#me when i hear keep your head up by djo
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hotwritergf · 4 months ago
My ass belongs to him.
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suotar · 26 days ago
coming into your inbox again to discuss djo’s music/delete ya. Has anyone else noticed the ties between delete ya and chateau (which honestly makes delete ya even MORE heartbreaking since chateau is obvs about the beginning of his relationship with his ex vs delete ya is the aftermath). We have the reference to joe and his head injury in both (very steve coded of him lol) eg. Chateau: “I could feel the pain Of my head, seeing stars” vs delete ya: “And now I'm back on your couch, frozen peas to my head” and then the intro “oh my god” from chateau which plays in the background of delete ya at the end 😭😭😭 also thank you for pointing out the similar sounds of the police in delete ya. I love it even more since you’ve pointed that out and can’t believe I missed it before 
You're welcome! May I also point out the riff in the start of the song that is direct nudge to Prince (that was confirmed by Joe) and the very Taylor Swift -ish type melody of "The blame complex in me, me, me" that repeats in "One heart could beat for the two of us, two of us, two of us, oh-oh-oh".
There's so much of this goodness in it it's unreal. Like, this album is going to make me respect him so much as a songwriter and a lyricist. I know I've already said those earlier but they bear repeating.
Oh god YES! You're absolutely right about Chateau. I actually had thought about the same thing, though not consciously until now. And it makes total sense. 😭😭😭
Looking back and listening to his other songs there are also references to difficulties in a relationship, like in 'Go For It'. He talks about a lot of things, how a relationship starts to erode, communication breaks, misunderstandings etc etc. It also has the line "One week, And four years". Considering Decide was released in 2022 that would fit the timeline of their relationship as well. And then they broke up somewhere around 2022-2023. And the song ends with a line "It's a harder thing to do than to say (So don't say a thing)" Does it then mean leaving without explaining or not saying a thing and just trying to keep the relationship going? Who knows.
In 'Fool' he sings about being a fool for someone else. I think it's not really about him being the cute kind of fool who makes his gf laugh but the kind of fool who believes everything that's being said to him even though he knows that he's been lied to and even knows what are the tell tale signs of the lies. Because when you love someone you choose to believe the best of the person you love. Or you choose to stay with them even though it's not fully equal relationship 😭😭😭
"There's a person behind those eyes, That's not right
Any crack is a sign of lies, That's not cool (Not cool)
Everybody needs a Fool, I'll be your Fool"
Oh and what about then 'Gap Tooth Smile'? Of course I'm not entirely sure if all the lyrics are right but the version recorded in Australia is quite clear and you can hear them. Even though he's said that it's about loving your girlfriend in general - it also has a sad ending with "God, I count my blessings from the one-eyed dove". Two doves of course is a reference to lovers. And here too he says that the love was one-sided and despite that he counts his blessings over it, even though it lasted just a while
I'm not saying that those songs necessarily are about the relationship, but from the themes of The Crux it seems clear that he's been very reflective of his own life in his lyrics even before. And that it hasn't always been easy - like no single relationship ever is. But yeah the songs from Crux clearly point that out despite him only now being open about it being his most personal album.
Like, this album has so much heartache in it and it already tears me apart.
Feel free to come and ramble about Djo here anytime :)
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timetoletmyimaginationfly · 6 months ago
Promises I Intend To Keep 3
Nanami Kento x Reader
Previous Next
Song: End of Beginning by Djo
Nanami’s eyes never left the screen of his computer. He listened to the familiar footsteps inside his office. He didn’t have to look up to know it was his high school friend, Haibara Yu.
“Anything?” Nanami asked. Haibara shook his head with a frown. His frown deepened when Nanami slammed his fist on his desk hard. “It’s been 9 years!”
“We’ll find her,” he said swiftly. Nanami just nodded, eyes remaining on the chord bracelet you gave him years ago. “Are you sure she’s still in Japan though?”
“Yes,” Nanami said as the two walked to the parking garage. “She was sent up north, hours away from where we lived. My mother paid an absurd amount of money for their house.” Haibara nodded.
“Her father passed away five years ago,” he mentioned.
“He was involved in a car accident. His fault though since he was drinking. God, it was all I’ve seen him do.”
“You met the man?” Haibara asked curiously. Nanami nodded.
“He was always nice around me,” he answered. Haibara nodded and flipped through the files in hand.
“You never saw her in Todai.” Nanami shook his head. “I’ll do more investigating. Unless you need me to do something else? I think we’re caught up on schedule with meetings and what not.”
“Find her. Please.” Nanami’s voice softened at the end with vulnerability.
“I won’t disappoint. I’ll call Gojo-san and Geto-san.
“Tell Geto-san to help out when he’s done interviewing the new recruits. Have him send me the files immediately once he’s done.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Thank you, Yu.”
“No problem, Kento.”
Nanami watched Haibara leave the office first. He stared at the chord bracelet on his left wrist. He remembered you putting it on him. A night where his mother was out of town and you slept over while she was away. He checked his phone. Old photos from before that he never got rid of. Photos of you and him before you left. The smile on your face that gave him constant motivation to find you. The smile he has been longing to see for the past 9 years.
“I’ll find you, sweetheart. I promise.”
He sticks to his normal routes around Tokyo. He refuses to explore more and find a whole bunch of new restaurants and stores. He needed you around. He wanted to get lost with you like he planned to years ago. He parked at another parking garage to quickly grocery shop before he went back home.
He can’t help but to always remember the times when his mother was out on business trips and the two of you would grocery shop together. You were always determine to cook him dinner. And he was always eager to help you.
“Wait! I promise! This will taste good!” you exclaimed as you tried to add Cajun seasoning to the Alfredo sauce. Nanami laughed, gently and slowly letting you go. “Okay, a little bit at a time won’t hurt.” You gave him a small spoonful to try and Nanami nodded with approval.
“Fine, put more.”
“Told you so, Kento!”
“You’re here. I know you’re here,” he kept muttering to himself. He looked back at his phone, finding you in places that he ever thought he would see you.
He was used to the stares. It was like high school except this time it was around the world. Everyone knew who he was. A young and successful CEO of 7:3 Security at the age of 27 that he built from the ground up. A man with ambition. His goal to make it to the top so he could find you.
“Nanami-san, can we have an autograph?” Nanami gave the group of females a small smile and nodded. He signed their small note pads before giving them a bow before walking away.
He grabbed a cart, starting off in the produce section of the store. He made mental checks of everything that he needed for home. Onions. Garlic. Pepper. Potatoes. You name it. But his mind went blank. The familiar chime that he loves to hear years ago.
“That’s such great news! I think you’ll get the job, Shoko.” His ears perked. He was sure of that voice. He looked around, but the grocery store was crowded. “I mean, as long as I’m allowed to just sit around and hang out I’ll stop by every now and then. Ieiri Shoko, quit being nervous. You’ll get the job.”
He shook his head. He had to be hearing things. It was almost too easy. His eyes wandered until they landed on a woman on the phone. His eyes remained on her. He really looked at her. The features he studied everyday, there was no doubt that it was you. He abandoned his shopping cart, striding his way towards you. But he suddenly stopped when a a male of average height and dark hair approached you. He raised an eyebrow. He knew him. And you knew him. You smiled and spoke happily to him. He felt a quick and tight squeeze in his heart. But nonetheless, he approached you two.
“Higuruma-san,” Nanami called. Higuruma looked up, his aloof expression mirroring Nanami’s as he nodded in response.
“Nanami-san,” Higuruma responded. You turned to look up at Nanami. You didn’t know how to explain it. Your heart was suddenly racing while an intense feeling coursed through your body. Your mouth felt dry, your body also numb.
And Nanami saw you. He paid attention to your reaction. The dumbfounded and puzzled expression you held. He never expected it unless his appearance changed throughout the years. But he knew he didn’t change much, just like you. Softly, he called your name. And your eyes widened. You bowed deeply.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nanami-san,” you said softly with your soft smile. His heart stopped.
“You two know each other?” Higuruma asked. Nanami nodded but you shook your head. It only made Nanami frown.
“You’re…familiar,” you admitted slowly. You knew you did. You had a good feeling that you do know. Nanami nodded and cleared his throat. His eyes scanned you again. The golden, infinity necklace remained around your neck and the diamond ring he gave remained on your left finger. He felt a bit relieved.
“We went to the same high school,” Nanami answered. You giggled.
“We did?” Nanami nodded.
“But you moved.” You felt a hard tug on your chest and Nanami caught the split second of your pained expression. It was as if he could feel your pain. It urged him to hold you, but he knew that he couldn’t at the moment. He watched you give him a small yet soft smile.
“I heard you hired Hiromi-kun as your defense attorney,” you said brightly.
“Good choice, Nanami-san. He’s one of the best.” Nanami gave you a tight smile and nodded.
“Yes,” Nanami said and looked at Higuruma. He hated the affectionate look Higuruma was giving you. He respected the man, but, at this moment, he couldn’t respect him. “Top of Japan.” Higuruma nodded.
“Thank you, Nanami-san.” A phone suddenly rang. Higuruma suddenly took a step to the side and answered his call. “I’ll be right back, sweetie.” You nodded before turning back to Nanami.
“You two are…?”
“Ah, h-he just calls me that,” you said nervously as you fiddled with your ring. “When I moved, he became my only friend in high school. When I came to Tokyo, he hired me on the spot as a secretary at his office.” He felt relieved. But it bugged him to not know your feelings for him. He could easily see it through Higuruma.
“Just friends?” he blurted out. He mentally winced at himself.
“Just friends,” you said reassuringly with a smile. You had a far away look, leaving Nanami mesmerized. “He reminds me of someone important. You know what? You two remind me of each other. It’s almost like a coincidence.” You giggled. Nanami softly smiled. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned around to see Higuruma.
“My client wants to meet right now,” he said. “You’ll be alright?” You nodded.
“I’m okay. Thank you, Hiromi-kun,” you replied. Higuruma gave you a soft smile before looking at Nanami expressionlessly.
“I’ll see you around,” Higuruma said. Nanami nodded.
“You as well,” he replied. The two of you watched him walk out of the store. You turned back to Nanami. His eyes were soft and warm, making you feel warm as well. You felt your heart race that you almost felt dizzy.
“Maybe I’ll see you again one day,” you said. You were about to walk away when he didn’t respond, but Nanami immediately reached out to you and held your arm. You inaudibly gasped. The warmth of his hand felt so familiar, warm, and safe. It made your thoughts go haywire.
How will it feel to be wrapped in his arms?
“T-The necklace and ring. They look beautiful on you.” Your cheeks turned pink. The compliment coming from him. It didn’t seem like it was said to be polite because he is the CEO.
“Thank you, Nanami-san,” you said with a soft smile. “I don’t remember who gave them to me. But, I know deep down that it’s the most important things I have. Is that strange?” Nanami felt his heart skip a beat that he smiled.
“Not at all,” he said softly. He loves the blush on your cheeks, knowing that he was the only one able give you that effect. Back then and right now. Not Hiromi Higuruma. Just Nanami Kento.
And you enjoy his presence. All you want to do is to spend more time with him.
“Want to grocery shop together?” you asked curiously. So yes, you decided to keep him around. Nanami chuckled.
“I would love to. Follow me. My cart is over there. What do you need to get?”
“Ingredients for Cajun chicken and broccoli Alfredo.” His heart skipped a beat.
“That’s my favorite.”
“Mine too! It’s one of the best meals I can cook, Nanami-san!” It bothered Nanami to no end. It felt too easy. Finding you was too easy. But as it was, he found you a challenge. Not knowing who he is just became that extra obstacle he needed to take care of.
“So…you don’t remember me?” he asked. You shook your head. “I guess since there’s a bunch of us at the high school.” You nodded.
“Ever since I got into a car accident, things have been different,” you said as you picked up items for dinner.
“Car accident?” Nanami questioned, worry evident in his voice. Again, you felt a skip of your heartbeat.
“Five years ago,” you answered. “It killed my father. It was a pretty bad accident and the doctors and nurses were surprised that I survived. I couldn’t remember anything at first, but memories were slowly coming back. But I know they’re not all back. I can feel it.”
“I’m sorry that happened.”
“And it sucks because I don’t even remember where I actually grew up. I don’t know where my mom is or where I got the jewelry. And this note. I have the most encouraging note and it makes me love the person who wrote it.” You don’t know why you were telling Nanami this. It felt so easy to tell him. “I’m sorry, I’m ranting so much about it.”
“N-No, it’s okay. I don’t mind,” he said. You gave him a shy laugh. “What made you come to Tokyo?”
“I just knew that I needed to go to Tokyo. I paid off the loans that my father owed and refused to pay, quit my job at the cafe, signed up to Todai, and got a job with Hiromi-kun before I left. I have a purpose here. I just know it.”
“If you need help, I’m willing to help.” You blushed again.
“I-I appreciate it, Nanami-san. But I should be okay.” He nodded in response. His mind was still swirling with the fact that you were right here next to him. It felt both like a dream yet a nightmare. You didn’t know him. You forgot about him.
“At least let me drive you back to your place,” he said.
“I live close by, Nanami-san.” It frustrated him, feeling useless as usual. “But, I would love one! I am pretty tired. Thank you so much.”
The car ride was quiet but you liked the silence. It felt comforting. You gave him the quick directions to your apartment building. You felt hesitant once he parked at the front. He felt compelling. It was like your body had a mind of its own that you couldn’t leave his side. Your heart was racing.
“Is everything okay?” he asked worriedly. You nodded.
“It’s just…I—Come over for dinner? Since you drove me home, it’s the least I can do. If you have the time, of course. Maybe a rain check on it? You’re a busy man and all,” you blabbered. You blushed and felt very flustered from your sudden request. You shyly stared at your lap as you rotated the ring on your finger.
“We’ll do a raincheck,” he replied softly. “I want to try that Alfredo dish you’re planning to make.” You looked at him with wide eyes. A smile appeared on your face and you nodded.
“Yeah! I can do that! I-I’ll see you soon, Nanami-san!”
You grabbed your bags from the back. With one last wave, you entered the building. He waited until he couldn’t see your figure. You were safe. You were okay. And for that, he can rest easy for now. Immediately, he pulled his phone out. He dialed Haibara’s number.
“I need hospital information from her five years ago,” Nanami ordered.
“Yes boss. Geto-san sent you the files of the best candidates, as well.”
“Perfect. By the way, you guys don’t have to search for her.”
“Oh? Why not?” Haibara heard a soft chuckle from his end.
“I found her.”
“Kento! That’s great news!”
“It is but…she doesn’t remember me,” Nanami confessed. “She was involved in the car accident with her father. She admitted to memory loss.” He heard a sigh from his friend.
“Alright boss. I’ll get on it after dinner if that’s alright.”
“Of course. There’s no rush.” Nanami went through the files. A certain name popped up that caught his attention. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Nanami immediately dialed the number. At the same time, he watched a woman with long brunette hair, straight navy blue slacks, a blue turtle neck, and low heeled shoes stop at the front entrance.
“Nanami Kento of 7:3 Security. May I speak to Ieiri Shoko?” He mentally chuckled to see the shock on the woman’s face.
“This is her,” she said a little too quickly and excitedly.
“I would like to offer you a job at the company. You will be receiving full benefits by the time you start working. Vacation and sick time is fixed and resets every year—-“
“I would love to accept the offer, Nanami-san!” Nanami mentally chuckled.
“Perfect. You can call or text me back from this number. I will send you onboarding paperwork through email and you can email everything back to along with questions that pop up to mind.”
“Y-Yes, sir! Thank you so much! I promise you, I will not disappoint you!” Nanami softly chuckled.
“Alright. Have a goodnight, Ieiri-san.”
Shoko immediately dialed a number on her phone. The sound of your name escaped her lips rather loudly before she entered the building. Nanami smiled. Did he become biased? He didn’t care at this point.
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xtrafluffyteddy · 3 years ago
Feel alright
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader x Eddie munson
Mentions: angst to fluff, sappy words, vibes
Inspired by the song Chateau by djo where Steve confesses what he’s felt since he left Hawkins
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When you and Eddie had gotten an invitation to Steve’s show with his band you contemplated if you should go seeing as how things ended when he left for LA but decided to give it a chance.
You both got ready in your usual attire you in Steve’s old yellow sweater that you couldn’t seem to get rid of and Eddie in his battle vest hair half pulled up because of the summer heat.
As you piled into your car waiting for the ac to kick in you looked over at Eddie who was biting at his nail a nasty habit he had picked up when Steve had left so you reached out and gently grabbed his hand giving it a reassuring squeeze “it’ll be okay if we get uncomfortable we can just leave”, he nods and mutters a half hearted yeah as you pull out heading towards the venue where the show was being held.
Your nerves returned as you handing the tickets over and were led to an area reserved at the front of the stage squeezing Eddie’s hand for your comfort and his
The lights dimmed as the spot light turned on and there he was Steve Harrington still as handsome as the day he’d left, you looked over at Eddie seeing the quick sparkle in his eyes at the sight of Steve which then turned to sadness as he looked back at his shoes
Steve caught glimpse of the two of you heart racing at the realization you two had actually shown up as he leaned into the mic “I wrote this for some people from my past” he clears his throat as he starts singing.
He makes eye contact with you as he holds onto the mic swaying along with the guitar in the background.
“So I turn back the time, I’m at the chateau and I feel alright,” he closed his eyes as he remembered the week before he left you two had come over to help him pack eddie was in charge of packing away electronics and music while you were busy looking through photos and helping fold clothes
“The roof in the rain, It's true, I could feel the pain, Of my head, seeing stars, You said "Come to ours", So I did, It's a decision that I'm glad that I made, I'm still uncertain that it happened at all, I just can't recall” he sung rasply in the mic hoping you and Eddie didn’t catch the hitch in his throat as tears welled up behind his sunglasses
You remembered the day you had asked Steve to come over to your apartment you and Eddie had made a day out of renting Steve’s favorite movies and planned on ordering anything he wanted to eat, you both had planned to tell him how much you loved him and ask him to be yours since you all bonded after the vecna incidents
You and Eddie had woken up the next morning after a night of being with Steve to a hastily scrawled letter the only thing written on it “I’m sorry. I can’t. Forgive me���
Steve had left in the middle of the night not wanting to look back or he’d want to stay in Hawkins just to be with you two
As the song ended he saw you and Eddie trying to make a quick exit heart sinking as he quickly handed off the microphone jumping off the stage to chase after the two of you “WAIT! WAIT! PLEASE!” He had grasped Eddie’s shoulder which caused the two of you to stop
Eddie looked over at him pushing him away as bad as it hurt to do “don’t touch me Harrington”
Harrington you both only called him Harrington if you were mad at him it was always Stevie or big boy or handsome
“Please just- just hear me out then you can leave if you want” he takes a deep shaky breath as you stare up at him squeezing Eddie’s hand
“Five minutes” you say softly trying to keep your calm
“I never wanted to leave the way I did I just thought it would be easier I thought- I thought if I left the way I did it would hurt less for all of us, but when I was on the roads and saw the now leaving Hawkins sign all I wanted to do was turn back, to run back to you two to run back to taking care of those damn kids” he rushes out running a hand through his sweaty hair “but I just kept going and the farther away I got the more I wished I would have said goodbye” Eddie nods along having taken a seat on the hood of you car
“And I get it if you want me to just leave to fuck off and never come back but just know I love the both of you more than I ever thought I could love people and-“ he takes out a set of keys “I got us a big apartment in California and I want you to come with me in a weeks time”
You look over at Eddie to gauge his reaction to this regulation and news seeing uncertainty and fear swirling in his eyes
“Steve you hurt us really bad when you left we thought we hand done something wrong but- fuck Stevie” you sniff a tear rolling down your cheek that Steve quickly wipes away with the pad of his calloused thumb you lean into his hand “I missed you so much” you gasp as he pulls you into a tight hug his familiar scent wrapping around you
Steve looked over at Eddie “Eddie please forgive me, please” he reaches out pushing Eddie’s bangs away from his face before taking his ring clad hand pulling him into the hug
At that moment everything felt okay throughout the week that Steve was there you spent as much time together as you could fixing old mistakes, mending broken hearts, pulling pranks like old times
“Eds” you mumble against his chest after Steve had left to take a shower down the hall “what do you think about going to California with Steve?” You look up at him fingers tracing the bat tattoo on his forearm down to the demobat scars that rested on his side.
“I think-“ he takes a deep breath “I think we should do it get the fuck out of Hawkins, away from the death, form the glares, the accusations” he mumbles the last bit not forgetting when the whole town thought he was a murderer
You nod and give him a soft smile leaning up to give him a soft kiss turning your heads to the sound of a throat clearing
“Interrupting? Or is there room for one more?” Steve grins climbing into the bed with the two most important people on his life
“Steve we’ve been thinking” you begin to say “we’re coming with you to California”
And that’s how you got here saying goodbye to the kids giving each of them one last big hug and your phone number in case of emergencies telling them to look out for each other and never be afraid to call no matter the situation, smiling as Eddie pats Dustin’s head shaking him a bit “stay safe dungeon master” you hear eddie say placing his hands on Dustin’s shoulders giving him one last squeeze as you climb into the moving van with him deciding to sit between Him and Steve smile never leaving your face as you pass the leaving Hawkins sign
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