#me decompressing:
squidinu · 2 months
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the logo here is hand drawn- i know i could make it look a lot sleeker, but i kinda like the scruffy look
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hakusins · 6 months
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cw // partial nudity
romantic bath time
whit the faithful/swap au idea belongs to @just-dol-headshots !
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shallowbelever · 1 year
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Supernatural | 1.10 Asylum
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berryyjello · 2 months
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i also do want to say that after yapping a little with friends i was convinced to switch the oder between Aldorei's secret pt.2 and ROL 5 so now Wynn Mika helping Olon has a lot more impact, because it's his way of trying to pay back Lari for her sacrifice back at the Realm of Light. But after Olon Also starts to go through his own process of dealing with grief it becomes a mutual healing experience (yes mika stays the full 4 days in Efilim) of just having silent moments in each other's company as support for each other :D it also means that when Mika slept outside of Olon's home, it wasn't a mindless nap, he was using the sleep as a way to try and ease the pain in his heart after losing Lari
in other news i miss tasim i haven't seen him in like 60 levels. come home tasim.
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superstarcadet · 4 months
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"The flames persist and so do I." I SOMEHOW FINISHED DAY THREE OF @byler-week BEFORE THE DAY ENDED FOR ME?? Idk how but I did! A couple of my favorite panels of the week are in this set, so I hope you all enjoy it <3 Today's Prompts were: Defeated, Berry, Picking, Purple/Black color scheme Part One || Part Two
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sermna · 4 months
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My cat Nugget (the black kitty) escaped about two weeks ago and was awol for a week before we found him hanging around the shed out back. Took another few days to catch him (eventually resorted to a trap and some tuna lol) but he's home now!! A little skittish and very thirsty, he's currently getting the king's welcome from the other cats :)
My cats are indoor-only, so you can imagine how scared I was for this little soft boy that's only known full food bowls and warm sleeping spots. He seems to have managed pretty well though ☺️
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thyfggfy · 6 months
I had contemplated doing this post for awhile , because quite frankly I wasn't sure what I was trying to accomplish and even now I am not sure what my goal is. I just know that I don't want to scream into the void . I want to be heard.
Some of you might be aware of one of the most recent tw confession blogs . In one of their more recent posts a very interesting discussion occurred.
One of my mutuals pointed out a collection of fics that are labelled as "101 ways to kill Scott McCall". At first I didn't even notice this , because idk. Maybe I just glazed over it , however when more people began interacting with the publication I SAW IT and I just had to check for myself .
One of said fics is called "Kill-a-Character Bingo - Scott McCall" which is a fanfiction of 26 chapters in which Scott is killed in various grotesque and humiliating ways.This is one of the chapters:
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Outside of feeling gross , disillusioned and honestly sick to my stomach , I was also beyond perplexed . It is one thing to dislike a character . To be so annoyed by them that you just want them gone by any means necessary . I can even understand killing them in your own fic as a "treat" . I can't say I am on board with that , but still I can put myself in your shoes...sort of. Writing a fanfiction in which your main focus is a character you loathe , on the other hand, is ...confusing to say the least.
I can already hear some of you saying "It is not like I wrote this" and you are right , but what about the people supporting it .
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115+ people apparently consider this good , entertaining . Gave the "author" their silent encouragement to keep going .
To be fair this fic is from the end of 2023 so the kudos are not that much so let's look at their most recent work with the "Dead Scott McCall" tag -"Compare" which was written at the beginning of February 2024
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Over 100 kudos in the span of 3 months . Not too shabby for ao3.How much is too much ? How much longer can you use the "just a few rotten apples" argument?
If you are wondering how Scott's life ends in this story , one of the readers was more than happy to inform us.
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I am going to avoid name-calling ,okay. I know that realistically not all of you are like this (thank god). I just want to ask. Do you think this is healthy? Do you think that is a fulfilling way for someone to spend their free time? Are you going to be comfortable being near this person and their fans knowing this is one of their "hobbies"? I don't know about you , but I would definitely be keeping my distance.
Again, I have no clue what is the point of this . I don't want you to attack the user . They would most likely just double down on doing what they know best . Maybe some of you would understand why people from my side of the fandom are so willing to accuse you of certain things instead of getting butthurt . Though that is most likely also asking for too much.
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real-odark · 7 months
can u draw mcprice (mckinley x price) (sorry for asking 2 requests im super hyperfixated with TBOM help)
DONT WORRY I TOTALLY GET IT THIS SHOW UAS A HOLD ON ME. currently attempting to see it live this month. BUT OF COURSE theres more backstory to the main drawing so ill put in tags so you can pretend like its not there
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mamaclownhunter · 13 days
Someone might have to pry it from my cold dead hands- to anyone who has fought or knows Shen Quingqui- they see his face in Emperor Luo Binghe.
In my mind- Shen Quingqui was such a big influence on Binghe- that when his is in Emperor mode- when he is in court and wanting to have a mask of untouchable and clever.
The face Shen Quingqui has on his face from the invasion- the face he makes when he knows he is going to win (or going into a plot he knows). A clever little smile, eyes half lidded like a cat lazily watching the mouse, the slight tilt of his head. The look is all knowing without being condescending but it is amused and unfazed. It promises you have the Emperor’s full attention and he is picking apart every word- or he already knows your downfall.
How can he not see and model himself? He has his stern cold look, his charismatic smile, and this one he wears when he makes treaties, addresses court- when he is in strategist mode.
He got that from Shen Quingqui.
So one day the Empress was dealing with the court and usually the Empress is just quietly fanning himself while the Emperor handles it (bc internally he has been non stop praising how cool, smart, brilliant, handsome, cool, heavenly Royal Husband- doing perfect as everything he does, protagonist halo is so strong)
But now it is just the Empress (the Emperor had a really complicated dish he wanted to make and the Empress told him he will handle court for the Emperor while he cooks)
The court is nervous when the Emperor does it.
And is scared straight out of anyone willing to try it when it is on Shen Quingqui’s face
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moeblob · 8 days
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I am social'd out and very tired.
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stuckinapril · 7 months
Honestly I know April will be my month because I can feel the hope of spring in the air & physical journaling is making a comeback for me & I’m studying the thing that I love & I have a kind therapist who seems truly attuned to my specific needs and background & I don’t take people’s vitriol personally & I have a solid core unit of friends & I hit the gym and move my body & I take my multivitamins & I stick to my calendar religiously & I take hikes & bike through nature regularly & I try to tap into my likes and wants and who I really am as much as I can despite what people have to say about that & I don’t let people’s naysaying stop me
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venstm · 2 days
So I think I’m going to take a week or so break from writing come back clear out my askbox entirely and just sort of throw out a new plotting call adjust my muse list and go from there. Don’t let this deter you from interacting if we are mutuals I will like post more prompts to slowly start interactions up again.
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
saw this and instantly thought of tradieverse soap (it could apply to any of the other 3 too but the guys intonation just screams johnny to me lol)
when i tell you that i howled with laughter at this video anon!
yep, very much tradie141!soap. he’s giving you the biggest, saddest eyes if for whatever reason you’re not available when he gets home (on the phone to family/friends, still working from home, unwell, need just 15 minutes to decompress after work because of that bitch in the office).
it can get frustrating at times, especially when you really just need to get on with the laundry or making tea (because it’s your night to cook) but it’s sweet in a way. plus, once you tell him that if he does the chores as soon as he gets home he’ll have even more free time to spend with you - say less. it’s done. laundry in the washing machine, vacuum run around, tea on the go. he’ll even shower and change into those grey joggers he knows you like so much just in case you want to thank him….
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starstaiined · 1 year
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jackienat texts pt. 1
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camberdraws · 5 months
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sillywabbits · 1 year
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meanwhile, in the low-sensory corner fjfjfj
sometimes you just gotta lay back and stare at the ceiling until the bees in your chest calm down and stop trying to convince you that everyone secretly doesn't like you fhfj (and a co-worker with a big cozy lap and affirming words doesn't hurt ☀️❤️)
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