#me going open a to g2 to d2 to open d over and over like ha ha yaayyyy music!!
subsequentibis · 3 months
GREAT news about hey mr dj i thought we had a deal is that the notes sound good and are fun to play even if you're just pecking them out with no sense of rhythm or clue where to put your fingers or how to consistently strum a note
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emetofiend2dand3d · 7 years
Not-doing-too-good emeto sentence starters A-J
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Choose up to 3! Send me a pairing + who's sick & who's caring 
A. Good old basics: 
A1. "Are you okay? You look pale." 
A2. "Can you make it to the toilet?" 
A3. "Did that sound come from your stomach?" 
A4. "I think I'm going to be sick." 
 A5. "I'm suddenly not feeling so hot." 
A6. "I think I need the toilet." 
 B. Drunker than they should be: 
B1. "I think you've had enough." 
B2. "You should sit down before you fall over." 
B3. "Just how many drinks have you had?" 
B4. "I'm not that drunk." 
B5. "Is the room spinning or is that just me?" 
B6. "I'm not some lightweight!" 
C. Over did it a little: 
C1. "Maybe you should take it easy." 
C2. "Why do you always insist on acting tough?" 
C3. "You seem kind of out of it do you want to sit down?" 
C4. "I didn't think it was anything to worry about." 
C5. "It's happened before and I've always been fine." 
C6. "I guess I should have taken better care of myself..." 
 D. Our favorite gluttons: 
D1. "You're going to make yourself sick if you eat that much." 
D2. "There's no way you can eat all that." 
D3. "That's your last one, then I'm cutting you off." 
 D4. "Are you going to finish that?" 
D5. "Maybe I should have stopped after that last one..." 
D6. "I ate way too much." 
E. Poor thing got hurt: 
E1. "You fell pretty hard, you should sit down." 
E2. "You look like you're about to pass out." 
E3. "You should see a nurse. You might have a concussion." 
E4. "I feel a bit light headed." 
E5. "I'm fine really I just need a moment." 
E6. "It's starting to hurt a bit more now..." 
F. I thought that tasted funny: 
F1. "You're really going to eat that...?" 
F2. "I told you you should have cooked it longer." 
F3. "Next time, I'm picking the restaurant." 
 F4. "That's the last time I buy food from a place with wheels." 
F5. "Maybe the meat in my food was bad or something..." 
F6. "And I don't even like seafood!" 
G. Stop the car: 
G1. "Do you need to pull over?"  
G2. "It's okay if you want to open a window." 
G3. "Are you sure you want to go on the ride again?" 
G4. "Can we pull over at the next stop?" 
G5. "Could you try to drive a bit more smoothly...?" 
G6. "I don't get car sick so I'm sure I won't get sick on a ride." 
H. Fluff fluff and more fluff: 
H1. "Would it help if I rubbed your stomach?" 
H2. "Lay your head on my lap." 
H3. "Everything will be fine I promise." 
H4. "I've got a stomach ache... can you make it better?" 
H5. "I just want to lay in bed until it goes away." 
H6. "Can you turn off the light...? It's too bright." 
*A little more hardcore: 
I. Call 911: 
I1. "Why didn't you tell me you were this sick?" 
I2. "That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital." 
I3. "If you can't keep this down I won't have any choice but to get help." 
 I4. "I can't stop throwing up." 
I5. "My stomach is killing me." 
I6. "I think something's really wrong." 
J. You can't eat that: J1. "Those are poisonous!" J2. "Which cabinet did you find that in?" 
J3. "Drink this, it will make you throw up." 
J4. "I think I took too many." 
J5. "My throat feels funny..." 
J6. "I thought the red ones were safe." 
Curtesy of Emetofiend2Dand3D
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