omegastation · 7 years
So yesterday we started reading the MEA codex. Here’s the link to our Discord if you're interested, don’t hesitate to join! I thought I would make several posts about what we discussed (and by we, I mean @homoryder, @silentstephi, @nerdyholler and me)
I'll start with the characters and some questions or reflections we had.
-Ryder: We were interested in the Alliance's attitude toward the Ryder siblings. Alec's research got him discharged but it also ruined his children's career. @silentstephi said it made it sound like the family was tainted forever, which is a bit wtf. @homoryder was wondering if the Ryders could have eventually overcome it the way Ash did. -Kallo: I wondered if Parohe Aerospace warned Garson against recruiting him "so fervently" for a reason other than wanting to keep him around. -Cora: Codex gives us a nice insight into the asari huntresses. The records are sealed for 5000 years, which is... a lot of time as @homoryder pointed out.  It's also worth noting that Cora's superior biotic talents was seen as a liability by the Alliance (to me it means they still don't really know how to handle powerful biotics and don't have good training for them). I also wonder why Cora’s service number was included in her entry. No other character has information that specific? -Suvi: @homoryder was the one who caught the part about her being "headhunted by a black-ops organization for a classified biomedical project": it's likely Cerberus wanted her for the Project Lazarus and she said no. Just think about it: we could have had Suvi and Miranda working together!!! -Liam: his entry gives us a lot of information about, well, law and order. His parents specialized in "interplanetary policy law": I would think it means human law across all planets (colonies included? no idea) while galactic law is linked to Citadel space. Would love to get your opinion on this.  -Ellen: Codex talks about "neuro-integrated wetware", it would mostly mean the brain linked to artificial systems. Thought process would be compared to computer systems. -SAM: Alec encouraged SAM to write their own entry. 
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omegastation · 7 years
Hi! You don't have to, but I think it'd be cool if we had a Discord for the codex reading party! So we can instantly chat about our findings. :)
Yes. I decided not to a few days ago but I changed my mind. I’m going to reblog the MEA Codex Party post with the link to the discord. 
Are you excited btw??? :) 
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omegastation · 7 years
Mass Effect Andromeda Codex Reading Party:  A lot of things are announced today I know, but I talked about it last week and it seemed like some of you were interested so... When : This Friday (April 28). Not putting a specific hour, I think we'll have more participants this way What: We basically read the entire MEA codex. We can take notes, make posts, liveblog our reading, discuss the lore, ... Tag: #meacodexparty
It’s going to be fun I hope :)
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