#me: o ill just jot down the fics im thinking abt at the top of my head atm
luobinghelovebot · 4 years
gtmk mdzs edition!! :) General: 1 If you had to join a sect, which would you join? | Ships: 4 Thoughts on Wangxian? 🤔 | Characters: 3 Favorite character & why? | Story: 1 If you could make one major story change, what change would you make? Why? | Fic: 5 Recommend a fanfic!! Can be yours or someone else’s !! <3
Ahhh thank you!!! 💕💖
If you had to join a sect, which would you join? 
Qinghe Nie..... Yunmeng is too hot, Gusu has too many rules, I like mountains and the crushing fear of my impending demise ✌ 
OR Baling Ouyang because then you’re not involved in the main sects’ drama & I’m assuming because it’s close to Yunmeng you get those pretty lakes.... toss up.
Thoughts on Wangxian? 🤔 
Constantly oscillating between hngngngn head empty nothing but They’re Husbands 🥺 & a 2395864930 word essay about their growth and the tragedy of timing in their story & how they’re allowed to find each other frustrating but can still be in awe of each other & how well they WORK together in puzzling something over and how they both change AND stay the same together AND apart but still mirror & compliment each other and - 
They’re good. I have more thoughts on CQL wx than novel wx 
Favourite character & why? 
Lan Wangji... He probably would have been anyway but I watched CQL first and it’s such an experience to see Wei Wuxian grow to understand him and love him at the same time/pace as I was oh my god 😭
If you could make one major story change, what change would you make? Why? 
Jiang Yanli would cultivate bro oh my god. If not for the sheer gay boost I’d get watching her sword fight ??? She could’ve defended herself and not died???? I just imagined her and LWJ sparring and I have to stop here my heart can’t take it
Recommend a fanfic!! Can be yours or someone else’s !! <3
oh man this took me so long askfjdklgf i want to rec all of them (if you WANT that feel free to stalk my ao3 bookmarks) but the ones that I’ve been thinking about a lot/get emotional when they update at the moment are:
no new age by everythingispoetry (canon divergent - What if the past was not something you truly recover from?)
In Reflection, Truth by Shadaras (slight canon divergent - trans!! feelings!!!!!!!)
long way home by idrilka (post canon - idk what to say about it just hnngnngn soft & devastating)
I Swear By This Bell by Titans_R_Us (canon divergent, oneshot - What if Wei Wuxian wasn’t attacked on the way to see his foster sister’s baby? If he was able to give Jin Ling his month-old present? If he got to hold this small one in his arms?)
Lotus Roots and Open Doors by Midshipsman (canon divergent - the Wen Qing/Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji vee of my DREAMS)
Your slightest look easily will unclose me by RedWritingHood (post canon, oneshot - "The curse is meant to physically manifest the emotions of its victim." Jiang Cheng submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known.)
and an echo answered by fensandmarshes (post canon, oneshot - nie huaisang visits lan xichen in his seclusion.)
Lan Yuan’s War by BurningTea (time travel AU - LWJ who’s in seclusion in those 3 years post WWX’s death ends up back in the sunshot campaign)
How to Care For Corpses by dragonofeternal (canon compliant, oneshot - Wei Wuxian comes to Wen Qing with an odd request, and Wen Qing comes to better understand the strange man she trusted to save her family.)
With Absolute Splendor by Lise (post canon - Jiang Cheng insists on organising wangxian’s wedding... god i love siblings.)
sometimes a family is some dumbass kids, a few lesbians, and hOW many GODDAMN UNCLES— by angstymochi, fensandmarshes, raydiant27 & space_enjolras (modern chatfic AU man i Love Lan Sizhui)
from get to know me mdzs edition | send me a q!
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