#me personally i can't wear pants cause they're uncomfortable
dykrophone · 6 months
good GOD can we stop gendering everything. I swear some of y'all just took the futch scale and decided to run with it as gender roles 2.0 (yassified edition)
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inkskinned · 2 years
but you couldn't, like, see a gay person kissing.
it was alright that i had been catcalled at 12 years old. it was alright that i had been followed and groped at 15. it was okay men were leery and treacherous. it was okay when a man asked me my age and when i said 18, he said, that age is my favorite.
don't you like feeling sexy? i love action movies, but i often have an internal tally of how often a camera will begin at someone's hips and travel to her face only as if by accident. weirdly, you can't show too-much asscrack in the same movie, even if it was the style in the nineties. sort of only apply a tasteful sprinkling of asscrack.
i am wearing a body type that is very easily sexualized. it's a compliment, you'll miss it. it is not his fault, i am told - and then usually with this assurance, someone will compare me to an object. i am, by the way, not using "i become an object" metaphorically. well, you wouldn't wear a precious watch in a dangerous city - i am the watch, in this situation. can you blame a thief for taking a jewel if it was just left out in the open? i think my personhood is the jewel, but sometimes also it is pain. a dog sees a steak. i like this one because it does refer to men as dogs, even if it does literally compare me to a piece of meat (which is, you know, somehow worse than being a dog. at least call me a bitch, babe).
it's inappropriate to show two men kissing, but it's totally normal to hear that "best" age for childbirth is 15. (it's not, by the way. try 20's & 30's. do your fucking reading). and on tv - let's cut from a murder mystery where a woman is shown brutally bloodied, carved into pieces (only pg-13) into a tampon commercial where she runs around, happy and fluttering, refusing to use the word period, white pants abounding. periods: gross, icky. violence, though, is just a gendered currency.
so it's like - you say "can we please treat women like they're people and stop cutting their heads off in advertisements" and then it's like. no actually we needed that woman's bellybutton to sell drain fluid don't like it don't look. and you say "can you please not make every latin person a drug dealer holy shit" and they're like. unfortunately if we don't make the latin person a drug dealer we literally will go rabid. and you say "okay can we at least agree you super don't need to use racist epithets why is this even a conversation we're still having" and they're like. actually my child is a make-a-wish kid and his only wish was that i get to use words that make your skin crawl and if you don't let me use the words it's because you love cancer don't you.
so it's kind of a lost cause. because when something is complicated even a little bit, you find yourself trying to explain that the solution isn't make women cover up, it's that the idea "sexualization of nonconsenting parties is wrong" can also hold hands with the idea "not every expression of fondness is sexual in nature, nor is nonhegemonic sexual expression somehow more inflammatory or inappropriate than its counterpart"- and both of those ideas can also hold hands with "the male gaze is rarely censored despite the massive amounts of societal harm it imposes." but like, that's a big thought. let's just slap "pg-13" on the movie because they actually use the word lesbian. and let's cross our fingers and hope no kid figures out they're lgbt+ before college - otherwise they have access to literally no resources, since even google will censor the results in case they're pornographic. now, if you wanted to know how to hide a body...
when i was a kid i used to keep my eyes on my toes while walking past bra stores, feeling uncomfortable. it was gross to look at ladies, i knew that much. the way the women were posed was... not for me. not even for the people shopping. it was weird. i don't think anyone actually there-for-the-product was like yeah this is inspiring.
and i remember in high school my friends and i were still talking about how uncomfortable we felt in victoria's secret, shuffling our way out into the new england chill. little yellow leaves around our feet. a guy held the door open for us. a few seconds later, he jogged up after us. we were so startled we turned to look. "sorry," he said. "i just wanted to ask how old you all are." we were young then, so we lied and told him we were older. we'd talk about this later - we all thought maybe one of us had dropped our wallet or something. he smiled dolefully. "i just wanted to say you all are fucking beautiful. you have amazing tits on you."
sometimes i wonder. what if one fraction of the effort they put into making sure no gay thing ever occurs onscreen just went into controlling and educating their own fucking population. now wouldn't that be something.
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY @rebelwrites: How did i not know your requests were open 😍 can I request fluff prompts 9 and 10 with ruzek please 💜 like it’s the readers best friends wedding and she’s maid of honour and he’s there as her “date” but he can’t get over how she looks and he realises he’s catching feelings 💜 thanks baby 💜
❚❙ Prompt: “What does it mean when I can't get you out of my mind?” / “Dance with me”.
❚❙ WORDS: about 1k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish @teller258316 @i-love-scott-mccall @tclaerh. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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When your best friend called you to tell you she was going to get married, you couldn't believe it at first. But even so, when she asked you to be her maid of honor and to bring someone with you, the person who came to your mind was Adam. He has been your partner since you started to work for Intelligence and you have spent more hours together than you're capable to count. There wasn't anyone better than him.
But maybe, just maybe, you have discovered some hidden feelings for him since you've talked with Alice about the way he has to look at you, with so much kindness and tenderness. Confusing you because you haven't noticed it till the day of her wedding, after the reception and a couple of tequila shots. You haven't seen Adam before like more than a friend, but now, it's different.
As soon as you come back to your table and sit by his side, he places an arm over your shoulders while continuing the conversation with the other guys around. You don't even know what they're talking about, focused on Adam's laugh and starting to feel wrapped by a paranoid, with your best friend's words dancing inside your head. Does he have real feelings for you, or is it a dirty play by Alice? Grabbing your glass of champagne to have a sip, you clear your throat to claim his attention quietly.
“Would you… like to dance with me?”
For a moment, he tries to babble something with enough sense to accept your invitation, just nodding at the end. Curving your lips in a soft smile, you hold the hand he is offering to you, getting up to walk straight to the dancefloor. During a second you have the sensation of his hands trembling slightly when they get placed on your lower back, paying so much attention to the way your arms surround his neck. Adam licks his bottom lip consciously, as you rest your cheek on his shoulder.
The slow melody played by the music band and the dim lights illuminating the place make more romantic the moment you two are sharing in silence. It's the first time you dance together and you couldn't get tired of being embraced by him, hearing his heart beating over its normal pulse. And that just makes it a little funnier. But it's also a confirmation that maybe Alice wasn't wrong. Not being sure if it's the alcohol making you act, or the desire for feeling him closer, that you can't help but hug him tightly with an imperceptible sight escaping from your lips.
“Thanks for accompanying me”. You mumble, trying to start some kind of conversation.
“You know… I gotcha with or without a badge”.
His nervous giggles make you laugh, pulling yourself away some inches enough to find his brown eyes fixing on yours.
“And… missing the chance of seeing you wearing a dress? Nah. It has worthed it”. The humorous tone of voice after clicking his tongue causes you to laugh again, shaking your head this time.
“I get it, I get it, mister clown”. You reply palming his chest with a hand. “So, have I exceeded your expectations?”
“Hm… well…”
“How you dare, Ruzek?!” The chuckles become a little louder, covering your mouth to not draw too much attention.
“Okay, okay! You look beautiful”. He adds then, raising both eyebrows with a comical grimace. “Happy?”
“Pretty much”. You nod one time putting right on his tie.
Unexpectedly, Adam leans briefly to place a kiss on your forehead, provoking short chills to run down your back. You can't help but close your eyes, wishing for a second to receive another one, but he just rests his cheek over your shoulder as you do. Now, his arms are wrapping your waist tightly, shortening the distance between your bodies, focusing on how good they fit. Like the pieces of a puzzle.
“What does it mean when I can't get you out of my mind?”
The confession uttered in a shy whisper bristles your skin with no mercy. Alice wasn't wrong. You only were hiding your feelings for him because you were scared that Adam doesn't have the same sentiments in his heart. You were the wrong one. And you don't want to screw it, not knowing exactly what to tell him back.
He pulls himself away from you visibly nervous and uncomfortable because of your silence. Rubbing the bridge of his nose with his gaze away from you, he keeps his hands in the pockets of his pants.
“Sor—Sorry… I didn't wan—wanted… You know…” Wrinkling his nose and puckering his lips, you notice the reddens covering his cheeks.
“I don't know what it means, and I can't do it either, but I like it…”
As soon as you earned his surprised eyes with a brow raised in a curious gesture, you lean on your tiptoes to press your lips on his. The alcohol in your veins has given you the encouragement needed to kiss him, to push him closer again. You have thought about how good it would be to taste him that way for a while now, and he has exceeded your expectations too. It's almost addictive.
Your hands fly to both sides of his neck, molding your mouths to perfection, in the meantime, his fingers get nailed on your hips. For an instant, you forget where you are, surrounded by whom, and everything takes a back seat when he returns you the kiss trying to contain the necessity of showing how much he has waited for this to happen.
“It's been like a… torture”. His laughter vibrates your lips with every touch of his, closing his arms around you to pretend you keep dancing. “I've wanted to kiss you on so many occasions… So many times… Can't believe I can kiss you”.
“Kiss me again, you dumbass”. You complain, exactly a second before receiving a bunch of sloppy kisses all around your face and ending with a provocative bite to your bottom lip.
“Imma gonna kiss you all night long, baby”.
“You better, Ruzek…”
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Chapter 06 ガダバウト(Gadabout)
Karasu and Rider Ouja were already defeated by Artoria and Kichiko in Alnwick Castle yesterday. On the good side, Artoria is joining Kichiko to become part of her team in Theater Hall Venue. Kichiko and Fou discover the Vad Fragment that Artoria explains. It is shaped like a piece of dark velvet fragment covered with a negative aura, it only stuck inside every person's heart. It will cause the victim to be corrupt with sin desires like Pride, Greed, and Lust on the bad side.
This morning, Kichiko got a call from Sari Sumdac can't accompany her today because there's so much paperwork for welcoming new Outcast Fictions. Also Fou is with Mashu on own mission. On the other side of that, since Kichiko hasn't got any info clue for the second piece of the Book of Paracosm, Sari asks Kichiko to be Tutor Committee for fiction in Otome Corporation and Rhythm Studios at the Morii Station building. Special simulation studios entertainment for fiction character work for creators in their simulator games like music games, dating games, and casual games . Two studios in one building.
“All you do is just be their tutor, but this is different. Like 'Mary Poppins' stuff but of course as their friends do. It also helps you try to be more social when you are friends with someone new.” Sari explained it to Kichiko through an Android phone call.
“Do you mean almost like I'm their servant and teacher?” Kichiko asked back.
“A+ for you! Don't worry, you can do it. This is an easy authorized job after all. Well, I gotta go now. Oh! Try to wear that new outfit that I gave to you too, good luck!” Sari encourages Kichiko before closing the mobile phone call. “...⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Seriously? Why must I wear girly clothes? Um... I must do this or else Sari-chan will be sad.” Kichiko murmurs in embarrassment since she dislikes wearing girly clothes. Especially skirts. But it would be a shame if she didn't wear it.
On the good side, Kichiko also wants to know a lot about this fictional homeworld of fictions. Maybe there'll be another experience for her knowledge.
Luckily, this morning around 7 a.m. to there's no full people even though it's already Friday last week. Kichiko did use a taxi online to make it to Morii Station. She's wearing black shoes and long stockings, white navy jacket, a blue-white upper top dress and also short black pants inside her dress. Just a few outcast people, you could say OC fictions, are queueing to meet their favourite fictions Shounen and Shoujo.
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Feels like we're in exhibition fan meetings. Kichiko was a bit surprised to see this before one of the staff noticed her then gave a package that she needed to give it to their actors who work in Otome Corporation. “Welcome to Morii Station, lady Kichiko. Commander Ash told me that you have a mission to be a tutor for them. Some of the boys are a bit troublesome and uncomfortable when one of the OC and fans is a bit harsh to them every year.” said the staff of Morii Station.
“What do you mean? Is something happening here?” Kichiko asked and carried a few packages of mail from the fans.
“As usual, so many possessive fans are too harsh whenever they're shipping themselves or OC in force. Both Shoujo and Shounen fictions in Otome Corporation got a lot of bad criticism too on their looks and characteristics. We appreciate all fans and OC always supports them and protects them all, but some of them are very perverted.” Staff worker says while sighing disappointment before escorting Kichiko to come inside the studios. The scenery inside this building is like a Hollywood shooting films studio.
“For example, one of Shoujo girls being harassed by one of their fans following their creators' event live show on television. We did try our best to heal her right away. From now, we need to be more careful to keep an eye on those fans or OC fans trying to collaborate with the fiction actor and artist safety.” Staff added an explanation again. Walk through hallway studio, there's poster of 'Date a Live', 'Clannad', 'Nisekoi', 'The World God Only Knows', 'Saekano','Obey Me', 'Diabolik Lovers' and more in this studio of Otome Corporation. Suddenly the staff worker got a phone call from his boss telling him that he needed to do the work.
“Ah, sorry Kichiko-san! I need to go now. Don't worry, you'll get used to communicating with them. Oh! And wear this too for safety. Good luck!” The staff gave Kichiko a name tag pin before leaving her alone. Kichiko wears the name tag on her upper dress chest before continuing walking through the hall studio while carrying package mail.
“Everyone is sure busy for their fans. But, I feel sad about what happens to them because of toxic fans. Even though it is the same in my homeworld cases.” Kichiko pondered while looking around to find the owner of this mail package. But felt her foot bump something, Kichiko look down see young man with slightly curled blond hair as well as light ocean blue eyes. He has black studs on both of his ears with his MP3 player attached to a wire which is wrapped around his neck. Also he wears a school uniform consisting of a black school jacket draped over his shoulders and a beige sweater with a slightly unbuttoned white dress shirt. He wears it with the black uniform pants and brown dress shoes.
‘Eh?...why is he sleeping in here? But...those Ryoutei Uniforms, oh! It's Sakamaki Shu.’ Kichiko recognised his detail and perfect timing so she borrowed package mail for him from his fans. Sakamaki Shu from anime 'Diabolik Lovers', Kichiko carefully kneels down next to him and tries to wake him up by patting his shoulder. “Sumimasen, Are you Shu-san? I'm here to deliver your fan mail package.” Kichiko greets him. Shu was half asleep too as he opened his one eye to see who's awakening him. “Be quiet, will you? Don't you see I'm enjoying listening to music here?...I was trying to take a break after trying to entertain the fan girls.” Shu said a bit growl lazily and covered his yawn. Kichiko blinked before she lent a package mail to him. “Sorry for interrupting your slumber time, But I'm here to deliver your package mail. I'm Kichiko Tomiko, new neighborhood here.” She introduced herself once Shu received the package mail from her.
“Kichiko?...Ah, you must be the one that everyone's talking about…” Shu notices as he leans to her left cheek to sniff it. Kichiko's face is suddenly pinkish like a peach as she quickly moves away while sitting next to him. “Chotto! What were you doing (╬ Ò∆Ó)?! Y-You can't do that to strangers!” Kichiko whines at him like a child. Shu smug, interested to see Kichiko's expression looks fun to tease. “Ho? I thought all girls love being like that, same as fangirls do. Hmm... you're not bad, usually girls are quick fangirly when my brothers and I do, while you just feel embarrassed and protest. I like that.” Shu chuckles and teases her a lot.
Kichiko huffed while crossing her arms. “(# ಠ︵ಠ) Hmph, and anyway...how do you know if I'm not fiction?” Kichiko asked. “All ears are everywhere since you appear in this world...not just me, others in here are also curious why humans like you live here. Don't worry, I'm not the same as these fictions who will freak out easily.” Shu keeps his promise to keep her secrets. The blonde vampire suddenly stroked her left cheek and stared at her eyes like he was observing her. This is his first time touching a human that becomes an outcast in fiction, and feels so warm and soft. Kichiko flustered and whined at him not too close to her, but Shu didn't listen instead teasing her saying, “You keep saying 'stay away from Me', but your face looks like you want me to touch you more. What a naughty girl.”
“Urusai! Baka! ( ≧Д≦) One more closer to me and I'll bite you!” Kichiko tries taunting him like a growling baby tiger hisses at stranger chibi mode. “Heh, Tsundere...lucky for you I'm not in the mood for thirst for blood. Maybe next time I'll taste your blood soon.” Shu smirk causes Kichiko gulping and flailing. Having enough teasing Kichiko a lot, Shu invites her to join him at the cafeteria, so he can check up those mails from his fans and will answer Kichiko's question. He can read her mind by seeing her eyes and looking to find more information for her knowledge.
Make sure Shu didn't make another trick again, Kichiko nodded as she followed next to him while carrying other packages mail for others. Shu silently stares at Kichiko and ponders, usually humans from the real world are too noisy whenever they fangirly meet their favourite character fictions and then become possessive. But Kichiko...she's different. So quiet but she feels embarrassed when Shu teases her too much back there. “What's wrong,Shu?” Kichiko asked Shu and saw him keep staring at her once they're in the cafeteria. “Ah, nothing.” Shu looks away after he astonishingly notices Kichiko keeps stare at her all time.
The cafeteria in Otome Corporation building, Kichiko spotted orange-haired men with violet eyes, wearing a casual black suit jacket, white shirt with a green checkered necktie. That man seems busy doing paperwork while doing notes on his tablet. “Still busy with your work as always, Natsume.” Shu calls him. Natsume Asahina from Otome game Brothers Conflict . “Hm? Oh Shu-kun. Are you done recording your dialogue for the next CD Drama track? And who is this?” Natsume notice Shu but curious who's next to him. Kichiko bows down politely before introducing herself. “Kichiko Tomiko, new neighborhood in this place. Tutor Committee of this place, also I think I borrowed your fan mail package too.”
“Oh, Kichiko-san desu ka? I did hear about you, well even it's a secret. Come on you two, sit here.” Natsume smiles and asks Shu to join him with Kichiko before sharing them with cans of cappuccino drinks. Kichiko now can clearly explain it about herself to them both since there's no full people in the cafeteria. Also explain how she ended up with the Book of Paracosm that she found in her home world. “Hmm...I heard about that book too, sadly we better not talk about it in public.” Natsume concerns it while crossing his arms.
Kichiko is suddenly spotted in Natsume's tablet, there's icon game ‘Zombie Hazard’ causes her eyes to sparkle. “Y-You play that game 'Zombie Hazard' ?! (ノ*0*)ノ I love that games! I'm always play that whenever I done my exams or homework, sadly I can't continue it to story chapter 30 ┐(‘~`;)┌ it is really hard to solve puzzle to enter boss final domain.” Kichiko said too hyper happy to talk about it like a real fan gamer pro. “Really? As you know I am the one who created it, since my creator isn't continuing our story. That's why I use my time to create this game. I would mind giving you a cheat to end that chapter while we play.” Natsume offers his help.
Kichiko is so happy to hear it, just like between kouhei and senpai. Shu quietly felt strange… he felt... jealous? '...Why do I feel jealous seeing her talk to Natsume?So annoying. It just a game even them both same player (눈‸눈)' Shu mumbles before clear his throat at them to stop talking. Natsume flails and feels bad if they both forget him because of too much excitement about games that they played. “Gomene Shu-san, (・–・;)ゞ I am too happy that Natsume-san will help me on 'Zombie Hazard' game. It's been a while I haven't played again after...after I graduate and am stuck in this world.” Kichiko said in flails too.
Shu suddenly pinches her both cheeks in chibi angry mode. “You sure have some guts to ignore me, little hamster,” Shu mutters. “Gomenasai-gomenasai! ( ≧Д≦) I didn't mean it too.” Kichiko is muffled since her cheeks are being pinched by Shu like a rubber cheeks. After satisfyingly pinching her cheeks until it red like a tomato, Fou runs to Kichiko then hops on her shoulder. Kichiko is very happy to meet Fou again, but Fou is in predator mode by jumping directly to Shu face. ‘Murder Shu—Fou!!!(ノ`Д´)ノ’ Fou pounce Shu's face like kung Fu punch, Natsume and Kichiko shock massive after Shu falls down. “Itta— stop it!” Shu whines before trying to take off Fou from his face even though the little beast keeps patting his face with paws. It seems Fou isn't happy to see Shu pinched Kichiko too much before he came here. “Fou-kun, calm down (ʘᗩʘ’) ! No need to pounce him.” Kichiko quickly carries Fou into her arms to stay away from Shu. “I have never seen Shu Sakamaki act like this...also see Fou pounce like that.” Natsume ponders, while Shu looks away to hide his embarrassment.
‘Fouk You t(Ù.Út)...’ Fou say bad language at Shu and yelp when Kichiko pinches his ears. “Fou-kun, that's not nice. Say sorry to Shu-san, okay?” Kichiko scolded him, instead Fou huffed and puffed his cheeks like didn't want to apologize. Fou almost forgot, he took out an envelope invitation from his fur fluffy tail and gave it to Kichiko. “Hm? For me?” Kichiko receives and opens it.
‘Kichiko Tomiko,
You've been invited to our grand festival spring season. Special events gather for all early Easter, Lunar New Year, and Cherry Blossom. It will begin at 8 a.m. in Rose Plaza.
Sincerely, Sakura Kinomoto’
“Spring Festival?...what's that?” Kichiko is confused since she is surprised the three famous events become one event. “Oh...that festival, it is always held every spring season. There'll be random events besides having a picnic. We only held it for one week.” Shu explained. Kichiko looks happy to hear about it, and wants to see it very closely with Fou too. “Sounds interesting! Count me in, you too, Fou-kun?” Kichiko wanted to join it and Fou nodded that he was also with her too. Natsume did ask her to know her phone numbers, just in case she needed help for guidance by contacts. Shu eyes twitching and half jealousy see Natsume so pure want to get close to Kichiko. Shu also wants to share his phone number with Kichiko too. Fou sweat drops see this moment Shu looks odd seeing someone try to take her attention. Kichiko didn't mind having their phone numbers since she's in a new neighborhood here, she just smiled and her dimples appeared on her cheeks. “Thank you so much, Natsume-san, Shu-san.” Kichiko said. Natsume just nodded but blushed and saw her smile so cute, and Shu did look away to hide his shy side.
Tomorrow will be Kichiko's first enter festival event gathering.
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emilythecosmicbun · 4 years
Creepypasta OCs.
Any updates information is on Wattpad WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
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cottontailprincess is my Instagram and Emilythecosmiccat is my username on some art websites.
They/Them pronouns please
do not sexualise me, my characters or my boyfriend please he isn’t comfortable with that.
okay so these are my two vent ocs.
Emily/Elliot (Bunny.)
one of them, as you know, is my impure agere oc, representing all the sad and flashback parts of everything. I made them to help cope with my thoughts and feelings. They are based off of my appearance and my trauma. They age up with me.
Full Name: Emily/Elliot Bunzelle but prefers just Emily or Elliot.
Nickname(s): Bunny, Emmy, El, Em, Princess, Prince, Princette
Meaning of name: Emily (from Urban Dictionary.) An Emily is someone who is crazy inside and out. She knows who her friends are and try’s hard to look after them. She is very pretty but doesn’t always know that. She isn’t always the most popular, but to her that doesn’t matter. She has friends from all ages and they all adore her. She hides her feelings however upsetting they may be.
Meaning of name: Elliot (Urban Dictionary) Elliot is a true master at caring. He teaches how to love and be loved. A man of honour a man of steal. He's as handsome as a Greek God, as strong as diamond, as compassionate as a saint and is as gentle as a father's touch. Elliot possesses a magic within to create a vision in the eyes of all, leaving them stunned at how brilliant and perfect Elliot truly is. A leader, a spirit lifter, a lover, a giver, an Elliot'll leave you speechless with his being, his essence.
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Currently 19, same as IRL me, though they physically and mentally regress to younger ages, so their age varies. Their main ages are variants of 1+
Date of Birth:
August 21st (Body born in 2001)
Race/Species: English and a Spirit or Entity.
Native language: English (as in England English.)
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Bisexual Personality: Silly, playful, honest, caring, childish, bratty, stubborn, sweet.
Are They Dead: No but they aren't alive either. Somewhere in between.
Any Mental Health Issues?
C-PTSD, due to multiple traumatic events. They frequently experience multiple flashbacks and nightmares, and is usually terrified of leaving their safe space unless it’s with Stedge, even then, they panic.
Triggers: Listed Here. Triggers page on my Carrd.
Powers/Special Abilities: Can float slightly off the ground, is able to phase through walls, spew blood at will, and look "alive" when speaking and comforting children, or just around those they trust.
Very young child:  Short but very curly/wavy brown hair, a bit lighter than when they are in older looking forms. They wear a pink dress with a white shirt under, and black school shoes. However, they can also just wear a sonic shirt and leggings, or a skirt.
Child:  They can vary but their usual look is long curly/wavy brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, blood on their mouth and nose area, tired-looking eyes, pink dress, sometimes a nightgown, depending on the look, they can wear socks, bunny slippers or even go barefoot! Sometimes they wear bunny ears! Sometimes they like to wear sonic gear.
Teen:  Depending on the age as a teen, at the point it's  "kawaii" inspired things, sometimes just a Melanie Martinez shirt and pants (or skirt), sometimes overalls! They also wore band merch, stuff like that. They have either long brown hair, black hair or multicoloured hair like Melanie Martinez (dyed in variants such as pink, red, blonde (more like light ginger.)
Adult:  Band tops, but also ones with cute designs on such as bunnies or kittens, sometimes overalls or dresses, sometimes even onesies, since they can still have the traits of an agere headspace. Short Brown hair, is a lot chubbier than the rest, can be considered mid or plus size.
Height: Varies depending on form and age, but usually smol.
Hair color: Dark brown/Brown
Eye color: Brown
Scars and/or skin conditions: Has a few bruises and a few cuts in some places, but I prefer to not draw them.
Has a skin condition called psoriasis. (I have it IRL.)
Never Seen Without: White Bun, and their three Cream The Rabbit plushies.
• Things with peaches (the fruit) on them. (Including peaches and peach ice tea.)
• Bunnies
• Their Caregiver, Stedge.
• Drawing, and colouring in.
• The colour pink.
• Sonic The Hedgehog.
• Porcelain Dolls
• Stuffed Animals
• Abusers (including physical, mental and sexual abusers.)
• Those who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who don’t take them seriously.
• Drama.
• Being abandoned or left alone.
Stedge - Partner in crime, best friend, caregiver and lover. (Depending on age of course.)
Cream.exe (Sally.exe game) - practically twinning, bunny loves to hang out with cream.exe. (my highest kin, apart from cream herself.)
Family Members - Depending on which member, they do have a good bond or a negative one. Bunny loves them on different levels, some of them, they hate.  This does not reflect on how (I myself) feel about said family members.
(If you want your creepypasta oc to be friends with Bunny, just ask!)
• They age up with my current age since they aren't dead and they are based off of me.
• I decided to make them some sort of entity since I couldn’t make them a ghost and still be alive lol they age up with me.
•Their “trauma” is the same as mine, which is why I won’t write it in detail here but they are a victim of abuse.
• They are all bloody because its how I feel about my trauma.
• They physically and mentally regressed to the age they are supposed to be, if they are in their child forms, they are an actual child. (Direct reference to my age regression I use to help me cope with my trauma) They prefer to be in this form so they can protect and befriend children. They don't harm children or other victims of abuse. The children usually call them “bunny.”
• When they're in their adult form, they have a partner called Stephen. Someone who they have known since they were 17 years old. When they are a “child” he takes care of them and protects them to make sure they don't ever get hurt again.
• Their sense of justice is what caused them to want to help other children. They never want to see another child go through what they went through.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
Well, I also made a creepypasta oc to represent my boyfriend, someone who I love and trust to help me during those horrible times. He’s like my partner in crime. lmao also his age isn’t rly there because he ages up with his real life counterpart, which will get updated.
Name: Stephen
Nickname(s): Stedge, Mr. Bubbles (by Emily/Elliot.)
Meaning of name: Stephen The most beautiful boy in existence. Has stunning eyes, that make your heart fall through the floor when they crinkle with his perfect smile. Is deep, unlike most boys, and extremely intelligent. Has a big heart, and he doesn't realize when he's being taken for granted. Even though he would never admit it, he sometime's can't see what's right in front of him. An over-analyzer, and very stubborn, but he will admit defeat when he has to. Likes to drive girls crazy, apparently. Easy to fall in love with. Hard to figure out.
Gender: Male
Age: Ages up with IRL person. Currently: 19.
Date of Birth:
9th April
Race/Species: English, Human.
Native language: UK English.
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Straight
Are They Dead: No
Any Mental Health Issues? No, None that we know of.
Triggers: None that we know of.
Powers/Special Abilities:
He doesn't have many powers but he athletic and can run quick and has a good amount of strength. He uses a bat and other various stuff.
Short brown hair, brown eyes, a bit of facial hair, variants of a black or dark grey shirt, but obviously not only those, sometimes they’re ripped.
Hair color: Dark brown, brown.
Eye color: Brown.
Scars: None.
Personality: He is quite intelligent and mature, behaves childishly in front of Emily/Elliot, cold and serious, is kind, polite, protective.
Hobbies and Likes: • playing the guitar
• skate (skateboarding)
• listening to tunes
• spending time with Emily/Elliot.
• Abusers, people who take advantage of vulnerable people.
• People who are cruel to Emily/Elliot.
Relationships: Bunny - Best friend, soulmate, would do anything to make bunny smile, frequently gets them stuffed toys and food.
He is a few months older than me in IRL, his age is 19 right now, along with mine but will be updated.
Stephen is a human, and helps take care of Emily (in their child forms.) since they are a child and very vulnerable in that state due to their trauma, when they’re adult they are romantic towards each other.
They work together as a team when bashing and killing abusers. While he uses physical means, Emily uses mental.
Any Other Info is on the Picture.
WATTPAD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255861941-creepypasta-ocs-emily-elliot-and-stedge
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kileyrose-2003 · 4 years
Rebecca character headcanons: How they react to seeing without a towel infront of them by accident after a shower
A/N: Hello lovelies! This is for my dear friend @merci-bitch I'm still working on all of your request. Most of them are being started from square one. So bare with me as I make it through them. Coming back fully is a work in progress for me. I'm going through a bit of a rough patch right now. It's all going to be okay in the end though. Just got to take everything one step at a time. I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Warning: Implied/slight sexual content, slightly NSFW
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This a common occurence with Rose
She hates shoes and I do headcanon she also dislikes clothes
She's very airy and bohemian in her style
Wears a lot of silk and cotton
She doesn't like feeling weighed down by fabric and material
It's very rare she actually wears a pair of form fitting pants when she's home
And even then, they're very stretchy
There are a couple of scene in Doctor Sleep where Stephen King explicitly writes she has no top on
Or no clothes in general
Especially around Crow.
She's a beautiful woman and she knows it
She even walks around The Bluebell Campground when she gets out the shower with only a bath sheet on
There is nothing sacred in The True Knot
They've heard and seen it all by now
So a person covered by only a bath sheet, doesn't bother them
You personally would never do it intentionally
And if you do accidentally expose yourself or run around improperly dressed, it's an accident or in the most dire of situations
At this point you're still freshly turned and holding onto rube morals still
At least as much as you can being in The True Knot
On this particular occasion where you dropped the towel, it was Rose's turn to go grocery shopping
She gave you the option to come but you chose to stay behind
You slept in til about noon and you were in desperate need of a shower
And a cup of tea
She made you scream the night before
So after a little relaxation you took your shower
You're the fun one in the relationship
So if you like to sing, you sing in there. If you like to dance, you danced.
Point being you lost track of time
The cold water beading down on your skin was a harsh reminder of that
You stepped out, dried yourself
Dropped the bath towel
Went to pick out some clothes
The curtains were shut so it wasn't like anyone could see inside the trailer
Or at least you thought so
Until you heard the clicking of the door knob
You froze, panic running through your body
There was Rose, paperbags filled with groceries in her arms
At first the two of you stood there looking at each other with blank faces
Somewhere in the midst of your shock, you can hear Crow standing outside the trailer politely leaving the other bags on the steps
And you become even more mortified
But eventually Rose began to smile
"Well, that's a greeting in half isn't it."
You're immediately embarrassed by the remark which makes Rose grin even more
"No, no, no. No shame. It's not like it's the first time I've seen you in this setting, right?"
You stumble on your words even more
And you can tell Rose is genuinely enjoying it
You don't know what to do
What to say
Part of you is humiliated
But before you can conjure any words, her lips crash down upon yours, fingers running through your hair.
She is loving every single moment of this.
Especially your flustered expression afterwards
Needless to say you're not going to be needing clothes for quite a while now
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Like Rose this is probably a more common occurence on Riza's part
Except with Riza, its not a matter of she hates clothes
She just likes to tease
In this scenario, Riza was out on business
She had to negotiate a new contract with an arms dealer and she wasn't supposed to be back for a few days so you had the house to yourself
As I mentioned before Riza hates anything deemed "domestic"
So you took it upon yourself to tidy up while she was gone
After a day of cleaning, you desperately needed the shower
You took longer than you normally would of, humming to yourself as you washed up
You didn't hear the clicking of the bedroom door opening mid way through
You dried off and stepped out of the shower, still singing to yourself. Not bothering to cover up with the towel.
And as you step out of the bathroom there is Riza
Comfortably lounged out on your bed, clad in a bathrobe with her martini glass in hand
She has been waiting to see the day that she could pull this off and now she can
"Hello, darling."
Her tone is sweet but clearly hints at a seductive nature
You nearly fall onto the floor, next expecting her to be there.
She laughs at you clearly entertained by not only the expression on your face but also your attire
"You're too cute, Y/n."
As she begins to approach you, she stands as tall as she can. Trying to intimidate you with her height.
"You really are such a precious thing, aren't you? So petite and most importantly, all mine."
She presses gentle kisses up and down your neck that leave you in shock
Riza knows she's seducing you every step of the way and she is loving it
She leads your hands down to the tie on her silk robe and squeezes your hand in hers
"Do you want to see what things you do to me?"
I think everyone can fill in the rest of the picture here
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Even though Kathleen is a bit of a flirt and sometimes a tease, there are clear boundaries between the two of you
In every relationship there is a need for privacy and respect
If you have neither of those, the relationship won't work
So between the two of you, you respect the other one's need for privacy
Kathleen would never do anything to make you uncomfortable intentionally, and you are the same way towards her
Even though you share a room, you have a knock before you enter policy
Sure you've seen each other naked before, but it's what makes the two of you most comfortable
So her seeing you naked in this situation, was honestly a complete accident
You and Kathleen work different shifts
She teaches theatre during the day and you teach music at nights
You normally do your hair, makeup, etc. while Kathleen is out the house that way you can see her for a few minutes before heading your own way
You showered about an hour after she left
After you dried off, you had no hesitation to just rip the towel off
After all, it shouldn't be a big deal
You have curtains in your apartment , the front door is locked, etc.
You walk into your bedroom softly humming to yourself and much to your surprise there's Kathleen
Rummaging through your shared bedroom trying to find her wallet
The two of you immediately let out a yell and yiy try to make an attempt to cover yourself with anything in sight
"What the hell are you doing?"
"What the hell am I doing?! I thought you were at work."
"I was at work but I had Augustus cover for me so I can run home. I can't find my damn wallet!"
You both were so embarrassed and your faces were evidence of that
It's something you both laugh about now but at the moment, it was not so funny.
After throwing on a bath robe and twenty minutes of searching, you eventually found the wallet and Kathleen was ready to go
She wrapped her arms around you at the front door
"Well that was quite the experience. Wouldn't you say so, darling?"
The smirk on her face is evidence she's well over the incident
But you can't help but tease
"Don't act like you didn't like it." You loop your arms around her neck. "I seen the way that you looked at me without that towel on before we had a moment to process."
The way she purses her lips makes your heart pound from the residual anxiety
But she eventually kisses you on the lips
The kiss last a while and leaves you out of breath
But it's a nice farewell that leaves a smile on your face
She might show you how much she loves you later on a day off after a drink or two
It's the little moments like this that make your relationship special
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Like I've mentioned before, Jenny is very clingy to who she deems as "hers"
So when it comes to your relationship, she has no sense of privacy or space at times
You could be in the middle of taking a shower and all the sudden
"You know, this is my favorite outfit."
And there's Jenny with her head either peaking in the shower or standing in the shower with you
It's a bit annoying and it's caused a few arguments between the two of you but you won't let it ruin your relationship
So this her seeing you naked thing, is somewhat common
On the occasion you accidentally dropped the towel, you thought she was downstairs rehearsing for her next show
She had a tour planned for the following week around Europe so you figured mine as well you do something nice to her before she goes on the road
You purposely picked out nice clothes
Spread them out all nice on the bed
You stepped out of the shower
Dried yourself off
Dropped the towel and as you're midway through walking to the bedroom
"Darling, I'm-"
You freeze up
And Jenny just stared at you
You can see her cheeks turn red and muttered a small "I'm sorry."
But she isn't
And her face shows it
Her lips are hinting at a slight smile
Smugness gleaming in those piercing eyes
"Could you stop staring at me like that?"
"Like what?"
And she knows damn well how she's staring at you
Her eyes wandering all over the place
"Like you're hypnotized."
"Well if I'm hypnotized by you tell me, how do I fix it?"
I think we all know how this ends
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Rebecca is a very non judgmental person and has a good sense of humor
She's not the type that would make a huge deal about accidentally seeing you naked after a shower
Especially if it was within a time frame you didn't expect her to be home
Because she does travel alot for work
She'd be a little embarrassed at first
"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!"
Her cheeks would be cherry red and immediately reaching out to hand you your towel
And she'd step out to give you a moment to get dressed
Trying to make small talk to get both your minds off the incident
But afterwards it doesn't cross either of your minds
She's back to her normal self, hanging all over you every second she can and snogging
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If I already didn't want to hug Dinah, her reaction to this makes me want to hug her even more
Dinah is big on privacy
Even in your relationship, she likes to keep some things to herself
She will cuddle with you
She will kiss you
She will hug you
But she will not get undressed infront of you
And she absolutely would not want to see you naked
Under any circumstance
Her seeing you nude is something she is just not ready for
It's nothing against you
But she still needs time to heal and she doesn't know if she's ready for that next level in your relationship
And you respect that completely
The day she seen you naked was a complete accident
Dinah was busy doing errands and such while you were soaking in the bath after a long day of cleaning, so you figured she wouldn't be home anytime soon
Your body was fiercely sore. It hurt to even wrap a towel around it.
So what was the harm in not putting on a towel
As you were half way to your room, you heard the door the padding of feet softly across the floor and you froze
"Y/n, I'm back. My apologies, I-"
Yours and Dinah's eyes interlock and she nearly lets out a scream
She was petrified and looked near the verge of tears
Whether it was out of shock or embarrassment you can't tell
But it hurt so much inside to see her like that
You open your mouth to say something but before you even have the chance to say anything she's running outside
You debate on going after her right away but what good would it do?
She was already scared as it is and it's not like you can take the chances of walking outside nude
So you throw on a dress and shawl as quickly as you could and go to find her
When you do, she has her face buried in her hands but she's not crying which brings some relief
It was an accident obviously so she immediately forgives you but it's an incident that still sticks in your head for the next couple of days
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Ilsa is similar to Rebecca in this situation except the shock factor hits her harder
She was off on a mission for the past couple of weeks and you were missing her terribly
Ilsa was supposed to be home earlier during the day but something came up
So you figured you'd take the time to make her a nice dinner and make yourself up
You didn't even hear her walk through the front door when she got home
You had the stereo on as you were making dinner and never bothered to shut it off
You dried off quickly in the bathroom and left the towel on the counter as you stepped out
You walked into your room expecting to be alone but there was Ilsa, clad in her favorite sweats and t shirt
Her eyes lock with yours and for a second it's intense, almost as if she's mad at you
If you weren't so locked up, you would of been running to find the nearest item of clothing and Ilsa must of seen it
Her expression quickly faded into an almost hinted smile and she blushed
"Hell-I am so sorry."
"No, no. It's fine. I made dinner if you want it. Do you mind to-"
"No, not at all."
You notice her eyes lingering as she leaves you alone to get dressed and you can't help but feel slightly humiliated
But by the time you're out of the room and dressed, she's over it and is all over you
Kissing your face all over and holding you close
The time you get alone is rare, but you both cherish it
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winchester90210 · 5 years
The BH 90210 Rewrite. 1x13: Slumber Party
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Rewrite Masterlist
Read the previous chapter here!
Chapter Summary: Junk food is had, secrets are exposed, and flings are revealed...
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, one minor make out scene.
Word count: 2,900
My work is not to be reposted and/or edited without my expressed written consent. (Reblogging is fine and encouraged!!)
The flashback is in italics.
Feedback is incredibly appreciated! :)
A/N: This is one of my favorite episodes! Hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry about the scheduling issue, next week should go as planned. Feedback on this chapter would be wonderful! :)
"Are you sure this thing isn't a slumber party?" Kelly criticizes. You open your locker as your friends begin to bicker on both sides of you. Something akin to petty surround sound.
"I told you! It's a night of female bonding-- a chance for us to get together and talk about what's important," Brenda explains.
"But we're doing it in our PJs," Donna interjects.
"Well, that would make sense unless you prefer to sleep in your clothes," You say, "Bren, I think it's a great idea. It could be fun!"
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"Can we invite some guys to come over later? I mean, after we've talked and bonded and everything?" Kelly asks.
"Kelly, I thought what we wanted was an evening to ourselves where we don't have to think about guys, talk about guys, or worry about what we look like 'cause some guy is around. Isn't that what we said?" She nods, rolling her eyes. "So what's the problem?"
"Nothing!" She leans against the lockers, "Actually... there is one thing. I kinda made plans with this other friend of mine, Amanda Pacer. You don't know her, she's a senior, but we have been friends forever."
"So bring her," you suggest, taking out your history book and shutting your locker.
"Well... I know this may sound stupid, but I don't want her to think this is a slumber party... It's not a slumber party, right?"
"Brenda! Kelly, Y/N, and Donna are here to bond with you!" Brandon shouts up the stairs, laden in his all-white Peach Pit uniform. He looked so cute, this "no guy" rule was pointless. Especially when the said guys looked like that. "Hey Y/N/N," he kisses you softly, pulling you closer to him.
"Hey," you mumble. He gives you a hard, dizzying, coffee-flavored kiss as he slowly backs into the front door. You hum against him happily, "I'll pay you to stay, I'm serious. Cold hard cash." He grins, slipping his warm hands under the sides of your jacket, holding onto your hips gently.
"As much as I'd like to, I promised Nat I'd pick up this shift."
"Tell him you have other business to attend to. Like getting me out of this slumber party. Nat'll understand," you plead jokingly. One more soft, sweet kiss and he lets go of you. "Brandon..." he smiles at you adoringly and turns towards the other two girls waiting in the foyer, pretending that they weren't just watching everything you two were doing.
"Have fun, ladies," he swings the front door open and leaves as quickly as possible, knowing that if he stayed any longer you'd actually end up convincing him to stay. As one Walsh exits, another enters as Brenda comes down the stairs wearing a long, plaid nightshirt. But before she's even fully down the stairs, Kelly starts to complain.
"Brenda, this is really weird."
"Kelly, we are going to have fun! Where's Amanda?"
"Oh, she's coming later," She fidgets awkwardly, "She uh, wanted to bring her own car in case..."
"Something better came along," Donna interjects.
"I think this might be a little too down-home for her."
"Kelly, we're not going on hayrides," you cut in.
"Okay, we have chocolate ice cream,vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream!" Brenda announces as you pour the doritos into a bowl. It's a scramble of hands and junk food as you all grab what you want.
"Do you have any other cookies?" Kelly asks.
"Yeah! I think they're in the cupboard," Brenda nods.
"Oh, I love cookies smushed in ice cream!" Andrea beams, "it's the best."
"You ever put popcorn in ice cream?" Donna wonders. The group groans in disgust. "Hey, it's really good!" You hop on the counter next to where Donna is and grab a chip
"Well, there's microwave popcorn in a bowl over there, knock yourself out," Brenda giggles, handing you your bowl of chocolate ice cream.
"Thanks," you smile, "Hey, Amanda, what do you want? Vanilla or chocolate?" You glance over to Kelly's friend as you help the girls put together their sundaes, and she's sitting alone at the kitchen table with her arms crossed, pouting.
"Nothing for me, thanks."
"Oh, come on, Amanda. You're gonna make us all look like pigs!" Kelly exclaims.
"You said it, I didn't," Amanda ostracizes. The room goes radio silent, but instead of bumming out the room, Brenda starts snorting like a pig at her while the rest of you laugh and pick up your junk food.
"Donna, that is so gross!" Kelly laughs, watching as her best friend shows vanilla ice cream and popcorn into her mouth all in one spoon. Your cheeks already hurt from laughing, but you couldn't stop smiling.
"I know, but I like it! I don't know why, but I do, okay?"
"This is something you can never do with guys," Kelly smirks, piling on the whipped cream to her sundae.
"What?" Andrea asks.
"Pig out!" The five of you giggle as Brenda turns to Amanda, who's once again decided to remove herself from the group.
"Do you eat on dates, Amanda?"
"Never. But I always order something expensive," her voice is sharp, and she's slumped back in the white chair in the far corner of the room.
"To let them know I'm worth it," she shrugs.
"I knew it was over for me and Steve when I started pigging out everytime we went out to eat," she scoffs.
"He never took you out to eat, Kelly," Donna giggles, and then everyone, (excluding Ms. Grump Pants, of course) bursts out in laughter.
"I am in... sugar shock." Brenda sighs, resting her head on your shoulder as you lean back onto the couch, smushed up against the other girls.
"I feel like I just gained ten pounds," Andrea groans.
"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Kelly ponders.
"Ooh, lets rent Pretty Woman!" Donna suggests.
"Donna, you've seen that movie 300 times," Kelly snickers.
"It's dependable. You know, sometimes I think about running away and becoming a hooker on Hollywood boulevard," she puts her fist up to her heart, fawning, "just so I can meet Richard Gere."
"There's only one problem... you're not Julia Roberts."
"Look, we're not going to rent a movie... or become prostitutes," you tease Donna, "The whole point of this was so we could talk. Andrea, go get your Ouija board."
You settle back down onto the couch after coming very close to crapping your pants because of what you thought was the Ouija board... which just ended up being David Silver sneaking creepy pictures of you guys through the window. You breathe deeply as your heart rate settles down. Amanda checks her watch and scoffs.
"It's after midnight."
"What, do frat boys turn into pumpkins?" Brenda bites sarcastically.
"No, they turn into drunken slobs." You sure made my night," she complains.
"Amanda, you didn't have to come!" Kelly barks.
"What? And miss all the fun? The party games?" She laughs sardonically, "I don't want to leave anymore. Everyone's ruined my night," she takes off her beige coat and throws it on the chair. "It's my turn to ruin their's. Okay everyone. I've got a game if you're up for it. Skeletons in the closet. Everyone sits in a circle, and the person in the middle has to answer all their questions as honestly as possible. The kind of question is up to you, whatever you feel like asking. Of course, the better the question, the better the game."
"Go ahead. Ask me anything," Andrea smiles nervously.
"Why does everybody call you 'Awwwndrea?'" Amanda starts.
"Excuse me?"
"What are you, British? I mean... Awwwwndrea?" Amanda guffaws.
"That is pretty pretentious," Kelly adds.
"Kelly," you warn her.
"It's pronounced both ways. But An-dree-uh is a little boring and common. I like to be different."
"Good answer," you smile.
"So, am I through?"
Amanda studies her carefully, "No. Not yet... have you ever slept with a guy before?" What the hell was wrong with this girl?
"That's... a little personal. But uh... no. No, I have never slept with a guy before. Yet."
"Well, if you could sleep with any guy in school, who would it be?"
Andrea chuckles anxiously, looking down at the ground. "Come on, you guys. I can't answer that..."
"Yeah, you can. You can trust us, Andrea... well," you glance at Amanda, "most of us, at least."
"Uh... I don't know. I guess... I guess uh..."
"Brandon?" Kelly cuts in.
"What?" You glare at Kelly.
"No." Andrea answers, "No. Not Brandon. No... it would have to be Hans Fleischman. He is this incredibly gorgeous lifeguard who pulled me out of the water when I was stung by a jellyfish at Zuma beach last summer." You adjust in your seat uncomfortably while the Kelly snickers in disbelief at Andrea. "Hey, what is this? Brandon is just a friend."
"Wait-- wait a second. Is this the same Brandon that's all over her everyday?" Amanda laughs out, "Sweetie... get a life. You like him. Everybody already knows." You sure didn't. "And he likes her." You don't even dare to look up from your thumbs. What the hell were you supposed to do in this situation? Sure, you encouraged her to answer it but you didn't think it would be Brandon. You would feel weird comforting her, but you still feel weird just sitting there and letting her get harrassed.
"Okay... okay. So it-- it is Brandon." Her eyes well up as she stutters through her words. The room is silent for a moment before you hop to your feet.
"Well, this has been a blast," you huff, "I'm gonna go get a soda. Anyone else have plans to seduce my boyfriend? Kelly? Donna? Hey, how about you, Amanda?"
After Kelly's turn, to which she described her traumatic first sexual experience, and Brenda's where she describes how she betrayed her best friend back in Minneapolis... you were really starting to hate this game.
"Come on, Donna, you've gotta have some secrets," Kelly encourages.
"I don't! I tell you guys everything!"
"If you could go out with any guy in school, who would it be?!" Brenda asks. Let me guess, Brandon?
"Greg Houseman. You know that, she never stops talking about him," Kelly sighs.
"What is the most dishonest thing you've ever done?" You ask, curling your legs up to your chest. She pauses to think for a moment.
"Didn't anybody in your family go insane or something? Anything?"
"No... we're all really normal," she shrugs. The thing was, she's right. You've been to her house. Her mother is great, her dad's really nice, her house is perfect... she was completely normal.
"You know what your problem is, Donna?" Amanda prompts, "Your life is totally boring. Anyone who can't dredge up one secret about themselves is either lying or a total zero."
"That is not true," you snap.
"Why, what are you hiding, Y/N/N?"
"Nothing, Amanda."
"Oh, really? That's not what I hear... or what I've seen."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Get in the circle," she smirks, this time deviously. Dangerously. You follow her orders, moving from the floor to the chair.
"What's your favorite movie?" Brenda asks.
"Rebel without a Cause."
"What's your favorite color?"
"Baby pink," you watch Amanda out of the corner of your eye, getting more and more frustrated at the boring questions.
"Oh, come on! You guys are such a drag!" She leans forward, smirking, "What's going on with you and Dylan McKay?" You look at her confused.
"He's dating her," you gesture towards Brenda, "Not me." Amanda shakes her head immediately, as if she knew you were going to say that.
"Do I need to dumb it down for you, sweetheart? What happened at the Bel Age a few months ago, y'know, when you jumped him?"
"What?" Brenda says quietly, her voice breaking. She looks at you as tears start to brim her eyes.
"Bren, wait a second--"
"Did you sleep with my boyfriend?" Your jaw goes agape and you laugh sourly in shock.
"You really think I'd sleep with Dylan?!" A pit of guilt was forming in your stomach as you tensed up.
"I don't know what to think, Y/N! All I know is you two spend an awful lot of time together alone and now I'm hearing that you pounced on him!" she snaps. Oh my god. You couldn't believe this was happening.
"That's not what happened, Bren!"
"Fine!" She scoffs bitterly, "what happened, then?"
"So, I was at the Bel Age a few months ago, Brandon had just gotten the job at the Peach Pit..."
"I don't wanna go home yet," you told him. The Porsche rumbled as Dylan warmed it up. He raised an eyebrow at you as he leaned back.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Anywhere you want to take me." Those would be words you would later come to regret. Asking a hot guy with a leather jacket and a Porsche to have his way with you? Bold move. Dumb move, too. He could've taken you anywhere. Baja, the abandoned elementary school, anywhere. But where did he take you? The Bel Age hotel.
When you walked in he popped the radio on and you sat down as a Gloria Estefan song played quietly throughout the hotel room. Dylan was over at the wet bar, pouring himself a glass of scotch. Looking back, it was the only time you'd ever seen him drink something in moderation.
"You drink?" He asked, looking back at you.
"I could start," you shrug. And that was the first of many bad decisions you'd make in that hotel room. He grabs a second pint glass, but you weren't paying much attention to him as he clanked around, trying to pour you something that wouldn't make you gag.
He hands you the concoction and sits down beside you, his legs against yours. A little closer than normal, but you didn't think anything of it. Fidgeting anxiously, you began to drink whatever it was he gave you. It was new, being alone with him like that. Sure, you could hang out with him in groups but... just you and him? You tilted the glass back, letting the smooth and surprisingly digestible liquor flow down your throat until there was nothing left in your glass. This stuff was supposed kill anxiety, right? He eyes you up. Peculiarly, but not critically.
"Yeah, you could say that." He would continue to fill your glass, and his own, for that matter, all night. He'd put on his Road House VHS tape somewhere in the middle. And you were watching it. You really were. But as the movie went on longer, you got closer. A fairly innocent movie night (the first of many) turned into a night full of regrets.
His hand was on your leg right before the first kiss happened, thumb drawing dizzying little circles on your thigh as he watched the movie. You're sure if you showed any signs of discomfort he would've stopped-- that fact gave you peace in the moment. But the last thing you wanted him to do was stop. So he didn't. And neither did you. It wasn't until later, when his lips were trailing down your jaw, hands pushing your dress up, and his own white t-shirt was somewhere on the floor next to you. That's when it came to a crashing halt. Removing his lips from your neck, he sighed.
"What is it?" You asked. The air between you two was intense, sensitive. One move and he'd be back on top of you, starting the cycle all over again.
"What about Minnesota?" He slides you off of his lap in one swift motion, but his hand was lingering on your hip.
"What about Brandon?"
"Come on, you've seen how he is around you. I don't want to get in the way of that, mess anything up."
"You're not messing anything up. If Brandon was interested he would've made a move already."
Cut to you, current day, girlfriend of the mentioned boy, "Hah... whoops."
"But either way... this is a bad idea, isn't it?" You sheepishly picked up the shirt from the floor and handed it back to him. "So," you cleared your throat, "Friends?"
"Yeah," he chuckled, fiddling with the shirt in his hand. The energy in the room was different then, awkward. Laughable. But friendly.
"And that was it," you finish, "We're friends. Kissing him now would be no different than kissing Donna or Kelly."
"You wouldn't have kissed him if you didn't like him!"
"I do like him. As a friend," you plead, "Bren, I've been supporting you guys since day one, I would never do something to hurt you." You search her eyes for something. A little bit of waivering, forgiveness, pity. Anything at this point. Stupid Amanda and her stupid skeleton game. Brenda avoids your gaze for a moment.
"And nothing's happened since then?" She chokes out. You see her shoulders rise and fall as she takes in a shaky breath.
"Nothing's happened since then."
She lets out a deep sigh, almost out of relief, but tears are still threatening to spill from her eyes "Okay... I guess I understand." As she says that, it's like every muscle in your body lets go of the stress it had been holding for the past few weeks. You really hate secrets.
"Uh, Bren... I have a confession to make," Kelly pipes up from the side of the room, "After you started going out with Dylan I tried to get a date with him." Oh shit.
Taglist: @be-patient-be-good @mpmarypoppins @bevelyhills90210 @blueoz @harleylilo88 @princess-ghost-alien @hueycat2004 @l4life @keepcalm-and-beyou
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flying-elliska · 2 years
Idk if this’ll be worded correctly but I was reading that posted you reblogged about gender expression in clothing but also just people saying a person is queer baiting because of xyz. And here’s my thing as a person who’s ace spectrum and generally confused by many things 😂 while I do find it funny when people point out certain things like cuffed pants or just any random style choice and are like ok they’re bi, at the same time in general I find it quite strange that people in the community will then see other people who they don’t know and just because of the way they dress they’ll be like yeah so they must be gay. Idk how you feel about this but to me it’s like ok so people will get bullied for this sort of thing when they’re younger and I can’t help but compare that they’re saying a lot of the same things that these homophobic bullies would say. Context tho is EVERYTHING so someone saying that in terms of what they think their sexuality is can be harmless but it gets a bit weird to me when they become insistent on it. Maybe it’s cause I’m ace and I dress however the f I want but anybody seeing how I dress wouldn’t be able to guess that hey I don’t really want to fuck anybody 🤣 so I feel weird about it even tho I know maybe it’s harmless in most respects. But I feel like it’s a bit much when people are saying, an example, Shawn Mendes MUST be gay because of xyz. When he’s said he’s not and no one would really know. Unless they fully caught him balls deep in someone who didn’t identify as female and even then he could still be bi/pan/ any other sexuality! It’s like unless your that person why is it your business 😭 Sorry this got so long I just wanted to know your thoughts because you always have very insightful things to say lol
😂😂😂 great comedic wording anon
My take on this :
there's a historical aspect to this : when queerness was forbidden/reprimanded, queer ppl needed signals to find each other without alerting straight ppl necessarily, a sort of secret code. Still todat it makes finding each other easier. It's a signal. So yes for ace ppl it might be less useful in some ways, but also cool in order to find kindred spirits ? Idk
Queer culture, often tied with gender non-conformity, favorised the adoption of non-mainstream, subversive ways of presenting, dressing - often a way to rebel against an oppressive mainstream and express themselves - with their own fads and trends which then were recognized as "queer styles". A lot of those are about going beyond traditional beauty/desirability standards. There is a lot of history and pride in some of those and I understand why ppl would want to continue these traditions and feel connected to the wider queer community and its history. For groups that have traditionally been less visible, like bi ppl, I get why there is a hunger to create those codes even if it's a bit artificial at times.
Sociologically speaking it's common for subcultures to have their codes of appearance to distinguish themselves and bond over shared identity ; this has been fading somewhat as queerness becomes more mainstream in some places
Personally I think those things can be fun and cute when they're optional and you can be creative about it. It annoys me when people take them too seriously or judge ppl who don't look queer enough, or try to police who can or can't wear certain things like discussed in that post. The ideal is indeed, anyone can wear whatever the fuck they want (cultural appropriation and other offensive shit aside) so that means some people want to be more discrete and some ppl want to wear signals, and some ppl want to experiment - should all be possible !
I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with the fact that gender and sexuality can be fluid and blurry at the edges and so is gender presentation and they would rather keep ppl in boxes. And the queer version of this is that "men can't wear dresses unless they're outspoken about being queer" bullshit
And finally I think it's normal that people look for queer role models/icons etc and speculate a little w their friends when they recognize relatable things, but modern online celebrity culture has made some people deranged re:boundaries and how far they think it's acceptable to dig into ppl's private lives and that sucks. And the idea that they're entitled to total transparency from ppl they don't even know about this is some creepy as hell totalitarian surveillance culture bullshit and I do not vibe with it. It makes life hell for anyone figuring out their sexuality while in the public eye, esp later in life, and especially bi ppl, so I think it's also distinctly biphobic.
Anyway yeah I think overall I agree with you ! But also the way you dress can be a language so that can be fun to express things with and have shared codes and subvert heteronormativity/the male gaze/figure out new more expansive ways to be seductive and embodying your ideal gender/vibe etc etc ! But it should never be mandatory
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shelfperson · 2 years
In honor of pride month, I've decided to go on a rant :/
It always makes me so mad when people take a queer person's self expression and act like they're not loving and honoring themselves by embracing their queerness. I get a lot of "I get why you're like this, being cis/straight/whatever is hard, but if you just tough it out and learn to love yourself you wouldn't need to run from your Real Identity." And that's just so... wrong. Just patently false.
Cause like. Think of how you identify yourself as a pare of pants. Sometimes pants don't fit, or they do fit but you don't like the pattern. Or they used to fit but they don't anymore. You get it. And you're shopping for pants and you try some on and, oh they don't fit. Well that's just fine. Find some new pants. But then someone comes up to you and is just like "Buy those pants, you look great in them!" And you're like "They don't fit, dude." And they go off on a tangent about how it's okay for people to see your body shape through your clothes and to not be self-conscious about it, which is all well and good and a great point all around but it doesn't much matter when your crotch is chafing and you can't feel your left foot.
And if you stay in those suffocating, uncomfortable pants because you just need to tough it out and love yourself, you're going to end up footless with permanent ringworm of some such awful thing and fucking traumatized. And it would take a whole lot of courage and personal sacrifice to ever be able to engage with those sort of pants again. But if you just let people go "Hmmm, not for me, those pants don't fit and the pattern doesn't jive with me" they're never going to have that kind of horrible relationship with jeggings or whatever. Maybe, if they so want to, they'll buy the pants anyway but use it for quilt or jacket patches because the color is gnarly. Or maybe they won't, it's their own business what they do and don't wear and why are you so worked up anyway, man*?
What I'm saying here is, I'm much happier and healthier living-- if even only to myself, sometimes-- as non-binary than I was or would have been as a woman. I have a much more pleasant and chill relationship with femininity than some people I know because I was allowed to distance myself from it and find my own way. I wasn't like this four years ago. I hated being a girl and I hated what girlhood stood for. And I didn't like myself too much either. It's crazy, how much more you can love and enjoy yourself and the people around you when you don't feel like you're being strangled with your own two hands.
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