#me mia skepsh
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ynm Sherlock with a tongue piercing send tweet
#he'd be so hot#also he'd be emo af irl#and he would only listen to experimental metal or sth#sherlock#mmmffhghhghg#kalhmera#me mia skepsh#exw ksexasei na xrhsimopoiw tumblr kai m fainetai foul asteio#how do tags work?!#no one knows...
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Pragmatika, gia to 2025 thelw apla free lobotomh gia mia sugkekrimenh skepsh. Kai meta tha eimai jet. LET ME OUTTTT REEEE
Nai, eimai hlithia. ALLA. Toulaxiston eimai eilikrinhs. 🥹
Kai oxi, den prokeitai na kanw kati gia auto. Arketa klooun giname to 2024 mpaxaxaxaxaxa. To 2025 den deixnoume kamia adunamia pouthena (mono edw 😌).
Einai pragmatika xilies fores protimotero na se pernane gia bitch. Pleon, I don't wanna be perceived.
Kai. Tha ksekinhsw na anevazw videakia me mpaso. Poiothta tostieras. Alla ntaks, h prospatheia metraei.
xoxo, egw 💙🚬✨️🪦🪽
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Shmera kleinw ta 17.
Ta 17 me vrhkan panw sth mhxanh na gurnaw apo sunavlia "taf la8os"
Ta 17 me vrhkan sto mpanio na klaiw gia ta skata pou niw8w
Ta 17 me vrhkan me kainouria shmadia panw mou
Ta 17 me vrhkan na anazhtaw mono to diko sou munhma pou 8a leei s'agapaw akoma
Ta 17 me vrhkan me mia kollhth pou "pes mou otan ftaseis" alla telika "molis ka8hsame 8a se parw meta phgaine spiti"
Ta 17 den me vrhkan opws ta h8ela kai pe8umisa hdh ta 16 pou toulaxiaton eixa thn agkalia tou na me krataei.
8a krathsw to 16 gia panta oxi giati "cknd" alla giati tote krathsa sta xeria mou thn pio omorfh euxh grammenh apo auton kai auto to gramma diavasa kai shmera gia na niwsw estw kai ligo kala. </3
Xaroumena mou 17 me skepsh na koimh8w mazi sou ksana.
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Na phgainete gia oreivasia paidia. Na anapneete katharo aera. Ola tha ftiaksoun.
Kalhmera me mia skepsh mou
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Oso omorfo kai na einai na 8elw na exw mia sxesh twra ta xristougenna oi taseis fughs mou den me afhnoun na apolausw oute kan thn skepsh tou na epikoinwnw parapanw apo ena xroniko diasthma me kapoio atomo
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Χάρη έχεις καμιά καλή πλειλιστ για το πρωί?
Την ειχα φτιαξει για μια φιλη αλλα γαμαει
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new kendrick album pes mou pos sou fanike kai agaphmeno tragoudi? idi se exo rotisei se chat
hdh exw apantisei se 2 atoma pu me rwthsan alla kapoia munhmata dn mu erxontai
5 xronia aksizan gia na mas dwsei ena album to opoio tha valei kai exei valei hdh polu kosmo se skepsh gia polla pragmata kai me enan hxo opou den ton vriskeis se kanenan kalitexnh pleon,polu raw xwris filtro katholou o kendrick eipe osa eipe xwris na ton noiazei ti tha poun oloi gia akomh mia fora ,to album oxi mono tha kerdisei album of the year alla se ligo kairo tha einai already classic kai oso perisotero kairos pernaei toso perisotero tha to katalavenume
den exw sugkekrimeno agaphmeno giati ola mou aresan upervolika polu alla ean ksexorizei kapio einai to we cry together ena apta pio real back and forth songs pu exw akusei pote! polu sunesthima
kai ektos apo auto tha elega kai count me out,father time,mirror (isws to agaphmeno mou) kai mother i sober
alla ksanalew pws ola ta tragoudia einai ekseretika kala kai para polu prosegmenh paragwgh se olo to album
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Ig this is where i vent now so nai. Ponaw pleon. Ta panta me piezoun kai epikratei sto myalo mou mono mia skepsh. To telos. Ena telos pou thelw na grapsw egw alla Ena telos poy den exw to tharros na grapsw. H mhpws to exw? Dne kserw an thelw na mathw. H thelw toso poly pou xanomai. Me xanw. Exw kapsei polles fores grammata me lekseis oso pio konta ston thanato eftasa pote... ektos apo twra. Twra tis grafw edw. Isws gia na mhn tis kapsw. Isws apla giati den thelw na tis kapsw. Isws... isws.... isws...
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H wra 11:00 Prwto poto. Monh kathismenh ston pagko tu bar. Koitaei adiafora gurw ths. Niwthei ta panta k tipota. H wra 12:00 Deutero pothri poto. Ena agori th plhsiazei. "Dhmhtrhs xarhka omorfh" Omorfo xamogelo omorfa matia. Ma ti na to kaneis to perituligma an to mesa einai sapio. Shkwnetai k ton parataei. Niwthei adiaforia. H wra 1:00 Trito pothri poto. Duo antres th plhsiazoun. Th stimwxnoun se mia gwnia. Fonazei.Tromazoun.Feugoun. Anakateuetai. Niwthei ahdia. H wra 2:00 Tetarto pothri poto. O xoros exei arxisei na tholwnei. Proswpa erxontai,proswpa feugoun. Ma ekeinh ekei.Stasimh.Akinhth. Pou eisai esu; H wra 3:00 Pempto pothri poto. To kefali ths ponaei. K niwthei na bouhzei olo ths to einai. Oi daimones thn trwne. Ma tha tous pnhksei sto alkool. Ta matia ths baria.Kokkina. Pou eisai na th krathseis agkalia; H wra 4:00 Ekto pothri poto. Dn exei aisthish tu xwrou k tu xronou. Dn kserei pu einai me poion k giati. Ma kserei sta sigoura pws ths leipei kati. Dn thumate tipota.Oute to onona ths. Ma to diko su to thumate pio kla apo ola. Ola thola gurw ma to proswpo su toso katharo sth skepsh ths. Pou eisai gamwto; Swsta.Pote dn hsoun edw. Thn egkateleipses.Th parathses. Se eixe anagkh. Ponage.Ponaei. H wra 5:00 Thumasai; Se ekeino to dromo. Se ekeino to stenaki. Se ekeina ta skalakia. Thumasai; Esas tus duo agkalia.Na gelate. Twra monh sernei th psuxh ths sthn asfalto. Thn gdernei.Isws na thn kanei anaisthith etsi.Aleksisfairh. Ponaei. Twra diasxuzei monh auto to stenaki. Ki esu dn eisai ekei na th profulakseis apo auto pu th perimenei sto telos tu. Pote dn hsoun. H wra 6:00 Ki esu koimase se allh agkalia. Ki auth dn anapneei..
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Denomai me anthrwpous pou kalo tha htan na mhn to kanw. Kserw oti den prepei na to kanw alla to kanw. Syneidhth epilogh? Nai. Syneidhtes synepeies..
Kalhnyxta me mia anousia skepsh mou
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an mporousa na antidrasw tha to ekana
kai an hmouna kala tha to ekryva
ola allazoun se mia mono skepsh
mia kathimerinothta me poiothta
mia yperoxh synhthia kai ta synaisthymata monima idia
den paizoun rolo ta synaisthhmata alla oi anthrwpoi ta xronia
to ergo den allazei opws oi roloi
kai etsi den anhsyxw plhsiazw xana ton gkremo giati poly psyla anebhka kai einai wra na prosgeiwthw
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Mas 8ymamai mazi, oles tis anamnhseis mas, thn ka8e mia ksexwrista. Oxi aparaithta se merh, alla kai se synais8hmata, oles tis fores pou tsokwnomastan kai akoma kai tote to mono pragma pou h8ela na kanw htan na se arpaksw kai na se filhsw. Akoma kai otan fwnazeis eisai glykia. Panta eisai. H glykia katastrofh mu. Kai isws auto pou mu stoixise perissotero na htan to gegonos oti pistepsa. Pistepsa pws hsoun dikia mu. Dn ekana panta to la8os na to pisteuw. Alla kapoies fores dn mporousa na sygkrathsw auth thn skepsh. Megalo la8os. Polles fores ka8omai koitontas to apeiro. Ksereis auth thn stigmh pu ta matia 8olonoun ta panta gyro kai vlepeis xrwmata mono. Kai skeftomai esena, skeftomai to pws 8a htan ama hsoun twra mazi mu, pws 8a su symperiferomoun. Pragmata ta opoia sthn pragmathkotika mporei na mhn ta efarmoza. Apla kai mono epeidh 8a ntrepomoun, 8a skeutomoun olh thn wra to ti mporei na ais8anesai esy. Skeftomai ola osa exoume perasei. Ta kala kai ta kaka. Oles tis agkalies ta filia. Tis stigmes pou mu eleges oti dn mporeis xwris thn agkalia mu, oti me agapas, oti 8eleis na eimaste gia panta mazi. Se ena shmeio akougetai asteio. "Gia panta" poso pseutikh leksh. Oi an8rwpoi thn petane xwris na skeftontai ti shmainei. Kai oi alloi thn pisteuoun gnwrizontas ti shmainei. Kai omws egw akoma kanw oneira mazi su, akoma se agapaw. Mallon auto einai pu dn mu epitrepei na proxwrisw. Alla esy dn 8a to ma8eis pote. Ah auth h protash. Mu thn eleges syxna, kai to poly se 5 lepta mu ta ksernages ola. 8ymamai ka8e leksh pou mu eleges, ka8e ekfrash pou eperne to proswpo su, ka8e vlemma pou mu erixnes kai me magnhtize, ka8e xamogelo pu me ekane na pagwnw, ka8e aggigma pou me ekane na ksexnw to pou vriskomai. Sagapaw. Mhn to ksexaseis.
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Xwrisame me Mia kopela h opoia nomiza pws htan h kaluterh sxesh mou so far alla twra mathainw pws mou eixe pei para polla psemata Kai den mporw na vgalw apto kefali mou to gegonos auto , any advice :/ Epishs exw plhgwthei tromera alla an gurnouse tha phgaina ksana xwris deuterh skepsh
ΚΑΛΗΣΠΕΡΑ ΚΑΛΗΣΠ��ΡΑ ΚΑΤΑΡΧΑΣ. Θεωρω πως σε μια σχεση ενα απο τα βασικα στοιχεια (για μενα έστω) ειναι η ειλικρίνεια, γιατι να εισαι με ενα ατομο το οποιο ειναι υποκριτής/ια απέναντι σου αντι με καποιο αληθινό και υπέροχο ατομο; δεν αξιζει θαρρώ ματακια μου άστο να παει και ας ηταν ομορφο αυτό που ζήσατε δεν αξιζει προχωρα παρακατω..
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