#me telling ppl about what I'm currently doing with my life feels so scary
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years ago
I'm back! Kinda + What I've been up to + Timezone Change, Story Posting Update
Heyyyy thur guys! I’m back, kinda. Sorry it took me a while to update you guys on what I’ve been working on, life has been extra busy since July 31st for me 💀 I won't post a story update yet as I still have things to do but I mightttt return by the end of September.
If you wanna know what I've been up to, read under the cut. Just a warning, it's pretty long 💀
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I have an update on what I've been working on irl and it's kind of an exciting news, at least for me lol. So, in case anyone is wondering what I've been up to, I'm actually preparing to further my Masters overseas and this plan has been a wip since last year. I've been studying for my IELTS because the universities I've applied to requires me to take it. And then I had my graduation ceremony for my Bachelor's Degree after waiting for SO long bcs of Covid. It was one of the happiest day in my life bcs I got the Vice Chancellor's award!!! Sorry for the bragging there, I'm just so proud of myself :') I worked my ass off to maintain my CGPA every semester so getting that award really felt like all of that hard work was worth it :')
After all that is done, I applied to the Uni's that I wanted and surprisingly, all the Uni's I applied to gave me an offer which is pretty neat! I accepted one of the offers and then I had to look for a sponsorship.
I kept it a hush-hush kind of thing and only told several of my close friends about what I was planning to do bcs it was something that I wasn't sure that I'll be getting so anytime that I was taking a "break", I was actually working on this in the background (had to attend zoom interviews with the Uni's. Doing the tasks in order to get an interview invite etc.). It was a stressful process but yeah, this is what I've had planned for me when I was younger so I was determined to make it happen no matter what! Your girl is not one to give up easily! 😤
So around June this year, the sponsorship that I've been aiming for opened and I applied for it, got the results that I had been offered a full-ride sponsorship on July 31st and everything became so busy for me because I had to prepare the necessary documents to be sent to the sponsorship board. It was an exhausting process as I had to make sure that everything is prepared perfectly so there wouldn't be any problems and so far, alhamdulillah, everything has been going well. I had my visa done, I secured a place to stay during the duration of my studies, all the documents were sent at the end of last week. But preparing all of these took a toll on my energy and I simply don't have the energy to open my game or even open blender to work on my story. But I have been writing the scripts and all so yeah, the story is still running in the background. I did find some little time to work on poses but I worked on a few before I stopped because I was too tired hahaha.
Anyways, only a few people knew what I was working on while I was on this break. Shoutout to Miss Wheat knee and Gigi for being patient with me replying to their discord messages late everyday 😭 And thank you for giving me your emotional support and encouragement! A huge thank you to both Miss Devilled Eggs and Wheat knee for helping me in my process of applying to the Uni's from helping me brush up my English for my IELTS during one of our previous calls, and for helping me with my Piece to Camera video practice for my Uni interviews. I really, greatly, am thankful to you guys for that. And to Wheat knee, thank you for believing in me when I was overthinking stuff thinking I wouldn't get the offers sfkhskl I really appreciate you for that ��
And with that, I would like to update you guys that my posting time will be changing as I will be moving to London for my studies. So my timezone will no longer be GMT+8 :') It will be GMT+1 as of September 28th. Aside from that, my postings won't be regular too, I'll be updating whenever I can as I'll probably be busy with my studies and all. So, wish me luck! I'm a bit anxious about this so I hope I'll do well :')
Thank you to all my readers who are still there for me since day 1, you all are the best! And sorry that the story will take a while to be completed, I'll try my best to still work on it bcs I love it too much to just leave it like that 😭
That's all I guess! Thank you again for reading this if you are reading it lol.
Nina ❤
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randomidiocyncrazies · 1 month ago
Just watched aquarion myth of emotion, and honestly I think I'll keep watching but only because I wanna know the deal about their past lives.
Spoilers for ep 1-3 below
first off: I'm so mad they killed sayo just like that in ep 2! It'd have been more interesting if her "maybe alive, maybe dead" situation continued for a few more eps before the universe "self-corrected" and killed her—we didn't really get to know and appreciate this character imo, so to kill her off like that was a big ole nothingburger to me. I came away the ep annoyed that they killed the only girl on the team (just so they could bring the next girl on), but the death itself didn't have an impact on me at all. Like... what a waste of a character. I really hope she continues to drive the plot forward through flashbacks in later eps, because her character had potential.
another thing that kind of bothered me a bit: Toshi supposedly "lacks curiosity", but the only way this is reflected is that he sucks at retaining information from studying, which... I wouldn't necessarily say is indicative of his lack of curiosity. I wouldn't have caught on to his supposed lack if they didn't literally tell us, whereas Sakko is reckless even before they tell us he lacks fear, so the reveal feels more natural to me. Rimiya's lack of empathy is mostly expressed as him being a bit insensitive at times and not knowing how to connect with people emotionally, but he's been noted to be popular amongst his peers and seems very friendly, so he probably masks well enough that casual friends don't notice. His comment about "ppl cry at their classmate's funeral (even if they don't know the deceased)" suggests that he is performing/learning off of social scripts, and i really hope they don't veer into "ohhhh scary low-empathy disorder ohhhhhhhh" portrayals when his character gets development (especially since his assumed past life might have done something awful to Momohime's past life). I think we should be good, but one never knows...
Speaking of past lives, it looks like Rimiya was a woman in the past (and past!Momohime's younger sister...?) but in their present life he's a guy and seems to have a slight crush on Momohime, so I'm interested to see where that goes. In the trailer there's a part where Momohime says something like "Sorry Rimiya-kun, what I feel for you... isn't romantic" and Rimiya goes "Me too! It's not as simple as romance (僕もです!ただの恋愛じゃなくって)" so i'm interested to see how that gets resolved. Plus in the OP there's a glimpse of his assumed past life form being tagged with "punishment", while in the ED his assumed past life form looks away in sorrow/shame, so i'm really curious about what happened back then and whether it plays into his current "lack of empathy" in the present day. (My guess is that his past life betrayed Momohime's past life somehow, though it might've been done without foreknowledge/and accident etc? And the man who looks like Sakko's past life says something along the lines of "I'll throw away my cowardly heart and do battle with the goddess", hinting the current cast's "emotional imbalance" might be related to the past.)
I'm also really iffy about framing the lack of romantic attraction as an "emotional imbalance"—I know Sakko and Momohime are probably gonna be the main couple* by the end, and it makes me real uncomfy that Momohime not feeling/reciprocating romantic attraction is her 'main flaw' that she will 'overcome' so a guy can 'win her'. I'm also wondering if her lack of romantic feelings is because of shenanigans in their past lives, and I'm lowkey anxious about how that's gonna be framed if it comes up
*this is mostly from the framing of the OP and their (assumed) connection in their past lives, and aquarion is famous for its reincarnation romance; tbh from their interactions so far i don't get a romo vibe off of them and i desperately hope that won't change
(As a side note: I dig it when reincarnation stories don't have the characters always be the same gender, because it never made much sense to me that your gender always stays the same even after you reincarnate as different people.
HOWEVER, it could be a fake out too—just because they have similar hair+eye colors doesn't necessarily mean they are the reincarnations)
another thing i thought was cool is that the lack of fear is framed pretty exclusively as a negative thing so far? imo if Sakko wasn't so reckless, Sayo wouldn't have died like that... in the OP there's a pink haired character tagged with "hatred", implying that she lacks hatred/dislike—and that lacking that emotion is also going to be framed negatively, which could be interesting.
also, the ending song slaps
Anyway. I think I'll continue with the show for now, if only to see how they handle Gender re:Rimiya's past & present lives, but I'm also kinda dreading the execution of some themes lmao. imo the original series can be kind of homophobic even though the mc's past life self was bi, so like. who knows how well they'll handle the queen themes
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tsdirtyshirley · 2 years ago
I'm scared ppl will tell me to leave my partner if I tell them the dynamics of our relationship, so I just don't talk to anyone. 🙃 leaving feels impossible. if I leave, I'm worried he'll hurt himself. they don't really have anyone they can stay with either. I feel like I've isolated myself more & more as our relationship progressed. He's constantly saying how sensitive he is to rejection. He can justify self-pity like it's a professional sport. All the friends I tried to meet before they moved out to Maine with me, they "didn't give him the time of day". BABE I'D BE MORE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE GIVING 👀 Before he moved out to Maine with me, he was "worried you'll never be ready". A year later & he's still broke with no prospects. No babe I was worried that I'd be stuck paying for everything & that leading to resentment, & I am, so. it's frustrating as hell. I want it to work but I feel like I'm doing so much more & could be getting so much more back. it's scary to think about that! like wtf! I try to come from a place of love and understanding, but I only have so much patience before it's like... I *need* more. that's all there is to it. we are actually not that compatible I don't think. we've had a good run of years, there's still a place in my life for them, but is it sustainable the way it's currently laid out? every week it feels less and less so
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lizardlicks · 3 years ago
just wanted to pop in to say thanks, to you and xagave and whoever else helped put together the google doc of the distrait fic. i remember first reading it, back in 2014 or '15, at a time in my life when it felt like everything was crumbling around me and the world sucked and that fic, even if at times it filled me with unbearable sadness, it was something nice to focus on that wasn't the horrible situation i was dealing with at the time.
i'm currently facing another horrible situation that's out of my control and scary as fuck, and felt compelled to revisit that fic again, and was utterly disheartened that i couldn't find it (i hadn't known Fi nuked her ao3 account and was notably confused that i couldn't find the fic anywhere) and then i searched on tumblr and saw your post about the google doc and getting the chance to reread this has been so so nice. it's like visiting an old friend i haven't seen in ages and getting to reminisce about stuff and i just.
i really appreciate you and whoever else helped put it together so it can still be read, and i just wanted to let you know <3 (and if it's okay to come to you or anyone else to ramble about distrait stuff i'll happily come off anon because i need more ppl to yell with about this because it's such a comfort fic that i feel like i'll burst if i don't tell someone about it lol)
I sat on this ask because it gave me EMOTIONS and I wanted to wait to reply until I could compose something meaningful and WELP now it's Homestuck day, so I suppose it's appropriate.
I am so sorry for things going to shit on you, because god do I know that feeling. I hope that the scary ride is short, and that there's far more pleasant things waiting for you on the other side. I'm glad that this at least could bring you some comfort on your way.
Fi was my friend. I miss her so, so much. I sometimes. I wonder if maybe I could have done something, or said something that tipped the scales. I know she nuked because of racist assholes being unbelievably shitty and finally she got sick enough of it to disappear. I don't know if there was anything I could have done to be more supportive, or if their hate was always going to be stronger than the love and affection and regard I had for her, but I wish I had tried anyway. And I know that saving all her words that I could scrap together was selfish, but I just. Couldn't. Let them go.
I wish I'd made it clear how much her words and time meant to me. I wish I had told her how happy I was to sit up on a voice call late at night fighting off sleep just to listen to her reading something. I wish I could have let her know what it did to my heart every time she called me darling. I kept those things to myself out of fear. I don't know if it would have made a difference, but she deserved it anyway. So yeah. Yes. If you ever want to talk about Distrait, by all means, please do.
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golbrocklovely · 3 years ago
okay, i'm gonna do this review fast bc we all know how i feel about this episode anyway lol
here's my review of snc's third episode in their season 2 series
aka "Our Unexplainable Night at Crescent Hotel (w/ KallmeKris & CelinaSpookyBoo)"
so, hilarious enough, i actually didn't mind this episode in the beginning. kris and celina's funny bits at first were really good, and i never mind when they all joke around before the investigation. and even during, to some extent.
but this one…. went well past just occasionally joking around. this was full blown "let's go back to 2019 and freak out over every little thing and make fart jokes" levels of bad.
and while the content they made back with corey and jake wasn't bad, it's just not on the same level as they are now. they actually take this seriously. they do and put a lot more work in, so to see them revert back to what they were like before…. no thank you.
so the beginning was fun and i generally liked it. finding out the hotel had a cat manager is adorable. and the little cat door for the current cat?? so sweet.
the hotel itself is actually really gorgeous looking. i like the decor and i like that it's so high up that later on, it's basically covered in fog.
during the whole entire video, the only thing they actually caught that i think was interesting was the towel being moved. that's strange for sure. bc where it moved to is a significant amount of movement. so unless they were lying to us about going back into that room at some point, then i think that is some interesting evidence.
as for the figure kris saw, i do feel bad that she got really emotional. i can only imagine how scary it was to see. that being said, if i was literally in tears, i would probably need to remove myself or just take a bit to calm down just to continue on bc there's no way i'm going into a place that worked up nerve wise. the spirits, whether good or bad, would be FEASTING off of her energy. i wouldn't be surprised if after this investigation (and then this weeks video) that kris was just drained.
the key turning in her hand… eh. i think it was just the weight of the key and an old ass lock.
i noted that 35 minutes in, over half way thru, the investigation never really seemed to start. like there might have been a title sequence for it, but…. it never felt like they actually took the time to chill and start the investigation. there was no settled moment in this video. everything was amped to 11 and loud. and i could not stand it for the life of me.
there was literally a point i had to TURN DOWN the volume bc they were screaming so much. like……………. no words.
their tour guide was fine at first but as time went on, i could just feel the theater kid vibes coming off of him (take it from the theater degree holder, me lol).
and someone else pointed it out, i forget who, but with how loud snc got that i wouldn't be surprised that if at some point they get kicked out of a hotel for being that obnoxious. i think that's my problem with them going to haunted hotels. unless they are completely alone or have rented out a whole floor or something, there's no way to tell if the bangs and random shit they hear are guest or ghosts.
two things i would like for snc to remove from their arsenal of devices: the cat ball and writing planchet. neither one are believable or interesting on camera to see be used/go off. just… get something else. use literally any other device. please.
fun fact about the meat locker: the apple smell that colby smelled and the rancid one kris was smelling was probably mold. mold to me sometimes smells like apples, but smells bad to my mom. so… that's fun sksks
also, idk if anyone else noticed or agrees, but the video's editing kinda came across like super rushed and not finished. i mean, they didn't even end with a preview for the next episode. that almost never happens. it almost felt like they stitched together what they could to make a video and dumped it out hoping ppl would enjoy.
overall, this video blew. i feel bad rating it low, bc i did laugh quite a bit, but i kept getting annoyed and everything was just TOO MUCH, so i'm gonna rate this like a 1/5. part of me thinks that harsh, another part of me thinks it's not harsh enough. if snc had sold this video as really fun, borderline jokey type of "paranormal" video, i probably would have liked it a bit more. but even then, i don't think so. the parts i enjoyed were cancelled out from the fact that the whole thing felt like a joke and was just too loud. so… hopefully if they ever collab with this duo again, maybe they will turned down a bit. possibly literally.
and this week's video… omg. just finished it not too long ago. it's so good. i'll try to post my review later this week and not like how i have been which is after next week's video lol
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sstarkiid · 8 years ago
do all of the lovesick asks bitch. expose urself
wow, ok.
read more thing bc this is long and embarrassing
1: Do you have a current crush?
Two actually but who's counting
2: How long has your crush lasted?
Uhh a few months n then the other one is weird i can't answer that lmao
3: 5 songs that you have associated with your crush?
I'm……..not that sappy I can give u like one
Ice prince : Runaways by ATL
Space boy : Stars by Fun.
4: Do you think they've ever liked you back?
I mean. It's very likely.
5: Will you ever reveal your feelings to them?
Yea probably
6: What’s holding you back from making a move?
It's not that I haven't made a move but like. I am Fear.
7: Are you frightened by your feelings for them?
A lil
8: Do you think they could ever love you?
Maybe???? but i’m kind of an optimist
9: Do you love them?
Lol next question
10: Have you ever had a crush on someone you really shouldn't?
11: Do you think anyone currently has a crush on you
12: Ever had a crush on what you thought was a platonic friend?
Hi Jared
13: What would you do if your crush revealed they felt the same?
I'd probably need a second to process it but like probably hug ‘em idfk
14: Has your crush ever hurt you?
15: Have they made you cry by breaking your heart?
16: Why do you like them?
Ice prince is fun to tease idk we go back n forth a lot but he's also a softie n listen he's dramatic enough to keep up w/ me
Space boy tells u like it is and he seems kinda scary or not,, nice at first maybe but he's actually also soft !!
They're also both hot as hell oh my god
17: Do you think you'll ever get over them?
I mean. If I had to I would but...  I don't WANT TO.
18: Do you have 1 specific song that is strongly associated with a certain memory or interaction with them?
Mmm not really?? Not yet?? It'll happen dw
19: The moment you knew you had feelings for them?
We both got scared of the firework finale on the 4th and I squeaked and he like held onto me n it was really funny n cute n I was just like “ok this is a thing now great”
Uhh I was doing the typical girl thing where I send screenshots of a conversation to a friend only the friend is his sister so………..i blame her it’s literally all her fault
20: What would they have to do for you to stop liking them?
Murder someone probably
Or y'know
Something equally as shitty n illegal
21: Have you ever fallen asleep with them?
Yea. Both. Napping is cool.
22: Held their hand?
Mmhm! Both but like that's not that weird
23: Kissed their cheek?
Yup. Both.
24: Kissed them on the lips?
Yeah. Both. Actually.
25: Gone down on them/ they've gone down on you?
26: Had sex with them?
27: Where on your body have they touched you?
This is…. A weird question I don't like it
28: Does their touch set your skin on fire?
Ice prince.
29: Do you get butterflies when they touch you?
Ok maybe
30: Do they make you smile like no one else can?
Y e a
31: Does their presence calm you?
32: Does it make you go crazy being around them and not 'being with' them?
Not… until recently but---
33: Are you friends with your crush?
Both of ‘em!
34: Have you always been friends?
Uhh I guess w/ Ice prince yes but not the other one
35: Last thing they messaged you about?
One was abt a dog, other one was abt coming over to hang out
36: Best phone call with them?
Hands down any call when I've been driving so I make my brother talk to them instead those are always fun
37: Last time you hung out with them?
I. I literally started answering this in one of their houses.
38: Ever been drunk together?
39: Fondest memory of them?
The fireworks show n then probs a few days ago when we just drove around n talked abt stuff
40: Ever made a mistake with them?
Mistake??????????? i don’t make those
41: Regretted not making a move?
Every day of my life but also I have literally kissed both of them so which is the truth
42: If you could go back in time to that moment, what would you do?
Nothing ‘cause I'm a big baby
43: Do you think that would change your current relationship with them?
44: If you could get a 100% honest answer from them, what 3 questions would you ask?
Ice prince
Do u. Actually wanna date or am I just the most gullible person ever
.......................so how do you feel about polyamory
Do u actually hate the puns or do u secretly enjoy them I need to know.
Space boy
Are you aware that you can literally text me for anything at any time?? Bc u should be
Were you ever afraid to talk to me?
Will you promise to talk to me before doing stupid shit so that at the very least i can tell u that ur an idiot,,, but like. affectionately.
45: Did they wish you Happy Birthday on your birthday?
My birthday is in like another month and I didn't know either of them really last year so they better
46: Have they ever tried to make a move?
Idk tbh
47: If so why did you miss it?
‘Cause I'm clueless as hell
48: Have they ever been infatuated with a friend of yours?
Don't think so
49: Are they single?
Lol yeah they're definitely single
50: Where were you when you felt the most for them?
IT'S ALWAYS WHEN THEY'RE SLEEPING they both just look so cute n peaceful n I get all mushy n wanna protect them but I'm weak as hell so
51: Any specific place you associate with them?
Mmmm not really
52: Films that make you think about them?
Disney films in general
Marvel movies for Ice prince bc NERD
53: Have you picked up a habit because of them?
I don't think so but it's also not unlikely
54: What was your first impression of them?
Ice prince seemed antisocial and idk abt space boy we were like 5 yrs old technically so who knows man
55: Has it altered since then?
56: Do you remember the first thing you talked about?
Probably musicals bc I can't shut up ever and he was confused
And uhhh no unless u mean like when we started hanging out bc it was candy
57: First time they touched you?
And I'm 99% certain I made him high five me before we ever spoke bc I'm a nuisance
58: Have they ever lied to you?
Not that I know of
59: What are their eyes like?
Ohhhhh my GOD
really......clear?? that’s not like. a good way to describe em but u know when u look up at the sky and it’s like. wow there are no clouds!! n then u feel the breeze and it’s kinda cold but it’s not unpleasant it’s?? p nice??? like. that.
cool as FRICK like what the hell i’m actually jealous they’re a rly pretty nice shade n then suddenly it’s!!! different!!!! and it’s like!!!!!!!!!!!!! a surprise a v good surprise which is fitting u just gotta look a lil and he’s full of lil surprises
60: What are you most attracted to about them?
well,, for one they’re both hot as hell, so. that. in general.
if u know anything abt me i’m a sucker for pretty eyes
i also like the “soft but pretends to not be” because i think it’s cute they’re also really good to cuddle with
61: Can you see a future with them?
well i can’t see one without ‘em so something’s gotta give here right?
62: Have you sabotaged things between you two?
i freaking hope not
63: Why? What were you afraid of achieving? Love? Happiness? Content? Disappointment?
why does this thing assume you said yes to the above question that’s kinda rude
64: Could they make you happy?
already do
65: Do you dream about them?
if we’re friends and you haven’t appeared in one of my dreams and done smth weird or random are we actually friends??
side note does daydreaming count LOL
66: What's something that only you two do?
i don’t think i “gently bully” anyone nearly as much as i do ice prince also the only one who actually can cuddle w/ me properly in the summer i’m js
uuuummmm go on random drives in the middle of the night so tht zoe can make out w/ ppl instead of texting our sorry asses
67: Does liking them make you feel vulnerable?
you. have. no idea.
68: Have they ever given you anything?
food has definitely been exchanged and shared. i’ve stolen sweaters. uh.
69: Have they ever used you?
.........not that i’m aware of??
70: Have they abused and manipulated you due to your feelings for them?
71: Have you ever spent quite literally all day and night thinking about them?
that’s......a bit much i might be pathetic and somewhat desperate but like i do kinda have a life
72: Have you ever accidentally nearly walked into moving traffic cause you were thinking about them?
no but i’ve walked into walls because i was tired and thinking abt stuff so that’s a thing i probably have done
73: Ever worn anything knowing it would draw their attention to you?
YEAH LMAO I DO THAT ALL THE TIME IN GENERAL i like attention fight me
74: Have they ever made you feel so safe and content everything else slips away?
y e ah
75: Ever held you so close you could feel their heartbeat?
76: Truthfully do you think you belong together right now?
[taylor swift’s you belong with me playing in the distance]
77: Have they ever seen you completely vulnerable?
um. no.
78: Do you trust them?
i would trust all of my friends with my life
79: When you see them what feelings are strongest?
i just get?? really happy n i turn into a little kid i swear to god how does he put up with me
n he makes me feel really calm n content n just. good. u know.
80: Are they in love or interested in someone else?
d e a r l o r d i h o p e n o t
81: If they asked you to kiss them, would you?
in a heartbeat
82: Will they be in your life a year from now?
83: A moment where you so nearly gave into your feelings for them and did something about it?
i have literally kissed both of them and not because of dares what kind of,,
84: Do they know you have feelings for them?
i’m not exactly,,, subtle
85: Do you have a favourite picture with them?
no but i have favorite pictures of them
86: Your ideal date with them?
hey. concept. a double date. but like. instead of 2 couples it’s just me w/ both of them wow
87: What's their name?
it’s rly obvious that i’m talking about porter and connor fuck you
88: Have you ever been in their room?
i’ve been in connor’s but porter n i mostly chill other places
89: Shared a secret with them?
yeah but it’s not a secret if i tell the internet now is it?
90: Have they ever made you a promise and broken it?
don’t think so
91: Have they ever disappointed you?
92: Whats the most problematic thing about them, which you overlook due to your feelings for them?
uh. idk. porter’s kinda closed off to other people at first i guess that could be problematic. i’m patient w/ that shit so it doesn’t bug me as much idk
general relationships or lack thereof w/ other ppl tbh for both of them i think 
93: Have you ever had to compete for their affection?
94: For as long as they're in your life could you handle just being friends?
that’s what i do with p much everyone else but another way to approach this is if u couldn’t be together would u shut them out and the answer is no?? bc that’s kinda shitty
so yes
95: Ever looked for a sign to make a move?
every?? single second of every day but once again i have literally kissed both of them uh
96: What's standing in your way from being with them?
general anxiety
a single conversation
97: Would you let them use you for sex?
this implies that,, they don’t care abt me and only themselves n they’re not really?? like that so?? it wouldn’t happen like that??
realistically knowing myself i wanna say no but i probably would which is Not Good i know
98: Ever had a bad feeling about them that's screaming for you to get out while you still can?
no. like. literally the opposite. wtf
99: If you could go back in time, would you avoid ever meeting them?
100: You have 1 wish about them, what would you wish for?
that porter finds someone who makes him feel warm n fuzzy on the inside even if it’s not me
n for connor that one day everything is stable and everything is ok
anyway hey jared U SUCK
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