#me: ah so it's NOT a loki then :) right?? :) RIHGT>??? :)
worstloki Β· 3 years
honestly i have so many issues with the loki show but i think about the informal dialogue every day. the tva using earth slang i can excuse? cause blah blah they might've been there, might've been vocab from when they were a variant, might've picked it up from another tva agent who got it from earth whatever (awful and inexcusable that we don't see weird fun slang from other planets and cultures though) but like. the mcu going to all this trouble to have asgard be So Fucking Fancy and then loki says "yeah" and "god", exasperatedly, like an abridged "oh my god"... he spent like what. 2 weeks on earth? and you're telling me he picked up colloquialisms (including ones that reference the christian god??) and abandoned his speech patterns entirely? Words Come From Places dear god. reading the transcripts as reference to rewrite the show has me with my head in my hands sometimes
Mobius exclaims it the most but Sylvie and Loki doing it too is so sajhgydvshas didn't Mobius believe in the 'sacred' timeline? Where are the custom TVA swears?? I want to know what they are???
And even we decide Sylvie's picked up Earth slang bc she's spent time there in apocalypses and Mobius and the other agents just like Earth colloquialisms because Kang? I suppose?? idk dude the TVA is awfully Earth-centric to begin with considering what we're shown :/
But even if we put aside everyone else's dialogue Loki's has immediately changed even though he was already an established character... from the first few scenes too, so arguing that he's code-switching and 'got comfortable' enough in the TVA to express himself falls flat.
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