#meanwhile I'm over here not knowing which sign for January to try to remember
seawitchkaraoke · 7 months
Thing is there are resources for German sign language, there are dictionaries online and stuff but there doesn't seem to be one definite correct version for most signs? Like. I downloaded two separate dictionary apps and their signs for January are completely different and neither of them is the sign my teacher taught me
It's an online course so as a class we've tried to record most of the signs in seperate videos and then collect them together, I've made anki cards with them which has been useful. But sometimes I'm like hmm this sign my classmate recorded doesn't look quite right to me, let me look it up just to find nothing even close to what they signed anywhere.
We've also had a change in teachers between semesters and I like the new guy better generally, he signs a lot slower and clearer for us beginners which helps a lot but of course he also speaks a different dialect so there's once again new versions for some signs
At least our teachers told us where they're from and what dialect they speak but the online dictionaries mostly just have one version of the word and even if they have several won't specify which is from which region.
This apparently isn't a problem for deaf people which makes sense, I don't have issues talking to another german with a different dialect in spoken language either but when you're learning and there isn't an agreed upon standard it makes it very hard and frustrating sometimes.
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guillotinedangel · 6 years
Day 01. RESET
Based on the January 2019 prompt list published by @downwithwritersblock
The future is now.
Author: @blackpaladintshirogane
Ship: Klance
Characters: Keith, Lance, Acxa, Zethrid, Ezor.
Warning: S8 spoilers, offensive language.
Summary: During a BOM benefic delivery, Keith encounters a rebel resistance Galra group that attacks him an puts his life in jeopardy. Fearing he may die anytime even thought the war is over, he flies to Altea to find Lance and confess his feelings.
"Keith, do you copy?"
Acxa's voice sounded, worried, on the other side of the comms. She had been trying for a while now to reach her captain, but there was no sign of him since he had gone down to the planet they were currently in, looking for signs of life they could help.
Now that the war was over, the Blade of Marmora had been renewed. They were still incredible skilled warriors but now their duties had been changed to deliver help to the places in the Universe that had been affected by the battles and the destruction. They usually did not have any trouble but today it had been different and Keith, who always took the responsibility of patrolling the area before landing, was not answering his team's call.
"Maybe we should go down ourselves, just in case" Ezor suggested, also worried by the lack of answer.
"Give the little one a bit more time. He's tough" Zethrid added.
"This is weird"
Acxa worked on the ship's panel of control, trying to look for anything she could possibly do, but she got jack.
Meanwhile, on the ground , Keith was running for his life.
Panting, with his lungs already aching every time he gasped for air, the boy was trying to escape his persecutors, who he could hear, yelling to each other, only a few steps behind him.
The attack had taken him by surprise, but, still, he was punishing himself for being so careless. If he hadn't been agile enough, his blood would be painting a beautiful canvas on the rocky landscape of the planet.
It had been Garla, nonetheless, the ones who had tried to kill him. Maybe that was the reason why he was running and not fighting back: the shock he had upon seeing the purple skinned soldiers, referring to him as paladin of Voltron, even though it had been years since the lions had abandoned them.
"Acxa!! Ezor!! Zethrid!! Somebody!? Do you copy me!?" he shouted over the comms between gasps, but the plain and cold static answered him.
Tired already, desperately trying to reach his team for help, Keith did not see the rift splitting the ground in two at his feet and he fell right on it, with a cry of pain, hitting his ribs on the ledge and spraining his right ankle on the deep hole. Soon enough, he was able to feel the warm blood running, tickling his skin under his tight suit.
He struggled to get himself out, not caring about injuring himself even more, but in vain. The rift was shallow but too narrow, so he was trapped on it. Little was worth all his screaming and cursing, and then a shadow hovered over him and the click of a gun and an evil laugh reached his ears.
"Look at you. The mighty Red Paladin, trapped like a rat in a hole on the ground. Pathetic"
"Fuck you" Keith growled , angryly, which earned him a kick on the head that made him spit blood out of his mouth.
"Shut it, and try not to keep spilling blood over my new skin trophy. Now. You're gonna be a good boy, and tell us where the rest of your team is"
"What are you even barking about? Haven't you heard the war is over?"
Keith could almost hear how the big warrior gritted his sharp teeth.
"We know, but you worms are still alive. That's insulting to us, to the memory of our great Emperor Zarkon. You destroyed it all!! We want our revenge!!"
"Then get me out of here and I'll show you the blade Zarkon tasted!!"
His words had the effect required and the soldier grabbed Keith by his neck and raised him in the air and out of the rift like a flower out of its soil, to throw him on the ground under his feet with anger. The boy twisted in pain to the impact. He probably had a few ribs broken.
"I'll break every single bone in your tiny body"
"Fuck you" Keith cursed again at him, but before the soldier could even point his gun at him, he was brought down alongside his companions by three figures that appeared out of nowhere.
"Keith!!" Acxa shouted, upon seeing her captain on the floor, the blood starting to shine through the dark fabric of the suit.
The three warriors ran to help him.
"The blade Zarkon tasted?? Do you have a death wish? " Zethrid faced him while Acxa and Ezor inspectioned his wounds.
"Stupid human" Acxa mumbled between her teeth, "It wasn't even you who finished Zarkon. It was Lotor"
"Who cares. I had to win some time and it worked, right? " Keith whispered, feeling how the exhaustion was starting to catch up to his muscles and brain.
"They were going to kill you!"
"No. I can't... I can't die. I have to do something first"
"Yeah? Like what?"
The day had dawned sunny and warm, and Lance was heading for the orchard to take care of his crops, with one of the altean kids that lived alongside him and other alien families on the farm he had retired to after the war was over, seeking peace of mind and relaxation after all the stress and fear that it had brought upon them. What he did not expect to receive were the news of the arrival of a stranger warrior out of the mouth of another of the children that were running around, and even less it being Keith in the flesh.
"Wow, that mullet gets worse with the years" Lance jokingly said as soon as his former partner was close enough to hear him.
Keith laughed to his words, but he merely managed to scoff. His broken ribs pained him too much to actually burst a laughter and, even though he tried to hide it, he was limping. Also, Lance knew him all too well.
"Are you okay?" the Cuban asked, with a worried look on his blue eyes.
"Just a mission that went wrong. Nothing to worry about"
Lance raised an eyebrow.
"A mission? I thought the Blade was doing humanitarian work now?"
"Um, yeah we do..." Keith wondered his eyes away from Lance's, "But I... Found myself with some old glories that recognized me. And they weren't nice to me"
"Okay, you're coming with me now. You need to lay down"
Keith half smiled upon seeing Lance's face, frowning with a troubled look. He would have tried to argue with him over it, but he knew there would be no way to make him desist, so he followed his friend to his home, were Lance made him lay on a very comfortable couch while he made some hot coffee.
"There you go" he said, offering him a cup, "Now would you tell me why you're here? Do you need a place to heal your wounds? You can stay if you want"
The offering took Keith by surprise. He hadn't even thought about that possibility.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah! We have plenty of room here and I could use..." Lance stopped himself before saying what was roaming his mind and blushed to the very thought of even telling Keith what he actually wanted to say, "You'd be welcome"
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"The sentence you didn't finish" Keith teased him, accommodating himself on the couch.
"Stay on your back" Lance ordered him in a soft voice, avoiding the question at the same time.
"I'll stay if you make me"
"Wha... What?"
Lance's face lighted up like a lighthouse and Keith smiled softly at him.
"I came here for a reason, Lance. I... I almost died in this mission--"
"You what!?"
"Let me finish! Dammit! Those soldiers almost killed me and the thing is... I could not stop thinking about... About how much I regretted not visiting you more often. Not... Talking to you since months ago. Not being by your side"
"What do you mean with all that, Keith?"
"Fuck! Lance!" Keith snapped, making a pinch of pain flood his chest on the process, "I'm not good with this feelings shit..."
The Cuban boy smiled.
"You mean to tell me you missed me, mullet?" Lance asked with a cheeky grin.
"Yes but, not only that"
Keith's cheeks started to dye red as he spoke. He wanted to shout it at Lance, but what if his friend did not feel the same?
Suddenly Lance raised from his seat and approached him, kneeling by his side, on the floor.
"What else then?" he asked with shiny eyes, placing his hand on Keith's knee. His altean marks seemed to flash for a second.
"I... I was scared, Lance. I thought I'd die and I'd never see you again. I'd never get to tell you that... Fuck... That I love you, dammit. That's it, I said it, now you can reject me or hate me if you want"
Keith stared into the black liquid that filled his mug, trying to ignore the feeling of crying that was crowling its way up his chest. He was regretting his words right now. Lance was still probably mourning Allura. He could see it on his eyes every year when they met before her statue to remember her. There was still love shinning in them.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have--"
But his words died on his throat as Lance leaned forward and pressed his lips against his', catching him by surprise.
"I love you too" the boy answered, breaking the kiss after a few seconds.
Warm tears streamed down Keith's cheeks, releasing all the pressure he had been feeling inside. Lance ran quick to hug him.
"Careful" Keith said between sobs, "My ribs"
"Sorry" Lance tried to pull back, but Keith wrapped him with one arm and pulled him back to his chest.
"I don't care about the pain. I just need you close now"
They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes until Lance broke the silence.
"You think it's too late to join the Blade?"
"Well this calm life... Is driving me nuts. I wanna go back up there. With you"
Keith smiled wide and planted a quick kiss on Lance's lips.
"I guess I can find a suit for my sharpshooter"
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