#me everytime i draw them : ☺️
erabu-san · 7 months
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langostasockloss · 4 months
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i can’t finish these 💔😞 perhaps one day
i think its still neat so its ok ☺️☺️☺️ sunseed your au’s are food to me 💖💖💖💖💖
Also im calling them mice circus. Everytime i read @sunseed-fandump ‘s fanfiction I put the coraline soundtrack on my phone and just put that stuff in replay for hours… Mice circus and trap for the mice were my main inspos for these two drawings ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
i was gonna do another one for wiz but the piece is currently in its ugly phase sooo maybe i’ll post it later 😁
woaahh u can change text colors cool
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desb3ar · 7 months
ok this was originally gonna be an anon post but i decided to STOP BEING A PUSSY!!!!
your art of miggle is sooo osooooo osooooo sososoo coool..... i love the way you draw him so big but he also just looks sosososo soft and gentle!!!!! i saw the horror art and thats what really made me want to write this because ur ability to absolutely make him turn a 180 is awesome........ i remember seeing that art of him as a weighted blanket and tbh it really spoke to me because i'm autistic and ykw i want a big muscley bf (miguel) to lay on me and be my weighted blanket!!!!!!!!
and your nonviolent communication fanart is sooo good.... granted spoilers for me cus i haven't finished it yet (school unfortunately) but greensagephase must be elated everytime they see u post because i think you're bestowing a writer's greatest honor to have their fic have fanart!
AAAAAAND NOT TO MENTION U ARE A WRITER URSELF AND THATS AWESOME TOO i read all of your works and tehy'resoooo!!!! they're soooo!!!!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE MAN it rlly adds depth to mig even if it's soso simple and domestic your talent really shines in both areas!!!!!!!
so... haha..... we are both artists and writers (x reader writers to be specific.... and we both like The Specimen.... whadya say... buddy..... mutuals???? 😊 (THISISSOLONG IM SORRY YOU CAN DELCINE IF YOU WNANA)
im still so stunned i am even capable of turning miguel into this lovable guy. i dont even mean to 😭 i honestly thought i was doing the complete opposite because i wasnt meaning for him to be made out that way, which is funny and somewhat cute. many always say that and im always beside myself when it’s mentioned . him being some sort of weighted blanket, that drawing? one of my favorites ngl. i just might draw some more soft miguel, have them all in one post to relief dashboards of my spam LMFAO
i could go on and on about nonviolent communication. #1 fic of all time. I spent more time than id like to admit reading it, its that good. thats why i draw the things i do, its such an enjoyable read 😭 i gotta draw more of it instead of waiting on the next chapter because theres so many amazing moments i read that i really wanna put on the canvas. green deserves so much fanart for how well-constructed their story is and for the amazingly done writing that makes miguel come to life even more. it’s astounding, green is really the reason i was writing to start with ❤️☺️
on the subject of writing, ive GOT to write more, just need some ideas that isnt too far from how he is in canon (i love him for what ive seen, not because of the fantasies ive hd lmfao). writing takes so much thought and i commend those who take their time to make amazing pieces, i can barely crack 2k words without thinking this is a masterpiece when the talented can make 4k words and its only the mf START. ITS NUTS. but im not here to compare, just paying so much gratitude for authors on tumblr haa im rambling UGH
THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS!! and dont worry, i dont get a lot of long messages in my inbox, its rare, so this means a lot more than you think <333
and amazing on having balls, respect <3
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roseflowerthorns · 24 days
Hi! When and how did you get into witchy/ tarot things? Didn't know that about you and very excited to see more of that side of you!!
Hey there!
This is very long sorry ☺️✌️
So, I had a few abilities through my life that didn't seem normal since I was a child -I've affected lights + electronics whenever my emotions are heightened, blowing light bulbs, stuff stopping working, freezing, etcetera this has continued on throughout my life.
Then predicting when pets would pass from a distinct 'death' smell on my hands before every pet I had passed, days to weeks later, this happened so many times it was undeniable and creeped my mother out no end, this then progressed onto me getting it before actual family members that passed away (even whilst I was living hours away from them) Then this past year I had the same smell I've always got when something happens, but even stronger than I've experienced, to the point it was making me want to vomit. I thought my mum had passed (she's got heart failure) but a few minutes later, I took my dog outside and she got ran over by an electric bike, and the woman came flying off her handle bars.
Iv'e had other things aswell, I read people's energy and have claircognizance when I meet someone, I know things I shouldn't know sometimes, and I have a lot of instances of knowing things instinctually that I shouldn't about people. Reading peoples energy the second I've met them before they've even spoken to me, but I kind of never delved into that side of me, because of my religious upbringing at the time, that made the kind of things I was capable of seem evil/the devil. I came away from the religion years ago now!
Then last year I was just resting my eyes when I saw a vision of a man and woman arguing next to like a hole shape, hard to explain, the womans arm was outstretched and they where having a massive row, and I was like okay.. o_o I scribbled it down, and then I was seeing my sister the week after, told her about it, as I had another vision of me looking down on train tracks moving rapidly beneath my feet. Showed my sister the drawing and she was like omg! That was me and *her partner we where having a really massive argument that close to a canal a few days ago!! (I had drawn the shape of the canal and where they where stood) so I decided to start exploring the spirtual side of things as I wanted to develop the abilities I've had and learn more about them I suppose ^^
My grandmother (passed) Elle, was from Ireland and she had strong divination. The entire family knew about it, becuase she usually had things come to her in dreams everytime she would be accurate, this included things like family accidents, divorces, just a heck ton of stuff tbh. My sister has also got some abilities too (different to mine though, not divination)
I've since taken up tarot as I was just strongly drawn to it all of a sudden, my sister then told me she was a witch and I guess hearing my sister be upfront about it and make it not seem so silly, made me delve into it more myself having the visions made me want to find out more and I just got kind of drawn into the witchy side of things haha. I have done tons of tarot reads now that have all pretty much been accurate at this point some of the stuff I've seen has been very weird.
Before I read I sit and meditate and let whatever come to me and I usually see a mixture of symbolism and actual visions of the people I'm reading for, or people close to them, but every time it ties into the tarot cards that pop out of my deck for that specific person, I never pull them myself and always let the cards jump out.
I've always been drawn to manifestation majorly and energy etc. People who have really hurt me, have always had quite bizzare runs with bad luck from them going into hospital, cars getting totalled, major losses financially, things happening to them that I've been actually shocked by, after they've told me, and at times actually accused me of being a witch or doing something to them energetically haha. Ive also had weird things go on when I was younger with spirtis etcetera, but my mother always convinced me where bad and demons etc.
I've also been developing my abilities that's what I'm currently doing, and have actually picked up distinct feelings from the cards themselves, like my heart sinking, heat, chills, heart skipping, butterflies which has been a weird experience a lot of weird things has happened over the past few months which has made me question so many things ngl haha. Since then I've just been getting into herbs, crystals etc and everything else witchy haha so yeah that's how it's all happened haha ^^
But witnessing my own abilities get stronger my intuition getting stronger in my ability to interpret my visions is very fun and exciting haha and doing tarot and helping people gain clarity makes me happy haha :)
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lunar--eclipse00 · 2 months
hello ! first of all i wanted to say that your art is awasome and you have one if the most eye pleseant artstyles ever 🌸🌸 second of all i wanted to ask what canvas size do you use? it's just that everytime i want to draw a full body it looks so small!
thanks in advance 🌸🌸
Thank you for the nice words, I am very glad that I have something that catches the eye of those who see my art.☺️💜
Regarding the size of the canvas - since I paint in Ibis paint, it is important for me that nothing freeze, so I usually take up to 3500px on either side. But because of this, you can sometimes see pixels, and I really don't like them, so if necessary, I can increase it to 4000px. And so, the advice to anyone is to change the layout of the drawing, or force your inner critic not to scold yourself, because small does not mean bad.
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elitadream · 2 years
Ok so I found your blog yesterday and omg words wouldn’t be able to describe how much joy your art has given me over the last 24 hrs. The way you draw Mario and Peach and the relationship between them is just,, mmmmm so freaking GOOD!! I had to stop myself from squealing too loud so my family didn’t think I was going crazy lol.
The way you do your colouring and shading just makes everything so beautiful (I have to point out your Rosalina, omg she looks like an angel). And now I’m just kinda rambling so I’m gonna stop myself or I most likely would keep going on forever,
Keep up the amazing work, I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!
Omggg, thank you so much!! 😍💗💫
Everytime someone tells me they like my art and my portrayals of these characters, I get ridiculously happy and could draw for hours. There's no better motivation than this! 🥺🥰
Thank you again for the lovely feedback. That made my day! ☺️🍄
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loveregrown · 7 months
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SHU FS2 CAME OUT. He looks balder than ever. I am not surprised nor entirely disappointed at his outfit being nothing to me, though it is a little saddening he’s following the same exact clothing trend he’s had in all his last cards. I like the unbloomed when it’s moving more but I like his little finger on head and his croissants naturally. Ugh, everytime I look at it, I strangely like it more. Why does this happen to me with cards! But also, why do the unbloomeds often eat up the bloomeds…?
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The rose concept was already used on Hiyori you silly goose. Alas, they can share. But neither will be happy about it; he considered burning his shirt simply because Wataru said theirs matched.
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I definitely like the fit more in 3DMV than in live2d, but it seems to often be the case with me so it’s only natural. But it doesn’t Always happen. Perhaps I was simply hating before. Or I am simply conditioning myself to it. The blue accents is very cute I love that shade so much. I like the coloured button-up a loooottttt & the red in the scr is so nice & I just I really like this outfit I do! & I like light colours so despite it being the same as his wedding tour 3⭐️ and his 4⭐️ in the wet Sena scout, it is pleasant nonetheless! It really is not awful, despite thinking he could have something far more unique, it was to be expected from how this round of feature scouts was going, where there seemed to be at most two categories of fashion, if not 3.
One thing I've been hating is the STUPID RANDOM STRIP OF FABRIC THEY KEEP GIVING THE 3DMV OUTFITS WHICH LIKE I GET BECAUSE IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DRAW THE EYES TO THE MOVEMENT OF IT A LOT OF THE OUTFITS SEEM DESIGNED WITH THIS PURPOSE BUT IT JUST LOOKS FUCKING STUPID SOMETIMES. LIKE. TOILET PAPER ROLL TUCKED INTO THEIR CLOTHES OR LIKE A STRANGE CURTAIN FOR THEIR ASS. OR SOMETHING. IT'S NOT RIGHT. But... well I suppose it works here. Especially since the cut of his suit is not at all a novelty but it's okay. But I was reminded of it seeing it in action in his spp... it is just nothing to me. The stupid piece of fabric I mean. it could be removed and I would not miss it. But I Understand It's Purpose therefore I do not despise it I just get find it silly.
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What was the meaning of this. What’s wrong with you? Was there a need for roses on your flat arse. Embroidery on your behind. Though this sort of thing is awesome and cunty when done on like, jeans. And such.
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He has a nice SCR… I like it a lot actually. SCRS aren’t always good & I never Purposefully get SCRS but it’s such a win to me when they are good because then I look at them & I smile. ☺️
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Bwuh… I’m pretty sure Nito’s hair ribbon changes colour in scr to red too… maybe they both do… not okay. They look so, so good next to each other I should just die. I should just die.
It will never have the brilliance his FS1 holds, with it’s interesting silhouette which almost looks like a dress, and really fun boots, and the classic, stupid, gay, yet ever so fun Itsuki Shuu trademark hat on his head! But I am growing fonder of it the more I look at it. At least, everything ASIDE FROM THE BLOOMED. Which I don’t like. On the lower end of FS2s for me regarding bloomed illustration but points for everything else. You win this time despite objectively not being that good. I like the side of Shu it shows too. Even if his face looks stupid.
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I don’t like his FS1 bloomed much specifically when it comes to his silly face & pose, but the outfit makes up for it. Do you notice how this is a pattern. But, either way, many parts of it are so dope, such as the spiral staircase, the dramatic element of the back of his outfit flaring up like that, the paintings on the wall and the chandelier. It’s all very grand. & if anyone deserves and should be expected to be grand, it is him. There’s a lot one can say about it really.
However, I like the lightness of his FS2. The romantic elements such as the shades used, the red roses, his ring. There’s a lot to be enjoyed here.
I haven’t looked at the full illustration for his FS2 yet but I am excited to witness it since often they coax me into liking the card more than when it is cropped/in actual card form. But his face in the bloomed, is stupid and gay. That is all. Otherwise, it’s Perce approved, all things considered. :-) but to be honest. It really does look like something you’d find at a mall. The outfit, I mean.
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
It's the 20th of March, which means that today is Hyunjin's birthday, HOORAY 🥳
Here's the collage I made for him ☺️
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This man has been through many memes, I decided to choose the ones which are the most cute. At least they match with the collage's pattern.
And now have the letter for him.
Talking about Hyunjin means coming back during my first days with Stray Kids. He was the first member who immediately stood out to me and that I immediately recognized in every Stray Kids' photo. The first Tik Tok from them that I watched was made by him (which is absurd, knowing how he hates doing these 🤣). Aaaaaand the first Stray Kids memes that I clearly remember are made by him.
The best scenes from the English Dabate? He screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and "YOUR BEHAVIOR IS SO...UGH!". And what about the entire "EHI SEUNGMIN, you're lying. What is your problem?"? Or when he appeared during that Felix vlog screaming and jumping"EHI FELIX! EHI! EHI! I got the IMPOSTER". Speaking of Felix, I loved the beautiful dynamic Hyunjin made with him. They were the first duo from Stray Kids I immediately loved, mostly thanks to Hyunjin. I related to him so much. I still remember the most recent 2 Kids Room they made together and how he was trying to speak in English all by himself. It's something that I would do too, especially if I want to tell someone how grateful I am for them.
I think you've understood at this point. Hyunjin was my first bias. As the time passed and I got to know the rest of the members tho, he slowly took a step back from the bias line and other members became my biases as the time passes. But I didn't leave him behind tho. I wanted to know more about him and discover new sides of him. Because I'm curious. And also because I firmly believe that you can't completely forget about your "first crushes". Time might pass, you can move on but there are always those moments were nostalgia comes in and you want to remember the past.
And I'm glad that I kept in touch with him because I discovered other wonderful sides of him. For example his passion for drawing. During the pandemic I lost my interest in drawing. I was just mindlessly watching TV series or movies or listening to music. I didn't have any motivation to draw. But seeing Hyunjin posting his drawings made me slowly feel better. Maybe it's his style, which is very delicate and sketchy at the same time, or the drawings' subjects but everytime he posts a drawing my heart flatter. His works have been the first step for me for gaining motivation once again to draw.
And how can I not talk about his romantic side too? Probably you already noticed how he expresses his love through Kkami. The way he talks about him, cares about him and pet him is honestly one of the sweetest ways to show love. And how can I not talk about his songs' lyrics? They represent the purest and kindest love, something that I always search in songs.
My dear Hyunjin, I know that there have been times where you questioned if Stays love you for the way you are and not just for your looks. I can't speak for everyone but I can say that you have a beautiful, colourful soul. You already show this soul every time you perform or draw. And now that you started to write your own songs, you're finally showing us your sweet and romantic side too, which is one of the best sides for me. It's been a while since you became my first bias and I will never thank you enough because if I met Stray Kids in my life it's thanks to you.
My only wish for you is to never stop being yourself. There are many Stays like me around the world who appreciate you in every way and will always support you as the amazing performer and artist you truly are. Don't forget this, never.
Hope you'll celebrate this day happily with the members and your family too ❤️
Happy Birthday, my artist lover 🦙
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ash-arts-a-thing · 1 year
(Putting myself on anon cause I'm a big baby hahaaa)
I gotta tell ya, I FRICKEN LOVE your Zombie Pikmin ideas/art stuff it's always such a delight to see your art of Zombie Olimar pop up on my dash! I've always loved horror/monster aus and ZOMBIES- zombies are always such a fun concept to play around with and you do it incredibly!! I wanna draw fanart of them I am so hooked on it!!!
Anywho- what you're doing is awesome, you're awesome and can't wait to see more of your art, Pikmin or not I am here for it!!! ☺️
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Not me legit tearing up while reading this, like I’m 🥺🥺 thank you, fam!!! That means so much to me, you have no idea I’m so happy you love them!! Horror is something I’m constantly passionate about!! I’m pretty sure I’ve never done anything for my own type of zombie content before, but seeing all the nice comments about it and people like you coming to my ask box and telling me it’s good and specifically asking for it? I cry!! I big cry!!!!
I appreciate you so much and I totally get being nervous, everytime I go to respond to or talk to anybody anybody online I rethink what I’m about to say like 50 times, trust me when I say I totally know how you feel! I have anon on for that exact reason, never feel bad about using it 🥰
Also fam, FAM, you have no IDEA how much I would LOVE IT if you drew fanart of it!!!!! If you do please be sure to tag me if you post it or you can just send it to me directly if you want, either way I’d love to see if you’re comfortable with sharing!!!
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touyaz · 3 years
Would be okay to get some headcanons for pro heroes Kiribaku(Poly relationship with y/n, if possible but separate is okay too ☺️) finding their S/O at home waiting for them in a rather risqué outfit because it’s their anniversary?
pairing bakugou katsuki x fem reader x kirishima eijirou
word count 844
notes YES OMGGGG hello being w them would literally be the dream they'd be amazing partners. Sooo many thoughts abt living w them. I love them so much!!!! Thank you for this 💖💗 this kinda got away from me and turned into a drabble rather than hcs but oh well they deserve it <3
WARNINGS smut, lingerie, sexting, oral (m+f), sex.
Evil never rests and so neither can these pro heroes. As much as they would have loved if even one of them could take the day off, they knew it just wasn't possible with their careers, so they had to settle for powering through the day, pushing through patrol and gritting their teeth every time an incident popped up. You'd ease their suffering a little by sending teasing pictures of yourself throughout the day: an innocent picture of you in bed, a cute little pout on your face as you told them you missed them; a picture of you fresh out of the shower, the foggy mirror blurring what they really wanted to feast their eyes on, your arm wrapped around your chest to taunt them a little further; a recording of you filing through the lingerie and silk robes hanging in your cupboard, asking them which one you should wear for tonight.
They'd make sure they go home to you together, and as soon as they enter the house, they're marching to the bedroom where you're sitting on the bed, a sheer black robe hiding your body from view. Quick greetings are given before they're diving towards you, getting revenge for all the teasing you did to them.
"Ei and I should make ya watch us, instead, huh?" Bakugou scoffs, ripping the cover off you to expose your body to their greedy eyes. "Teasing us all fucking day, how badly did you want this? You've been horny for our dicks the whole day, haven't you? You’re gonna have to beg if you want us to stuff you full — gonna beg for it, babe? Gonna get on your fucking knees for us?"
All the while Kirishima's on his knees between your legs, nibbling his way from your calf up to your thigh where he sucks deep, dark love bites, grazing his sharp teeth over the wet spot that seeps through your fiery red panties. You grab onto his hair as he chuckles against your sex, licking languidly over the crotch of your underwear, meanwhile Bakugou is admiring the rest of your outfit, pulling the bands of your lingerie against your skin, snickering everytime it snaps against your skin, before he ducks down to kiss at the top of your breasts, sucking your hardened nipples through the fabric and gently biting down on them.
"Look at you, baby, already wet for us..." Kirishima groans, running his fingers up and down your covered slit, feeling the way your folds swell with desire. "What do you want, hm? Want my fingers, my mouth? Want Katsu down here, too?"
They're nothing if not determined, and as soon as that leaves Kirishima's mouth, Bakugou's weaseling his way between your legs, too. These big, beefy pro heroes are pushing your legs so far apart they burn, just so they can fit between you, your knees hanging over their broad shoulders as they angle their heads this way and that way just to get a taste of your sweet arousal. Kirishima shreds your panties before they get to work, devouring your cunt with their vicious, greedy mouths, eager to draw out whines and mewls, hungry to bite and suck all over your folds, desperate to have you dripping and drowning them in your liquid lust. They're so in-sync, working in tandem to have you bowing your back; as one nips hickeys all over your thighs, the other slips a finger into your tight hole. You can feel the mess pooling on the sheets beneath you, trickling down your thighs, but they don't care, tongues sliding against one another as they lap at your wet folds, Bakugou spitting on your clit, only for Kirishima to lick that away and wriggle his tongue into your cunt; Kirishima tracing along your slit with his tongue, only for Bakugou to shove two fingers into you, scissoring and stretching your hole so Kirishima's tongue can slide right in between them.
It's so filthy, the way your slick runs rivers down their chins, making their throats shine with your arousal, but they don't care — not when you're gasping and groaning and slurring their names, sobbing for them to make you cum, to go faster, harder, give you more, more, more.
And, of course, they push you over the edge, let you relish the orgasm that racks your body, sending thrills up and down your spine, making your eyes roll back as your vision flashes white.
No matter how tired they are, however, the night is far from over. They go for multiple rounds, pulling you to your knees so you can suck them both off at the same time, alternating between stroking Bakugou's cock and deepthroating Kirishima and vice versa. Only after that will they even think about sticking their cocks in you.
And, as the night goes on, the rounds get progressively softer — harsh bites turn into loving kisses, rough poundings slow to deep thrusts, until eventually you're all tuckered out, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep in each other’s arms to end your anniversary.
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sluttymickey · 3 years
Cute things…
I feel like we talk a lot about the gestures that Mickey does that make Ian 🥰🥺😭.
What does Ian do that make Mickey feel all soft and gooey??
💐 (that’s for you)
For me??🥺 Well, these are for you 🌼🌼🌸🌸🌷🌷🌹🌹🌻🌻---oh wait and also these 🥀🥀🏵️🏵️💮💮🍩🍩💌🍉🍓🎈
Ian: *exists*🧍Mickey: *is all soft and gooey*☺️🥰
But more specifically-
When Ian makes little notes and doodles for him.
“Good Morning, Mick :)” notes that always have a dorky line underneath (Today's was- ‘You're one in a melon ❤️’)
“Drink some fuckin' water 😠❤️” notes on the fridge. And on his bottle. And on the kitchen counter. And yes, Ian borrowed a red sketchpen from Franny just so he could draw that angry face
A craft paper with extremely badly drawn stick figures smiling and holding hands and saying I love you to each other from when he was babysitting Franny.
A “Do you love Ian Gallagher??” note written on a torn piece of paper with the options as yes and yes
When he grabs Mickey's face with both hands when they're kissing and gently caresses his cheeks
When he pulls Mickey's legs into his lap and gives him foot rubs without being told to do so because he knows Mickey loves them
When he buries his face and Mickey's neck and presses soft kisses. Mickey's been made fun of so many times for smelling bad when he was young. But then there was Ian. Who likes how Mickey smells. Who gets comfort from how Mickey smells. And it makes Mickey feel loved
When his sleepy arms search for Mickey when he shifts a bit away from him. And when he instinctively moves forward so he can be closer to Mickey or pulls Mickey back towards him
When he calls him 🥰Mickey🥰. When he calls him husband. When he calls him, “Mr. Gallagher”
When he's affectionate to him in public. Mickey never thought he could have that- his husband putting an arm around his waist and casually leaning in to kiss his cheek or lips in front of people but he does now, and it makes him go ☺️🥰 everytime
When he grabs/kisses his tummy
When he accidentally looks at Ian's notes app and sees lists of all of his favourites, ideas for future gifts and date nights
Post sex Ian. Ian holding him, telling him he's good, tracing soft circles on his stomach, running his hands through his hair.
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scalpelandrose · 3 years
✨🧜🏼‍♂️ Mermaid!Law One Piece AU Concept & Moodboard 🧜🏼‍♂️✨
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-> I have too many WIP & AUs because my imagination won’t give me a rest, but I think I’ll gradually post the moodboards/concepts here to not lose track of them lol 😭😂☺️
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General Outline:
Living in a coastal town meant being close to the oceans, but many people warned not to go too deep in, for there were cases of disappearances. But that didn’t stop me from visiting it everytime, after I met Law. We first met, when I was 9, on a voyage to a neighboring island for vacation with my family. I’ve already explored the ship and played with all that I can, but it was boring that most of the people there were adults. So, on a day people were disembarking to chill on the island, I stayed behind & went to the aft (back) deck on the ship to watch the ocean. Hearing the rhythm of the waves and seeing no one was around, I started to sing as I played with my stuffed plague doctor plush. After awhile, I hear another voice singing with me, and I stop—a little startled. Looking down, there was a gray-eyed boy looking up at me,
“Why’d you stop? You were teaching me so many songs.”
“I didn’t think anyone was here, and why are you down there? Isn’t dangerous to swim close to a ship?”
“Maybe. If you’re a human. *does a flip showing a black-marlin tail*”
And that’s how we spent the day when the ship was docked, singing, playing (he brought a sea cucumber and other things for me to look at), and asking questions about the other’s world.
He followed me back to my town & we’d have secret meetings at a hidden lagoon whenever I went to the beach. Even if he wasn’t there or if I knew I was going to miss a day, we’d leave things for eachother, like human/mermaid toys, drawings, books, etc. but then one day he stopped coming—which broke my heart. But that didn’t stop me from visiting our lagoon and sitting there for some time, hoping that maybe he’ll show up again, though on occasion I’d see a piece of marbled limestone that looks like a mirror, rare shells, or pearls. I eventually made a necklace out of a black pearl that was in a heart shape. One day, I found myself running away from officers who arrested my family for a crime we didn’t commit. I was the only one who got away & there were no boats at port, so my only option was to run to the hidden lagoon. However, it was a gusty & stormy day and consequently, as I was going down a winding path, I was knocked into the ocean. The last thing I felt were strong arms and a tail around me, with a soft sensation against my lips. When I woke up, I was neither dead nor in the same clothes I wore & in an unfamiliar bedroom. I heard a flute melody in the distance that sounded like my childhood song, and surely enough, when I sat up, there was Law sitting at the window, playing his flute.
Eventually, we catch up, addressed unresolved feelings, and I found out I had to kiss him every 2 weeks if I wanted to keep breathing underwater. Throughout our journey, I discover a rich underwater realm with him, work with him to achieve our end goals, and I understood that he stopped visiting bc his family was hunted by harpooners & he feared for my safety if people found out I was friendly with a merperson. We also end up finding a way to make him temporarily human to help me on land too. Of course, at the end, my family’s name is cleared on time and Law is able to come out of exile, overthrow the ruling tyrant in his merkingdom, and avenge his family. Ultimately, I choose to permanently live as a mermaid with him, which is achieved through a certain undersea blessing & ritual, and we live happily ever after with our children 🧜🏻‍♀️❤️🧜🏼‍♂️
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