#me: *flippantly reads a moral lesson into a video game*
- alright, time to head back to Far Harbour and tie off all these sidequests.
- i levelled up in the bowling alley, so decided to take the Intimidation perk. it hasn't felt great rp-ways to be just senselessly murdering everyone who looks at me funny, so maybe this'll help me avoid that.
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    - this should come in handy.
- delivered the Mirelurk Carapaces to the Mariner.
- reported back to Small Bertha, she ran off to talk to Avery about moving some settlers into the Lumber Mill.
Bertha: If you give us some of those Acadian Fog Condensers, my friends are ready to homestead that lumber mill. Avery: Surviving is about more than taming Fog. We got to stay together, Bertha. Teddy: Bertha knows this Island better than you, Avery. We give folk some Condensers, materials, and a chance to build defenses, and we'll survive all right. Avery: Well, I won't stop you. But until we deal with the Children of A̷t̷o̵m̸- settling the Island again... It could blow up in your face.
- it sounds like Avery is kind of a play-it-safe middle-grounder just in general. was the late Avery 1.0 like this, adding another reason for DiMA to pick her for replacing, or is this the programming he gave his operative?
- checked in with Cassie Dalton.
Cassie: Wonderful! That's another chapter successfully concluded. You truly are the heroic avenger I hoped you were. That's right, the farm is yours. Your own little piece of the Island. It'll take work to get it up and running again, but you'll have help. Now, I don't have to tell you that the bonds of blood and family are strong, as strong as any a person can know. But if you ask me, the strongest among them is the bond that exists between two married people. That's why the last part of this tale is the hardest one for me to tell. My late husband Daniel was the best fisherman this Island ever saw. He and his crew had a favorite fishing spot out by Brooke's Head Lighthouse. Turns out some Trappers moved into the lighthouse, no doubt because the Island told them to. They're all crazier than a bag of Molerats. Their leader was having a little target practice. Shot Danny right between the eyes. Killed him just like that.
    - (already did this one)
Cassie: Then it's done. It's finally done. All those lives that were lost... all those debts, finally repaid. And it was no son or daughter of Far Harbor who stood up to the Island and avenged the Dalton bloodline... it was you, an outsider. A Mainlander. The final chapter's been written. The story has come to an end. This is a day I never thought I'd live to see. Thank you. Cat: I found a holotape from the last guy you sent to the lighthouse. He thought your whole story was a lie. Is it? Cassie: A lie? No, no. It was true, or at least, there was truth in it. Was there a little harmless exaggeration as well? Perhaps. But some things are more important than the truth.
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Cassie: Look at you, for instance. You've seen the Island's dangers and survived. You've learned something valuable. What's more, the Island learned something, too. It knows you're not some green-backed Mainlander who can't tell up from down in the Fog. The Island will respect you now, and that's more than I can say for most who step off the boat. Well, I'm a little old to leap up on a horse, but I have got something close to a treasure. This is an heirloom that's been in my family for... let me think... oh, for at least a generation or two. The Island knows this weapon. Oh yes. You carry this, and it'll take you seriously. Off you go, now. My story's over, but yours? I think yours is only just getting interesting.
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- “at least a generation or two” pfft. i bet both the head and handle have been replaced a couple of times too. (didn't max out my inventory again, thankfully).
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