#me: “what do you MEAN 'eh'? we've been wanting to wear this dress for days now”
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So I got this really amazing pair of overalls today
And idk what the hell my gender is doing atm (as mentioned in the last two or three posts I am currently very confused on the matter)
But whatever it is, it liked the overalls.
I thought it was gonna be a dress day but nope something about the dress felt off. And then I tried on the overalls and my brain went "YES".
So yeah. Cool spiderweb overalls are now mine and they have been making me very happy.
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tomboyjessie13 · 6 months ago
Upscale Mall - Cairo, Egypt Spring 11:45 AM
A few days after the whole affair with Daniel J. D'Arby, Mariah and Midler took Medea to a convoluted but very fancy looking mall to make up for the incident, as well as the cancelled baseball game that started it all, the mall in question was large and easy to get lost in if you're not from Cairo.
Medea: *Getting tired while carrying their bags* Phew, I never thought I get exhausted in a mall.
Mariah: You don't have one in Morro Bay?
Medea: We do, but not as big as this, frankly my mom wouldn't even let me go to the mall because she thinks that they're a danger to smaller locally owned businesses.
Midler: Ooooh I hate it when parents do that.
Medea: Eh, I don't really blame her, she was born and raised in the countryside and appreciates the simpler things in life compared to the hustle and bustle of Cork. Besides, I mostly sneak off to the mall without her knowing just look for some sports goods and to hang with fri-...I mean, congregate with former classmates. *Huffs sternly*
Mariah: Who needs them? They just abandoned you for your ex.
Medea: Right? We've been friends since grade school, and this is how they repay me? Siding with a cheater?
Midler: They're so fake.
Medea: That's what I'm saying! *Sighs sadly*....I just wished they've listened to my side of the story....
Midler: Well, you got us now, we're all a bunch of misfits thrown away by society for whatever reason, Lord DIO is the only person who saw that we all deserve a second chance, *swooning* that's one of the reasons why he wants to become god of the new world~
Medea: Hm... If you say so...
Mariah: How about some drinks? *Starts walking in the direction of the food court* I heard a Taiwanese man just opened up a pop-up cafe and I want to try that out.
Midler: *Follows* You mean the one with the "bubble tea"?
Mariah: Yeah.
Midler: Sure why not?.....*Looks back* Meds?
Mariah: *Looks back to* Hm?
Medea: *Standing in front of a sports store's window, eyes sparkling. The girls walk to her and finds that she's looking at a white and fuchsia pink American letterman jacket with black and white lining* O3O
Midler: Ooooh, that's a cute jacket~
Medea: *Hyped* It's not just a normal jacket, it's a letterman jacket that only high school and college athletes dream of wearing, football, baseball, basketball, tennis, you name it.
Mariah: My aren't you a tomboy?
Medea: I've always wanted to buy one of these, but my mom keeps wanting to buy me dresses instead even though I didn't want them... Huh? *Sees the price tag and sees that it reads: £2000, this caused her to yell out in despair:* AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! *Slaps her hand on the glass window* IT'S NOT FAAAAIR! *Slams her back on the window and slides down, disappointed* If only D'Arby Elder didn't take my money...
Midler: Oh, chin up, Meds. Enyaba will let you have your allowance back in two days.
Medea: *Pouts* Yeah, with DIO paying me like he's still living in the 1800s.... housemaids get paid less than butlers.
Mariah: *Cringes* Yeesh, yeah that is a bit of problem...*She remembers* OH! That reminds me! 
Medea: What?
Mariah: Ok, hear me out: You and the boys get paid based on your ranking in servitude, but all of us agents who go out into the world performing tasks under DIO's name get paid quiet handsomely regardless of who we are or where we're from, as long as someone he dislikes gets assassinated, the money we stole gets laundered, or the Speedwagon Foundation's secrets gets spilled.
Medea: *Perks up* No fooling?
Midler: It's true, I always have enough bread on the table because I assassinate his enemies ^o^
Medea: *Stands up* But what does that have to do with me?
Mariah: Isn't it obvious? House servants get compensated the same way as the rest of us if they perform the same missions as us! Last month I've dated Kenny and he mentions how he'd wished that he had more money to fix up his new bedroom, so I asked Lord DIO to let him come with me on my mission and he got paid the same amount as me for his participation.
Medea: Huh, I was wondering where he ran off to...So what you're saying is I have to collab with an active agent so I can get paid like them?
Mariah: Yes :-)
Medea: *Hyped* YOOOOOOOOOOOO! 8-D
Midler: SHU! Keep it down! We're incognito!
Medea: *Calms down* Right, I'm sorry. Anyway, are you guys open for a team up?
Mariah: Sorry but no, i'm having a week off.
Midler: Not me either, I got hired for a hit in Madagascar and have to leave tonight.
Medea: *Frowns* Oh, ok, *gives the girls their shopping bags* i'll go find someone else then. 
Mariah: I strongly recommend checking in with Lord DIO first, you know how he gets when people don't report in.
Medea: I know, *starts leaving* see ya later girls, I got some money to reclaim!
Midler: *Waves bye to her* Good luck, Meds.
That bit of Medea despairing over the price tag was loosely inspired by "Ed Edd n Eddy"
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ahungeringknife · 1 year ago
365: March 22
Wolf wasn't expecting to get ambushed by some of her clan after spending the day running patrols for Devrim. But as soon as she landed in the Tower LZ Fox and Rat were there in her face.
"Uh-- can I help you?" she asked, backing up and they kept step with her.
"You're working too much," Fox said.
"I'm working the exact same amount as usual," Wolf said awkwardly.
"Yeah. And there's no end of the world. That's too much," Rat said. She noticed that as much as her friends could they were wearing the same clothes. And not gear. Actual clothes.
"When was the last time you took a day off?"
"Three weeks ago," Ghost said mildly.
"Three weeks!"
"That's way too long," Rat said and Wolf had been bullied against the wall near the LZ. She felt very trapped but also knew her friends wouldn't actually hurt her.
"And when was the last time you and Shin went on a date?" Fox asked.
"About thirteen weeks ago," Ghost said.
"Hey! That's not true. We went out last week-
"Going on a strike is not a date," Ghost told her.
"I mean... it could be," Wolf said, folding her arms. Her friends had a look on their faces that they didn't agree with her. "What's it to you anyway-!" she ended in a yelp when Rat grabbed one of her hands and dragged her away from the wall.
"You work too much!" Fox cried, pushing her after Rat. Not that she needed to. Rat was five foot nothing and solid muscle with stupid Titan strength. Wolf was strong but she had no preconceived notions that Rat could drag her around or manhandle her however she wanted even though Wolf had about four inches on her.
They dragged her all the way to Fox's apartment in the wall and quite against her will shoved her into the bathroom to shower. Wolf grumbled under her breath as she cleaned up and when she left the bathroom in a towel she saw her friends and Ghost conspiring and talking about clothes.
She wasn't going to make it out of this alive.
"Wolf have we told you you're pretty lately?" Fox asked her when she saw Wolf.
"... No?" she said slowly, sensing it was a trap but not sure how.
"Because you're really pretty and are completely useless and never look nice!"
"I'm only busy saving the solar system!" Wolf cried, indignant.
"Irrelevant," Fox flapped her hand at her.
"My armor is the height of fashion I don't know what you're talking about," Wolf said sourly, folding her arms.
"Eh, she's got a point there-
"Do not give her any points," Fox scolded Rat.
"What is this all about anyway?" Wolf asked, still naked except for a towel.
"We think you need to take the night off and go on a nice date with your boyfriend for once," Rat said.
"... Since when do you even like Shin?" Wolf asked, blinking her purple eyes at her friends in absolute confusion.
"That's not the point!" Fox cried and Rat snickered.
"We've resigned ourselves to you having terrible taste in men but at least we can make sure you're enjoying yourself," Rat said.
"He's not even the worst guy I've seen," Wolf huffed, arms still folded. She sounded so whiny but she deserved to be! She'd been abducted by her friends and they were conspiring to put her on a date with her own boyfriend. Boyfriend she lived with mind you! She saw Shin every day she was in the Tower.
"Small miracles. Now then, Ghost, lets see those outfits we talked about," Fox said to Ghost.
"Ghost don't you dare- Ah!" she cried when Ghost took away her towel and dressed her in... a dress! An actual dress. She immediately grabbed it and pulled it down because it wasn't long enough at all and had straps and you could see her shoulders and chest and she was horrified. Her face burned dark in embarrassment.
"It's cute," Rat said.
"Shows off your hot ass legs," Fox said.
"No!" Wolf shouted. Her friends and Ghost laughed. "So glad you find this funny! Ghost get this off me before I walk out of here naked," she threatened.
"Don't do that," Ghost said and changed her clothes so it was a blouse and knee length skirt that was still too short. She didn't like skirts. She tugged on it awkwardly.
"That's so cute too," Rat said.
"I told you they'd be cute," Fox agreed.
"I don't like it," Wolf whined.
"You're such a baby," Rat said.
"I don't like ittttt," Wolf whined louder.
"I don't think she'll like any of the dresses or skirts," Ghost said and when he dressed her again she was mercifully in pants. Oh thank the Traveler it was pants! The shirt was completely skin tight in a way that was supposed to make her boobs look bigger as if she and Ghost hadn't had several talks about how big she wanted her chest to be when she'd been a Kinderguardian.
"Damn girl! I didn't know you had boobs under all that leather you usually wear," Rat laughed.
Face flushed with embarrassment Wolf folded her arms over her chest. "Just do the next one I'm not wearing this."
"Shin would like it," Fox said.
"I don't dress for men," Wolf huffed.
"Eh, fair enough," Rat said.
They went through a few more outfits and they were all for Rat and Fox's tastes. She didn't like any of them. "Where are the hats?" Wolf asked. "Or the scarves or pockets?"
"You're not wearing a hood on your date," Fox said.
Wolf pouted, arms folded again. "Ghost, call someone who knows how to dress a Hunter."
"Cat doesn't want anything to do with this," Fox said.
"I know what she meant," Ghost said.
His shell popped open a moment later. "Wolfy honey what's the matter? Ghost said you're being tormented by your clanmates?" a female voice said out of him.
"They're making me wear clothes to go on a date and neither of them know how to dress a Hunter. I hate everything!"
"Hey! We picked perfectly cute outfits. It's not our fault you have no taste," Rat complained.
The voice over Ghost giggled. "I see. I'll be over in a minute." Ghost closed.
"Who was that?" Fox asked.
"My 'fake' ex girlfriend Lana," Wolf said.
"Ohhh! Right her. She was nice," Fox said.
"I can't believe you're doing this to me," Wolf complained.
"We haven't even gotten to make up," Rat said cheerfully. Wolf just slumped into the couch in Fox's room while her friends giggled at her expense.
Lana appeared after a few minutes once she was let in by Amelia. She was just a burst of brightness in the room immediately, took one look at Wolf and the others and went: "Well your first mistake is putting her in capris. In this weather!? Not to mention all these colors are for fall and it's spring."
Being treated like a dress up doll was still painful but at least Lana understood Wolf's desire for layering and she let Wolf have a head scarf which was enough like a hood to make her feel better. Wolf just stayed quiet while the two Warlocks and lone Titan dressed her up and argued about color. She was already exhausted by the time they were done.
"I've never done makeup on an Awoken face," Lana said thoughtfully. "Especially blue, it seems hard."
Fox rolled her eyes. "It isn't that hard. It's just like doing it on brown your pallet is just shifted."
"Girl you would say that you're purple," Rat huffed.
"Do I have to?" Wolf whined.
"Yes," they all said and Wolf groaned and slumped in the chair she'd been put in.
"At least we aren't doing your hair," Lana said helpfully. "You get to wear your scarf."
"Yeah," Wolf allowed.
"Sit up pretty girl. The quicker we start the quicker me and Fox will be done."
"Ugggh," Wolf sat up and let them cover it with makeup. When they were done she looked like just a smoother, hotter, version of herself but it looked like she wasn't even wearing makeup. Even though she absolutely was because she could feel it and it took serious self control not to touch her face.
"Too bad you always wear your helmet, you're hot enough to turn heads," Lana sighed longingly.
"Yeah, that's why I wear it," Wolf groaned. "Are we done? Can we be done? I want to go home-
"Home? No way. Your reservation is coming up," Rat said.
"Reservation-- right. You guys are making me go on a date with my own boyfriend," Wolf bemoaned.
"Yes! Stand to do some normal couple things," Fox said. "Go have a nice dinner date, maybe go do something fun in the City and go home-
"And fuck," Lana said cheerfully.
"EW!" Rat groaned.
"If I wanted to fuck Shin I wouldn't have to do all this, trust me," Wolf sighed, leaning to the side. Lana giggled and her clanmates looked so upset about this line of talk. "He's a sucker for me telling him how good his cooking and eating is-
"Okay that's enough," Rat said, golden brown face bronzed red in a flush.
"Anyway. Ghost, Amelia sent you the location of the restaurant. Make sure Wolf makes it there in one piece hmm?"
"Of course," Ghost said.
"So I'm allowed to leave?" Wolf asked.
"Oh thank the Traveler," and the other girls laughed at her as she all but ran out of Fox's apartment.
It was a fancy restaurant. Which explained why she was in such nice clothes. At least it was pants and a nice fluffy, silky, blouse. As she assumed Fox had made the reservation in her real name and not Wolf to avoid being known. Not that she looked like a Guardian dressed like this. She said her party would be coming soon and was shown to a table.
It was a nice place all things considered but not her speed at all. She wasn't a fancy restaurant sort of girl. Never had been. She'd rather be home eating whatever Shin was making for dinner. She played with the cutlery while waiting for Shin.
She didn't have to wait long. She barely recognized him too! "Oh," she said when she saw him.
"I guess your friends got to you too huh," Shin said and slid into the chair opposite her. She'd never seen him in nice clothes before and had actually put product in his hair. And he was also wearing some make up. It was hot as shit honestly. Unlike her he wasn't allowed to wear a head scarf or a hood of any sort and she knew it was driving him crazy.
"Yeah," she said.
"You look beautiful," he told her. "You always do but I wanted to make a point of saying it," he said. "I'm sure you're as harrowed as I am?"
"They wanted to put me in a dress," she said, scandalized. Shin covered his mouth to muffle his laughing. "What happened to you?"
"Lizard and Bear showed up while I was cashing out some Crucible tokens and you'd be shocked to know Bear grabbed me by the scruff and said I was coming with them. Didn't have much say after that," he sighed and leaned back in the chair. When he kicked out his legs he let them rub against Wolf's.
"Fox and Rat ambushed me when I showed up in the Tower," Wolf said.
"You got good friends but they could stand to mind their own business," Shin said and Wolf giggled. He picked up the one page menu, "So I guess we're pretending to be a normal couple and have a dinner date huh?"
"I guess," Wolf said.
"At least they picked a vegan place," Shin said looking over the menu.
They did order dinner but their table was quiet. This was not a situation either of them were exactly excited being in. They'd been on a few dates out in the City to eat out but nothing like this. It was far too fancy and demure in the restaurant and different from what they were used to. When their food came they ate without talking too.
"This sucks," Shin said as he was eating.
"It's bad?"
"No. It tastes fine. This date sucks."
Wolf hesitated and then went, "Yeah. Kinda."
"I make fun of people who come do this stuffy shit." She made a noise he interpreted as 'yeah same'. "You think your friends are watching the exit?"
"Maybe? They seemed pretty intent we have a normal date," Wolf said.
They looked at each other across the table and then Shin smirked, "Wanna finish up and then go dick around the AAZ?"
"Oh yes," she said. "Anything to get out of this shirt-- do not," she added seeing the look in his eye.
"I'm just saying I could help with that," he said with a smirk.
They finished their meal and Wolf didn't wait for the check. She just left a brick of purple on the table and dragged Shin out of the place. "Ghost, get me out of this shit," she said as they left the restaurant.
"Well it was nice while it lasted," Ghost sighed but did shimmer and in moments Wolf and Shin were dressed back in their familiar armored suits sans helmets.
"Much better," Wolf said.
"I'm getting a call from Amelia," Ghost said.
"Ignore her. Screen clan calls until tomorrow," Wolf huffed. "And bring my ship around."
"I did Shin's already," Magpie said in his quiet helpful way.
"Let's go shoot or blow something up," Wolf said and for the first time in the date she smiled widely at Shin.
"Thought you'd never ask, darlin'," and their Ghosts transmatted them both up to Shin's ship.
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argumentl · 3 years ago
The Freedom of Expression -  Niconama Live : Vol:02- First half
Part 1
K: Hi, welcome to another Live broadcast of the Freedom of Expression on Niconama. I'm Kaoru of Dir en grey.
J: Yep, good evening, I'm Joe Yokomizo
T: I'm Tasai from Tokyo Sports.
J: Kaoru, you just said that without looking at the script, right?
K: Eh?
J: You memorized it in advanc, haha
T: Haha, whats wrong with that?
K: Even I can just about memorize it, haha.
J: Well, we've been doing this for so long, and...
K: I just took a sneaky glance at it.
J: Ah, but you were looking towards the camera the whole time, and I thought 'Ahh, he's  saying it without reading the script!'. I couldn't help applauding. So, yes, once again, this is the 2nd live broadcast, and its different for everyone, including us. We have proper mics now instead of that thing that kept falling over, right? We've evolved quite a bit.
K: We had a proper meeting for it too, didn't we?
J, T: Yeah
J: Right on time too. That in itself is amazing. Uh, Kaoru, remind us again how you felt about last time.
K: Well, last time was a special episode out of the blue.
J: It was, yeh, cause we were wearing costumes.
K: So it it feels kind of plain now comparing it to that, but it'll be the content that we'll focus on from now.
J: Yeh. Was there any parts from last time which you felt like you wanted to fix?
K: I think we were too serious with the games.
J: Haha
T: Yeh, people were saying they wanted to be killed.
J: They were, yeh.
K: Maybe we could be more positive about it next time.
T: Haha, definitely.
J: Well, we've got a lot in store this time. Now, lets see...So, as for these live broadcasts on our niconico channel, the most important thing is viewer participation, thats what makes the show exciting. If you have any comments today, please please write them...ah, there are people from overseas too.
T: There are a lot of people commenting already.
J: Yes..can you put colours, on it too? Its ok, right? You can choose your own. Yes, so please send us your comments. And for people using twitter, you can use the tag # TFOE. Now, as for the themes for today...well, Kaoru has just finished the tour with Dir en grey. So, today, we'll talk about various aspects of the Tour21 Desperate. Firstly can you give me a short word to describle your feelings having finished the tour.
K: Well at first... I mean, now, the situation is easing somewhat, isn't it? But we didn't have this sense when we started the tour, so I was worried about what was going to happen, and whether we'd be able to finish the tour safely....but we managed it ok, well, I mean, we did have to postpone some dates, but I'm glad that we did finish the tour safely.
J: Ah, yeh, we are getting a lot of comments now. Someone said they attended Sendai..Yes, people who attended the tour, please tell us your thoughts in the comments. So, again..
Kami: I attended too, you know.
J, T: Oh, Kami!
Kami: I went too!
J: Where did you go?
Kami: Haneda
J: Haneda? Were you there the same day we were there?
Kami: Yes, I went to both days.
J, T: Ehh?
T: You should have said hi!
Kami: You saw me though, right?
T: Eh?!
J: Eh?! Did we?
K: Haha, sure you did, right?
J: Did we?
K: I don't know, did you?
J: I saw you, Tasai, didn't I?
T: Yeh, just briefly.
J: Like, just in passing at the concert...but did I see Kami too?!
Kami: Oh, this again...you are bad.
J: No way!
T: There was no cute cat like this at the concert.
K: Hahaha, even if there was, we wouldn't know.
J: Haha, Kami cat..
T: Ah, there are loads of comments...'It's because gods are invisible'...
J: Ah, yeh, if anyone who went to the show actually saw Kami, please tell us in the comments! Like where was he sat, and stuff, or did anyone see him going to the toilet or anything like that?
T: 'I didn't see the swindler'
J: Who?
T: You!
J: Oh, me?! Because of the takoyaki incident? You're all really dragging that one. Ah, yes, we didn't dress is costumes for the live. 
K: Yeh
J: I think I came to the live after doing a broadcast, so it was bad timing in terms of wearing a costume.
K: Ah, nah, you could have changed in the toilets.
J: Yes, thats true. Kaoru, you wore that costume on day 2 didn't you?
K: Yes.
J: Kami, did you wear a costume?
Kami: You saw me, right?
J: Really??
K: Didn't he say he was gonna dress as some god?
T: Yeh, Million God, haha.
J: Well, yes, everyone, please do comment with your thoughts on the tour. Uh, so we are also taking questions, right?
T: Yeah
J: So yes, we will take questions on air, so there will be a mix of your questions and comments while we talk to Kaoru about his reflections of the tour. ??? So, please take part.
T: Well, Joe, I have a message right here to read out.
J: Oh, please..
T: Uh, Nickname: Yukino san says 'Good evening, Kaoru, Joe, and Tasai. Well done on finishing the tour. I attended three dates in Kanto, but the most memorable thing for me was seeing Kaoru headbanging right in front of me after such a long time.' ....
K: .....Yes...haha.
T: It was the first time she'd seen it in a long time.
K: .....Yes, it would be.
J: Haha, a long awaited meeting, right?
T: The next message is from Yako san...'I went on a headbanging spree during the tour, and my neck got thicker. But it was such a fun time. Please tell us why you chose 'The Fatal Believer' for the double encore at Shizuoka. I was personally so happy about that'.
K: Hmm, yeh...it just felt like thats all we could do. We thought a song which was easy to get into would be good...like, rather than a song that has a lot of detailed developments, we felt something which you could easily get into the song as a whole would be good. Well, out of all the songs we hadn't done. Thats why we chose it.
T: I see.
J: There are a lot of comments in response to the headbanging. Is there any reason why you headbanged after all this time?
K: Well, I usually always do it. Its just cause there has been no tours.
J: Oh right, yes, I see. How did it feel to headbang again?
K: Well, there are times when I don't headbang aswell.
J: Right? How was it to headbang again?
K: Like, I've been doing it every day, so..
J, T: Haha
K: Duing the tour, I mean.
T: Someone commented 'I sacrificed my neck'.
J: Haha
K: Uh, the first date..was it Citta? When we did two days there...well, we'd been rehearsing in the studio before that, all the preparations were going smoothly, and I really got into the right mode. So then, when we did Citta, even though it had been a while since I last shook my head like that, it wasn't that bad. After that we postponed and restarted two weeks later. On that day, my neck hurt so bad!
J, T: Hahaha.
J: When you were on stage?
K: Yeh, I hadn't been headbanging before that, I just play normally in rehearsal. I think its due to been anxious about the uncertainty for the whole time beforehand.
J: Ah, maybe, yeh. You don't train your neck otherwise, right?
K: Yeah, I don't.
T: Does anyone? Haha
J: I don't know, haha, some people might.
K: I do stretches though.
Kami: There are a lot of comments saying people lost their heads. What does that mean?
T: Lost their heads? Like, they shook their head too much.
K: They shook their head so much they couldn't hear anymore.
J: Its like, they sacrificed their neck, right?
K: Yeh
J:...at the live...I think thats what it means. Ah, that comment...'Kubitsuka' (burial ground for heads) Haha. So, everyone, please keep sending in your messages. Ok, before we talk about the tour, you had your first live with an audience after 1 year and 4 months, I think everyone remembers this. It was in June at Tokyo Garden Theatre, Sogai. This was the firsr time in a while for you to perform in front of a live audience.
J: I saw you there too, Tasai, right?
T: Yes.
To part 2 To top page
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years ago
Sutures - Chapter Nine: Lost In Japan
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): chest pain, health problems, getting lost
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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When you landed in Japan, your phone was already blowing up with notifications. 
"Jang Sumi Seen With Min Yoongi's Bodyguard"
"Jang Sumi Joining BTS In Japan For Promotions"
The cameras already waited when you stepped into the airport. You were in the middle of the members, and instead of stopping for pictures like normal, bodyguards flanked in between the eight of you and the cameras. 
You felt as Yoongi reached down and softly took your hand. You looked back at him with a confused look and he just shrugged. 
"They all have their assumptions anyway," he said. "Just keep going. They'll try to get in our way, but just keep going. They won't bother you if you're with me."
You moved through the crowd with Yoongi's hand as your anchor. You heard the various fans gasping and screaming and the paparazzi asking questions and trying to provoke you and the members into a response, but before you knew it, you were in the back of a van and fastening your seatbelt. The satisfying click making you smile. You made it.
Yoongi was beside you. He still held your hand and you wondered if he noticed. His thumb rubbed lightly over your knuckles in a quick, sweeping motion. You didn't necessarily mind him holding your hand, it was just that there was no use for it now.
The van door shut as Jimin got in and plopped down beside you. A few seconds later, the van was moving.
"My phone blew up when we landed," you said. "Apparently, the bodyguard who helped me through the airport was your bodyguard?"
"Oh, yeah," he said, shrugging his shoulders. 
"What did you do then?" 
"Eh, we had plenty of bodyguards," he said. "Since we were in a group, it was unnecessary to have mine." 
"But, Yoongi, I know things have happened to you in airports before. You're an idol. You're a bigger risk." 
"Sumi, I lent him to you and something still happened," Yoongi said, his thumb brushing over your knuckles again, but slower this time.
"You really don't have to worry about us, Sumi," Jimin said. His eyes were closed and you'd honestly thought he was asleep. "We have enough bodyguards and we have Jungkook." Jimin kicked the back of the youngest's seat, who sat in front of him. 
You laughed and dropped the subject and instead gazed out the window at Tokyo. You'd only truly been to the city once when you were a kid, although you'd had many layovers in the Tokyo airport on your flight to and from the US. 
"There's a problem with the hotel," Se-jin said, coming back out to the van. Most of the members were barely awake due to their busy schedules and how they'd gotten used to sleeping on most forms of transportation. "A fire sprinkler in Sumi's room burst and it flooded the whole room. The flooding is contained in her room due to the staff. Are you okay sharing a room, Sumi?"
You nodded. "Yeah," you said. "That's fine." 
"All right, does anyone--"
"I will!" All of the members shouted at once. You were amazed that despite their perceived states of sleep, they all appeared to be awake and fully listening. You laughed.
"She'll stay with me," Yoongi said. 
You turned to look at him surprised. "But, what about the rumors?"
"They know we're soulmates at this point. And, if you got caught staying with one of the other members, what do you think they would think?" 
Your brow furrowed. They already thought you had cheated on Minki with Yoongi, but if the media began circulating that you were cheating on Yoongi, you could only imagine the backlash you would receive. 
"Yeah, okay," you said. "I'll stay with Yoongi." Se-jin nodded and closed the van door as he went back into the hotel to finish checking in. 
"We've rented out the whole floor, so there should be no way anyone will find out," Yoongi said, giving you a small smile. 
"Then, why couldn't I stay with one of the other boys?" you asked, your lips curving into a smirk. 
Yoongi's ears turned red and he looked between you and the other members who watched in loving amusement.
"Just in case."
By the time you all got checked in and everything unloaded, the sun was beginning to set. You saw no point in unpacking your suitcase completely when you were only staying for four days. However, you unpacked your toiletries and headed to the bathroom. 
"Do you need to shower--?" you ask, but the words are left in the air as you notice Yoongi dropping the extra pillows and blankets from the closet onto the couch. "What are you doing?"
"Setting up my bed." He smoothed out the blankets and placed the pillow on one end of the couch. 
"You don't have to sleep on the couch. I trust you. It's not like we haven't shared a bed before."
"It's not that," Yoongi said. "I don't trust the urges. We've only had one, but I'm afraid if we lay together in bed. It would just trigger something." 
You nodded. "You're right. But, I'll sleep on the couch. This is your room." 
Yoongi shrugged and shook his head before falling back onto the couch and crossing his hands over his stomach. "Go take your shower." 
You sighed and went into the bathroom and took the shower you'd been long awaiting. Despite the coffee having been spilled on you hours before and changing into Yoongi's shirt, you could still feel the sticky cream-filled coffee on your skin. You undressed and folded Yoongi's shirt and placed it on the counter so that it wouldn't get wet and continued to undress. Only when you had finished did you realize that you'd forgotten to bring your pajamas with you. 
"Yoongi?" you asked, peeking your head out the bathroom. "Are you awake?"
Yoongi chose not to respond as you emerged from the bathroom in one of the hotel's white bathrobes. He didn't respond because he wanted you to strip in front of him, but rather, he was hoping to be asleep within a few minutes anyway.
As he heard you shuffle back towards the bed, he heard a small scuffle and you curse under your breath. He opened his eyes to see you standing by the bed as nothing happened. You unfastened the robe and allowed it to fall. 
Yoongi only caught a glance of your bare back before he shut his eyes again, although he felt a stirring in his stomach. He could only curse in his head as he attempted to focus on anything else. He didn't catch a glimpse of anything super sexual, but it didn't matter. Yoongi hoped this wouldn't lead to another urge. While he wanted nothing more than to pull you into him and kiss you up and down your body, he knew he couldn't for the sake of severing the soulmate bond. 
There were a few seconds of silence. He figured you'd finished getting dressed, but the light was still on and he hadn't heard you climb into the bed. He opened his eyes only to be met with a pillow to the face. 
"I knew you weren't asleep!" you said, holding the pillow above your head to bring back down upon him. Yoongi acted quickly and sat up and grabbed the pillow and tossed it to the side. 
You were dumbfounded for a second until you heard Yoongi laugh. "What was your plan exactly?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanted to prove you were being a creep." You wiggled your eyebrows as a smirk came over your face. 
"Hey! I didn't see anything. I kept my eyes closed."
"Mmm," you said. "I don't believe you." 
Before Yoongi could respond, a silence came over the two of you as you both simultaneously realized that you were straddling his lap and you could feel him pressing into you. 
"Sorry," he whispered as you climbed off of him. 
You shook your head. "No, it's okay. You didn't mean to. Let's, uh, let's go to bed."
"Wait, Sumi, what are your plans for tomorrow?"
"I just plan on going out and exploring a bit. I've never got to explore the city. Probably do some shopping, visit temples." Your eyes narrowed in curiosity. "Why?"
"I'll be working," he said. "Just make sure to get back here before me so we don't risk anything. I'm supposed to be done with the fan sign at five." 
You nodded. "You don't think being away from each other in general will cause anything?" 
It was only then that Yoongi realized that you hadn't been away from each other for nearly two weeks. While you might not be physically together, you were always within the same building or space. "I think it's been enough time." 
You nodded as you climbed under the covers of the bed and reached over to turn off the bedside lamp. Even in the dark, Yoongi could make out as you pulled the covers up to your chin and turned on your side. It made him smile. 
"Goodnight, Yoongi."
Your knees ached by midday, but your day alone in the city had been one of the best you'd had in years. You hadn't been truly alone for what felt like months. Sure, you slept alone and you could easily duck in the bathroom for five minutes of peace, but this was freedom you didn't think you'd have after the whole soulmate thing happened.
Yoongi was gone when you'd woke up that morning, the blanket tossed to one side of the couch. Not neat, but not exactly messy. It was odd, not feeling the aching in his chest when he was gone. You knew there were exceptions for when you were obligated to be apart, but since Yoongi worked so much, maybe it wouldn't be so horrible.
Your mind had still wandered to Yoongi throughout the day. Occasionally, you'd see a BTS ad campaign or someone wearing merch, but what really caught your attention was a small Kumamon figure. It was clearly meant to act as a paperweight or just to decorate a desk. You'd noticed that Yoongi seemed to like the character and after a quick Google search, it was confirmed. You bought the figure and tossed it into your purse.
With shopping bags in your hands and your camera in your hand, you managed to use your one free hand to pull out enough money to buy a taiyaki. You thanked the woman who handed it to you in your best rudimental Japanese. 
You were a few blocks away and halfway through your taiyaki when you thought to check the time. You nearly dropped the sweet bun when you realized it was 4:50 pm. Yoongi was due to be done in ten minutes and you were at least a half hour walk from the hotel--if not more. 
You rush out to the side of the road and attempt to hail a taxi. The first few passed you, but eventually one stopped and you frantically told the driver the name of the hotel. 
Within five minutes, the driver only managed to get a few blocks because of rush hour traffic. With nowhere to go, you were stranded. You'd gone the whole day without making a scene or being recognized (although maybe because you wore a baseball cap and mask), despite your face on the cover of magazine articles everywhere. And, you were afraid that you were going to have to end up on more of them to get out of this. 
You waited another five minutes before handing the driver a wad of cash that was definitely too much and apologizing as you got out of the cab. Carrying your bags and purse on your arm, you ran across the stopped lanes of traffic and tried to ignore the car horns and confused shouts. You checked the time. 5:01 pm. You ran and pulled up the GPS on your phone and entered the hotel address. 
Your vision blurred and you felt a small pull in your chest. It was warning you.
Something felt off as the van pulled up to the back door of the hotel. His palms begin to sweat and his heart beat against his chest as if he were sprinting. The door to the van opened and Yoongi didn't even remember it stopping or the rest of the members climbing out. 
"Yoongi?" one of the members called. 
Yoongi managed to his feet and out of the van but nearly collapsed against Jin, who grabbed him by the shoulder to stabilize him. He doesn't get far before he collapses against the wall of the hotel, his neck lulling back. 
"Yoongi, what's wrong?"
"Sumi...she must not be back yet..." 
Yoongi hears some talking and shuffling, but barely understands anything as two of the boys lift him up and inside the hotel. 
"They're going to look for her, Yoongi. It will be okay."
You'd made it a few more blocks, although you could barely tell. You were running, even though your vision was so blurred you could barely see. You used the buildings on the side as your guide and hoped you wouldn't bump into anyone. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you honestly couldn't tell if it was because of the running or that Yoongi was back at the hotel. You felt lightheaded and even with your headphones in you could barely hear the directions your GPS was telling you.
The edges of your vision begin going black and you feel your knees hit the pavement. This was it. You hoped a passerby would stop and at least call an ambulance. 
"Sumi!" someone a short distance away shouted.
You couldn't make out their faces, but you could see figures running through the crowd towards you. As you slumped against the nearest wall, you felt yourself being scooped up. 
"Sumi, Sumi, it's okay. We're not too far away. Come on, stay awake." 
You recognized Jungkook's face and allowed your face to fall against his T-shirt. It felt warm, but as you neared the hotel, your senses clearing a tiny bit, you realized it was a little too warm. You remembered back to the day before when you'd accidentally burned Tae's hand. 
"I-I'm sorry," you said. "It doesn't hurt does it?"
"It was just the T-shirt. Don't worry about it, Sumi."
His voice is soft and you can barely hear him over the commotion you're approaching. You can already hear the slew of photographers who are inside the lobby of the hotel and outside on the sidewalk. They haven't seemed to notice you yet, as their camera flashes and yells are aimed elsewhere.
"Jungkook! Jimin!" Se-jin called from the alleyway where he held open a service door normally only used for employees. While your vision had cleared, you still felt out of breath and your heart still convulsed in your chest. 
Jungkook ran towards the door and immediately into a service elevator. He didn't drop you back on your feet like you had expected him to. His arms were slung under your knees and around your shoulders. You wondered why you weren't burning his arms. Maybe because he wasn't touching your skin? Maybe the soulmate curse somehow recognized that he was helping you get closer to Yoongi? Whatever it was, you were thankful that beyond burning a small black hole in his T-shirt, you hadn't hurt him. 
The elevator dinged and Jungkook rushed you into your hotel room. Yoongi was already on the bed, a cloth on his forehead. He was sweaty, his shirt pulled up, exposing his stomach and his hair pushed back. 
Jungkook plopped you down on the bed beside Yoongi. Your breath evened out and your muscles relaxed, but the dull ache in your chest remained.
"Do you guys need anything?"
"Just some water." 
Jungkook went to the sink and filled a glass with water and set it on the bedside table beside you. "Just text or call one of us if you need anything." 
You nodded and Jungkook left the room. As soon as the door shut, Yoongi's arms around you and your face in his chest. His lips came to your forehead and you released a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding.
"I lost track of time," you said. "I tried to take a taxi, but it was rush hour." 
"It's okay. It's not your fault. It was harder than we thought it would be." 
"Do you think we'll ever break it?" you asked. "If this was so difficult, if we can't even be apart due to a simple mistake, even if we were in love, how would we fix this?"
"I don't know. But, you should get some sleep."
"You too." 
You rested your head on Yoongi's shoulder, his arm slung around you comfortably, fitting perfectly against your waist and in the swell of your hips. It was the only place your body would allow you to be, but even if it was just the soulmate curse, even if you didn't love Yoongi, you knew there was no other place you wanted to be than his arms.
You fell asleep long before Yoongi did. Your small breaths tickling the skin on his neck and you were so still in his arms, only the way your chest moved slowly up and down indicated that you were still alive.
He'd never tell you, but he loved the way you looked when you slept. You scrunched your face up like a fussy baby and sometimes you'd make small moans in reactions to whatever happened in your dreams. 
It was nearly 1 am and Yoongi couldn't sleep. There were still pangs in his chest, but he wasn't sure if it was due to the earlier ordeal, or something else. He looked down at your sleeping form and carefully tucked stray hairs behind your ear. The ends of your hair were still a little damp with sweat, but he didn't care. 
You smiled at his touch and burrowed deeper into him. So deep, in fact, Yoongi wasn't sure you'd ever come out.
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years ago
A Gangster's Heart - Tommy Shelby x Reader
A/N : I just felt like writing this because I was feeling weirdly emotional when I woke up. Also, I didn't get a chance to proofread it so please pardon me if there are some grammatical shits. I was on a Peaky Blinders hiatus and I just hadn't written in so long, please forgive me if this is bad .
Warnings : Just Angst , Mentions of vulgarity
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You glared at the man in the Blinder cap that was leaning against the doorframe of your quaint little shop in Small Heath, Birmingham City. You pulled out a small brown box from one of the drawers and slammed it rather loudly against your desk, sliding the keys in as you twisted it around and the box unlocked with an unceremonious click. You looked at the bills that were securely resting inside, and a hollow feeling filled you up when you realized that you had been saving this to buy your mother that dress at the seamstress shop.
"I always pay my bloody rent. This month the business 's tight. I even told Finn that this month I need a relaxation on the bloody rent and I will pay it all with the next month's rent. Why are you here again asking for the goddamn money?"
"Listen, Miss, we really are in no fucking position to not do what Tommy asks us to, so if Tommy –“ the man you knew as Curly shuffled the weight of his body from his left foot to right, and his palm slid into the pocket of his pants as he pulled out a box of cigarettes.
"So if Tommy asks you to jump off a fucking building, you are going to jump off the fucking building, yeah?' Exasperated, you slammed the box shut, and slid it back into the drawer again.
"I can come back tomorrow, Mr. Shelby won't ask me for the money until 9 in the morning. I can come collect it at 8."
You let out a loud groan of frustration, and involuntarily, your elbows came to rest on the desk as you buried your face into your palms. Finally taking a deep breath, you looked up, and your lips parted, your lower lip almost quivering, "Listen, I - I can't bloody pay Tommy the rent this month, the business is tight, and I barely made enough to pay my apartment rent."
Curly almost shook his head, scratching the side of his face as his hand mechanically flew up to his lips and he took a drag of his cigarette. Finally he nodded, and cleared his throat, "T's okay, Miss Y/L/N, I'll inform Tommy."
"You do that." You nodded and watched him leave. Almost instantly, you slammed your fist against your desk in frustration and let out an unceremonious groan, more so at the sudden onset of a headache at the side of your head. "Great, just fucking great."
An hour later, you grabbed your trenchcoat, throwing your arms through the sleeves in a hurried manner, and wrapped your scarf around your neck to keep yourself warm. These days, you were staying at your shop for longer hours, and this meant that you left from the shop at the odd night hours, mostly after 10. You grabbed your house keys, and walked out of the shop, your boots crushing the faint hue of ice that blanketed the streets of Small Heath, and you locked your shop.
Hugging the side of your arms, you started walking down the sidewalk, keeping your head to the ground, when you heard the sound of hushed whispers that made your head snap up in the direction of the voices. For the people of Small Heath, the men who belonged to the Peaky Blinders always stood out, perhaps it was because of how they dressed, and the unmistakable razorblade caps on top of their heads.
Of course, Tommy Fucking Shelby had sent them to probably collect the rent from you. You didn't know what came over you, but the nearest you could classify it as was a fit of rage, as you found yourself walking towards the men, your nostrils flared, and your fingers clenched together in a fist, balling the side of your coat.
"Listen here, I already told Curly that I'm in no fucking position to pay this month's bloody rent. You can all go and tell your boss that intimidating me by sending you lads is not going to fucking get me to pay the fucking rent."
One of the man took of his cap and stepped a bit closer, raising both his hands in the air, "but Miss Y/N, Mr. Shelby hasn't – "
"Oh, please lad. Don't justify the threatening acts of your boss, just because he runs your razorblade gang, it doesn't mean that I'm scared of him. Where the fuck is he anyway? I would rather settle this with him on his bloody face than stand around in the middle of the street at 10 at night and argue with you all." You huffed, as words shot out of your mouth like bullets raining down on them. The man who had began speaking stood there with his jaw slightly hanging, and no words came out of his lips.
"Well, I'm gonna go and settle this at the betting shop. Talk directly with Tommy." Before waiting for them to reply, you turned your tail, and started walking down the same street again, in the same direction from where you had come. But this time, your steps were confident, your head was raised as you found yourself walking towards the Shelby Betting shop.
"Miss, where do you think you are going?" Someone's voice called out as you barged through the front door, and pushed your way through a few men that were already on their way out, ignoring the voice of the man who had called out to you.
You walked up to the massive copper door that held a plate that read TS, and you abruptly knocked on the door. You waited a few seconds when you heard the muffled voices inside the room go off, and heavy footsteps began ascending towards the door on the other side.
You crossed your arms over your chest, and waited until the door finally opened, and you saw John leaning by the door.
Acknowledging him barely, you pushed past him and stepped inside, until you were striding towards Tommy who was standing by the telephone, speaking to someone. His icy blue eyes met yours and he slowly raised his palm towards you, asking you to hold on to whatever you had to say to him, while John just made his way to where you were and fixed himself by your side, giving you a confused look.
Finally, after about a minute, Tommy finally hung up and placed the receiver back, slowly turning to you.
"Is there anything –"
"Cut it, Tommy. If you think you can scare me off by sending your Blinders to do your dirty bidding for you, then you're wrong. Here– " Your fingers flew to your scarf, and Tommy just squinted his eyes, his confusion evident from his face as he turned to look at John and then back at you.
"What are you– "
You pulled off a gold chain that you remembered wearing almost all your life; ever since you were a little girl. It was that one piece of jewelry that you owned, and that you cherished, because it had been given to you by your father. You literally pulled at the chain, hissing slightly as it detached itself from your neck and you curled your fingers tightly around it, and finally slammed it on Tommy's desk.
"There. I hope this will be enough. I don't have anything else that I can give you. I hope to God that this settles it."
Turning around, not even waiting for Tommy to reply, and without sparing a look at his confused brother, you turned your tail and fuming, you walked out of Tommy's office, without giving him another look. Brittle tears stung in your eyes and your cheeks felt hot. You kept walking, ignoring the way your body was shaking, like an autumn tree shedding its leaves until you were outside and fixed to the wall, the back of your head resting against its surface. Finally, you broke down, your palm pressed to your trembling lips as you were taken over by uncontrollable sobs.
You didn't know how you calmed yourself; but somehow you did. You wiped your tear stained cheeks with your sleeve and looked up at the sky for a bit, staring at the moonless night, as you started walking back home, with your thoughts and your heavy heart. You were angry with Tommy Shelby, you were angry with yourself, and how you had to depend on the Peaky Blinders to run your little shop.
You kept walking, until the familiar silhouette of your tiny apartment was visible, it's dull grey white walls a striking contrast to the red brick buildings around it. A lonely flickering lightbulb illuminated the front door, and the windows of the building looked like they were about to fall off. It wasn't the best place to live, but it was home. You smiled to yourself when you saw your mother standing by the kitchen window, her frail little hands working on the dishes as she scrubbed them relentlessly. And just as quick the smile was, it vanished into thin air at the sight of her.
You lifted your foot, ready to walk towards her when a vulgar leer subjected to you made you freeze on spot, "Oi look what we've got here, eh lads, what a pretty little thing she is." You could only look at them, with bewilderment and fear in your eyes, as two men stepped out of nowhere, and fixed themselves on either side of you.
"Yeah, leave me the bloody hell alone," you mumbled as you tried to manoeuvre your way through the space between them, in an attempt to walk away, but one of them grabbed your arm, and pulled you back with a rough tug, "Now who the fuck asked you to leave eh? Fuckin' whore."
The man stank of booze and sweat, and it made you want to throw up. You threw him a look full of disgust, and anger as you placed your palm where the man was gripping your arm and tried to pry his hand off you, "Get your fucking hands off me. Don't you dare touch me."
"Maybe you didn't hear me, you whore. I didn't ask you to leave. Where's a pretty little thing like you headed when I can show you, yeah, a bloody good time?" He only laughed, while his hand suddenly shot out and grabbed the hem of your coat, his fingers now dragging it up so he could reach your skirt. You smacked at his hand, hard enough for the slap to echo back into your ears and tried to move away.
"Maybe you need to be taught a fucking lesson." The man spat at the ground beside you, and the other man grabbed your other arm, as they started dragging you towards the dumpster by the side of the street, on the sidewalk. You screamed, as loud as your throat could, thrashing your feet and trying to get away, but they were two, and you were a woman, nowhere as strong as their grips on you were.
The men somehow managed to drag your protesting form to the dumpster, and they pushed you over it, so you had your front pressed to it, your body bent over it at an awkward angle. You hissed, your eyes closing as reflex when you felt a slithering hand latch itself to your thighs, underneath your coat and the hand started moving upwards, forcing you to try to press your legs together to stop him from going any further, "Quit whining you bitch, and let me show you what a real lad takes a whore like. You must like it rough yeah? You must love to have our cocks smashin' into that tight little cunt of yours?"
You closed your eyes, your throat now parched from the screaming, but you knew, deep down that no one was coming. You were on your own.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" That voice enough was enough to tell you that the men had their death sentences already laid out. Maybe it was Tommy's voice, or maybe it was the realization who he was, the hands that were seconds back trying to grope you immediately pulled away.
"We were, uh, just having fun."
"Would you still have fun if I decide to fucking cut your throats and leave you to bleed to your deaths?" Finally, he stepped closer to you, and that's when the men saw who he was, and the realization finally sunk in, as the pale moonlight now illuminated his face, his emotionless eyes and the vein that popped over his eyebrow.
"Mr. Shelby, we .. we.. oi, get the fuck out of here, Jack.." He screamed at the man that was accompanying him, and the two of them turned around immediately, pulling you by your arm and thrusting you into Tommy's chest, to buy them time to escape. The minute your body collided with Tommy's, his arm immediately wrapped around your waist, his hand coming to hold you from the low of your back to steady to your feet. Once he was sure that you were okay, he roughly shoved you towards the wall, and his form stepped in front of you, shielding your vision from what he was going to do.
"Look away, Y/N," his voice commanded.
"Tommy, please get me out of –"
"What bloody part of look away do you not understand?" He practically snapped at you and the crudeness in his words made you almost whimper and press yourself against the wall, as you turned towards the wall and pressed your face to it.
Your body shuddered, even more so when you heard the two shots that were fired from a gun, and suddenly it went silent.
"Come on, love," you felt someone place his arms over either of your shoulders , almost pulling you towards him and slowly, numbly you turned around, tears freely spilling down your eyes, the shrill ringing sound buzzing through your ears. Tommy pulled you close, almost into his chest, as he protectively wrapped his arm around your shoulder and nudged you to walk with him.
"You killed them, you fucking ... killed them." Words began spilling from your mouth as tears began spilling again from your eyes, and you didn't stop mumbling, it was like your mind was blank, and your lips were moving on your own. It was only when Tommy's index finger pressed to your lips, that you stopped mumbling those barely incoherent words, and craned your neck to look at him as you mouthed, in a low voice, "you killed them, Tommy."
Tommy kept you pressed to himself, his arm holding you as he began walking down the street, and you moved along with him.
"This is who I am. Yeah, I fucking killed them, and I would do it again, and will not feel a bloody ounce of regret if they tried to do that again."
It was as though your mind had frozen out, you couldn't think straight. You were still shaking from the aftermath of what you had just witnessed. When you didn't reply, he slowly let go off your shoulder, and you stepped away, almost immediately. He didn't say anything though, as his hand slid into his pocket and he pulled out his box of cigarettes, "I'm going to walk you home."
"No, I need a fucking drink. Just walk me to a place where I could get a fucking drink."
Tommy Shelby brought you to the Garrison. And now you were seated on a couch, in the private room of the pub that Thomas Shelby owned. You had already drank two glasses of Irish Whiskey and Tommy was pouring your third glass for you, when you finally looked up at him and reached out, roughly grabbing his other free hand that was laying on the table. He immediately looked up, his eyes meeting yours halfway, as you tilted your head and questioned him silently with your eyes, "I appreciate what you did for me, Tommy, but you didn't have to shoot them."
Tommy leaned forward, sliding your glass towards you and he sat back again, his hand mechanically moving up to his lips as he inhaled the smoke from his lit cigarette.
"Listen, there are things that I do, I do them for a fucking reason, I didn't want you to see which is why I asked you to bloody look away." His voice was cold.
You curled your fingers around your glass and lifted it up, bringing it to your lips as you took a small sip of the drink, letting the burning liquid rush down the canal of your throat. When you didn't reply, Tommy leaned forward, his fists clenched and his lips pressed together.
"I can see that you want to say something, Tommy." You almost whispered.
"This is the fucking reason why, I don't like you working at the shop after the sun sets."
You almost snorted at his words, and instantly your glass flew to your lips, and this time you gulped down two mouthfuls of it and placed the glass back, giving Tommy a look that reflected the annoyance you felt at the situation, "Are you telling me it's my fucking fault, that I wanted this to fucking happen?"
"If I wasn't there on time," Tommy almost began, but his voice was incredibly low, and he immediately stopped his words from spilling out, thinking that you hadn't heard, but you had heard him nonetheless, "Where the hell were the boys when this happened?"
"What?" Your head snapped in his direction, as you gave him a look of confusion.
"Nothing. Come on. I'm gonna walk you home."
"Thomas –" You stood up almost immediately, your eyes burning a hole at the back of his head. "What did you mean about the boys?"
Tommy took a last drag of his cigarette before stubbing it into the ashtray as he stood up, and slid his hand into one of his pockets, before placing your gold chain on the table.
"Curly told me of the word he had with you today. And I told him that it was alright." He pressed his palm against the chain and slid it towards you, pulling his hand away. You kept glancing at the chain for a few seconds before you slowly lifted your gaze, fixing it on him.
"I don't understand. Then why were your Blinders following me?"
"They weren't. They were just doing what I had asked them to do."
You stood up, striding towards Tommy until you had placed your palm on his arm, and yanked his head towards you so you could stare into his eyes. "You asked them to follow me. So you could get the fucking money."
The man in front of you shook his head, and pulled his arm away, without uttering a word. You watched as he walked up to the door and fixed himself by the doorframe , his back turned towards you.
"Harry? Where the fuck's Curly? Send him in, yeah?"
He cleared his throat, and turned back towards you, not meeting your gaze.
"I won't accept that chain. You should keep it. And as for the rent, Curly can collect it next month."
You opened your mouth, but at that exact moment, a rather flustered looking Curly knocked on the door and Tommy's attention drifted away, "Curly, can you please make sure Miss Y/ L/N gets back home?" Without giving you a second glance, he walked off and you were left to look at Curly, wondering what you had said to him for him to react the way he did.
"Yes? Miss Y/N?"
You walked up to the doorframe, and looked out, your eyes scanning for Tommy but you didn't see him anywhere. You craned your neck back so you were now looking at Curly, "If Tommy was okay with me not paying you today, then why were the Blinders following me?"
His hand flew to the back of his head and he gave you a sheepish smile, before flicking his glance away and then back at you.
"It's not really my place to say."
"Oh alright! Tommy sends the Blinders everyday. He just wants to make sure that you safely reach home from the shop and no one bothers you on your way."
"Harry! Have you seen Tommy anywhere?" You were literally out of breath as you slammed both your palms against the counter and the bartender looked at you.
"Mr. Shelby just left a few minutes ago."
You didn't even listen to anything else, you had already turned your tail and were practically running out of the Garrison, not bothering as your shoulders knocked into people on your way out.
Stepping into the cold, brittle street, your arms reflexively flew to the side of your arms as you ran down the street, ignoring the way the people were looking at you and murmuring whispers amongst each other. You weren't bothered what they were thinking about you, and your eyes were fixed on the man who was now inches away from you, smoke coiling around him and his back turned towards you as he walked down the street.
"For fucks sake, Thomas Shelby, are you really going to make me run after you like this in the dark?" You called out, watching him freeze as he turned towards you.
"Does that man never listen? I thought I asked Curly to take you home."
Immediately, your hand shot up, and you almost placed your palm up so you could let him know you were speaking. His cold, emotionless eyes moved from your hand to your face, his expressions unreadable.
"I was wrong. But you are worse than me. You send in your fucking Blinders to make sure that I get home safe but never once bother to tell me why. You secretly care about me, but never let me fucking find out. Thomas Shelby, I really don't understand why you do the things you do. You see, from the day I've known you Tommy, the only impression you've given me is that you probably hate me. Or, I don't exist. And then you secretly do this. I am tired of playing these games Thomas Shelby, and I am done begging you to answer. What is wrong with you?"
You watched as Tommy parted his lips in an attempt to reply, but all that shot out of those lips was the foggy winter air before he clamped his mouth shut again. He almost took a step closer and suddenly all you could feel was a weird tension lingering in the air.
"You know what your problem is? You think too much, you bloody assume too much. You're telling me you think I fucking hate you, when all I've ever done is to make sure you're okay."
"Why would you even fucking care about me?" Your voice sounded weak, but you didn't care. You hadn't realized when your lips had started trembling and hot tears had started skimming down your cheeks. Tommy let out a barely audible sigh as he brought his palms closer to your face, his reluctance to hold you pretty evident. Finally, after fighting with himself for so longer, he let his palms cup your cheeks as he pled your face to his, pressing his forehead against yours.
"Some things are best left unsaid, love. I will always care for you, whether you like it or not. Who knows where you'll be tomorrow, who you'll be with, but you will always mean something to me." You smiled when you felt Tommy's lips press against yours, and in those few seconds he kissed you, he gave you all the answers that you wanted, and he didn't even have to say a word.
Permanent Tommy Shelby Taglist ( Fill the form here if you want to be added ) :
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @really-dont-forget-it @thepeakygurl @baumarvel @nyotamalfoy @peakyfooky
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deadlyweapon10 · 4 years ago
Paring: Mina Ashido x reader
Synopsis: Where Y/n secretly crushes on her fellow classmate, Mina Ashido.
Words: 3.5k
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Earthy warm, rich, with a hint of sour components along with heaviness of a cocoa.
The aroma of a simple yet delectable coffee wafted into the nose of the (hair color) as she inhaled its exotic scent. A warm feeling growing in her stomach region as she sipped said drink from her favorite one-of-a-kind mug.
She snuggled into her jacket as she sat outside on the chair that was placed on the deck. With the sun barely rising, the air was perfectly warm and gentle, flowers beginning to bloom and birds chirping, typical for spring weather.
As she sat there with a smile on her face daydreaming away the sound of a door opening brought her back to reality.
"Jeez it's barley 6:30 and you're already up? You're the opposite of Aizawa-sensei I swear, always up while everyone is asleep! Have you even eaten yet?" Said the red-head as he walked into the view line of the coffee-filled (hair color) as a chuckle escaped past her lips. "We've lived in the dorms for a month and a half and every single time you catch me out here it's always the same questions Kiri."
The gentle blow of a breeze passed by as the sound of a busy buzzing bee was faintly heard.
Kirishima smiled. "Do you have any plans for today? I'm trying to see if Bakubro, Sero and Denki are down to go to the arcade. If you're not doing anything then would you like to go with us?" He asked while sitting on the chair next to her. The girl thought for a few seconds before opening her mouth. "I would but I feel like reading today. Besides I'd rather let "the boys" have their fun and do whatever it is that you do."
The sound of an apple being bitten into broke the silence, crispy yet sweet. The second Kirishima swallowed he started talking yet again. "You know, "
"Mina is also coming. You should take the chance to confess-"
"EH?! I have no idea what you're talking about Kiri! Where did you get that idea that I like her. No wait more importantly how did you find out? Ahhhh I practically just told you I do-" Having out her mug down minutes ago, the girl who was in the middle of freaking out continued talking in a fast speed as images of said female flashed in her mind, making her stumble around with her words.
The poor girl could feel her heart thump in her chest and felt all warm inside. If there's anything that could get her to react in such a way then it was simply by mentioning her crushes name. Oh how easy it was to get her all worked up.
"Woah woah calm down! Forget I said that alright. But seriously hang out with us, you need to get out more often. I mean how is it that you have such good fashion sense yet you never leave your room unless it's for food or classes?" He spoke while rubbing the back of his neck, a smile plastered on his face. The both of them stood up at the same time with him grabbing the apples core in one hand and the girls mug in the other before handing it to her. She nodded.
As they walked into the building, now dubbed as their home, they walked through the lounge past the dining room and into the kitchen. Clearing his voice while walking to the blue sofa he looked back at her, "We're gonna be leaving at around 12 to get lunch and then to the arcade that's in the mall. See ya." "Alrighty! See you in a bit."
•°¯'•• 🎀 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅 🎀 ••'¯°•
Having been back in her room for just around two hours gaming on her counsel, she got up and looked at the clock on her pastel (favorite color) wall. 'Mm it's only 9:15. I should go shower now so that I have enough time to dress on my very own existence and to choose an outfit.' That means I have two hours and forty-five minutes, which means at least a good hour and thirty minutes to shower and that leaves me with an hour and fifteen minutes which then means I have a good thirty minutes to think about my life while sitting on the corner of my bed in a robe and forty-five minutes to get ready. Perfect.'
And with that she grabbed her towel, bathrobe, shampoo and conditioner, razor (only if you shave, if not then forget that), body soap, deodorant and comb. Taking a quirk look to see if she has everything, she walked to the bathrooms that she shared with the other girls and instantly began her shower. (If you're african american/any other person I didn't include and you wear a wig then instead of shampoo and conditioner you grabbed a shower cap to protect it. I heard it's not supposed to get wet but correct me if I'm wrong.)
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
After her shower she made sure to brush her hair to untangle it before it went back to being straight/wavy/curly. (If you're like me and you have curly hair then obviously you have to put curl smoothies, protection sprays, etc.) and young-life crisis thinking, she began to look through her closet. Before picking out two different options.
(Option 1)
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(Option 2)
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After a minute on deciding what to wear, Y/n choose the (1/2) option and quickly slipped on the clothes before putting on her shoes. Glancing at the clock and seeing that she only had ten minutes before they were gonna meet up she grabbing her phone along with earbuds/airpods and closed her bedroom door before soon heading towards the elevator.
Scrolling through her phone she clicked a song and began humming along to the lyrics.
By the time she arrived in the lounge, a new song started playing. Looking up she soon spotted the group and started to walk to them when she realized a certain person was missing. "Hey guys where's MinaAAA!" She shrieked as a pair of slim arms wrapped around her body and a head full of pink hair and yellow beady eyes peaked freon behind her. "Hey silly. I'm right here and ready too rumble!"
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Y/n's heart started to beat like crazy again once her brain processed what just happened. Before she could even talk someone started talking. "Let's get going you extras. I'm hungry and I don't wanna wait around all day." Ah yes, Bakugou. "On it bro." Denki replied as Mina stepped from behind me and walked up to Sero and striked a conversation with him. Speeding up a bit Y/n walked next to Kirishima just in time for Denki to start cracking jokes.
"Hey L/n why do bees have sticky hair?" He asked as Bakugou and Kirishima were listening. "I don't know, why?"  "B-because they use honeycombs!" He shouted as he busted out laughing while Y/n giggled. "How do you idiots find that funny? Is your humor that broken." Bakugou muttered as he turned his attention to Sero's and Mina's conversation.
Feeling sorta left out from the group due to the fact that she doesn't exactly hang out with them as much (except for Mina and Kirishima), she took out her earbuds/airpods and turned on her music again. This time 'it's not u it's me' by Bea Miller and 6lack started playing.
Smiling to herself she began to sway a bit to the music as they neared the mall. As cliche as it sounds, music was always there to comfort Y/n. No matter what would trouble her, she'd always turn to her favorite playlist. Once they all entered the mall and headed straight to the food court she turned off her music and tuned in the the groups conversation.
"Hey L/n," Sero began as the girl turned her head to gaze at him and hummed quickly to show that she was paying attention. "What are you gonna get to eat?" "The only place I ever go to grab my food. I'm gonna head to (restaurant) to grab my usual." Nodding, he soon turned to Mina and quickly talked. "Mina since you said you wanted to try something new to eat you should totally go with L/n." "Holy cow dude! You're totally right." She said as she pumped her fist in the air and walked towards me. "Let's go L/n, I'm super starving." Grabbing my hand she started dragging me. "H-hey broski you're going the wrong way." She chuckled as the Pinkette stopped in her tracks, said a loud "Oops." And took the girl in the right direction. (Is Pinkette a word? Probably not.)
Once both girls ordered their desired meal and sat down, they began to eat in peace for a good few minutes before Mina's phone rang. Smashing the accept call, she out it on speaker. "Whafs uf-" She managed to say as her mouth was filled with food. "Hey Pinky, tell L/n that me and the guys decided to skip the arcade and headed to Game Stop and grabbed the new Cyberpunk game. We're currently on our way to the fast-food place near the school and then we're heading back to the dorms." A loud Denki said, as we heard grunts and insults from Bakugou from their side of the call.
'Wait wouldn't that mean that Mina and I are now alone... Is this considered a date? Of course not. As if she'd even like you.' She thought as she then asked Mina why they suddenly decided to switch their plans so suddenly without saying a word in the first place until now. Without a word the girl hung up the call and continued eating.
"N/n you know that American movie where the princess and prince turn into a frog for the whole movie and then they fall in love and miss then poof, they're human again?" Mina asked breaking the silence that once stood there. "Hm? Oh yeah! 'Princess and the Frog'. I watched it before. Sucks how African Americans finally got recognition from Disney and instead they get bullshit since the two main characters are frogs for three/fourths of the movie!" The (hair color) shouted angrily as she stabbed her food. Laughing at the girls reply, Mina leaned forward in her seat. "You know that dessert they show in the movie a lot? Beignets? I wanna try one so bad." Both girls sat in silence as they got lost in each other's eyes.
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Feeling her heart flutter, her gaze shifted back to her food. "How about we buy the ingredients and make it? I made it once for a school fair and everyone seemed to like it. Only if you're down of course!" "Wait for real? Like for real real? Big bet let's hurry up and eat!" And with that the Pink haired girl began scarfing down her food, cho.king a few times.
Once they were both done and cleaned up after themselves, both girls left the area and walked to the supermarket. The duo sparking a conversation about their hobbies and interests, soon made it into the supermarket. Walking down aisle after aisle grabbing ingredients left and right, Mina suddenly grabbed Y/n's hand. "Since it's Saturday me and you should totally have a sleepover in my room. Let's go grab more snacks!" And just like before, she dragged you out of the aisle and into the candy and chips one. 'My poor wallet.' Y/n thought as she silently cried. 'Then again if it means I get to hang out with her more ... Ahh! I need to be more social with her. I mean we do talk a lot but I get so freaking flustered and it messes me up. Then again at least I can talk to females unlike Midoriya. Ha in your face!' Feeling pumped the girl grabbed the snacks that were occupying her friends arms, shoved them in the basket and speed walked to the check out line, payed for everything and with both girls holding two bags in each hand they soon began their journey back to the campus dorms.
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
Entering the dorms, both females headed straight to their rooms and quickly changed. Mina wearing blue shirts with a yellow shirt while Y/n wore (f/c) satin shorts along with its matching tank top.
Both now in the kitchen with aprons on, they took out the items they brought for the beignets and placed it on the counter. 'MISS YOU!' by CORPSE was blaring from Y/n's phone as she bopped her head and hummed along to the lyrics while she added the warm water, sugar and active yeast in a bowl and whisked it while Mina measured the other ingredients, which Y/n soon regrets for the face that a mess of flour was all over the counter.
After mixing the rest of the ingredients in the watery liquid and letting it set on a lined baking sheet, Mina took out the fryer and added oil so that it could be ready for later. "Hey n/n can I play a song?" "Of course silly. I wanted to change the song anyways." Laughing like a maniac, Mina grabbed the phone and quickly typed away before placing the phone back on the counter.
"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead"
The voice of both Smash Mouth and Mina's rang out in the air as the girl started singing the lyrics. "Heyyy you should sing with me! Come on." She said as she twirled around the kitchen floor. Giggling as she put the bowl filled with the dough in the fridge, she began shouting the lyrics right along with Mina.
"Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow"
Now moving her head to the beat, both girls grabbed each other's hands and began dancing like crazy with not a care to the world, swaying their hips side to side as they sang the next verse with all their heart.
"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold"
As they continued singing, they began to clean the dishes and put most of the ingredients they wouldn't be using anymore away and took out a pair of tongs, paper towels, powdered sugar and honey from the cabinets. After a good 30 minutes past Mina turned on the fryer, the familiar 'click' of the knob sounding. Taking out the bowl from the fridge, Y/n placed the soft, glutinous dough on the now flour dusted counter and began following it out with the rolling pin until it was a good quarter inch thick and began to slit the doughy flesh making two inch squares just as Mina grabbed a few pieces and dropped it into the hot oil.
As time went by, they were finally finished frying. All they had left was to dust powdered sugar and drizzle honey to it. The second they did so, they took half the batch with them along with a few drinks and the snacks they brought and went to Mina's room. Closing the door on their way in the brightly pink room, they sat down on the bed and hopped on Mina's laptop to watch 'A Slap On Titan'.
"Armin had broken the silence as the video zoomed to the top of the wall, the starry night sky coming into view. "Do you ever with that humans could photosynthesis?"
Eren surprised with the sudden question, instantly replied. "What? No."
"I do... I think it'd be cool to be a plant." The scene then changed to show the Survey Corps coming back from a mission."
Liquid shooting out of her nose, Mina laughed as she grabbed a tissue and wiped her face, watching as Y/n pressed a pillow against her face to muffle her loud laughter. The now chuckling girl took the pillow from her face and noticed Mina's smile that was directed at her direction. Shooting back a toothy grin, she got lost in her eyes yet again.
'Ah jeez she saw me laugh... She looks so cute.'
"You know the beignets were really good." Mina said as she scooted next to her and leaned her fuzzy head on the girls shoulder. "You think so? I hope the others enjoyed the ones we left for them. I'm so happy we got to spend today together! I would have never expected this to happen ya know?" 'Play it cool Y/n. This is no big deal at all, she's probably just a bit exhausted from all the walking and baking we did earlier. Yeah, that's right-'
"You know, I'm the one who told the boys to leave us alone and to head back to the dorms."
That caught her off guard.
"Excuse me?"
Humming to herself, Mina life's her head slightly to look at the (eye color) girl. "Listen silly, I know when it comes to academics I'm not exactly smart, but when it came to you it was easy to figure you out." Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she urged the girl to continue talking. "I know you like me." Y/n's breathing stopped for a second, her heart beating rashly against her chest. How was it possible that the girl she's secretly liked from a distance knew? "Listen I-" She was cut off as a pair of soft pink hands covered her mouth.
"Hold up! Hear me out before you start talking. I sorta found out a few weeks back when I overheard you tell Iida about your feelings. Ever since then I confronted him and I made up this plan for both you and I to hang out alone. Like a date but it's not a date since you wouldn't know? Ahh anyways after I came up with the plan I began noticing how you'd act completely normal around the other girls, but when it came to me you'd barley mutter a word, despite you being super-duper confident." Y/n felt herself breathe again as she stared at the girl, her eyes now filled with curiosity and her head amused at the girls statement. She took the words to heart and found it to be true when she said she'd act differently around her. I mean how could she not when her heart would beat fast, her stomach flutter in nervousness and her brain would completely shut down on her.
"So wait... You like me?" She spoke slowly to make sure her voice wouldn't just randomly give up on her. Now sitting up straight, the pink haired girl nodded as she shyly smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. "I do."
'She likes me..'
The second her brain processed the two words, she locked eyes with her and then shut them down before slowly leaning forward. The feeling of her plump, powdered sugar dusted lips faintly against hers before both girls lips soon meshed into one and began harmonizing as if creating a symphony. It felt passionate and intense, yet delicate and sweet.
Sweet like the honey from the beignets they had moments ago. The floral yet earthy taste now onto her very own lips. Deliciously golden and wild. The strong fragrance drifting slowly to her nose, similar to a white dandelion falling slowly to the ground after being blown by the wind on a vibrant, sun-filled day.
They both soon pulled away, gasping a bit for air. Y/n felt her body get warm as she realized what just happened. "I like you, Mina. A lot. And I'm glad you like me too." She finally confessed. "Finally n/n, I've been dying to hear you say that. Now then let me ask you this, will you be my girlfriend?" Mina asked, her eyes shining as bright as a star in the dark. Y/n leaned forward and kissed the girls nose before speaking. "I'll be happy to be called yours," Both girls soon in each other's arms, held one another until she spoke again.
"Out of all the pretty girls in this world, I'm glad to share this space with you."
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obsessivestar · 6 years ago
Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Chapter 30:~Time After Time~ FINALE
Summary: The nights alone have become colder and colder, and not just because of the weather.
Warnings: Angst in the beginning.
Read it on my Wattpad: www.wattpad.com/HiddlesStar
Word count: 2596
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn @cherrygeek86 @peachlobotomy666
A/N: This is it. The final chapter. Thank you so much for everyone that has liked, reblogged, or simply read any and every chapter of this fic. It's the first fanfiction I've completed in almost 5 years, but it's the first I've ever made public on Tumblr. It may be a while until I get back into writing completely, as I've decided to ship some of my creative focus towards drawing. I'm not very good at it, but I aspire to improve. Will I show my work at all? Maybe, if there's really a demand for it (though I doubt it lmao). I may post some Oneshots here or there. We'll see.
Until then, thank you for reading.
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After you'd return home, Tom would start calling you at least twice a day for the next couple weeks. You didn't have the heart to block his number, but you certainly weren't going to pick up and talk to him. You couldn't believe what had happened at that event. You couldn't believe you allowed it to happen. You were always against public sex, but you couldn't help yourself around him. It's like he had you under a spell that forced you to need him. To desire him.
That's why you needed to stay far away from him. It doesn't matter that he loves you. He hurt you, in ways you can't even explain. In ways you don't want to explain. You just wanted to forget that night. Forget your feelings.
Forget him.
Though even after a month of locking yourself into your work, you still received his calls. You kept hearing about the play he was in and how great he was doing, even though the public had finally found out that you were no longer together. You couldn't help but check up on him and his play. While it hurt to hear his name, you were proud of him. You were proud of all he had already accomplished. You wish you could just talk to him and hear him boast about it. You were so excited to talk to him more about it before the big fight. It ate away at your heart that you couldn't hear him ramble about it. Hear the excited tone in his voice. You didn't want to stay mad at him, especially after the last thing he said to you...
Did he mean it? Did he...love you? Really love you? In truth, you were tired of being angry. You just wanted a chance to talk, but everytime he'd call you, you'd freeze up. You wouldn't, or couldn't answer.
That night, you really couldn't get to sleep, and you couldn't put on a happy smile for a stream. All you could really do is lay in bed with your phone beside you, quietly thinking to yourself.
You heard your phone begin to ring, looking at the Caller ID. You recognized the number. It was Tom.
You felt your heart flutter a little. You've been thinking about him all day, and you had wondered if these calls were ever going to stop. Did you even want them to stop?
Before the ringing would stop, you picked up the phone and answered it, holding it up to your ear. You heard nothing. Not even breathing.
"...Hello?..." You whispered, already feeling your emotions flare up. "...Tom?.."
"...You picked up.." You heard him speak, his tone sounding a little shaky. Had he been crying?
"Y-Yeah, I know..." You smirked slightly, sitting up some. "I-I guess I had to, eventually.."
"You...haven't picked up at all...f-for weeks.." Tom whispered. "I-I've just...been calling to hear your voicemail."
That hit you rather harder than you expected it to, already feeling tears well up in your eyes. You didn't want to get emotional again, but it was hard not to. He sounded sad.
"H...How's the play been?.." You asked, giving a shaky smile.
"Good.." You heard a half laugh from Tom. "I-It's been...fun. I...wish you could see it."
You frowned a little, closing your eyes to let some tears slowly fall down your cheeks.
"...Me too.." You admitted, giving a shaky breath. "I...I'm...tired of being angry. I want to talk.."
Tom let out another sigh, taking a minute to find the right words before speaking up again.
"...I was wrong to get angry at you.." Tom spoke, his voice a little shaky again. "I shouldn't of said the things I said, and I should've let you speak for yourself instead of barging out of that house and leaving you with all that paperwork. I regret it. I regret it all. I regret everything I did to you to make you upset, (Y/N).."
You frowned deeply, the hand holding the phone becoming a little shaky. You believed him, but part of you still hurt. He really did break your heart.
You sniffled somewhat, knowing he heard it. "D-Did you mean it?.." You finally managed to ask, your body shivering a little.
"I didn't mean to make you upset.." Tom spoke, though he was a little confused with what you meant.
"I-I mean...at the show.." You let out a shaky breath. "W-When you said you loved me...did you mean it? Or--Or was is just from the heat of the moment?.."
"...I meant it." Tom admitted, giving a slight sad chuckle. "I absolutely mean it. I love you.."
You couldn't help but smile, your heart fluttering up again. You placed a hand on your chest, feeling your heartbeat increase.
"...I love you too, Tom.." You spoke, holding back a slight sob.
You heard Tom give a shaky chuckle. You could practically see his big smile in your head. You missed that smile dearly. You wished you could see it again.
"S-So.." Tom calmed himself, clearing his throat a bit. "Wh-What now? Will you take me back?"
You smiled a little. "D-Do you think this would work? A long distance sort of thing?.." You asked.
"If I could fly you down here to be with me, I would.." Tom admitted. "But this play has me incredibly busy. I hardly have time to walk Bobby in the morning.."
"And I barely have the assets and time to actually start a moving process.." You frowned slightly. "Moving to another country, as much as I want it, would be ridiculously hard on my own."
You and Tom both went quiet for a moment, both of you really thinking about this. Neither of you had the time to help you get to him, but neither of you wanted to be apart for months. Who knows what else may come up during Tom's play? He could end up being gone until Christmas or something. You wanted to see him.
"I'm sure I'll think of something.." Tom finally spoke, smiling a little. "I promise. I'll find a way to you.."
"Don't start throwing money around to get to me.." You chuckled a bit, making him laugh as well. "As much as I miss you, I can wait for as long as you need me to."
"I'm not sure I can.." Tom admitted, letting out a slight sigh. "I'd love to catch
up with you on everything, but it's nearly 3 in the morning and I need to get some sleep.." Ah, you had forgotten about the Timezone differences. He's all the way up in London now, after all.
"I promised to call you before the play. I promise.."
"Okay.." You smiled warmly. "I-I love you, Tom.."
"And I love you, (Y/N). Truly.." He spoke in a warm tone. It made your chest feel all warm.
He hung up first after that.
You set your phone down, feeling your heartbeat once more as a few more tears slipped down your cheeks. You forgave him and admitted that you loved him, but would you really be okay having to wait months and months to see him again? You just wanted to be in his arms again and feel his lips on yours. You were scared of how long you'd potentially have to wait.
Despite that, you were able to get some nice rest. You dreamed of the day you'd get to lay in his arms.
And it would come sooner than you thought.
Another month went by, and you had gotten yourself on to a talk show to talk about your rising fame and upcoming movie. You had never been on one before, so you made sure to doll yourself up a little bit and wear a nice dress. It would be weird going up there on your own, but you had heard and seen from other interviews that the talk show host man was really nice. After fixing yourself up in the mirror, you saw the show start. The talk show host introduced you to the audience before calling you on stage. You smiled brightly as you climbed the stairs and went on stage, seeing all of the people from the audience begin to cheer. All of those people made a permanent bright smile appear on your face. You waved at everyone with a soft chuckle before sitting down on the soft sofa, shaking the show hosts hand as everyone quieted down.
"So nice to have someone new for a change!" The host spoke with a chuckle.
"It feels amazing to be here.." You admitted with a bright smile, crossing your legs.
"So, you've got your first movie coming out, eh? Got yourself quite the co-star, I hear.." They began, leaning forward a bit on their desk. "How was that?"
You chuckled again. People had learned that you and Tom were back together, so you've never stopped hearing about him.
"Yeah. We actually had to live together by that little outdoor set.." You admitted. "I messed up with renting one of the houses, so he let me stay with him."
"And that's how you fell in love, yeah?" The host grinned, being interrupted by the audience clapping for a moment before they'd quiet down. That was so surreal to see.
"I always hear about flings happening between costars on set.." You admitted. "But...my time with him was much more than that. He's treated me better than most, that's for sure."
"You haven't seen him since the beginning of the year, yes?" The host asked. "Has that been hard for you?"
You smiled sadly, placing a hand on your chest some. "It's not impossible, but it's been hard. I'm not upset about it, though. We've both become incredibly busy rather quickly. He's got his play, which I hear is amazing, and I've been streaming practically 7 times a week now that I've had the time again."
"Well, it's good to know you're staying optimistic." The host replied.
"Yeah.." you nodded a bit. "It's been...a little harder these last couple days, though. We call each other multiple days a week."
"Do you have a song you like to listen to?" The host asked, smirking some. "One that reminds you of him?"
You took a moment to really think about that. The question brought you back to the time you and Tom went to the grocery store and Time After Time came on the radio in the car, and when he kissed you in front of everyone in that clothing shop, the same song played. You had downloaded the song on to your phone after that day. You didn't realize how important it was to you until now. Tom even had it on his phone, last time you checked.
"Cyndi Lauper's 'Time After Time', maybe?.." You admitted with a shy chuckle. "It's played a couple times during my days with Tom. I downloaded it after people found out we were together because it was playing in that clothing store when he kissed me."
"Awe, that's sounds perfect.." The host smiled brightly, one of his hands moving under the desk. "You think Tom would give the same answer?" They asked.
"I mean, he's into the older styles of music.." You chuckled, a little confused. "I could call him and ask him later.."
You were too focused on the show host to hear footsteps come upstairs on to the stage, though the surprise was ruined by the sudden erupting screams and applause from the audience.
You turned around just in time for the host to start playing that song over the little speaks around set as you and the man locked eyes.
It was Tom.
You couldn't believe it.
Your eyes immedietly watered as you got up from your seat and ran to Tom, seeing him open out his arms to you. You ran right into his arms, wrapping your arms around his body. You almost didn't believe that this was real. It felt like a dream. How was he here? How did he make time for this?
You pulled back and cupped his face with both hands, already nearly sobbing just from the sight of him.
"Are you actually here!?" You asked with a happy whimper. It warmed your heart to see his big smile. He was emotional, too.
"I managed to find some extra time to get a flight down.." Tom chuckled, though he wasn't able to explain himself fully just yet. Hearing his voice so close to you made you want to just break into happy tears right then and there, so you pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. You heard the audience go nuts, making you smile in the kiss. Tom pulled you closer to him, keeping the kiss locked until he remembered you were supposed to be doing an interview. He pulled back and gestured to the seats, holding your hand as you both sat down.
You could barely keep your eyes off of Tom for the whole rest of the interview. Afterwards, you'd say goodbye to everyone and leave the building together. You spoke outside once you reached his car.
"I've got another surprise for you.." Tom admitted, giving you a warm smile as he let go of your hand. He moved into his car for a moment and pulled out something before going back to you. He revealed 2 one-way tickets. Tickets to the UK.
"Would you still like to move in with me, my love?.." He asked you, looking into your eyes with his big, blue orbs.
Your eyes widened some and your heart skipped a beat. You placed your hand over your mouth before giving a shaky chuckle. "A-Are you serious?..." You asked, seeing him nod.
"With one phone call to a familiar moving company and a day or two, you can be living with me.." Tom spoke. "All I need is a Y--"
"Yes! Hell yes!" You chuckled happily before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into another close hug. Tom flinched before chuckling, hugging you back for a moment before pulling back to give you another deep kiss, inhaling some to take in how soft your lips were. The joy you felt in your heart couldn't be properly described.
You pulled back from the kiss to wipe all the tears that had run down your cheeks, including some of the makeup makeup had on. "I'm gonna end up crying all day.." you joked with a chuckle.
Tom chuckled as well, smirking some. "I could give you other reasons to have tears in your eyes.."
Oh god, you had a feeling he hadn't gotten over this flirtatious phase he's had with you.
Then again...
You chuckled some. "It's been a couple months hasn't it?" You asked, biting yhe corner of your lower lip.
"Mhmm.." Tom purred somewhat "and I've learned some things.."
"Have you, now?.." You tilted your head some, getting a nod from Tom.
"Indeed I have.." Tom grinned. "And there's a certain...doctor who has been dying to meet you."
You knew who he was talking about. You recently rewatched High-Rise.
"Ooh, I guess I shouldn't keep him waiting, then.." You purred back with a little wink, moving around him to get into the passenger side.
Tom snickered some, getting into the drivers side.
You bet there would be quite a bit of steamy love after packing.
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shi-daisy · 6 years ago
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Alas, we've arrived at the end of Ulquihime Week. I'm sad that it's over, but very proud of our fandom! Ulquihime was my first otp and one of the many reasons I became a writer, seeing everyone here sharing their creations and reasons for loving this pair it's very touching. Thanks to everyone who's participated in this event and to our amazing hosts that made this possible! Can't wait to see ya next year! 😉
Ok, so now onto the story. It's basically what I wish would've happened at the ending of canon Bleach (two years and I'm still salty) and for those who wonder, Orihime is wearing the wedding dress from the gree cards. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week: Prompt 7- Confession
"Another one." Orihime grumbled holding up her glass.
"Ya sure about that doll face? You look drunk enough to me." The bartender told her.
Orihime rolled her eyes at the white haired girl. "I'm not drunk, just angry."
"That much is certain. It's not everyday you see a girl walk in wearing a wedding dress."
Orihime chuckled blandly. Her feet were killing her from walking so much, even if she lost her shoes halfway through the trek.
"Here, this one is on me." The bartender told her as she handed her another glass of white wine.
"Thank you."
Orihime swallowed it down in one glup, after already having had three the burn wasn't as strong and she didn't even feel tipsy.
She would have recognized that voice anywhere, for a second she thought the booze was making her hear things, but her eyes never lied.
Ulquiorra was standing beside her, he looked a little different than before, his skin was no longer paper white but had a little bit of color, his hollow hole and mask were nowhere to be found, and somehow his eyes seemed more alive.
"Ulquiorra? Is it really you?"
She reached out to touch him, fearing he'd turn into ash under her fingers again. He didn't.
Orihime smiled and gave him a hug. "It is you!I can't believe it! How did you survive?Are you human now?Do the Espada know?"
"Woman, you need to pause in order to breathe." He told her.
"Sorry. It's just...I can't believe you're here, it's been almost six years since that day. Come sit here with me, let's catch up!"
"Time has indeed passed. To answer your question I didn't survive per se, after turning to ash I awoke as a human back in Las Noches. It appears that the some of the other Espada had a defense mechanism that turned us human upon our deaths. We been living here in Naruki city ever since the war ended."
She was so happy to hear that, to know that he had been living healthy this whole time. Still, she felt a little disappointed.
"Ulquiorra, Why didn't you try to contact me? I would have been happy to see you again."
He looked down. "I wanted to, truly, but after some consideration well.... I thought you'd be better off without seeing me again. After all I did."
"I never resented you for it." She smiled at him. "I must confess, you never truly left my mind." She showed him her left arm, over her glove she was wearing the bracelet he'd given her before taking her to Hueco Mundo.
"You still have it..." Ulquiorra muttered with surprise.
"It was the only reminder I had left of you, along with the Arrancar dress, but that one shrunk in the wash." She giggled. "Sorry."
Ulquiorra smiled. "It's comforting to know that you thought about me. Although I do suspect that this wasn't the reason fate brought here today." He looked at her directly this time, she knew what he would ask but still dreaded it. "Orihime, why are you here in your wedding dress?"
Ulquiorra using her name threw her off balance for a second. She sighed and began her story. "For the past year I been dating Ichigo. He proposed last month and I said yes, we were just mere hours away from getting married..." Orihime's voice cracked but she kept going. "I overheard him talking to Kuchiki-San, they were fighting. She was telling him that they both had made their choices, and that now had to go through with them... Then he kissed her.
I don't know what happened later, after that I ran off. Figured the only thing I could do was disappear and drink away the sorrows."
Once she finished the tears kept coming, and would not stop. Ulquiorra hugged her, letting her cry on his shoulder.
'He's warm.' Back then, his skin was as cold as his gaze. Still, she didn't mind it, no matter the difference this was still the Ulquiorra Schiffer she knew.
Finally she pulled away. "I'm sorry, we were supposed to be catching up and all I've done is cry."
"It's only natural to be upset"
"I'm just so mad that I was about to waste my life with somebody who never loved me...I loved him, did everything I could to make him happy, gave up on everything I wanted just be by his side, just so that he could string me along. Screw him!"
Ulquiorra chuckled. "Forgive me, I just thought I'd never see the day when you'd hate Kurosaki Ichigo."
That made her laugh as well. "If you want to blow his chest up again I will not stop you."
"I'd rather stay with you, it's a better use of my time."
"Thank you, It's nice to know someone thinks so."
The previous empty bar was now being filled with costumers, it was then when Orihime realized that night had fallen.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"No, I don't want to go back to Karakura tonight." She closed her eyes. There was no home left to return to, a while ago she had sold her old apparment and going back to the Kurosaki house hold was out of the question.
"Then, would you want to stay with me?"
"It wouldn't be the first time." She joked.
'You're a fool.' He told himself, over and over as he drove. Orihime had fallen asleep on the passenger seat. Her face calm and her cheeks red from all the crying.
'You better I pray never see you again, Kurosaki Ichigo. Because I will rip off your throat without mercy.'
Finally they arrived. Ulquiorra carefully picked Orihime up and got her out the car. He placed her on the couch before going upstairs to change. When he came back she was waking up.
"Hey. I'm sorry I fell asleep."
"It's fine, you were tired. Do you want a bath or maybe you'd like to sleep."
Orihime shook her head. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep."
Ulquiorra nodded, he was desperately trying to think of something. "Perhaps it would be nice if we put that dress to good use."
"Eh? What do you mean?"
He turned on her old radio near the fireplace, to his luck it landed on a soft music station. Ulquiorra walked over to her and bowed offering her his hand.
"May I have this dance?"
Orihime chuckled and nodded. "Yes you may."
Her hand went up to his shoulder, and the other to his arm, he wrapped his free arm around her waist. Soon they were both slowly swaying with the music. She didn't look like herself, her eyes weren't vibrant or defiant, but rather an empty mirror of his own emerald orbs. 'She hasn't been truly happy in a while.'
"I should have contacted you sooner, had I know this would happen." He said without thinking.
"It's okay, I'm happy to be here with you now. I've missed you very much, there wasn't a day I wouldn't think of you."
"Likewise." He spun her around, it was clear Orihime had been practicing. "It's been lonely, not having you around, hearing your stories about random things, or simply your voice calling my name."
"Heh. Funny, I always thought you hated babysitting me in Hueco Mundo. Sometimes I felt you had built walls to keep me away, but in the end I felt close to you."
"The walls you speak of...they do not exist anymore, I'm willing to open up to you, if you'd do the same."
"Sure, spending time with you was one of the few worthwhile memories I had of my time in Hueco Mundo."
"I'm flattered. I always assumed your best memory would have been another."
It was clear she knew who he meant, her gaze was filled with both regret and sadness, but somehow she didn't look too bothered.
"Now that I given it some thought. Even when I was with him, I felt alone. We lived in the same house, slept on the same bed, but he wouldn't even hold me as we slept. We didn't touch each other either. And I had stupidly believed it was love. How naive."
"You don't need to worry about that tonight. Forget it all. Kurosaki, the wedding, the time. All that matters it's that you're free."
Orihime smiled as he dipped her in the dance. "Free...I hadn't thought about before. Yes, now I'm free, and in good company."
The lasts notes faded out, they both stood still in front of the fireplace. Their foreheads were touching, and in a mere moment it seemed like all of the negative emotions had disappeared.
Tonight they wouldn't worry, about the past or about the future. Tonight they were just two old friends that had coincidentally met again, immensely happy to be reunited.
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