#me in the kitchen cooking and going like HELLO MR SHORE I LOVE YOU MR SHORE
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sindar-princeling · 24 days ago
was listening to a radio station with classical music and movie soundtracks and they NOT ONLY played concerning hobbits BUT ALSO had a short message before like "Hello this is Howard Shore wishing you a good day, you're listening to XYZ Station" so my day is fucking MADE
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wasteitonserendipity · 5 years ago
Gummies (Part Two)
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(A/N: hello lovelies! It’s finally done! After months of writers block I have finally finished the part two! I hope you all enjoy it and as always feedback is always welcome (please be nice, I’m smol and fragile))
Genre: fluff and more angst that I originally intended (I’m sorry!)
Paring: Jungkook x reader
Word Count: 2.7K
“You’re sure you have everything?” Jisoo asked as she helped you buckle in Ji Ah’s booster seat. 
“Yes, I’m fairly certain I have everything,” you replied, doing a quick mental checklist. 
Car seat? Check. 
Sunscreen? Check. 
Allergy medication, just in case? Check. 
Games to play in the car? Check. 
Snacks? Check. 
You and Jungkook had been dating for a few months now and he insisted that it was time for a vacation, not only for you but for Ji Ah as well. He even offered up his family’s house on the beach in an attempt to get you to say yes. Which of course, you did. A whole three days of sun, sand and him shirtless? That was a HELL yes. 
“Are you sure you don’t need your live in babysitter to come with,” Jisoo started, “ya know, if you and the man want some time alone?”
“Jisoo,” you laughed, patting her on the shoulder, “we get plenty of alone time here. Remember I told you I owed you a night to yourself and a giant bottle of wine? Well, now you get three nights and there are three bottles of your favorite in the fridge.”
Her eyes went wide at the sound of that 
“You bought me three bottles?!” She shrieked with joy, hugging you. 
“Yes, I did,” you chuckled, squeezing her back, “you do so much for Ji Ah and I, I feel like even that isn’t enough to repay you. Maybe you can call Seokjin to come help you polish off those bottles?”
You wiggled your eyebrows at her. You could see the sparks between her and Jungkook’s roommate the first time they met. They bonded over their love of cooking and horrible, horrible dad jokes and you were convinced It had to have been fate. 
“I doubt he’s available,” she sighed, “but doesn’t hurt to ask right?” 
“Exactly,” you grinned with a wink. 
You made your way back into the apartment where Jungkook was entertaining Ji Ah by playing Mario Kart. Neither of them had noticed you come in, you leaned against the doorway watching them fondly. Ji Ah was sat in Jungkook’s lap, his large frame shielding hers as they battled. 
In the few months that you’d been together, Jungkook spent a lot of time at your place. He told you that he felt it was important to establish a good relationship with Ji Ah so that she always felt stable. You appreciated the fact that he was willing to be in her life that much but there was always that twinge of hesitation when it came to her getting so attached to him. You knew he wanted to be around for the “long haul��, whatever that meant, but it was always in the back of your mind that there was a real possibility of him not being around someday. 
“Oppa! You cheated!” Ji Ah’s cry bringing you out of your thought bubble. 
You laughed when you saw the toddlers face scrunched up in the same bunny fashion as your boyfriends. 
“I did not!” Jungkook laughed, “that’s what the blue shell is for!” 
Ji Ah continued to pout until Jungkook lifted her out of his lap and up over his head, her squeals filling the room. 
“Oppa, put me down!” She giggled, her arms and legs flailing. 
“Not until you smile!” He said in an animated voice and he swung her around. 
“I am, I am!” She laughed, “see??” 
She smiled her adorable “I can get whatever I want” smile at him and he brought her down, resting her on his hip. You could see the fondness in his eyes as he gave her a squeeze before putting her down. 
“You still cheated though,” Ji Ah said with a shit eating grin before finally seeing you. 
“Unnie!” She squealed, jumping into your embrace, “are we going now?” 
“Yes, little one, we’re going now,” you smiled, “Jisoo Unnie is gonna get you into the car, go find her, she’s in the kitchen.” 
With loud “okay!” she darted out of the room, leaving you and Jungkook alone. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head. 
“I didn’t cheat, just saying,” he pouted into your hair. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you chuckled, rolling your eyes, “that’s what the blue ones for.”
“It is! It’s not my- anyways,” he sputtered as you snaked your arms around his neck, “is the car all ready to go?” 
You laughed and nodded before giving him a quick peck. 
“Let’s get this show on the road!” he exclaimed before making a quick exit.
You sat on the banks of the beach watching as Ji Ah and Jungkook splashed around in the shallow water, looking as happy as can be. As much as you loved the water, you felt like spectating today, perfectly content with sitting under the big umbrella you’d brought with. You went back and forth between having your nose in the newest ebook you downloaded and fondly watching the two most important people in your life have an absolute ball. 
On the ride over Jungkook made you promise that you’d loosen up a little bit, just relax and have fun for the long weekend and that everything was already taken care of. His parents knew that you’d be there over the  weekend so they made sure that the house was fully stocked with everything you three could possibly need down to the exact popsicles that Ji Ah loved. You kept insisting on paying them back for everything they’d bought but he shook his head with a small smile and simply brushed it off.
“Unnie!” Ji Ah yelled from the water’s edge, “it’s your turn, come play!” 
You set down your tablet, grabbed your sun hat and made your way to the water. You stopped about three feet in front of them, noticing the mischievous looks on their faces. 
“Don’t you-“ you started before a screaming Ji Ah And Jungkook were changing at you full force. 
You turned on your heels and tried to make your way back up the beach, but your legs were no match for your boyfriends long ones. Before you knew it you were being thrown over his shoulder, your baby sister maniacally giggling and clapping her hands as you were being toted towards the water. 
“Jeon Jungkook, I swear if you throw me in I will end you!” You half shrieked half laughed. 
“I’d love to see you try, babe,” he said haughtily before smacking your ass and flinging you into the water. 
The bright side was that the water was a comfortable temperature due to the summer heat. The downside was that you now had to drown your boyfriend. 
When you surfaced you sprang up like some kind of crazed dolphin, latching on to his torso and began your tickle assault. 
“Hey!” He laughed between gasps, “that’s-not-fair!” 
“Then surrender traitor!” You bellowed as Ji Ah continued to giggle hysterically. 
“Okay! Okay! I surrender!” Jungkook chuckled as he brought you around so that you were in front of him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, looking at you so fondly that it made your heart swell. 
“Don’t kiss!” Ji Ah whined looking up at you. 
You sighed and giggled before covering her eyes to steal one quick kiss. 
To yours, and Jungkook's surprise, his parents made an appearance around mid afternoon. They said they were back in town for the night and wanted to have dinner with you guys, his dad bribing you both with the promise of good red wine and steak. Hard to say no to that. 
As Jungkook and his father manned the grill and had their guy time, you were busy in the kitchen with his mother, Ji Ah sitting at the counter alternating between watching you cook and coloring. 
“So, ——,” his mother chimed as you both sliced up veggies for the salad, “Jungkookie has told us so much about you. He said you’re studying psychology?” 
“I am,” you smile, “my emphasis is in child psych.”
“You want to be a therapist?” She asked warmly. 
“I do,” you sighed and nodded, “after everything that happened with our parents, I saw the good therapy can do for kids in less than ideal situations, even kids as young as Ji Ah. I want to be able to help as many of them as possible.”
“That’s a very honorable thing to want to pursue,” she said with a soft smile, “I’m glad Jungkookie has found someone with the same kind of drive and passion as him. And to have that while taking care of a little one as well? You’re a remarkable person, ____”
“Thank you,” you bowed your head as you continued cooking, “to be honest, the last few months have been easier thanks to Jungkook. I was suprised that he didn’t run for his life when I told him about our situation. Ji Ah absolutely adores him, too.”
“I know the feeling is mutual,” his mother said with a smile, “he’s very fond of you both. And I’m glad that you got to spend this time together before he leaves.”
“I’m sorry,” your motions stop altogether, “before he leaves?”
She looked at you with concern now, like she’d let something slip that she wasn’t supposed to. 
“Oh,” she said quietly, “I think I’ve said too much. He should really be the one to tell you, dear.”
You’d managed to push the conversation you had with Mrs. Jeon into the back of your mind through dinner and after dinner drinks but now that his parents were gone and Ji Ah was passed out on the couch hugging her favorite plushie, now seemed like the right time.
You found him sitting on the swing on the back porch that overlooked the ocean, seemingly deep in thought. 
“You look like you could use this,” you chuckled, handing him a glass of wine.
“Thanks, jagi,” he nodded as he took it from you.
You sat down next to him, his arm falling into the comfortable position behind you like it always did. The silence around you was both comforting and deafening at the same time. 
“When do you leave?” you finally asked, avoiding the reaction on his face.
“Who-,” he began.
“Your mom let it slip while we were cooking,” you sighed, taking a sip of your wine, “she didn’t tell me what kind of leaving but she mentioned it.”
“I’m sorry,” he said with a heavy sigh, “I should’ve told you sooner,”
You stared out into the dark night, the sound of waves hitting the shore being the only sign of life. You were unbelievably calm for some reason and that scared you and Jungkook equally.
“When?” you asked again, steadying your breathing.
“A few weeks after graduation,” he said quietly, “it seemed like the right time honestly, that way when I get out I still have the rest of my twenties to be with you guys. This way it’s a little less traumatic for Ji Ah too.”
When I get out. 
You knew what that meant. 
He was enlisting. Two years mandatory military service. 
He took your hand as you fought back tears. It wasn’t that he was enlisting, everyone male you knew over a certain age did and everyone came back in one piece. It was that he didn’t tell you. It almost felt as if you were being abandoned again.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you asked, still not looking at him.
“Babe,” he said, lifting your chin with a finger so that you were now looking into his big eyes, “you have so much on your plate already, I didn’t want to burden you with something that really isn’t a big deal. We still have months before I have to leave. We still have Ji Ah’s birthday, graduation, and then a few weeks after graduation. I was actually planning on telling you this weekend, I just wanted us to have some amazing memories under our belst before we had to tackle serious stuff.”
You nodded silently. You knew that he was right. This was something that was already written into everyone’s story and if anything you two would come out on the other end stronger than you were before. You sat in silence with your head on his shoulder for a little bit longer, taking in and remembering all of the amazing moments you two had shared since meeting. 
“There’s something else,” he said, reaching into his pocket.
Your eyes went wide.
“Jeon Jungkook,” you said hurriedly, “don’t you fucking dare,” 
“Calm down,” he chuckled, “it’s not what you think, sort of.”
He pulled out a simple ring with a single pink pearl in the middle of the band and held it out in front of you. 
“It’s not an engagement ring,” he said upfront, “it’s more like a promise ring.” 
You sighed in relief, “oh, thank god. I don’t think I could process anymore insanity tonight.” 
You took the ring from his hand and slipped it on your right ring finger.
“It’s a promise that when I get back that we’ll be together,” he smiled that bunny smile, “I’m not saying we get married right when I get out but more that we get to start our adult life together.”
“That sounds like a plan to me,” you smiled, kissing him lightly.
“Plus, you know I’d have to ask Ji Ah for permission first anyways,” he laughed.
You laughed along with him. 
For the first time in a long time your future wasn’t exactly clear, but you were okay with that. You knew that as long as it was with Jungkook that everything would be okay. 
“Ji Ah we gotta go!” you yelled up the stairs. 
You looked at yourself in the hallway mirror one more time, smoothing down your dress.
In the two years since Jungkook had been gone you’d managed to find an amazing job working as a family therapist, bought a house with an adorable backyard in a great neighborhood and Ji Ah was now enrolled in the first grade. She was a smart little one but you knew that she was bound to be a handful soon with how mature she was for her age. 
“Coming, Unnie!” she called from her room. You could hear her little feet pattering around her room. You knew she was putting the finishing touches on the surprise welcome home sign she’d made for Jungkook. 
Today was the day you’d both been waiting for, for 730 days and counting. 
Jungkook was finally coming home.
You’d been able to video chat with him a few times and visit the base when he was there over the past few years, but the fact that he was coming home and staying hit differently. You knew how he’d aged during his service but he always seemed to keep that bunny smile and happy go lucky attitude about him, which made your heart swell. 
After another ten minutes of corralling Ji Ah into the car and an hour and a half drive you’d finally made it to the military base. For some reason you were nervous, turning the pearl ring on your finger as you waited with the rest of the families. Ji Ah was buzzing as she held her “welcome home” sign next to you. 
And then you finally saw him. He was carrying his rucksack and dressed in his fatigues, his hair shorter of course and his jaw somehow looked more angular than before. As soon as he saw you both it appeared, that bunny smile you loved so much and you could feel the tears threatening to leave your eyes. As soon as he was within ten feet of you Ji Ah launched herself into his arms in a mess of giggles and i miss you kisses. 
You smiled widely watching them like no time had passed at all. Once he put Ji Ah down his arms were wrapped around you they way you’d been dreaming about every single night. 
“I’ve missed you so much love,” he said into your hair.
“You have no idea,” you sighed looking up at him.
(tags! @jeonsweetpea, @personawife, @everygay6, @gashinabts, @strawbxxymilk, @yoonsgiggle, @jeon-shi)
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fire-emblem-drabbles · 6 years ago
hhhhhh,,,, fluffy centaur Quan x summoner pls and thank u. Maybe he teaches them not to be afraid of horses?
I actually thought about writing this like, all day yesterday, so catch me finally getting to this!!! The real mood is thinking about writing but never doing it hahah. me reading this: oh fluffy?? I’ll… I’ll get there. 
In other words, as of putting this in my queue, I’m free form the grasp of this fic and hopefully, halfway through November, I can add something to the “November Mastlist” post that has sat in my drafts. 
You couldn’t see yourself without an animal by your side;  you adored dogs and cats or birds and fish, honestly, most animals warmed your heart. You had even met a few mythical creatures in your time, there was a sweet river nymph who lived very close to your property, and you had once nursed a wisp when it was weak during the winter months. Yes, you adored all animals; alas, horses terrified you.
There was an incident from when you were a child that you hated to recall; you had traveled to town with your mother to pick up some things from the market, and your curious little nature brought you up to a caravan horse. The man had warned you that his horse was a feisty one, but you were young and stupid and must have done something to upset it-your memory got fuzzy around here- because I next moment you could recall was having the wind knocked out of you and feeling tears fall down your face.
The horse had bucked, and hit you square in the chest; you broke 3 of your lower ribs and sported an ugly purple bruise. You then had to be bedridden for a few weeks while they healed. And while you were older now, you still had some hesitance towards the creatures. You would like to get to know one but your fear held you back.
Today was a normal day, though you chest ached at the old memory. You were going to collect fruit at the fringes of your property, and you had your basket already. It was a short walk over, but the day was peaceful and the sun was welcoming. It wasn’t long before you got to your cherry trees, but before you could begin picking them, you froze. Was… was that a horse, somehow lost amongst your trees?
The horse moved, and to your absolute horror, your met eyes with a person. Well, obviously not a person, a centaur. You would have screamed, but really you were too shocked to even speak. Weren’t centaurs nomadic? What was one even doing near here?
“Hello? I-is someone there?” he moved towards you, and you got view of the gash along his side. “I fear I can’t see well...” He stepped closer to you, and you stumbled back. He was obviously injured, but still, fear paralyzed you. “Please, I… I need help...”
“I-I,” Somehow you found your voice. Despite how scared you were, you knew he needed help. You had the proper training, if you could get him back to your house you could treat him but… getting back to your home would be the hardest part. “I’m, I’m here.” You stepped more into his view, and his hazy eyes focused on you. “Can you, I mean… oh...” You took a deep breath. “I can help you but you have to come back to my house. Do you think you can make it that far?” You stared pointedly at the ground as you spoke, unable to meet his gaze or look at his bleeding side.
“If you err, lead the way, I should be able to make it...” He moved closer, holding his hand out to you. “Please...” You started at his outstretched hand. You took a deep breath, and clasped your hand with his, and began leading the way; if you didn’t think about it, you could make yourself believe you were leading another human away. But the pit in your stomach would not leave, and the way your house came much too soon. You always wondered why the doors were so tall, and why the ceiling was so high, perhaps this was it. Once inside your cabin-esqe home, he collapsed to the floor in a panting mess.
“O-okay, try to stay awake, I’ll um, get my things.” You moved quickly to your kitchen, relieved when he let out a little groan to tell you he was still with you. You were glad to have wood floors for once, you didn’t want to think about getting blood out of carpet.
“It’s… getting a little harder to stay awake...” His voice was faint but cut through the otherwise quiet of your home.
“You have to stay with me, okay?” Once finding what you need, you took a deep breath and returned to him. “I’m right here with you so… there’s nothing to fear.” Swallowing your own fear, you sat near to him with shaking hands and pounding heart; this was no time to panic, though, you merely had to focus on what your job was now. Once you had this wound cleaned and stitched, you could hide in your room while he slept to regain his energy. After that, who knows but for now you had a job to do.
How could one person… centaur… person… well, how could he sleep so long? As soon as you were done with his wound, you took a long bath and hid in your room but you felt bad that he was just alone curled up on your floor… so you made sure he was leaning against the couch and had a few pillows, a blanket even. You always tiptoed around him when you had to be inside, though you tried your best to stay outside. It wasn’t until the night of the third day he stirred, waking slowly to the smell of slow cooking stew.
“Hello?” His voice was quiet and thick with sleep. Slow hands came to rub at tired brown eyes, and push back wild bangs from his eyes. “Uh, is anyone there? Where am I?”
“You’re in my house.” Your voice came as a quick quip from somewhere in front of him, he had to wait for his eyes to focus. Finally, across the room he could see you before a warm stove, stirring something that smelt delicious.
“Ah, I thought I saw a fairy but I figured it was just my dreams.” A warm chuckle left him, and as he removed the blankets from himself he saw that his side was properly cleaned and bandaged. “Were you the one to heal me, little fairy?” You didn’t like how casual he sounded, how playful he seemed to be, when you were still on edge.
“Yes, that was me.” You didn’t mean to make your replies scarce, it really just happened. You didn’t know what to say to him without telling him how your heart was beating erratically. He seemed to pick up on this, despite still being a little tired, and hummed.
“Could I get my fairy’s name, then? I’m Quan.” He offered you a smile and stood to his full height, stretching his human limbs as he did so.
“Please don’t call me fairy… my name is um, _____.” You said softly, unwilling to look at him.  “Dinner won’t be ready until a little while longer, so why don’t you bathe? I err, don’t think my bathroom could fit you, but if you leave the house and head west a bit, you’ll find a river.” You just wanted him out for a bit so you could collect your thoughts.
“Oh, um, alright?” Quan laughed a little. “I’ll take you up on that offer, then.” He was just about to leave before you spoke again.
“Oh but, um, make sure you ask Lorelei first, okay? She doesn’t like people barging into her water without asking.”
“Lorelei?” he asked, glancing over to you.
“She’s a water nymph who makes the river around my property her home.” Was all you said. Quan nodded, opening the door and leaving your home after that. Perhaps this Lorelei could tell him why you were acting so strange around him. Quan knew you had to be kind; it's not every day a stranger takes you in, stitches your wounds, and offers to feed you. Still, you refused to meet his gaze, and hardly had a reply for him. Perhaps you were just shy? But it felt like so much more than that…
It wasn’t long before Quan found his way to the river, as you said he would, but he didn’t see anyone there, nymph or otherwise. So tentatively, he called out “Um, Lorelei?” It was silent a moment, and Quan felt silly for having called out when no one was there, but mischievous laughter filled his ears soon enough.
“Oo are you the one _____ brought back?” Quan looked to the other shore, and there a woman with short hair sat, eyeing him up and down. “I see, no wonder she sounded so scared...” Lorelei, he assumed, spoke under her breath and nodded to herself, smirking then. “What can I do for you, handsome?” She sat up fully, grinning all the while.
“Uh, Quan. Call me Quan.” Lorelei nodded, though he felt she wouldn’t call him by name. “_____ said I could bathe here. That is if I asked. So may I?” Quan asked, smile on his face. Lorelei smiled a little wider.
“Why do I feel that’s not all?” Her voice was sing-song, and she giggled after. “What else did you want to ask Mr. Centaur?” Lorelei winked, and Quan wondered how she could read him so easily, but perhaps it was simply written all over his face.
“____… they… for whatever reason, they seem standoffish with me.” Quan frowned a little. Did he say or do something to hurt you before he fell unconscious?
“Oh, that? It’s nothing you did, poor dear can’t help it.” Lorelei tutted softly, shaking her head. “When they were young, they got into a terrible accident with a horse that ended up hurting them a lot. They’ve been scared of horses ever since, so that could be why they’re wary of you love.” She smiled, sending a wink his way as well. “But you didn’t hear that from me, okay? You have a nice wash, dear, I’ll try not to stare too much.” And as quick as she came, Lorelei was gone. Quan was left to ponder how he should go about speaking with you now; as well as look warily over his shoulder for any peeping nymphs.
Soon enough, you were finished making the stew. You hadn’t cleared your head much, but you had come to the conclusion that you shouldn’t be mean to Quan just because you were scared of him. You didn’t want to come off as rude, but you were debating telling him why you acted in such a way… You absentmindedly filled two bowls and cut some bread to eat as well. Just as you were wondering where Quan was, a knock came at the door.
“C-come in!” You kept your back to him, after all, you still had bread to cut. You didn’t want to eat the whole loaf this evening but if you kept ignoring him too pointedly it would all end up cut.
“Lorelei was… not what I expected.” You chanced a glance at Quan, who was still a little wet from the river's water. Water stuck to his hair and face and he wasn’t wearing the clothing he was before; he probably washed that too, but you quickly turned back to the food. You didn’t want to acknowledge the blush on your face.
“She… yeah, that happens.” You shook your head, stifling a laugh that would be far too awkward. “Dinner is ready, I’m sure your starving.” You picked up a bowl for him, and two pieces of bread and carefully walked over to him. “I guess the table is too small for you so...” You trailed off, but Quan happily took the offered treats. “That’s no problem at all.” He smiled down at you but you couldn’t meet his gaze and were quick to retreat from him and grab your own food. You were tempted to sit at the table facing away from him, but again you didn’t want to be rude. So you sat at the table, and Quan stood, and the two of you ate in an awkward silence that you weren’t sure how to end. You mostly picked at your food, but you noticed how hungry Quan was; it was kinda cute though, he was still trying his best to be polite in your presence.
You stared down at your food, picking at the meat and playing with the broth. You rested your hand under your chin, and your elbow on the table. Before you could help it, a large sigh left you; one that caught Quan’s attention from his food (you noted he was nearly done anyway) and left him staring wide-eyed at you.
“Is… everything alright?” His words were soft, hesitant as you were. You stared at him a moment; in his haste to eat, he made a bit of a mess, and a bit of broth trailed down his bare chest. You looked away but somehow found it in you to reply.
“It’s… not you, as much as you may feel it is.” You looked to him again, this time searching his eyes. “I just… well...” Another sigh left you, and you closed your eyes a moment.
“You don’t need to say another word; Lorelei told me.” You opened your eyes now, lips set in a pout.
“That little jerk...” You muttered shaking your head. “She just can’t keep her mouth shut, huh?” You would have sighed again, but decided against it. “So I… guess now you know, huh?” You looked away again, even though you could feel your heated gaze on you.
“Don’t worry, I understand completely. It’s natural to feel some fear and hesitance after an experience like that.” You could hear the smile in his voice, and you disliked admitting how comforting he really sounded. “I don’t know what I can do, but I’m willing to help in any way I can.”
“Well… It’s been odd having you around, but I admit I...” You shook your head. “What am I saying….”
“No, go on. Tell me.”
“It’s going to sound stupid...”
“I doubt that sincerely, _____. I want to hear what you have to say.”
“It’s just… It’s been nice having you here? Even when you were, well, you know, just sleeping… It helped me a lot seeing you so peaceful. N-not like I watched you sleep or whatever, you were just, you know, in the middle of my living room so like...” Quan’s laughter met your ears, and you finally looked back to him. He was grinning wide with a look of mirth.
“I don’t think I’ve heard you say that much to me in our brief time together.” You blinked a moment as he still laughed, and thought about it. Perhaps that was the most you said to him-- and was it really so hard?
“I… guess so...” You smiled a little yourself, shaking your head. “Well… your stitches still need another week before I can take them out.” You said.
“During that week?” Quan asked, finished with his food now.
“Well… it’s going to sound silly but… maybe you could, well, you know… help me be… like, not so afraid of horses? And centaurs too, I guess...” You looked up to him with wide, hopeful eyes.
“It would be my honor, _____.” His smile was so charming, for a moment you lost yourself in it; perhaps the next week would be great, and you would get over your fears. Looking into his eyes, you could believe that.
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cocoa-dragon · 6 years ago
Hello, thank you for tasting all that I’ve made here. I hope you will follow along as I begin a new flavor of stories, called Breadcrumbs. Follow Breadcrumbs for the bites of fiction, that will lead to be immersed in worlds, you may or may not recognize. Here’s the first nibble.
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Gala didn’t want to shatter the still, crisp morning. Above her, plump chickadees weaved in and out of the bare branches, the only birds left this time of year. She squinted at them, through the pale sunlight and wondered how they never seemed to hit the bells her mother had strung through the trees. Gala hadn’t yet mastered the finer points of harmony and grace when flying, and the bells clanked wildly each time brushed against the branches, or more frequently, crashed. With a sigh, Gala hefted her broomstick over her shoulder and began making her way over to the clearing, where she attempted to fly each morning.
Her broomstick was already nearly indistinguishable from her mother’s. Within three months, it’s battered straw and worn handles seemed tired¹. But the problem of flight didn’t lie with the broomstick, no matter how much Gala wanted it to be. Theoretically, any witch could fly with anything that resembled a broom, even a vacuum cleaner would do in a pinch. Walking down the path to the river, the wood chips crunching damply underfoot, she wondered how this day would be different from the last and how it would be different from the next. Maybe today she would finally find out what it was like to touch a cloud. Her mother would never tell her (and Gala was secretly glad she didn’t). She closed her eyes and listened. A faint chiming of bells, the dry rustling of dead leaves, whispers of the birds kissing the sky. Maybe today.
“Gala, dear, come here. You’re back just in time.” Gala’s mother called from the kitchen. The air was filled with the warm, floral scent of her mother whirling dough and butter into a waltz. Gala inhaled deeply and smiled. She loved it when her mother baked, if only to see the look of pride on her face. Gala sometimes wished she could be wrapped in dough and be made into something sweet just so her mother could look at her that way. She had always imagined herself as a pavlova heaped with wild berries or maybe a cake bursting with passion fruit curd. Wild, tart, unruly, a touch of sweetness.
“Back in time for what?”
“Can you please let out the chickens? Make sure they stay in the yard,” her mother continued as if she hadn’t heard Gala. “I don’t know how Helga flew over the fence last night so make sure you give them a stern warning today.” The chickens occasionally gained powers of flight and went off clucking into the woods. After a night or two, the taste of freedom would get old and they would come back to the coop, jaded and with a balding plumage to show for it. But these days, Gala and her mother couldn’t afford to lose even a day’s worth of eggs especially with the first frost coming.
“Aren’t you going to ask me how my morning was?” Gala pouted.
“Oh I already know,” her mother said. “And by the racket you made, the whole of St. Clair Shores knows how your morning was.”
“You don’t have to be so mean.”
“Oh, but I’m not.” She doesn’t look up as she dusts off her hands, the flour silently clouding the sunlight streaming into the kitchen, and Gala was glad she doesn’t have to see the disappointment in her eyes. “It’s just the truth, dear. Did you remember to straighten your back? Loosen your grip? Perhaps, not have your head in the clouds?” She picked up a knife and began deftly reducing an apple into juicy, fragrant slices. “It’s like— ”
“I know, it’s just like riding a bike,” Gala interrupted, frustrated by her mother’s lack of pleasure in flight. People took for granted what came easily. Gala always wondered if she would have valued flying as much as she did if she was actually good at it.
“Exactly, they’re practically the same thing. You need to stop romanticizing it. Now, hurry along. I want to get this in the oven before noon so we can start cleaning the house.”
“Why?” Gala asked. “What are you baking?” She could usually tell who was coming to visit by what her mother was making. Gala knew that a loaf of lemon poppyseed bread meant Aunt Shirley and her sailboat were in town. She would bring Gala racing through the freezing waves of Lake Michigan, calling swarms of glittering fish to the surface and once, a whale who asked them what water was. Gala knew that a bittersweet chocolate tart brought Aunt Simone and her marvelous top hat to town. She would always let Gala press a carrot into her hat, the black material shimmering as it transported the vegetable into the rabbit realm. She loved nothing more than pressing her cheek to the felt, and listening for the rabbit council’s deliberation on what to do with such a gift. But Gala couldn’t remember the last time her mother had made something with apples, let alone who it brought to the ivy-draped gate of their house.
“A galette,” her mother replies as she massages the slices of glistening fruit with flour, sugar, and spices. “Your grandmother is coming.”
“Amara, this is absolutely exquisite,” Gala’s grandmother said while bringing another forkful of tender apples and buttery pastry to her lips. “You must send me the recipe. It’s just the thing to cure Mrs. Compton’s broken heart.” Gala stole a glance at her mother, who was trying hard not to grin but it just made her look more worried than serious. Maybe she was more concerned than she was letting on. Gala’s grandmother was impossible to read, changing from doting to bitter to indifferent so quickly, that Gala glances at her mother every few seconds, trying to gauge a reaction.
“I will,” her mother said, dipping her head graciously. “Baking is so cathartic,” she went on quietly. “I’ve made this so many times, that each time I pull it from the oven, I feel like I’m ten years old again, picking apples at that cider mill in Charlevoix.” Gala stared hard at her mother. It’s a strange feeling to catch your mother in a lie. Her mother hadn’t baked an apple galette in the seventeen years Gala had been alive.
“Ah, I know what that’s like,” her grandmother said. “Like a memory that gets better each time you remember.” Gala had a feeling they weren’t talking about baking anymore.
“You do?” her mother asked, the surprise in her voice cracking her veneer of indifference. Then, catching herself, “I mean, you never— ”
“Don’t sound surprised, darling. Making the elixirs draws from much of the same energy as cooking. Both are creation, giving nature the substance to sustain life. But of course, you wouldn’t really know the sensation.” Her grandmother doesn’t even need to smirk to make her point. Just as Gala struggles with flight, her mother can only make the most basic of elixirs, curing only common colds. Each family of witches held a gift, which were fickle things, sometimes skipping generations or becoming something entirely novel. Gala’s family had a way with medicines, mostly dealing with the likes of heartaches and heartburns, but before marrying among humans, they were able to cure death and heal the soul. However, there were a few things every witch was supposed to be capable of, like flight. Gala had always thought that seeing her mother taste some small fraction of not being enough would make her feel more whole. Instead, she wanted to wrap her arms around her mother and, for once, be the one to tell her it was going to be okay.
“Now, Gala from what I hear, barely has any gifts. Let alone the old ones.” Something in Gala pulled taut, but she still couldn’t bring herself to meet her grandmother’s eyes. All her anger that had been so palpable a moment before now left her limbs filled with nothing. She couldn’t bring herself to fork another bite of crumble.
“Mrs. Compton’s grand-daughter can grow apple trees. The fruit isn’t golden or give you everlasting life or anything cute like that. But still, I can’t remember a witch within the last century who could bring a twenty-foot tree from the ground within the hour.” Gala wondered how her grandmother knew the properties of those apples unless she had tasted them herself. She probably had.
“There’s another one from South Manitou as well. You two got along well as children until—if my memory serves me correctly—you pushed her out of a tree.”
“Kara didn’t break anything,” Gala replied shortly.
“Well, maybe it fixed something. Although you fall out of enough trees these days so everything should be fixed by now.” Her grandmother raised her eyebrows pointedly. Gala kept her face straight, not wanting to give her grandmother an ounce of satisfaction. “Anyways, Kara sleeps in the fireplace these days. Not a single piece of her gets crispy. Though that girl would have been in a pickle back in the sixteenth century.”
“Mother,” Gala’s mother said quietly. “Don’t you think that’s enough?”
“Not at all.” She patted a napkin to her mouth, refolding it neatly. “Gala needs to know what she’s up against. People still have the old gifts, and we know she probably won’t get New York or San Francisco, but there’s still a chance for Monterey or maybe even Portland if she can manage a few elixirs. Though at the rate she is right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up in the middle of the Virginian woods.”
“It’s still far away. Maybe this is not the right time—” Gala’s mother said gently.
“I do know how to fly,” Gala said with a smile spreading across her face. The apples in her stomach simmered into something hungry. “Let me show you what I can do.”
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duketheman · 5 years ago
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“The Newport Story”
Shreveport Louisiana
December 15, 2009
~Tragedy Strikes~
Standing over the only woman I've ever loved, looking down at her seemingly asleep & lying in a Casket; I can't help but to be angry at God! My Son, John Ross (JR) is without his mother & I my wife. I'm doing all I can to hold it together for him!
It happened suddenly! She had headaches, but never once complained. She would take a couple Tylenol, smile & say: There, that's better! Until one day, she was giving JR a bath & passed out on the Bathroom floor. I took her to the Emergency room, they called Dr Rivera; her personal Physician. X Rays revealed the unimaginable. He entered the room & gave us the bad news: The diagnoses showed she had a Tumor! I almost died when I heard that word, to make it worse; it was inoperable by that time! She had just weeks to live..... She went to sleep one night & just didn't wake up! My Julia was gone! I took her home to Madison County for burial in our Family plot. Her parents made the trip with me... Julia's Father, The Rev James Ray Marcantel officiated. He had great strength, I don't know how he managed. My parents, Sister & Brothers were there & did all they could to comfort me! My parents offered to take JR for a while, but I explained: I needed him with me!
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Key Largo
Christmas Day, 2011
I wake up to my son jumping on me yelling in excitement: JR's calling me:~Daddy, come on Daddy, Santa came! Wake up Daddy, hurry up!~ I think to myself: Seven years of joy! I reply: ~Okay Buddy, I'm coming!~ I get up, go in the Living room & pull his gifts from under the tree. It's been two years since I buried his Mother & I still mourn her. Christmas was always her favorite time of year & she loved decorating the tree. Our ornament hangs on this one, two Christmas Dolphin with the words (Harry Loves Julia); bringing back so many memories! Suddenly, the Doorbell rings & JR says: ~Daddy, Daddy, it's Miss Covington~
(Mary Covington, JR's Teacher) He's quite taken with her! I open the door, she Greets me: ~Hello Mr Newport & Merry Christmas, I've brought my favorite student a present, If that's alright?~
I answer: ~Merry Christmas to you too & of course it's alright, Thank you! Come in please~ She gives JR an Easel, a packet of art paper & Chalk! She Notes: ~He's very talented!~ ~I say Thank you!~ She explains: ~I enjoy working with John Ross very much. He's quite a child, you're doing a fine job with him!~ I remark: Thanks! She seemed a little shy...
She asks: ~Mr Newport, I hope you don't think me too forward but; I'd like to invite you & John Ross to Christmas Dinner at my home tonight, please accept?~ She catches me off guard: I reply: ~We'd be delighted Miss Covington, thank you!~ She smiles at me: & replies ~Okay, I'll expect you at 6:00pm, here's my address!~ She turns, walks towards the door & pauses, turns & says: And please, call me Mary? I respond: ~6:00pm, we'll be there; Thank you Mary!~ As she walks to her car, I stand at the door thinking what an amazing woman! I watch her get into her car & leave. I close the door. For the first time in a couple years, I'm looking forward to going out!
I tell JR: We're going to eat dinner with Miss Covington tonight JR reacts: ~Yeaaaa! Daddy, you know what Daddy? I love Miss Covington, she's my favorite Teacher; Daddy, I'm hungry!~ I think to myself: Me too & I can use a cup of coffee! I cook scrambled eggs with Cheese & Bacon bits, Toast & pour my Son a glass of milk! Julia use to cook it all the time & besides; it's JR's favorite! We eat, dress & spend some quality Daddy Son time together! It's Christmas Day & there's a Carousel in the park. I take him to the to ride it. We get home by 1:00pm! I put him down for a nap. I haven't been able to get Miss Covington out of my mind! She's quite a looker. I think to myself: It's been a while, Damn it's been a good while! I've been hesitant to date, I guess I've felt guilty. I miss Julia, I miss holding her in my arms; she was my heart & soul! But maybe it's time! She always said: ~Harry, if something was to happen to me; I want you to find someone! I know you love me! Please Harry?, I don't want you to be alone!~ Julia was the best thing that ever happened to me! I get my Son dressed in his Sunday's best. I dress & we head for Miss Covington's house. She lives about 20 minutes from us near the Overseas Hwy. We arrive at 6:00pm sharp & knock on the door. She opens the door & says: ~Right on time, & how handsome you are today!~ I respond: ~Thank you! She corrects me: ~I was talking to John Ross! She winks & smiles at me: JR says: ~Yes Mam, just like my Daddy.~ She smiles at me again & says: ~I see, very handsome indeed.~
JR asks: ~Miss Covington, I sure hope you have pie, I love pie!~ -She answers: ~Just for you~ JR reacts: ~Yeaaaa!~ He runs into the house. She smiles at me: & says: ~I hope you're hungry!~ I answer: ~I'm starving!~ Her smile reminds me ofJulia. She has dark green eyes & long black hair. Slender & quite beautiful. We go into the Living room & she offers me a mixed drink. I accept & we toast a Merry Christmas to all! We go into the Dining room & sit down at the table: I observe: ~Wow, this is quite a spread!~ She Notes: ~It's Christmas & my favorite time of year!~ Again I'm reminded of Julia: She adds: Mr Newport, would you say Grace?~ I do, we eat & have a wonderful time. After dinner, I help her clear the table & do dishes. When finished, we notice JR falls asleep on the couch & she covers him. We sit & talk, for hours: She asks: Mr (I interrupt) & asks: ~Please, call me Harry?~ She continues: ~Harry, what happened to your wife? I've never talked to anyone about her but this time I do: I explain- ~Julia passed two years ago. She had a Brain Tumor! She just went to sleep one day & never woke up! I haven't been happy, really happy except for my Son; since she passed!~
She asks: ~Let's have a drink?~ We crack a bottle, sit & talk for hours: I mention: ~It's late, I should get JR home.~ she says: ~Harry, thank you for coming. I had a good time. Be careful?~ She kisses me on the cheek:. I respond: ~We will, & thank you for dinner! It's been some time since I've had a meal like that.~ She smiles & closes the door slowly. I see her watching us through the window & I think to myself: I'm going to ask her out! We get home & I put JR to bed. I lay in mine, not able to sleep. I can't get her out of my mind!
It's Monday morning & JR's sitter arrives. I have a tour around the Islands today! A week left of Vacation for JR! I kiss my Son Goodbye, leave instructions with the sitter & off to the Boat! I arrive at the Dock where the "Willow's" tied. The Cunningham party is already waiting. We board my boat & push off. We get back to shore at 6:30pm. Mr Cunningham pays me & thanks me for a great day. I give him my card & say ~My pleasure Sir!~ They leave & I secure the "Willow"! I call Mary & say: ~Mary, this is Harry; I'd like to ask you out for tomorrow evening?~ -She replies: ~I' d really like to go out with you Harry, so Yes!~ I'm thinking Dinner & Dancing afterwards?~ She answers: ~That sounds wonderful Harry!~ I Note: ~I'll pick you up at 8:00pm if that's okay?~ She replies ~Of course Harry, I'll be ready!~ We hang up & I go home. JR is playing on the kitchen floor & the sitter is doing dishes. After she finishes I pay her & say: ~Thank you Nancy!~ She says: ~My pleasure Mr Newport, he's such a good kid!~ She leaves, I bathe JR & put him to bed. I shower, have a glass of wine & I go to bed. I sleep like a Baby..... I wake in the morning to the doorbell. It's the sitter, She says: Good morning Mr Newport~ I say: ~Good morning Nancy! I overslept but luckily my tour doesn't start until 9:30am.~ I wash up, shave & brush my teeth. I kiss my Son goodbye & head for the Boat! An older couple by the name of Jacobs had hired the "Willow" to tour the Reefs. We get back to shore by 5:00pm.They pay me twice what I asked & mention they know my parents: I say Really?~ He says: ~Yes, & you're a spitting image of Charlie. I use to work with him at the Firm in 72. You have a great day now, you hear & say Hi to your Dad for me?~ I reply~ Yes sir, I will. Thank you Sir!~ I get home at 6:30pm, pay Nancy & let her go home! Joshua's Mother called & asked if JR could spend the night with her Son. I said yes! I shower & dress. By the time I drop JR off at Joshua's, pick up an Orchid (multi colored) for her; it's time to head to Mary's! I arrive at 7:55pm, knock & she opens the door. I'm looking at an Angel,! She's quite lovely. Wearing a Golden gown w/silver designs, her long silky black hair is hanging naturally. It sets her beautiful green eyes off as if to glow! All I can do is stair: She says: ~Hi, Earth to Harry, hello!~ I say ~Oh I'm sorry, you're just so Beautiful.~ She smiles at me! -Mary- ~You're looking pretty good yourself She says: Mighty handsome if I say so!~ I say: (I Stutter...) ~Oh, oh, thanks; I, I've made reservations at the "Sundowners" Great food! This is for you!~ I pull out a box holding the Orchid: She remarks~ Oh Harry, it's so Beautiful, thank you!~ I pin the Orchid to her gown! I've not felt this nervous in years. I think maybe I'm falling for her. We get in my Beamer & drive to the restaurant! 8:25pm We arrive at the restaurant. I hand the Valet my keys & I tip him! We go inside & are seated directly. We have drinks & order from the menu & she says: ~This is a nice place Harry, I don't know where to begin, what do you suggest?~ I say: ~I like the Shrimp & Mahi w/Lemongrass sauce!~ She says~Sounds delicious Harry, that's just what I'll have! We sit & talk a while enjoying Caribbean music in the background. After eating, I take her to "The Brass Monkey & we have a great time. We dance to almost every Set. I don't want it to end.. We close the place down & on the way back to her house we stop at Denny's to get some Breakfast & she says: Denny's has the best breakfast! I say: I Agree, I'm partial to the Grand Slam. Me too Harry! Harry, thanks for being such a good guy, not many of them out there.~ When she looks at me, my heart flutters. I feel nervous but a good nervous. We sit & talk until sunrise! I take her home & open the door. She looks at me with those dark green eyes & as if in a Hypnotic state, I take her in my arms & kiss her. She kisses me back, drunkening me with pleasure from within her lips! She takes my hand & leeds me through the door, kicking it shut; & into her room! She smiles at me & says: ~Harry, I never want this night to end!~ My heart is beating like a drum. I undress her as if a Doctor examining his patient & lay her down gently. I Kiss her then disrobe! I brush her hair back from her face & ask: ~Are you sure?~ She answers: ~I'm sure Harry, I want you!~ We embrace & kiss passionately, working ourselves into a frenzy. I break & begin to fondle her breast as I kiss her ear & whisper sweet words of endearment! She becomes more excited! I move down her neck gently nibbling. She begins to breathe heavily as I taste her breast.They're firm, perky & pear shaped with nipples that drive me crazy! I squeeze her breast & place the nipple in my mouth & suck as if a baby drinking milk. I simultaneously slip my other hand between her legs & playfully caress what lies within. She's moaning & breathing as if she's been running a marathon... I move from one breast to the other, kissing her areolas; further exciting her! I begin to explore her length, tonguing & nibbling as I taste her every essence, marking every curve, evey zone, & every jerk she makes.The closer I get to what's hiding between those beautiful thighs, the harder & more shallow her breathing becomes... I reach the nest hiding the fruit of passion & waste no time tasting it. I slip my tongue inside & out of her as she arches & recovers several times over. It's sweet & I crave the nectar flowing within. I take the fruit between my lips, massage & tease it with my tongue. I suck on it with vigour. She's quivering, almost uncontrollably. Finally, as if a volcano erupting, she spews her nectar of ecstasy.... She's jumping out of her skin, yet her body begs for more. I lap up every drop as if an animal drinking from a pond. She screams with pleasure & I'm aroused beyond possibility. I begin to slowly climb back up her beauty, kissing & checking every erogenous zone, assuring her pleasure doesn't expire. I reach the point of my journey's beginning, I kiss her & look into her beautiful green eyes & say: ~I'm in love with you.~ She answers: ~I know Harry, now lay back!!!~ She runs her fingers up & down my Body's skin, tingling & giving me goosebumps, arousing me more than I can barely sustain. She begins kissing me from my head to my toes & everywhere between. I feel her grab my throbbing, hungry Rod & stroke it, caressing it with her lips. Like a lollipop, she licks it up & down, I can hardly hold it back! She squeezes the sack, slowing the inevitable & I'm going crazy. She slips it into her mouth & strokes it at the same time. Just before climax, she stops; again squeezing the sack & stopping the flow. She straddles me, slips me inside & rides me to climax as she reaches hers again! She bends forward, kisses me: & says: ~Now there Harry, I love you too!~ We make love throughout the night until exhausted, kiss & fall asleep. When I wake I'm aroused by her presence! I think to myself, Damn, I'm sure glad I'm taking the day off! We make love one more time, get up, shower together & dress. She's fixing me waffles, bacon & eggs with Blueberry syrup. Orange juice & coffee. It's delicious, this girl can cook: I mention: ~I have to work Tomorrow! Also; I'm taking JR to Madison County to see his Grandparents. I'd like you to accompany us? We'll fly down tomorrow night, you can meet my parents & we'll make a Weekend out of it!~ She asks: ~Harry, you want me to meet your parents?, I'd love to Harry!~ I say: ~Great!~ I help her with dishes, after & say: ~I have to go. I've got to pick JR up from his friend's house~ She answers: ~Okay Harry, I understand. Go get John Ross~ I sayr: ~I love you & I'll see you tomorrow, kiss her goodbye & say: ~I'll pick you up at 6:00pm!~ She replies: ~Okay Harry, I'll be ready. I love you Harry. Call Me tonight?~ I answer: Sure thing Love!~ I leave, pick JR. up & we stop at Baskin Robbins for ice cream on the way home! We get home at 4:00pm & watch TV for a while. I fix us something to eat, pack a couple bags. By the time I finish, it's time for J.R.'s bath. I bathe him, put him down for bed. He says his prayers: ~Now I lay me down to sleep & says: Nite Nite Daddy, I love you.~ I say: ~Goodnight Son, I love you too!~
Nancy's here & I have a Boat Tour at 8:00am!
I get to the Boat & my clients are waiting for me. They board, I push off & they have a great tour! We get back to shore at 2:45pm. They hand me a check & I hand them my card. I secure the "Willow" & head home to clean up & retrieve my Son: He asks: Daddy, where we going?~ I reply: ~Well Son, Miss Covington & I are getting Married!~ He asks: ~You love Miss Covington Daddy? Is she going to be my Mommy?~ I reply: ~Yes, I love Miss Covington. Is that Okay with you?~ He says: ~Sure Daddy, I love her a whole lot, but Daddy, where we going?~ -I reply: ~We're going to see Miss Covington's Mommy & Daddy!~ He reacts: Yea! I load our bags in the Beamer & we're off!
We arrive. at Mary's, knock & she opens the door. She's wearing a beige skirt & black blouse. She's Gorgeous: She remarks: ~Hey handsome!~ I reply: ~Hey!~ She corrects me: ~I was talking to John Ross!~ She smiles & winks at me: He says: ~Hi Miss Covington, you going with us?~ She replies: Sure am John Ross!~ He reacts: Yea! ~She says ~I love you too John Ross!~ I load her bags & off to the airport. We board the plane for Valdosta Regional at 7:30pm & arrive at 10:00pm. My Father's waiting for us. JR sees him right off. He loves Grandpa & happy to see him. My Father opens his arms & JR runs right to him, Hugs Grandpa, pulls on his beard & giggles! He looks to Mary: ~Young lady, my name is Charles, Harold's Father!~ She replies: ~Happy to meet you Sir, I'm Mary!~ He says: ~Delightful & turns to me & says: ~Son, good to see you, Mother's waiting!~ We get to the Mansion at 11:00pm & Mary remarks: ~How Beautiful a home Harry~ I say: ~It is, isn't it? Much to large for me though!~ We enter the Mansion & JR spots Grandma & reacts: Grandmaaa! He runs & gives her a hug & says: ~I love you Grandma!~ She says: ~I love you John Ross!~
She turns her attention to us, kisses me: & says: ~This must be Mary, She's lovely Harold! How do you do Mary? I’m Harold's Mother!~
She replies: ~Happy to meet you Mam! & curtsies: Mother turns to me & remarks: ~Harold, I miss you Son! Your rooms are
ready!~ She instructs Huntington (The Butler), to take our bags upstairs & remarks: ~I know you're tired, so let us all sleep on it & have a fresh start in the morning? Goodnight John Ross!, it's off to bed with you!~ We walk upstairs to our room, step inside: & I say: Mary, I love you & I'm so happy you joined me!~
She replies: ~I love you more!~ We're tired from the trip, we go to bed; kiss & fall asleep in each other's arms.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
John Ross's 8th Birthday
We awake to a knock on the door. It's:
Huntington announcing: ~Breakfast is served Sir!~ We get ready & go downstairs for breakfast. Mother & Father are seated at each end of the table: Mother greets us: ~Good morning you two, Sleep well?~ We reply: ~Yes, Good morning: ~ Father's busy with JR but gets a Good morning in: We say: ~Good morning Father! he replies: Good morning you two!~ I add: Father, Mr Jacobs sends his regards!~
He remarks: ~Paul Jacobs? I haven't seen Paul in years, we worked at the Firm together!~
We're seated at the center of the table.The menu's: Waffles w/ flax & almond butter, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, Cheese, Orange juice & Fruit salad: Mary remarks: ~This is all so elegant! Thank you so much for having me Mam!~ Mother remarks: ~We're quite glad to have you Dear~ Father adds: ~Yes, quite glad indeed.~ Mother asks: ~How is my little man doing in School Son?~ I remark: ~Very well Mother, infact; Mary's his Teacher!~
She remarks: ~Really, a Teacher?~ I reply: ~Yes Mother~ She asks ~Mary, How are you getting along Dear?~ She replies: ~Fine Mam, thank you~ Mother says: ~We hope to see a lot of you Dear! ~ She replies: ~Yes, Thank you Mam!~ Mother remarks: ~No need to be so formal Dear, just call me Mom if you please? After all, you're part of the family now!~ She says: ~Thank you so much Mom!~ We finish eating & retire to the Drawing room. We're served Coffee. We talk a bit longer. Mother takes me aside & says ~What's your Plans Son, how've you been?~ I reply: ~Good Mother, since Mary came into my life!~ She replies~ Are you going to Marry her?~ I reply: ~I haven't asked yet, but it's on my mind~ She says ~Wonderful, I like her, & John Ross seems to adore her~ I reply: ~Yes Mother, he loves her very much, we both do!~ She replies: ~Excellent! Now let us make ready for a Celebration of my Little Man's Birthday!~ My Sister Jaime, her husband & my two brothers fly in to celebrate JR.'s Birthday & the New Year. My Mother has planned quite a party for JR. We're expecting at least 30 children & their parents. We set up a tent on the grounds to shelter refreshments.The entertainers & Circus animals are arriving & my Father is directing. Mother's ordered a Band to play through the day! Their finishing up the stage & the Band's setting up! It's 11:00am & the guests are beginning to arrive. Monther, my Siblings, Mary, & I are greeting them. My Father's decided that he'll Supervise! The festivities begin at exactly 12:30pm & the Birthday Boy's riding a Pony: I tell: ~Hey JR! &wave. He looks my way & yells: ~Look Daddy, I'm riding a Horsey, Yahoooo, Yeaaaa!~ He's having a such a good time. 
2:00pm, a bell rings! Huntington announces: ~Refreshments are served~ Everyone heads for the Tent where a very large Birthday Cake, with JR's image on it & very large candles. JR stands in front as the candles are lit. My Father signals the Band to play Happy Birthday & we sing. He makes a wish & blows out the candles & Mary asks: ~Whatcha wish for John Ross?~ He replies: ~It's a secret!~ Mother asks: ~Mary, would you cut a piece of cake & give the first piece to John Ross? She cuts a corner piece off and gives it to him & winks! Mother remarks: ~God, that boy's growing fast.~ -I remark: ~It seems just like yesterday, I was holding him in my arms~ Huntington serves the children cake, then the rest of the guests. The cake's gone in a flash! JR begins to open his more than one hundred gifts. He's as happy as I've ever seen & that makes me happy! It's 5:30pm & the party ends! The guests depart & the extra help Mother hired are cleaning the grounds as we go in the house.
Huntington announces: ~Dinner is served~ We eat & afterwards retire to the   Drawing room. Huntington serves us each a Glass of Louis XIII Cognac & Father proposes a toast: ~To John Ross, Happy Birthday!~ Mother adds: ~Here Here, Who's staying up with me to see the New Year in?~ We raise our glasses & reply all at once: I am!... Mother remarks: ~Fabulous, I've got Fireworks for tonight!~ She's hired a crew to set off Fireworks for the arrival of the New Year..... My Father calls me aside & says: ~Son, I have something for you!~ He pulls out a box & hands it to me: ~It was your Grandmother's.~ I open the box & it's her Wedding rings: I reply react: ~Father, I'm so Honored!~
He explains: ~You've been through alot Son & she'd want you to have them. Now, Marry that girl & live a happy life. I'm proud of & love you very much!~ I reply: ~Father, I love you!~ We embrace, hugging each other: He says: ~Now, let's join the the rest of the family~ I slip the rings into my pocket for safe keeping & we join the family! We congregate & talk old times & about my Grandparents. At 11:40pm, we go outside to the Court yard & be seated. At 11:59pm we begin a countdown to Ignition! 12:00am exactly, a display of Firewood worthy of Royalty paints the skies..... JR.'s eyes lights up with excitement as does Mary's. She has the prettiest smile & her green eyes melt my soul. Yes, I so want to spend the rest of my life with her! I find myself in prayer, asking God to forgive my anger towards Him. I ask Him to give me strength to raise my Son. As we retire for the night!: I announce: ~We'll be attending Church with you in the morning Mother!~ She smiles & replies: ~I am so happy to hear that Harold, we'll be departing at 8:00am sharp!~ I respond: ~Yes Mother, we'll be ready~
Sunday, January 1, 2012
We all load up in the Limo & George (The Chofer) drives us to "The Madison First Baptist Church".
My Mother proudly in lead, we enter the Church. The Pastor (Rev. Johnson) greets us by shaking our hands. We're seated by the Ushers & Church begins. It's a fine service & I feel right about being here. Church is over & George drives us back to the Mansion. Tomorrow's a School day & both Mary & myself have to work! We pack our bags, for the trip home.
We thank my parents for everything. My Mother kisses me on the cheek & pleaded: ~Take care of yourself Harold, I love you very much Son!~
I react: ~I love you too Mother!~ She turns to Mary, opens her arms & motions her for a hug Goodbye.They hug: & says: ~I expect to see you again soon my Dear.~ Mary replies: ~Yes Mom, for sure you will!~ Father loads our bags into the car & drives us to the Airport! I hug my Father goodbye say: ~See you Father!~ He replies: ~I love you Son, remember what we talked about?~ I reply: ~I will Father! ~ He picks JR up & hugs him goodbye says: ~I love you Little Man!~ -JR replies: ~I love you too Grandpa!~ We board the plane at 1:45pm for our 2 1/2 hour flight home....
We arrive at Miami International at 4:00pm. I pick up my Beamer, load our bags & arrive in Key Largo by 5:15pm. We stop at Mary's first. I take her bags inside, hold her in my arms & say: ~Darling I love you.~ She responds: ~I love you more.~ I say: ~I'll see you tomorrow, I have to get JR home & ready for School!~ she replies: ~I know Harry, I have to get ready too. Harry, thank you for being you! I enjoyed my Weekend. Be safe going home?~ We kiss again & I leave. I get JR. home by 6:30pm. I prepare some Macaroni & Cheese. He likes that. I bathe & put him to bed for the night. I have a drink & I too bed down for the night. I have a dream of Julia & she's standing at my bedside smiling. She gives me her blessings to be with Mary & vanishes...... I wake Monday morning with such a calm feeling! I've made up my mind, Friday; I am going to ask her to Marry me.....
I call Mary & make a date for 6:00pm, Friday: She she says: ~Sounds good, I can't wait
Harry!~ I add: ~Neither can I Darling, see you tomorrow!~
Friday, January 6
The Proposal
I arrive at her house at 6:00pm sharp. Knock & she opens the door. She's wearing a Red dress, Black Heels & hair hanging naturally down her back. I've always loved long black hair. Her ears are graced with green topaz earrings. She's looking beautiful.
She greets me & says: ~Hello Harry!~ I react: ~Hello Darling, you're quite beautiful tonight!~
She replies: ~Thank you Harry, & you're very handsome!~ I take her in my arms & say: ~You know how much I love you Mary?~ She replies: ~Yes Harry, I really do!~ I kiss her & we get in the Beamer. I've made reservations at the "Sol By The Sea". It's romantic & the food is excellent!
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We arrive at the restaurant. I hand my keys to the Valet & tip him. We enter the restaurant & are seated directly & I order the best Champagne in the house (Don Perignon). The waiter pours the a glass each & I drop to one knee & propose: ~My Darling, never did I think I would love again. You changed that! You gave me your heart & I relinquished mine to you. Now I ask your hand in Marriage?~ I pull my Grandmother's rings out & slip the engagement ring on her finger. She stands up & just stares at me. I begin to doubt myself. But all of a sudden, she takes a deep breath & takes my face in her palms & accepts: ~Yes, 'O yes! I love you Harry & I want to be your Wife! Harry, these rings look like Heirlooms.~ I explain: ~Yes my Darling, they were my Grandmother's.~
She promised: ~'O Harry, they're so Beautiful, I swear I'll keep them safe on my finger.~ I reply: ~I know my Darling, I love you!~ We order dinner, (Mahi-Mahi, House jerk, Napa slaw, White wine & Vanilla-Coconut Crema w/Charred pineapple relish) It was a meal fit for the occasion! After dinner we want to be alone & go straight home to Mary's to be by ourselves. I stay the night! The next morning I call my parents & give them the news! They were happy for us. My Mother insists we have our wedding at the Mansion. After all; it's become a tradition. I call Mary & explain my Mother's wish. She replies: ~Yes Harry, I agree with them wholeheartedly. I think it would be beautiful. Besides, I love your Parents. My parents could fly down to attend & meet yours, & asks: ~Harry, can we take a trip to Raleigh, so you can meet my parents?~ I observe: ~Yes, of course we can my Darling! Besides, I want to officially ask your Father for your hand.~ She breaks out in a huge smile: -Mary- ~'O Harry, how did I ever find such a fine Man? I love you Harry, I love you so much!~ We make plans to visit her parents next week. I make reservations for Friday afternoon, for a flight to Raleigh.
Duke Sherman
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