#me peeking in after uh ... 5 months? to be the most annoying person on earth
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girlfox Β· 1 month ago
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itsthebatboys Β· 7 years ago
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | x
"...Damian Wayne gave me, twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a- swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree?"
"...that's such a pain to me, singing Christmas carols, stale TV specials, batteries not included, finding parking spaces, Tim's transformer collection, after party charities, facing guests and their in-laws, five months of bills, Tim sending Christmas cards, Jason's hangovers, rigging up the lights and finding a Christmas tree, Tt."
Least to say, you had thought that the day on Christmas would be the most relaxing, party fun mood. But you like most occasions, you thought wrong. Very.
"Where's Bruce?!" You hollered over the railing in the Wayne mansion. It was a complete mess. You watched as the mass of people down below moved around in disarray. For the past twelve days, neither you nor any of the brothers had gotten most of the work done. It was only when you and the brothers knew that you all were in big trouble when the charity guests and their in-laws arrived at the front door of the mansion. It didn't really occur much to you, as Dick was the one who answered the door while you and Damian lounged around on the sofa, but when Jason croaked out about the work that was left for them by Bruce left unfinished, everyone threw whatever they had in their hands and scattered around the place. You were only glad that Dick was somewhat the calmest and was able to escort the guest and their in-laws to the ballroom, but they didn't really seem to be pleased, as Dick and along with everyone including yourself were in pajamas.  
Even though you had hollered down at the brothers, they were all too busy trying to get dressed while half ass-ing their assigned work around the mansion. "I don't even know why.." You grumbled to yourself as you hopped around trying to pull a stocking up your leg. "Since when was I apart of- shit!" You twirled your way out of danger of falling down the stairs.
"Jason?!" You could hear Dick calling out to Jason from the other side of the room. "What are you doing?!"
"I'm tryin' to rig up these lights!!" Jason called back. You peeked over the railing while pulling the rest of the stocking up your leg to see Jason sitting by the- no Christmas tree. "Uh, get me a beer?" Jason called over to an annoyed Damian who was wrapping up the presents.
Damian was about to say something until he was cut off by you shrieking. "We forgot about the Christmas tree!!" Damian looked up at you, wide-eyed as you messed up your hair while rushing down the stairs before looking back at the empty space.
"Jason! No drinking!" Dick stumbled into the living room. "It doesn't take twelve days to untie the lights and put them on!!"
"You're still in your pajama pants Dick!" You said in a loud voice at Dick as you rush by. Dick looked down in before groaning.
"What do you mean your 'in-laws'?!" One of the guest's voice screeched out, causing everyone to look at the door that leads to the ballroom.
"Shit, shit, the guests aren't happy Dick!!" You couldn't remember who yelled that out, but hearing that guest shrieking out was enough to you and the brothers scatter around like ants.
Well, all except one. You accidentally bumped into the coffee table with your shin. "Fffuck!" Both you and Tim yelled out in frustration. "I hate these Christmas cards!" Tim banged his head against the table with a thump while you gave a hasty apology before limping to the kitchen to cook.
"Where's Alfred?!" You looked at the kitchen where the butler would often be. "Where's Bruce?!" Still, no one seemed to answer your question as you look at the list of food that was meant to be prepared. "Damian!!"
"What?!" You could hear shuffling and once again another bang against the coffee table as both Tim and Damian as colorful words left their lips.
"None of the food for the guests are prepa-" You were yelling and speaking to fast that you ended up choking on your own saliva.
"You cook then!!" You could hear Damian yell back at you as you coughed loudly. You tried to say something but was once again cut off by your own coughing. "COOK!"
"Goddamn it, Damian! You messed up the order!" The sound of another person's shin hit the coffee table. "Now I have to make out which one is which!!"
"I don't know how to cook!" To hell, you looked at the list of food, you didn't even know what some of them were! You could hear Damian once again commanding you to just bullshit it. You scurried to the cupboards to flip through the recipe books.
There was an odd sound of what seemed like tiny drumming, which pipped your interest easily as you grabbed the two cookbooks to head to the kitchen entrance, but you instantly regretted it as something crashed into your ankle. "Ow! What the heck!?" You looked down to see a little toy drummer bumping back into your foot, but then the one single drummer was no longer your attention as you heard someone slipping down the final steps of the stairs.
"Why are there drummers?!" You looked up in horror to see Dick grabbing the railing to pull himself up. He had stepped on a drummer by accident and fell back onto the steps. "Damian?!"
"What?!" Dick's voice was easily drowned out by Jason's own furious one. "We have no extension cords?!" The man looked crushed as he was trying to put the two plugs together. "Fuck! Why the hell!" Jason had looked back to see his perfectly untangled lights be tangled once again by a couple of drummers that walked by with their shuffling feet.
"[First Name]! COOK!" Damian's voice rang out to you once again as you kicked the drummer away and stumble back into the kitchen while Damian was hurriedly trying to pick up all the drummers.
It seemed to only know that did Dick realize. "Tim?! Why are you still writing Christmas cards?!" He shrieked. "They were meant to be done at least three days ago?!"
"Trying to write Christmas cards here!!" You could hear the loud huff from Tim. "I don't even know half of these people!!"
"Where's Bruce?!" You hollered once again from the kitchen. Now really slowly getting too frustrated and just wished the boss to just stroll in and take control or do something. You turned your head around to hear someone crashing into the kitchen. You watched as Damian quickly trying to button up his dress shirt while hobbling about with a sock on his foot. "What are you doing?!" You shrieked.
"Helping?! I don't want you poisoning any of the guests!" Damian shot you a glare.
You easily shot one back at him as you threw the tea towel to the ground. "Then why on earth am I the one who is cooking?! Why don't you do it?!"
"Stop arguing and start cooking!!" Dick popped his head in to yell at the both of you, to which the both of you quickly scatter as he quickly hurries to the ballroom.
"She's a witch!" Dick cringed at the distant guest voice. "I hate her!" Dick quickly opened the doors and shut it behind him quickly to hide the mess behind him.
"Get a job you bum!" Another yelled at another guest. Dick secretly wished he could go back to the disaster that was in the living room instead.
"Now why the hell are they blinking?!" Dick could hear Jason's muffled voice through the thick wooden door and be now glad that he wasn't in the living room. He looked up at the light candles and pinched the bridge of his nose before making his way to the guest.
"They're meant to be blinking!!" Tim slammed a fist against the coffee table, annoyed as his grind his teeth together. "They're lights!"
"These aren't meant to be blinking!!" Both you and Damian heard a small crash and exchange looks before quickly tumbling out the kitchen doorway to see the box that held the lights skidding across the ground. You and Damian both quickly scan the box, Jason was right, the lights weren't meant to be blinking.
"COOK!" Tim snapped his head back to you and Damian. You both rushed back inside, but as you weren't wearing any shoes, you slid against the tile floor.
Jason had noticed one bulb was off. He bends down and flicked the on and off switch until suddenly the rest of the lights on the flimsy string went off. "One light goes out, they all go out!" Jason glared at the lights that he had placed near the fireplace but then both Jason and Tim snapped their heads up towards the kitchen when the sound of something clattering against the tile floor was heard and you yelling. Distracted, Jason accidentally pressed the light switch a bit too hard, and out of sheer bad luck, rest of the lights in the house turned off. "Shit! Get a flashlight, I think I blew a fuse!"
"Screw it!" Tim yelled out frustrated once the lights were out. "I’m not sending them this year, that’s it!"
"[First Name]?!" Damian snapped out, slight worry on the edge of his tongue.
"I split the flour!" You slipped a couple of times on the floor, trying to stand up.
A rough hand grabbed your forearm, and you immediately knew that it was Damian. "We'll just get takeout!" He tugged you out of the kitchen just when a bright light flashed into the both of your faces. "What?!" You could hear Damian's voice cracked as his screeched from the sudden blinding light.
"Fine! You’re so smart, you rig up the lights!” Jason snapped at Tim.
"Then you send the cards!" Tim snapped back.
"Jason! Point the light somewhere else!!" You could feel the growl from Damian's chest. You quickly wiggled your way out of his grasp.
"Where! Is! Bruce?!" You snapped at them.
"PARKING!" They all finally answered without taking their eyes off each other.
"OKAY!" You yelled back. You didn't know whether or not to be happy that the big boss was going to come home late or early, but as of right now, the only thought was-
"What happened to the lights?!" Dick re-entered the dark living room, and after that Damian had grabbed you again to go fetch out any fancy looking takeout food. Both you and Damian could hear distant yelling from all three brothers when you left, and still, when you both returned (covered in snow; it's what you get when the both of you slipped and saved the food rather than saving yourself), there was still yelling.
The empty spot that was meant to be the Christmas tree, was now occupied with a tree that was clearly cut out from the garden and the lights were back on. But that wasn't what really got both of your attention. What had caught your attention that got all standing stiffly was the new man that was in the room. In temporary shock, you dropped the plastic bag of take-out food, drawing the attention of the man onto both you and Damian. "Hi, Father." Damian coughed out.
"At least we got most of the things done?" You shrugged slightly while leaning on the door frame that leads back to the living room. You hear Damian grunt beside you as the both of you watched the other three siblings laid sprawled out on the sofa and on the floor singing Christmas carols way off tune. The soft music from the ballroom that was mixed with the muffled noises of people chatting their night away was heard, but you felt the sound of the fire crackling by the fireplace louder.
You turn back to Damian, who was looking at the fire. He was in deep thought. You could see it from the way his brows furrowed into a frown and the lines on his forehead creased more. His lips were pulled in some sort of pout that you dubbed as cute. You smiled half-heartedly amused. Damian seemed to catch you staring. He turned to you and raised a brow. "What?" He asked, his voice came out rough.
You shivered involuntarily as you crossed your arms while looking anywhere but him, with your face flustered all of a sudden. "I, I mean, well-" Your heart thundered against your rib cage as your mind went blank. You felt somewhat stupid for going blank just because of the sudden change of roughness in Damian's voice. "What I mean is-" You closed your eyes trying to think of something fast while scratching the back of your head nervously at how suddenly it seemed that everything seemed to have gone quiet and still and the fact that it felt like it was only just you and Damian. "You know-" You tried again while opening your eyes to look back Damian, but you quickly froze.
You felt goosebumps crept up your arms and up your neck as Damian's hand ghost down the side of your jaw and then before settling his thumb right underneath your bottom lip. He gently parted your lips slowly before pulling your flushed self against his to give a soft kiss on your lips.
It was a short kiss. Damian pulled back to stare down at you, eyes half-lidded. It took a lot of willpower to stop himself from looking up at the mistletoe above him and you and quickly making a quick reasoning of some sort regarding the mistletoe. But his hold slightly tightens around your chin when he could feel your hands at his midsection slowly moving up to his chest.
You could feel every muscle on Damian's body and the way they tensed as your hands slowly drag their way up to his shoulder blades. Your own half-lidded eyes scan the smoothness of his lips.
Feeling that your heads were making their way up his shoulders and then back around his neck and into his hair, he let his own drift to the back of your neck. His fingers playing gently with the hair that stuck out at the back of your neck before you both bump noses gently. "Merry Christmas, Damian." You whispered to him.
"Merry Christmas, [First Name]." He whispered back.
This time you closed the gap for a second kiss.
-- END --
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