#me: i wanna finish this thing. also me: oh shit it's not good enough it was too rushed i need to drag it out aah
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nice to meet you, where you been? (steddie tattoo shop au)
🌷 part 1 | part 2 (or read on ao3) | T – 12.3k – 3/3 🌷
part 3: fallingforyou (5k)
in which the boys finally have that date
Eddie doesn’t even make it home before his phone vibrates, revealing a new message from an unknown number.
Unknown: hi i was a bit dumb and didn’t ask for your number but i figured you’d be cool if i take it from the form you filled out for the tat. hope that’s fine! 👀
Steve: oh this is steve by the way
Eddie snorts and leans against the lamp post beside him. It’s a bit stupid, the way he just essentially drops everything to text a boy; but he’s always been like that, and he sure as hell isn’t gonna change that for Steve fucking Harrington! In fact, he has a feeling it might only get worse from here on out.
Eddie: Aw and here I thought this was Brad. I even drew a little heart beside my phone number on the tattoo form :( Steve: pff please you’d never get a tattoo from someone named brad Steve: that’s not even a real name Steve: people named brad aren’t real Eddie: Brad is ghosting me and you’re joking about it, Harrington, I cannot believe this 💔 Steve: i’ll make it up to you Steve: are you free on saturday? Eddie: Only if Brad doesn’t un-ghost me 😔 Steve: menace :D Eddie: I’m getting your tattoo removed as we speak!!! Eddie: !!!!!! Steve: :( Eddie: That’s what you get, Stevie. That’s what you wanna take on a date.
Eddie’s heart is hammering in his chest, the wide grin faltering a little when he realises what he just said. He called it a date. Is that right? Is that what Steve wants? Is that what they’re doing? There is a chance that Steve only wants to catch up, hang out as friends. Queer friends that can’t exactly stop smiling at each other, who occasionally get lost in each other’s eyes, who flirt, who…
Damn. He’s not objecting to a friendship with Steve. Hell, it would probably be one of the best things to happen to him right after his band and the soulmate-ism with Chrissy! But the thing is, he’d have a massive crush to get over first.
There, he’s admitting it now. He has a crush on Steve Harrington like he’s never had a crush like this on anyone before, ever, in his whole entire life. Except once, in high school, for nearly two years. On Steve Harrington. Fucking dammit, he is so cliché. He’s leaning against a lamppost, grinning down at his phone, and everything!
And Steve isn’t typing anymore. Eddie is kind of dying. How’d this man get this much power over him in the matter of, what, like a week?
Eddie: Not too late to back out of that by the way Steve: are you kidding me?? Steve: bro i would take you on that date right now instead of waiting until saturday Steve: but alas
‘Alas’! The boy knows words!
Eddie’s heart is doing a somersault in his chest — and if anyone asks, no, that’s not him giggling down at his phone out on the streets like a helpless little gay boy with his first real, butterflies kind of crush.
Eddie: Oh damn, you're a real go-getter, aren't you, Steebie? Eddie: Wait Eddie: Did you just call me bro Eddie: DID YOU JUST CALL ME BRO STEVEN Eddie: B R O ?????? Eddie: Is that what we are 😔
Steve: drowning my phone as we speak
Steve:if you need me no you don't
And if Eddie is cackling at that, laughing, blushing, hiding his face behind his curls, no, he is not.
Giggling, blushing, and feeling so very alive, Eddie hits the call button and hopes that Steve didn’t actually drown his phone and went to leave the country.
But luck, it turns out, favours him today, because Steve picks up on the first ring.
“Hi, bro,” Eddie says, still laughing. On the other end of the line, Steve is groaning, but Eddie can hear something even better. “Oh my God, is that Nobody’s Perfect you’re listening to? From Hannah Montana?”
“Picking up the phone was a mistake,” Steve sighs without any real heat, and Eddie just wants to go all the way back and watch him. Chin on his hands and all. Just watch Steve as he closes up, listening to ridiculous songs that make him call people bro as he’s flirting with them, and tell him how beautiful he looks in clothes that are not designed to make people look this perfect.
“So what was that about taking me on a date right now?” Eddie asks instead of saying any of that, listening as the music gets quieter over the line.
There’s a moment of silence and Eddie imagines Steve shrugging. He’s adorable even in Eddie’s head. He lives in there now. Rent free, just pretty and sassy and not at all bro-like.
“Uh. Yeah, that was, uh. Sorry.”
“What for?”
A huff, some shuffling, and Eddie yearns. He feels it in his hands, the way they’re tingling, aching to reach out, to hold, to keep.
Steve sighs, then speaks. “Nothing, just a whole narrative of things that make me sound like the clingiest dude, so let’s pretend I didn’t say a thing?”
Eddie smiles before he knows it, because Steve might be saying what he thinks he’s saying, and he’s being shy about it. Shy! Steve! Eddie never stood a chance.
“You miss me already, Mister Kettle?”
“Maybe.” And God. How is he so charismatic even when he’s shy and most probably blushing? Steve Harrington, force of nature specifically designed to wreck Eddie’s little heart and soul and universe.
“Say the word and I’ll come back, Stevie,” Eddie says, and he finds that he means it. He doesn’t have plans, Chrissy isn’t home to tell him he’s not dreaming, and he has this ache, this tingling in his chest, his arms, his hands. This feeling that tells him he has to go hug Steve right this second and not let go for the next five to seven business decades.
There’s a huff and the ache only gets stronger.
“In fact, Steeb-o, it’s actually testing every ounce of strength this mind and body possess not to jump back into the subway and make my way over to you. So, like. Say the word. I think I might literally be begging you to go ahead and say the word, give me an excuse to be annoying and clingy.”
Steve chuckles and he sounds both relieved and stricken, and Eddie wants to know. He wants to know what’s happening inside that pretty little head. He needs to know what Steve thinks, what he wants, what he sees, what his world is like.
This is crush of his is moving incredibly fast. And still it’s far from enough for Eddie, and he knows that’s kinda not good, not healthy, a bit dangerous possibly. But it seems to be the same for Steve. Like maybe they’re bad influences for each other.
Like catalysts for destruction. But how would the boy who shines like gold in the sunlight destroy him? The boy who listens to Nobody’s Perfect when he’s cleaning and closing up, the boy who tapes up his shirt sleeve so Eddie won’t have to take off his shirt, the boy who has a whole binder of weird-ass tattoos and the softest touch, the quickest mouth, the sharpest tongue, meeting Eddie’s banter head-on like it’s all they’ve been doing since taking their first breath of shared air.
It’s not destruction that’s happening. It’s something much, much more terrifying. It has Eddie’s heart beating in his throat all the same.
“Let me take you on a real date,” Steve says then. “When I didn’t have a long day at work. When I won’t say stupid shit. Okay, Eddie?”
The yearning doesn’t stop, not when Steve says his name like that, in that smiling way he has. Part of him wants to object, wants to insist to turn around and spend more time with Steve. He wants to kick himself, wants to apologise for just running out of the shop like that. If he hadn’t, maybe they could go on that date now.
But Steve’s exhausted, and he deserves better than Eddie being actually clingy and annoying about this. Boundaries. No matter how tingly his arms are.
“Of course,” is what he says. “Sorry.”
“Not at all,” Steve hurries, that casualness back in his voice that makes Eddie want to go eat a tree. “I think I started that, anyway.”
“Yeah, when you called me bro,” Eddie adds, snickering.
Steve groans again. “I hate you.”
“And for good reason, too, bro.”
“I’m hanging up on you, Edwin.”
“Can’t believe you continuously hate-crime me, Steve Rogers.”
“Captain America? You won’t hear me complaining.”
Eddie snorts. “You’re so easy, man.”
“Goodbye, Eddie,” Steve laughs, and Eddie wants to soak it up. Live inside that laugh.
“Bye, Stevie.”
And then the line goes dead, and Eddie finds himself still leaning against the lamppost, stupid grin on his face, face half hidden behind his hair. There is that nice sting of a new tattoo on his arm, the late summer air is breezing through his jacket, and the upbeat Powerwolf song picks up where Eddie left it when Steve called.
It’s a good day. A great day. A wonderful, perfect, absolutely breathtaking day.
Eddie is a bundle of nerves and anxiety by the time Saturday rolls around. He’s spent more time in Chrissy’s bed than in his own and they went over the whole, What if he finds out I’m actually the most boring person on this planet? ordeal, which has gained him a pillow to the head and a big, big hug. He’s not complaining.
But he also is decidedly not calm when he sees Steve rounding the corner. Not when he sees the guy breaking into a huge smile that puts even the sun to shame, and especially not when he spots the flowers in the guy’s hands. Flowers for him. Flowers that make his heart skip.
God, he’s so lame.
“Hey,” Steve says, still smiling, except now Eddie can see he’s blushing. Blushing!
Abort mission, abort mission! Eddie cannot do this. He is not cut out to dating pretty boys that blush and bring him flowers.
“Hi,” he says, feet rooted to the ground as he feels his own blush rising to his cheeks. “Are those for me?”
“No, actually they’re for Brad. I’m surprised to meet you here, this is kinda awkward now.” Steve’s looking around in a theatrical manner and Eddie hates him so much, he is so lame!
Except now they’re both laughing and Eddie is pulling Steve into a tight, warm hug. It feels so intimate, the way Steve’s face is pressed against the crook of his neck, his arms tight around Eddie’s middle. And the little hum when Steve’s laughter subsides sends shivers down his back.
He was right, actually. Holding Steve is the best thing his arms could do, and he never wants to let go.
“Hi,” he says again after a while, closing his eyes and smiling into Steve’s shoulder.
This is going great. Neither of them seems in the mood to let go anytime soon.
But then Steve takes a step back and holds out his flowers to Eddie. They’re dried flowers, the same he has in the little vases in his tattoo parlour, and they smell amazing. It’s ridiculously cute. Everything about Steve makes Eddie want to explode and scream and laugh and cry and take the deepest breath of his lifetime.
“I would have given you fresh ones, but I feel like that would have been a bit sad if they can’t get water, and these ones will probably last you a bit longer, too. I hope that’s fine?”
It’s fine. It’s so, so fine. God, it’s so lame, but it’s so fine, and Eddie wants to scream again. Instead, he takes the flowers and goes in for another hug. Steve chuckles and breathes a tiny little sigh of relief that Eddie soaks right up.
“Thank you, Stevie,” he murmurs. “I love them, actually. Very metal, to bring me dead flowers, actually.”
At that, Steve sputters and shoves away from him, still laughing. “Yeah, I figured you’re weird enough to enjoy dead flowers more than dying ones.”
“Touché, Steven. Touché.”
“You're so weird,” Steve says and then nudges their shoulders together. “Now come on, mister tough guy metal man.”
“Oh, I’m gonna have that be my actual title. Can I legally make you address me like that?”
Steve eyes him from the side and says, in the most serious tone, “I won’t say anything without my lawyer.”
Eddie cackles at that, feeling elated and excited and just really fucking good. Steve makes him feel all those good things that people have been talking about forever, and it’s only just the first date. He’s helpless. Can’t stop looking at Steve, sneaking glances and hiding behind his hair when Steve meets them, looking so fucking fond that it makes Eddie want to run away again.
It’s intense in a way that Eddie has never experienced. And they talk. Oh, but they talk. About everything and nothing, and it feels so natural. He learns more about Steve’s best friend Robin, he still doesn’t know the name of his little tattoo angel friend, and it turns out walking around town with Steve is an experience, because you can’t take the guy anywhere.
Every five minutes there’s someone waving, excited to see him, or even just nodding as they pass them on the street. It kind of adds to his sunny disposition and makes Eddie feel like he’s stepped into a parallel universe, like he’s witnessing something primal to the human experience. Something like joy, like fascination, like the universal constant that is being drawn to Steve Harrington.
And he’s staring, smile on his lips, when Steve notices.
“What?” he asks, sounding a bit shy underneath that amusement as he pays for ice cream and hands Eddie his cone.
“Didn’t look like nothing to me, man.”
Eddie eyes him. “Are we entering bro territory again, Harrington?”
“Oh fuck you,” he laughs, and then the moment is over and Eddie could go back to his musings. He could. But he’s Eddie fucking Munson, and if there’s one thing he doesn’t have, it’s a filter. And chill. Okay, there are several things he doesn’t have, and all of them come out when he’s around Steve, apparently.
“It’s just, you’re like the sun.”
Steve stops in his tracks, looking at him. “I’m like the sun?”
Eddie nods and comes to a stop a few steps ahead of Steve. “Pretty much.”
“Uh. Care to elaborate?”
“Well, first of all you’re wearing a yellow button-up, of all things, and that just screams sun at me, no take-backs,” he points out, and Steve looks down at himself, frowning a bit like he’s only just realised the colour of his shirt. Adorable.
Eddie continues, before his brain catches up with whatever the fuck he’s doing, baring his thoughts like that on the first date.
“Secondly, you’re kind. Like, you’re a genuinely nice guy. And I think the term sunny disposition was coined for you specifically. Actually, I have a friend in linguistics, I can ask her if there are any etymological… Anyway, uh.” Oh, there it is. His brain is back and he realises what he’s saying, notices the way Steve’s looking at him, his head cocked to the side, looking at him. Seeing him. Understanding what he’s saying.
Eddie swallows and goes back to eating his ice cream, looking anywhere but at Steve.
He almost misses it when Steve says, “You’re cute, Eddie Munson.”
His head whips up when he hears that, staring at Steve and his stupid little smile, his shining eyes, the glazed look in them, like he’s seeing Eddie and the rest of the world for the first time.
And Eddie, because he truly deserves the title of triple high school flunkee, says, “No, you.”
Steve huffs and shakes his head, still with that smile on his lips as he approaches Eddie again, crossing that distance. Drawing Eddie in even though his feet are rooted to the floor again. He swallows as the blood rises to his cheeks, bringing with it a heat that only deepens his conviction that Steve is a fucking sun of his own.
They’re so close, suddenly, that Eddie can smell the sweet lemon ice cream Steve got, and he holds his breath, petrified. He begins to understand why, throughout history, people have built religions around the sun. Why they have worshipped and created mythology around her, why people have been likened and pronounced representatives of the sun herself.
He gets it when Steve leans in and brushes the sweetest kiss to his burning cheek. His hand lingers on Eddie’s jaw even as he pulls away.
“Cute,” Steve says with a finality that a voice as raspy as his shouldn’t possess. But Eddie doesn’t dare argue, not when Steve is so close, not when he can see the blush on his cheek, not when he only needs to turn his head and their lips would touch. “And pretty. Thank you.”
The fingers on his jaw are moving in the slightest caress once, twice, three times before Steve pulls back.
And Eddie sways. Honest to god sways on his feet, and he tries to mask it by taking a step back and spinning around, but Steve’s light snicker tells him he’s been found out.
It’s unfair, though, that Steve gets to have this charm. This confidence. The courage to just kiss his cheek when it takes Eddie everything to just act normal. Well, as normal as he gets.
It’s unfair. And addictive. He hides his face in the flowers that smell so perfectly like spring and summer and freedom that it makes him positively giddy. Everything about today makes him giddy.
Can it really be like this? Is this really for Eddie to soak up, is this for him to keep? This kind of happiness and joy never did seem to be reserved for him.
But then Steve asks if he can take his hand, and Eddie opens his heart to the moment and links their fingers, daring to look over and catch Steve’s smile before he ducks his head away.
As far as first dates go, this is the best one Eddie’s had. They just walk a lot, which is perfect for his restlessness. This way he can run away from Steve and let the man laugh as he catches up, shaking his head with fondness. And Steve does. He follows him, he catches up, he gives chase, and suddenly they’re kids having a perfect summer day outside, their bellies full of ice cream.
And it turns out, Steve Harrington is not just a pretty face, a kick-ass tattoo artist, an interesting mind and a sunny kind of smile. No, he’s also a person Eddie wants to genuinely spend time with. It’s almost too good to be true and it makes him want to hide.
So he does. But not behind his hair, no. He presses his face into Steve’s collarbone, and instead of shoving him off or laughing awkwardly, Steve just wraps his arms around him and holds him. Tight.
“Everything okay?”
Eddie nods, holding Steve in return. “Yep, but if you’re gonna ask me any more questions, I’m gonna be real stupid here.”
Steve hums. “Stupid like me saying I didn’t really want to wait until today and just see you again right away on Tuesday?”
It makes his heart jump, because, yeah, something like that. Something exactly like that.
“Uh-huh. It’s just…” He sighs and steps back to look at Steve. “I’m having a really wonderful day. And it feels sort of forbidden.”
“Forbidden how?”
“Like… God, this is gonna sound very, like, thirty steps ahead, probably. But you’re, like. Man. You’re kinda perfect, and I can’t really wrap my head around the fact that we’re on this date, and that you’re calling me cute and pretty. Because people don’t do that. Not to a trans guy, not to me. And I didn’t even know I wanted that, but, boy. Boy. I do. I really fucking do.”
Steve is smiling by the end of it, and Eddie doesn’t quite understand. He should be running, should be looking at him with pity in his eyes, or that misplaced kind of understanding that’s really just nothing else but pity, just disguised with a dash of transphobia.
“Why are you smiling?” he asks when he’s just about to explode.
Steve shrugs, but that smile stays. “I like that you just… Say these things. That I can ask you what’s up and you’ll tell me. I don’t know, makes me feel like you trust me.”
“I do.”
That smile widens a fraction, and Steve takes his hand. “Well, let me return the favour, hm? I like being here with you. I’m having a really amazing time and I don’t want it to end. I didn’t want it to end on Tuesday either, I don’t know. It just… I don’t know, it feels right. And you are cute. And pretty. And funny, and just really great to spend time with. It feels like I get to be a version of myself with you that’s just, like, all of it, you know? It’s scary, of course it is, and makes me feel a bit stupid, too, but more than that it’s just really great. I’m sorry people are weird, but believe me when I say that, yes, you get to have cutesy dates, too. I’d take you on one, like, every week if you want.”
“Every week, huh? What, do you have a crush on me, Harrington?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?”
And just like that, they’re laughing again. Relieved, happy, filling their little bubble with joy and sincerity and butterflies.
Things are moving fast, but Eddie feels that if they went any slower, the world might actually end.
They don’t kiss that day.
In fact, it’s past midnight when Steve cradles Eddie’s cheeks outside the door to his apartment, looking at him like he hung the moon. Eddie’s not any better off, he feels.
“Can I kiss you, Eddie?”
“I’ll bite you if you don’t.”
Steve hums as he leans and brushes his lips against Eddie’s. It’s a good kiss. Oh, it’s a great kiss. It might just be the best kiss of his life when he feels Steve’s tongue against his lips, and he moans a little as he winds his arms around Steve’s neck, holding him there. Keeping him.
They kiss lazily, perfectly, for so long that it leaves Eddie a bit dizzy. And when he breaks away to take a breath, Steve leans his forehead against his temple.
“Goodnight, Eddie,” he whispers. “Thank you for today.”
Words fail him, so he just nods before pulling Steve in again by the back of his neck, kissing him some more. Because how in the world could he not?
“When can I see you again?” he asks, just to be a little pathetic.
Steve moves the kisses from his lips to his nose, his cheek, his eyelids and up to his forehead, making Eddie glad there’s a locked door behind him.
“Tomorrow sound good?”
“Tomorrow sounds perfect,” Eddie breathes. “Best fucking day of the week.”
Steve laughs and presses one last chaste kiss to his lips.
“For the record,” Essie says, pulling away from Steve, a bit breathless, “when you say tomorrow, you mean today, right?”
And Steve pauses. Steps away from Eddie. “I can’t believe I like a guy who thinks the day is over at midnight.”
Eddie would laugh at that, but… “You like me, huh?”
“Very much. Thought that was obvious what with the kissing and the handholding and the whole speech thing we had going on earlier.”
Eddie is too giddy to retort and he’s only mildly petrified when he actually giggles, darting forward for another kiss. “Goof. Goodnight, Stevie. Now leave before I do something stupid like inviting you in.”
“Oh yeah, we wouldn’t wanna do that. You’d end up seeing all my tattoos and spontaneously combust. I can’t bear that kind of responsibility.”
“Your— Steve!” But the man is already retreating, walking backwards to watch Eddie as he laughs, giving a silly little wave that has no business being so cute. “Get your ass back here,” Eddie hisses as loud as he dares, aware of the time and the fact that his neighbours will be asleep already. And that’s not even mentioning Chrissy.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Eddie.”
“Will you show me your tats then?”
“What? Sorry, I suddenly can’t hear you anymore, you’re so far away.” Asshole. Beautiful fucking asshole who kisses so good that Eddie’s still leaning against the door. He hates him. So much. They’re gonna have a spring wedding.
Tomorrow finds Eddie outside of Steve’s door, fighting both nerves and a big smile as he knocks. Seconds later, the door sweeps open with a flourish and Steve is on the other side, smirking at him, looking so damn put together that Eddie falters a bit.
“So rude of you to turn up your damn charm, Harrington.”
“Only for you, Munson,” Steve says, taking Eddie’s hand and pulling him inside. “Only for you.”
Eddie steps into his personal space and kicks the door shut gently. “Oh yeah? Well, I’m charmed. What’cha gonna do about it, big boy?”
Steve hums, bringing his hands up to Eddie’s neck. “Think I’m gonna kiss it better, see if that helps.”
And then he does. He pulls Eddie in, closing what little space was left between them and takes his breath away with a long, gentle, intimate kiss.
“God,” Eddie breathes against his lips, his own hands landing in Steve’s hair, which earns him another hum.
God, he’s so lame.
“So,” Eddie says with one last kiss to Steve’s lips. And then another. And another. “Show me your tats?”
Steve laughs and leads the way further into the apartment. It’s nothing like Eddie expected. Sure, it’s tidy and clean, because Steve just seems like the kind of guy who folds his laundry immediately and takes his dishes to the sink instead of letting them pile up or soak. But there are posters on the wall, there are little figurines and fairy lights lining the shelves, pictures of Steve and a girl that looks vaguely familiar. So many pictures actually, of Steve and the girl and other people, laughing and blurry at times, testaments of good times.
They make Eddie smile a bit. Fucking sunny boy Steve, alright.
Steve and Eddie end up talking for a while first, sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and some stupidly delicious cupcakes.
“Robbie made those.”
“Your roommate best friend? The one with the fear of needles or something?”
“The one and only,” Steve laughs. “She has a little bakery down the street, actually. Used to stress bake half her life before she turned it into a business. The night before her finals in high school, she made three cakes and dour batches of, like, three different types of cookies. She aced her finals, of course.”
“Of course,” Eddie grins, taking another bite of the cupcake. He’ll have to stay with Steve just to get his hands on more of these, damn. Chrissy is coming with him to get more tomorrow, he decides.
“I also told her you chose her favourite little angel and she wants to marry you now. Except, I reminded her that you’re a man and she, very respectfully, passes.”
“Very. Guess now you’re stuck with me.”
“Damn. The hardship,” Eddie sighs with all the drama lessons he ever had in his life, and it makes Steve chuckle as he takes his hand. They stare at each other for a moment or two, just soaking up the smell of coffee and their respective smiles.
The moment ends when Steve raises his hand to his lips and presses a kiss to his knuckles before rising to his feet and tugging him along into his room. Eddie zones out for a bit just watching Steve move in his space, talking about something that Eddie doesn’t really comprehend because he’s busy staring as Steve takes of his shirt, and—
They’re wings.
Steve has wings. Four of them, and they’re like mandalas. Intricate little things, but when Eddie takes a closer look, trailing his hand along Steve’s warm skin, he can’t help but notice that the lines are a bit like smoke. They don’t seem to follow any pattern or direction, and up close, they don’t look like wings. Up close they look like disjointed, wonky lines. Like a freestyle tattoo, almost absentminded in its ink.
They’re beautiful, covering Steve’s whole back, mixing fine line patterns with stronger, thicker, almost aggressive lines. Eddie could stare for hours, tracing the abstract lines, trying to figure them out and giving up with the fondest fascination.
And that’s how they find themselves in Steve’s bed, shirtless, Steve lying down on his front, his head placed comfortably on his folded arms. Eddie is straddling his legs, moving his hands up and down Steve’s back, which turns into a light massage and Steve purrs underneath his touch.
There’s nothing sexual about this — and not just because they’re both sort of ace. It’s just tender. Trusting. Gentle.
Steve’s shoulders, his chest the insides of his upper arms, they’re all covered in tattoos. All rather abstract versions of common motifs. There are monsters, too, and it’s like someone turned Lovecraftian storytelling into a tattoo machine and used Steve as a canvas. Eddie somehow has no doubt that Steve designed most of these together with Robin or that artist friend Will he mentioned yesterday.
He wants to ask, wants to understand, wants to know it all. But words don't belong in this moment, so Eddie keeps up the gentle motions of his hands. Soon, Steve is falling asleep under his hands and Eddie joins him after a while. They’re wrapped around each other, comfortable, without a care in the world. It’s rather perfect.
And if you ask Eddie years down the line, he’ll say that this is the moment he knew he could very well fall in love with Steve Harrington. In fact, he’s already on his way there.
okay whew, we are done? i think? maybe? there might be a buckingham part to this at some point, but if y'all have anything you wanna see in this verse, i'm open to being pestered very kindly and patently please i am quite literally on the verge of an anxiety attack rn)
thank you @ everyone who was even mildly enthusiastic about this little thing, you 12 people have my whole heart 🤍🌷🥹
tagging: @inmoonywetrust @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @vampireinthesun @ajamlessbaby @momotonescreaming @zerokrox-blog @hotluncheddie @saganarojanaolt @eboyawstenn
#for the love of god read this on ao3 it's too long for tumblr skjdhf#tattoo shop au#steddie#steddie fic#stranger things fanfic#me: i wanna finish this thing. also me: oh shit it's not good enough it was too rushed i need to drag it out aah#chill? don't know her#anyway thank you everyone 🥰🌷#dio words
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so beautiful | christian yu

exhibitionism (on the tour bus) and creampie w dpr ian
pairing: christian yu x reader
genre: est. relationship, smut, always have that little bit of fluff at the end you already know
wc: ~1.9k (haven’t proofread a single kinktober what’s good)
synopsis: ian had had enough of your teasing on tour, and he needs to do something about it. (these summary’s are so half assed but like bro these are all straight smut like what more do you want from me sigh LOL)
!other kinktober fics!
a/n: hey luvlies so again, out super late but STILL THE RIGHT DATE :3 i hope you guys enjoy nonetheless. i hate it. ill def write a better christian fic in the future bc this is my man fr. also, mc may or may not call ian daddy once in a taunting way… that’s it tho. only once .-. okay mwah! bye <3
you rolled over to face the window and admire the way the sun rose right into christian’s side of the tour bus this morning. “beautiful isn’t it?” he mumbled, now also rolling over to hold you. “very,” you hummed, wiggling your ass against him trying to get closer to him which… wasn’t possible. he pressed his body against yours and you felt his cock against your ass, growing in response. “don’t start,” he warned, nuzzling his face into your neck. “start what?,” you played dumb and pushed against him again. “baby..” he groaned into your neck. “you’ve done this every morning since tour started and i’m getting fed up.”
expecting him to huff out a defeated breath and walk off to the bathroom like normal, you kept wiggling against him. instead of his sulky, too-tired-to-be-horny behavior however, he bit into your neck lightly making you whimper. “i told you i’m fed up. now, knock it off before i fuck the brat out of you for anyone on, or around this damn bus to hear,” he growled at a hushed volume. you whined at his words, so shocked, you were unable to respond coherently. christian acting in such a way wasn’t out of the ordinary by any means. you’re a brat with him through and through and he always took care of you however he saw fit. but… on the bus? with all of his friends and team mere feet away (so you both thought) from you guys, nothing but a curtain separating your bed from theirs’? you never thought he’d have the gaul to do anything about your bratty behavior here.
“oh yeah?” you taunted breathily, risking one last push against him with your ass.
he reached up, his tattooed hand grabbing your throat. “alright you fucking deviant, you wanna play so bad, get down there,” he demanded.
“b-but ian what about-“
“everyone else? well you obviously don’t care. do you?” he squeezed at your throat. “hm?”
“i- fuck,” you choked out, struggling to speak.
“you started this shit, darling. and now you’re gonna finish it.”
he let go of your neck and you knew you had to make your way down to his cock or else things wouldn’t end well for you. getting on top of him then inching your way down his body, you never broke eye contact. “fuck y/n, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed cupping your face. you just smiled and began to shimmy his sweats down along w his boxers. he let out a muffled groan when you took him into your cold hand, pumping him slowly. “be a doll and put it in your fucking mouth, would you?” you both were lucky that the sound of the bus’s a/c was loud enough to drown his voice and your noises out for anyone who may be there to hear.
you took all of him in your mouth in one go, christian subconsciously groaning out at the sudden sensation. while slowly bobbing your head up and down, you hummed around his cock making him twitch in your mouth. “god you’re so good for me, love. fuck- need to fuck you.” he mumbled, grabbing a fist full of your hair and lightly pulling you off of him with a pop. lips swollen and pink with drool covering your chin, you smirked up at him, knowing how crazy things were about to get.
again, you never would’ve thought that christian would be brave enough to do anything about your bratty behavior on the bus with everyone around. however, now that he’d started something, you knew he wouldn’t stop until you both were satisfied. it didnt matter if anyone would be able to hear, or see.
“come here gorgeous,” he growled as you started climbing up his body to straddle him. he reached an arm up to your neck to bring you down closer to him. “it’s already a tight fit in here, so stay close, yeah?” he panted. he sounded almost… needy, and you were loving it. “yeah?” you started grinding your clothed cunt against his exposed cock. “is that what you want, daddy?” you taunted, knowing damn well he wasn’t the one in charge in this moment. his breath hitched as his eyes pierced into yours. “no space between us hm?” you dipped your head down into the rook of his neck leaving open mouthed kisses all over. “fuck baby, yes. yes please,” the nickname you’d just given him really got to him, especially with the situation making it so ironic. you had a grip on him right now, and he knew it.
“ian?” yongwoo’s voice came from above. “uh- y-yeah?” christian stuttered out. you began to grind down on him harder, making it nearly impossible to keep his composure. “watcha doing down there buddy?” he asked, peaking down and slightly opening the curtain. both yours and christian’s heads whipped to where yongwoo was already gawking. you smiled at him and christian could barely manage to even make eye contact with him. “hi woo,” you said innocently. he chuckled as if this were a regular occurrence, “hey y/n.” you felt christian’s cock twitch against you. was he actually enjoying this? he then cleared his throat, “dude, do you mind?” you now knew he was faking his annoyance. “mo just texted. he’s out grabbing breakfast with everyone. you guys want anything?” yongwoo asked looking away. “hmmm…” you pondered for a moment, christian actually growing a bit irritated because all he wanted in this moment was to fuck you. “i’ll have some pancakes and hashbrowns please and thank you,” you smiled. “same here,” christian said bluntly. “alright i’ll leave you two… to it.” yongwoo laughed then closed the curtain again, hopping off his bunk to head out. “so are we the only ones in here?!” christian yelled after him. you slowly started grinding down on him again. “go crazy!” yongwoo yelled back, closing the door behind him.
“alright, you brat,” christian spat, “get off.” now that you two were alone… you were a bit scared. (in an exhilarating way of course) you got off, laying down next to him without even being told to. he sat up as much as he could in the crammed bunk space, “roll over,” he demanded. you did so, rolling onto your tummy beneath him. with his free hand (his other arm holding himself up) christian pulled down your underwear past your ass, then wrapped his arm around your hips, pulling them up so your ass was slightly elevated and pressed against his pelvis. he winced, and you moaned at the feeling of his cock sliding between your thighs, and grazing your wet cunt. “ian, please fuck me,” you whined with your cheek pressed against his pillow. “patience dear,” he whispered in your ear. he reached down to line himself up with your cunt, slipping himself into you with ease. “fuck!” you whimpered and he groaned in unison when he bottomed out. he started fucking you without hesitation. the sound of his skin clapping against yours. within seconds, the window next to you two started fogging up from your collective body heat. “o-open the curtain up,” you choked out between whimpers. “oh i see,” christian pushed it open upon your request. “want the window to clear up so everyone can see me ruin your sopping cunt,” he grunted not slowing down his pace. you honestly were just getting too hot, but you didn’t have the energy to argue back right now. and… christian bringing up that point lit a fire inside your tummy. you hadn’t even took into consideration the fact that with the way the sun was hitting the window, if anyone at the stop was walking close enough, they could look in and faintly see you getting railed by your boyfriend.
“fucking hell it’s too crammed in here,” christian breathed before pulling out of you and stepping out of the bunk. he grabbed your hips and turned you so your lower half came off the bed and your knees rested on the floor. he then got on his knees too and started pounding into you again, this time with more intent. suddenly, your phone started buzzing. “momo” lit up your screen. “pick it up,” christian said in a low tone, slowing down his movements, but not stopping. you cleared your throat then accepted the call.
“h-hello?” you choked out.
“oh shit i’m sorry, y/n. i didn’t mean to wake you.”
“n-no you didn’t it’s okay.”
“okay… well we’re all gonna eat here at the restaurant. it’s right around the corner from the rest stop. you guys want to meet us there?”
“ian?” you tried to ask innocently, so hyungmo wouldn’t suspect anything. “do you want to e-eat there with them?” christian slightly sped up his movements, “we’ll be there in 10!” he answered directly to him. you were biting your lip so hard you thought it might bleed trying to keep yourself quiet.
“okay, sick! see you guys soon.”
*beep beep beep*
you threw your phone down and flopped your cheek back down on the bed while christian started fucking you back into the bunk in a feral manner. “we better hurry up then, huh?” he said smugly. you began to cry out and moan as a knot started to suddenly form in your tummy. you looked up and out the window in a haze. you slowly started to make out yongwoo walking back toward the tour bus, still quite a bit of distance away. struggling to speak, you simply whimpered “y-yongwoo,” trying with all your strength to lift an arm to point out the window. “i say you have a minute to cum,” he said pointedly, reaching an arm around to start rubbing circles on your clit. “fuck!” you screamed out, throwing your face into the bed. the knot in your tummy tightened and tightened. your body suddenly started shaking your orgasm quickly ripped through your body. “good fucking girl,” christian groaned fucking you through your orgasm as he reached his mere seconds after.
yongwoo was now almost to the bus and you started to panic, coming down from your high. christian slowly pulled himself out of you, then quickly covered your cream filled cunt back up with your underwear. “keep it in during breakfast,” he whispered gently from behind you, kissing you on your cheek like nothing happened. as if you’re not still bent over his bed, fucked out. he grabbed you from under your arms like a child and hoisted you up. you turned around to face him, his arms hovering around you in case you stumbled. “i love you,” you cooed through half lidded eyes. he kissed your forehead, “i love you more.” you leaned in, capturing him in a soft, but deep kiss. when you pulled away you beamed, “love you most!” before quickly walking over to wear your clothes were stored, grabbing sweats.
as you were stepping into your second pant leg, yongwoo walked in. “oh thank god,” he sighed, seeing you both almost fully dressed. “ian, put a shirt on,” he joked before grabbing his sweatshirt off the couch at the front of the bus. “it’s also a little cold so, sweatshirts too,” he suggested before walking off the bus again.
you both looked at each other, shrugging knowing you’d both go out in t-shirts to cool down.
tag list: @skzooluvr @jenoslutie @map0fthes0ul7 @unlikelysublimekryptonite @goblynnrockz @actuallynarii @glttrlix @yoonia
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Please could I have ❤️ 37 with Charles Leclerc please and thank you.
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
37. “Oh fuck—do that thing with your tongue again.”
The paddock was the last place the two of you should have been doing this but as it would turn out, Ferrari’s golden boy was anything but a rule follower.
Especially when it came to you.
It was a Thursday—media day—and the place was already swarming with cameramen and fans alike. It was risky enough that you had somehow managed to sneak away from your brother’s motorhome, making your way towards the bright red building instead. Some superior being was watching over you, keeping the hidden pathway you had established from the Red Bull motorhome to the Ferrari motorhome clear of people.
You barely made it into Charles’ driver room unseen before his arms wound around your waist, tugging you close and pressing you against the now-locked door. His lips were on yours, a moan of relief and pleasure escaping his lips after finally being able to kiss you after almost two weeks of not seeing you.
“Fuck,” he sighed against your mouth, his hands tightening on your waist. “I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you too,” you managed to mumble out as you reached for him, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and let your hands buried in his hair guide him closer to you.
And you did miss him. You missed kissing him. You missed feeling his body on yours. You missed just being around him, stuck playing strangers beyond any moment you could get alone together. But you were also painfully aware that you were in a very busy paddock with very little alone time, and Charles was bound to get dragged into some media duties soon.
“Charles,” you breathed his name out, but there was a hint of warning in your voice. “We can’t.”
“We can,” he retorted, his lips trailing soft kisses along your neck like he was restraining himself from sucking and biting marks for everyone to see.
“You have—oh shit,” you cut yourself off with a breathless moan, his hands squeezing and parting your legs until he could slip under your skirt and cup the heat of your cunt in his palm. “Baby.”
“Shhh, cheri,” he hummed, pulling back to smile at the way your body was slumped against the door as his thumb pressed on your clothed clit. “It’s been too long, baby. Let me have a taste, please.”
Your eyes fluttered shut. “The team—”
“Can wait,” he finished for you, leaning in to press one more kiss against your parted lips before he slid down to his knees in front of you. You didn’t put up much of a fight as he manoeuvred your body, one leg hitched over his shoulder and the other being soothed by his fingers softly stroking your skin. “They would understand if they saw how good you looked in this dress.”
“Knew it was your favourite,” you managed to murmur out, trying not to buck your hips against his exploring hand. “Wanted to surprise you.”
“I love this surprise,” he assured you before he leaned in, licking a long strip over your clothed cunt as you let out a shameless moan. “Shhh, don’t need everyone hearing the pretty sounds you make for me.”
“Charles,” you whined, feeling his fingers hook the fabric of your panties to the side before leaning back in. “Oh fuck—do that thing with your tongue again.”
“Hm, there’s my girl,” he moaned against your cunt, fighting back his own smile as you desperately tried to pull him closer. “Gonna be good and come for me, yeah? I wanna be able to taste you during the press conference.”
#cece's cocktail celebration#charles leclerc#formula one#f1#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc x you#charles leclerc x y/n#charles leclerc fic#charles leclerc one shot#charles leclerc smut#formula one x reader#formula one x you#formula one x y/n#formula one fic#formula one one shot#formula one smut#f1 x reader#f1 x you#f1 x y/n#f1 fic#f1 one shot#f1 smut
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Chocolate Sauce
Synopsis: In which you lick Jake's abs and leave a very angry Jake with hickeys on his stomach
Pairings: Bf!idol!Jake × fem!idol!reader
Warnings: smut, 18+ MINORS DNI, fingering, reader licks Jake's abs, oral (f and m), overstimulation, rough sex, mean dom Jake, sub reader, swearing, mention of food, choking, angry sex (meow)
A/N: GUESS WHO DROOLED WHILE WATCHING JAKE DO THE GUILTY CHALLENGE. THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE. So blame Jake not me because bitch had to do that shit on my period. I wanna touch those abs so bad it's actually so bad I hate myself. Anyways, enjoy this shitpost y'all peace.
Sim Jaeyun never failed to amaze you. Even as your boyfriend of three years, about whom you knew probably everything about, he always was succesful in pissing you off, or worse, riling you up. And sometimes when both of the phenomenons happened at the same time, it was a time of bliss for Jake.
"What the fuck Jayeun?" You threw your head back to look at your boyfriend, on whose thigh you were currently sleeping. He looked handsome as ever, hair all messy and fluffy, with the usual grin imprinted on his face. "What happened baby?" He pouted as you got up from his thigh and sat in front of him. "Please tell me I did not just see you acting like a whore on stage right now on my for you page." Jake turned his head sideways, an adorable thing he did when he was confused, and peeked into your phone. A devilish smirk formed on his face as he saw what was causing your current state of distress. "Oh that?" He mused, leaning back against the bedframe, "Yeah I did the Guilty challenge. Pretty good right? You know, Riki was saying my dancing impro-" "I don't give a fuck about the dancing Sim Jayeun." You cut him off, eyes faltering at the way he was looking at you, "I'm talking about the way you literally just showed your abs to every fucking person in that room."
To say that you were jealous was an understatement. Of course Jake had officially taken a pledge that he would never show his abs to anyone except you. And you remembered that the pledge also included not showing it to engenes.
"Aww." Jake cooed, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning into your chest, "Is my girl jealous?" Resisting the urge to kiss his strawberry lips, you decided to pick up your phone and scroll through your reels, completely ignoring your boyfriend.
"Come on baby-" Jake smirked, leaning closer to your face, "-you know you can't resist me for more than five minutes." His last words were finished in almost a rough whisper, which knocked you off your wind. "I'll forgive you if you do one thing for me." You finally responded, sitting up straight and crossing your arms. "Order away, princess." Jake cocked his head to the left, smirk ever omnipresent on his stupidly handsome face.
"Let me lick your abs."
You didn't know whether it was out of pure shock, or pure embarrassment that Jake choked on air, but he did and accidentally smacked you in the head. "Jake!" You rubbed the back of your head with your hand. "You wanna do what now?" He spoke in a unusually grave voice, looking at you with bedroom eyes.
"Sim Jayeun I think I said it clear enough." You scoffed, "I want to lick your abs. If you don't wanna do it, that's fine I guess." You shrugged your shoulders and leaned back against the bedframe, getting back to your phone. "Alright then." Jake got up swiftly from the bed, and moved out of the room, walking a pace faster than usual. You tried not to think much about it, as you scrolled through the reels again, your fingers distracting you from wherever Jake was, until you heard the sound of your fridge bang close.
"Jake what are you doing?" You quizzed as Jake walked in, a bottle held tightly in his hands. He plummeted down next to you on the bed, and leaned in, giving you a tiny peck on the cheek. "Here." He nudged the bottle into your hand, forcing you to drop your phone into your lap, which he immediately took and hid in the bedside drawer. "Jaeyun!" You reached for your phone, trying to climb over him, "Give me my phone back." "Not until you read the label of that bottle baby."
You rolled your eyes and took the bottle in your eyes, peering to read the lable written in big glittery letters. "Chocolate Sauce?" You sniggered, "What the fuck do you want me to do with it?"
"Well I figured-" Jake popped open the cap of the bottle, "-since it's not pancake season and you don't use it for anything, why don't you lick it off of my abs?"
Your eyes widened at Jake, as he leaned back further, slowly unbuttoning his white shirt. For perhaps the first time in the entire evening, you noticed how truly scrumptious Jake looked in messy hair. "Jak-" "oh come on princess." Jake leaned closer to your ear, "I know you want to do it so bad like the slut you are."
His rough voice made your legs shiver. Jake had unbuttoned his shirt already, giving you a full display of his carved chest and abs. You held out a hand to stroke it, but Jake was quick to grab it with his. "Not until you lick them baby." He let go of your hand, "Are you scared princess?"
You meekly shook your head, and removed your shirt faster than Jake could blink an eyes. He slid a hand behind to your back, fingers searching to unclasp your bra. "Or should we leave it on?" Jake removed his hand from scratching your upper back, "I wanna see those nice tits bounce around in that cute little fabric which isn't hiding shit by the way." He leaned over to kiss your cheek again, "You could have asked for something new you know. Would have loved to buy you something in pink."
You took the open Hershey's bottle in your hand, and took a deep breath before turning it upside down and letting the gooey liquid come out, drizzling over Jake's abs. Jake let out a wince as it touched his skin, probably from the cold temp of the sauce. Anything for his princess though, he thought, enduring the cold grip.
"It doesn't hurt does it?" You spoke, uncertainty grazing your tone, "Maybe I should get-" "shh princess." Jake cooed at you, lifting a hand to stroke your cheek with his thumb, "Just lick them nothing hurts." His strict tone made you falter again, as you licked your lips, leaning over his body as he settled himself in the bed.
You moved towards his abs, taking in how beautiful they looked under the brown sauce. Lowering your tongue to them, you glanced up at Jake. His eyes were closed, and his eyelids were barely moving. As dead as a fish, you thought.
"Ooh princess-" Jake let out a moan, as your tongue touched his abs. You didn't know if it was the fact that the it was probably expired, or the fact that you were licking it off of Jake's belly, but man did the sauce taste good. You really didn't have a taste for sweet things, preferring your coffee bitter and your waffles without honey. But oh god, did sugar taste good when you were licking it off of Jake's belly, your tongue dying to have a taste of his cock.
"Mm-babe-ah fuck." Jake moaned, his voice grasping for more as he traced your hair with his fingers, unconsciously gripping them harder. Your tongue moved swiftly across the board of Jake's tummy, your fingers digging into the sides of his abdomen, desperately searching for more. You could feel the bulge in Jake's pants, rubbing against your belly as you leaned further in, mouth almost begging to have a taste of your favourite poison A thin line of sweat decorated your brow, as you closed your eyes, sinking into Jake's muttered words. "Mine. All mine." He mumbled in between sweet moans. Drunk on the feathery touch of your tongue on his skin, as it moved slowly, licking up all the sticky sweet substance, he didn't even notice that he was pressing your head further and further down. "J-Jake." "Shut up and go suck my cock right now." He commanded, making you whimper as you wiped off the chocolate from your mouth. You had never seen Jake like this before, eyes akin to a wolf filled with desperate hunger.
You quickly unbuttoned Jake's pants, hands fumbling as you did, while he looked on at your figure, all trembling. He loved seeing you like this, like a lamb going off to the slaughter house. It heightened his ego greatly, seeing his princess be so obedient towards him.
You pull his jeans down and mouth at his clothed dick. You began to suck the tip and run your tongue over the slit. You loved the taste of him in your mouth. He was heavy and warm. "Fuck your mouth feels so good." Jake moaned out, his hand resting on the top of your head. You take more into your mouth and you deep throat him. He touched the back of your throat before you looked at him to start fucking your face. He pulls out before slamming back in. He does this a few times as you sputter around him. You weren't expecting him to be so hard to take as he fucked your throat. He moved against your mouth as you sucked him for everything he had. You wanted him to cum in your mouth. He pressed deeper in your throat as you gripped his thighs in hopes of him letting up.
"Fucking hell, you are such a slut." Jake chuckles as he pulls out, to see your mouth coated in his cum. "Just for you." You pant, wiping your mouth with the towel Jake handed you. "Hmm" Jake groaned, moving slightly to make space for you to rest in his arms. "...'m love you princess." He mumbled as you drifted off into sleep.
"L/N Y/N you are in big trouble." Jake's puppy eyes appeared on the screen of your phone, as you picked up the call. "You know usually people greet their partners with a 'hey babe' or a 'i love you till death'." You giggled, moving on with your laundry. Thank god it was the holidays and your members weren't there to annoy you about Jake, you thought as you slammed the washing machine door close and returned to your boyfriend's angry face. "Y/N I swear to God-" Jake sighed, plopping into a chair, "Do you know how much my stylist scolded me today? And do you wanna know the reason why?" Although you already knew what was going to come out of Jake's mouth, you decided to play innocent, wanting to make him more angry. You did always love when he was angry.
"Why baby?" You pouted, widening your eyes and setting your phone down on the table, at a mischievous angle. "You know why princess." Jake's angry tone came through again, "For all the marks you left on my stomach yesterday? They wanted to put me in a crop top today like all the members but instead, because of you, I had to stay in a fucking jacket." "Hmm" you shrugged your shoulders, "sad." You spoke, before cutting the call abruptly. You giggled in response to nobody's joke as you hopped off of the kitchen counter and opened up the fridge to find something to eat, waiting eagerly for Jake to get back home.
Anger was an emotion which was a rarity for Jake. Even when he did get angry, it would usually be playful anger, with Niki or Jay. But somehow you managed to piss him off to his guts, and as he rode in the car, with Sunghoon side eyeing his furrowed face, he thought of all the ways he could punish you as soon as he got home and layed his hands on your body.
"Ah fuck it." You curse as you burn your toast, having left it on the stove for too long. You had wasted a lot of time admiring yourself in front of the mirror, tracing your eyes over the pretty bra you wore, one of Jake's favourites. And now, as you silently waited for your boyfriend to come home, fumbling with the straps of your bra, you wondered what he was going to do to you.
The keyhole clicked twice at the sound of a key being pushed in. You barely had time to get any words out of your mouth as Jake can stomping in, a dark expression clouding his face. There was little time to brace yourself for Jake's next move. You're pressed against the wall before you can protest, although you wouldn’t dare object to this.
“You love when I make you feel good, don’t you baby? Who’s my good girl?” And that’s what did it for you, your eyes rolled back and you tightened around his fingers, but Jake wasn’t taking just that response this evening. He put his fingers in your mouth, and he asked again with raised eyebrows, “What was that? Who’s my good girl?” His fingers lingered down to your throat, applying just enough pressure so that you could still talk. “Yours, only yours” you replied. He nibbled your ear, smirk still prevalent on his face. He whispered in your ear once more,
Jake grips the backs of your thighs and lifts you up, wedging your hips with his own, keeping you steady. A new hardness presses against your core as he juts his hips into you, pure instinct taking over his movements. His cock twitches in his jeans - he needs to watch his cock sink into you, to watch your face contort in bliss when he bottoms out in your pussy. The friction on your swelling clit was rough and warm, with Jake's cock perfectly nestled atop your drenched slit. Each rough push shot pleasure through your core, but it wasn’t enough for your aching cunt.
He moves the two of you to the couch and putting you on your hands and knees before pulling your pants down. He played with your thong before pulling them off too. His tongue goes straight into your little hole which causes you to scream. He tongue fucks you for a little bit before moving up to your clit. He sucks it into his mouth which has you pushing back on his mouth. Jake continues until you are almost there but he stops.
"No-Jake." You whine, jutting out your bottom lip. "You don't get to fucking cum until I say so, got it?" Jake growls, making you whimper and sink into the couch.
He presses his cock to your hole and presses inside. The stretch felt like it would never end. As he pressed in, you felt full already and he was not even half way in. You moan as Jake whispers about you being his whore and that he isn't going to let you go. He keeps fucking up into you with fever and the only thing you could do was to take it. You had no choice with how good he was fucking you.
"Oh, fuck yes," he groaned, totally entranced by the way your pussy warped with his size, swallowing his cock into your soft walls. He bucked his hips on instinct and struck you deeper. You cried softly against your hand, trying to quiet yourself when the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix.
With another set of thrusts you became undone around him, clenching down onto Jake's cock, letting out a high-pitched moan as your orgasm flowed through you. Jake hissed through his teeth at the warm, fluttering sensation, satisfied at your soft moans falling out of your slacked mouth.
"Attagirl, just keep goin'," Jake said sweetly, pulling and pushing your hips in the same rhythm as before. The overstimulation took you over and left you whimpering, sending soft pleas of slow down, it's too much, to your boyfriend.
Your sweet pussy clenched around him and he rubbed your clit as he bounced you up and down on his dick. You got closer and closer before you climaxed. It felt as if you were drowning. You could only scream as Sam doubled his efforts and you orgasmed again. "Jake please-I"
"One more princess, just one more," he says before thrusting harder. He thrusts one last time before spilling into you. His orgasm triggered yours and you squirted a lot onto his lap. He looked down and smiled at his achievement.
"You look so fucking hot right now," He said as he kissed your neck again. "Jake, I don't think I can go another round." "Don't worry sweetheart, I know you can." He said before circling your clit.
You arch your back as his fingers slip inside of you, along side his dick. He pulled out but left his fingers in. He played with the cum inside as he fucked you with his fingers. He wanted you to cum one last time. It didn't take long before you did and almost fainted in his arms.
Jake swooped you up carefully in his arms, and carried you to the bedroom, where he cleaned you up with a towel, before settling in beside you. You crawled upto him, wrapping your arms around his waist, stroking his abs, as you listened to his heartbeat.
"I'm sorry about the hickeys." You mumbled into his chest, too ashamed to show your face. Jake smiled warmly and stroked your hair, a complete contrast to what he was minutes ago. "it's alright." He kissed the top of your forehead, "Let's not pretend like I never gave you hickeys right before your Inkigayo stages." You chuckled weakly to his words, and buried yourself under the blankets, with the taste of chocolate forever lingering in your mouth.
#jake#sim jake#sim jayeun#Jake sim#jake sim fic#jake smut#sim jake smut#jake sim smut#enhypen#enha#enha jake#enhypen smut#jake smut fic#smut#enha smut#enha jake smut#enhypen jake smut#sim Jayeun smut#enhypen jake sim smut#Enhypen smut fics#enha smut fic#Enha smut#enha smut imagines#jake smut imagines#jake × reader#dom!jake#bye bye now
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okokokok but what abt ellie taking care of long-kinda curly hair! reader? like, reader also wants her to help, specially when washing it, cumbing and use dryer

this' me btw if u even care
Wash day - (ellie williams x reader)
Hi poookieeee!! As someone with very curly hair this was needed, i hope you enjoy <33 also hello kitty??? my favorite type of kitty tbh

Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open! send me your silly thoughts
warnings: none
Summary: in which she helps you with your hair
authors note: ugh i found out that ill only know if i got into uni in November, i'm going insane
Ellie watched as you walked all over your shared apartment.
You walked from room to room grabbing different bottles of things she wasn't sure of. She heard you mumbling as you continued to grab towels and more bottles.
Ellie got up and she gently grabbed your wrist "baby slow down"
you looked at her with a small smile
"i cant slow down now, i need to start so i have enough time to finish"
Ellie raised an eyebrow "to finish what?"
"Its wash hair day"
She looked at the bottles to see hair products and other items. You removed yourself from Ellie's gentle grip before taking all the products into your arms.
"i would love to stand and watch you stare at all my stuff but i really want to start with my hair"
In all the months that the two of you have been together Ellie has never seen you do your hair. You would go into the bathroom and you'd come out with your natural curls after a few hours.
Ellie loved when you wore your hair naturally, but she also knew how much work it takes to maintain your hair.
"I want to help you"
You looked at her, jaw slightly ajar.
None of your partners has ever offered to help, they actually always had a problem with how long it took you to finish. But Ellie always told you to take your time, she bought whatever you needed, she was different.
It was the bare minimum but because no one has ever done this, you were taken back by this gesture.
god you really loved this girl
"Yeah" you quickly cleared your throat.
Ellie followed you to the bathroom and you quickly gave her a rundown of everything that needed to happen.
Wash, products, style, dry
It sounded simple to Ellie but when she saw everything you had set up, she knew that would be a long process.
Ellie sat on the edge of the tub as you went onto your knees, a smirk appeared on her face.
"oh so we're doing something else?"
you rolled your eyes "ew no. You're washing my hair"
Ellie chuckled as you rolled your eyes.
You shuffled closer to the tub and you leaned forward, so that just your hair was in the tub.
Ellie grabbed the shower head and she brought it to your head. As the water droplets fell onto your hair, it immediately curled even more than it already was.
After a few minutes you instructed Ellie to put a hair mask on. She gently squeezed the thick mixture onto her hand and she applied it to your scalp.
You almost moaned at how good she was massaging you. She had very skilled fingers so she knew what she was going.
"Just like that els" you sighed she chuckled.
"You normally say that to me when-"
Ellie let out a laugh before rinsing your hair.
She followed all the instructions you gave her when it came to applying shampoo, conditioner, she even checked the temperature of the water, like you told her.
After everything you got up and you gently wrapped your hair in a towel.
You kissed her forehead "thank you els"
You started to make your way to the bedroom.
"Where are you going?" she asked
"To finish my hair"
"i wanna come"
"then come"
She happily followed you to the room and she watched you from the edge of the bed.
"When can i help?"
"Let me do this part myself ok? You can help me dry it"
Ellie nodded watching you intently.
She watched you apply more product to your hair. You applied curl cream, some weird clear gel Ellie has never heard of, you even applied different oils.
Holy shit is it really this complicated to have curly hair?
"Come on Ellie" you suddenly called.
You scrunched your hair a little and you gave her a hairdryer.
You showed her exactly how to do it. She grabbed the dryer and she started from top to the bottom, just like you showed her.
You smiled as you looked at her in the mirror, she has a focused look on her face, her tongue slightly sticking out.
After 20 minutes she was done and she took a step back admiring her work.
You got up and turned to her and she gave you a smile.
"you look pretty"
"thank you baby"
You walked towards her and you gave her a kiss on the cheek. Ellie pulled out her phone and she grabbed your hand
"lets take pictures"
"i want to remember the day i did your hair"
"Aren't you tired if my hair yet?"
"i love your hair"
#ellie williams#ellie tlou2 x reader#ellie tlou#ellie the last of us#ellie tlou x reader#ellie williams blurb#ellie williams drabble#ellie williams fanfic#ellie williams fanfiction#ellie williams imagine#ellie#ellabs#ellie and dina#ellie miller#ellie tlou2#ellie willams x reader#ellie williams core#ellie williams fan fic#ellie williams fic#ellie williams fluff#ellie williams headcanons#ellie williams one shot#ellie williams oneshot#ellie williams promlt#ellie williams the last of us#ellie williams tlou#ellie williams tlou2#ellie williams x fem reader#ellie williams x female reader#ellie williams x reader
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unhinged gen z!reader with platonic!agriche family i beg i need to see their reactions to trying to square up against the monsters bc it was not very mindful, very demure, or very thoughtful to wake them up in the middle of the night to deal with this batshit insanity
AUTHOR'S NOTES: THISSSSS I love this and I love you. I made these platonic but then I realised I should make it into relationship headcanons
Since she's also ikesai'd into the manhwa I'm guessing she also used slang in the way you do, but since she's growing up in a historical setting she can't use slang so forgot basically everything
Actually spits out her tea when you say something genz-y
"What do you need?"
"I need a tailor for-"
Asks you for the posh-y slang, like "paint me like one of your French girls" or "very demure, very mindful" so she can use in front of other Agriche's and see thier reaction
Will pull you by the collar if you square up dead in the night to fight some monsters because they interrupted your sleep
"You have to be kidding me..."
Tries to get you out of trouble if you say things that others won't understand and gives you a little kiss on the cheek if you somehow make up a massive save or you start a trend
Doesn't know what the fuck you're saying like HUH???
Finds your vocabulary interesting, will accidentally pick up some things from you but he uses it in the wrong setting so you just stare at him like ???
"That pie was good actually. I liked the consistency and-"
"You ate and left no crumbs"
"...thanks pookie"
Because he loves you he will learn ALL the gen z shit you know and will achieve it to maximum potential to the point where if he ikesai'd into our world he'd fit right in
If this delinquent sees you trying to start a fight with a monster because it interrupted your sleep he would start laughing lmao
Then he'd realise you can't fight for shit and quickly comes to your rescue
Doesn't care enough to ask you what you mean. Has though of using your vocabulary as a code signal, or to communicate similar to learning a different language
Will start bugging out if he asks what something means and you just won't say
"Skibidi toilet rizz!"
"Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler 😛"
"What does it mean"
"You're so sigma"
Babes if you wake up to a monster you're not even leaving the room. This lunatic will pull you down back on the bed, leave the room locking the door and come back five minutes later with some blood on his cheek
Actually finds you funny but on everyone's soul he will not crack a smile
Kinda starting to regret marrying you. But you're his favourite wife so he'll let it slide
Enjoys how humorous you are, has no idea what you're saying but you laugh at your own jokes so there's that
"...and I gotta say, thy neighbour does not feel very loved right now" *laughs*
*let's out a chuckle*
If this scallywag sees you tryna box a monster because if interrupted your beauty sleep, he will kill that thing faster than you can finish your complaint
Randomly gets hit with a wave of nostalgia on how you first met, you yelling at him to go suck his mum, while him trying his absolute best not to feed you to the monsters in the breeding grounds
©️umi-adxhira [22/10/2024]
#twtptflob#dion agriche#jeremy agriche#roxana agriche#the way to protect the female lead's older brother#the way to protect the female lead’s older brother#lante agriche#dion agriche x reader#roxana agriche x reader#jeremy agriche x reader#lante agriche x reader#twtptflob x reader
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hi my fayebae~ since u said u loved the car clip of soobin, here’s one for u to write ur heart away!! (U can of course choose whether u wanna do it or not no pressure!! Im just sending since its at the top of my mind rn, ahh n im sorry for so many request i usually dont send anyt in but🥹i didnt think it would be this fun to see my request coming to life uk but i digress)
idk whether u would like this but:
bf!soobin x gf!brat!reader
they got into an argument and stuff but soobin who still loves his gf comes n picks her up after (cheerleading?prac of some sorts)
Otw home… reader gives the cold shoulder to soob, not talking thru out the entire journey? So soob decides to take a detour n drives to somewhere that doesnt have many ppl looking in the night.
They start talking n tried to resolve whatever their fighting abt, one thing led to another, well reader is giving him a bj!!(the rest of the smut is up to u!!)
inspired by that soob clip of course~ have fun love💗

SB 000 .F23 2024
wc 3.7k
pairings bf!Soobin x bratgf!reader
warnings oral sex, semi-public, unprotected sex, slight brat taming, being almost caught, pet names (+ anything that I missed)
faye's note this clip was on my mind 24/7. And after receiving it I got excited making this one out but I'm not sure if it turned out good because my mind was kinda occupied with thesis shit. Omfg. Anyways, I hope it isn't dry tho 😔
Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, be it familial, platonic, or romantic. Arguments can arise from misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or simply the simple things from daily life. Recently, you found yourself in a heated disagreement with Soobin, your boyfriend.
The sun hung low one afternoon, casting golden lights through the window. You were sprawled on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. Soobin on the other hand, who had just come home from a busy day at university, was busy, again, in the kitchen, occasional noises of clicks and clangs of utensils on pots and pans plus the opening and closing of the faucet can be heard.
You overheard him murmur "Yeah, dinner for two," as he clicked his tongue. You felt a strange pang of irritation swell within you. It wasn't about him or the meal he was preparing, it was you. You actually promised him you would help out, maybe even cook together, but here you were, scrolling on your phone.
You stood up as you trudged to the kitchen, arms crossed as you leaned on the sink. "You didn't have to do all this," you stood feigning nonchalance as you bit your cheek to not show the guilt you were feeling. "You could have asked me for help."
"Oh?" He looked at you with disappointment, "I thought you were busy checking social media," his blunt reply and harsh tone made your ears hot out of irritation. "I didn't want to interrupt your 'important' scrolling."
The sarcasm was too emphasized and it stung more than you expected. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you met with his gaze. "Nothing! I just thought maybe you'd care enough to have some initiative or something. We both agreed to share the chores. I was tired the whole day only to come back home without even eating a single thing." His voice raised with frustration as he threw down the spatula.
"I was going to help!" Your voice was quite high as you tried to cover how you abandoned your promise. "Oh yeah? I was out all day to finish my projects. And there you were scrolling through your phone." He said as he crumpled the apron he was wearing and threw it also on the table.
"You know what, Soobin? Maybe I don't always want to help! Maybe I want a day off too!" You felt the tension suffocating the air around you. Your heart raced but you're too afraid you're wrong.
"That's fucking selfish!" His voice rose, echoing in the confines of the kitchen. "You can't just say you want a break when we agreed to support each other!" He even added. "Fine! I guess we don't need any support then!" You turned on your heel as if fleeing away would help erase the hurtful things that had been said.
"Hey, y/n! Where are you going!" He called but you did not even take a glance. He called you multiple times but his voice just faded out as you were stomping your way to the bedroom.
That night, you didn't come out for dinner. Your mind was in a whirlwind of regret and stubborn pride. Soobin had a point, you were just lazing around that time, however, you don't want to accept that it was your fault. That same night, he didn't come into the room. Your shared bed feels so empty, but you can't just bring yourself to ask for an apology.
Later that morning, you tiptoed your way out. Still too early that your boyfriend was still sleeping, uncomfortably by the way, on the couch. You just grabbed bread and water and went out.
You two always ride his car to go to school. But this time you were determined not to ask for a simple apology and went out by yourself instead. And yes, you were planning to walk to school for your practice. However, some guy passed by and let you ride their car. Since you know the one who offered you a ride, you accepted the offer. It was Kai anyway, aside from being in Soobin's circle of friends, he was part of your cheerleading team.
"Why are you walking so early in the morning? Where's Soobin?" He asked out of curiosity.
"I don't know, maybe somewhere." You answered as you rolled your eyes, still being stubborn. "Are you two fighting?" Kai chuckled as he watched your actions while the traffic light was still red.
"We broke up." You nonchalantly remarked. Well, that was supposed to be a joke, and you never thought that Kai would actually believe those words.
"Woah shit! You what?" He was really startled at what you said as he covered his mouth while keeping the other on the wheel. You just laughed at him as you took the last bite of the bread.
Your whole Saturday went on like the usual cheerleading practice days. But since your mind is still in a whirlwind of pride, you couldn't focus. Causing you to crash multiple times while practicing. You were even scolded by your coach and instructors telling you that you looked like your mind flying or some sort. You just rolled your eyes at them whenever they turn their backs to you.
For that reason, you got hurt, earning yourself a few scratches here and there. You didn't even bother at all. Kai on the other hand, took the chance to treat your scratches. You're still not aware that he actually took your words this morning to heart and mind.
"It's just a scratch, Kai. No need to create a big fuss." You chuckled as he handed you a few bandages.
"Still, scratches can cause infection." He defended himself.
"Fine fine, you win." You sighed in defeat.
You two shared each other's company during lunch that day. You could even tell that many eyes are watching you -- no, most probably judging you at this point. Nonetheless, you just shrugged it off and enjoyed Kai's company instead. Not knowing that this could fuel some bigger fire. Fire that Kai holds, and fire that your boyfriend holds.
Since Soobin was not on the campus that day, he just stayed at home. He can't even contact you since you purposely left your phone. He was just cleaning all day. Just decluttering everything at home. He knows you're practicing today anyway. The only difference is that he usually accompanies you to school and waits for you until practice is done and brings you home, but now, he's just at home busying himself with the chores. He just planned to fetch you later this afternoon and treat you to some restaurant to make it up to you since he feels sorry about raising his voice at you.
"Let's wrap up here today." Your coach shouts as he reminds the assigned cleaners to clean the gymnasium before going home.
"Ugh! Cleaning this whole gymnasium sucks!" You complained, picking up the materials your team has used.
"Anyway, why are you still here? You're not on the list to clean today, right?" You were pertaining to the young boy tailing you. He smiled as he scratched the back of his head, "I want to offer you a ride home." His voice was barely above a whisper.
"Don't you have like, any other things to do?" You asked, counting the pompoms before storing them in the box.
"Don't have any." Kai shook his hand as he took the box from your hand and headed to the facility room.
As soon as you and the other were done cleaning, you immediately headed out, Kai insisted on carrying your cheerleading bag. Once again, eyes were gawking at the two of you. You can hear a few of them mumbling but you still ignored it.
Kai opened his car door to let you in. But before you could even step foot inside, someone spoke which made you stop in your tracks. "Where are you headed to?" You turn around to see Soobin as he brings his window down.
"O-oh Soobin hyung." Soobin nods at the younger boy to notice his existence, his elbow hanging at the open window.
You quickly retreat as you grab your bag from Kai. "I-i thought..." Kai stammered as he looked at you. "I was just messing with you Kai, it's not real." You sighed. "What did she say?" Soobin interrupted as he turned to you. You're just a millisecond late to cover Kai's mouth as the words slip out. "She said that you two broke up." Soobin snapped his head towards the younger, a smirk forming on his lips. "Did she?" Kai just nods, still clueless. "Get in," Soobin commanded over you. "I'll take her home, be safe, Kai," Soobin says as he closes the window, whistling.
The whole drive is deafening in silence. You can't hear anything except the faint music playing on the car radio.
"Wow, did we actually break up?" Soobin states with unbelief as he taps his fingers on the wheels.
You were still saying nothing. "Y/n, seriously, are you still mad at me? You didn't even eat last night." He sighed as he continuously threw you glances. Both of your hands were properly curled up in a ball above your thighs clutching your short skirt as you stared outside the window. Looking at whatever unpleasant view outside that seems interesting to you.
The once bright clouds turned darker. "Is it gonna rain? I thought I checked the weather news before I went out." Soobin whispers, changing the stations to listen to the news.
The raindrops started to fall on the car window, drizzling softly as it made the glass cold. "Grab my jacket in the backseat." Soobin talks to you again, but you're not even giving him a single glance.
Soobin messages his temple, "I wanted to take you to a restaurant tonight to make it up to you, but it looks like it's pouring really hard. I'm sorry y/n, just please talk to me." He's totally losing his patience at this point as if he's gonna burst again but tried his very best not to go over the top. He regretted raising his voice yesterday so much.
The once-familiar view of the road becomes foreign to your eyes. You turned to Soobin, looking at his unusual demeanor. If he'd been talking so much earlier, his lips were totally shut now. You wanted to speak and ask him where he was bringing you or what was wrong but you stopped yourself. Whatever will be, will be, you thought to yourself.
The rain started pouring harder, and the once busy road you were on looked empty now. Thunder clasps from far away making a rumbling sound. You try to rub your shoulder to create friction to keep your body warm. You're starting to feel cold and Soobin hasn't thrown you a glance nor commented anything at you.
He suddenly pulled up on the roadside, and the light from the lamp post dimly flickered inside the car.
"Not gonna lie, I felt like a dumb ass talking to a wall earlier." His eyes met yours for a while before you averted your gaze. He grabs his jacket and hands it to you, "Wear this, you must be cold. I just realized, your skirt is too short, and your tank top is too thin, at that." He eyes you up and down as you wear his jacket.
"This is fucking crazy." He mumbled as he pulled his hair.
"Y/n, baby, look, I'm really sorry for raising my voice at you, hm? I was just really tired last night." He gently placed his hand above yours on your thighs.
Your eyes were following a few cars passing by as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. You felt Soobin hold your face gently. "Baby, please look at me. I'm not used to this. You know me." Soobin's eyes were practically begging. He couldn't stand you giving him the cold shoulder.
The truth is you were just afraid. You're afraid to admit you had acted selfishly. Afraid of facing him after a petty argument over something so trivial.
"I just want you to talk to me," he caresses your cheeks, words so gentle and comforting, "I can't fix this if you won't talk to me."
Soobin pulls you in for a hug, warming up your heart. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, surrendering to him and putting down your stubborn pride. You mumbled a soft sorry as he gently rubbed your back. You let your arms move freely, as you return the hug to Soobin.
"Please don't do this again to me." He kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry for raising my voice, baby. I'm sorry for making you feel upset at me." Soobin's probably the sweetest guy you could ever ask for. He can make you feel loved and appreciated, but of course, you're just stubborn and bratty at times, which makes him wanna lose his temper.
Soobin pulls away, showering your face with a hundreds of kisses. You can't help but giggle at his actions."I didn't mean to shut you out." You mumbled with a pout. "You don't look sincere." Soobin commented which made you pout more. He chuckled as he pulled you in for a kiss.
The kiss felt soft and gentle. That's why you had no idea, why he was shoving his tongue inside your mouth. He bit your lip with a little harshness making you push him away. "Oww! What was that!" You complained. Soobin simply smirked at you. "I'm asking for an apology and forgiving you for one, but not the other issue." His smirk turns to a frown. "Soobin I can explain that..." Your heart began to race, thumping so hard you could feel it in your throat.
"Why don't we use that pretty little mouth of yours on something else good, yeah? Instead of giving people an opening to pounce on you." His eyes scream anger and lust at the same time.
"What do you mean?" You asked clueless. "What do I mean? You really want to hear the exact words?" Soobin taunted. "I don't get what you are saying." You shook your head. "I'm telling you that you just made an opening to let Kai pounce on you. Are you that dense, that you don't even know he likes you?" You were shocked at what Soobin just revealed to you. You opened your mouth to answer only for him to cut you off.
"Or don't tell me you wanted it all along?" He scoffs. "Soobin don't talk like that --" "Don't talk like what, doll? Aren't you the one who told him we're over?"
That's it, those words pushed you over the edge, switching your bratty side once more. "Okay, so what? What if I wanted it all along?" Your voice raised once more. "Kai is a good guy, plus he knows how to take care of someone he likes." You pushed Soobin's chest away from you. Soobin scoffed again, brushing his tongue inside his cheek.
"And I can tell --"
"Backseat. Or else --"
"Or else what? Huh? Are you gonna order me around again? Raise your voice over me again?" You taunt.
"I said backseat, you brat." He fixed his gaze on you and held your wrist.
His words are firm and strong which makes the hair on your neck stand up. He unbuckled his seatbelt and shifted the gear to park, leaving the car idle and the headlights on. You have no choice. You crawled your way to the backseat. you squeezed yourself to fit and pass by the center console. Soobin followed quickly, making his way through the front and back doors. As soon as he settled in the backseat, he ruffled his hair to whisk away some water from the rain.
Your eyes waver as you avert your gaze from him. His hand squeezed both your cheeks, "My patience is running low from your actions, doll. You're making it worse."
Soobin pulled you on his lap. You were almost covering him with how big his jacket you were wearing. His surname is written in big fonts.
He hiked up your skirt only to find out you had nothing underneath other than thin panties. Soobin scoffs, "Don't tell me you were gonna ride Kai's car with just this?" You bit your lip as you placed your hands on his shoulder when he started to rub you with your panties still on.
Soobin clearly knows how to make your knees weak. With just a simple touch and you're back to square one from being a brat. He pulled your panties off slowly without breaking the eye contact. His brows are still furrowed and you can still feel his anger.
"Let's see if you'd still want to ride his car after getting out of mine." He clicked his tongue and licked his finger, pushing two at the same time. Your mouth hung open as you squirm. "S-soob..." You can't talk straight, no, you don't wanna talk actually, but he has his ways to make you open your mouth. "How is it? Still wanna ride his car?" A sly smirk tugging on his lips. In which you replied with just a shake of your head.
"I'm close..." You whispered, biting your lips, watching how his fingers disappears and appears in your cunt. You shudder with the sensation, your high coming to you. But Soobin pulled his fingers out. You whined, hiding your face on his neck as you grind yourself above him.
Soobin's too focused on making you say the word sorry for the said issue. He did not even expect you'll act bratty once again after just apologizing for what happened yesterday.
He gripped your waist. "Stop moving or you'll not gonna cum for 1 week." Hearing this, you whine once more. You can't stand that punishment at least. But instead of getting the words out of your mouth, Soobin wasn't prepared for your action of apology.
You unzip his pants and slowly stroke him. Your face is still hidden in the crook of his neck. Planting soft kisses on his shoulder blade to his neck.
"Doll." His voice is warning yet you didn't budge, with only a small "please let me" coming out of your mouth.
His hand rubbed your back up and down, slipping them inside your top. Your skin is burning to his palm.
"What's with you, huh?" He asked, but he clearly knows you'd rather act like his little slut than let the five-letter word out of your pretty mouth.
You pulled back, squeezing your body once again on the small space between his legs. "Fuck-- just stop giving him signs -- ohh shit!" Soobin clearly shows his frustration at how he grips on the door. You gave him a few kitten licks and swirled your tongue on the tip of his cock making him jolt.
He looks down at you, meeting your eyes, "Fuck, is the word too much for you to say?" You took him whole the moment he spit those words making him thrust up a bit and lean back his head on the headrest.
"Ahh!" His breathy moans filled the car, making the glass foggy despite the rain and cold atmosphere outside. His hands tangled in your hair as you bobbed your head slowly.
You whimpered at how his cock pulsated on your tongue and how his tip kissed your throat. He gently caresses your cheeks as he holds them. You automatically leaned on his hand as you let him fuck your mouth.
His eyes were tightly closed. Lower lip trapped between his teeth. One hand on your cheek to hold you and the other firmly gripping the door to keep himself grounded.
"Baby fuck!" With one last thrust, he's cumming in your mouth. Draining himself on your wet and hot lips.
His heavy pants were the only thing that could be heard inside the car. Not until you hear a knock on the window. You quickly scrambled up your way to the seat as you sat properly, Soobin shoving his shirt down to cover his exposed length.
He opened the window slowly. "Is everything fine? You're hazard is switched on." A police officer said with an umbrella in hand, roaming his eyes inside the car. He even added that he was just passing by and noticed the car had switched on the hazard.
"I'm sure I didn't put the car on hazard though., must be when I got out.." Soobin mumbles, "But everything is fine, we just need to talk something out."
"Take care then, it's pouring hard." The officer apologized before going back to his car.
You looked at Soobin, fear evident on your face. You were doing things in a semi-public place but here you are, totally scared of getting caught. Soobin chuckled at you.
"Can you turn off the hazard light?" He appealed. You propped yourself on top of the center console to reach for the hazard button. But seems like some other button is getting pressed instead, as your hands retreat back to cover your mouth.
Soobin's tongue is licking your exposed cunt. Eating you out while you're still on the center console.
"S-soob, wait.." you tried your best to appeal to him but he did not budge. He continued shoving his tongue inside you. He then gently pulled you back to his lap, slowly sinking you down on his cock.
One of his hands lightly squeezes your neck, the other one pulling one of your hands back. He stopped you from covering your mouth as he continuously thrusts upward.
"Tight.. so tight..." He mumbles at your nape. "Pussy so good for me."
"M-more please." You quietly pleaded as you tried moving your hips. "Someone's eager to be filled." He commented back. "W-wanna be full of you, Soobin." You're feeling lightheaded at how he's squeezing your neck. He can't help but leave hickeys on your shoulder as he thrusts harder.
"I'm gonna get you pregnant at this point," he huffed. "D-don't care, w-want you," your words are slurred as you lean back on his chest.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" No other words just curses, was coming out of his mouth as he felt his cum being released.
You were totally breathless, your body slumped on him, his cock still twitching and pulsating inside your cunt. Soobin is totally worn out, dipping his head down on your shoulder.
"Let's stay like this for five minutes then we'll go home." He mumbled.
@binniesbooks 2024
#faye's library#soobin's books#soobin x reader#soobin smut#soobin x you#choi soobin x reader#choi soobin x you#choi soobin smut#soobin imagines#soobin scenarios#choi soobin imagines#choi soobin scenarios#txt smut#txt imagines#txt scenarios#txt hard hours#txt hard thoughts
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— 𝒊 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒕 | 𝒆. 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒎𝒔

collegefwb!ellie x fem college!reader, angst, hurt / minimal comfort, wc: 3.5k
synopsis: you and ellie were a disaster waiting to happen.
content warnings: language, unforgivably mean!ellie (like atrociously mean, this is a REAL warning), toxic situationships / past relationships, brief mentions of sex, side comment about slipandslide, reader experiences loss, internalized grief and mentions of drunk driving / car accidents. please let me know if i miss anything, this one might be a lot !
author’s note: re-posted this after noticing it wasn’t showing in tags! also noticed some of the tlou community requesting some angst gigglegiggle. perhaps this will lead to a second-chance romance expansion in the future…leave your thoughts heh <3 as always, not proofread well!
tagging @vigskrt, don’t hate me for no happy ending this time around </3 i have plans to build this into a full fic ;)

They’d told you that Ellie Williams wasn’t shit. She was damaged goods and you were willing to pay the price even if it meant a shattered heart broken into a million unmendable pieces.
You’d given her the benefit of the doubt, had held out hope for the first little while of whatever it was between the two of you. You liked to believe that Ellie was tamping down unprocessed emotions, but she’d been adamant that it was all just good fun.
And you were willing to let it go, willing to take it all in stride if it meant having her in any way she’d give herself to you, but you were splintering glass waiting to give any second.
You’ll never forget the night you crumble.
She says it so casually, like she’s making observations about the weather or the swathes of setting skies. You’re sitting on her couch, basking in whatever remnants of the afterglow remains. Because, frankly, if there’s one thing Ellie Williams is good at, it’s pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you.
She’s across the living room, finishing off the blunt you’d politely declined, watching the slow glide of her goldfish in the tank on her console.
“M’bored,” she says simply.
You shift on your side of the couch, watching as she flicks ash in the nearby ashtray.
“You wanna go out?” you offer, glancing at the sunset outside of her window. “We could—”
She huffs out a humorless laugh, takes an extra long pull before stubbing the roach out and turns to face you. Her black tank top is riding up and you blanche when you see the fresh hickey a little south of her belly button.
You definitely hadn’t given it to her, but you aren’t in the mood to argue at the moment.
“I’m bored,” she repeats. “Of this. Whatever this is.”
You breathe out at nervous laugh.
“Oh c’mon, Els.” You stand from the couch, try to close in on her, but she’s shrugging you off as your hands come out to reach for her.
“I’m serious,” she says, tone bland and gaze glazed, equal parts from disinterest and the high kicking in. “It was fun at first, but this is starting to feel like a chore.”
Your chest tightens, tongue drying as you search her face for any tell.
“I don’t understand,” you murmur. “Where’s this coming from?”
Ellie shrugs.
“I’m just bored and this isn’t doing it for me.”
You’ve been wondering why it seemed like she was anywhere else but present the last dozen moments you’ve spent with her. It was always her half-assed agreements of seeing you when you called. Or less than enthusiastic spans of time where she’d seemed annoyed when you weren’t sated after the first comedown and quietly begged for more.
“Is there… Is there someone else?” you swallow. “If there’s someone else, it’s okay. I’ll—”
Ellie barks a mean laugh.
“You’re naive if you think you’re the only one,” she says, and it’s a nasty confirmation of the suspicions you’d had the entirety of your situationship with the girl.
“Why are you doing this?” you whimper, fingers reaching to tangle with hers.
“Fuck, I’m not high enough for this,” Ellie grumbles to herself as she watches your threads unravel.
“You wanna stop seeing me because you’re bored?” you heave. “You wanna stop this ‘cause you’re bored? Ellie, what the fuck?”
“I said it twice already,” she bites, snatching her fingers from your grasp. “And honestly, I’m over all of this. I’m over the clinginess, the neediness, the hope.”
Your breath catches hard in your throat and Ellie’s eyes meet yours for the first time since her declaration.
“Your friends talk, you know?” she says simply. “They beg me to put you out of your misery, say that you’re a great girl for me.”
And you like to think you are. You like to think that Ellie’d learned to love you the way you loved her; unconditionally, passionately, and in her own fucked up way. But you’d obviously been grossly mistaken.
“Am I not?” you whisper. “You mean the world to me, Ellie. I’d do anything for you. I–I lo—”
“Don’t.” She cuts you off sharply. “Don’t do this to yourself.”
“Ellie, I love you.”
And the silence is palpable. Tag-teams the tears that choke you as you wear your heart on your sleeve.
She sighs deep, scrubs her palms down her face as she screws her eyes shut.
“God, why do you have to make things so fucking difficult?” she groans.
“Me?” you choke incredulously. “We’ve been dancing around these feelings for a year, Ellie! You turn a blind eye, act like we won’t work when all it’d take is just a leap of faith. Why can’t you have faith in me, Els?”
She rolls her eyes, crosses the living room into her bedroom to collect your clothes off her floor.
“This is why we wouldn’t work,” she’d grunts as she stuffs everything into your backpack. “Because you think you know me, think you know how I feel, what I think, what I want. You don’t know me. You know what I let you and we fuck. That’s it.”
Your body shakes hard with emotion, bones vibrating with unshed tears.
“You’re lying,” you accuse. “You’re fucking lying because you’re scared.”
“Oh, fuck off with the shit, ________, please,” Ellie scoffs, shoving your backpack in your arms.
“It’s okay to be scared,” you argue desperately, reaching for her again. “I get it, this is new for you and it’s a lot to process and—”
“We agreed that this was just a good time,” Ellie says, nudging your arm away. “And right now, this isn’t really feeling like a good time. This feels like you trying to fix me, but I’m not going to change. Not for anyone and especially not for you.”
It’s a brutal stab at your feelings and it makes you sick. Because Ellie’s always known. She’d entertained this whole endeavor knowing you were head over heels and there wasn’t a chance in hell she would reciprocate.
“We don’t have to stop seeing each other, Els,” you try, taking in a shuddering breath. “Just— Just give us a shot. We can work through it and—”
“What’s not fucking clicking?” Ellie cuts you off with a pinched expression. “You’re not my fuckin’ therapist, not my girlfriend, and definitely won’t be anything more than a decent lay. I’m not doing this shit with you anymore. Seriously. Have some self-respect.”
The look of annoyance that crosses her face makes you feel like your feelings are the ultimate burden. And the sob that wracks your body rattles you so hard you cough till you feel like your lungs will dissolve.
It’s absolutely fucking humiliating, the way that Ellie grimaces like this is the most inconveniencing thing in her life as of late.
“Dude, just go,” she says sharply, steering you towards the front door. “Block me, I don’t care, just please let this shit go.”

“You’re actually the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing in my life.”
Ellie barely catches the statement, bulky headphones fitted over her auburn hair, but Dina’s brisk movements towards her catches her attention.
It’d be been a week since she’d last seen you, and quite frankly she’d been relatively surprised that you’d heeded her word about leaving her alone. She’d almost been home free. Almost.
“If this is about your friend—”
“Like hell it is,” Dina scoffs. “Are you serious? I can believe you said all that shit to her.”
“I mean, you warned her, didn’t you?” Ellie shrugs her shoulders, hooking her thumbs through her backpack straps. “Sounds like you should be bitching at her for not listening instead of me for keeping it pushing.”
And Ellie almost lets the irritation bubble over, but the look on Dina’s face has shifted, has her swallowing down whatever residual snark is concocting in the back of her brain.
“She’s devastated, Ellie.”
And it’s the same song and dance, Ellie knows it all too well, the bouts of sadness followed by the niggling feeling of numbness. She’s usually nonchalant, doesn’t feel any moral obligation to tie up any loose ends, but she feels the closest thing to guilt when she sees the genuine concern in your friend’s expression.
“Look, I’m sorry she got her feelings hurt, okay?” Ellie sighs defensively. “But everyone knew what this was going in and I can’t be the only asshole here for keeping it real.”
And of course she can’t take accountability, can’t admit that maybe she’d been too harsh on someone as sweet as you.
“Honestly, fuck you. I don’t know why I’m still fucking friends with you,” Dina whispers.
Ellie rolls her eyes.
“C’mon, D, you serious right now?”
“You hurt her so bad she won’t even eat,” Dina says quietly. “All she ever wanted was to make you happy, Ellie. The least you could’ve done was let her down easy.”
“This is fuckin’ bullshit,” she grunts to herself.
“No, Ellie, your attitude is fucking bullshit, your whole fucking outlook on life,” Dina says stonily, shrugging her shoulders and taking a step away. “But I guess you get hurt once, you hurt a hundred times, right?”
“D, don’t—”
“Whatever.” Dina waves her off. “Apologize, don’t apologize, I don’t fucking care.”

After nearly two weeks of trying to mend the wounds Ellie had left, you get the call. It’s during midterms and you feel like the world is splintering.
Your younger sister had been driving home on the way from her shift when she was struck. She’d been pronounced at the scene and you take the first flight back home.
And you don’t know how to feel. Don’t know how to sort through the nasty mix of emotions that threaten to peel you from the inside out and disintegrate you. Losing Ellie was one thing, losing your youngest sister is like cruel fate.
It doesn’t hit you until after the service. When you’re sitting in her bedroom, combing through her admittance letters and thumbing through old family albums. You land on a particularly devastating photograph. One where she’d finally surpassed you in height and she’d leaned down to kiss your cheek.
The tears are spilling as you turn the page and you see collages of holidays, birthdays, and vacations. The one that sends you over the edge is the most recent.
It’d been spring break and your family had gone tubing. The two of you had drifted off and your mother was able to capture the perfect photo of the two of you with your heads thrown back in laughter.
If you recall correctly, you’d confided in her about your troubles with Ellie and, in an attempt to make you feel better, she’d cracked a joke so funny it made you laugh like things could be okay.
In the first moment that every emotion hits you full force and your sister isn’t there to be your rock, she’s there to catch your falling pieces.
Abby Anderson’s a childhood friend, grew up in the same cul-de-sac and moved the opposite way for university. News of your sister’s death had her making the five hour drive and offering you some semblance of comfort in a familiar face.
The two of you sit in silence as you hold the photo album to your chest and cry until your throat is raw and your eyes are nearly swollen shut. Her palm is warm between your shoulder blades, a gentle anchor in the roiling storm.

Ellie’s stoned out of her mind when she pays your dorm a visit a couple of weeks later. The apology’s long overdue, but she’d been too busy sparking up and getting lost in other people to shake the claws you’ve seemingly sunk into her brain.
It’s half past midnight on a Tuesday when she delivers three hard raps against room 202. Another three when no one answers the first time around.
She finally hears shuffling after the third set and the door swings forcefully before the fourth. And it’s definitely not you.
“Y’know it’s almost one AM and a majority of this building has class in the morning, right?”
Ellie’s posture straightens.
Ellie doesn’t recognize this girl at all, does a double take to make sure she’s got the right room.
“________,” she says. “She around?”
The girl’s face screws up.
Ellie repeats your name.
“Oh, her,” the girl mutters groggily. “She pulled out of school a couple of weeks ago. Whole floor was scrambling to get reassigned to her room.”
“She what?” Ellie balks.
“She dropped out, I guess, I dunno,” the girl shrugs. “All I know was that the school psych handed us pamphlets about mental health and shit after she left.”

If anyone has any information on you, they won’t budge. And Ellie realizes it’s equal parts for your protection and her punishment. She’d been a nervous fucking wreck the remainder of the semester, couldn’t stop searching every corner of the internet for you, but it seems like maybe that night really does click because she’s blocked on every single platform imaginable.
She’d started smoking more, started fucking less, actually showed up to class. Her brain was practically numb a majority of the time, anxiety eating away during her short bouts of sobriety.
And god, if she had to admit that she’d learned her fucking lesson, had to admit that losing you was agonizing, she would if it meant seeing you again. Even from a distance.
Because she’ll be honest for once in admitting that she fucking misses you. Misses you so much it’s disgusting. And she doesn’t miss the way you make her feel, or the sex, or any of the things you offer her, she misses you.
Craves to see your sunny smile, yearns to feel the way your body nestles perfectly against hers. And your laugh, god your laugh, boisterous and consuming. She’d always told you it was obnoxious, but nothing could crack a smile faster than you throwing your entire body away from her and cackling till you wheeze.
And this is more traumatizing than any previous relationship that made her swear off love altogether. Your disappearance and your absence makes her feel like she’s going insane, like she’s grasping at straws to keep it together.
Mercifully, the semester ends, but summer oozes like viscous torture. And when fall sem of senior year rolls around, she holds out on hope, just needs to tell you that she knows she fucked up and she’s sorry.
But fall is quiet. Winter is quieter and the holidays feel mundane even surrounded by her loved ones.
“Everything okay at school, kiddo?” Joel’s never been one to poke around, just a silent supporter in the midst of Ellie’s growing pains.
Ellie nods, leaning over the railing.
“S’alright,” she shrugs. “It’s school.”
Joel ponders for a moment, looks like he doesn’t want to pry, but his youngest is his soft spot.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” he drawls softly. “I know you better than you think. Know that something’s botherin’ you.”
Ellie hesitates, but decides to bite back her fears. It’s the least she could do for you.
“You ever hurt someone so bad you don’t know how to fix it?” she swallows.
Joel takes in a deep breath, then takes Ellie in.
“You want an honest answer?”
“Please,” she breathes.
“Sometimes you just have to deal with the repercussions of hurting somebody,” Joel says. “Closure is always nice but never guaranteed and the lack thereof is your punishment.”
It does feel an awful lot like punishment, Ellie thinks.

And Ellie learns that the universe can be unforgivable.
Learns as much when she catches a glimpse of you at the campus bookstore when all the students return from winter break.
She nearly drops her stack of books, scurries across the store in half as many strides before her fingers are wrapping around your bicep.
“Holy shit,” she whispers. “It’s actually you.”
You’d been caught so off guard, you barely process the emotions that begin to filter through you, especially when she engulfs you in a bone-crushing hug and rocks you like she’ll never let you go.
“I can’t breathe,” you squeak, hands snaking between your bodies to give her a gentle push.
“Sorry, fuck, I’m sorry,” Ellie blabbers. “For that, for everything, for—”
“It’s, uh, it’s fine,” you say cooly and Ellie’s staring like you’ve sprouted two heads.
Because it’s absolutely not fine. You’d left school for a year and returned looking like a whole new person. Your cheeks are hollow, eyebags prominent, lips chapped. It’s like the past eight months has sucked the life out of you.
“Christ, are you serious right now?” Ellie asks incredulously.
She doesn’t realize how many emotions she’d kept pent up until her vision is clouding and your expression is falling.
“I broke your fucking heart and you scared the shit out of me when you disappeared and I— I thought— I…”
Ellie’s chest is tightening and she feels like she’s gonna throw up when you let out a short breath.
“What, you thought I offed myself?” you ask with a hollow laugh.
“I don’t know what I fucking thought,” Ellie’s voice cracks, and it’s the most emotion you’ve seen from her in the time you’ve known her. “All I knew was that one minute I was seeing you almost everyday and then suddenly, you fell off the face of the Earth and I’d never missed someone so much in my life and I fucking hated every single moment—”
“My little sister passed,” you say simply.
And fuck, she doesn’t expect that.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “You definitely fucked me up but there was a lot more to me leaving.”
“Jesus, I’m so sorry, I—”
“Everything okay?” A tall, buff blonde interjects.
It’s subtle, the way the girl’s palm slides to gently fit between your shoulder blades and Ellie’s going rigid.
“Yeah,” you respond, smile soft and familiar.
Ellie’d been on the receiving end once upon a time, and she nearly retches when you shift closer to the girl.
“This is Ellie,” you introduce. “An old classmate.”
The girl gives Ellie a once over, then a pensive smile.
“You ready to check out?” she asks you.
Ellie watches as you give her the upper level philosophy textbook and thinks that it’s fitting, your area of study.
“I’ll be up in a second, just gonna say bye,” you assure her.
She’s gazing down at you for a moment too long, lips curling into a wider smile as she nods in understanding and Ellie has to stop herself from recoiling.
Old habits die hard because she’s picking a fight despite her better judgment.
“So, I’ve been worried fucking sick over you for the past year but you were with someone else this entire—”
“Don’t do that, Ellie,” you say softly. “We’re friends. She helped me a lot through losing Dev.”
“If you called—”
“If I called, what, Ellie?” you ask seriously, but not unkindly.
You’re fed up, frankly.
“I would’ve been there,” Ellie says firmly, then whispers, “I would’ve fucking been there.”
“Would you have really?” you breathe a short laugh through your nose. “Last time we spoke I told you I loved you and you told me to have some self-respect.”
Ellie winces.
“I’ve thought about it,” she swallows.
You only blink up at her.
“It’s all I could think about since last spring, but…” she trails off, searches your face for courage because she’s so fucking scared. “What you said, the last time we spoke.”
“I said a lot of things,” you reply candidly.
“That we could work through it if I gave us a shot,” Ellie murmurs, running her fingers through her overgrown hair. “And I know I’m late—”
“Yeah, no shit,” you say flatly and Ellie flinches.
“But I want us to work and—”
And the wind’s knocked from her lungs, makes her stomach wrench.
“And it’s not because I don’t love you anymore,” you say gently. “But because losing Dev taught me to love myself more.”
Ellie’s throat bobs.
“I can’t keep cutting myself down to accept what you feel like giving me,” you say. “Because I won’t take you having me one hundred percent and deciding to give me 10 on the days when the going gets tough. And don’t say you won’t because we’ve already done that shit with no labels.”
Being absolutely read makes Ellie feel infinitely more like shit because she’s never heard such a sound declaration of your unbridled feelings.
“I’m not losing you again,” Ellie whispers vehemently.
“You don’t have to,” you say softly, visibly withdrawing from the conversation. “I’ll always be in your corner rooting for you. But I can’t give you anymore than that. I won’t.”
“Wait, please, I—”
“I gotta go,” you say, peeling away. “Abby’s waiting.”
“Babe, c’mon.”
“I’ll see you around, Ellie,” you bid her, sparing her one final glance. “Take care of yourself.”

#ellie williams x reader#ellie williams x female reader#ellie williams fic#ellie williams#ellie williams tlou#ellie williams au
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warnings: smut ofc!, loss of virginity, whiny and sub Spence.
Criticism is appreciated! I would love to know how I can improve on my writing.
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
A/N: This is very short! This was a forgotten piece of work I had and I thought I might as well just finish it. Also! first post of February!! <3.
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Most recent fic
Written: December 21st-February 5th, 2025
Published: February 5th, 2025
Summary: Spencer's never had the touch of a woman before.
wc: 849
“Y/n, I don’t think we should be doing this- we could get caught at any-“ I cut Spencer off with a loud sigh as I dragged him to an unused office. “Maybe if you’re quiet enough they won’t hear!”
Spencer was nervous, terrified at the act he was about to do. Somehow the topic got on virginity and Spence admitted that he was still a virgin. And I offered to take his virginity, he accepted my offer immediately but now he’s hesitant. Not because he isn’t attracted to me, but because he’s nervous.
Spencer is very insecure about his body, but to me..he’s perfect. Even though I’ve never seen (yet) Spencer’s dick, I’ve heard lots of stories about how the tall nerdy white boys always have the biggest dicks..let’s hope it’s true.
We finally made it to the office and I turned around and locked the door. I turned back around and pulled Spencer into a deep passionate kiss. He was feeling and touching all over my body as I wrapped my hands around his neck. His lips were so soft and plump.
He squeezed my ass mid kiss and I felt myself get wet. My stomach was filled with butterflies and my panties were damp. He began to walk us over to the couch, I slid his shirt off of him and was met with his bare chest.
I looked him in his eyes before licking a stripe up his stomach as he let out a loud moan. I smirked at his reaction as I then stood back up and started placing kisses on his pecs. “Shit!” He moaned as his head flew back.
I placed one last kiss on his stomach before pushing him on the soft rug beneath us. I was still in my flared pants as I sat down on top of his growing boner. Spencer and I both still had our pants on so the friction felt even better as I kept grinding on him. “Please!” He begged as I chuckled. “Please what, Spencer?” I teasingly asked.
“I w-wanna feel you.” He choked out. I hummed before standing up and stripping out of my clothes. He looked up with his big chocolate brown eyes, his eyes had this desperate pleading look in them. It just turned me on even more.
I then straddled over his waist and my hands flew to his belt and unbuckled it. His cock was hard and poking through his boxers, I softly touched it as whined. I then pulled him out of his boxers and he was..huge.
His cock was really long, it had a slight curve to it, veins, and a pink mushroom tip that had precum leaking. I moaned at the sight, my mouth was watering at this point. I got off of his lap and got on my knees, arching my back, and started slowly stroking him. ‘Oh my!” He moaned as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. “You like that?” I asked lowly as I licked my lips.
“Yes!” He shouted as I shushed him. “We can’t let anyone know that you’re back here about to cum.” I teased.
Spencer has never even had a woman touch him- the pleasure was too much for him. It was the best thing he’s ever felt, he’s definitely gonna want more after this.
I arched my back deeper as I took him in my mouth. Spencer wanted to cum right in that moment. The way my warm wet mouth felt on his dick, taking him in, arching my back with no pantie,s no bra, just bare in front of him. He felt like he was in heaven.
I started bobbing my head up and down on his long cock. His dick was touching the back of my throat and it made me so wet. He placed his hand on the back of my head, guiding me slowly. “You suck it so good-fuck!” He groaned to himself.
Spencer’s head was thrown back as I hollowed my cheeks on his cock. I felt his cock twitch and saw his legs tense up. It was turning me on, my body was heating up and I was wet. I could literally feel my juices dripping down my inner thighs.
I pulled his dick out my mouth and rubbed his thighs softly. “You feel good so far, Spencer?” I said with a soft smile. “Please-keep going.” He said breathlessly. I took that as a yes. His balls looked so heavy and filled with cum…it’s only right that I take that stress away from him.
I started sucking on his balls while I squeezed his cock with my hand. “Nngh!” He grunted as I sucked on his balls a little more rougher this time. I pumped his cock a few more times and he let out a loud whine as cum shot out of his cock onto my hand and face.
I was in shock as Spencer sat there heavily breathing, trying to catch his breath. His cock had softened but was still somewhat hard with cum leaking down his shaft.
#spencerreidsmut#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid#doctor spencer reid#spencer reid fanfiction#dr spencer reid#spencer reid x you#criminal minds#criminal minds smut#criminal minds fic#matthew gray gubler#mgg smut#mgg#spencerreidxreader
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Drunk enough to request Artrick piss kink shame free and off anon 😳
Thinking about the boys just hanging out and drinking and Art needs to pee but Patrick keeps saying he needs to do this first, and they need to finish that first (not even to stop him going on purpose he genuinely doesn't realise Art is about to piss himself) obviously eventually Art can't hold it anymore and pisses himself and he's like oh god, I pissed myself in front of Patrick he's going to make fun of me now and he starts crying. Patrick however is like why does Art look so good crying and after pissing himself? Do I have a piss kink? And then obviously he fucks Art
drunk enough to request off anon is SO REAL😭jinx have i ever said how much i love you? because i do and i hope you love this :) and we all know these aren’t proofread right? lololol
cw: nsfw (18+) piss, dom/sub undertones, daddy kink
Art and Patrick were on the tail end of a bar crawl that night. They are pretty drunk. They had been drinking for the past two hours or so, really pushing the limits of their tolerance. Their fake ids had only gotten them so far because eventually the bartender cuts them off.
They’ve decided to walk back to the dorm since Art doesn’t think he could handle riding in a car right now without throwing up. But Patrick has a few stops he wants to make on the way.
“c’mon it’ll only be for a minute i just want some snacks” Patrick says as he walks into the corner store, one of the only places opened this late.
Art’s stomach turns because the last thing he wants to think about right now is food, he’s too drunk for this. but he still follows Patrick inside. He groans, “fine just hurry up man.”
Drunk Patrick doesn’t really take that into consideration as he strolls up and down the aisles leisurely looking for scooby doo fruit snacks, oreo cakesters, and cheese balls.
Art is getting antsy. He already feels like shit anticipating tomorrow’s hangover but shortly into this trip he realized he really had to piss.
While Patrick is la la land, looking like he’s moving in slow motion. No pep in his step like he has nowhere to be. Art tugs on Patrick’s arm, “c’mon can we go? are you done?”
Patrick has completed his shopping list before he thinks, “oh shit wait i want to get Tashi the doritos that she likes.” He does a 360 turn going back to the chips aisle.
When they get there Patrick sees every doritos flavor imaginable (this store even had international flavors) but he didn’t see Tashi’s favorite, the purple ones.
“they don’t have it man, let’s just go. c’mon i wanna go home.” Art whines, he can feel his bladder pulsing. He needs to pee bad.
Patrick frowns until he comes up with idea, “let’s just ask him at the front, maybe they have it in the back.”
Art is praying to god they do not have it in the back so they can leave.
Patrick makes his way to the cashier, dropping his stuff on the counter. Art follows suit trying to focus on anything other than how badly he needs to go.
The cashier says he will check for the purple doritos in the back and Art feels like he wants to cry.
The cashier comes back, purple doritos in tow, and he checks Patrick out. Then they continue their journey back to the dorm.
They get there about 10 minutes later and Art is so close to relief he can feel it.
Patrick is fumbling around in his pocket trying to find his keys but he thinks he left them inside. Oh god, Art doesn’t know what to do now. He could barely walk straight on their way back from how badly he had to pee. But he didn’t tell Patrick because he didn’t want to seem like a baby.
He also didn’t want to pee on the sidewalk or in an alley way like a delinquent. Patrick did it all the time if he had to go, but Art was too worried someone would catch him. He also couldn’t go if he knew someone could hear him, he gets nervous.
But this time was different and before he knew it his bladder gave up on him. The warm liquid started to run down his briefs. It trickled from his thighs all the way down to his calves. His jeans were soaked, he could feel the fabric getting heavier against his skin. Oh fuck.
Art can’t believe he did that. He feels relieved and petrified at the same time. Patrick is probably going to make fun of him for being a baby and being able to hold it like an adult. Fuck. This is so embarrassing for him, Patrick will never let him live this down.
Luckily Patrick hasn’t looked back at him yet, still searching for his keys. Shortly after he realizes the keys were in his jacket pocket, not any of the million pockets on his cargo shorts, and he opens the door. He turns to look back at Art but his smile slowly drops from his face.
That’s all it took for Art to start crying. He knows the wet spot on his jeans is very visible. Tears running down his cheeks, his face flushed with embarrassment.
Patrick is frozen in place. He didn’t know Art had to pee that bad, let alone at all. If he would’ve known he would’ve convinced Art to just pee in an alley way. But somehow he thinks he likes this better? Art looks really pretty with those tears falling down his face. Too pretty. Patrick can feel himself hardening in his own shorts.
He pulls Art inside their dorm and locks the door.
“ ‘m sorry.” Art gasps out between sobs. He doesn’t really know what else to say and the embarrassment he’s feeling is immeasurable.
Patrick drops his the plastic bag with his snacks by the door before he approaches Art. He stand right in front of Art so their face to face. He slowly lets his eyes drag over Art lower half, subconsciously biting his lip. He doesn’t really know why he’s so turned on right now.
Of course he’s watched ridiculous categories of porn before but never anything like this. Is he into this?
He brings his eyes back up to meet Art’s red rimmed eyes. He brings his hand up to Art’s cheek to wipe away some tears.
“it’s okay babe, don’t have to apologize,” Patrick all but whispers. Keeping his hand on Art’s cheeks he slowly pulls him in for a kiss.
Art is confused but he lets his eyes slips close and kisses back anyway. The kiss starts slow and shy, until it picks up true desires being unleashed. It’s a mess of teeth, tongue, and lips.
Patrick pulls away, resting his forehead against Art’s. He starts unbuttoning Art’s jeans before he shoves his hand into Art’s damp briefs which makes Art gasp, “patrick—”
“fuck.” Patrick whispers under his breath, “you’re so fucking hot.” Patrick continues as he starts stroking Art to full hardness.
“ah— ah patrick” Art whines while Patrick grabs Art’s other hand, bringing it to feel Patrick’s boner.
Patrick keeps jerking off Art with one hand, while he pulls his own shorts down with the other hand. Moving Art’s hand to grip Patrick’s hard cock. Patrick leans in by Art’s ear to whisper, “this is what you fucking do to me,” before pulling Art into a kiss.
Art moans into Patrick’s mouth, making sure to start stroking Patrick’s cock. Patrick moves his hands into the back of Art’s briefs, gripping Art’s ass.
“need to fuck you, please” Patrick groans into Art’s mouth. Without another word Art is quickly pulling off his damp briefs and shorts. He also pulls his shorty over his head.
Patrick does the same, shedding his clothes. He puts Art on all fours before smacking Art’s ass for good measure while a moan escapes Art’s mouth.
Patrick eases two lubed up fingers inside Art’s tightness to stretch him out. Once Art staring pushing back on Patrick’s fingers, greedy, he deems Art is ready for his cock.
He lines up with Art’s hole before pushing in slowly until he bottoms out. “holy fuck Art you’re so tight.”
Art gasps as Patrick fills him up. Fuck he’s so fucking full right now. “please fuck me, please”
Patrick starts slamming himself into Art, making sure to keep a good pace. “you looked so fucking hot pissing yourself. jesus fuck. couldn’t hold it in huh baby?”
Art shakes his head no as he keeps whining, moaning, any sound he can make at this point.
Patrick continues “so you made a big fucking mess didn’t you baby? just for me to see”
Art nods in agreement this time. His head was feeling a little flirty and he wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or not anymore.
“say it, tell me how big of a fucking mess you made.” Patrick said punctuating each word with a hard thrust. He moves his hand around so he can start stroking Art’s cock as he fucks into him.
Art chokes out in between moans, babbling at this point, “i— i—made such a—fuck—b-big mess daddy.”
“holy fuck,” Patrick’s thrusts stutter and he comes inside Art immediately after that. Art comes at the same time squirting all over their sheets.
Patrick collapses next to Art on the bed. He chuckles lightly, “that was…wow.”
Art sits up, “i didn’t know you were into that, thought you were gonna make fun of me.”
“i didn’t know, but when I saw you I just,” Patrick smirks, “- yeah that was good, are we gonna talk about you calling me daddy?.”
Art scoffs shoving Patrick, “shut the fuck up I didn’t mean it.”
Patrick raises his eyebrow, “i don’t know sounded real to me,” he starts to mock Art, “oh daddy please yes make me cum ah-”
Art shoves Patrick again, making sure Patrick is face first into a pillow so he can shut up. It was clear Art didn’t want to talk about it so he stopped, for now.
Patrick starts again, “now we really have to clean up your mess,” he laughs.
Art sighs exasperated, “it’s your fault.”
“i’m not the one who pissed myself,” he says back with a low whistle. Art blushes, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Patrick could sense Art was starting to get a little insecure again so he pipes up again, “c’mon i’ll change the sheets, and you can shower. deal?”
Art nods small smile on his face, “deal.”
#challengers#art donaldson#patrick zweig#artrick#art donaldson x patrick zweig#challengers 2024#artrick smut#moot ask
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Jayvik headcanons :)))))
* Oh my god where to even start with this guy
* He’s ridiculously ticklish. Like, everywhere. It’s insane. But I’d say his worst spots are: under his arms, his stomach, and his hips. But again, get him anywhere and you’re golden he’ll laugh either way. If you wanna get him to shriek though he has this one spot on the back of his ribs that will make him go absolutely insane
* Due to his status as “The Man of Progress” or whatever, not to mention this guy has the build of a brick wall, most wouldn’t suspect this, let alone test this
* Two words. Caitlyn. Kiramman. Jayce would tickle the shit out of her when she was younger, but since she has gotten stronger as she grew up, she has become a formidable adversary with a lust for revenge
* These two have tickle fights almost every time they hang out. I feel Jayce would initiate them most of the time, flicking her like in “Happy Progress Day” or teasing her or poking her. He just loves to annoy her and it bites him in the ass every. Damn. Time.
* Now back to the Jayvik stuff I fear I got carried away with Jayce being a goofball lmao
* Oh my god I can hear his laugh. When there’s intentional tickling going down, there is zero buildup. None. Zip. No giggles, no chuckles, no nothing. His laugh immediately goes from laughing to cackling when he’s tickled
* His laugh is so bold and bright and unapologetic, the only time it really goes quieter is if he starts wheezing, which he will if gotten good enough
* I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL: GIGGLE-DRUNK JAYCE. Jayce gets giggle-drunk obscenely easily. He’ll just sit there limp and giggle out any leftover laughter, and he’ll rest a hand over his eyes so only his smile is visible
* He literally loves tickle-fights. Again, he used to initiate them with Caitlyn all the time.
* He is AMAZING at teasing. He doesn’t do baby talk or anything like that, he’s just a yapper. Like he talks almost the entire time he’s tickling
* “Oooohohoho my god, what was that?” “Is something funny?” “Are you gonna take a break now? Huh?” “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over your giggles, wanna try again?” He’s also not above calling someone “Giggles.”
* His raspberries are fucking brutal. It’s like a mortal combat finisher he’s mastered them
* Depending on who he’s tickling and the overall vibe, he’s not against going “tickletickletickletickletickle” really quick and clawing at sensitive spots. He mostly uses this against Caitlyn lmao
* He’s just such a goofball I love him
* Let’s just say he’s lucky he has that brace on. He doesn’t know this, but that is the only thing between him and certain death if Jayce were to find out his worst spot was under there
* Speaking of which, his worst spots are definitely his ribs, stomach, and knees, with his hips not far behind. Again, thank the lord for that brace or he’d be screwed, his ribs are a death spot for him
* His ears and neck are giggle spots for him. One night Jayce was feeling goofy, bored of twirling the quill in his fingers, and brushed Viktor’s ear with it just to be a shit. Viktor immediately broke into a giggly smile, bringing his shoulder up to protect himself. That’s one of Jayce’s favorite memories with Viktor, even if he did smack Jayce with a notebook afterwards
* His palms, the inside of his forearm, and his spine are an odd level of ticklishness where he’ll be on the cusp of a giggle fit and falling asleep. Like he doesn’t know if he loves it or hates it because it drives him up a damn wall
* He hasn’t been tickled since his early childhood in the fissures. Jayce put an end to that real quick.
* His laugh is kind of the opposite of Jayce’s (I’m gonna take that “two sides of the same cog” imagery to my grave they make me so ill). Viktor’s laugh is kind of wheezy and raspy, and he’ll cover his mouth with his hand. When you get him well enough, his laugh will rise in pitch and he’ll take his hand away from his face to protect himself from his attacker, and that’s when you can see his bright smile. If they had Polaroids, Jayce would want to take a picture of that smile and carry it with him forever. He loves it so much
* HOWEVER If you catch him by surprise, or if you get him just right, his laugh is super bright and kinda loud, but still a little raspy. Just a really pure and happy sound
* His teases are just sarcasm mixed with faux-scientific questions
* “Remind me again, how many ribs are in the human body?” “How on earth do you get anything done when you’re this sensitive?”
* One wouldn’t expect it, but he is JUST as silly as Jayce, it just takes a little more to get him there
* I love the idea that Jayce kinda brings out the kid in Viktor, not just with tickling but overall. I mean, he had to sneak into the academy and prove himself time and time again to get to be Prof Heimerdingers assistant (canon I’m pretty sure) and then Jayce “Crank it!” Talis come along. He kinda teaches Viktor how to be silly again
* Tickle fights are not uncommon at ungodly hours of the night
* No surprise, Jayce initiates them most of the time. However, their first tickle fight was actually started by Viktor!
* A very sleep deprived Jayce wouldn’t stop annoying Viktor (all in good fun of course) and Viktor finally had enough and jumped him lmao. It didn’t take long for Jayce to find his bearings and retaliate, but Viktor definitely won that one.
* They’re actually both on pretty even ground during tickle-fights. Jayce may be stronger, but he breaks easier and Viktor has more protection
* On a softer note, Jayce loves pressing kisses into the crook of Viktor’s neck when they’re cuddling just to hear him giggle
* On days where he has better mobility, Viktor can and will chase his target Jayce down if he plays his cards right. He knows just how to get Jayce backpedaling, and as soon as he hits a wall or trips up Viktor lunges forward and gets him lmao
* Unless Viktor tells him off, Jayce will always give him a fighting chance. He knows just how strong Viktor is, but he also knows his own strength as well. Viktor’s disability aside, Jayce is built like a brick shithouse and he knows it very well. He never wants to make anyone uncomfortable with something so playful, so he will always hold back on his strength.
* He’s also very intuitive when it comes to social cues in that sense, he’s always looking to see if his target isn’t having fun or if they’re uncomfortable.
* Viktor has this look that always tells Jayce if he’s fucked up. Like that look plus smoothly reaching for his cane, getting out of his chair, and strolling towards Jayce will have him immediately pleading for his life. All Viktor has to do is walk towards him and Jayce is sweating. Thats when Viktor teases the most too, asking him stuff like “What’s the matter,” or “Did I say something funny?” Their teases are similar in that end, they rub off on each other something horrible.
* One time Heimerdinger caught Jayce and Viktor mid tickle-fight while checking up on them and as they were trying to frantically pull themselves together he said “No, no, no. No worries, dear boys. I only came to check on progress, but what is the point of working the mind if there is no play to balance out the soul. Carry on, gentleman!” And left. After a moment, the two of them just kinda looked at each other and, tickles aside, just started laughing. Like they couldn’t even look at each other without immediately cackling. One of those moments when you think you’ve got all the giggles out then you look at them and it’s rib-clutching hysterics all over again. That’s a memory they both have as a favorite of theirs
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How To Fucking Write: a guide by fairyhaos

this post details:

hi gays and gals and welcome to "how to fucking write", a post (series) where i talk about how i brainstorm for writing, plan for writing, write the writing, and everything in between. nothing too serious here lmao, but i'm definitely planning on making at least a couple posts on this bc a) it's fun and b) i wanna help! so if you find this useful then pls lmk by reblogging + drop an ask if there are any specific things u want me to give my two cents on ^^
okok and now without further ado,,, let's look at the topics i'll talk about in today's post!

.. bullet point one : have an idea
the first big thing is that you need an idea. doesn't matter if you're a pantser and don't plan out your writing before you start. that's totally fine! but before you begin, you need at least an idea: maybe it's a vibe, a character personality, a specific journey you want the characters to go on. maybe it's a piece of dialogue. maybe it's the ending- the point you want to end up at after however many thousand words.
whatever it is, it's best to have some inspiration, some idea of what you wanna do. no point in writing if you don't know what you're writing, you know?
(of course, that brings up the issue of Having An Idea in the first place, but finding inspiration to write is a whole other can of worms we can open in another post.)
.. bullet point two : practice
okay, so now you have an idea. how do you put that idea to paper? how should you actually start your story?
it’s all to do with practice.
it’s the most annoying piece of advice in the world, but it helps so much. you just have to write lots and lots and lots, to find the way that works for you. whether you wanna start your stories with pretty scene descriptions, with dialogue, with dramatic one-liners. finding your voice, your style, what’s most comfortable for you, is really really important. and takes practice.
an example, though: for me, i prefer either a line of dialogue, or one-liners that a) help immediately establish a character’s personality or can b) introduce an interesting setting.
[chan + swingset] — one-liner example
[hoshi + silly] — dialogue example
but of course, everyone’s style is different. so i’d recommend playing around! find a list of one-word prompts and just write a few that inspire you, writing the beginnings. it’s important, also, that you’re having fun, because if you’re already struggling with starting to write, it’ll be even harder if you’re doing it while feeling stressed.
.. bullet point three (mostly just for longer fics)
maybe you don’t find a style, in the end. maybe you’re comfortable with all of them, which is totally fine! but then you look at your writing, and you think, “oh… this isn’t as good as i thought.”
and it makes you want to give up. what do you do, then? how do you carry on with your start?
just put words to paper. it doesn’t matter if the words are terrible, if you’re making up shit and using placeholders for description words or whatever. just carry on, get to a place you’re happy with, like the end of a scene, or maybe a dialogue exchange you really like.
because now, guess what? you’ve successfully created a first draft.
making first drafts is actually so important. seriously. first drafts allow you to fuck up, allow you to write terribly. they help you fumble and trip your way to the finish line (or at least a rest point) so that you can go back and do better.
even if your first draft is terrible, it’s helped you make your way to a point you’re happy with. now you have a vague idea of what you want, even if the description or characterisation or something is way off. because now, you can edit it, or even scrap it and use only a few words from that draft in your next one. or maybe, if you look back at it, maybe it’s even decent enough for you to use.
whatever it is, when you first start writing that story, think of it as ‘The Worst Draft’. because it probably won’t be as good as you want it, and it’s okay. just write, with no fears of it being bad, because that’s literally fine. it’s not set in stone. the backspace button exists. after your first draft is made, make another. and another, and another, because i promise, after that first draft, it only gets better from there.

.. bullet point one : adding things
pacing is always really tricky. however, i do think that slowing a story down is easier than speeding it up, so here we go,,,,
finding out the exact way to slow down a story really depends on what type of story you're writing, but there are a few all-round things you can do which can help pretty much any setting.
if it's a scene with loads of dialogue, and things feel like they're jumping to the end topic too quickly, add descriptions. your readers are blind, writers, and they depend on you to be able to see what's going on. are your characters having a conversation on the street? take a break to describe what they see. are they in a coffee shop? maybe someone comes in with a huge noise, or their coffee arrives at their table. are they hanging in midair with nothing around them? well, describe the actions of the character they're talking to, then.
example: (from my seoksoo fic bc it's the only long fic i'm working on rn)
by adding character descriptions, movement, thoughts, instantly everything seems to have slowed down. it thickens time, allowing you to move at a more leisurely pace.
if it's a scene full of action, you can do the exact same thing. maybe there's a high-tension moment and something significant happens. slow down time there, describe something small in great detail. talk about the thoughts they're having.
and even if it's just an ordinary scene, describing is important. the setting, the characters' actions, their thoughts. it's okay to write too much. then you can delete things which make things feel like they're moving too slowly.
.. bullet point two : delete
not gonna lie, finding out how to speed up the pacing of the story can often be really specifically tailored to the setting of the story.
with stories that have loads of action (spy, apocalypse, etc) i'd recommend adjusting sentence length. you'll want short, punchy sentences, without loads of commas and clauses, but you'll also want to experiment with having those short sentences gradually get longer. it helps with tension and suspense.
it has to be short. running fast. something to elevate fear. quick, but also desperate, before they then spill over each other, picking up pace, all of the thoughts blurring together and going faster, and faster, and faster, and then-
then the penny drops.
people use the metaphor of music a lot, and it really does work that way. it needs to ascend to its climax: gently, cautiously, before sprinting upwards and only describing things like the barest emotions (the fear they feel, the panic, anger, anything) before everything reaches its peak and comes crashing down in a flurry of action descriptions.
but of course, the easiest way to speed up something is to delete. delete swathes of setting description. delete unnecessary dialogue. delete an entire scene and rewrite with only the things you remember (which can help make sure you only have the essentials in your scene, btw. very helpful).
it might take a bit of adjusting, rewriting, moving things around, but ultimately, quickening the pace of the story depends on the way in which you write things. be concise, be dramatic, and don't dawdle.

... and that's it ! if anyone has anything else they want advice on (how to structure, how to write dialogue, how to plan etc) then just shoot me an ask, because i'd love to help however i can :)
tagging: @selenicives who asked for this in the first place hehe ^^
#a guide by fairyhaos#ngl ive always wanted to try my hand as an advice giver soooo this is fun!#i really wanna help guys. like fr#fanfic#svt fanfic#svt fic#seventeen#txt#fanfiction#writing#creative writing#writers of tumblr#writing prompt#svt x reader#txt x reader#kpop writing#ao3#ao3 writer#ao3 fic
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hazy eyes, clear thoughts I

a roronoa zoro imagine !
synopsis : in which letting your drunken mouth spill your sober thoughts leads you to a very unexpected consequence. ( read: everyone saw it coming except you and **** )
pairing : opla!zoro x gn!reader, idiots to lovers!
genre : disgustingly fluffy fluff, five tablespoons of angst and probable romance.
warnings : cussing, mentions of alcohol and getting wasted, zoro kinda mean, probably terrible humour, shit ton of giggling, also very all over the place but kinda cute? not entirely proofread, also lmk if I forgot to add any other warning !
author's note : well oh well, look we have another totally not self indulgent zoro oneshot/drabble/imagine n e ways I hit a sort of weird point of the series, I'm stuck but i am like 87% done with ch 1?? i hope I'll be able to do it soon enough ^^ tysm for ur patience !! let me know what you think of this! also PART 2?!? ( I need to know if people wanna read this randomness further 😆😅🤣👍🏽)
word count : 4.8k
gif creds !

“Oh-kay! I think that’s enough!”
You frowned when Nami took the drink from your hand, whining in protest when she kept it further away which she knew your drunken self would be unable to reach.
“B-but it’s good, it’s making me happy!” You giggled as you pointed at yourself and then pouted, pulling your manipulative tactic, one you did a lot when you wanted something especially one you did when you were shit-face drunk.
With large doey eyes, you pleaded at her, “You don’t want me to be sad right? I’ll be sad if you don’t give me- that.” You pointed in a direction you thought she placed the beer but of course, it was way off.
“See, you can’t even make out where I’ve placed the beer! I don’t care if it makes you upset and honestly, it was fun to see you make a fool out of yourself, but now it’s just…sad.” She sighed, a tone of sympathy as she finished her sentence,
“I know why you’re drinking and it’s not a good way to distract yourself from your feelings! Drinking worsens the problem!” She scolded you to which you now felt a small anger form within you.
“Well then, how else am I supposed to get rid of this dread and just stupidity huh? Being sober is a constant reminder!”
“Your feelings aren’t stupid! You like him, I’d say even love! You can’t just assume your feelings are invalid not until you know how the other person feels!” Your best friend felt a rage you’d feel if you saw someone you care about demean their feelings, a sort of anger at them hidden with laces of sympathy.
“He doesn’t fucking care! He only cares about his promises and that’s…that’s his life, his own…way of living so it’s fine!”
“Feelings to him are just…distractions.” You gulped as you recalled the way he replied to Luffy when the Captain was teasing him about falling in love.
[ a few moments ago ]
“Zoro, don’t you think you should consider finding a partner, don’t you also want to fall in love and experience all the magical things that come with it?” Luffy teased as you all sat around a barrel, deciding to just hang out after a busy day.
Zoro had a beer in one hand as he took a sip and then rolled his eyes, you’d been seeing his reaction, undoubtedly your heart picking up its pace when you heard the question.
“I don’t need love, or call it a partner if you will. I already have enough on my plate, all that so-called magical stuff is just a distraction.” He replied, with no hesitation which left no option but for the listeners to believe his words.
Just because he’d spoken his opinion, it didn’t mean it hurt less. You knew it though, from the start that Zoro was a determined individual. Despite having his own goals, he also cared about others like Luffy even though he didn't show it much, less that he said it verbally.
It was what made you like him in the first place. After all, what’s more, better than a man who knows what he wants, is determined to get what he wants, cares for those he considers his friends, and the bonus cherry on top being he was quite easy on the eyes too.
A whole package indeed.
And you didn’t even know when your supposed “I admire him as a person to look up to” turned into “Oh, I think I am in love with him.”
But ah, that’s the beauty of love and all the magical stuff, isn’t it? You never know when you’ll be the one who finally falls into it.
That’s why, after hearing his words, you felt your heart sink just a little. Screw it, you think you felt it weigh a shit ton and sink to the very pit of your stomach.
Nami, oh Nami, what a friend she was truly, because immediately her eyes darted to you after Zoro’s words and she saw your expression go down just as quickly as Zoro downed his bottle of beer.
Luffy chuckled, of course, he would, the poor lad was just teasing in the first place anyway to irk Zoro and obviously, he didn’t know about poor old you’s feelings.
I think I need to go.
It sucked how you couldn’t refute against him. How you couldn’t yell that love is not just a “distraction”, love is something that makes one feel more…human. Love is a wonderful thing and how if someone were to experience it, it makes you feel….it makes you feel just happy at being in the presence of the one you, love. Just…love is not…it’s not-
“Uh guys,” You piped up after sensing the tense atmosphere, tense to you anyway since you felt like a seashell was clogged up your throat.
“I’m gonna go…get some fresh air. Yeah uh- I’ll be behind if you need me.” You abruptly got up, smiling tightly at Luffy, purposefully avoiding Nami’s questioning yet pitiful look and harshly blatantly ignoring how Zoro’s attention turned towards you, about to question you too, his face showing the emotions he’d not show before 5 bottles of beer.
Sighing quietly, you picked up the drink you’d been downing, still having an adequate portion in it and you thought about it, saying fuck it as you grabbed two more from the stack that was in the middle.
“Continue with…your shenanigans,” You turned around and let your emotions finally show on your face, words repeatedly swinging in your head as you tried to filter them out.
It’s nothing but a distraction.
And now, a few bottles (2) and a whole lot of giggling later, you may have truly begun to take Zoro’s words seriously.
“I feel sick, perhaps it’s my heart breaking, see it hurts here the most.” You groaned as you looked out into the sea, pointing to your chest, though inaccurate as you held your right side, the sun appearing as a blurry blight light due to your vision becoming hazier as you got more drunk.
Nami sighed at you, realizing you should probably just be made to go to bed, despite it being only a few hours away from actual nightfall.
“Come on, let’s go, you’ve thought enough,” She stood up, having been sitting beside you on a barrel while you’d been sitting on the same.
She pushed her hand outwards towards you, to which you giggled and you were pretty sure your cheeks ached now.
“Namii~how do you have-” you pointed your finger out, counting the fingers “-ten fingers! On one hand?!” You continued staring at her hand in awe as she rolled her eyes, a small grin on her face, finding your drunken self a tiny bit cute.
Suddenly you felt your world stumble as she grabbed you and pulled you upwards, you now decided you did not know how to walk and leaned your entire body weight on her.
Now, Nami wasn’t a weak person but considering how you were more on the taller side than her while also being a bit more buff due to the immense training you did every day to practice your own skills, you did weigh more.
She quickly made you sit back down when she realized she couldn't possibly carry you, she needed help.
"Stay here 'kay? I'll be back." She told you to which you obediently nodded, which made a genuine grin form on her face.
Maybe she did prefer drunk you who'd follow her orders with no protests.
You looked back at the sea, the sun even lower than before, a type of golden shining on the blues that reminded you of a certain someone's earrings and oh, there it was.
Your thoughts slowly getting consumed by the moss head who despite drinking so much to forget was so embedded deep into your memory and probably heart at this point that even the slightest similarity you saw, be it colors or flowers, reminded you of him.
Ah, that's love and all its magical stuff am I right?
Sighing, she made her way back to where the rest of them were, the crew picking up on her presence,
"Where's Y/N? Weren't you bringing them?"
"Well, for one they are SHIT face drunk, I don't think they are even conscious of where they are right now so I'll need to take them to bed but also, I can't carry them alone."
She rolled her eyes at the stupidity of drowning yourself in your feelings, quite literally but she knew she wouldn't complain to the rest of them or more so she couldn't.
"Well I'm sure, one of us can help-"
"I'll help you carry them." Zoro interrupted your captain who was just about to suggest him. If there was one who could probably carry anything heavy too, it was him of course.
Nami eyed him curiously, she did know he wasn't ready to do…kind deeds, not unless it helped him in some way. Though, she thinks, you may just be an exception.
He stood up and walked towards where you were, which was at the back, Nami followed suit to which he turned towards her.
"It's alright if you don't come, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to carry them myself." He said it and Nami narrowed her eyes, half out of suspicion and half out of spite after hearing the cocky undertone to his words.
Proving that was one corner of his lips being turned upwards, forming an annoyingly handsome smirk that if you saw it, you'd probably be more on the brink of absolutely losing it.
"Take care of them and if they are hurt-" Zoro rolled his eyes at the over-exaggeration, and Nami knew that but as your best friend and a platonic soulmate at this point, she felt she had to say something.
"I don't mean it that way, you know damn well what I mean." She told firmly, to which a slight confusion did flash in Zoro's eyes but he didn't make it obvious as he glared at her, ready to bicker.
"Nami!" Luckily, Luffy's timing seemed impeccable as he called her, to which she turned around, allowing no further talk.
Zoro just brushed off her words and moved to where you were.
Despite, Zoro admitting to never wanting a partner, it didn't mean though, that he didn't feel.
He cared. He cared enough for Luffy to stick with him. He cared enough to fulfill a promise.
And he cared for you too as he saw you sleeping soundly, laying your head on the ship, using your hands as a makeshift pillow.
And yet, he somehow knew it was different. It was different from how he cared for others.
He gulped as he moved closer, now being able to see your features being highlighted by the afterglow of the sun setting.
It was as though you were the sun's favorite child at the moment, touching parts of your face softly, careful enough to not awaken you yet enough to rest on it to make it golden.
The evening breeze couldn't have picked a better time to pass as strands of your hair messily moved, your face scrunching up in disturbance.
He didn't even perceive how he'd reached you and was actually touching strands of your hair to push them back in place so as to not disturb your sleep.
He wasn't even a gentle person, but he was using soft fingers with even softer touches to push them back.
He figured he should in fact take you back to your bed, well shared bed with Nami.
Deciding there was no need to wake you up, he moved beside you, putting one arm underneath your knees while the other looped just above your waist and below your chest.
You blinked open your eyes when you felt yourself floating, it seemed like you were floating for a brief second, engulfed by warm clouds and a nice pillow that was-
You looked up and saw the side profile of someone.
They seemed familiar.
A glint of gold caught your eye as you put your left arm up and poked the earring, giggling as you saw it move.
"Wow, pretty," You think you'd seen it but your eyes being hazier than before after your mini nap seemed to only make your vision more blurry.
The sudden exhale and whisper down his neck almost made Zoro trip as he didn't really expect you to be up.
He was just near your shared room.
"Where are you taking me? Who are you?" You asked the important questions now, your mushed brain being able to form somewhat coherent thoughts.
"You- you don't know who I am?" He asked you, confusion in his features and then remembering why you were lost.
Right, practically wasted. And apparently memory loss due to being wasted.
He pushed the door open, as flimsy as it was, careful to not eventually break it down.
You looked around your surroundings, now even more lost as to where you actually were.
You squealed as he let you down, immediately realizing it was a terrible idea when you almost toppled over, unable to hold your own weight as he pushed his arm around your waist.
You held onto the man's shirt as you tried not to trip and fall.
"Here I'll just- I'll get you to bed." He guided you towards your bed, hand still wrapped around your waist as he looped yours over his neck.
You plopped down with your eyes shut, your head began spinning when you almost tripped and you groaned in regret.
"Drinking too much was such a bad idea, like all my decisions lately." You put your hand on your forehead as you tried to rub the forming headache away.
Hearing a walking sound, you peered your eyes open. Half-open anyways as you still couldn't make out well anything.
You could see the supposed stranger who'd help you till your bed was going to turn around and likely go but at that moment, you decided you didn't really want to be…alone.
Grabbing his hand before he moved away, you pulled him back with all your force. It didn't phase his movements much though other than him halting.
Zoro turned back to you after deciding he should probably leave before he either said something he'd regret or worse, did something he'd regret.
It wasn't his fault though with how…cute you looked as you plopped down, making him want to ki-
"Stay…please." You whispered to him, still holding onto his wrist as you blinked at him.
A familiar green color sat on top of his head but you figured it was a common color despite being sober you absolutely made fun of it when you could about how uncommon it was but also whined about how unfairly good it looked on him.
The same him who looked at you in confusion and disbelief,
"You want me to stay, right now? With you?"
“Of course! I feel quite alone right now, maybe the company will make me feel better here.” You let go of his arm, the loss of your colder hand in contrast to his warm skin making him slightly frown.
You pointed at your chest, surprisingly getting it right this time by pointing toward your left side.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “Does your chest hurt or something?”
There was a slight concern in his tone, one which made you giggle.
“Not- not physically silly, it’s- it’s my heart, it feels like it’s been gutted- wait no too- too gruesome, it feels like someone just punched it and it broke.” As you blubbered about your heartbroken state, your words made him more curious and concerned.
He decided he should probably hear you out, after all despite not being a great talker, he’d consider himself a decent listener.
Grabbing the barrel you used as a chair placed under your makeshift desk, he moved to sit beside your bed.
“It’s ridiculous. I should have known there was no chance, but it isn’t like you get a choice sometimes on how you should feel about someone, it just…happens.” You spoke softly, as Zoro turned his attention toward you, wondering who was this person who’d caused you to feel so…sad.
He didn’t realize it but he felt a slow anger build up, one he excused as frustration due to your mumbling but not one out of simply, probably, jealousy.
Yes, he was jealous of….this person because it sure as hell seemed as though you were deeply in love to have been feeling like this.
“Why do I even like him?” Oh, he definitely did not want to hear you talk about him, he decided.
Screw being a good listener, he was already in a crisis when Luffy put him on the spot asking about whether he’d want a lover or not, and then him trying his best not to divert his gaze towards you, so instead he chose an option ( one he’d regret later on ) and gave a seemingly believable answer.
Maybe a while ago, he’d have stuck to that answer, and actually no, he was sticking to it, quite well too.
That was until you stumbled onto the crew or more like in true Luffy fashion, were persuaded enough to stay.
At first, he didn’t care enough. It was more so he didn’t particularly like you too. You were what he was not. Careless, overly enthusiastic at times, and way too optimistic for your own good. You looked to see the good in everyone, believing that there was always some sort of goodness in everyone.
Zoro found that stupid, knowing how reality was always different. Everyone is and will always be selfish for their own greed. He was too, he wanted to fulfill his promise and that was it.
That was his goal and nothing else really mattered to him.
It’s what he thought would remain the same till he accomplished it but a sudden diversion came in the form of well…you.
He didn’t even realize it but the annoyance he’d get when he heard your lame jokes turned into him looking away from your silly smile to try and hide his own forming grin.
How he’d always automatically be looking for you if they’d stop at an island, choosing to follow you and dismissing Nami’s suspicious glances by saying you’d likely do something stupid that might put everyone in danger if left alone.
It was funny what this could make anyone feel. He didn’t ever feel like this, he didn’t even want to admit he was close to feeling but how long could a person remain in denial?
He was in love with you.
He couldn’t simply excuse his heart racing at your presence as simply annoyance, he couldn’t excuse finding pretty flowers and them reminding him of you as well….yeah you get the point.
That revelation honestly made him spiral into a sort of existential crisis.
So he decided it was best to do one thing.
Ignore it. Ignore everything and simply wait until it all fades away.
But silly him, he didn’t know one thing about love and he assumed it was something that fades away, yet there it was, in his gaze as it softened and in his heart as it sunk slowly like an anchor.
Clogging his throat as if he couldn’t simply breathe when you admitted to being in love with someone, someone who wasn’t him.
Ah love and its magical stuff, yet why does he feel like it's more of a curse right now?
He opened his mouth, and closed it again, resembling a fish and it felt like he wanted to say everything yet nothing.
They probably don’t deserve you.
The thought resonated in his head, but really who was he to say so because did someone like you even deserve him?
Turning to face him completely, ducking your hand under your head, you blinked at him slowly, a grin forming on your face as you saw the stranger’s hair.
“You…you remind me of him, your hair, it’s that ugly color.” You softly giggled to which Zoro was left in yet a contradiction of emotions, whether or not he should feel offended or light over the sound of your soft giggles.
“Come closer, I’ll tell you a secret.” He blinked at you, trying not to show any emotions and wondering if you’d ever even talk to him like this sober.
Deciding to follow what you said, something he’d never do if you were sober, he leaned in, putting one arm as support to hold him due to the slightly uncomfortable position.
“I- don’t laugh at me first of all, it’s ridiculous, Nami says I’m being too much of a coward not saying it upfront.” You looked at him to which he nodded, in your mind you presumed it was reassurance and agreeing to not find you ridiculous.
Somehow, despite you not knowing who was in front of you, your heart was picking up in pace and you felt a slight nervousness, actually, you almost felt like throwing up.
As if you were just about to actually…
“I think, actually no, I am definitely in love with Zoro.”
…confess to Zoro.
Good thing, Zoro had quick reflexes because he felt his arm slip and if it weren’t for those quick reflexes, he’d have fallen face-first into the ground. He sat up straighter as if what he heard had physically burned him.
“It sounds ridiculous, falling in love with someone like him but he’s actually a very loveable person, at least once he begins to get more…more comfortable around you. He talks less, shows emotions or any reactions even less, always carrying around a bitch face- Nami says so- but-but he also cares through his actions like-like that one time he found Luffy’s straw hat when he thought he lost- he spent hours helping him look for it and trying to keep Luffy from crying and then, then this other time he stayed up all night when I got hurt and wasn’t able to sleep. And-and there’s sooo many other times he’s done, the small things, he cares for that.”
“You know. I think that was when I knew I loved him. When he didn’t need to stay up, yet he did to make sure I didn’t die or something.” You finished with a soft giggle as memories of that day flashed in front of your closed eyes.
Suddenly he felt way warmer than the room was.
“I know, I know you’ll…you’ll call me stupid for loving someone who’s already in fact rejected me, not-not to my face of course but indirectly I suppose.”
Wait, what?
Rejected you?
How could he do that when- when he didn’t-
“I hate this! I hate the way I feel, it- it’s making me feel pathetic.” Your words slurred as you whined, using your makeshift pillow to groan into.
“Who said love is magical? It’s pathetic! It makes you stupid enough to have stupid hopes that only make you fly high until suddenly the actual reality crashes you down hard.” You spoke somberly, your words slowly fading out as you gave into the alcohol-induced sleep.
“Love is…pathetic. But- but I love him. So much. I love…you.” The last word came out as a hush as you exhaled, shutting your eyes and letting go of the pillow as you finally got knocked out.
It pained him to see you call yourself pathetic…all while being the reason you felt that way.
Zoro was conflicted. The contradiction of emotions making him all do,
He was frozen. He couldn't say a word, couldn't raise his hand to rub your back to perhaps comfort you.
His mind was in more chaos, your words replaying like a loop.
And finally, he came to a conclusion.
I need a drink. Fuck, maybe even three.
Perhaps if you were awake, it’d be a different reaction. Perhaps if you weren’t drunk, you’d have not said it.
The idea of you then getting over him, probably because you’d think he rejected you indirectly due to his words. This left a more bitter aftertaste in his mouth and mind than the beer he just downed.
He left your side, deciding he needed a breather to process what he’d just been told. He made sure you’d be in a comfortable position, placing your arms to your sides and even draped a sad excuse of a blanket, one that you brought yourself of an old woman when you had stopped at an island and one you loved, sad excuse because it was very thin but apparently you couldn’t sleep without it.
He had turned back to you, one more time, about to say something but he just sighed and turned around, walking away to where he was now.
Now, almost halfway through the crate of beers, he still couldn’t get rid of the confusion.
Did- did you mean it?
It was conflicting because for one you said it under the influence, maybe you’d even meant someone else and just said his name by mistake. He hated that, so he chose to focus on you saying it solely for him.
“Why-just why are you trying to die of alcohol poisoning? What is up with you idiots drinking like maniacs today?” A voice said in both disgust and concern as she walked up beside him, facing the sea, and then looking at him, the concern being evident as she saw the conflict of emotions on his face.
She knew he wasn’t one to speak up, it was rather his body language and eyes that spoke what he felt.
He just sighed, taking a smaller sip of the drink, placing both arms on the side of the ship, and observing the waves.
Nami truly wondered what could have happened until she realized.
“Did something happen with Y/N?” She cooly asked, observing his expression and surely enough a change of emotion was seen with the way he suddenly stiffened up.
“Nothing remarkable–”
“Oh cut the crap Zoro, you look like someone stole your fucking swords and threw them into the sea.”
Now he turned towards her, a slight look of horror while he narrowed his eyes at her,
“That’s oddly specific.”
“Won’t deny anything. But, don’t change the topic.”
“They told’ you something?” She figured she should just straight up ask it, put it out in the blue, out of the bad.
Zoro contemplated whether he should spill it, feeling like maybe it would be invading your privacy but even if he didn’t want to admit it, he needed some sort of advice.
“They- uh told me they lo- well see-” He shifted his attention back to the sea, finding it hard to say it to her face without giving away much.
Technically you confessed but also you didn’t? You ranted about being in love with Zoro and how you wished you didn’t, you did that thinking you were spilling it to a stranger but it was the man himself so is that a confession?
“So they finally did it?” He turned towards her raising his eyebrows in question, “They confessed?”
Now he was surprised but how accurate she was, “ They are too coward- no offense- to do it while sober so ‘figured from the way you look like” She pointed towards his face with her finger “They either kissed you, which doesn’t seem evident from your face not being smothered with lipgloss, they confessed.”
He gulped from his active imagination flashing a picture of you kissing him and how-
“But why are you so freaked out then? Shouldn’t you be happy your silly little crush is mutual?”
“It wasn’t a confession. More like a rant, they thought I was someone else and they basically spewed it all, and wait what do you mean mutual- I don’t uh-”
“Oh don't give that bullshit now. I know- in fact, even a blind person could see how in love you are with them.”
Zoro didn’t know whether to get offended or embarrassed if it were really that obvious. He exhaled heavily, clearly not satisfied with the situation still.
“What if they don’t even remember? What if they begin to ignore me because they think I don’t like them?”
“Well you did say you weren’t looking for a partner or so on, did you forget that idiot?” Nami shook her head as she rolled her eyes at him.
“I-well- It wasn’t intentional! I panicked!”
“And now this is your consequence. Though there’s a simple solution to this crisis which isn’t a crisis actually, it’s pretty straightforward.”
Now he was curious, a way to solve this whole catastrophe?
“Since you think they’ll forget by morning, how about you confront them then?”
“In the morning, you clear out your feelings before you dumbasses end up avoiding each other to purposefully brush this aside and I swear! I swear if it gets awkward because you both won’t look past your egos, I’ll force you into the damn cabin and lock you there to talk.”
Nam smiled sweetly, yet a threat underlined beneath her final words and Zoro thought of the only thing he should do now.
“Fine then.”
“I’ll talk. I’ll…confess to everything.”

all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri.do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
feedback is always appreciated 💗
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Heal Together: Chapter 4
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
This chapter came together super fast, I'm a little shocked! Next on my to do list is to make a masterlist, so that all parts are easily accessible. If time permits, I really want to make a playlist. I just love making playlists!
Word Count: 2.3k+
Rooster finished his song behind the piano, surrounded by his friends who were all singing along. The whole bar burst into applause and cheers.
You clapped slowly, still staring in disbelief. He looked so great, so healthy, so… handsome.
Carly nudged you, snapping you out of your haze, “If you two don’t stop staring at each other and say ‘hello’, I’ll drag his ass over here!”
You shook your head, “I have a rule about seeing patients in the wild, I don’t acknowledge them unless they acknowledge me first.”
“But this former patient is sooooo hot!” Madi swooned.
Sam scanned the people surrounding Rooster at the piano, “And so are his friends…”
You and Bradley locked eyes again.
Hi. He mouthed to you.
Hey. You mouthed back.
A smile spread across his face and he slowly stood up from the piano bench, breezing past his friends, and swaggered towards you and the girls.
“Oh my god, he’s coming!” Sam squealed under her breath.
Carly shushed her, “Shut up and be cool!”
“What is my favorite nurse doing at my favorite bar?” Bradley posted up in front of you and winked.
You shifted your weight, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach, “The youngins on the unit bullied me into coming out.”
He looked over at them, “Oh hey, night nurse.”
Carly laughed, “Oh hey, night patient. Staying out of trouble?”
He shrugged, “I mean, I’d fuck around and get hospitalized if my favorite nurse was there to take care of me.”
“Please don’t do that, Bradshaw.” You rolled your eyes.
“I promise I’ll be good if you let me buy you a drink.” He smirked, glancing towards the bar.
Before you could argue, Carly answered for you, “She would love that! Thank you, Lt. Bradshaw.”
You turned and glared at her.
“Wanna lead the way?” Bradley suggested.
You pursed your lips, he was so cute! “Well alright!”
As you and Bradley walked away from the girls, you could feel them silently celebrating behind you.
“So are you chaperoning a field trip?” Bradley chuckled as the two of you stood outside on the deck that faced the beach. The only thing illuminating the dark sky was the moon and its reflection on the water.
You snorted, “Is it that obvious I’m the old lady?”
“Oh no, it’s obvious that those girls look like they just graduated high school.” He explained and looked over at you, “you look like a grown ass woman.”
“Nice save.” You softly punched his arm playfully, an electrical current ignited all throughout your body as soon as you touched him. Woah.
You wondered if Bradley could tell the feelings that just came over you, he was beaming at you. “It’s clear that they love and respect the shit outta you. Especially Carly, the child.”
You sputtered, “Oh my god, I forgot you called her that!”
He chuckled, “I still can’t believe she’s old enough to a be a nurse.”
“I can tell you this now since you’re no longer under her care,” you prefaced, “But she’s like brand new. She’s only been a nurse for like 3 months, she’s fresh off of her orientation. All those girls are.”
”And you’ve adopted them all?” He asked.
You shrugged, “They adopted me, more so. There’s a big culture of ‘nurses eat their young’. Basically meaning that like older nurses are really shitty to new nurses as a way of breaking them in and toughening them up.”
Bradley nodded, “Sounds familiar.”
“I, however, don’t agree with that.” You explained, “I think it instills insecurity with their skills and clinical judgment. It also makes them less likely to ask for help when they’re in over their heads. So I go out of my way to be a resource for these new nurses. And I’ve grown very fond of them in the process.”
He smiled, “Maybe if I had someone like you in the Navy, I’d be a colonel by now.”
“Maybe you could be that for someone else.” You suggested.
“ROOOOOOOOOSTERRRRRR!” Two tall, buff, tipsy men stood at the window calling for their friend.
He looked at them, then looked at you, “I think those idiots are beyond help.”
█ ✪ █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█ ✪ █
Rooster and Y/N re-entered the bar to join his friends around the pool table.
“Hey guys, this is Y/N.” Bradley introduced her, “She was my nurse in the ICU.”
Phoenix's eyes widened, “Oh! The hot one?”
Y/N choked on your drink then looked up at Bradley, who was red as a lobster.
“Yes, Phoenix…” he sighed, “The best nurse I’ve ever seen do the damn job.”
Hangman sauntered up and held out his hand, “Name’s Hangman. How about you come take care of me, Honey?”
She couldn’t help but audibly gag, “That is the worst pick up line to ever use on a nurse, dude. Instant ick.”
Rooster smirked. She was smart, pretty, and completely saw through Hangman’s bullshit. What a woman.
“Hey, I’m Bob.” Bob greeted her, “Thanks so much for taking care of Rooster.”
“Of course, he was a wonderful patient.” She then looked up at Bradley again, “Why do they call you Rooster?”
“Cuz he’s got a big—“ Payback started to say but Bradley reached over and covered his mouth to shut him up.
“It’s my callsign, what I go by in the air as a pilot.” He explained, “We all have one. They’re given to us during training, usually it starts out as someone clowning you and it just sticks.”
She nodded, “Interesting… you’re more of a Bradley to me though.”
Eventually Carly, Sam, and Madi made their way over to the group of aviators as well. Hangman looked a little too excited to see three hot young things. He was starting to get real close and touchy with Madi.
“How old is she?” Rooster asked Carly.
“Twenty two.” Carly chirped.
He took his head and walked over to the flirty pair mumbling to himself, “Absolutely the fuck not.”
Y/N kind of loved that he was protective over the girls. “Glad he got in the middle of them before I had to.”
“It’s giving Mom and Dad.” Sam giggled.
She rolled your eyes, “It’s giving… you’re reading way too far into this.”
“Y/N, come get your patient!” Madi pouted walking back to the group with Rooster, “He’s a cock block.”
“They don’t call him Rooster for nothing.” Carly held up her drink, pretending to cheers.
“Ooooh, good one.” Phoenix prompted a high-five and Carly gladly accepted.
Y/N scooted in closer to Bradley when he stood beside her. He so desperately wanted to drape his arm around her shoulder, to make her feel as safe as she made him feel in the hospital. But he was… nervous. He didn’t want to scare away the angelic figure that he had been daydreaming about for the past two weeks.
Somehow, Bradley ended the night with three drunk 22 year olds in the back of his vintage Bronco and Y/N in the front seat.
“If one of them throws up in your car, I’ll pay for it to be cleaned.” She whispered to him.
He scoffed, “No, need to worry about it. It wouldn’t be the first time these seats have been christened with vomit.”
She looked back at the girls, still with a concerned look on her face as they giggled and slurred.
He placed his hand over hers and a surge of electricity shot through his entire body.
Y/N then looked over at him and gave him a soft smile, “Thank you for staying sober enough to drive.”
Bradley winked, “I was planning on it, wouldn’t have driven myself to the bar if I was planning on having more than a beer or two.”
“I guess DUIs are probably frowned upon in the Navy.”
He chuckled, “I mean yes, but many seamen straight outta boot camp still get them… it’s a lot of fucking paperwork.”
“Y/N… he said semen!” Sam leaned forward in her seat and giggled, making all three young girls burst into hysterical laughter.
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle too, though she tried to hide it.
Rooster couldn’t help but smile to himself as he turned into the parking lot of the apartment complex that your phone was navigating him to.
“This is you girls.” Rooster looked back at the silly trio, “You all roommates?”
Carly shook her head, “Noooo, we’re having a sleepover!”
“Ooh, very nice.” He nodded, trying not to laugh at the girls too much as they stumbled out of the truck.
Sam straightened herself up at waved to Bradley from the curb, “Thanks Dad!”
“Thanks Dad!” The other two echoed, making Bradley laugh.
Y/N shooed them away, “Go to bed! Maybe give each other IVs in the morning if you feel bad.”
The girls stumbled into the building, “Okay Mom!”
She watched them and made sure they were safely inside before turning back to Bradley, “Sorry about them.”
He waved it off, “They’re a trip, I’m happy to be able to help you get them home safely.”
“May I?” She reached for the AUX cord that was hooked up to the updated radio system. It juxtaposed the vintage feel of the rest of the Bronco, but it was a necessity for Bradley to easily jam out.
“Be my guest.”
“What do you like to listen to?”
He looked over at her and smirked, “is it too ironic for me to say Dad Rock?”
She burst into laughter. Oh god, how Bradley’s heart soared when he heard that beautiful sound. Once she caught her breath, Y/N plugged in her phone. “Have I got the playlist for you!”
The intro to Up Around the Bend by Creedence Clearwater Revival started to play through his speakers.
“Oh hell yeah!” He bobbed his head to the beat and turned up the volume, “I love CCR!”
█ ✪ █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█ ✪ █
Bradley drummed his palms against the steering wheel to the beat of And She Was by Talking Heads as he pulled up in front of your apartment. He idled there for a moment before shifting into park.
You sighed… This is so inappropriate. But you desperately wanted to shoot your shot…
He looked over at her, “I just… I can’t believe I saw you again… It doesn’t feel real.”
“Do you wanna come inside?” You blurted out, possibly a little too loud.
He perked up, completely surprised. “Uh yeah. Yeah! I would love to!” He shifted his car into drive and found a guest parking space for the Bronco.
You started to reach for your door handle but Bradley stopped you, “Don’t you dare touch that door.”
You blushed, remembering how he scolded you earlier in the parking lot of the Hard Deck for the same thing.
He got out of the car, walked around to your door, and opened it for you.
“An officer and a gentleman.” You winked at him as you climbed out.
He offered you a hand for assistance, “Now you’re gettin’ it.”
You accepted, placing your hand in his— again that feeling of electricity jolted through you.
He gestured for you to walk ahead of him, “Lead the way.”
You began to ramble as the two of you walked to your building, “So I’m not much of a beer drinker but I do have seltzers, wine, liquor, and all kinds of mixers. Don’t feel like you have to take anything if you don’t want it though. I can also put a pizza in the oven—“
You were interrupted by a large hand on your shoulder, again with the electric feeling.
“That all sounds wonderful.” Bradley said sweetly, “Please don’t make a fuss over me.”
You sighed, “Sorry, can’t help it. I get nervous.”
“You don’t need to be nervous with me.”
“So was I correct in hearing that you told the girls to do IVs on each other in the morning?” Bradley questioned polishing off the last sip of his glass of wine.
You promptly refilled his glass and your own, finishing the bottle you opened together. “You are correct.”
“What the fuck?” He was absolutely tipsy now.
“Obviously we don’t do it often,” you explained, “But after a night out, you feel crappy and dehydrated… give yourself a bag of IV fluid and you’re golden for the day. Nurses have actually made businesses out of going to people’s houses and giving them.”
Rooster was so shook by the information he was receiving, “Where do you get the stuff?!”
“I’ve collected some from hospitals over my time working there. As I said, I don’t do it often but… it’s nice to have on hand.” You shrugged.
He smirked, “What are the odds I can get you to give me an IV sometime?”
You laughed, “Bradshaw, I gave you tons of IV fluids two weeks ago!”
“That’s different, I was a patient!” He sipped his wine, “That’s not as fun as getting drunk and having one the next morning.”
You scanned his arms, “I mean… ya do have some great veins.”
He looked down at his arms, “I have never had anyone tell me that before, especially not so sensually.”
You burst out laughing, “Sorry! Good veins are like Nurse Porn. We love them.”
Bradley shook his head, “The more I learn about this profession, the weirder it gets. First you’re telling me about older nurses eating their young; now you’re telling me you all are into vein porn!”
Your laughing continued until your stomach started to hurt. It has been a really long time since you laughed this hard. You looked over and caught him smiling at you, “What?”
“You have a great laugh,” he explained, “I remember the first time I heard it. You were talking to me while I was intubated and drugged up.”
“You remember that?” You asked in disbelief.
He nodded, “How could I forget the first time I felt human in that place?”
You placed your hand over his, this time instead of electricity, there was a wave of calm with your touch.
He turned his hand so that his palm was up and holding yours, “You made me feel like I could actually get better.”
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⊹ kissing their tsum
premise. maybe leaving their tsum somewhere to come back to wasn't such a good idea anymore when it's clearly taking the attention of the person they like.
parts. riddle, leona, cater, jack, sebek, epel
content. gender neutral reader
cw. written by someone who hasn't played through the event and does not know shit lol
floyd leech
bro help his tsum.
octavinelle residents don't know if he likes his tsum as a plushie or likes it because he can play with it.
also they ran away when they heard that while slowly stretching out the body of the tsum floyd just casually said "wow brings me memories!"
which is already gives the residents an idea of what kind of memories he was exactly reminiscing 💀.
he's either in one of the two moods; cuddly mood where he just glomps his tsum when there's nobody to squeeze, or the mood where he doesn't really spare his tsum a glance.
jade is the one that takes care of the tsum lmao.
as in putting it somewhere like the top of his bed neatly when the tsum is discarded under his?? bed??
jade goes like: oh there it is. when h remembered floyd mumbling about a missing tsum.
if there's one thing floyd won't look it's at the most obvious places Lol
when he brings his tsum along it's very likely he was interested enough to bring it and lost the interest midway so he just leaves it in the classroom knowing no ones gonna touch a miniature floyd leech.
though after he finished chasing off some random terrified student that started to bore him, he just flat out told them that they're lucky and leaves 😭.
student rn: 😥 I wanna transfer so bad
while he's skipping away back to his classroom not minding everyone just clearing a path for him.
even thought he's clearly in a chipper mood no one wants to try him lol.
said chipper mood immediately PEAKS when he sees you squeezing the tsum like he'd to you then you'd have this tight cringe on your face almost like you were suffocating so cute!
and wow a kiss?? count him in bro.
people would think that he'd get jealous but NO. I bet floyd thinks that the tsum is some kind of extension of him so essentially you're kissing floyd too!
when you notice floyd walking over to you there's a certain look in his eyes as he opens his arms.
and just glomps, and snuggles into you with a very happy eel sigh.
won't you give him a kiss too so his tsum can feel it?
#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#floyd leech x reader#floyd x reader#floyd leech#twst#twisted wonderland#twst fluff#twst imagines#twst scenarios#twst headcanons#x gn reader#twstnexus
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too sweet (k. namjoon)
i’d rather take my whiskey neat,
my coffee black and my bed at three
you’re too sweet for me,
you’re too sweet for me.
summary: in which kim namjoon is their husband. nothing more, nothing less. their beautiful, delightful, wonderful husband.
pairing: namjoon x reader
word count: 1.1k
tags: genderless main character, get over it. domestic!joon, incredibly loving!joon, domestic fluff for sure, marriage!au
warnings: none, maybe some strong/sexual language here and there
author’s note: this hozier song makes me think of domestic 9-to-5 namjoon so hardcore it’s painful </3 pls enjoy
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
“Shit,” Namjoon breathes out, throwing his head back and running his hands through his hair. It wasn’t uncommon that he found himself overwhelmed by his workload, but when these times came, they were unpleasant nonetheless. His impeccable work ethic and work mentality was something truly admirable because he would often get through these moments with ease, but even he himself could admit that it was sometimes too much to handle.
He stared blankly at the computer screen in front of him. His brilliant mind had unfortunately started an automatic system shutdown, so there was no way that he’d be able to finish what he was working on today. Glancing at the clock on the wall in front of him, which read 10:23pm, he sighed. Yep, it’s not going to happen. He was more than happy with admitting defeat and engulfing himself into the arms of his waiting spouse.
As he wandered out of his home office and into the living room, he saw his partner sat on the couch, cuddled up in blankets and focused on the movie they were watching on the tv. He approached the couch and took his spot next to them, manspreading and unbuttoning the top button of his shirt in the process.
“You’re done early,” His partner said softly, bringing a hand to his hair and brushing it adoringly. Namjoon sighed, closing his eyes and allowing himself to melt under his spouse’s touch. “Didn’t finish. Was too much.”
“Oh. ‘M sorry,” They frowned in response. “Let me go get you something to drink. What sounds good love?” Namjoon looked over to his partner, his eyes glazed with adoration. That was something he’d always love about them - they knew how to make him feel loved and appreciated through the small things. “Would you make me some tea, darling? The way you make it?” He asks softly, bringing a hand to their cheek to trace it gently. “I love the way you make it.”
A blush crept to his lover’s cheeks as they shyly nodded. Years of marriage down the road and Namjoon never failed to make them absolutely swoon over him. It was the Namjoon charm, a blessing and a curse all at the same time. They pressed a soft kiss to his temple before standing up and heading over to the kitchen to start boiling the water.
“What are you watching?” Namjoon calls from the couch. The truth is that he hasn’t yet looked at the television screen because the only thing he wants to look at is his breathtaking partner. The partner that he was lucky enough to marry, so was damn well going to take advantage of his luck by looking at them as much as humanely possible.
“Oh, just some animal documentary. I was trying to find something that I could fall asleep to just in case you were working extra late.” They called back in response. “Love, is decaf okay for you? Wanna make sure that you sleep well tonight.”
“Mm. Decaf is perfect. Thank you for looking out for me, dear.” At this point, Namjoon had moved from his spot on the couch to right behind his partner in the kitchen and snaked his strong arms around their waist. Resting his head on their shoulder, he closed his eyes and let out a hum. “You’re the best.”
“Is this why you married me?” They responded, letting out a small giggle. “For my tea-making abilities?”
Namjoon pulled back slightly, enough to where he could gently spin his lover around to face him. He rolled his eyes and shrugged dramatically. “Maybe a little bit. But also because you’re impossibly beautiful. And extreeemely sexy…” He trailed off, burying his face into their neck and letting his big hands start to roam.
“Kim Namjoon!” They scolded with a laugh, playfully pushing him off of them. “Stop it. Let me make your tea.” While they absolutely loved the feeling of their husband being all over them, they weren’t necessarily in the mood to entertain it. Let’s be honest, it’s almost eleven at night and they would’ve been asleep had it not been for Namjoon giving up on his work for the night.
“Oh right, you were making tea for me. Sorry, got a little distracted,” Namjoon joked, earning a playful swat from his partner. Allowing them to have a little space to do what they needed to do to make the tea, he backed off a little and decided to lean against the counter. “You know I love you, right?”
“You tell me every day. Multiple times a day,” They hum in response pulling out a spoon to stir the tea. “And I love you too, Joon.” Hearing the words come out of their mouth was music to his ears. A dimpled smile crept onto his face as he shyly looked away. “Jokes aside, I’m not sure what I’d do without you.”
“Probably be some boring, disgruntled businessman. I keep you from being an absolute robot,” His lover reminds him without missing a beat. “Not to boost my ego or anything.”
“No no, you’re right. Without you I’d probably be nothing except for my work.” With a smile on their face, they hand Namjoon the cup of tea and he smiles in return, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to their lips. “I know I already said this, but you’re the best.”
“I know I am,” They joked, reaching up to steal a second kiss from their husband. “Let me know if it’s missing anything. I tried to make it with extra love but got a little distracted so I might’ve missed something.”
Namjoon smiles softly as he takes a grateful sip of the tea. He stands in silence for a second as he ponders the taste of the tea, but very quickly comes back with a verdict. “It’s absolutely perfect. Just like you.”
“Good.” His lover blushes, satisfied with his reply. “Well, the least you could do is give me an extra kiss for my troubles.”
He raises an eyebrow as a smirk creeps to his face. “I’m not sure you wanna do that, darling. You know I’m more than capable of absolutely drowning you in my kisses.”
His spouse turns around, back facing him, and shrugs. “Maybe that’s what I want…” They trail off, beginning to walk away from him. Practically throwing his cup of tea onto the counter, Namjoon reaches out and grabs his partner back, pulling them into his arms and kissing them over and over.
As the night comes to an end in the Kim household, all that can be heard is a chorus of laughter coming from a married couple that never truly left the honeymoon stage.
#teenytinyjimin#bangtan#bts fanfic#bts fluff#bts fanfiction#bts fic#fluff#bts namjoon#bts rm#namjoon fanfic#kim namjoon#rm fanfic#namjoon fluff#rm fluff#namjoon x reader#rm x reader#fanfic#genderless
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