#me trying to take human traits out of the oc bag and coming up empty: thats all i got boss
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loveydive · 10 months ago
ngl i struggle making ocs
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zadiethegryffinpuff-blog · 6 years ago
The Other Lupin - Chapter 2
Sirius Black x Odelyn Lupin (OC)
Warnings: flirting, fluff.
Chapter 1
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Odelyn entered the library quietly, her entire body hyperaware as she searched for Sirius. Within seconds, she spotted him leaning over a piece of parchment, ghosting the top of his quill along his chin. She stood there for a moment, studying him. His hair, just as perfectly unruly as it was at breakfast, was tied neatly into a bun. His gray eyes canned over the few words in front of him, his brow furrowing. But, after a moment, she approached him, hoping no one had caught her staring.
She plopped down in the seat beside him, making him jump. “You look deep in thought,” she noted as she emptied her book bag, grabbing her book. “It’s a rare sight.”
“I’m always deep in thought. It just depends on what I’m thinking about.” He winked at her, then turned back to his paper.
“Were you able to form another sentence?”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “Two, actually. But, I need so much more. I don’t know what to add from here.”
“Did you do the reading? Any of it?” She asked innocently. She already knew the answer. But, she wanted to see the look on his face when he answered. “Uh, no. I tried.” He pursed his lips. “Honestly, I tried. But, it’s just so boring!” 
He dipped his head the moment he finished his sentence, realizing that he was talking far too loudly for he library. They both giggled as a few students eyed them.
“Well, I’m sure I can fill you in on the important parts.” She narrowed her gaze at Sirius as he frowned at his book. “But, if you are going to retain any information, you should read it yourself. Otherwise you probably won’t remember it.” He rolled his eyes.
“When am I going to need to know anything about Centaurs?” Odelyn frowned. 
“How about when you, Remus, and your friends escape into that bloody forest? There are packs of Centaurs in there. But, you would have known that if you did the reading.” She opened her book and flipped through to the chapter on Centaurs. “What do you do in that forest anyway?”
Sirius grinned. “Nothing we shouldn’t be.”
“Why do I not believe you?” She turned her body towards him, leaning against the old mahogany table. “I mean it, Sirius. What do you guys do out there?” Sirius pursed his lips.
“It depends on the day. Sometimes, we just go out there and chat about the bullshit around us. We drink, we walk aimlessly, but we never go too far in.” He sighed, his expression deepening suddenly. “And, when we were younger, we watched over our brother during his transformations.” Her stomach sank. That much, she knew about. She hated thinking about the horrible curse her brother had to endure once a month. She felt guilty in a way, thinking that if she hadn’t been in the other room when Remus was attacked, that she would have been the one who was bitten instead of him. But, that’s not what happened. 
She turned away, trying to hide the tears that threatened to fall. They were four years old when Remus was attacked, almost thirteen years ago. Odelyn let out a deep sigh, then turned back to Sirius, hoping he wouldn’t noticed her reddened face.
“He’s in good hands, Odie. He has all of us looking after him. You know that.” Sirius softly pressed the palm of his hand over hers, curling his fingers between her own. Her heart rose again and started to pound. “He always has you.”
“That he does,” she muttered. They sat there for a minute and smiled at each other. Then, Sirius pulled away, turning back to his disaster of an essay. “Now, what are you going to use as your topic. Judging by the few sentences you have, you don’t have much of a theme yet.”
Sirius shrugged at her. “I honestly don’t know. Remus said he was going to focus on their migration habits. He always comes up with something clever. Like you.” He smiled up at you. “What did you write about?” She blushed, hoping she wouldn’t have to share her topic with anyone.
“I—um—I wrote about their relationship rituals. They keep one mate for life, which is what makes them closer to human in my opinion. Not that I actually know much about horses.” She curled her hair behind her ear. “And how they don’t harm younglings, whether they are their own or otherwise. They have never been known to harm human children either. But, I can’t say the same for full grown creatures. A centaur will take out a full-grown human in an instant if they feel threatened.”
“I didn’t realize they are that mentally aware.” Sirius pursed his lips as he glanced down at his paper. She nodded, chuckling.
“Yeah, you would know that if you did the reading.” Sirius rolled his eyes and threatened to throw his quill at her.
“Well, I still don’t have a topic for my paper.”
Odelyn raised an eyebrow. “How about you talk about their human-like and individual personality traits? I know they are proud, witty creatures.” She lowered her head and slowly turned away. “Not unlike yourself.”
Sirius turned to her, his face completely changed. “Is that what you think of me? You think I’m some proud, self-absorbed git?” His eyes darkened as he stared a her. She sighed, shaking her head.
“Of course not, Sirius. That’s not what I said. I said that you are a proud person, or at least that’s how you seem to be. It’s not a bad thing to be proud. Or witty. I think of those as positive traits.” She turned in her chair to face him. “I think you’re an amazing person, Sirius. Cocky, yes, but sweet and thoughtful as well. And there is so much intelligence behind that bravado that I’m not sure you even realize is there.” She leaned forward. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Black.”
He smiled. “So I’ve been told.” He cleared his throat. “Euphemia tells me that all the time.”
“Well, she’s right. You are a brilliant student and a fantastic friend. You just need to suck it up and do the reading.” She nudged Sirius and smiled. “There you go with the reading again.” He rolled his eyes. “I may be clever, Miss Lupin, but I’ll never be as clever as you.”
“Well, that’s a feat few ever reach.” They both laughed. 
Sirius leaned in, making Odelyn freeze and turn away. Why was he getting so close. Wait, was he flirting? No. There was no way he was flirting. Why would he flirt with her on purpose? That was just his personality. 
“You’re beautiful, Odie. You know that, don’t you?” Her eyes shot wider as she turned to face him. His eyes sparkled silver in the flickering light. 
“I—uh—” Before she could finished the sentence, Sirius leaned in, gently cupping her face in his hand. He hesitated only for a moment, waiting for a reaction. When she didn’t pull away, he closed the gap, pressing his lips gently to hers. His movements were slow, soft as he pulled her closer to him. A loose strand of his hair tickled her cheek as he turned his head. A sharp breath escaped her as he captured her lower lip between his teeth and slowly skimmed his teeth across it.
He slowly pulled away, grinning at the beautiful girl across from him. Her eyes fluttered open, locking on his.
“I’ve been dreaming of doing that for a while.” Sirius practically growled before winking. Odelyn pursed her reddened lips.
“Well then, how about this? You get at least one page of that essay done today, and you can snog me all you want for the rest of the night.” She smirked, mirroring him. His eyes lit up. Then, he snapped back to his paper.
“Human-like personalities huh? I think that’s something I can scrounge up.” He turned to her. “Tell me more, Miss, Lupin.”
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