#me is yearning frems
nkogneatho · 5 months
a yearning moodboard
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vesperthine · 6 years
day 1 - comments, part i of iii
there’s no better feeling than seeing that you’ve got a new comment in your inbox. no matter the length, it never fails to put a grateful, humble smile on my face. i’m so grateful for and impressed by all you readers who tirelessly comment and encourage us writers; making sure that we feel our work is appreciated and important enough that we’ll keep writing. 
a special shoutout to @arindwell @juliandem @aimitis, @tuuleloe​ @modestytreehouse and hopetoseeyouagain @ ao3  for almost always leaving heartfelt and honest comments on my fics, no matter what. then, all the love to @tristealven and @irazor for the beta work they’ve done for me, and still always leaving comments on the finished work (something i sometimes forget to do...). thank you, darlings ♡♡
these are just a few of the comments that have really stayed with me, but to each and every one who’s left a comment or a kudos on any of my fics: you're so appreciated, and i can’t thank you enough. as a writer i know it takes effort to comment, so i treasure every one i get ♡
fic: take you to where the sun shines [...]
@uannsett: [...] a really unique writing style here, one that fits even perfectly. i love how you use it, and i love the atmosphere it creates, and i love it when something reminds you of all the things you can do with words
@junkshop-disco: You've really captured the tension in the aftermath of violence, that it's not as easy as tending to someone's physical wounds, it's a whole emotional roller coaster for both of you.
fic: will it wash out in the water (or is it always in the blood) / och det sprider sig som blod i vatten
@friedaechte: [...] dette IKKE er mørkt. Tvert imot, egentlig, det er jo en positiv fremtidsvisjon av Isak og Even, i all sin realisme. [...] Jeg liker veldig godt at Isak får tre frem som sin egen person, med sine egne problemer og sine egne vanskelige tanker.
@ Peer: Denne skulle jeg så veldig ønske du får lyst til å skrive videre på. Din skriving inspirerer meg.
@eiqhties: In fact I found this fic beautifully poignant, and very true to real life. Honestly, your characterisation of both Even and Isak was so wonderful here! It really felt as though they were real, and breathing, and you were picking the thoughts right from their heads.
@whatexactlyismylife: It’s such an intricate and quite complicated topic imo but you deliver it so well and I can find great comfort in knowing that people share my sentiment about children like you do.
@vanqoh  - i'm not the biggest fan of angst, but i love it when it's used effectively = this is a great example of effective angst writing because it felt balanced, and my heart was aching
fic: som i ett isolerat system / in an isolated system 
@ hopetoseeyouagain: Jeg synes alltid din måte å framstille Isak og Even på, hvordan de er med hverandre (bare nydelige) men også det de strever med oppe i hodene sine, er svært troverdig. Og parentesene dine gir en helt egen stemning - hold fast ved dem!
@tristealven​: Å, så fint sagt! Älskar allt du skriver, vet bara inte hur jag ska uttrycka mig själv när min hjärna är en röra av svenska och norska (och finska och engelska). Men <3
@champagneleftie​: Jag blir helt golvad av det du skriver, varje gång. [...] Du klarar det där konststycket att få det väldigt specifika och personliga till att bli universellt, vilket är en av mina favoritaspekter av Skam överhuvudtaget - det här är så mycket Isaks berättelse, så specifik för honom och det läge han är i och hans förhållande, och samtidigt så är det världens igenkänning. 
@skamskada:  Slengkommentarer i garderoben som man kan forvente men som vi ikke ser i canon og Isak som strever så mye med det her at det ikke går, så vakkert bygd opp med parantesene og alt, hele strukturen og hele reisen Isak gjør i tankene sine. Jeg har fått ny favorittfic. Uansett fandom. (i will never be over this comment, immy ♡)
@juliandem: I really, really loved how you wrote Eskild here. It’s perfection.
@ inflammatorywit21:  You really created a space between two people that feels so private and intimate that I almost feel like I’m intruding just by reading this.
@tuuleloe​: You conveyed stunningly how difficult (also how easy and natural other times) is mental and physical intimacy. Unable to forget insecurities, inner reflections, outside world, how easy to feel shame. With your lover, loved one, friend. And how rewarding it is for Isak to understand his desires, himself and being able to yearn, want, share and talk about it. With Even.
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