#me when my found family brother saves me from being possessed but he's like a millisecond too late and I murder him before I'm fully free
chipistrate · 1 year
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Day 5: It Was Just A Glitch!
Princess Quest ending but Gregory was just a little bit too late Sorry this is a day late the universe was kicking my ass yesterday lmao
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risestarkiss · 8 months
Orange, Baby!
Rise Ramblings #316
When I think about Mikey, this scene always comes to mind.
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As soon as they step foot in the library to save Mayhem, Angelo instantly disqualifies himself…hilariously.
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On first watch, I found it interesting that he made this decision with no hesitation, especially given the stakes.
At the time I just resigned to him being a silly silly boy, but now I know better.
Yet, before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s explore who Mikey is.
Michelangelo Hamato is the youngest turtle in the family, and it shows.
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Consequently, he seems to possess a certain “youngest brother privilege" that his other brothers just can’t help but reinforce. This is the role that Mikey was born into. Therefore, he doesn’t have to push himself to be the smartest, or cleverest, or strongest turtle.
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Instead, he decides to be the artist of the family. He’s a creative! He expresses himself everywhere, from stickers on his own shell, to tagging the lair, as well as on paper. The world is his canvas!
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Michelangelo also expresses himself in virtually everything he does, so it’s easy to understand why he’s the most open, honest, caring, and emotionally expressive turtle of the bunch. To some it could be seen as a weakness, yet Mikey uses his emotional intelligence as a pillar of strength, of which he utilizes to uphold his brothers when they need support the most.
In the show, Michelangelo often takes on certain personas; Doctor Feelings and Doctor Delicate Touch. (For some reason, they are all doctors, but that’s beside the point.)
At first glance, the personas could be seen as silly bouts of make-believe. But I think that placing these roles upon himself for his brothers' sake is Michelangelo’s way of helping them cope with the world by offering them what they each individually lack.
For instance, Raph, Leo, and Donnie have trouble voicing their discomforts when someone does something they don’t like.
In other words, they have trouble putting their foot down.
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But here is Mikey to the rescue!
Dr. Delicate Touch has no such hang-ups.
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Similarly, when Donatello runs into trouble, as he is unable to recognize his own emotions, it’s up to Doctor Feelings to help his desperate client in need.
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Through taking on these roles, Mikey is able to support his brothers and fill the emotional gaps in his teammates, which, inevitably makes them all stronger.
How is Mikey able to do this and how does he have the strength to take on these roles?
You could think that it’s just in his character, meaning, it’s just how he is. I don’t think so, though. He’s a free thinker, and a creative, but there’s something about these roles that is specifically catered to the needs of his family.
Then I realized, the only reason that Mikey is able to help his brothers in this way is because they first helped him.
Let me explain.
All four of the boys grew up in the same household. Although Splinter tried his very best (there is no Splinter hate here), a single depressed parent doth not a stable child make. Raphael struggled with the burden of his responsibilities as an ad hoc leader (see Being Big Red), Leo struggled with expressing his natural talents as a middle child (see Being Baby Blue), all while Donnie struggled with carving out his place on the team and his feelings of uselessness (see Being Purple Part One and Part Two).
Well, what does Mikey struggle with?
In my humble opinion, nothing.
The struggles of his brothers all related to each turtle coming to terms with themselves and coming to terms with their place on the team.
Yet, due to the love and support of his brothers and father, Michelangelo never had to ask himself if he belonged, struggle with his role on the team, or make huge life-changing decisions that could affect everyone.
Michelangelo is free to just be Michelangelo.
And as a free spirit who is completely in tune with his own emotions, he is able to do things like this:
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and this,
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and this.
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Let’s get back to the scene in the library.
Angelo sees the high stakes of his friend’s pet disappearing forever if they fail but makes the decision to disqualify himself anyway. Why? Because he knows that no matter what he does, it will all be ok.
He has complete faith in his brothers and their ability to solve the problem at hand, so he might as well have some fun.
This not the first time he’s come to this conclusion.
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Through out this entire scene, Michelangelo plays in the background.
It’s scenes like this that makes me believe that Mikey’s faith in his family knows no bounds.
Altogether, his brothers and his father were everything he needed to become who he is. Reciprocally, he is free to be everything that they need him to be and more. Over…
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and over,
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and over again
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he trusts them completely.
And through this unwavering trust in his family, he is able to trust himself and his instincts. He knows that with everything they’ve poured into him, he can save them from, well, everything. Over…
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and over…
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and over again.
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Hence, due to all of this evidence, I believe that through the collective love of his family, Michelangelo became the best version of the Hamato spirit, and thus, the best Mystic Warrior of all time.
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All because, he’s Orange, baby!
Previous | Being Big Red • Being Baby Blue • Being Purple ○ Part One • Being Purple ○ Part Two
Finale | Being Hamato Yoshi
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malevessel · 6 months
I don't remember much about the possession.
I only know that I gave up. I betrayed my family, my brother and I gave up. I stopped fighting. I was very tired, not only from trying to expel my possessor, but from seeing how he harmed my family. He hit my brother when he started to dig deeper into my strange behavior. He insulted my mother and almost beat up my father. I couldn't take it anymore and gave up. Because I'm a coward
Sometimes I have flashes of what he does with my body. Small moments of lucidity, produced by some failure in his control. Yesterday, I think it was yesterday, I saw how he fucked a girl in a bed that I didn't know. God, Alice, I betrayed her too.
I don't feel pain, I don't feel anything he does, but the restlessness of being locked in your body, in your own mind, is more than enough torture.
A sharp pain in my eyes wakes me up and I slowly open them, blinded by the bright light of the sun. "I can move" is the first thought that comes to my mind. "I feel my body" is the second.
I try to stand up a little, failing due to lack of practice using my body, I don't know how much time has passed. I am in a large room, a hospital, and through the window I can see the bay of my city. At the side of the bed, there is an armchair, and my brother is asleep in it.
Anton, Ant!!! My voice feels different, deeper and more masculine. My brother wakes up and when he looks at me and sees that I'm awake, he screams. Mom, dad, he's woken up!!!
The next moment, a warm and aggressive hug was suffocating me, and my family was on top of me. My mother and my brother crying, and my father about to join in the crying too.
I'm sorry. It's the only sentence that comes out of my mouth. My mother is the first to speak. It's okay, honey. He's gone, he's not going to do anything to you anymore, not anymore
Then my brother. It's my fault Paul, I should have realized it sooner, I should have saved you......
I didn't really know what to say. The following hours my parents and my brother told me everything that had happened.
Five months had passed. Bob, my possessor, had sneaked into my house one night, through my window. The police assumed that he made the possession there. At first it was subtle, my parents and my brother noticed that something was wrong, but little did they know that a dangerous criminal had impersonated their son. The days passed and "my" behavior became erratic, increasingly evident that something was very, very wrong. In the end, my parents had no choice but to throw me out of the house, or Bob, and report me to the police. I was a danger to them. That was only during the first month, but they didn't know anything else about me, except for some information that Anton found out. It seems that Bob started a drug trafficking business again, with my body. They received no more news until a week ago when a police officer, more precisely Detective Sheila Mille, called my parents' house and explained the situation to them. The police were not sure that I was possessed, but for my family there was no doubt.
All the helplessness they felt during those months turned into anger, anger towards Bob, and hope, hope that I, their son, was still somewhere.
At my request, we talked again and stayed like that for a few more hours.
The police came to take my statement a few hours later, and when they left, Detective Sheila arrived, and with my family's permission, explained the situation to me, who Bob was, and why he could do what he did. I honestly couldn't understand much of what he was saying.
A few hours later I was discharged from the hospital and went home. While my parents prepared dinner, Anton and I met in my room. I needed to apologize
I'm sorry, I gave up, I couldn't do anything and you paid the price.
You don't have to apologize, Paul. In any case, it is my fault, for not having trusted my instincts, my heart that kept telling me that the person in front of me was not my brother.
When we finished talking, we had dinner as a family and when I returned to my room, I noticed it. A pain that was not pain. An anguish. My brother came through the door and threw something into my hands, a pack of cigarettes.
What the hell are you doing? I don't smoke
You don't, but Bob does. And he smoked every day for the five months he was in you. It's horrible and you're going to leave it as soon as possible, but not today. Today you have too many things on your mind to worry about that.
Before I could say anything else, the cigarette was already lit, and I was already smoking. This shit hit hard, it was going to be difficult to quit.
The next morning I got up early and wanting to get back into my routine, I got ready to go to the gym. I hesitated whether to take the cigarettes or not and in the end decided not to, without realizing that I had already put them in my backpack without thinking about it.
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This is going to continue
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kittyscupcakeandbunny · 11 months
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Welcome to my world
Side Characters: Kim Namjoon/detective, Jeon Jungkook/detective, Jung Hoseok/consigliere/mafia member, Park Jimin/rubber/mafia member, Kim Taehyung, Kim Seokjin/FBI.
Warnings: extreme violence and use of curse words, Smut, mentions of blood, death, robbery, killing, guns, torturing, fire, porn (a lot of it), toxic yandere men, crime, violence, possessive behaviour, unhealthy relationships, gore, stalking, sharp objects, illicit drugs, alcohol.
SUMMARY: You made it. Now a police intern as you always promised to your father before he died, you were more than happy to finally be able to help people like he did. But the law was not what you expected to be like. You did not know how lonely it would be for a young woman to grow her career in this kingdom. Having to take care of your 18 year old brother wasn't easy too and things just got a lot worse when you've met Agust D. The king of the mafia Min. He sure knew how to make a life turn into a hell hole.
WARNINGS: MENTIONS OF TORTURE AND EXTREME VIOLENCE (at the end of the chapter), READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. It will be signaled with “ +++” once it starts and ends in case you want to skip it.
<< Before
The men fall on the ground, hand over his shoulder covering where i shot him.
I put the gun down still holding into it hard, the smell of gunpowder in the air around me I couldn’t move a single feet away from it as I watched the men on the ground, he was one of Namjoon colleagues I remember seeing his face a couple of times on his office the men probably knew who I was soon he’ll tell Namjoon about my betrayal and soon everyone at the stink will know what I did. The surprise to see me there on his face when I shot him was still there, between painful groans as he kneeled down he couldn’t believe his eyes and neither could I believe. I was tired of running away from everything, I’ll clean my name once I get Yoongi behind the bars for now I don’t mind letting the flames burn me. I know who I am.
The cold air felt painful in my lounges as I took deep breathes, still not believing what I did. He wasn’t the one I should be shooting but right now it was between me and Yoongi and if I have to get my hands dirty to save my family I will, I’ll never back down from it anymore. This is the person I’ll have to be I survive so I’ll embrace. I’ll dance with the devil if I must, I’ll let him play the song he wants and when the right time comes I’ll put him down to his knees.
I could see the reaction on his eyes as he stood there in front of me the smirk on his lips falling as his eyes looked into mine. I could guess he thought Jack was the one behind the shooting it was clear on his face how unexpected my actions were to him. We both stood there not believing what I did but, here we are now. The devil smiles to me.
He walked to me eyes not leaving mine, i only realized my hands were shaking when his own held them to take the gun out of me. I don’t dare to say a word and neither does he, the sound of the fire burning a head of us being the only thing we could hear I watched it as it was the only source of light between us and the men I shot. My mind was blank completely empty I couldn’t think of an escape to this for now, what can I even do for now to fix this? What will Yoongi do to me now, was all I thought about as I stared back into his eyes he looked behind me and nodded to Jack a look I couldn’t decipher, a language of their own. Not saying a word he took my arm in his hand and turning me to leave but I stop in my tracks instantly swallowing hard as he looked down at me still holding my arm, we are just gonna leave the men like that he already knows me anyways why would Yoongi take me with him now? I was still in shock at my own actions, crossed so many lines already what could he possibly still want from me now? Mouth opening but closing words nowhere to be found, completely lost in his eyes that burned over my own the flames behind me reflecting on his orbs as if I was staring inside hell itself, the devil only smiled to me. The hand around my arm closed over my waist now holding me against him he took me back to the car, I saw Jack making his way around the black car already getting back inside.
Yoongi opened the door letting me get in first as he sat beside me, I stared back at the men on the ground as Jack stared the car marking a turn to leave. Yoongis presence beside was the only thing keeping me from looking behind, the silence inside the car was so loud I could barely breath the calmness in the air after Jack began to drive the car out of there was making my skin burn, looking over the window as the view changed from a construction site to more and more nature the moon shined bright over us no clouds present in the sky the summer heat was still rising even at night time.
Red lights shining for far away we drove past a few police cars going where we left. Heart immediately beating faster as I looked behind at them, Namjoon must be in one of them he must know by now that his plan have failed and soon we’ll find out why his plan he worked on for so long didn’t work out. I looked down at my hands on my lap, what has my life turned into at this point I didn’t know. I just knew I wasn’t myself anymore, I could feel it deep inside me like the flick of a switch had turned on my head.
In my thoughts two words seemed to repeat like a song, keep going. When I drove here with them I keep saying it, when Jack first threatened me I say it, when I went to downtown for the first time I say it. Now it only seemed like a curse, for how long do I have to keep up with this? I almost killed someone tonight. When will it be enough?
Regret was a small words but it held so much weight over me now, if only I had stopped this stupid investigation when Yoongi warned me about but I was greedy something about him kept alluring me towards him like a damn magnet. He was a criminal I must take him down that’s why I fallowed him, that’s why I went to hell to get him, I told myself that everyday but the days went by where I kept thinking that and the further away from my own lies I went. For my brother I would shot someone, I thought that I would for sure. I looked beside me Yoongi seemed focused on the road a head of him, the thought of him getting hurt in front of me sensed chills down my spine as much as I didn’t wanted, as much as I forced myself into it I couldn’t stop this feeling from creeping out of me anymore.
What in the fuck am I doing right now?
I turned back to my window seeing the big extravagant gates the car stopped before they opened completely for it to enter I notice my motorbike was still parked there were I left, I thought at this point Jack would come out and opened the door for me to leave and let me make my own way from here but the car didn’t stop for me to leave and he only drove further inside the building behind the gates.
He drove slowly towards a large, luxurious mansion stopping in front of the parking area of it. There were security guards at every corner of the mansion heavily armed. If it wasn’t today I would be impressed by it but tonight wasn’t one I would look at it proud, I don’t think I ever will. Beside me Yoongi opened the door to leave taking my wrist in his hand as he did so, I looked back at the car seeing Jack didn’t move at all. So he wasn’t coming.
Fallowing Yoongi towards the entrance of the mansion I heard Jack drive off, heart racing at the thought of going inside alone. I knew he wasn’t the best to be around but something about being just me with Yoongi tonight felt different, my mind was racing with thoughts I couldn’t help but go over every possibility or any scenario that was going to happened. Was he going to kill me? Lock me up in his basement? Would he use me to hide his tracks? As much as I thought it didn’t make any sense for him to dirty his own hands with me and not let Jack end the job, what else could I expect from him? He wouldn’t save me this time. I fuck up for every one by shooting that detective.
The doors where opened by his security men, he never let go of my wrist as we entered the extravagant and luxurious mansion. The place was spectacular every detail spilled the most high quality classy design and materials I’ve ever seen, stone statues guarded the entrance on the outside and inside the floor was a shiny black marble with golden details, the entrance was large and had two extensive stairs on each sides of the wall that connected to the second floor, in the middle was a statuette of a woman cover in red roses as water fall on her body down a small fountain underneath it the large windows were covered by a deep dark purple curtain.
As we walked up the stair many times i wanted to ask him, but my mouth didn’t move I couldn’t find my voice. Mind still running the engines but no action, deep down I was afraid to just be right. He took me to a corridor then turned to an opened meeting room, I heard water falling as we entered the specious room and my eyes turned to see a an entire glass wall with water falling on it completely amazed by it, I felt him let go of my wrist making his way to the bar on the left side of the room not knowing what to do I only stood there as he filled two cups with what I could guess was whiskey.
Something felt different as soon as we stepped inside this room, it felt odd how he looked so calm the entire time moving around like nothing happened. Sure to someone like him this was just like any other Tuesday, he must’ve seen and done much worst things in this life time for a shotgun to impress him. The fact that he looked so intense but calm was driving me insane, I could tell he had something under his finger something to use against me but didn’t know what. He turned towards me handing me the second cup with alcohol, the scent was strong as soon as I brought it up to my face I felt my insides burning. Not looking up to him only the dark marble floor under me as I gulped down the bitter liquid, I could feel his eyes burning over my figure as he just stood there not saying anything.
Not knowing what else to do, I gulped down all the content in my cup. The strong taste of alcohol making me regret it immediately, as I force myself to swallow it noticing my reaction seemed to amaze Yoongi as he smirked at me drink the thing as if it was just water and not gasoline. Surely he didn’t brought me here for a drink, not after what happened tonight. It looked like he was supposed to meet someone else there but, Namjoon got that guy before and played a trap to get him.
- why… did you brought me here, I’m sure it wasn’t for a simple chitchat? - i asked him, not looking at him but at the now empty cup in my hands my thumbs sliding over the glass my throat still burned from the bitter taste.
- Humm… I thought you knew that already - he said, even his voice sounded much deeper this time - that’s why you’re here, or should I have left you there?
He took one step closer, I could see his black shiny shoes as I still didn’t dare to look up at him. I couldn’t face him not knowing what he was thinking, what he wanted from me.
- I thought Scarlet told you after you handed me so nicely her card - he said amusement dripping from every word he said.
The mention of the card brought the memories from the night I first went to Paradise, Scarlet must be the red head woman I meet that night who lended me the poker red queen card from Paradise but just what did that had to do with me? Not long after that night he came back to the station sliding the king of spades on my pocket. Since then I couldn’t ask him directly what it meant.
- well she didn’t, so what does it means? - I looked up as I asked him regretting it immediately as he looked me up and down - do explain… Agust D.
I pressed the last sentence, the name rolled down so naturally out of my lips it fitted him perfectly. That’s who he was after all. He only chuckled drinking the rest of the brown liquid on his cup putting it down over the coffee table on the center of the room making his way towards me he closed completely the distance between us. In a second his hands were closed around my neck as he pushed my body against him, I gasped letting the cup fall from my hands as it then shatter against the floor.
- who am I? - he growled against my lips, his eyes burning over mine.
- You’re… Agust d - I stated breathless, feeling heavy and completely out of breath he chuckled and I felt the on his breath whiskey hitting my face.
My entire body burned as he left my neck to grab my jaw his own body completely glued to mine as he pushed me against the wall, holding me to look at him bodies burning over each other’s, my mind was fuzzy all I could hear was the beating of my heart on my chest as I held my breath feeling a sharp cold tip of what i could only guess was a knife against my ribs. Body going alert now, eyes looked on his burning ones I couldn’t say a single word complete petrified under him. I knew he wouldn’t bring me here for a drink, I did all he enacted me to do now what else could he need from me? I was just another pawn under him.
I shouldn’t have said his name, I should have lay low and ignore that or at least lie about it until I could leave. He kept his identity a mystery all this time, now that I know him he’ll kill me to protect himself.
This could be my chance to escape, I could fight him if only my body didn’t felt so heavy and my mind so fuzzy. All I could feel was his heavy breathing against my face and the strong scent of alcohol mixed with his intense woody cologne I knew very well from the moment I saw him at my station, the more I looked into his eyes the more my body seemed to give in.
This isn’t me. Something must be wrong with me. I would never let him corner me like this not after just one cup of whiskey at least, unless he did brought me here for drink just to take me out quietly.
- what did you put in my cup?! - I spat, accusing him. He just chuckled chest moving up and down as he took one deep breath before holding my chin tighter.
- why? Feeling a bit overwhelmed? - he murmured over my lips, my heart racing completely losing my breath as I swallowed hard.
- you did - I stated helplessly, eyes felling heavier.
- you think I would need that? - he smirked.
I felt the cold point of the knife move up on my side then down on my hip he teased the sharp knife against me, hand pushing my hair away from my face leaving my neck visible to him as he held the knife against it. I gasped feeling it burn over my skin looking away from him, hearing the deep chuckle coming from his chest.
- this…. - he murmured over my ear, leaving my chin to put his hand over the wall beside my face his hot breath over my skin sending chills down my hot body - is all you.
I turned back to look at him, he had a knowing smirk on his lips. He couldn’t be serious here no way in hell I’d be this work up over him he must’ve done something I’m sure this isn’t natural at all, how could I feel this way when he’s clearly threatening my life right now? This burning feeling running over my skin can’t be just an attraction, I refuse to believe it even now with my eyes unconsciously focusing over his lips heat flowing all over my body as I felt him push my body against the wall, his body completely covering mine.
- you’re lying… - i breathlessly said, nervous and turned on at the same time - why I’m here? You said you don’t hurt woman.
He only chuckled, his breath dancing against my skin as well as the knife he held against me. He purposely pressed his thigh between my legs separating them as the sharp tip of the knife slides down my neck between my chest stoping at my belly. He held my chin forcing me to look at him, something burned in his eyes.
- why? - he whispered against my lips - because, you’re mine now.
His lips brushing over my neck, the sharp knife dancing over my body side to side over my belly completely taking my breath away from my lunges.
- and you didn’t even know what you were getting into - he laughed, chest vibrating as he chuckled - yet you brought the card to the owner of her, didn’t you know? That’s how you become a pet at Paradise?
I’m sure I asked him. My mind felt so over the clouds I could barely tell if I did say it or not right now, I was completely lost on him to understand anything about what he was saying. I couldn’t say anything else, mind completely collapsing once he cuts open my shirt hand holding my chin up kissing me so harshly and deliciously my body was giving in instantly, I couldn’t hold myself anymore moaning against his lips feeling him bite into my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood out of it. He groans sticking the knife into the wall right beside my head, any time that would scare me to death but now it only makes me grab into him harder feeling his hands sliding down my back slowly with his short nails carving my skin through my shirt stopping at my butt, he gabs me hard before sliding them to my thighs holding me up against the wall.
Separating our lips only to growl over my ear.
- I’ll fuck you till you can’t walk tonight - he said against my neck - don’t you dare tell me to stop.
His lips moved from my ear to my neck, leaving harsh bites painfully marking my skin then soothing it with wet kisses over it down to my chest. I closed my arms around his neck holding him closer sliding my hands over his shoulders to grab a hold of his hair, feeling the vibration of his moan against my lips locking into a deep kiss tongue dancing against mine sending waves of pleasure through my whole body as he kept running his hands over my back now sliding them under my shirt he tore opened, i cling over him as he held me up instantly pushing us away from the wall walking around the room never once did his lips left mine even when I felt him lower me down against the soft fabric of the black sofa.
Still over me he stops, forehead against mine as he moves his fingers from my hips stopping at my bellybutton then sliding down to open my jeans taking them off of me ever so slowly, sharp eyes locked over mine the entire time our unsteady breathes intertwining. All i could do was watch him move above me completely hypnotized by his every move.
He sits on his knees in front of me, eyes running over my entire body as he pushes his hair back. Tounge running over his bottom lip, he takes of his black blazer throwing it on the floor, then his tie slowly button it down his white shirt.
- look at you… - he murmured, opening the last bottom. - all hungry for me…
He leaned himself over me again, hand cupping my check as his thumb slides over my botttom lip. I can only stare amazed into his brown orbs, body shivering from desire craving his touch so bad it hurts completely burning every cell on my skin. Not wasting any time as his lips capture mine between his own lips, hands dancing over each others body scratching and gripping harder each second as we bth completely lose ourselves on the burning desire that grows hotter between our bodies
Gripping into his hair as he lowers his body fully against mine, i shiver at the feeling of his skin burning against mine mind losing any last bit of sanity i had left. He slides on arm underneath my waist pulling me closer making me arch my back up, another hand holding the nape of my neck tightly as he slowly grinds his hips against mine. A moan into his wet lips feeling how hard he is over me, completely out of breath already as he holds me tighter every time he moves against me chasing his own pleasure.
His lips leaving mine to plant kisses over my chest as he ruts into me, his voice vibrates through my skin as he groans against me completely drunk in his pleasure. Teeth sinking into my skin as he held into me harder, my whole body burns in the ecstatic feeling of his hands sliding over my skin as he made a path with his lips from my chest to my neck leaving a long lick there before he grabs my hips up against his crotch terribly slowly. Pressing his hard cock over my sweet spot as he leaned back, hands still glued to my hips i watched as he sat between my legs bitting into his own bottom lip eyes closed as he enjoyed hi own pleasure with the most pleasant expression ever as if he could ecstasy from the feeling at any moment. He looked like a sex god above me, how his muscles stiffen every time he grinned on me harsh breathes leaving his lips each time.
I could feel the wetness between my leg sliding down my ass already, feeling needier the more the teased above me completely drunk own the pleasure. I watched as he slowly began to undo the bottom of his pants sliding so fucking slowly the zipper down, eyes locked with mine as a smirk formed on his lips. I could bearly held myself from complete collapsing into his madness the more i waited for him, sitting up i grabbed him by his pants pulling his lips back to mine as he groaned on my mouth holding the waist line of his pants i began to punch them down until they stop at his knees. Bitting into my bottom lip he stops the kiss eyes burning over mine as i take the chance to feel his skin sliding my hands up from his knees till his hips, swallowing his breaths against my lips feeling beyond into him.
Lips brushing into mine as he held my neck pushing me back against the sofa hovering above me using his knees to spread me opened for him, he slides his left hand down between us and i feel like gasoline being set on fire as he slowly slides his head between my lower lips over my clit a moan escaping my lips at the delicious stimulation, his own eyes closing as breathy moans leave his lips. Bucking my hips up against his as a wave of pleasure hit me right through, with a groan he completely slides his dick inside me.
Feeling overwhelmed by the delicious feel of him filling me up so fucking good I immediately close my arms around his neck, with one hand he supports himself up above me as the other one keeps me still by the neck. Eyes burning into mine one last time before he takes my lips harshly between his, that scar never looked so good on him before then it does now with pleasure filling every little bit of his brain. Seat beginning to drip from his forehead over mine, my moans being entirely swallowed by his hungry mouth as he began to move his hips against mine slowly but hard.
Feeling myself pulse around him as the waves of pleasurable stimulation fills every cell on my body, lips leaving his to beg for more against his mouth louder each time as the pleasure becomes almost beyond control turning ourselves into two animals starved for each others touch.
More. I moaned against him. More.
Fingers gripping at the nape of his neck, grabbing his hair feeling almost desperate for his touch even the smallest amount was enough to send me into over drive, the wet sounds between our legs getting louder as he starts moving faster. Sweat covering our bodies like second skin, holding tighter each other as the pleasure becomes more and more intense. His hands brushing deliciously against my sides, stretching every inch of skin with his short nails to stop at my hips were he grabbed harshly my own hands holding into him just as hard as i felt my own orgasm, slowly creeping up between our bodies.
I begged and he gave me all i wanted. Until i feel the overwhelming sensation of pleasure fills every muscle of my body completely going into ecstasy as his movements slowly stops, feeling all my wetness drip down my legs.
I went so high i bearly could make any word he speak afterwards, feeling even more aroused at the sound of his raspy deep voice above me send me into another dimension.
- turn around and get on your knees, I didn’t come yet.
He did told me he wouldn’t stop.
I tried my best to move between the highs of pleasure still dancing over my sweaty body, slowly turning around on the sofa as i got on all fours in front of him. I felt so high on pleasure, completely drunk on it i could bearly made out when he grabbed my hips holding myself up into a sitting position, back glued against his naked chest i gasped at the feeling shivers sliding down into an electric wave of stimulation.
His heavy breathes hitting the back of my neck as he teasingly begins to brush his finger over my sides, leaving wet kisses on my shoulder as his short nails left marks above my ribs down to my waist stoping at my hips as he pulls me more into him opening my legs more. I could hear him pumping himself against me as low moans left his lips over my skin, one hand sliding up over my body grabbing my chest a moan leaving my own lips as he the pleasure of his touches kept sending hot waves of ecstasy between my legs. Wetness sliding down my parted legs soon being filled again by his hard cock, a groan immediately leaving my lips as my body shoot up in pleasure being held back down agains Yoongi once i ease down his length feeling his hands wrap around my body as he begins to pound into me again, lips immediately searching for my neck.
The overwhelming pleasure filling my cunt making whimpers and moans vibrate through my throat, as the warmth swells over my entire body again. Grinding down against him at an increased speed, feeling he hit deep within my soaking walls grabbing into his thighs behind me carving my nails on his skin as he peak the pace even more pounding harder and faster into me, desperate moans filling the room intertwined with his deep groans. The sensation of his fingers moving slowly up and down over my clit only adds to the pleasure of the increased speed, his groans getting louder the harder he pounded into me aggressively moving his hips against me causing me to lean even more over his chest from the sensation becoming far too overwhelmed.
The heat builds in between my tights immediately tensing around him, nails digging harder into his skin.
- tel me how good it feels - He groaned over my ear, a deep chuckle coming from his lips.
I feel my head up in the clouds, bearly able to make a single sentence head spinning in confusion as he kept moving his fingers between my slick cunt.
- say it.
Body completely giving into his becoming to weak from his pleasure, feeling another chuckle vibrating through his chest against my back. His hands sliding over my body to grab my chest as he continued o pound into my wet walls, feeling them tense more and more around him. The burning feeling growing desperately each second spreading all over my body once again, i held into his hands over my chest for support as i felt another orgasm building up between my legs.
- Yoongi… - his name slips deliciously from my lips - so good, so good…
I can’t bearly recognize my own voice full of desperation and pleasure, fallowed by moans and whimpers of his name. Holding tightly into him as the pleasure builds up hotter and hotter from his length buried between my thighs deep inside me, finally letting myself go feeling the intense warmth fills my entire body again reaching another high almost falling into the sofa but being held by Yoongis arms immediately, he lazily chuckles behind me over my tired body.
Body steal pulsing with pleasure as i let him hold into me thrusting sloppily into me as he rides his own orgasm, feeling his wetness filling me up completely till he drips between our legs increasing deliciously my own pleasure.
By the time he pulls away, my whole body is trembling. Feeling him carefully lay me down against the soft sofa, my breathing slowly beginning to slower down still too high up in the clouds to move away. Knees feeling sore underneath slowly resting.
An intense feeling of tiredness filling my trembling body, the last thing i felt was the ghost of Yoongis lips over my back as he traced my spine carefully up and down until a fall deeply into a slumber.
The bright light hitting my face as I became more and more conscious slowly waking up from my sleep, head feeling heavy from sleeping in a bad position I groaned feeling a sharp pain shot behind my neck, time should be the last thing I worry about at least for now but I can’t help thinking about it as I lift my upper body up stretching myself up. I massage my neck trying to release some of the pain, still a bit out of it from just waking up I try my best to fix my messy hair the white cover sliding down a bit as i continued to move, a cold feeling hitting my naked body under the sheets I hold the cover back up to cover my chest looking around the room I was in not remembering when I came here. Taking in the details I couldn’t the night before the walls where a dark gray, no decoration, no photos hanging on them minimalistic to is finest. He didn’t seem like the type of guy who would have candles and a fluffy carpet to decorate his room, obviously. A sight left my lips as I lay back over the soft mattress of the king sized bed, the room was spotless though everything was so clean as if he had just bought it, the though that maybe he bearly spend anytime in this house passed through my mind. Men are all the same, they buy large houses just to fill more their egos in the end their hearts are the ones left empty.
With a sight I lay down again feeling something hard under my head my body instantly becoming stiff at the thought of him, I turned to the side only to be meet with his face right next to mine. He had a hard expression over his features even while sleeping although the light shining from window made his features look soft almost like a completely different person. The scar on his face shined under the sunlight, it had healed a lot more since the first time I saw him. It wasn’t fresh as I could tell but he certainly got it not long ago. He looked so beautiful right now stealing my breath away at the sight of his calm face so close to mine, his milky white skin so soft under mine. How could he look so calm and peaceful right now, people like him always amazed me. Criminals like him.
The memories from last night swimming back to my mind like a brick, I didn’t know what to feel in this circle of fire after all the things I’ve done deep down I knew the damage was already done, i kept thinking that every time almost like a silly cry for mercy. I could try to make things better and say I was only being threatened by the Agust d but, at the same time it would be a lie it would only mean I’m just like one of them. Lying and manipulating people so I can escape the horrible things I’ve done. I can’t go back to who I used to be. I can’t be the girl Namjoon wants me to be, I know that. I don’t want to go back and right now I couldn’t feel a single drop of remorse or guilty.
Am I becoming one of them?
The only things that comes to my mind is that I just know, I want to go to him.
Mindlessly I gave into the temptation to touch his skin, he was so close to me now I needed to feel his skin again. After last night I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget what we did, the need to touch him was bigger then any self control I had in my body Yoongi was like a drug. Once you have a taste you can’t stop yourself and want more. Slowly moving my hand towards his face I softly traced his check down to his jaw. He didn’t move a bit, seemed to be still deep in his sleep. I could still taste him on my lips, just the thought of his hands over my skin were enough to send me into a mess. What was about him that felt so deeply addictive?
I carefully traced up over his check but before I could get any closer to his scar my wrist was quickly held away from his face.
He opened his eyes slowly, staring into mine sharply. I gulped down nervously.
- don’t - was all he said, in a low deep voice.
I slowly moved my head up and down signaling “ok” shivers running down my spine as his sharp eyes kept looking at me, hard expression over his soft features. Same eyes that burned over mine last night, It was so hard to maintain eye contact with him I could never guess what was going through his head. Did I upset him? I couldn’t tell, not when his eyes were a pool of honey and coffee shining so beautifully under the sunlight to stare deep into mine.
- you’re awake - I whispered, feeling completely out of breath.
- the whole time - he said, I bite down on my bottom lip deciding to look at his hand that still held my wrist away from his face. Warmth burning at my cheeks.
I was surprised he even slept here after last night, I couldn’t remember how we got up here the last thing I remember was falling asleep after he sanded me into an overdrive of pleasure. Now that I was back to my self the thought brought a nervous feeling to my insides, I liked being in his presence but I hated how much I liked that. Especially knowing he wasn’t the type of men to care enough about woman after he sleeps with them. I shouldn’t have let this happened, now this was just another card he could use against me in the future. I must keep myself strong in order to survive here this wasn’t the world I was used to after all, it was his world.
I tried to take my wrist from his grip but he didn’t let go, making my eyes run back to his nervously. He pressed my arm over my head lifting himself up to rover over my body completely, his skin burning against mine just like last night as he lays his body over mine. The feeling of his naked body against mine sending a shiver down my spine making me arche in desire instantly, the little movement of my hips bringing a knowing feeling of discomfort enough to make me knowledge how my body was still recovering from last night but still in desperate need of touch again.
He held both my wrists above my head, lips falling over my neck kissing and biting over the marks he left last night.
- you regret it - it wasn’t a question he murmured against my skin almost like a cat purring, I gulped down the feeling of warmth that rise up my body at the sound of his low voice, releasing his face from my neck to stare at my face his eyes scanned the marks he left on my skin with a smirk on his face.
- no - I whispered back, feeling how dry my throat was.
- lies…. I know that look on your face - he said, a smirk on his lips and now this wasn’t Yoongi anymore - want me to remind you how much you liked last night?
I gulped down not being able to say anything, this was Agust D now.
I couldn’t say anything, my mind would say something and in a second my body would betray me for his touch completely under the addicting need of his touch.
In a movement he sat down between my legs pushing his long hair back as the bed covers falling completely from our bodies exposing our naked selves to each others gaze. My eyes scanned every detail of his chest I couldn’t last night, we were so starved for each other i bearly had any chance to simply appreciate his presence. My heavens, he was so beautiful. This isn’t good for my self control.
How his milky skin shined under the dim sunlight that graced us through the slightly open curtains, enhanced every detail over his body, every vain in his arms and hips. I felt completely tipsy over him, just the sight of him was enough to turn me into a mess so thirsty for his taste.
- I guess we could… - he traced my knee slowly down to my hip bringing me closer, stealing a gasp from me at his harsh movement - I don’t mind reminding you again.
His eyes seemed to be capturing every part of me all spreed for him, heat burning over my cheeks. He lower himself down in a second my own hands coming in touch with his chest at instinct, the feeling of his soft and cold skin over my hands making me melt in want under his kiss stoping a few seconds after. A smirk danced over his lips as he looked down at my hands over his chest, the only thing stopping him from completely falling over me.
- I should tie you up next time - he said, I couldn’t hold the surprise at his words not being able to make out any sane thought afterwards.
He chuckled at my reaction grabbing my thigh over his hip fixing himself between my legs, his touch making my entire body heat up with desire electricity flooding through my veins every time his fingers brushed over my skin making me anticipate every moment he goes further. With his fingertips ghosting over my hip, it’s only a second before he dips his hand between my parting thighs. I gasp a the touch feeling my insides clench around nothing, making him chuckle above me my hands sliding up from his chest to his shoulders grabbing the skin. Goosebumps running over my skin from head to toe as he keeps a slow rhythm running his finger up and down teasing my clit, waves of pleasure instantly spread across my body making me bite my lip. Not being able to keep my eyes opened as the pleasure completely melted over me at the feeling of his fingers circling over my clit caressing so damn slowly.
The tension begins to build so deliciously all control I had was completely lost now, replaced with an intense desire to have him inside me. Every touch is electric, pleasure filling every inch of my body until my legs start shaking. Digging my nails into his skin as the waves of a bliss roll through my body.
- do you still regret it? - he mumbles over my ear.
I bite into my lower lip to keep a moan down as he slips inside me one finger, holding tighter over his shoulders as he uses his thumb to move over my clit while still moving inside me. He chuckles at my reaction with his other hand holding my chin up making me look at him, lips brushing over mine his eyes burning with desire.
He stops his movements bringing his fingers back up over my lips caressing my bottom lip with his thumb covered on my arousal, his breathing is faster eyes looking heavier now he kept biting and licking over his lower lips. I didn’t took another second and sucked on his thumb, tasting myself on him he groaned deep and needy pleasure displayed over every corner of his face in a second he replaces his thumb with his tongue inside my mouth, I moan against him rolling my hips up on his feeling how hard he already is over me. Stoping only to adjust himself between my thighs, the feeling of his hard cock slowly sliding inside me sending waves of pleasure all over me making me arch my back. Starting out slow as he groans over my ear I grab into him tightly closing my arms around his shoulder as he continues to move back and forth, kissing beneath his ear earning a grip over my hips as he moves deeper inside me making me burn with desire his hips buck into me a growl emitting from his chest and I moan out his name feeling my insides clench around his cock.
I can’t help but whimper against his neck holding him tighter, thighs pressing around his waist his lips finding mine again as he begins to quicken his peace. Hand slipping between my thighs again to press his fingers against my clit, body needing release the more he teases it. He thrusts deeper caressing circles over my clit making me moan out loud. Grabbing his hair in fist a hungrily taste his tongue against mine, he can only groan hips quickening in pace as he pumps harder into me feeling breathless as time goes by, pleasure consuming every inch of my body. Another growl builds in his chest growing desperate he begins to move faster, feeling his cock hit deeper within my walls he bites into my bottom lip the familiar sting rising all over my body the warmth swell until it washes all over my body, legs trembling in high pleasure until it becomes so overwhelming I feel it dripping down my slit.
He groans separating our lips as he rides out his own he pulls away keeping himself up with his arm above my head, unsteady breathes escaping his mouth over mine as he pulls his cock from within my dipping walls pumping his length with a tight grip it takes only a few second before the drops of his release fall over my belly, he comes undone over me before the last drop of his release hits my flesh he falls against my body.
None of us moves still catching our breaths as we get down from our high and slowly we come right back. He pulls himself up again a knowing smirk over his lips as he bite into the lower lip staring down at me.
- any regrets? - he asked, I only moved my head side to side indicating a “no” not looking into his eyes as I only stared down at his neck watching his chest move up and down while he chuckled.
He leaned down again pressing a kiss over my lips before getting up, I stared at his naked back seeing the long marks of my nails on his back as he entered the bathroom. He came back no long after wearing a red silky robe and pants.
- I have work to get done - he said, standing in front of the bed - make yourself at home, you can use anything you need here.
- okay… - I murmured looking up at him, he kneeled down over the bed making a sing with his finger for me to get up towards him.
I slowly made my way back to him, holding the shits to cover me as tight as possible. Once I was close enough he grabbed me by the neck pressing his lips over mine, feeling his tongue slip inside my mouth without permission I groaned against him he stops the kiss with a bite over my lower lip. Giving me one last look he turned around to leave the room.
Oh god.
It took a lot more effort than I thought it would to get up from his bed, covering myself on his sheets a make my way to the bathroom on his room. The bathroom it self was almost as big as the bedroom but, different then the rest of the house it was brighter in colors once completely inside im meet with a big square bathtub, a shower beside it separated and on my right a large sink with a mirror that went up to the ceiling. I made my way towards it looking the mess I was n the mirror. If I didn’t knew any better I’d thought I got in a fight last night upon seeing myself in the mirror.
From my jaw down my neckI completely covered in marks, his love bites were something else. Letting the sheet fall to my feet I found out my neck wasn’t the only part of me he marked, my hips had scratching marks as well as my back and belly following up to my chest.
Memories of his touch and roughness filling my mind, how things escalated so fast last night. I couldn’t let a simple night of pleasure - and morning - erase how much distress he has put me this past week. Threatening me and making me do his dirty work just to make things more difficult for me to get him. I quickly brushed off, now it wasn’t the time for this and I need that shower more then ever. To relax my body and clear my mind.
As much as the bathtub seemed so inviting I make my way towards the shower, I just needed to cool things out right now my mind was still clouded filled with not so pure thoughts I had to make out what steps to take from now, letting the warm water fall over my tired body immediately relaxing all the muscles a sight of relief leaving my lips at the warm feeling take over my entire body. For now I would have to sort things with Yoongi as soon as possible we’ve been playing this game for too long and things need to be fixed now there’s no time to play when you’re in a world like this I can’t just let him throw me from side to side with no clear direction, reaching out to grab the shampoo I found out there was none only a lavender scented soap. A sight left my lips as a improvised tying my hair with itself. No washing hair today then.
Feeling much calmer now that I was clean I don’t take much time there though I knew I would be there for hours if I let myself wonder too much in my thoughts. Once I’m done, I dry myself out covering my body with the towel making my way back to the room realizing only my shirt was here on the floor, the rest of my clothes were probably still on the meeting room. The thought immediately brought a blush to my face. I can’t just go there wearing only a towel to cover my body, what if someone sees me?
That thought definitely wasn’t pleasant. I swallowed the bitter taste, the closet was beside the bathroom the door half opened I quickly make my way there the lights turned on by itself making it clear every piece of clothing inside it perfectly organized and hanged all separated by colors. Not that it was much colorful though, mostly being black and white and a very few gray button shirts and blue. Taking a closer look at the clothes feeling the fabrics as i slide my fingers over one it felt and looked so expensive, how neat and perfectly organized they were, how good they all smelled. This wasn’t just any smell, It transmitted luxury in every detail.
If I take any piece of clothing here Yoongi might actually cut my head off - I thought for a second but quicklyI brushed it away, making my way towards the drawers, there’s must be something here I could borrow for now that would get me kill, right?
The first one I opened immediately got me shocked, it was filled with rings and watches of all types shining with gold and diamonds all organized side by side. I closed that one as fast as I opened, turned to the next one it had some more shirtsI kept looking carefully through them till I finally found were his pajama pants were. I had to hold myself from having a little happy dance, I was begging to feel so nervous there. All of those expensive clothes, if I messed up yoongi would kill me.
But he wouldn’t mind if a borrow one of his pajama pants, would he? Out of everything there those were the only ones that seemed least shocking expensive. Once I got what I needed I quickly left that closet, dressing myself on the bedroom.
I took one final glance at myself on the mirror wall beside the bed, it didn’t look much different than what I would usually look on weekends. The pants were baggy on me even though they felt a bit tighter over the hips, definitely not meant for a woman with hips like mine but still comfortable. I fixed my hair the best i could leaving it fall messily fall over my shoulders.
I didn’t know what to do now, should I just leave the house? I know better then to do anything that could risk my life, it wasn’t just some normal persons place but a mafia man no other then Agust d. I would first have to talk with Yoongi, something’s needed to be discussed.
Making my way out of the room I immediately regret it not asking him were he would go, how am I supposed to find him in this enormous house? I didn’t have time to even check we’re we where going last night since we were obviously busy, things felt so confusing out of a sudden. What am I even doing here? Yoongi had some explanation to do over all that belonging thing with the Paradise poker card, just what in the world those people are doing with that?
He didn’t look like that type of men. He wasn’t that type of men. So what does he really want from me?
Not only that thought is driving me completely insane but, what in the world was I thinking? A sense of regret was bound to cross my mind, all the choices I made were only to save my brother. Even so the heavy weight over my chest wasn’t leaving me, would my brother finally be safe now that they have me? The only thing I knew was I had to make sure of it. How could I trust them so easily to the point were I completely forgot who I was, all my choices were meant to save someone yet I could still damage his life just as bad. If word goes out not only will my brothers life be in danger but, Namjoon.
I laid in the bed of his enemy, he would never forgive me for it if he finds out. Not only that but I’m sure the station would turn against me. They probably already know I’m with Yoongi, I can’t go back to the life I used to have. All the choices I made took me to rock bottom. And I can’t blame anyone else for it but myself.
How foolish of me. I didn’t deserve any forgiveness. I must carry on this path, wherever it takes me I must make sure I survive this war I stared with myself.
I don’t know when I found myself in front the meeting room Yoongi took me last night, I’ve been walking in this long corridor for a while now. It looked even more beautiful in the day light, now I could see the how the light form outside shined over the water falling over the window the small table with all sorts of drinks over on the right a for seat sofa in front of the wall were some of his and mine clothes were displayed and a tea table in the middle were empty cups lay there with a bottle of whiskey almost empty out the sing we must have had more drinks last night before we go to his bedroom, nothing else in the room but that. The sound of water falling was calming, the traces of last night were in every corner of the room immediately bringing a hot blush to my cheeks as I stared at our clothes laying everywhere, the possibility of someone might heaving seen it made me instantly rush to get them. I quickly took one by one in my hands, the house was so quiet except for the sound of water falling from further away though I could swear I heard voices one of them was clearly Yoongi. I couldn’t go back to the room and put the clothes there, I was sure I would get lost again so I just hide them under the sofa as fast as I could and quietly made my way to back at corridor again.
Fallowing the sound of their voices the best I could I stopped in front of a double door on the left of the long corridor, they seemed to be coming from there, standing beside it I kept my focused on their conversation.
- why did you have to bring her!? - it was Jack who said, I recognized and he didn’t sounded so happy - she’s one of them!
I was the only she I knew was brought here so this was definitely a conversation about me, no wonder Jack isn’t doesn’t sound so happy.
- I’m well aware of that Hoseok, what do you want from me? - it was Yoongi, he sounded calm like Jacks outbursts were nothing.
So that must be Jacks real name, everyone here seemed to have code names so the police don’t track them down.
- she’s been behaving only because we kept her on a leash with that brother of hers… - Jack stated, I could hear the anger building up on his voice again as he speaks - I can’t believe you would do such stupid thing just for a pussy D!
- Are you accusing my ability to make decisions because of a woman? - Yoongis voice was calm but stern at the same time at his words they both fell silent.
There were a few moments of silence between them, before I hear the sound of crashing glass.
If Jack is so pressed about me being here I must do something, he wouldn’t hesitate to take my brother life if something happened to Yoongi and it has been clear since day one how much he already disliked me I can’t let myself fall especially now that I’m under the same roof as them. If shooting one of Namjoons men wasn’t enough to prove them they had me I would have to go to the bottom of this. Things are getting messy more and more, Jack wasn’t wrong about this after all me being here definitely wasn’t the best choice. Why did I have to shoot that guy? Now I’m stuck here and probably will have to work more for Yoongi before he even considers letting me go, In the end is not much different then the my work at the station, I would still have to prove my worth for men the only difference is that now I must do it so Jack doesn’t kill my brother or me while I sleep.
- you know better then anyone else who I am and what I’m capable of… - Yoongis tone wasn’t as calm as before, now sharp and clear - do you not trust me?
- of course I do… is she who I don’t trust! - Jack exasperated, anger spilling at every word.
- I’ll kill her myself if she does anything - Yoongi said, his words sanded a chill down my spine.
Everyone seemed to have a desire with for my head on a plate, even though all I did was obey. None of them say a single words after that, I heard step’s getting closer and I quickly turned to leave that wasn’t the best moment to be found by someone who wanted me dead sneaking around especially after he had a very exclusive conversation with his boss. If I wasn’t going down by Yoongis hands Jack would definitely do the job,very painfully I assumed.
And so, if his trust is what I need to get to live I better do something quickly.
Before I could even take another step the doors were opened harshly, good thing they opened towards the outside hiding me from Jack in the process and almost breaking my nose as well.
I swallowed hard feeling my heart almost bursting out of my chest, I waited a bit as I could tell Jack was leaving the corridor through his heavy steps until I don’t hear any sound of him to come out of my hiding spot behind the door.
I took a deep breath before entering this couldn’t wait any longer, I had to set things straight with Yoongi now or else this would end very ugly. Closing the doors behind me as I entered I was soon meet with a large office the room was dark no lights in it except for the the light coming from the window balcony were he stood back turned towards me not noticing me presence. I took a deep breath holding myself as I felt a cold wind flew by the opened window, he still wore the same red silky robe from earlier smoke filling the air around him cigarette in his hand. He seemed to be in deep thought not noticing as I made my way into his office.
Suddenly I felt so small, like I just disrupted a tiger who was sleeping peacefully but I needed to have this talk with him we have to put the cards on the table now more then ever. If I can’t play against him, I’ll play with him instead.
I cleared my throat the sound making him look over his shoulder instantly, my heart almost skipping a beat as his eyes locked with mine the smallest gestures of his could turn my whole world upside down. I had to take control of my body, this won’t work if he keeps affecting me this way.
He turned back slowly taking a blow of the cigarette as he sat down on the big chair behind the desk, blowing the smoke lazily as he looked at me up and down. I swallowed hard, all the muscles in my body goin stiff under his sharp eyes.
He looked incredible good right now, messy dark hair and chest half exposed by the robe he didn’t care to tie.
- are you just going to stand there and watch me? - he asked.
- no… - o clear my throat again, mind going blank at the sight of him - we need to talk.
That’s right, talk. I have to put my cards on the table and now is time for our first match, only thing I have no cards to use against him.
- we do - he agrees, putting the cigarette down.
I took the seat in front of him. Nervously and slowly I tried to use any second a could in order to form a sentence, we have been through so much now yet I have no idea how to start this conversation.
Like something was lost after we slept together, I can’t let that change my mind so easily but I also cannot ignore it. After all, Yoongi brought me here.
- why did you brought me here? - I asked him, that was a good start.
- I already told you that - he said, blowing more of the smoke in the air.
- yes, but you didn’t explain - he sighted, I watched as he just took another blow of the cigarette eyes going up and down over me.
-right, I’ll explain then - he got up from the chair, walking up to a small bar set on the left just before the window he filled a cup for himself before proceeding with his explanation - there is a order in crime, those who come before anyone else and those who come after them. At the top is where me and a few more people stand, anyone else that comes after us is… well low graded.
- were do I stand in there? - I asked watching as he game me a smirk only.
- nowhere, you don’t stand there - he said, sitting back down at the chair in front of me - you seem, leaders of powerful groups like me are what you can call a pure blood. People who work for us are dirty blood, to enter Paradise you must prove you’re one of us or that you belong to us that way we keep things under control and away from any risks of being find.
- what happens if someone who’s not you or work for you tries to get in?
- well two scenes could happen - he said, taking a sip from the cup - you have a card that proves you belong to someone or you don’t, so you die.
- just like that?
- yes, we can’t risk our client’s safety - he said, eyes fallowing every part of my face for my reaction.
- is that why you gave me that card?
- that’s not the same thing, you gave me someone else’s card that someone didn’t wanted to belong anymore and used you to returned to me - he explained leaning forward to get closer, a smirk on his lips - by returning her card you automatically offered yourself to me.
- what?! - I gasped.
- I thought Scarlet told you that, that’s why I accepted you seeing your confusion now she must’ve not - he chuckled.
- but why would you even consider accepting me on the first place - I asked, this didn’t make any more sense to me. Why use such stupid method for something so serious?
- we needed a new mole and you just so happened to be there right on time - he mumbles - nothing especial.
I couldn’t face the smirk on his lips deciding to keep my focus on his hands instead as he played with the tip of the cup in front of him, the brown liquid melted the ice cubes on it smoke dancing around the air.
That woman knew exactly what would happened to me yet she didn’t utter a single word about it, she knew what all of that meant but didn’t told me anything. I could feel the anger building inside me, the more I thought about her face the more hate filled men nerves. I should’ve had noticed something was off, no one hands information that easily. That card she gave me then by Yoongis words meant she worked for him before, that’s how she knew were he was and Paradise. I wondered what kind of work he gave her, that would explain why he would need a woman.
I’m sure he could have better men do what ever job he wants yet, he choose me - actually he accepted as he said. Here I did everything he asked me, leaking information for him and even shoot someone for him and I’m still here. I wasn’t part of his world just a mere mistake, a mere side effect that happened because of my stupid choices and actions, was sleeping with me all he wanted? Why was I still here?
He sighted getting up from the chair walking around the desk to stop in front of me leaning over towards me his face mere inches away from mine, a cold chill running all over my skin as I turned my eyes back to the floor I couldn’t even look at him now. I didn’t even try to stop him from bringing me here he gave me his hand and I took it, I was the one who decided to shake hands with the devil.
My brother was a mere contributor for this to happen, t protect my brother I must live. I want to live. It is clear as the sky, who ever crosses Yoongis path will end up dead that gives me no choice but, honestly I couldn’t feel single bit of remorse about it. Not everyone in this world if a saint, everybody has their own secrets and share of misfortune, not everybody can play the hero but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to get your hands dirty a bit. Playing safe can only take somewhere, if you don’t take the risk and shake hands with the devil sometimes you’ll never be able to reach farther. I was tired of being the nice person, never saying no while everyone though they could walk over me.
I have to play smart if I want to keep breathing, I’ll gladly shake hands with him again in order to do that.
- the moment I saw you in that police station, I could tell you were born to be like me… you’re whole body aches for this. I see the potential in you, so why not under me? - he whispered, leaning towards me he looked me against the chair with both hands on rather side of me.
He slowly brushed my hair out of my face. Just like this morning I felt completely hypnotized by him, his words were poison disguised as sweet honey, dripping from his lips like he never spoke a lie.
He was giving me the opportunity to work for him, now is my chance to make this deal. Although I don’t completely agree with him or his methods.
- how would you know? - I breathless asked him, only for his smirk to grow even more. How could he just read me like that.
My body felt deeply attracted to his, every cell on my skin was aching to meet his but this wasn’t good for me. How could he know so much about me, when we only meet a few times? How could he read me so well to know who I’m?
All I did this whole time was to survive, to protect my brother. How was that because I’m like him?
- because… - he closed the distance between us, lips brushed over mine - anyone else would call the police already, you’re were not one of them so the right decision you should’ve made was to tell someone about all the things that happened. Stop lying to yourself y/n. You’re choices speak louder than all this bullshit you’re trying to put up.
- no, you used m y brother against me, I didn’t have a choice - I stared back into his pool of ice coffee iris.
- you and I both know you did, that night you didn’t have to come alone you didn’t have to come at all - he chuckled - use all this excuses to make yourself plausible, you think you can go back to your station and they will give you a big hug and flowers?
- I’m not like you…. - I said through my teeth.
- no… - he said amazed, hands closing around my chin to make look up into his eyes - you can’t ever be like me, I’m worst.
- what do want from me anyway? - I spat, taking his hand from my face.
- depends… what are you willing to do for me? - he retorted, standing up he walked back to his chair sitting down - can put a bunny to work for me if she won’t be able to hunt.
- I think you already know…. - the thought of the night before instantly flowing back to my mind. I was willing to shoot someone again if needed. But not willing to admit that out loud.
A moment of silence fell between us so thick you could cut with a knife. We were exposing our cards now, I had a stupid pair of threes of spades while he kept putting aces down. Each time. Every word coming out of his mouth just as sharp as a knife.
There was still one card I needed to get out of this play.
- why were you at the station that day? - I finally asked him - the night after we meet in downtown, you were at the station and then… you attacked the diretor of my… of the station.
- just some business…
- cut that bulshit! - I snap - you better start giving me answers!
- I don’t owe you nothing… your one of my dogs now - he said, tilting his head to the side a smirk on his lips mocking me - but if you wanna know so bad, and we’ll since you did used to work there I’ll tell you after your done with your job tonight.
- what about my brother? - I asked him, making him sight.
- humm… well, he owes me a lot of money - he smirked.
- I’ll pay for him… - I swallowed hard. The smirk immediately desapear from his face, he looked at me dead in the eye as if already expecting.
- who said I’d accept it?
- what? - my body immediately falling over the feeling of an exhausted helplessness. Why wouldn’t he accept? What does that even mean?
- he owes me…. Not you - he said, lighting another cigarette.
At that I scoffed.
- he’s my responsibility, I failed to protect him that’s why he’s like that now. - I tell him.
- trust me… it’s not your fault - he said, looking up to blow the smoke as if he knew something I don’t.
- just let me pay for him already… - I insisted.
- do you have the money? - he said impatiently.
- I’ll get it… - somehow I could. I didn’t even knew how much he owed them. Yet here I’m putting my neck on the line again.
- you don’t. - he cuts me off - which means you can only do one thing to pay your brothers debit.
I swallowed nervously. Cheeks hitting up.
- don’t worry… I don’t want you to pay it with sex - he chuckled, noticing my expression - that won’t bring my money back.
- no? I mean of course it won’t, I thought…
- you’ll stay here and work for me - he said - can’t risk that little mouth of yours outside anyways, especially when that Namjoon guy is searching everywhere for you.
The mention of Namjoon immediately brought my eyes back to his. He was searching for me? Why would he, after everything I’ve done. Only if he doesn’t know anything how I was the one who sabotage his whole operation. Maybe he does know, of course he does no one could beat him at the station he was the best investigator there he’s probably looking for me to put me behind bars.
- what’s with you and that guy anyway? - Yoongi asked, - he always seems so… are you and him, you know?
- no. - I immediately cut him off, anger boiling inside me at his insinuating - he is just… was a friend.
- i don’t really care about that… just making sure….
- I won’t tell him anything don’t worry, is not like I can he’s probably looking for me to lock me up - I interrupted him, this whole conversation turned upside down - he’ll do that if he finds me, I won’t make that mistake.
- good then. - he drank the whole liquid before putting the cigarette insides - you’ll be staying here from now.
- I need my things - I tell him, I can’t stay here without clothes and shampoo. It feels like prison.
- I’ll manege that don’t worry, - he said - I need you to be ready tonight though, we’ll go to paradise tonight I need to finish some business… I’ll use your excellent talent into finding people to get a rat that seems to be lost.
I only nodded. Of course that wouldn’t be any wait until I get used to all of this, someone like him must have his hands full of work he probably doesn’t spare any second to get into action.
Talent into finding people, he meant how I was so up his ass in the station to find him. I didn’t found him though, he was the one who found me.
That time, I was the rat.
If someone told me I would be working for the mafia years ago, I would have laughed at their face. I had trained my entire life to put guys like him under bars nothing could ever excuse all the thing their organization did to so many people, downtown has been the worse every since Agust D implanted himself here. But look at me now, working for him willing.
If I wanted to blame my brother for it, I could. All his irresponsible choices took me there to help him, if I didn’t went there to save him and actually called Namjoon for help would it be any different? But if I didn’t have gotten there, what if something happened to him? Any minute longer my brother would be dead in that day. Would Yoongi show up to help my brother? Why did he help us that night, more then that he took us to eat.
When he mentioned how much money brother owed him I saw how his eyes shined, he knew something I didn’t about my brother more then just his addiction maybe, but what could that be? How am I supposed to find that out now?
Yoongi is somehow connected to the police, that’s how he’s been able to clean his tracks. He probably has someone else there working for him, just like he did to me. What Jack told me about this unknown men is that he runaway somehow and then I was the one doing the dirty work, I’ve been working in that station for years and I never noticed anything strange but, how could I anyway. I was a mere cop and on top of it all a woman. They would never even talk to me.
Thinking about it now, I’m starting to understand why Yoongi choose me to work there for him. I was the perfect puppet for his play. For as long as I have been working as a cop at the station they never really treated me equally, never letting me join the real cases and always just giving the paper work besides all my capabilities and background they never even gave me a chance to prove what I could do. I was an outcast there, how would they notice me running around stealing information for the mafia, they couldn’t even look me in the same level. No one would expect it.
At this point I don’t even know where my judgment has come to, Yoongi is the bad guy. He is the evil that robs all are streets from seafty, this feeling of attraction can stop me from seeing him as who he truly is.
Maybe I’m not as good as I thought I was? Maybe he is right, I’m a bad person.
I know I can’t runaway from the path I choose but I don’t feel like running anymore. At the station no matter how good I was it was never enough, I would never be enough for them. This might not be the best path for someone to fallow, but I trust myself more then anyone in this world. I would never chose a path I can’t walk through, if I came here alive I’ll stay alive.
After I left Yoongis office mind still clouded with thoughts as I made my back to the room we had slept in, he said he would bring some of my clothes from my house soon also making sure no one knows about it and insured my brother wouldn’t knew either that someone went there, after that he only told me to be ready by 7pm. No details. Short and direct.
He wasn’t taking me out to eat, he gave me a mission. And if finding someone was all there was to it, it shouldn’t be so difficult? Besides is not like he asked me to end someone’s life.
A small clock was sat at the side table of the bed, I notice it was 3pm. The fact that it wouldn’t take much longer for me to start getting ready to go to Paradise again, made me nervous. This time was different then the other times I went there, those times I was set to get information to use against Yoongi and now I would have to get information for him it was complete different, I knew he was using this stupid mission to see if would be able to work under him, he was testing me. I was feed up with all this tests and mind games he kept playing to use me, but I could blame him a man in such position would never risk his empire over a a small inconvenience like me. I should’ve expected that from the beginning, he doesn’t put you into training like the police does to k ow you’re worth, he throws you in a ring and you better come out alive. I didn’t know how I would be able to do this, I agreed with him to do this. This time it was all my choice and deep down I knew it was my last test.
The police never once was able to enter paradise, not until I was. But I’m not a cop anymore. It wasn’t official but I doubt it would take much longer for my face to be on the news.
“Female cop join hands with the mafia, turns out she’s been giving out information to them and she was the cause of the long take to solve the case”
People would hate me. If my father was alive, he would probably put me in jail no second thought. But if he was alive, would I even be here now? My brother wouldn’t have choose that path, he wouldn’t owe Yoongi a single dollar. And I wouldn’t have had to save him that night. Still Yoongi had connections in the station, would we still meet me after all?
While I was walking around the room deep in my thoughts of how I completely destroyed my life, a few nocks on the door took me out of my mind completely. In a few seconds a maid entered the room with a tray of food, she seemed old a few grey hairs standing out at the sides of her perfectly made bun. She didn’t made eye contact with me not did she smiled.
- boss asked me to bring you some food, - with that she pulled the tray over the bed and turned back to me - your dress will be delivered soon as well your things.
With one last bow she turned back and left.
I looked over the food on the bed, it was two sandwiches and a orange juice. So soon I’ll go back to paradise, except this time I’ll be going with Agust D.
I didn’t wanted to think about anything anymore, right now more then ever I just wanted to throw everything in the air. I’m such a cowered. Things get tight and what do I do? Stupidly try to forget about it? I won’t ever be able to forget anything.
I could die any moment by the hands of Agust d right shoulder, Jack. Without any words he made it very clear that if I took some step slightly wrong, he would end my brother and I.
Not only is my brothers life on the line now but mine, and Namjoons.
A while later I was finally able to eat the food the maid brought me, my nervousness was beginning to make me weak and tonight I’ll need all the energy I have to complete this mission.
Good or bad a mission is still a mission. That’s what Namjoon would always said to me to make me feel better about all the paper work i was put to do. He knew better what a bad mission is like no one else.
After eating I decided to take a cold quick shower, just to wake up my body and muscles. Once I was done I walked back to the room only to find a few boxes around and a dress placed over the bed. I took a look closer to it taking the black silk into my hands, the tag flew out of its hiding spot and I gasped.
No he did not.
I immediately put it back on the bed.
Yoongi you little…. Why would you spend that much money on a dress like that?
I sighted holding my temple, no way I’ll wear that tonight. After recomposing myself I looked over the two boxes beside the bed. Opening one I found out my clothes in one, the other had all my personal necessities. He better not have sanded a men to get my underwear.
After looking around my clothes I decided to wear a simple black shirt and a dark colored jeans. If anything happens tonight I’ll be able to defend myself and move around without being noticed.
I took a few looks at myself on the mirror, the door of the room opened quickly starling me I turned back to find Yoongi. He must have showered already, hair a bit wet and styled back. He wore black as usual except for his white shirt underneath the coat. The minty and woody scent coming form him was enough to make you drunk on him. I cleared my throat as he continued to look at me up and down one eyebrow slightly raised.
- what are you wearing? - he asked, his sudden question making me look side to side.
- clothes?
- no obviously… - he rolled his eyes back walking up to me stoping a few feet away - you’re not wearing this tonight, right?
- yes I’m.
He only chuckled.
- put the dress on - he order, a serious expression over his features.
- no, I’m going there for work not partying - I tell him.
- you take things way to seriously…. - he said closing the distance between us - you’re not walking beside me in Paradise wearing that, otherwise I would t have bought that dress just to collect dust.
I gulped down. Dressed like this, of course he wouldn’t want to be seen with someone like like me there. I bet red haired woman was much better company then. I turned to side, trying to act as if his words didn’t make a difference to me, as if I wasn’t hurt by it. Over the mirror I catches him looking me up and down again before looking into my eyes one last time and turned back around. He sat lazily over the end of the bed, signaling to the dress.
I sighted. Walking towards the dress I took agryy making my way to the bathroom, the smirk on his face making me even more angry. Stupid Yoongi and stupid dress.
I took a deep breath before looking at the black silky dress, it was long with a v cut on the left to show the leg, long sleeves that exposed the shoulders small diamonds fallowing a v line over the chest, it left the back to show witch meant I wouldn’t be able to wear a bra with it. How am I supposed to work wearing this?
Forget it, I’ll just put it on to show him and then I’ll take it off.
A dress was the least of my problems now, so I didn’t thought about much after I put it on. Not taking another second I burst out of the bathroom standing in front of Yoongi as he looked up from the floor to me. I don’t know why I was so angry about this but it all seemed to deasapear once I locked eyes with him.
- happy now? - I asked him, closing my arms over my chest. Looking anywhere but him.
- much pleased… - he said. Getting up.
- no, you wanted me to put it on and I did I’ll change back now.
- why can’t you just wear the dress?
- you don’t know? - I asked him incredibly - how am I supposed to defend myself in this? What if I need to run? This isn’t the best disguise!
He walked back towards me, a chuckled leaving his lips once he stood in front of me. I felt so small now I could bearly look at him. How would he know. He’s man.
- you won’t have to defend yourself, I’ll be right there for you - he said, hand over my chin to look up at him - I won’t let anyone hurt you.
- if you do… I’ll hurt you then - at that he smirked.
- is a deal then - He said walking back - put on the shoes I got for you it will look better with the dress.
I looked at him incredulous, he meant the black stiletto over the bed? No way.
- you’ll get the dress I’ll choose the shoes - I tell him.
- fine, as long as it’s not a stupid converse - he said.
- what’s your problem with them? - I asked him as I sit down in the end of the bed.
- they’re just… too hard to take off - he said.
- hard to take… - i immediately stopped myself once I realized what he meant - of course.
I took my Dr. Martens boots and begin to put it on.
- you’re not wearing that - he said.
- yes I’m - I tell him one I’m done, looking up at him with arms closed over my chest - besides you won’t have to worry about taking them off of me tonight.
He chuckled looking down at me.
- I have one more thing for you - he said, walking back to me.
He stood in front of me before getting on his right knee, I looked at him confused until I saw him taking a knife out of his back, it was a tigh garter for one small knife.
- in case you need it - he said, taking my knee in his hand the v cut of the dress exposing my leg for him to slide the garter on my leg stoping over my tigh.
The small knife was secured under the black silk of my dress hidden away from anyone who might see it. He looked up to me, something in his eyes sparkle differently.
- thank you…
He only gave me a smirk, standing up to walk out of the room. I quickly recomposed myself fallowing him outside.
Something was telling me tonight wouldn’t be like any other night I was at paradise, I kept seeing red the more I thought about it even when I tried to push it away it came right back to me.
The ride to Paradise wasn’t a long one. I sat beside Yoongi on the black Range Rover, even the air seemed different as Jack drove to Paradise but I tried to play it off maybe it was the fact that now I was going to be there as Yoongi makes his business happen, the possibilities of what might happen at the end of this night kept sending a chill down my back. After we’re finally in front of the night club, Jack and his men fallowed behind me and Yoongi as we make or way towards the entrance of the building.
Expensive cars all over around the place like usual, people wearing the most extravagant clothes possible. Smoke in the air as well as the smell of strong woody and sweet perfume.
As Yoongi walked in front to enter the building I fallowed close behind. Tonight everything seemed a bit different, people looked different. Maybe it was all in my head, I wasn’t a very frequent person here anyway. My eyes kept running around as if looking for a shadow hiding in the dark, ready to take off my mask. Starle by the sudden touch behind my back, Iooking up to Yoongi as he moves closer to me.
- stand close to me - he whispered in my ear, hand sliding around my back to stop at my right hip.
I swallowed hard. Only nodding.
We pass the guards who immediately leave space for Yoongi to enter, no questions asked. No questions needed. Agust D is the owner of everything here.
The loud music burst through my ears once we are inside Paradise, it wasn’t as full as it usualy was people who walked past us were definitely not the same usual people. Different from the other times I was here there was less people walking around half naked, the music on the first floor was the usual and a few woman dressed in sexy langerie were doing pole dance in the middle of a set up platform of the place, some just like them were carrying drinks around or small foods in golden trays. The amount of men walking around this place with the same aura as Yoongi led me to think that this was a night only for high class members of the mafia and criminals such as them.
Almost like they knew Agust d was coming, a waitress stopped in front of us and Jack immediately took front to speak with him. A mere waitress can’t speak with Yoongi was what I though.
After talking with Jack the waitress lead us to we’re we where set, a table on the second floor that we’re separated from all the others by a big glass door as water fell from it to a small pound with koy fishes you could only see from outside.
Yoongi stopped before we entered, turning me to him by the hips he leaned over my ear.
- I need you to find someone called Jang Jun woo, he is here somewhere hiding like a rat - he whispered - he is good in desguise and is now working here using the name of Han Seo a waitress in Paradise. Go find him for me, once you do come back to me with his location.
I looked up to him as he leaned back, giving him a nod I turned back to leave not wanting to waste a second. The sooner I find the guy the sooner I can leave here.
I decided to start by the first floor were most of the waitress were at the bar there and not walking around, quickly making my way there I felt so thankful Yoongi didn’t throw a fit for the heels. Especially since I would have to run over the entire building.
The heavy beat of drums and guitar stared playing as slow rock music played in the background, I could feel it beat through my whole body. Nervous I felt not knowing what to do first, I wasn’t given much information about the person I had to find. I didn’t know his face. Only his name wasn’t much to help but maybe that’s what Yoongi wanted, to make things more difficult for me so I work harder to find the guy he wanted. Yoongi could have any of his men doing the work and it would be over in minutes but he just had to make me do this in order to test me. If I wanted to stay alive I would have to find this men he was looking for. To be honest I thought Yoongi might already know we’re he is and is only testing me to the bones with this stupid mission, what he’ll do with that men after is not my problem my job is to find him and bring Yoongi to him.
I sighted taking a seat at the bar stool, the wall behind the bar was shining bright made entirely from led lights panels the lights shined over all the different kinds of drinks placed over it the same decoration was build on the second floor as well, while I sat there I notice a few people talked with the waitress working over there. There was a total of six men working on this bar, on the other side of this floor closer to the platforms where another bar like this one I would have to inspect it as well.
If I start asking for names it would be suspicious, so first I decided to only observe them that way no one would notice me and neither would Han seo, two waitresses walked passed over me but their name tags were not the one I needed to find. After making sure I got all their names confirming th done I needed wasn’t there I got up walking to the other side were they worked serving the people in front of them, trying my best not to make obvious I serched for the name in their tags. None of them were the one I needed.
Of course it wouldn’t be easy to find him, I have a feeling word mush have gone out that Agust D was coming tonight, and if he’s trying to hide from Yoongi it won’t be as easy to find him.
Only woman were serving drinks around the first floor and after I made sure I checked all the waitresses on the bars, I sighted making my way to the second floor there were two bars on this floor just like the first one people here played poker and drank, there was no one dancing like the first floor and music here was always much calmer then down there, as I entered the second floor I watched every corner of it different from the first floor only men were serving drinks and food here, I can’t just walk around the entire place looking for this men. Not only would it Ben suspicious but entirely useless, I would just be wasting time if I just walk around here. With a sight I turned to the bar close to the entrance for the second floor, after you take the stairs to get here at the left side occupying the entire wall the other one was in the middle of the room a circle bar almost as big as yoongis bathroom I thought. A big chandelier over it shined a warm color covered in diamonds.
I instead made my way to the closest to the entrance taking a sit on a bar stool, I could feel eyes on me the entire time. Maybe Jack was watching giving Yoongi all the details about my stupid investigation how so far I didn’t have a single clue about the Han seo whereabouts, how anyone else could have already funded him if he have made the choice to put me here instead.
- I almost didn’t recognize you… - a voice I knew very well said behind me.
Turning around at the source of the voice I’m meet with a very known face, of course I would run on him somehow I always do.
- Jimin… - I gave him a small smile which he replied with one dripping mischief.
- you look… delicious- he said walking to me taking one of my hand up to his lips to leave a small kiss over it.
- thank you… but I’m here for work actually - I played along.
- ah, what a shame… - he pushed his hair back I notice the black gloves he wore, it shined under the lights as bit of sweat falling from his neck contrasted between the glitter over his skin.
Tonight he had a heavy dark make up covering his eyes, the white shirt slightly button up as usual showing off his skin underneath it and black vinyl pants tightly hugging his legs. So many accessories over his neck shined under the blue lights, he didn’t let go of my hand standing beside me on the bar closing completely the distance between us. A lot had happened between us the last time I was here but, now I couldn’t let his beautiful face distract me it wasn’t the right time for it specially with everything going on.
It didn’t help how good he looked right now to say no, Jimin always seemed to have a way with people his words laced with sweetness he never said the wrong thing, always managing to get exactly what he wants eyes filled with dirtiness alcohol on his breath mixed with the strong scent of Chanel coming from his body he was breathtaking, I was sure there was not a single night were he wasn’t here at Paradise maybe I could take a few words from him since he’s always here. In the end of the night he might be very helpful.
Once I smiled back at him he asked for one of the waitress my eyes immediately falling over his name tag, but just my luck it was not the one I was looking for.
- whiskey for me, lots of ice please is too hot tonight - he smirked while looking back at me, his eyes shined brighter as he took in my features - and for my darling here…
- champagne, please - I answered.
- champagne it is …. - he smirked at me.
The waitress took our orders and walked back to prepare them.
- I saw you entering with Agust d… - Jimin coments - so you really are working with him?
- it seems like it doesn’t it?
- I better watch out then…. He doesn’t like sharing toys - Jimin said, a knowing smile growing over his full lips. He was looking for my reaction, trying to read between the lines. As much lovely as he might presents himself, Jimin wasn’t a fool I could tell he knew exactly what he was doing and with who he was talking.
- I’m not his toy… - I simply said eyes running over the waitress at the bar, feelinghis hold over my hand tightened making me look back into his smoky eyes.
- so he didn’t send you here for a stupid little mission…. - he said.
His words making my checks immediately heat up, he knew. Of course he would know. I wasn’t the first one to be in this exact position and not will I be the last one, sooner or later Yoongi would find someone else to take my place. Tonight might just be that time he’ll choose someone else to if I fail this stupid test.
The waitress soon puts our drinks down in front of us, Jimin immediately drinks half of his before turning to me completely leaning closer to whispered behind my ear.
- maybe I can help you? - the smirk danced over his lips full of mischief.
I didn’t know if I could fully trust him, but right now I had nothing on the guy Yoongi wanted me to find and since Jimin seemed to be so whiling to help I might as well just play along with it, something’s only a woman can do.
- can you? - I whisper back leaning towards him, hand slight dancing over his jaw to bring him closer. He seemed completely out of it, eyes looking up to mine and down my lips.
We’ve been here before, I hated to use the words but he was so easy to use. Anyone could get anything from him with just a few touches, Jimin was the type to exchange information for pleasure for that reason I couldn’t trust him completely but for now, that is exactly what I need.
- your wish is my command - he said against my lips.
I turned to whispered in his ear, making sure to run the tip of my nose over his neck.
- I’m trying to find a little rat that escaped.
- oh, I sure can help you with it. - he said, - nothing happens here that I don’t know about it.
- good kitty - I run my fingers through his hair, he smiles softly. The pet name rolling down my tongue, I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing but it was working.
- who do you need - he murmured over my ear, I could see goosebumps running down his skin.
- a guy named Jang Jun woo, I heard his working here under the name Han seo do you know anything about it? - I asked him, running my hand over his arm.
- oh that guy…. What do you need him for? - he asked.
- just talking, he’s been running away I’m a bit worried about him… - I played.
- I see… i can ask for him here, he’s working in the kitchen now - he said, that fact that he knew so well about this guy didn’t went past me.
- how do you know this? - I asked. He leaned back a smirk over his lips as he stared down at me.
- I know the owner of this place, you can say… we’re pretty close - he said, taking his phone out of pocket.
He knew the owner of Paradise, that meant Yoongi wasn’t the one who ruled this place. Then who is it?
Shaking that thought form my mind for now, my focus was back at the mission in front of me. I still had to think of a way to make sure Yoongi could get Jun woo without him running away, that meant I would have to immobilize him completely. A plan was already forming in my head as I stared at Jimin.
- could ask Han seo to prepare a room for me on the thrid floor? - I ask him, running my fingers over his neck down his chest stoping over a button. Eyes looked with his.
- of course I can… but I thought you just needed to talk with him? - he said.
- don’t worry about it… it’s not him who I want now - Jimin was so easy to play with, with only a few words and a touch here and there I could get anything from him.
I felt bad to use him like this, but not everyone is good in this world. I’ll use whoever I need to and I’ll do what ever I need to, I can’t back down now form this. Yoongi can have anyone doing this for him, that means I’m replaceable if I don’t show him I can do this my head will becut off before I can even try to runaway.
- I’ll get it ready right now then… - he said.
- good kitty… - I left a small peck over his cheek.
- only for you - he took his phone out calling someone - hey Tae, can you ask that Han seo guy to get a room ready for me?
I watched as he talked on the phone.
Tae. Another new name I have to save for later, once I finish this I’m sure I’ll have more questions for Yoongi. That is if I finish this job before Jack puts a bullet in my head. The thought that this might be my last chance wasn’t gone completely from my mind, it definitely didn’t help to know a guy such as him was ready to take me out so easily.
- thanks man… - he turned off the phone - is done, just wait a few minutes I’ll go upstairs with you.
- ok, thank you - I tell him.
- no need, everything for my pretty girl - he laced one arm over my waist bringing me closer, eyes glued to my lips.
- by the way who were talking too? - I change the subject quickly before i give into the temptation of his juicy lips, the longer I was here with him the harder it was to stand there and not grab him by the neck. His captivating aura definitely didn’t help.
- Tae? Oh he’s… how can I tell you? The boss here? - he took the cup with liquid on drinking the entire thing a big gulp.
- so he owes Paradise?
- since you are in our side now… I’ll tell you - he leaned closer - Agust handed Paradise for him personally…. Taes Father was close to Agust like a parent I would say, they are like brothers now.
- oh , I’ll trust him then…
He only gave me a smile, I took a sip of the champagne looking around I could see Yoongis men all over the place to protect him or to make sure I do my job and don’t runaway. I was sure it was the second option. The more I thought about him the more questions raised in my mind, Yoongi had this connection with a guy named Tae, who he handed Paradise to all because he was close with the guys father. The thought made think that somewhere deep down his nonexistent heart was something still human in him, why could he do such thing if not. It was hard to believe though but part of me couldn’t help see something good in him after the sudden information. Nobody knows anything about Yoongi, they all fear him though. I know no one is born a monster, so what happened to him that made him be one?
After we have our drinks Jimin gets up holding a hand out for me to take, I did letting him guide me he said the room was ready and the guy Han seo was waiting there so we made our ways to the third floor.
My heart was beating faster in my chest the closer we got to the corridor the music started to feel deafening, I had no idea what I would do from the moment I step foot in that room. The walls of the corridor felt smaller the deeper we made our way in, stoping in front of a door I looked at the number 226 in gold over the dark wood. I didn’t know how I would go from here, what was I supposed to do with the guy since he’s been hiding from Yoongi there is a good chance he will try to scape. I would have to be very careful about this, I just need to make sure he stays there until Yoongi comes up here.
With that all in mind I opened the door, the guy had his back to me when I entered he was quietly fixing the bed then moved to fix a bottle of champagne over it. Once he turned starlet by my presence he gave me a bow, quickly making his way to leave. Close enough for me to see his name tag, I relief fill my body.
Han seo shined over the simple tag name. Before he could take another step o took his arm into mine.
- Agust D has business with you Jun woo - I tell him.
I didn’t know his face but the desparation in his eyes as soon as I mention Yoongi and his real name were enough prof. He’s the one I needed to find. Hetried to dogged me and leave the room but i held his arm tighter pushing him over I used my leg to make him fall, holding his arm up with my feat over his shoulder into breaking I forced my feat on him twisting his arm to the right until I hear him groaning at the pain, I stepped over his face.
- quiet! Or I’ll break your arm off - I tell him, getting another painful groan form him.
- what are you doing? - Jimin entered the room, eyes changing from me to the guy on the floor.
- he tried to scape…. - I tell him.
- oh yeah?
- don’t look at me like that - I angrily tell him - you know who I work for, now get something to tied him up now!
He murmured a “ok” and quickly moved around the room to find something to tie the guy, I kept my hold over his arm until Jimin finally bring me the golden ties of the curtains. The guy tried to run away again once I released his arm to tie him but I quickly nocked him out by kicking him in the face. Surprise at my own actions i quickly began to tied up the guy, he lazily kept trying to stop me but I held him still with my feet over his back. One I was sure he wouldn’t be able to get out of the, I turned back to Jimin.
- can I have your phone please? - he nodded handing it to me.
I moved to the guy, taking his cap off I took a pic of his face with the flash on. I had to make sure he was the guy Yoongi was looking for.
- Jimin… can you make sure he stays here like this and not escape? I’ll be back soon - I tell him.
- I wouldn’t dare to disobey - he said, a chuckled coming from his lips - I’ll make sure the rat doesn’t move.
- thanks kitty - I tell him.
I quickly left the room making my way out of the corridor down the stairs to the second floor, adrenaline filling my whole body. Is that how it feels when you get the bad guys? Namjoon must always feel so great after having a mission completed. A small smile made its way to my lips unconsciously, I shouldn’t feel this way but it was still a way of getting back at the bad guys. At least that would be my sense of accomplishment for now.
Quickly making my way we’re back to the second floor where Yoongi was, I had to get there fast before the guy upstairs try anything funny with Jimin. It wouldn’t be nice to let him get in the middle of this whole situation, although he did help me get the guy there. Once I was close enough to the separate table in the corner were I last went with Yoongi I notice a shadow of someone’s head behind the glass wall there, it seemed he had some company there or there then Jack now. Walking past the body guard I made my way inside there seeing as Yoongi sat comfortably on the armchair at the corner, Jack sat at the bigger purple sofa beside Yoongi and over the other side were the glass door was a man a never saw before sat in front of Jack.
Knowing the guy could escape i quickly made my way to Yoongi.
- is it him? - I showed him the picture I took with Jimins phone.
He took the phone from me a smirk forming on his lips as he passed the phone to Jack.
- hes on the thrid floor room 226 - I tell Yoongi.
- very well then, get things ready - he said to Jack who immediately stood up and went out of there with the body guards.
I watched as Yoongi leans back looking me from up and down the smirk never leaving his lips, he holds his hand out for me which i carefully took it, feeling hm ouch me down to sit over his lap hand holding my exposed back to support me the simple touch immediately sanded chills down my spine.
- wanna drink something? - he suddenly asked me.
- no I already had champagne - I tell him, moving my arm around his shoulder.
- yeah I heard… - he said moving a strand of hair behind my ear.
So he was watching me the entire time, my suspicions were right. All of those guards of his were not there to protect him but to keep an eye on my every move. This whole job was a test indeed, I knew that from the beginning. The mocking sound of his voice had more then just a confirmation of this, he knew about me and Jimin.
- this guy here is Chris - he says - he works for me in downtown.
He pointed at the men sitting there, the man held his glass up for me a smile on his face the guy seemed to be in his forties or so, the half done beard and wet blonde hair with a few strands of white were slightly pushed back he wore a red shirt half bottom up exposing the big golden chain around his neck, cigarette on his right hand and a cup with whiskey on the other hand.
His eyes kept running up and down my legs the entire time ever since I walked in, disgust instantly filling me up. That’s why I hate wearing dresses like this, men always look at you like you’re just a piece of meet in a showcase with their little to nonexistent brain think they can get anything from you just because your showing some skin.
I wanted to throw up.
- I see you have a new bitch, does Scarlet knows? - he said, smoke leaving his lips as he takes a sip of the golden liquid on his cup.
- she was the one who left - Yoongi said, hand closing around my knee exposed by the dress slightly moving up - why would I waste my time?
- does this beauty have a name? - he said, making my eyes go back to his disgusting face I catch him eyeing me again.
- not your business- i spat at him, I didn’t care if he was one of Yoongis men or what ever. I was tired of this whole situation.
- oh feisty, for just a another bitch…. just acompaning you Agust? - he said as if I wasn’t there, finally looking away from and at Yoongi beside me.
Rage was boiling over me, I still had the adrenaline from earlier running through my whole body just looking at the disgusting face of Chris was enough to make my blood boil. This place was not different from the station, men still had no respect for woman he must not know what I’m capable of and right now neither do I know what I’m capable of doing if he keeps talking to me like I’m just, a bitch.
The feeling of Yoongis fingers sliding over my thigh towards the knife he gave me before was the only thing that brought me back to my control, immediately looking back to his face as he leaned over my ear.
- should I cut off his toungue? - Yoongi whispered on my ear, hand stoping above the knife, ready to take it.
Although his words sanded a chill down my body, for a second there I felt important. I don’t know what made him say that, the fact that the guy has only been disrespectful towards me and not him shouldn’t be enough for him to cut off his tongue for me. Still he was right there ready to take matter into his hands.
With a heart racing on my chest I slightly brushed my fingers over the hairs at the back of his neck, feeling his breathing deepening at the small touch. There was nothing I wanted more in that moment then to see that guy regretting his words.
- maybe… doesn’t he needs to talk business with you though? - I tell him, turning back to him. - you can do it afterwards.
I’ve never felt so much rage before, I hated this type of guys.
- right… - he said to me. Hand sliding off the knife. I had no doubt he would cut off the guy. Right now I had enough on my plate for such show.
He leaned back eyes staring bored at the guy in front of him, Chris cleaned his throat before sitting straight into his seat.
- so did you find the rat you were talking about? - he asked Yoongi.
- I’m still looking…. You see he’s been hiding very well - Yoongi said. Hand sliding up my back slowly eyes glued to the men’s in front of him. Something seemed different between them.
They were talking about the guy upstairs and if Yoongi just lied about not finding him, it must mean this guy had something to do with Jun woo. Could it be he was also behind this all? Is that why Yoongi is meeting with him tonight the same date as he’s getting back at Jun woo?
Shit. This was going to be a long night.
- doesn’t seem like your stressing yourself much over that… - Chris guy said.
- I have someone looking over it soon he’ll be dead - at Yoongis words I immediately freeze.
I shouldn’t be surprised things would end this way, that’s why he sanded Jack over there to finish the job.
- should we have a toast old friend? - said Chris - here I got you your favorite straight from the business.
A woman with a tray with drinks suddenly enters taking me complete from my thoughts, she wear a black tube dress handing a new drink for Chris before making her way over to Yoongi a cup with dark liquid the strong scent of it which I could tell was definitely whiskey. As he reach to get the cup from her I watched her eyeing him almost rolling my own eyes but before I can even think about it I notice the small pill at the bottom of the cup at making bubbles almost unnoticeable as the ice inside it covered the pill. I’ve seen it many cases with drugs like this at the station and suddenly everything began to connect in my mind.
People here were definitely different from the other times I was here, everyone were important mafia members knowing who with not single doubt know how powerful Yoongi was of course someone would try to take him down. Especially a guy that seemed to be working with the little rat Yoongi was about to kill.
Anger immediately boiled me up, I didn’t think for a second before I take the cup from Yoongis hand as I stood up, throwing it over the table in the middle starling every one around it. In a second I took my knife out of my garter as I made my way to Chris grabbing the man’s face I hold the sharp metal against his cheek.
- how dare you! - I accused him. He groaned eyes searching up for Yoongi behind me. - what’s on his cup? You better tell me now or all cut your face off!
For a moment I saw fear in his face, he looked desperate at Yoongi before my actions but at the mention of the drug on his cup all the fear seemed to dissipate from his face as he only laughed. The sound of his laughter turned a switch on my mind, I no longer could hold it anymore I was simply tired of hearing them laugh at me. With no second thoughts I held the knife tighter over his skin slowly cutting his face as blood started to drip from it.
I could tell Yoongi just sat there watching probably amused by the sight clearly entertained by it, the security guards entered the room but were quickly signaled to back off by him.
From the corner of my eyes I notice Jacks presence there as well, right just in time.
- just ecstasy…. - Chris mumbles under me, he laughed sickly - seems like the bitch doesn’t know her men… silly girl…
Anger boiled over every cell in my body, any idea of sanity I had was gone in that moment. If they don’t know what I’m capable of, I’ll gladly show them.
- seems like you are the one who doesn’t know your place…. - i tell him - let me remind you.
In that split of seconds I catcher that glimpse of fear again that I so desperately was looking for, he didn’t expect me to go further and he didn’t thought for a second Yoongi wouldn’t stop me and with that i cut half his face with the knife Yoongi gave me, deep enough to leave a scar. He groaned out loud, blood pouring from his face as he desperately tried to cover with his hands, I didn’t bother to look at Yoongi in that moment I was pissed at him as well for some reason, putting the knife back at the garter on my thigh I walked out passing beside Jack who stood there at the entrance of the small room ignoring the his hard stare over me I quickly made my way towards the round bar in the middle of the place anger still boiling inside of me. I was tired of men thinking they could laugh at me in the face.
I asked for a new drink for Yoongi, it was still rude of me for that but I couldn’t risk his life like that. Jack would immediately cut every bone in my body if I did. I was lucky he wasn’t there when the commotions stared.
When working as a cop you can’t do such thing to your culprits, you can’t cut half their face just to show who is in control but here is not like this. In Paradise everyone had dirty secrets so many mafia members walk around no one feared to say anything to them, is basically like a swim with sharks if you bleed they will treat you like a prey. I can’t bleed. So I have to ensure I’m not the prey.
Once the waitress gave the new drink for Yoongi I took it with me as I made my way back there. Stopping before the entrance as I heard their voices.
- you need to control your bitch Agust! - Chris spat.
- you need to control your mouth - yoongi responded. There was a minute of silence between them.
I didn’t expect him to take my side. I honestly thought he would put a bullet through my head for doing that to his guest. Although he did asked me if i wanted him to cut his tongue off for calling me that before. That thought gave me some confidence as I finally entered there.
Yoongis eyes looking straight back to mine, regardless of everything the presence of that Chris guy was still a reminder of my anger dripping through every cell of my body. He disgusted me completely. I notice Jack was now back at his sit from before, he looked me up seriousness over his features before looking back at Chris in front of him. Making my way back to Yoongi a sat over his lap handing him the cup with whisky.
He took it giving me a smirk, eyes still not leaving mine. I couldn’t tell if it wasn’t just because the lights were slightly deeming here or if it was just him but, he just looked at me completely different now. I’ve seen those eyes before, the same eyes looked at me last night when he brought to his house after I shoot a police detective for him. The same eyes who so desperately looking into mine when he held a knife over my neck.
He drank the whole liquid on the cup still never breaking eye contact, giving me the now empty cup I put it over the table in the middle.
- you haven’t been much faithful Chris…. - yoongi said, looking back at Chris who still held his bloody face - you should’ve known better Chris then to try anything against me, after all you know who I am.
At that the men fell silent, frozen completely under Yoongis hard gaze. He was holding a napkin over the cut a big blood stain covered the white fabric.
The Chris guy was indeed working with that Jun woo behind Yoongis back, I don’t know what they had up gains him but it didn’t took longer for Yoongi to find out their dirty tricks. I’ve always knew Agust d was always one step ahead of all his enemies and who ever tried to confront him he would cut them off immediately no second chances, every one at the station always talked about his ruthless actions against those who tried.
The more I thought about this guy trying something against Yoongi the more I questioned if that drug on his cup was really just ecstasy, for all I know he could be lying in that moment just to save his own ass.
I looked over the table where I threw the whisky on his cup, a few cubes of ice still melting there as well as the pill.
- you’re lucky she only cut half your face… - yoongi chuckled - I would’ve cut your head off.
- I’m sorry Agust D - the guy said, eyes locked on the floor - it won’t happen again.
- no… it won’t. - Yoongi said - now if you excuse me… I have some business to take care of.
I got from his lap as he stood up behind me, hand holding my hip as Yoongi guided me to the way out. Jack fallowed behind us as well as some of the bodyguards from before.
We made our way through the people around the second floor, towards the stairs for the third floor I thought he sensed Jack there to end the job why would we go there again? Unless he was the one who wanted to end it, maybe he just some information from the guy I doubt he would kill him before getting anything from him.
I turned to Yoongi.
- sorry for your drink - I tell him, to which he gave me a smirk eyes locked with mine.
- why? You were only protecting me, right? - he said, I only nodded making him lean over my ear - besides a love when my woman knows how to use a knife…
I gulped down looking ahead of me instead, we walked past the stairs to the third floor making our way to the room 226.
Yoongi had me beside him the entire way to the room, once we got there one of his body guards were standing in front of the door. He opened the door as soon as he saw us walinking there and Yoongi entered before me.
The lights of the room were all turned on and soon I’m meet with the guy Han seo or Jun woo tied up on a chair, hands behind his back and a few bruises over his face that it wasn’t my doing for sure. On the other side I notice Jimin was still there, he looked at me then Yoongi giving him a bow, yoongi nooded to him making his way to the man tied up.
I decided to stand closer to Jimin, my only mission was to bring Yoongi to the guy Han seo. So I just stood there watching them.
- Jun woo… - Yoongi mocked his name, tilting his head to the side looking the guy up and down - I expected a lot from you, you really thought that hiding in here was a good idea?
- please Agust this is only a misunderstanding…. I - before he could finish his Jack gave him a punch in the jaw.
- He didn’t finish - Jack state as the guy on the chair spilled more blood on the floor.
One of the body guards pulled a chair in front of the guy, Yoongi took the seat there as Jack handed a big knife to him, it seemed to be a hunting knife.
I bite down my bottom lip, he’ll torture him.
- I’ve been informed you have been leaking information about my business to the police, - Yoongi began, playing around with the knife in his hand like the most beautiful toy he had - we almost got caught last night due to your…. big mouth Han seo.
Yoongi chuckled mentioning his fake name, eyes locked with the knife in hands as he moved it around his fingers.
The guy in front of him scoffed, yoongi had a weird smile on his face as he looked up from the knife to the men in front of him. I’ve never seen him like that, completely out of it like a beast. The Agust d everyone feared was right there, ready to take down someone.
- you mean to tell me the Agust d almost went down last night? - he looked up to the ceiling, a broken laugh leaving his lips but he stopped as more blood came form his throat. - if I knew I’d end up like this… maybe I should’ve exposed your business with at Busan. That Namjoon guy was quicker then I thought.
At the mention of Namjoon my eyes instantly went to the guy. So that’s how he managed to get the information, he’s the one Namjoon mentioned to me before that’s how he was able to set the trap for Yoongi last night. No wonder he didn’t wanted to wait before coming here and get him himself, the guy could leave even more info about him to Namjoon at any moment who knows what he might already have leaked to him, the only thing that still didn’t made sense to me was why would he be so stupid to even try to betray Yoongi like that? Nothing ever seemed to pass by Yoongi that he didn’t already know so why even bother to try?
I was sure that even if I didn’t have appeared last night and shoot that guy, he would still managed to find a way out of that Yoongi wasn’t alone that night he had Jack, who seemed way to calm for someone who knew that was a trap. I was the one going out of my own way and making a scene.
- I’ll die anyway tonight, you must be wanting to know what I told them - he chuckled - find out by yourself Agust d.
There was a cold feeling lingering around the room, a smoke invisible but very present. What ever that guy have against Yoongi he already shared with Namjoon. Things can only get more messy from now, Namjoon will never stop until he gets Agust d head in a silver tray.
My eyes darted to Jack, he had a clenched jaw as he stared at the man tied up. Hand rest over the pistol on his back ready to end him for his boss if needed, the smoke lingering around was ruthless death was definitely around here now.
Yoongi sat there expressionless although, I didn’t know if he was pissed at all of this or already had everything figured it out. The mention of a that S guy certenly brought some reactions, the more time I spend with in here the more mysterious people I find out who are participating in this game, Yoongi didn’t seemed to like the mention of that supposed business he had in Busan made him look even more harsh a stone cold gaze in his eyes that burned over the guy in front of him, I notice how Jimin and Jack shared a look in that moment Busan was mentioned. So Jimin is more involved with Yoongi then I tought if he knows such thing, it made me even more curious.
- tell me Agust… was your new bodyguard who saved your ass last night? - Han seo leaned closer to Yoongi as he said that, a smile filled with secrets as he looked at Yoongi before turning to me - the cop Namjoon told me about you.
At that I unconsciously took a step closer immediately being held back by Jimin, what in the world was Namjoon blabbing about me to that guy?
- he’s up your ass pretty lady - he said leaning back against the chair - I wonder what he’ll do to you once he finds out about your late night job with his enemy.
Jack once again gave him another punch in the jaw making the guy spat more blood on the floor.
- well I didn’t come here to chat - Yoongi said, getting up from the chair - I don’t need to find anything out anyways, I know everything already.
Even his movements were enough to send chills down my whole body, every cell on my skin knew what was going to unfold right now but still, I could believe even now right under my eyes as he carefully walked over to the men tied up.
Why did I have to come here too?
- of course you do… - Han seo said, coughing more blood as he turned back to me - at least I’ll die looking at a beautiful woman.
In a second Yoongi flashed the knife at the men’s right eye, a gasp leaving my lips as I watched him grabbing the man’s jaw who screamed in pain, Yoongi took the knife out of his eye making more blood splash everywhere at the motion. The man screamed out once again from the pain as Yoongin didn’t stop there and flashed the knife at the men again.
I turned back not being able to look at it any longer, I knew what would happen next but I just couldn’t look at it. The sound the men was making were horrible as well as the strong smell of iron filling the entire room, it didn’t stop.
I felt two hands closed over my body and immediately froze on the spot but soon calmed down once I notice it was Jimin who held me against his chest, not to look at the torture.
I could still hear the sound of the men’s groaning in pain, as well as the knife slicing against him again and again. Yoongis hard breathing as he kept going non stop, I tried to cover my ears and block the noise but nothing helped he just kept screaming until no sound was heard anymore only the blade falling on the floor echoing through the room.
- you two know what to do - was Jack who said the order.
After that Jimin held me against him more tightly as he made his way out of the room with me, I didn’t move an inch away from him until I could finally heard the music form the second floor and and my lungs were filled with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, slowly I leaned back from Jimin as my vision was finally meet with the long dark corridor of the third floor.
My stomach kept doing flips, the sandwich I had earlier was trying to come out the disgusting smell of blood still all over my nostrils.
I embraced Jimin tighter my only attempt into sinking into his Chanel perfume, trying my best to forget that disgusting smell of iron.
- let’s go seems like you need a drink - Jimin said over my ear. I only nooded against him.
With that he walked me out of the thrid floor and I kept myself glued to his body, I needed anything to get out of that murder scene.
Jimin brought me back to the bar we were sat before, I sat over the bar stool as he stood there beside me asking for a drink to the bartender who immediately got his order and began to make the drink.
In that moment I simply couldn’t make any thoughts, my mind felt completely blank. Suddenly a wave of cold air hitting my entire body making me hug myself in search of warmth, i knew exactly what was going to happens yet I couldn’t control my feelings about it.
This was his world. This is Yoongis world. I definitely was not ready for it.
- will you be okay? - Jimin said, pushing my hair behind my ear - you look a little pale.
- I don’t like seeing blood… - I tell him, still feeling my stomach ache.
- oh, then you’re in the wrong place - he said, eyes shining under the blue and purple lights over our heads a small smile making way over his lips.
He’s right.
I’m at the wrong place. I should’ve been at home now, making dinner for me and my brother, cleaning my clothes to work tomorrow at the station. Setting up my alarm for 5am. Not here.
Not at his world but mine but I have up that world the day I decided to take him down and this is what happens to any one who ties that.
At least it wasn’t me in that chair. I tried with every cell in my body to think that guy deserved that, he was just a criminal after all I shouldn’t feel bad about that. It was all bound to happen since he choose to join hands with the police.
I just wanted to forget everything, like the coward I was whenever things got dirty.
Looking up to find Jimins dark eyes shining under those colorful lights, I wondered what in the hell was going on his mind when he let me inside that night.
- the first time I came here… - I began - why did you help me get inside? I’m sure you wouldn’t let just anyone in knowing how important the people here are.
- to be honest… - he said - I thought you looked hot, riding that motorcycle and if you happened to be trouble I would just… you know.
- oh… of course - I cleared my throat - so you liked me because I ride?
- no… - he chuckled - gosh do you really not know how sexy you look? After I saw tonight I don’t think I can’t just forget you yn. You’re my type.
If nothing had happened just a few minutes ago, I would have believed him. Deep down I know he was just trying to make me forget about what just happened, filling me with compliments and smiling at me like nothing else matter.
- your type…
- I mean I would try to kill you if turned out to be trouble that night - he said, fingers brushing my cheek softly - but I was sure I would be the one in trouble if I did so that’s what I like that about you.
- well I’m a…- I immediately stopped myself realizing I almost told him I was a police intern, sighting I corrected my self quickly - I’m in the Agust D mafia.
- you’re not one of them y/n - Jimin said, his hand resting over mine the smile quickly fading from his lips replaced by a look a knew very well - you should leave this before is too late, save yourself y/n you weren’t made for this world.
My eyes were burning as I looked into his, that face I knew so well was the same I saw on peoples faces at after my parents death, in that exact second I realized what he meant I felt that chill run down my spine the moment his eyes locked with mine, he knew. He knew everything about me being a police intern an yet still helped me.
- here is your drink - the bartender interrupted.
I didn’t think twice before getting the cup with a red liquid, drinking it all in one gulp. I felt like I could cry at any moment and I didn’t wanted that to happen. How weak of me. This is what I wanted my whole life, to be taken serious and get the real job done.
Now that I’m watching everything from so close, i couldn’t help but feel this overwhelming anguish over me, I couldn’t let myself go down so easily though. I can’t back down anyways, I had so much to lose if I did so not matter what anyone says I’m the only one who can do this, it doesn’t matter what Namjoon thinks about me. I won’t let Jack kill me or my brother, I’ll pay for his debt with my dirty work. Whatever happens in the future I’ll deal with it when it comes.
I felt so tired of people getting in the way of my choices, I’m the one who made this mess. I’m done trying to come clean with all this situation, I have a reason for this and my choices were not made recklessly.
The perception I needed from all of this finally seemed to make sense to me.
- I can’t leave, I have to pay a debit - I tell him, feeling bitter as I tried to smile at him.
Turning my eyes away from his to the now empty cup in my hand, the taste of alcohol burning my throat. I heard him sight before he turned me to look at him again.
- don’t let your guard down then y/n - he said, letting go of my hand. I notice his eyes looked at something behind me. - your boss is here.
I didn’t look behind to know he meant Yoongi but, I didn’t dare to look at him I could bearly move an inch without thinking about what he just did, I still couldn’t make out what to even think about it. Before I could even get down from the stool he was right there beside me, one hand quickly sliding over my back just like he did before. Turning slightly towards him o notice he changed clothes too he didn’t wore the white shirt anymore but a black one, no sign of blood on him nothing he was all clean again, smelling he’s usual minty perfume.
He looked up at Jimin giving him a nod witch Jimin replied with the same action before making his way out, I feel Yoongi sliding his fingers over my chin to look up at him.
Tracing every centimeter of his features with my eyes, searching for any signs of a murder on him I find none. Just the usual scar face I was used too, the smirk dancing over his lips like always he caressed my cheek before holding me against him as we walk out of there, making our way to the first floor.
- you’re friend came here before us - he suddenly mentioned.
- what do you mean? - I asked him.
- the detective… Was it Namjoon his name? - as the words left his lips my body went immediately cold.
Namjoon were here? How could he? It just didn’t make any sense unless he used Han seo to get in here I couldn’t think of any way.
- that guy you…. - I paused immediately, still feeling uncomfortable at the thought - Han seo was the one giving info to the police?
- yes, but he didn’t do it alone - he said as we walked to the exit of the building - he was simply a pawn being used to get to me by someone else.
- that Chris guy?
- you’re getting the hang of it already… - he praised, smirk over his lips as he held me by the side closer.
I only gulped down. Strangely enough being complimented by Yoongi always felt like a tease as he always made it sound like that, an air of “oh so are you really?” Always coming from him deep down.
A dark cloud seemed to close around us both as we exit the building.
- how far will you go to pay for your brothers debt? - he asked over my ear, his voice sounding much deeper now.
I felt my whole body tremble, warning signs shooting from every direction as his words sink down on my mind.
We soon walked out of the building, the cold air hitting me in the face was like a bucket of water waking me up completely form my fuzzy mind.
His offering felt uncanny, something seemed to have hanged in his demeanor as he spilled the words. Why would he say that now out of every moment?
- whatever it takes to save him - I tell him, already regretting my honesty - name your price.
Holding my chin up he urned my face to the side guiding my eyes on the target standing ahead us, I spotted the figure of the Chris guy from earlier and he seemed to be talking with someone on the phone with a few bodyguards around him as one held the door for a black Mercedes opened for him.
No wonder Yoongi would want that guy out too, it was clear that men was working against Yoongi and from what i could tell hes the one who’s been helping Namjoon to get him. He must think that by working with him hell be able to take Yoongi down and claim his empire all to himself.
I turned back to yoongi his eyes held a cold light over them as he locked them over mine his signature smirk already forming over his lips like usual, the scar looked seemed more darker this time. Something about him had changed completely ever since we step foot in Paradise tonight and I wondered if he had this all planed even fore we leave the mansion.
- kill him and your brother will be free.
I felt all the air from my lungs leave me completely, feeling helpless under his eyes. He had this all set up from the beginning, I could tell just by the look in his eyes. This was the test he had set up for me not finding Han seo but actually killing Chris, the real culprit. The one behind Namjoons entrance at Paradise and leak of informations about Agust d.
The price for my brothers freedom was just a few feet away from me.
I didn’t know when it came to this, when everything turned so fuzzy like a dream. When my hand slided over Yoongis shoulder towards his hip we’re I knew from the beginning he had his silver pistol, when my fingers closed around the cold metal as we walked out of Paradise. When I stoped in front of the black Mercedes, my mind was completely clouded like my body wasn’t mine anymore.
The blonde, Chris turned back to us eyes looking over at Yoongi behind me in desperation as he soon realized what situation he was in, He immediately turned the phone call off. Looking at the man in front of me up and down, balancing my options. If he was gone then my brother will be free.
I tried my best to think he was the bad guy. He is a criminal. He hurts people. So why is so hard to do this? His life does not worth more then my brothers.
Not thinking more I aimed at him shooting at his leg, watching as he immediately fell into his knees. A painful groan leaving his mouth as he looked up in fear. Screaming in pain his body guards did nothing as more of a Yoongis men closed around us there.
The sudden sound grabbed the attention of the people outside, some gasps feeling the air as more and more people watched us from afar.
- Agust please! Why are you doing this! - he groaned out, holding his leg were i just shoot him.
Some shocked breaths were heard in the back as well as steps behind me, I didn’t need to look to know it was him. A feeling of deja vu suddenly creeping into my body as a shiver as well with the cold wind blowing over my face.
- you seemed to have forgotten why you shouldn’t mess with me - Yoongi said, walking closer until he was right beside me.
He chuckled before holding the pistol against my hand, his body completely pressed over mine one hand losing around my waist I felt his cold breath hitting my cheeks as he slowly closed his finger over the trigger.
- who ever messes with Agust d…. - he said, turning slightly towards my face I looked up at him the smirk still dancing over his features. I could see flames in his eyes as he spoke the last words - will die…
I didn’t look.
He held my hand firmly with the pistol. Eyes now locked with mine.
Notes; Things should end how hey started right? I’m so sorry guys it took me so long to updated the story for you all, ive been working my ass off to get it perfectly so you guys can have a great time enjoying this chapter. I would also like to inform that it will take a while until the next chapter of Set Met Free since ill be focusing on Crazy Over you until is finish. Ill try me best to get it done soon. Love you all, thank yo for all your support always. THIS IS NOT A GOODBYE LOLOL. I’m staying until i finish them all!!
Tag list; @catlove83 @passionandsuga @agustdwifey @crystallizedtime @cuntessaiii @rosquilleta @nochook @fatmaortiz @wobblewobble822 @mygdday @sazsazsaz @coralmusicblaze @missmin @whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe @tarahardcore @manuosorio @thvlover @4ukiyo4 @missroro @btspurplesky @i-am-invisible-for-you @celticcountrygal @fairywriter-oracle @m4gg13-g @unadulteratedlyunique @anaspectoflife @younhakim29 @slinekyu @nochookiee @strxwbloody @yoongislatinagff @pandafuriosa60 @kimsonlyluv @be0mluver @sukonsukuna @amariemoore @starrlo0ver @effielumiere @lovelgirl22 @baechugff @sassyfoxunknown @poochieshooky @seonghwaexile @oldymoody @xyahrinx
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art-tism · 6 months
In Our Silence- Dean x Fem! Reader
AN: I want to make this a longer multiple-part series with a slow burn friends to lovers trope. Eventual (probably) Smut in future parts. This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction, so I hope it's okay!
(Part 1: Movie Night?) | (Part 2: Coming soon) |
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: None, just fluff
also okay, can we appreciate this gif, dear GOD
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Movie Night
Leaning against the side of the Impala, I arched my neck back, tilting my head toward the car's roof. The August sun cast a golden hue over everything, its warmth caressing me from my neck down to my toes. The air was filled with the scent of late summer, a mix of fresh grass with a faint hint of wildflowers. I savored the beautiful weather, the temperature a perfect eighty degrees, with a gentle breeze tousling my hair pushing the clouds along lazily in the sky—it was a moment suspended in time. I wished to stay in this rare opportunity to truly be present forever.
As I passively watched particles stir around in the light beams burning through the dense leaves above, I couldn’t help but be transported back to a time when I spent my free time outdoors, immersed in nature's beauty, trying to connect with the world around me and traversing the landscapes of North America. I still drive across the country and back, but for very different reasons. The hunter life keeps me constantly on the move, now always on edge waiting for the next creature, the next battle, the next world-ending event. It was a life of constant vigilance, with little time for reflection or stillness.
Despite the chaos of my life, at this moment, leaning against the sleek metallic black of Dean’s prized possession, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. The world lulled to a momentary pause, for just a moment, as stay there. I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of the sun and the soft caress of the wind soothe my senses once more. For a moment, I allowed myself to imagine a different life filled with moments like this again. But that was nonsense, a distant memory now softened by time. I've come to find satisfaction in the life I've made for myself today. Everyone in the hunting world has a reason for being there, and it's often born from tragedy. I accepted this life because it led me to the Winchester brothers. My entry into the hunting world was marked by meeting Sam and Dean Winchester, an event that, as anyone familiar with the name 'Winchester' might guess, was perhaps the most harrowing night of my life.
I lost my family to a rogue vampire, one that had been terrorizing my town for about a week before setting its sights on my home. The reasons for their choice will forever remain a mystery to me. At that moment, I lost everything and nearly lost my life as well. It was then that Sam and Dean intervened, saving me at the eleventh hour as I resigned myself to my fate. The details of that night are hazy, and I prefer to keep them that way. But what I do recall, even when I try to forget, is the sensation of lying in the back of the Impala, Sam's comforting presence as he silently held my trembling body.
Sam was my rock, a beacon of kindness and support in the aftermath of my tragedy. He refused to let me drown in despair, always there to gently nudge me towards self-care, ensuring I ate and got out of bed, even when the world felt like it was collapsing around me. In Sam, I found solace and a sense of belonging, a reminder that I wasn't alone in the dark. Dean, on the other hand, was an enigma. Beneath his tough exterior, I sensed a tender heart, a vulnerability he seldom revealed. I knew he cared for me, just as Sam did, but his approach was more guarded, more hesitant. It was as if he struggled to find the right words, the right way to express his concern for me, a stranger whose life had become entwined with theirs after what, to them, was just another case.
Dean was reserved, his approach cautious and measured, especially considering all I had just endured. His way of showing compassion was subtle yet profound, offering silent support, giving me space when I needed it, and denying me space when he knew it wasn't good for me. For all they had done for me, I felt a love unlike any I had ever known. It was a love that transcended blood, a bond forged in the fires of hardship and loss.
When I lost my family, I believed I would never experience that kind of connection again, and that I would spend the rest of my life alone and disconnected. I thought holidays would be empty, void of meaning. But the Winchester brothers showed me that the bond of a chosen family can be just as strong, if not stronger, than the ties of blood. They taught me the true meaning of "the Blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." My hands wandered up to the side of Baby, absent-mindedly tracing circles lightly in the thin layer of dust on her exterior. Thoughts of Dean flooded my mind, his love for this car evident in every lovingly maintained detail. I chuckled softly, a fond smile tugging at my lips as I marveled at how this car could always lift his spirits, just as he had done for me so many times. As I continue lingering on that thought for a moment longer, I am snapped back to by a sudden voice.
In the warmth of the afternoon sun, Dean's teasing words danced through the air, his playful tone echoing with affection. "That's where the hell you've been the whole time?" he chided lightly, his voice carrying a melody of lightheartedness. "I was about to start up a search party looking for you." Though his smile radiated warmth, there lingered a glint of concern in his eyes, a silent plea for reassurance.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his jest, my heart swelling with fondness. "Just enjoying the nice day, no case, no research, and a warm breeze," I replied, my voice soft with contentment. A beam of happiness graced my lips as I finished speaking, the simplicity of the moment washing over me. As my laughter mingled with the gentle breeze, Dean's shoulders slightly relaxed, a subtle release of tension I hadn't noticed before. With a sense of serenity, I straightened myself, the day's dust clinging to my clothes like a reminder of our shared adventures.
I turned to face him, “Apologies, did I worry you, Mr. Winchester?” I teased him lightly, catching his gaze momentarily, our eyes lingering for just a moment. “Well,” he laughed and shifted slightly in discomfort “just don’t like to worry, you know?” He looked down, flickering his eyes back up to meet mine. His striking eyes captured mine once more, pausing briefly before he tugged his gaze away towards the bunker door. “Sam and I just finished cooking, Sammy wasn’t interested in another night of Diner food,” he laughed more light-heartedly than before, “and I figured you’d want to enjoy my homecooked burgers before they got cold.” He shot me a smirk, Dean was fully aware of my love for his cooking, especially his burgers. They were a million times better than one from any of the hundreds of restaurants you guys have eaten at across the country.  “You got me there,” I giggled slightly, following Dean inside.
"Oh, Dean," I let out a small gasp of pleasure as I chewed my first bite, savoring the taste of his culinary masterpiece. "This burger is amazing," I exclaimed with my mouth full, unable to contain my appreciation for the dinner he helped prepare. I closed my eyes, relishing each bite as I ate slowly, letting the flavors dance on my tongue. "I swear, you get better every time," I added after taking another bite, savoring the moment. I took a sip of the Kombucha I had swiped from Sam, enjoying the raspberry hibiscus flavor he had deemed unsuitable. Dean smirked at me, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I'd love to hear you say that again," he teased, winking at me “But I’d like to hear it in another context.” A warm flush crept up my cheeks at his words, his playful banter never failing to send flutters through my body. Though I knew he was joking, the sincerity in his eyes made my heart skip a beat.
I averted my gaze, striking up a conversation with Sam to avoid more flirtatious joke from Dean. "Sammy, thank you for letting me drink the Raspberry Hibiscus ones, I really like them," I said, raising my half empty kombucha bottle in a slight cheers gesture and giving him a playful smile.
"Of course," Sam chuckled. He shifted gears, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Hey, I was thinking about going out, maybe bar hop a little tonight. You down to come with me?" he asked, his gaze flickering between mine as he waited for my reply. I knew I didn't have the social battery for a night out; I had spent most of the morning doing some much-needed deep cleaning in the bunker.
"Actually," I began, my voice playful but resolute, "I think I'll pass on the booze, and hooking up with strangers for tonight. Cleaning up after you and your brother's messy acts has left me utterly exhausted." I rolled my eyes with exaggerated flair, making it clear that my words were laced with affectionate exasperation. Teasing the boys was always a delightful game; it was our unspoken way of showing how much we cared.
Turning to Dean, I pointed an accusatory finger at him. "You," I chided, a smile playing at my lips, "need to stop leaving your dirty clothes strewn about. I washed, dried, and folded them," I paused, letting the weight of my words sink in, "but if you continue leaving them everywhere, I might just have to start tossing them out." It was a lighthearted threat, and I knew I would inevitably find myself doing both Sam and Dean’s laundry again soon. But it was all part of our dynamic, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Teasing Dean always brought a sense of warmth to my heart; he was so much more animated than Sam.
"You wouldn’t!" Dean gasped; his tone mockingly scandalized. He played along with my joke, knowing full well that I would never actually discard any of his clothes, except, perhaps, those stained with blood from our hunts.
"Will you stop leaving your dirty clothes on the floor then?" I said through a smirk.
Dean paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he responded. "I think it would be much more fun if both of our clothes ended up on the floor," he winked at me, his innuendo not at all subtle. Dean had a knack for turning anything into a suggestive remark. It was one of the things I found both exasperating and endearing about him.
"Douchebag Jar!" I exclaimed, pointing at him, unmoved by his pleading eyes.
"What! Oh, come on, Y/N, it's all in good fun," Dean protested, flashing a charming smile, hoping to escape my playful reprimand.
"Nope, sorry Dean, rules are rules, and you already hit your dirty joke quota for the night" I replied firmly, crossing my arms with mock seriousness. "Right, Sam?" I turned to Sam, who was grinning and clearly enjoying the banter. "She’s right, Dean, rules are rules. You owe a dollar to the Douchebag Jar. Maybe consider not making dirty jokes all the time, and you wouldn’t lose all your money to it." The jar was filling up fast again, thanks to Dean's basically daily innuendos. He always had another dirty joke or pick up line his sleeve, ready to blurt it out the second someone slips up and says something slightly suggestive. It was a wicked game to him, regardless of how innocent and respectful his behavior with me actually was. It wasn’t like Dean to ever mean it, Whenever he whipped one of his classic dirty jokes, his eyes crinkled and his face slowly morphed into a mischievous smile. I knew he only did it to get a ride out of me, and it’s not like he can direct all of his flirtatious energy at Sammy right?
I would, however, be a liar if I tried to claim his words never brought butterflies to my stomach, I know it’s just jokes, but something in his eyes makes them feel that much more real…
“Sammy!” Dean exclaimed dramatically, throwing his hands up in mock despair and snapping back from my wondering thoughts.
“Sorry, Dean, but rules are rules," I said, a hint of amusement in my tone. "You can't escape the Douchebag Jar that easily." I watched as Dean fished out a dollar, grumbling playfully as he dropped it into the jar.
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"Happy now?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Ecstatic," I replied with a grin, the tension of the moment melting away. "Now, what do you say we watch a movie or something? I haven’t had my semi-monthly Pride and Prejudice screening." My eyes twinkled mischievously, knowing full well how much Dean despised anything remotely related to period dramas.
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paramountpetrichor · 4 months
Omg omg omg omg omg now that I finally found other sams proshippers IMMA RANT ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE SUN X ALL HIS FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!! Old moon x sun? God tier cause of the power dynamics, moon's possessiveness, how closw they were and toxic their dynamic is it makes me so feral and crazy!!! EARTH X SUN IS EEEEEE I've been shipping them ever since earth was announced!! They are the best brosis ship!! Lunar x Sun is fucking cuuuuuttttteeeee!!! I love their interactions and how hes basically sun's baby brother and I'm so happy I found the proship side cause this entire fandom is ruled by antis🥺
Sun and Old Moon make me CLIMB WALLSSS. istfg you could make a list of how many times those two hit on each other and were all up in eachothers faces!!! the tension they had (and still have tbh) is INSANE. Sun was Old Moon's entire world and he'd protect him at all costs, even if Sun's heart was collateral in the process and that's so fucking UAFAIFAIGA GRR RAH RAH BARK SNARL!!! that one episode where Sun reassured O.M that he wasn't a monster??? i can't say the things that i think they DID TOGETHER after that episode without having to mark this post as mature afskagahaa. and oh my god whenever Sun was on his 'villain arc' right before O.M died, you know they had angry makeout sessions. you know they did. literally impossible for them to keep their hands off eachother even when they're fighting.
SUN AND EARTH ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AGSKQGAJSV they LITERALLY had a canon meet-cute where Earth SAVED SUN FROM SPIRALING DURING THE WORST MOMENT OF HIS LIFE. in ANY other media that'd be the start of the best fucking romance you've EVER seen. and not to mention how often they hang out together??? and how much earth makes sure to reassure sun that he's a good brother????? dear god they so have mutual crushes/feelings and are too nervous to say anything. (or they're already dating and just bad at hiding it lol. whenever they trade daycare shifts they also trade Kisses <3)
REPEATEDLY SLAMMING A CREDIT CARD DOWN AGAINST A TABLE. SUN AND LUNAR ARE SO AJAFAH TOO. i imagine they started bonding a long time ago- back during the og lunar design days. they found solace in the fact that they were both """the dumb one""" and quickly became close over that. not to mention the flirting- i mean "sibling bickering" they do all the time that is so URGHHH /VPOS 🤌🤌🤌 i bet they started being romantic one day whenever they were just gaming together n then lunar offhandedly asked "what if we made out lol. ...for like practice ofc ahahahah." and then after sun spent 5 minutes recovering from that he was like ".....sure...?". cue them repeatedly finding excuses to keep making out everyday until they just Accepted they were brothers who kissed ;3c
and also you didn't mention him but hes Technically a part of the family so may i pitch: sun and solar are so good tooooo. there sm ANGST POTENTIAL over solar (at first lol) not knowing if he sees sun as his own person or just a shadow of his own sun, but then solar starts opening up to sun a bit more n' he catches feelings and he catches feelings hard. hypnotized by the thought of solar just losing control one day and kissing sun w/o asking, and hes about to start rapidly apologizing but then sun kisses him back. aaand now they're making out in the daycare. and the only reason they stop is because someone (earth prolly lol) politely asked them if they wanted a room digisgoaga
UNFORTUNATELY your last statement is right, this fandom is primarily run by antis, but ykw, im gonna do everything in my power to carve out a lil safe proship haven for us """freaks"""! we deserve to have a place where we can make them all kiss, dammit!!!
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Presley ~ A Curtis Everett Au ~ Part Five
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Curtis Everett x OFC Presley Adams
Curtis Everett is a hard working man. As the head of the mob of Concord, he does everything he can to provide for his wife and children. His life is perfect. Until it's not.
After a devastating accident, Curtis is alone with his children and needs some serious help.
Presley Adams needs to find work and fast. Running from her past she just wants to lay low and earn enough to get her out of town. Until she starts working for Curtis as his live in nanny.
As she falls in love with this family, can she stop her past from finding her? Or will her past be the end of the Everett reign in Concord?
Book two of the Five Kings of Boston series
Warning: themes of a mafia lifestyle; SMUT; possessive tendencies; murder; death; age gap;
A/N: taglist is open!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Part Four
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Part Five ~ Her HIstory
I had never been an optimist.  It was stupid to believe that everything would be alright. An example: thinking that Lloyd Hansen would be able to help me achieve the ultimate goal.  
Marrying and breeding Amelia Giovanni.  
Her father had promised me that girl when she was just five years old.  He had been told that he wouldn’t be able to have any more children due to testicular cancer.  Fitting for a bastard that beat his wife every month that she didn’t end up pregnant after Ameila.  Sure, there was a 20-year age gap between us but that just meant I could be more experienced for her.  
She was a little doll, an absolute princess in the cold hard world of the mafia.  Her father needed a strong man to lead this family after he retired.  There was no way to leave all of this to a woman.  And after I had saved his nephew’s life, he chose me.  
Amelia is beautiful, smart, and sassy.  She was a brat at the best of times because her father spoiled his princess.  When I approached Mario about maybe getting a sample of her, he had no objection.  And I flirted and seduced the innocent Ameila.  Brat that she may be, she was still innocent to the world.  Very well protected by his men, especially one named Natalia Romanov.  But, one night, I found myself alone with Ameila.  I just wanted a taste, really, but when I touched Amelia, she screamed, and her mother rushed in with Natalia and threw me out of the room.  
I was livid.  Granted, I touched the girl around her pussy and that may have startled her, but that didn’t give the right for that bitch to touch me.  When I told Mario what happened, he said he would take care of the problem.  Natalia made it out before retribution could happen.  
And she got Ameila out as well. 
Mario was furious. He ordered his men to search for Natalia with orders to kill on sight and bring his daughter home. He also punished his wife.  
He murdered her.  
Actions have consequences.  
It has been five years since Amelia disappeared. While I waited for my bride, I was sent to learn my trade from one of the best.  Lloyd Hansen was a smart but delusional leader in Boston.  He had a fascination in finding his bride that was promised to him by a rather stupid deal her parents had made for money. And we did find her.  In a town Lloyd had no way of infiltrating due to its own mob boss: Andew Barber, his twin brother.  
The day before Andy took the fight to his brother, I made a getaway.  I could see the writing on the wall, and I had no intention of being there when the place went to hell.  I still had my own empire to run after this mess.  So, I left in the middle of the night on the guise of doing a run for Lloyd and got the hell out of dodge.  Best move ever.  Hansen was dead by daybreak; Barber had his queen safe and all of Hansen’s  men were considered dead or detained.  
Lucky for me, I had kept a low profile while I had been with Hansen, so I wasn’t on anyone’s radar.  I made it back to Giovanni and continued with my training and kept searching for my Amelia. I wouldn’t lose my chance at being at the top.  I wasn’t about to lose my chance to make Amelia heed to my will.  I always won at whatever I tried to accomplish.  Even if I had to set up the boss’s nephew so I could save him.  Even if I suggested that Mario “take care” of his wife.  Even if I suggested that I sample my bride before the wedding. I would do anything to win.  
I am Charles Blackwood, and I don’t lose.  
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I watched as Curtis absorbed the information that I had just poured all over him. This wasn’t something anyone would be able to take lightly. Knowing that you let a person into your home who wasn’t even using their real name.  I trembled slightly and that seemed to snap Curtis out of whatever he was in. “Presley... I don’t even know what to say.” 
“Please don’t hate me,” I whispered.  I couldn’t handle Curtis hating me at this point. I finally found a home I loved and people who loved me.  
“Kitten, why would I hate you?”  He brushed my hair back behind my ear and then cupped my cheek. “None of this is your fault.” He placed a soft kiss on my lips.  “Baby, I don’t care about your past. I’ll protect you, I already promised but I’ll say it every day if you need me to.”  
I felt the tear drop and he caught it on his thumb and brought it to his lips.  “You’re still calling me Presley.”  
“Because that’s who you are.” He searched my eyes.  “You’re my Presley, my Kitten.” He took a breath.  “Who were you supposed to marry?” 
“His name is Charles Blackwood. He was this soldier that saved one of my cousins.  My father wasn’t able to have more children after I was born so he set up Charles to marry me to pass the business on.”  I shook my head.  “My father is very traditional.  Women are meant to serve and be bred and that’s it.”  I looked away from Curtis.  “When I turned 18, we had a big party.  Charles, he... umm... he cornered me away from everyone and tried to touch me.  But my bodyguard, Natalia, alerted my mother, and they stopped him.”  
I remembered everything about that day.  The exact rose pink of my dress, my long brown hair done in a beautiful updo.  But when Charles touched me and I screamed for him to get away from me, I had no idea how my world would become upside down. “Father didn’t want to make a big scene in front of everyone, so he waited until the party cleared.  My mother disappeared from the party for a few minutes and then had Natalia take me to my room.”  
“Baby, you don’t...” I cut him off. 
“I need to, baby, otherwise it’ll just stay here,” I pointed to my chest, “and I won’t be able to be open with you.” I took another shuddering breath.  “My mom left me a bag she packed quickly for me and a couple of thousand dollars.  She kissed me and told Natalia to get me to safety.  We climbed out the window and were down the street when we heard the screaming and then a gun shot.”  
“He murdered her?”  I nodded.  “That son of a bitch.  I’m assuming you got away but what happened to Natalia?” 
“I don’t know.  We got separated in New York and I just kept moving. I headed north, thinking that my father and Blackwood would assume i would head west. I had always talked about going to California.  I moved from town to town every three months until I made it to Concord.  I met Cat, whom I knew from school and she got me the job at the law office.  You know the rest.”  
“Are you sure Cat won’t rat you out?”  Curtis frowned at the idea.  
“No, she won’t.  Her father was killed by one of my father’s men due to a debt owed. She hated my father and when I told her my story, she was more than willing to help me. She’s a hacker, got me my fake ID and social and the paperwork I needed to work.  Unfortunately, it got flagged when the law office was doing its checks for a big case.  Mr. Weiss said he wouldn’t report me to the authorities, but he had to fire me right away.  When you offered me this job and wanted to pay in cash, it was perfect.  I could earn enough to move to Canada.”  
Curtis was quiet for a minute, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. “I’m going to make sure Weiss burns the information.” I looked at him, puzzled. “He’s one of my lawyers,” he explained with a smile. “Weiss always comes to my office to limit my exposure to other cases.” He chuckled. “The irony that you were always near me but I never found you.”  
“Curtis, please know, if I need to leave to keep your children safe, I will.” 
For the second time in twenty-four hours, Curtis had a look of fury pass on his face. “No, Presley, you will stay here.  I will protect you and my children.  You running would be more of a risk.”  He kissed my forehead.  “We can get the paperwork started to change your name and get you the documents you legitimately need to survive.”  
I felt relief. For the first time, everything was out in the open and i was safe. I launched myself into his arms and cried.  He ran his hands through my hair and held me tight.  “I take care of what is mine, Kitten.”  
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After everything Presley has told me, I’m not surprised at how strong she is.  She’s been through hell and back.  As I comforted my girl, i remembered what she said. “Are you still planning on leaving to Canada?” 
She pulled back and looked at me with pink ringed blue green eyes. “I don’t want to but I can’t let them find me.”  
I sighed, knowing my next statement could make or break us. “Kitten, I don’t feel comfortable paying you as the nanny when we are together.”  She opened her mouth to object, but I stopped her. “Give me a sec, ok?” She nodded.  “What I am saying is, allow me to take care of your expenses.  Use the credit card I gave you for whatever you need. In the meantime, I will set up an account with your salary.  If you feel like the time has come to leave, that you don’t want to be with me, I’ll give you the account.”  
She looked at me with wide eyes.  “Curtis, I can’t... I can’t let you do that. I don’t want to be some kind of “kept” woman.”  She shook her head. “People will think I’m some sort of gold-digger.”  
“Kitten, you are my woman.  Yes, you are taking care of my children but maybe in the future that will change.  And if anyone has an opinion on our relationship, I will take care of it. C’mere,” I pulled her into my chest. “I would never think you are using me for money. But I don’t want you to worry about it either.  You are protected and cherished here.” I kissed the top of her head.  
“Thank you, baby,” she whispered, and my heart just about burst with the pet name.  I held my girl for a few minutes until I heard the patter of feet that had to belong to my son. I sighed and my Kitten giggled. “I think Josh is up.”  
“That kid is growing up too fast,” I grumbled.  “C’mon Kitten, let’s celebrate Christmas.”  I got up and pulled on my boxers and pajama pants that I had ignored last night. I grabbed my robe for Presley.  “Here baby, wear this and go and change.  I’ll hold off the kids.” She smiled at me what feels like the first real smile that she’s given me in five years.  Hopefully, when we keep talking, I can find out more about her.  
Twenty minutes later, I see Presley coming down the stairs and smiled as she walks in with candy cane pajamas that match my daughters.  Everly sees her and jumps up and runs into her arms.  “Presley! Are you feeling better?” 
“I am, Princess. Ready to see what Santa brought you?”  She tickled Everly, who squirmed in her lap.  I took a seat next to Joshua, who was salivating at the pile of presents under and around the tree.  
“Joshua, why don’t you pass out the presents.” He looked at me with big eyes. “You’re big enough now that I trust you to do it, son.”  I gave him a side hug and Joshua jumped up and got to work.  
The chef that took over for Adam for the holiday came in with some pastries, cocoa for the kids and coffee for Presley and myself. The kids go wild, opening the gifts from me and from Santa.  Presley had taken care of the wrapping and had wrapped the Santa gifts in different paper, which excited Everly to no end. I reached over to a gift hidden in the back of the tree. I got up to sit next to Presley as Everly and Joshua were now on the floor with their new gifts.  “For you, Kitten.”  
She took the present and looked at me with glassy eyes.  “I didn’t get you anything,” she whispered.  
“That’s not the point of Christmas, Kitten.” I kissed the tip of her nose. “Open it.”  
I was kind of anxious to give her this gift, given everything we had spoken about.  She didn’t want to be a kept woman.  And that was totally understandable.  Most woman, including my wife, liked to be independent.  However, my protective instincts have kicked in on Presley and I will not stop until I know she is safe forever.  Every solution is swirling in my brain right now.  I can’t lose her, but I also have to go slow about this.  She was practically a virgin last night and I took her to the limit.  
I’ve had a taste of what my future could hold and there isn’t a chance in hell that I would let go.  
I watched her unwrap the box and open the velvet box.  The ring, earrings and necklace set was diamonds and blue sapphires, delicate but not ostentatious, the sparkle just understated enough to be worn every day. “Curtis,” she gasped.  
“The color reminded me of your eyes, Kitten.  I wanted to give you something that sparkles just like them.  Do you like them?” 
“Curtis, it's beautiful.  Thank you.”  She moves to kiss my cheek but I turn at the last moment and kiss her softly on the lips.  
“Dad, why are you kissing Presley?” Josh and Evie look up at us with big eyes as I pull away from my girl. Crap. I wasn’t thinking. But this is good.  This will prove to Presley that I want her and that she isn’t a dirty secret. 
“Ok, you know I love you guys so much.  And it's just been the three of us since your mother died.” I swallowed.  “I like Presley a lot and she likes me, and I’ve asked her to be my girlfriend. Do you know what that means?” 
Josh nodded but Evie scowled. “Does that mean she’s moving out?” 
I knelt before her.  “No princess, she doesn’t have to move. She’s still gonna take care of you.  It's just, I’m going to take her to dinner or the movies when it's just the grown-ups.  But she’s not leaving.” Evie burst into tears and ran into Presley’s arm. “Evie, princess what’s wrong?” 
“I didn’t want her to leave because when Jenny’s dad had a girlfriend and she left,” Evie cries.  
Presley picks up my sweet girl and clutches her tight. “I won’t leave you Evie. Never ever. I like your daddy a lot and even if I didn’t, I would still be here for you.” She pulled back to wipe away her tears. “Everything is going to be ok. I promise.” Presley kissed her forehead and then whispered something to Evie.  My little girl nods and then climbs off her lap and into mine.  
“I love you Daddy and I’m sorry I yelled.” She leaned into me and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.  I always loved when my kids wrapped themselves into me.  
“I love you too Princess.” I kissed her head and pull back.  “How about some breakfast?” 
“Yay!” She runs into the dining room but Joshua waits.  Presley looks at me and nods before leaving the room.  
“Joshua, what’s wrong?” I sit back down and pat the seat next to me.  He sits and thinks about his words for a moment.  
“If you kiss Presley, does that mean you don’t love Momma anymore?” 
My heart broke.  I didn’t think about the consequences like these.  I took a moment to compose myself before i answered him.  “No. Joshua, I will always love your mother because she gave me two of my greatest gifts in the world.  Do you know what they are?”  He shakes his head.  “Its your sister and you.  But when a great love leaves before you are ready, you always carry their love with you.  It doesn’t mean you can’t experience another love in your life.”  
“Do you love Presley?” 
“I don’t know yet. I like her, a lot. I like that she loves you guys so much.  I think in the future, I might fall in love with her. We’re still getting to know each other.”  
“Is she going to be our new mom?” 
“I don’t know that either.  But when I’m ready to find out I’ll come talk to you ok?” He nodded before wrapping himself into me.  “Oh buddy, your momma will always be your momma. Would it be a bad thing if Presley became your momma too?” 
“No, I just don’t want to forget Momma.”  I can hear the sobs in his chest and my heart aches.  
“I’m never gonna let that happen buddy. I just want my chance to be happy too.”  
“I want you to be happy too Papa.  Does Presley make you happy?” 
I smile.  “She does.  She really does.”  
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After breakfast, the kids went for a nap, having risen early for Christmas and I led Presley into my office. “I just want to keep talking Kitten.”  
Presley original sat in one of the chairs across my desk but then she moved towards me and sat in my lap, curling into me.  I forgot how that felt, to have a woman pressed into my body in my office.  I had never taken a lover after Anna had died.  I hadn’t felt the need to. But having Presley here felt right and I wouldn’t ignore it.  She signed as I played with her hair. “Curtis?” 
“Yes, Kitten?” 
“Why was Andy Barber looking at me weird?” She swallowed. “It was as if he knew me but I’ve never met him before.”  She reached for her necklace again and I sighed.  I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep this secret. I owed her the truth.  
“Kitten, I had a background check ran on you by Clint.  When he discovered that it only went back five years, we had to go to an expert.” I thumbed her cheek. “Its standard procedure for anyone who is this close to the family.  I had to ask permission to use the best one on the East Coast. His boss is Andy Barber.”  
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Oh shit.  No, this couldn’t be happening. They were going to find me now.  I know it.  I start to pull away from Curtis, but he holds onto me tighter.  “Wait, Kitten, let me explain and then you can decide if you want to run away.”  I nodded and he continued.  “I told Andy about the situation, and he was more than happy to lend out the services of his tech guy, Jensen.  Jensen was able to find out about you.”  
Curtis reached into a drawer and pulled out a manila folder. He handed it to me. I trembled as I turned it over in my hands.  “It’s still sealed,” I said with surprise.  
“Yes.  When Jensen emailed me the file, I didn’t open it.  I guess Jensen has a way to see if something was opened.  When it wasn’t, Andy brought it with him last night.”   
I stared at the unopen envelope.  “So, you had no idea what I was going to tell you?” 
“Not a clue Kitten. I realized that if you were going to trust me, let me date you, let me fuck you, it had to be on your terms. You had to be ready to tell me your story.” He nuzzled into my hair. “I was going to tell you about all of this, I promise.”  
I was dizzy from all of the information, all of the emotions, all of the changes that were happening in the span of 12 hours.  I went from having an affair with my boss to being his girlfriend and sharing the history I was desperately trying to run from.  My breath is coming in short spurts and Curtis can feel it.  “Breathe, Kitten, come on, please breathe for me.”  
“Will Andy say something?” I question Curtis, the fear curling in my belly, still gasping to fill my lungs. .  
“No, I don’t think he will.  When I spoke to him last night, he told Clint that the best place for you was here. That's why I know that he read your file.” Curtis ran his thumb on the skin of my neck.  “Would you like to meet him formally and ask?  We can make that happen Kitten.”  
Do I want to involve myself with another mob boss.  Not really, but Curtis seemed to trust Andy and I know I can trust Curtis.  “Yes, I think that would be smart.” I turned my head to kiss his cheek, but he turned as well and kissed me like it was our first.  
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Two weeks later... 
I sat in my office, looking over the numbers of some of our legitimate businesses and marking where I needed answers from my managers and accountants when there was a knock on the door,  “Yeah?” 
Clint peaked his head in.  “Sorry to disturb, boss, but they’re here.” 
“Show them in and then get Presley, have her wait in the hall, and come back in. Wait 10 minutes before letting her in,” I instructed. He nodded and I went back to my report.  The door opened again, and Andy walked in with two people.  I knew Nick as Andy’s second but the woman with them was unfamiliar.  “Andy, thanks for coming.”  
Andy shook my hand.  “I’m glad I can help with this.  Doesn’t she know everything?” 
“Not everything, no, but I was honest about the background I’ve done.” Everyone sat down. “Gonna introduce me to your friend?” 
The woman made no movement.  Andy chuckled. “Just wait Everett.  I think your girl might like this surprise I brought.”  He took out an envelope.  “This is the other threat I mentioned.  Someone has either seen her and recognized or you have a leak.”  
I looked at the note and cursed. 
Give us the girl or all five families will be at war.  
“They know she’s around just not with who?” I asked. Fuck, this wasn’t good.  
“Looks like it,” Nick said.  “We’ve doubled our security, visible and otherwise. With Mrs. Barber in her condition, we didn’t want any surprises. Giovanni is notorious for not giving a fuck who they hurt or damage they do. An heir is a soft spot and we wanted to limit exposure.” 
“Understandable,” I replied, still looking at the note.  “Clint, we need to make plans for the same. For everyone.” He nods, looks at his watch and head back out.  It was time to bring Presley in.  I had no clue what was about to happen, but I knew I could trust Andy with my life. 
The door opened again, and Presley walked in with Clint.  She looked beautiful today in a white sweater, legging and boots. She had taken the children to school this morning and dressed for the weather. “Kitten, come on in, please.”  She walked towards me and glanced around the room and stopped.  
“Natalia?” My girl’s lower lip trembled as she stared at Andy associate.  
“Amelia?” The woman stood up before rushing over to Presley and pulling her into a hard hug.  
I know shock was all over my face, but Andy seemed... pleased? He looked at me and nodded.  “Curtis, this is Natasha Romanoff or as Presley might know her, Natalia Romanov.” He smiled. “When Jensen started his background on Miss Adams, he found our undercover person.” He looked as the tears streamed down Presley’s face.  “I figured if I brought a friendly face it might win her over.”  
Presley pulled away.  “How?” 
“When we got separated, I was injured and found my way to Nick.”  She looked at Andy’s second.  “He took me in and helped me and I explained who I was and who I was running from.  I’ve been looking for you everywhere but didn’t get a hit.  At least until Jensen started looking.” She cupped Presley’s cheek. “I’m so happy you are alive, princepessa.”  
“I was so sad for so long.  I saw on the news about Mama, and I thought...” she dissolved back into tears. 
I cleared my throat.  “Needless to say, Barber, that we have an understanding about not making noise about Presley.”  
Andy shakes his head.  “Of Course not.  After everything with Aurora, I don’t want to draw attention to this part of town.”  
“Understood but we should have everyone on the lookout.”  
“For whom?” 
“Charles Blackwood.”  
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(Thoughts on the finale below! NOT spoiler-free!)
What a fantastic finish cap to a fantastic show. You may have seen me complain about the endings to the other arcs before, but you won't see me complaining about this one. We wrapped up just about every loose thread (no pun intended), and those left dangling seem to be saved for the afterparty.
Notable highlights:
THE ISABELLE AND IAN SIBLING MOMENT... I was so happy multiple people drew it; I want to animatic it. I cheered so fuckin loud, tbh. Ian IS the shitty older brother, and Isabelle is his darling twin sister who will keep him in line, and together they will murder their Uncle Hunterpalm <3
(I am specifically referring to him comforting and teasing her while she cried into his shoulder but ALSO, what is more sibling-coded than planning how to commit a murder and hide the body together?)
Unexpectedly delightful dynamic between Cadmus and Hutch. This whole time, Cadmus has been the only party member who really HATES Hutch with a vitriol, and the animosity with Cadmus trying to steal a buff from him (albeit while saving his life) was just so good. And then Hutch using his overclass to full-restore Cadmus (WHO FINALLY GOT TO NOT DIE DURING A FIGHT) and offering to help get revenge on Vice afterwards? Really good stuff.
(And like, we NEEDED that confirmation that Vice was gonna get his just desserts. I would've thrown hands if we didn't.)
Lots of good polycule bits. "If you were hitting on me, you're gonna have to get in line. There's forms and stuff." I fucking love these science freaks.
THE GROUP HUG... even though Florence was not technically a part of it, I'm pretending she was.
On the note of Roob being gone for so long—much as I also wanted them to get back, tbh? I think it provided an EXCELLENT excuse for (non-combat-planning) roleplay. Some of the best moments likely wouldn't have happened if Roob hadn't dipped.
God bless Craigor for INSISTING they all go out and get ice cream. In my head, Craigor's vital role in the found family is that he keeps everyone sane by forcing them to indulge in small pleasures like dairy queen.
Cadmus removing Florence's stitch for her was such a good casual moment of intimacy. It's like letting someone do your makeup for you, only in a more brutal and fucked-up scenario because it's RSR. Nobody fucking look at me I love their friendship and will talk about it for ages
I actually like how Isabelle's "dry anger" finally broke into crying. It feels more in-character that she's been trying to act tough and uncaring this whole time, but really, she's just overwhelmed. I also like how it's more obvious now when she's being possessed by Venutia. HUGE "the souls of the innocent" "a bagel!" energy.
On that note: there's a moment I've always loved where Isabelle uses a Beam of Unreality and deletes several rock fans, and Connor says to Cadmus "stick with me here: there might be something more dangerous to your health here than the goddamn rock and rollers," to which Cadmus (who didn't see the beam) replies "who, Isabelle? she wouldn't hurt a fly!"
What I'm saying is, I want that moment to happen again but now with both Isabelle and Cadmus having the knowledge that she IS a monster. But they both choose to keep quiet about it. That's Cadmus's work daughter, he is not losing ANOTHER person in his life—
Carol/Carmen in general was a really great antagonist. Sympathetic in nature, simple motivations that make sense to her character, and still a massive bitch who needs to be stopped. I don't have any brainrot over her but I felt the need to acknowledge her since, y'know, the whole series kinda hinged on her.
Congrats to that one person for getting their rat canonized
in conclusion,
RSR good
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honoringthehorrific · 6 months
Is Late Night with The Devil worth tuning in for?
Don't adjust those sets...spoilers in 5..4..3..2...
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First off sorry for not being able to find a gif from the movie! Tumblr gave me a real hard time with that one.
Second off I would like to say I do not support the use of AI art. I think it is abysmal. I watched this movie with my partner after saving up points at our local theater for free tickets. If this still supports the movies we see in some way please let me know and I will be sure to find another way to better watch these movies without supporting their actions...🏴‍☠️🦜 It just may mean you get your reviews a touch later!
Onto the movie. The aesthetics were very enjoyable I could appreciate the ties back to satanic panic and the fascination with the occult. The costuming, the filming of the movie, it all felt right and very few times did I feel my immersion in it break. I feel like maybe there were one or two shots where the actors looked too well made up if that makes sense.
One fun fact my partner pointed out was that you can see the twin towers in the opening shots and the city cut aways because they were built 4 years prior! I really liked that this movie didn't shy away from showing us the towers mostly because I feel like that's something that would have broken the idea we are in the 70s.
While the filming was fitting and awesome the effects were....I would say B tier at points. I think it adds to the charm of course I can always appreciate a homemade effect but it does slightly pull me out of this being something that really happened. Don't get me wrong I know it's not trying to be the next Blair witch "true story" but i feel like there is some level to this that wants the audience to feel that this is real.
My partner notes too that cutting it from a television camera view to the audience view might have helped as well!
Onto the fun stuff, we get hints throughout...sorry no, not hints...we get TOLD throughout the movie that our star of tonight's show, jack delroy, is in a fraternal organization...sorry, i mean cult. He is in the Bohemian Grove cult. We get told there are rumors of this in the opening almost documentary style retelling of Jack's fame and struggles with being as good as Johnny Carson. We'll come back to that.
Tonight is 1977. Halloween night. Sweep week. A night where Jack really needs to scrape in the views. He has no idea that the plans he has this evening will go awry...recently his wife madeline who will be reffered to by her "special nickname" mini has passed away from lung cancer. Tonight's show is also jacks first one back and man is it a doozy. We get to see how he banters with his co-host and honestly kind of berates him. I had this struggle with jack where I wanted to like him but every time I tried I just got these kicks and hints that he was kind of an asshole? But it's show biz, who isn't? His first guest is a medium who intends to commune with the dead. He seems like other shoddy Vegas types until he accurately assess a family who lost their son and brother to suicide. It's later revealed to be a bunch of hooey when the next guest a renowned skeptic chats with the family and realizes they were questioned prior to the show.
The first chilling moment we get that isn't the use of AI art is the medium seemingly becoming possessed by the grieving spirit of mini however no one claims the name and only later does jack reveal he thinks the message was for him.
I'm not gonna foot around it. The use of AI art while not overly used and egregious it's present. Personally it being present feels like an issue. It bugs me and it should bug you. I know many people want to cut it a break for being an indie film but it doesn't take much to put some money towards what was it? 5-6 pieces of art? Yeah some people will have higher rates for working on this but I'm sure they could have found someone to do the art if they felt theirs wasn't up to par. I don't think they're fully evil or anything for it. I don't support AI art but I can understand the other side of the argument. However when you turn a blind eye to one film and it does well it doesn't matter if it's an indie project or not. It makes the big guys think hey we like this. Give the devil an inch and he'll take a mile right?...
That all being said I could ignore the cut aways kind of??...I paid attention for mistakes the first few times before the sight of them just elicited an annoyed eyeroll from me.
As the movie progresses we meet the skeptic. He's offering checks to people who can prove without a doubt that they're the real deal and he says hes not lost a nickel yet. The medium claims he doesn't want the money and when Jack vouches for him and says the last message was meant for him the medium's behavior gets more and more erratic before he finally spews black vomit all over the studio including onto the skeptic.
Little do we know on the way to the hospital our medium turns up dead. This starts to brew panic in the crew and our co-host as our next guests are brought on. June and Lily. Lily was found as a 10 year old by the authorities as the only surviving member of a satanic cult that kind of parodies the satanic church and Anton lavey. Lily is possessed by a demon she calls mr.wriggles. mr.wriggles is an interesting one alright! Wether it's trauma, the demonic possession or my boyfriend's theory- autism. Lily exhibits off behaviors like staring directly into the cameras and seeming very monotone at times. It isn't until Jack pushes for and honestly...kind of corners June on live TV that June and Lily decide to showcase Lily's ability. Man does this demon have something to say.
The demon begins by noting that him and Jack know each other hinting at a tie between the Grove cult again. Before intent focuses again on June. Calling her out for her and jacks relationship and telling her to remember what happened to his last whore. Possession doesn't cease until June slaps the girl. Let me tell you I didn't trust this at all. June goes to undo the straps after some crazy electrical issues and levitation and I just felt uneasy the whole time. That typical feeling while watching these movies of "are you stupid??" Lily in my eyes had a very sinister look to her still that later gets touched on again. We then get the skeptics explanation and recreation with hypnosis. Making our co-host believe his phobia of worms is suddenly real life with them wriggling from his neck stomach and lastly eyeball. Only for us to cut back to reality with his activation phrase and see that none of it was true. They watch the tape back and realize that the whole audience was hypnotized because none of that truly happened on their TV sets. However when watching back what happened with Lily it triggers the girl.
She levitates and glows while her head splits open. She immolates the skeptic when he offers the hefty check in exchange for his life and hangs her guardian/doctor by the necklace meant to keep the demon at bay. And unfortunately our chunky loveable co-host gets his neck snapped when trying to "the power of Christ compels you" the demon away. It isn't until we get this gorgeous dream like sequence after Jack seemingly gets away. Him going through the routine of the show only to try and escape. Him telling us to turn off our sets and stop watching before we get a sequence with the cult and him drinking from a chalice as he meets his wife. She reveals that he sacrificed her health for fame. He didn't know. And this is where I felt sympathetic for him....the entire time he was unaware...he murdered her unintentionally. And so she asks him to murder her in the physical. Take the ritual knife from Lily's old home and finish her off before the cancer can take her....only for him to plunge the knife into her and reveal that the dream was fake. And he has stabbed Lily to death. He stands and we get a heart wrenching scene of him trying to say the skeptics activation phrase to wake up while surrounded by the carnage he somewhat unknowingly caused...
Overall I give this 3 worms out of 5.
The AI made my eyes roll and the effects were corny but the premise and scenery and aesthetics were beautiful. I sort of reccomend it if you can watch it in a non supporting way.
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armulyn · 1 year
Wisdom to the Wise
The Wingfeather family’s possession of a collection of First Books is not exactly a secret, though few are the commoners who can claim knowledge of it.
They traditionally belong to the Throne Warden, and are kept in his keeping, and the scholars know that. One of the Throne Warden’s traditional titles after all is Keeper of Wisdom, whatever that means, and while most citizens of Anniera think it more metaphorical than literal, there are others who can correct them.
There are five of them, ranging from as thick and heavy as a small boulder to what is little more than a pamphlet the size of his hand. Very few in Anniera or beyond know that, save perhaps the most dedicated and lucky of scholars. 
Finally, there are a grand total of sixteen pages among the lot that he can read.
Though about seven people alive currently know that, Esben feels he knows it the best, flipping through aged pages with boredom and growing frustration. The strangely shaped, handwritten letters taunt him with their loops and bold strokes, some written hastily, slanted and sloppy, and others firmly, whether in triumph or emphasis no one will ever know. Whoever has put pen to the ancient paper has done so in a language none now speak— or, more’s the pity, read.
He has never been as dedicated to reading as Artham, or as relentless in pursuit of knowledge, but Esben has also never liked being told he can’t know something, and so he glares at the pages as if they can be cowed into divulging their secrets.
“Well?” he says aloud, “What am I supposed to learn from a collection of shapes?”
He isn’t talking to anyone in particular, save perhaps his subconscious, but nonetheless a voice answers from behind him. 
“Perhaps I could be of more aid if I knew what you are doing?”
Esben jumps, nearly knocking the ancient tome right off the end of the ancient desk— an impressive feat, as it’s the boulder book— before a hand shoots forward and rescues it.
“Why didn’t you knock?” he demands breathlessly of his brother, brushing himself off and pretending he hadn’t nearly gotten a heart attack. Artham looks at him as if he’s being exceptionally stupid, which is neither fair nor warranted in Esben’s opinion.
“I don’t usually knock when I expect a room to be empty,” he says, then glances around, “...Especially when it’s my room. So! Besides endangering priceless, helpless, and perfectly innocent books, what are you trying to do?”
“This book.” Artham returns the boulder book safely to his desk, but Esben gestures instead to the one beside it. It is of average size and weight for a book, but its ancient leather binding and yellowed pages mark it apart from the many volumes that can be found in Rysen’s library.
“...What about the book?”
“I don’t know! They’re all equally incomprehensible but it’s that one that annoys me the most. I don’t know why, but it won’t leave me alone.”
Artham picks up the book in question, handling the tome with far more care and expertise than Esben had bothered with. He flips idly through the pages, and Esben doesn’t have to crane his neck to know what his brother sees. Unidentifiable letter after unidentifiable letter.
“This is considered to be one of the oldest of them,” Artham says, “If indeed the ages vary. Aunt Illia told me it’s said to give ‘wisdom to the wise.’”
“How can a book be said to give people wisdom when nobody can read it?” 
“No idea, that’s just what Aunt Illia told me. I don’t think she knew what it means either. It’s pretty clear that it only gives people wisdom who already have it, though, so you might be out of luck on that end.”
“You’re hilarious.”
Artham grins at him, but then returns his attention to the infuriating book at hand. He flips to the first page, upon which is a single line of text across the paper. What it says, only the wind and stars know, Esben thinks irritably.
“Well, maybe we’ll never know what’s in it. It’s not like you need to know everything about everything in order to live, Esben.”
Like most things out of Artham’s mouth, it sounds smart and also vaguely profound. Not for the first time in his life, Esben laments his brother’s hobby as a poet.
“Philosophy is all well and good, but a linguist would honestly be more helpful here.”
“I know plenty of languages, I’ll have you know. Hollish, for example, and Shreven, and—”
“I don’t suppose this one happens to be among them?”
Artham squints closer at the text, then shrugs, “I know plenty of languages that people actually speak.”
“Well, that’s no good.”
Artham rolls his eyes at Esben, an extremely undignified action that little enhances his brother’s reputation as a dashing Throne Warden. The vaguely dirt-stained clothing and windblown hair don’t help either— he must have been outside.
“Well, I’m not certain how to help you on this front, little brother,” Artham says, “but you’re doing little good glaring a pile of pages into submission. Nia was looking for you a few minutes ago though, in the front garden.”
Esben rises from the chair eagerly, glad to leave the circling uselessness of staring in incomprehension at dusty pages. All the same, he pauses at the door, a strange feeling of failure sweeping over him. There’s something in that book, he knows it. And he means to find out what.
“...Now that I think about it, isn’t that the book that’s used for the kings’ annals, too?” Artham asks, following him out. Esben nods glumly.
“Aye, and those at least are in Common. I’ve been through those same sixteen pages sixteen times but whatever I’m looking for isn’t there. That book may or may not have wisdom but either way it’s doing a terrible job at imparting it.”
“Maybe if I hit you over the head with it—”
“Please don’t.”
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Fire (part 2) (Yandere Dr. Danny x GN Reader)
Fire 2 Electric Boogaloo
TW: Obsessive Behaviors, Possessive Behaviors, Mentions of Trauma/PTSD, Ableism (Making fun of a missing eye)
You have been visiting the odd man, who you have learned is called Dr. Daniel Dickens. You never expected to actually end up saving someone from that fire... much less a man who has no parents or family to go to. However, you don't regret a thing. He seems rather kind, if not a bit spacey when it comes to his thoughts. You can't blame him, though, because that fire might have caused some trauma. Perhaps his silent staring is him having flashbacks to it. You made sure to warn the doctor after that thought occurred to you. You wanted to make sure he is okay once he left. Dr. Danny just looked up at you, grinning as he chirped "Oh, I am fine. I have just been thinking about where I will go after this. That building was my home."
Needless to say, now, months after that encounter, you are sitting on the couch in your small apartment, having just brought Danny home from the hospital. Home, as in, to your apartment to stay until he gets back on his feet. You even made sure to visit the store to buy him a few pairs of clothes to wear. You can hear him wander around your apartment, checking everything out. You can't help but giggle a few times when you hear him say things such as "Oh! Is this your room? Sorry! I didn't mean to invade your privacy! I am just trying to figure out the layout of your place!" It is sweet how he seems to be a bit nervous, even though he really shouldn't be. It is not like you are going to hurt him.
Your roommates, Fiona and Jackson, however, are not as pleased. By the time they arrive home, you and Dr. Danny are sitting on the couch together, switching through the television channels. He seems especially interested in a documentary about the latest advancements in eye surgery. You just chalk it up to him being a doctor. Regardless, Jackson takes one look at you two and is upset. He points to to Danny, saying "Really? ANOTHER ONE? (Y/N), we are crowded enough in here as it is! Why would you take someone else in?" Fiona nods, her tone much calmer, but still showing disdain. "Yeah... (Y/N), I remember you saying that this guy doesn't have a place to stay, but really? You could've dropped him off at the homeless shelter downtown."
Dr. Danny stays quiet, seemingly too engrossed in the documentary to say a word, possibly too much so to even notice them. You speak up, saying "I know we are a bit crowded in here... but, look at him! He needs help! I'm not going to leave him, now. I'm the only real confidant he has at the moment." "Where is he going to sleep, (Y/N)? There isn't enough room!" Jackson counters. You instantly reply with a quick "He can take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."
"No... I'll sleep on the couch. You need a proper, good night's sleep to rest your eyes at night." You, Jackson, and Fiona all look over to Dr. Danny, who is still staring at the screen. So, he has been listening. He continues "I'll be sure to cause no trouble. I wouldn't dare do so purposely after all that (Y/N) has done for me." He seemingly has to force himself to look away from the screen, turning his head up to your roommates. "What are your names?"
Fiona seems to flinch, before meekly introducing herself "I am Fiona... this is my brother, Jackson." She points to Jackson, who glares down at the man next to you. You have never seen Fiona look so... genuinely shocked before. You are about to speak up, when Dr. Danny continues "It is good to meet you both. I hope my sudden arrival hasn't made me have a negative first impression. I will try to do my fair share of chores as payment for (Y/N)'s generosity." Jackson looks down at you, next, a smug grin on his face as he jokingly says "Well, looks like we found our new butler!" Fiona seems just as unnerved as before, though, looking down at her feet.
The next few weeks are much more lively than normal, to say the least. Jackson has his fun toying with Dr. Danny. He makes him clean the dishes, cook dinner, and all the likes. It gets twice as back when he realizes that he has a missing eye, causing him to tease Dr. Danny about it. Fiona has been hiding in her and Jackson's room more often than she already does, playing her music to drown out the chaos from the rest of the apartment. Meanwhile, you are trying to stop Jackson's relentless teasing and orders and get the poor doctor some time for a break.
This time, you manage to find the two in the kitchen, Dr. Danny cleaning the dishes and Jackson talking rather loudly about pirates. You can tell the joke he is trying to tell. Haha. Pirates have one eye. Danny has one eye. Danny is a pirate. Same old same old... You cut in-between the two of them, causing Jackson to go quiet as you talk. "Jackson... How about you go get groceries and clean the living room tonight? This is my apartment, and we are all supposed to be doing chores. It has been a while since you have done anything. At least Fiona cleans your room. I can help Dr. Danny with the dishes." "But-" "Now. We are running out of milk, bread, pasta, and we need a few more boxes of cereal."
As Jackson scurries off, you look over to Dr. Danny, who is staring at you. It is that exact same stare he always gave you in the hospital. You ask quietly "Are you alright? He has always been an asshole, but never this much of one." He slowly nods. "Yeah. I am a bit used to it." You tilt your head, concern washing over you "How much so...?" Dr. Danny looks down at the dishes, causing you to notice just how much harder he is scrubbing at them with the brush. "Oh... it happened all the time during my childhood. It was worse then, due to me only having an eyepatch. They didn't want to give me a glass eye back then, because the doctors said it would be too expensive for my family, especially considering the follow-up care and the possible need for a new one if I grew out of it. As I said, though, I am used to it. I'm used to worse, actually. It's fine-"
You shake your head, picking up a dish and washing it as you cut him off "No, it really isn't. You shouldn't be used to something like that, much less WORSE than that. I'll be sure to check in on you more often. I'll clean the rest of the dishes. You can go do... Whatever it is you want to do. I can even pay for you to get a coffee from the coffee shop down the street." He grows quiet, again. This time, he seems completely frozen. You stop washing the dishes for a second, asking "Are you okay?"
He is silent, staring at you, again. He ended up getting a few sets of his glass eyes back from the remains of the building, so he has that dark false eye in. Despite it being fake, it seems just as filled with emotion as his real one. You can't quite tell what it is, though, but you don't mind. You can tell it isn't sadness, at least. You chuckle "Dr. Danny, you are staring again. Is something on your mind?" He blinks a few times, shaking his head "Umm... no. Actually, yes. Can you just call me Danny? I already call you (Y/N). I have never been your doctor, either. You don't have to be formal with me." You nod, smiling "Alright, Danny."
He grins, before drying off his hands and going over to the television. You finish up with your dishes, and are about to go sit by Danny, when Fiona peeks her head through her bedroom door. She whisper yells "Psst! (Y/N)... Get over here!"
You frown, wondering what her concern is about. Walking over, you ask "What is it?" "That doctor... I don't trust him! He's odd..." You frown "What has Jackson been telling you?" Her eyebrows furrow "Nothing. I just... when I first saw him, I remembered this newspaper article. I found it online. Let me explain it."
She shows you her computer, which has the article up. Reading it out to you, she explains a very simple story: Dr. Danny went missing in the building, alongside a few others. Then, numerous people went missing. Dr. Danny, Rachel Gardner, and Issac Foster were the only ones who escaped alive from the fire. There were only two bodies found in the building.
You are a bit confused, looking over to her. "What are you trying to get at?" She points to another article "He was Rachel's counselor after her parents' murders. He went missing alongside Rachel. He was a prison counselor for a bit before that, too, with a lot of his patients tearing out their own eyes. Look, I don't mean to sound paranoid or anything, but... What if-?"
You cut her off "Look, if you are going to say that you think Danny is some crazy man with a love for eyes that drives him to violent acts, I am not having it. This is all circumstantial. I am not saying that your little... Investigation is all worthless. I admit, it is odd that a lot of his patients would do something so specific, but a lot of weird things happen. For the Rachel situation, he could've been brought there at the same time as her." She looks over to you, desperation in her eyes "But what about his weird interest in that documentary. He hasn't stopped watching it since he got here. He even recorded it!"
You shrug your shoulders "Everyone has a weird way of coping with things, Fiona. God knows you do, with your obsession with snow after your mountain climbing incident. It could be his way of coping with only being born with one eye. I may not understand it, you may not understand it, Jackson DEFINITELY doesn't understand it... but it could be helping him deal with a lot of stress. So just... leave him be, okay?" Fiona sighs, nodding "If... If he causes trouble, you let me know, okay?" "I will, Fiona. I will even let you tell me that you told me so." She smirks "Good. I will be sure to savor that moment if it occurs."
You stand up, leaving the room and heading off to see Danny. To your surprise, he isn't watching that documentary about eye surgery. Instead, he seems to be looking at his jar of glass eyes. Peeking over his shoulder, you see one eye that is different than the rest. Two irises, one green and one red, pushed together in an unnatural way, making it look almost like there are two eyes shoved into a single glass ball to make it. It is both disturbing, but pretty in its own way... The most disturbing part is just why he would have a glass eye like that. Isn't the purpose of a glass eye to fit in?
He suddenly turns, grinning at you, causing you to flinch. You were caught red-handed. You open your mouth with the intent to explain yourself, only for him to laugh. "There is no need to be scared! I am happy that you are so intrigued by my collection. I was worried that you would be frightened by it." You shake your head "No... I am interested. That one looks rather pretty, if not a bit different than the rest." You point to the green and red eye, watching as his gaze locks onto it. "Yes... I love that one. It is my favorite! I feel as though I don't quite act like myself without it in. However, I understand that people are a bit... Unnerved when I wear it." You tilt your head, nodding slowly. "Well... Whenever we are the only two people in the apartment, or the only people up, you can put it in. My home, my rules."
He hums, that strange look coming back to his eyes. "I am happy to hear that... You are so kind." He places the jar next to him on the couch, asking "May I keep my collection in your room? I want to make sure our roommates are not disturbed by it." "Of course, Danny! If only you allow me to look at them. I won't touch them, of course. Just look." "Certainly."
The sound of Jackson returning home in his car comes from outside. Danny seems to grow tense. Not the nervous sort of tense, but the type of tense that expresses anger or annoyance. The soft smile on his face remains, however, albeit a bit strained. "(Y/N)? I hate to ask, but may I sleep in your room, tonight? I want to go to bed early, but I do not want to take up space on the couch, in case someone wishes to use it." You nod slowly, staring at the door. "Sure. I'll be sure to talk to Jackson about his behavior, too."
Danny stands up, walking over to your room. Before he enters, he says to you "Don't worry. I will be sure to talk to him about it, as well."
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I’m not entirely sure how to articulate this thought, so bear with my internet. I would like to discuss two scenes in Stranger Things.
The first is S2 E1 starting 30:50, it’s a Wheeler dinner scene and Mike is told that he needs to put together two boxes worth of things to sell at the yard sale.
When he protests it goes like this:
Mike: “I’m fine with you giving away a couple, but the other ones just have way too much emotional value”
Karen: “Emotional value?”
Ted: “They’re hunks of plastic Michael.”
As the scene goes on, we find out that they’ve already taken away his Atari, and that the reason the Wheeler parents are doing all of this is because Mike has been acting out. This scene is particularly interesting because it falls between Lucas and Dusting finding out who Max is (plot relevant) and Nancy and Steve having dinner with Barb’s parents (plot relevant), but it doesn’t appear to have any plot relevance itself. Mike’s behavior isn’t mentioned again, and the only purpose this scene seems to serve is to show that Mike is struggling without El. Or to show that the Wheeler parents don’t understand him and do not try to.
The second scene, and the one that stands in sharp contrast in my mind, is in season 4. In S4 E9 1:52:19, right before the California crew shows up at the Wheeler house, Karen brings out a box of Nancy’s old things that she found in the attic. They are packing boxes to bring to the shelter at the school. Nancy finds her childhood stuffed animal Mr. Rabbit in one of these boxes, and Karen says “It’s okay if you want to save him, you know?” She acknowledges that this toy has emotional value to Nancy, while she scoffed at the concept that Mike’s possessions might be important to him.
Obviously the context of these two scenes is very different. Mike is being punished, while Nancy is donating voluntarily. In season 4, Hawkins has just experienced a massive earthquake and I’m sure Karen is very worried. She even expresses more worry towards Mike than we have ever seen when he arrives. But there is no reason why she should not have been this sympathetic in season 2. By that point Mike had already been through some shit, and even if she did not know the full extent, she knew that Will was presumed dead and was visited by the government officials who said that he was in great danger. But in season 2, she brushes it off as “We know you’ve had a hard year, Michael, but we’ve been patient.” She acknowledges his struggles and immediately dismissed them.
And I know that comparing scenes like this gets a little iffy, and that the Duffer brothers haven’t watched season 2 in a while — hence Will’s birthday. But the one thing that stays consistent is character writing (Mike’s character is consistently written, and I will probably have to word vomit a post about it at some point). So while I doubt that these two scenes are supposed to stand in contrast, the family dynamics that they highlight do stand out, and I feel that comparing them in this way is fair game.
Which gets me to the point of my argument. So often while discussing the Wheeler parents, we focus on the differences between Ted and Karen. But they both kind of suck. More significant, I would argue, is the difference in how the parents treat Mike and Nancy. Karen especially connects with Nancy more often than she does Mike. Any heart to heart conversations that we see her have are with Nancy. Her character building is done through connecting with Nancy, most especially the scenes after Nancy is fired from the newspaper. With Mike, the only support he seems to get from his mom comes in the form of 3 hugs: after they find “Will’s” body, after the Byers’s move, and after he comes back from California. If you read the novelization Lucas on the Line, Karen tries to help Mike in his (apparent and obvious) depression by inviting Lucas and Dustin over. She plans this whole themed sleepover, but then calls her son foul to Lucas, in front of Mike. She disregards anything that is important to Mike, yet still expects him to come to her with important things. However with Nancy, she makes more of an effort. She reaches out to Nancy first, after Nancy was fired from the newspaper. Karen has to knock on Nancy’s closed door in order to have this conversation. This is a decent amount of effort put in. Karen makes the first move, whereas with Mike, she relies on him to reach out, even going so far as to stop Ted from talking to him after “Will’s body is found because “He’ll come to us when he’s ready.”
And please note: I have nothing against Nancy. I love Nancy as a character. I just think that the way the Wheeler parents, especially Karen, treat Nancy and Mike is very different and worth noting.
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doughbrainer · 1 year
Hey Heat Miser! What do you think of Edward?
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"Gosh... I Haven't Talked About Him In Years..."
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"Well, I'm Already Talking Some I Might As Well Answer..."
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"Edward Was My First Love..."
"I'd Like To Remember It That Way..."
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"We Met At A Bar, He Offered To Buy Me A Drink, And I Accepted, Returning The Favour By Getting Him A Drink As Well."
"I Originally Thought He Was Just Being Nice, But He Began Saying Nice Things To Me."
"I Kept Trying To Compliment Him Back, But He Kept Giving Me More Praise."
"Eventually... We Kissed! And Things Went From There!"
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"He Had His Unique Quirks That I Adored About Him, And Just Like Me, He LOVED Cats."
"His Family Was A Lovely Bunch And I Enjoyed Hanging Out With Them When I Went To Visit Him."
"After Some Time, He Moved In With Me."
"He Was There When Sunny Came To Be, And He Helped Me Save Her. He Also Gave Her The Name She Has."
"She Was So Little, He Adored Her, And Sunny-Side Adored Him.
But I Adored Him A Little More... Heh.."
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"Everything Seemed Perfect... Nothing Could Go Wrong..."
"Could It...?"
"Well That's What I Thought... Until He Went Back Home To Visit His Family..."
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"He Got Terribly Injured On His Way Back."
"Some People That Knew Him, And Didn't Like Who He Was, Found Him On The Street And Jumped Him Without A Reason."
"They Ruined Him Horribly... I'm Surprised They Didn't Do Worse But He Was In Terrible Shape..."
"I Wanted To Get Him Help, But There Was No Near Hospital That Would Treat Him."
"So I Opted To Give Him A Place To Rest. I Turned Into A Lion, Because They Were One Of His Favourite Big Cats, And It Make Me Comfortable To Lean On..." "But Also Because Lions Can't Cry... And I Knew This Was The End For Him, And I Didn't Want Him To See Me In Tears In His Final Moments..."
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"The Last Kiss He Gave Me, Was Only Seconds Before He Died..."
"I Will Never Forget That Kiss..."
"When His Family Set His Funeral, I Didn't Go, I Just Couldn't Make Myself... I Was So Devastated..."
"His Brother Understood Why..."
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"Winston Gave Me Edward's Heart..."
"He Said That He Ever Died, That He Wanted His Heart To Be Given To The One He Was In Love With..."
"My Embers Are A Bit Unsettled At The Fact That I Have A Mortal Heart In My Possession, But I Think It's Special..."
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"There's Only One Regret I Have..."
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"I Wish I Finally Proposed..."
YES, This Is Canon In At Least The Universe Of My Comic, NO This Isn't The Next Part Of The Comic. That Should Be Coming Soon Though!!
Edward Is @lazyghostmiserishere's Original Character! :3
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fantomette22 · 2 years
For OCs asks... Isn't it your OC on your icon? Can you tell us more about them?
Ah Lucen Venator ! My beloved hunter <3 (I called my tarnished Lucen too, I might used that name for everyone lol but it's not exactly the same character either hehe ^^)
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(drawing made by PaperAcolyte/Chess Albaneze on Instagram by the way. A really nice and sweet person who's making one of the best bloodborne comic to date!)
Alright so lil Lucen really try to be a kind soul but have seen some serious shit in his life (cf scars + last survivor origins initially but I arranged myself so that a lot of origin could actually fit him). What I mean is that he's more a summon helper than an invader XD I put a bit of myself in him. He's probably gonna ascend to become a great one but in the scenario where he would do the "Yharnam sunrise ending" he would ended becoming the next Crow.
He got black hair and silver? eyes. And actually more than just one scar on the face. Oh and I guess they/them is fine too? And If I had a female hunter I would probably have called her Lucen as well so
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He's like the only characters with a complex family tree including both OC and really obscure characters from the lore of Bloodborne too. (I finally have an excuse to talk about it let's go !) (of course it's just my imagination and doesn't repose on anything)
Ok so first you have his grandad (that I call Mr Venator or just Venator because I didn't found a name yet) he's a a foreigner who came to Yharnam as a prospector originally and then became an old hunter. (He probably never met his grandson too... probably died way before 😢)
He had a son (Lucen's dad) that accompanied him but he was a child/young teenager when they came at Yharnam. But he hang up around the workshop & with other hunter and that's how he met the brother of his future wife and well, his future wife.
Now Lucen's mother (that's where the family tree get tricky XD) so she's from Yharnam? I think. she's from a servant family of Cain or smt akin too. She was a kid too during the beginning of the hunters and all (like before the hamlet/just after).
BUT she had an older brother/half brother (Lucen's uncle) who's an illegitimate Cainhurst/noble child. Maria took him under her wings and he became an old hunter (probably the youngest too, he was a teen). That GUY stayed a hunter and kinda rejected cainhurst who wanted him to become a knight and he's even the one who took care of the workshop after Gehrman went into the dream. And oh yeah he ended up becoming the beast possessed soul of the workshop...💀 (the freaking drama I know! I need names for everyone too ahhhh)
AND (it's not finished) that hunter is also... vileblood drifter Leo half brother too! (I know I said it was complex) (Leo, who's probably a cousin/relative of Bloody Crow too. Crow's dad is another one of my oc too but that will be for another time lol).
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Here's the family tree so you might understand better. With the simplified version and a more complex version (i'm sorry it's a mess... I might changed it one day...or not)
Anyway in my hc / one of my story all this lil squad : Lucen's parents (with his mom being like 8 months pregnant of him at the time...) his uncle and lil (emo teen young adult) Crow have been basically saved/hid by Gehrman when the church attacked Cainhurst. (I have lots of thoughts about it ! Lucen's uncle and Leo even reconcile in it wow)
Just imagining the following scene make me laugh all the time XD :
Laurence at the workshop : Gehrman what are you doing ??
Gehrman : Me ? Nothing I'm just having tea with some friends. Didn't you tell me you were busy with the mess at Cainhust or smt...
Imagined around the table you have like the doll, 2 anxious/scared future parents (with the dad being hurt because he was almost crucified at Hemwick), Crow (Voron) who's on the point of annihilated Laurence and the hunter (Lucen uncle) holding him back...
After that Lucen's family quit Yharnam. (Except his uncle who stayed/came back. And Crow who might have went with them? but ended up coming back a bit later too. I would never have thought crow would have been linked that much with my hunter... wtf)
Oh and i forgot to mention... when the Moon Presence was beckon... a child was born under the pale moonlight...far away from Yharnam... I let you guess who that was 👀
(I don't have that much bloodborne oc really... ok maybe besides them, the cainhurst ocs (the knight, crow? and a few others (I need names too) and if you don't count the king, Caryll, Dores, dores, gatekeeper, Archi & Paarl + some the corpses we see in game we know like 2 things about I guess the only other legit oc is like Gehrman's dog lmao XD)
Update : By the way it's pronounced LuSSen /LuÇen
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stranger-rants · 2 years
When I was younger, I used to think that me dying or never being born would somehow fix my family, and it was something I used to genuinely wish for. It wasn't reasonable or logical, but I'd made myself believe I was the root of the problem, and once removed, things would be better. As an adult, I was able to recognise that it wouldn't have made a difference. My dad would have still found reasons to abuse my brothers. There are times when I even fantasised about my dad dying, and the idea left me conflicted between a feeling of freedom but also shame and sadness cos he is our only living parent.
Fantasies are just that, fantasy. Not every thought you have is something you actually want, especially when they're created in highly emotional states. We also have a tendency to remember the more negative memories, rather than the positive. So when Max says he tormented her, that's likely because they're the memories that stick out. Which also accounts for why only flayed Billy is used against her, because outside of him brutally dying, they were the last memories she had of him. It was probably a coping mechanism to think of those memories as Billy himself, not him possessed, to stop herself from being overwhelmed with guilt that she couldn't save him, which she admitted prior to.
Also, to consider, is that up until the Byers moved, Max seemed to be mostly coping, and that's likely because she and El were able to grieve and cope together. With El gone, she got overwhelmed with it because whilst they've seen loss, the only one left in Hawkins who's suffered loss is Nancy and since they're not close, and Nancy's way of grieving is just to not deal with it, there's no real understanding of her grief. Isolation and depression already make negativity more prominent, add in grief, and that's all she would have been able to focus on.
Yeah. I used to have fantasies about having different parents growing up, but the reality was that I wanted my parents to be different. Fantasies are part of the coping mechanism. Max wishing Billy would just go away when he was going off the rails, is very different from being happy that he’s gone. She’s obviously not happy he’s gone, and his death traumatized her.
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now *more manic laughter* tell me about:
the Girl with the Wolf
and Stolen by silence
pllleeeaaasee *bats eyelids*
*deep breath in*
*deep breath out*
Get ready to listen to me ramble.
The Girl with the Wolf:
It is my first attempt at high fantasy. It isn't even the name of the WIP it is what I would name the chapter.
It takes place in the land of Kravai (which is technically what they call their Earth).
I wrote like a chapter with no plot whatsoever. It is about a young girl, Eilae, who is on the run and she has her pet wolf with her ofc. Arok, her pet wolf is a rare species known as a Linorian wolf, which are like five times the size of a normal wolf and ten times more dangerous. She came into the possession of said wolf by mistake, her dad found the cub in the forest and thought it was a dog.
Anyways it is how she steals from this floating market by using her wolf as a distraction. However, they manage to get captured. Their captors thinking Arok was about to eat Eilae.
Turns out Eilae is a very special type of human being called a crainilok. Crainiloks are said to be humans who were a dragon in their past life. They have a special bond with animals and can understand them on an emotional level.
Anyways the 'captors' are a bunch of heroes, but you can't exactly call them that. This is were it gets a bit cliche. The band of 'heroes' consist of a spoilt, narcissistic prince whose elder brother was supposed to be the savior but the brother died so he is the prince is the replacement. So now he needs to lead the quest that saves the whole world.
Then there is a court jester who was running a scam and stealing from a royal family. He had gotten onto the carriage of the spoilt prince trying to run from the guards and ended up getting stuck with the group. He was kept around because dude had travelled almost all of Kravai and knows a bunch of myths and legends.
Then there is the Queen, who is the spoilt prince's mother. Lady knew he son wouldn't survive this quest and she couldn't just let him die so she decided to come along. She is cool as fuck.
That is all I have for this WIP. It is dead.
Stolen by Silence:
This rant is going to be so fucking long. Also I actually posted it over here. Like at the very beginning. So link! shameless self promotion
This WIP is one I was really hoping to write but I never could think of a plot.
The story takes place in a futuristic city, which does not have a name yet. It is about thieves, the best thieves in the city.
There is this illegal organisation called the Exchange. They are like a middle man between a buyer and a thief. You want something that someone else has for a low price call the Exchange. The Exchange will put out a notice of sorts to all the thieves who work for them. The first thief to get that something will be the one who gets paid with whatever they want (as long as it equals what they stole and how difficult it was).
The thieves who work for them treat this as a game. The Exchange is a type of an organisation where thieves fought for glory and survival like the gladiators in the colosseum.
The Exchange hires the best thieves the city has to offer. Not only that but the thieves also like putting on a show. Taunting the law enforcement, having alter egos and etc.
A thief working for the Exchange is given a place to live and safety by that organization as long as they steal for them.
A master thief is recognized by the Exchange when they pull off a big heist and put their mark on it.
A mark is the symbol of the thief. It's a calling card. It is how they taunt the law enforcement. It is their pride and glory. For example there is a thief who goes by the name Handprint. After stealing what she came for, she leaves yellow coloured hand prints all over the crime scene. Another thief called Crow, leaves a silver tipped feather and scratch marks all over the place. (Yeah, they are a bit pretentious)
Anyways the thief usually has a couple of big heists (growing in difficulty everytime) before they get into the Exchange. Make the headlines a couple of times.
However, the story revolves around Kia who cannot hear or speak. She steals a pen drive which had the code for an AI, which was supposed to be the next biggest thing. All this so she could get into the Exchange. Also, she goes by the name Silence, a name and a symbol she took from a mythical thief.
Now this pen drive was the next big trophy for the thieves in the Exchange. So they were all pretty pissed when they arrived at the spot to steal it only to find it missing. They were really fucking raged when they found out a nobody pickpocket had stolen it. They were infuriated when they found out the Exchange was thinking about inviting her to join.
That is all I have for now.
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