#me: I love to ramble!! also me the moment anyone asks me to ramble: *shortcircuits out of excitement*
wired-heartbeats · 3 years
hello, in the tags of one of your lovely posts (about f/os who are clueless about your passions but are supportive anyways) you mentioned liking to watch breakdowns of horror games you've never played, and as someone who also enjoys stuff like that I was wondering if you had recommendations? or would like to use this ask to ramble about it? 👀
Oh!! Sure thing!! I’m not sure if you’re asking for recommendations of the games or the videos I watch on them so I’ll do a few of both ofjsofidjfjd, I don’t really get to talk about my love of horror games over here since I don’t have F/Os or S/Is (that I talk about) in those universes but I do love me some analyses lol
The most recent game I watched stuff on is Resident Evil Village, I’ll be honest I have not watched stuff on any of the other resident evil games but I caught myself up on the story that happened in 7 and then watched Village and it’s pretty solid, no I didn’t just watch it for Lady Dimitrescu even tho that definitely did raise my interest in the series of it. Some other games i’ve watch stuff on, playthroughs and analysis, thatve raised my interest lately were Bioshock, Subnautica (which is horror by association), Dark Deception, Little Nightmares 1&2 (HIGHLY RECOMMEND, I love LNs), Alice Madness returns, Sally face, Spooky‘s jumpscare mansion, which I’ll be honest I mostly like for the monsters in the monster categories because I think that it’s really creative and neat lol, and Mr Hopps playhouse (The second one just came out but I haven’t watched it yet so I can’t say anything about it but like it’s there 👀) there’s also games that are associated with Fnaf that I always jump on, fan games and games inspired by it are usually pretty good but that’s a whole other can of worms because I really do have a deep rooted love for anything Fnaf 
I would, if you’re going to look up any of those, highly recommend that you check trigger warnings and content warnings before actually starting them in any capacity because there’s definitely stuff that could make people uncomfortable as happens with the horror genre, so please just don’t go in COMPLETELY blind and protect yourself
I have a ton of other horror games that I enjoy but as opposed to just watching analyses on them I often play them myself and or have had obsessions with them such as Batim, Fnaf, Little nightmares (which is in both lists because I haven’t played it but. Dude. It’s good, definitely look up the warnings though) 
As for channels that I watch for explanations, SuperHorrorBro is kinda a go-to for me for explanations if I think I want to get into a game he’s covered or just get the gist of it, there is of course Game Theory, regardless of accurateness on theories, there’s also their sub-channel The Game Theorists which tends to have a bit more variety going on and is fun to just kind of keep an eye on if you’re looking for new content, and then if I get interested in something from there I’ll go down the rabbit hole of looking for creators were specifically doing videos on that game, whether it be breakthroughs, fun facts, Easter eggs, etc, thanks to me looking stuff up all the time sometimes I’ll randomly get breakdown videos recommended to me by YouTube from creators I don’t actively follow and then just watch them and Move on so unfortunately my variety ofcreator knowledge is pretty thin outside of these ones but they’re there and they work as a good stepping stone
I just have a deep rooted love for the Horror and Thriller genres and it tends to cross into my intense love for a story building and theorizing so I tend to get invested in finding out about the different worlds and stories even if I’m never going to actually play the game myself kfndkgnskfndk I also don’t know how long of an answer is too long so I’m gonna stop here but I really appreciate you asking so if do you want more recommendations of a specific flavor or just want to read me ramble on about stuff you can always feel free to ask me more :D
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heroesreverie · 4 years
Hi there! If you're taking them, I'd like to request headcanons for Todoroki, Dabi, Shinso, and Shigaraki with an S/O that has a Let's Play channel.
a/n: hello dearie! i hope you enjoy this request! unfortunately i know next to nothing about video games or let’s play channels, but i tried my best anyways! please just let me know if something is not to your liking <3
todoroki, dabi, shinsou, and shigaraki with an s/o who has a let’s play channel
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he hears you talking in your room....but he’s certain no one else is in there???
confused todo...who could you possibly be talking to?
he wants to let you finish your conversation but it’s been going on for a while and he really needs to know if you would like to get soba with him tomorrow
so he knocks gently and comes into your room....whilst you’re streaming...
“y/n....i’m sorry to interrupt but may i speak with you for a moment?”
as you smile up at your boyfriend the chat goes wild
shoto can’t stop himself from taking a quick peek at your screen as you tell him yes, soba tomorrow sounds lovely
are you perhaps playing some sort of video game?
what are all those comments saying?
you notice his confusion and laugh a little, pulling him down gently to be more in frame
“these are my viewers, shoto! would you like to say hello?”
he pauses for a moment before giving a little wave
he’s ADORABLE and your audience is falling for him FAST
ever since then, todoroki often makes guest appearances on your channel
usually accidentally
your fans love him!! the two of you are so cute together
you teach him how to play games
“y/n, this is not a very heroic game. instead of being so unnecessarily violent, we should hand this over to the authorities.”
“do you think...that bakugo plays too many of these games, and that’s why he’s so angry?”
(todo please you sound like a boomer)
his favourite by far is minecraft
your most successful video series is a 300 episode long let’s play minecraft series where you and shoto have a beautiful house and a ‘humane’ farm. he bakes you a minecraft cake for your anniversary
(baby i’d make you a diamond sword)
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he was lazing around with you instead of doing what shigaraki told him to
hhhhh you were so warm and soft and shigaraki was....not
but all of a sudden you started getting up and switching on your computer??
the only time you’ll ever consider this man “grumpy” is when you deprive him of cuddles
for a computer??!?!
“dollface....what are you doing?”
“i always film my videos at this time!! i can’t stop just because somebody wants to hide from their responsibilities in my bed,” you tease
dabi is confused
once you explain to him, he’s sort of....chill about it?
he doesn’t understand the point of it, but he’s content to be quiet in your bed for a while whilst you film
that is....until you start filming
(going with dabi = touya theory)
he was never really exposed to games when he was younger due to his childhood, and all he hears about it is from those NEETS spinner and shigaraki
but beneath his detached front, dabi listens to everything you say
he raises his eyebrows as he watches you explain to the camera what you’re doing with a smile on your face and a sparkle in your eyes
and his heart melts a little....you’re....so.....pure....
he wants to keep all that purity to himself though...don’t expect him to get fully comfortable with you showing all your lovely little mannerisms to other people in the audience
he can’t be in the video because he will get ARRESTED but he takes you into his arms once you’re finished, now fully awake
peppers your neck with little kisses that slowly become more passionate
“you’re mine, doll, you know that?”
but despite his jealously he still encourages your streams because dabi Respects You and knows you’re not his to control
plus he secretly adores seeing you this happy
wants you to teach him how to play games so he can play with you. has too much pride to ask you though
omg what if dabi was awful at gaming
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he is an eboy. he has insomnia. he is a Gamer.
shinsou is just chilling in your dorm when he sees a game he’s familiar with on your desk
“ah, I didn’t know my kitten was a gamer”
disgusting behaviour hitoshi
but for real he teases you QUITE A BIT about it
especially once you tell him about your channel
he wants to be in a video with you but he doesn’t want to ask
(make him be in a video with you. he’ll pretend to be grumpy but the sparkle in his eyes never lies)
if you like to play more lighthearted and cute games, he’s happy to discover them with you! he thinks it’s a lot of fun and very relaxing way to spend some time with his favourite person
if you prefer more violent games, and happen to get very heated when playing them....he thinks that’s hot
will most definitely take the opportunity to show off that you’re his to all your viewers
it’s not so much pda that it’s gross, but your viewers will definitely notice that pretty hickey he left after someone kept commenting creepy things about you
honestly you two are just such a dynamic duo that you might as well start a joint channel
what can i say, people love to watch two gamers fall in love ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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if you thought shinsou was a gamer....
tomura is a whole other level
but there’s this one boss in his game that he can’t seem to defeat!
(it’s all might in one’s justice JK)
he’s starting to get frustrated now but instead of disintegrating the console in rage for the 7th time in the last month, he turns to the internet
he expects to find jargon filled ramblings of fellow neets, but the first video that pops up fills his room with a sweet voice
hold on....that’s YOUR sweet voice
that’s his s/o???
he shortcircuits a little bit
once he gets over the fact that his lovely angel is telling HIM how to play his own game, he watches more of the video
you actually really know what you’re talking about?
but instead of resuming his game, he calls you immediately
y/n you have a lot of explaining to do....
once you explain to him that you love playing games and you want to share that with the world, he’s JEALOUS that other guys and girls get to see you whenever they want
that’s HIS job!!! you’re HIS
he wants to show them all that you’re very much taken but again....it would be pathetic if he got arrested because he was seen in a “let’s play minecraft: we found diamonds!” video
but don’t worry....tomura makes sure to infiltrate your comments section and shut down anyone who is either too mean to you, or a little too nice
(he totally goes to toga for relationship advice. this is what they came up with:)
he feels more comfortable when you’re wearing his clothes in your videos. nothing too flashy, nothing that gives him away
but his little secret of knowing that you’re coming back to him after you film a video, that everyone watching you will never have you as much as he does?
oh it makes him one of the happiest men on earth
that, and also when he gets to join up with you on animal crossing
video game spouses <3
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