was hesitant to attend the party with her since he had been avoiding the Upper City but Hope insisted and since she rarely asked him for anything he had a hard time saying no to her.
While they walked towards The Gilded Dragon, Hope started to fill Astarion in on the details she knew such as the host's name and his wife's name, Avriana. Hope continued talking but Astarion had stopped listening.
The name was familiar but for the unlife of him, he couldn't place it.
When they arrived at the tavern, Avriana hadn't arrived yet but her family had.
Astarion took one look at the people in the bar before saying, "I have to leave- I just- I can't be here."
He left quickly and discreetly. Hope wanted to follow but she was already spotted by the patriar and host of the party. He started to introduce Hope to his wife's family and they told her what she should play, the kind of music that Avriana liked, etc. Hope was taking in all the information but also looking for the first opportunity to leave and see if Astarion was nearby so she could talk to him.
Astarion had escaped to the closest bar that was not The Gilded Dragon. /Avriana!/ How, he wondered, did he forget his twin sister's name? When he saw his mother and father he recognized them but he couldn't remember their names! He remembered his sister's name but he couldn't remember what she looked like! Why couldn't he remember!? Her face was nothing more than a faded portrait from more than 200 years ago! But, why!? Why!?
*So, I mentioned previously that I believe Cazador had the ability to mess with his spawn's memories and that's why Astarion couldn't remember anything before his 200 with Cazador. Since I was doing a whole memory loss/restoration arc, why not try and bring some of the older memories back? Memories of his family: his mom, his dad, and his twin sister, Avriana Ancunín. 
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