#me sheybani
ipsofacto-ch · 6 years
Les deux prévenus de 20 ans impliqués dans l'agression sauvage de Saint-Jean, à Genève, n'avaient pas l'intention de tuer, ont affirmé vendredi leurs avocats devant le Tribunal criminel. Une sanction leur laissant une lumière d'espoir a été demandée aux juges.
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missbitatuva · 2 years
Bio-Med Tech-Girls 2022: Reflection
Over 5 days this summer, the Bio-Med Tech-Girls participants went on 4 behind-the-scenes tours of UVA BME labs, got hands-on with 3 different robotics platforms in the UVA Link Lab, tried out 2 makerspace technologies (VR and 3D design) in the UVA Library Robertson Media Center and had so many other wonderful experiences!
The Bio-Med Tech-Girls program is a unique collaboration between Charlottesville Women in Tech, the department of Biomedical Engineering, the School of Education, and the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia. The program is all about providing inspiration, community building and hands-on computer science (CS) and biomedical engineering (BME) activities for young women in high school, so they can get a glimpse of the vast opportunities available in these fields. Of course, the participants always inspire me too with their thoughtful questions, sharing what they are passionate about and coming up with ideas to solve real-world problems through the design challenge we set each year. This year 13 young women from 6 different high schools around the region participated in the program. Here are some highlights.
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Day 1:
Dr. Homa Alemzadeh hosted us in the Link Lab along with her students Kay Hutchinson, Zongyu Li, Eli Bradburn and Joyce Park. The participants got hands-on with robotic surgery tools and programmed the Dobot Magician robotic arm.
Dr. Meara Habashi shared a lunchtime talk about diversity & inclusion.
Participants designed a robot assistant to solve a real-world problem through the Robot Zine activity and then began prototyping their solution with the Hummingbird Bit robotics kit.
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Day 2:
David Chen and Hannah Moore hosted participants in the department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) for days 2 and 3.
Programming Cells and Diabetes Simulator with Mukti Chowkwale and Bryana Harris from the Saucerman Lab.
Peirce-Cottler Lab tour with Paul DeCostanza
Civelek Lab tour with Qianyi Yang, Jordan Reed, Noah Perry, Yonathan Aberra
Guest speaker: Dr Susan Blank, founder of BEATDiabetes
Day 3: 
Introduced this year's design challenge: addressing problems that individuals living with diabetes face.
We introduced the design thinking process for solving problems and participants worked on empathy maps, drafting need statements, and brainstorming ideas.
Lunch speakers: Sarah Hernandez and Zehra Demir, graduate students in the Sheybani Lab
Blemker Lab tour with Allie McCrady, Emily McCain, and Mario Garcia
Griffin Lab tour with Juliana Trujillo, Clare Flanagan and Sloan Pyatt
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Day 4: 
Got hands-on with VR and 3D design in the Robertson Media Center with Fang Yi and Arin Bennet
Lots of prototyping solutions happened in the School of Education Design Lab
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Day 5: 
Wrapped up projects, created poster boards and shared their projects at the Demo Party. The participants did an amazing job of coming up with unique & useful solutions in just a few days!
DiaBag (Ari, Cami, Polina, Tenzin)
Problem: A way to make packing and keeping track of diabetes supplies easier.
Solution: They designed a series of specialized handbags and backpacks to carry and track levels of supplies. They used 3D design and incorporated the Hummingbird bit into their prototype.
Moo-Monitor (Amelia, Lyndsey, Zada)
Problem: A way to help someone wake up to their low/high alerts.
Solution: They designed a stuffed animal for young children with diabetes with vibration and sound alerts that increase in intensity over time. They incorporated the Hummingbird bit into their design.
Diabetes for Dummies (Charlotte, Gaby, Sienna)
Problem: A way to help caretakers (teacher, babysitters, etc) not familiar with diabetes.
Solution: They designed an intro to diabetes package with a brochure, game, and website. They incorporated 3D design and Scratch into their prototype.
Level Up Your Health (Grace, Lily, Sophie)
Problem: A way to help someone manage their diet.
Solution: They designed an app to help children learn how to manage their diabetes through gamification. They incorporated Scratch into their prototype.
We could not do this program without all the wonderful folks who volunteered their time and shared their passion for BME and CS with the participants! I want to give a special shout out to David Chen for his partnership and Hannah Moore for her support this year and every year since the first Bio-Med Tech-Girls in 2014!!!
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ipsofacto-ch · 6 years
Rares sont les affaires qui donnent pareillement le vertige. Une bande de jeunes, les «Brathers», dont le passe-temps favori semble être la violence extrême et gratuite. Et deux trentenaires sans histoire, réduits à l’état de légumes après avoir eu le malheur de croiser le chemin de cette troupe malfaisante. Des proies choisies au hasard, qui auraient pu être n’importe lequel d’entre nous ou de nos proches.
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ipsofacto-ch · 6 years
A Genève, le Tribunal criminel inflige des peines de 15 et 12 ans de prison aux deux jeunes impliqués dans la terrible attaque qui a lourdement handicapé les victimes. En visant la tête, les prévenus ont envisagé et accepté le risque de tuer. Tous deux sont arrêtés à l'issue de l'audience
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