#meanwhile Edelgard is literally omega racists towards Nabateans
butwhatifidothis · 2 years
What do you think of the claude and shez C support ? Like Their discussion on the alliance and the idea of (temporarily) getting rid of the alliances council due to the imminent invasion by the empire? Edelstans are so happy about it lmao, they so desperately want to believe Claude is just as villainous as their princess 😂
I find it interesting in that it actually (if slightly) tackles the politics of the Alliance and points out flaws in it as well as pointing out benefits. Because Claude himself will say that while he's considered dismissing the council, 1) he has no real means of doing that anytime soon- meaning he has no plans to outright overthrow the council with force it seems like, unlike Edelgard - 2) he straight up says that the Roundtable works just fine in peacetime and that it's when war hits that it falls apart, and on top of that 3) Shez specifically mentions that yeah, it'd be temporary, meaning the Alliance would only have one specific leader to listen to like the other two regions in states of emergency, not all the time - with Claude not minding that idea.
What I’m hoping it’s tryin’ to get along is that it’s less “and now all the power belongs to me lol” but more so that in times of emergency like war the other Five Great Lords will listen to the leader of the Alliance to make the last decision, similar to what we see with 3Hopes wrt the Kingdom. Though, from just the datamine, it seems like the Alliance will change so that Claude will be straight up king (which I guess is like. also like the Kingdom lmao but you get the idea)? And I think that’s the main thing Edelstans are seeing and taking away from it, that Claude “takes over” the Alliance like Edelgard did Adrestia.
And like, even if that is the direction 3Hopes goes with, unless 3Hopes has Claude
personally install a man he thinks is corrupt into a leadership position that was arguably higher than said man’s previous position (Count Varley, whom Edelgard puts under house arrest in 3H but has lead the Southern Church in 3Hopes)
allow his subordinates to, just, act like Hubert does, in general 
declares war on an institute that not only allowed him to make reforms with no interference, but actively helped in allowing him to do that (the Church with Edelgard, as they helped in her retaking of Enbarr)
not only hold a political hostage, but has that political hostage directly work with the man who conquered their homeland and murdered their father (Petra and Count Bergliez)
try to violently invade foreign lands to forcefully unite Fodlan under his banner (unification still being one of Edelgard’s main motivations, per her death quote)
then, like, no, Claude is still not as bad as Edelgard lmao. She would still hold the title of Most Villainous of the lords. And, like, the fact that Claude specifically points out that the Roundtable works fine in peacetime and falls apart in wartime is, like... a pretty solid case as to why Edelgard’s war is unneeded and directly harmful. It’s like someone smashing a hammer against a window and turning around and saying “See! The window was faulty! If someone smashes a hammer against it it’ll fall apart!” - Edelgard is claiming her war is going to fix problems that the war itself is causing. Which is fuckin’ hilarious because that is exactly what she’s claiming the Church is doing.
Only the full game can really tell what Claude will do with the Alliance, but Edelstans vastly underestimate just how much Claude would have to do in order to actually be genuinely comparable to Edelgard
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butwhatifidothis · 4 years
Sometimes fandoms still kicks me upside the head. Some of the most unpopular characters in Three Houses - Leonie, Cyril, Ingrid - make mistakes that yes, range from annoying as hell to actually shitty, but are never allowed to grow from, according to fans. Even when they apologize for doing so or even when what they’re “guily” of isn’t even that bad.
Leonie can never grow past the fact that she calls Byleth underserving of their father Jeralt directly and specifically after he dies (as in, the supports is only available in the timespan immediately after his death), despite the fact that she herself was extremely emotionally unstable over the fact that her childhood hero who saved her village and gave her her life-goal was murdered for no reason and despite the fact that she apologized profusely for every saying that to you.
Cyril can never grow past being extremely rude to nearly everyone around him and idolizing Rhea as much as he does, despite the fact that he was a literal child soldier and after that a slave of the Gonerils and Rhea saved him from that life to live one where he is fed everyday, has safe shelter, and in return only has to do chores that everyone else has to do.
Ingrid can never grow past telling to Dedue’s face that the massacre of his people was justified, even though Faerghan culture has told her that since she was an emotionally scarred teenage girl that his people are the reason her and her friends’ lives were ruined and despite the fact that she still afterwards realized what she said and her actions towards Dedue were horrific and had no justification.
These characters are completely irredeemable in the eyes of so many fans... but Edelgard, in comparison, is alright.
Now not to say Edelgard doesn’t have a lot of people hating her, but we have to admit she is infinitely more popular than the three listed above, consistently ranking at least top 10 in popularity polls with countless people trying to justify her actions and say that she’s an amazing person. This is despite the fact that she AT MINIMUM:
-at least wants to exile all the Nabateans from Fodlan because they “are incapable of humanity”, a reasoning that is the literal, actual motivation of nearly all of the villains in the Tellius games (I say at least since so many people are hellbent in denying that she wants to kill them all... despite the fact that Flayn and Seteth can’t be spared by her, only by Byleth, unlike Claude and Lysithea... and that Linhardt doesn’t want her finding out about Indech in the Legend of the Lake paralogue because it “concerns the Saints of the Church of Seiros”... and she expresses contentment at “getting rid of all of the children of the Goddess”... but sure, she just wants to exile a race of people who’ve lived on Fodlan longer than her ancestral line started, that’s all)
-dresses as the committer of the Tragedy of Duscur in front of the sole survivor of the massacre. Multiple times.
     - in relation to that, works with the people who committed the Tragedy of Duscur, and calls the sole survivor “delusional” for thinking someone who dressed in the specific garb of the person who committed the Tragedy and works with those who actually committed the Tragedy was the one who committed the Tragedy. But nah, Dimitri is just a loony for thinking that, no basis for him to think that at all.
-demands for a relic weapon to be made for her specifically, despite knowing how they are made  
-attacks and kills Judith, even if she surrenders and retreats
     -invades a neutral territory
     -(potentially) kills Claude, even if he surrenders
-directly and explicitly says she is willing to put her civilians’ lives at risk if it meant furthering her goals and calls herself “just like Lonato”
-covers up Jeritza kidnapping Flayn and Flayn’s torture by TWS
-uses Demonic Beasts as war assets, meaning she allows for the kidnapping, torture and mutations of innocent civilians into mindless monsters. This is despite knowing how horrifically painful it is to have this done on someone.
-is willing to sacrifice her soldiers on the battlefield (Bernadetta at Gronder) to get a slight upper hand.
     -Imma dispel anyone trying to compare this to when Claude used the fire bomb at Garreg Mach, since I’ve seen people try to justify this specific action by doing that. Claude 1) warns that he’s going to use the fire bomb and gives ample time for people to get out of the way, unlike Edelgard who gives no warning to Bernadetta and 2) this is a defense mechanism built into Garreg Mach’s infrastructure that Seteth and Gilbert also use, unlike Edelgard’s impromptu burning of the Central Hill.
-is willing to use her civilians as human shields to try and dissuade the opposing army’s attempts at getting to her
-says she’s for a meritocracy where people earn what they earn and not what they were born into, but doesn’t allow Byleth to take their credit as the leading force because it would look bad on her (literally) and people gaining titles they have no qualifications for (Bernadetta, Caspar) simply because she, personally, thinks they deserve it
Off the top of my head, this is what Edelgard does that people will look over in favor of liking her, because apparently “she had good intentions” is a good enough reason to look away from mass murder, mass torture, hypocritical beliefs, active treason to those she is supposed to protect and to her “friends”, constant lying, and just an absurd amount of self-righteousness that allows her to justify to herself that she is right and literally everyone else is wrong, actually. 
But nah, Cyril’s a rude kid so he should be hated.
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