#me and you and angie the fashion mutuals lovely and effervescent etc
awesomehoggirl · 3 years
YELLOOO i just realized ive been sending angie all my shopping updates even though YOURE the fashion mutual. soo: the other day i went to like a proper grandma thriftshop and i got this like sleeveless brown cardigan, this red collared jacket with black kinda flowey accents going up next to the zipper, these red and black striped gloves AND this like mauve purpley buttonup with one of those like victorian looking frilly things on the front covering the buttons and it looks really like, vampire-chic and i luvvv it. and yesterday i went 2 the mall (looking hot as hell btw. my feet hurt after bc i wore fancy shoes but pain is beauty) (and while at the mall i got 6 super fancy chocolates for less than 4 dollars but thats besides the point) and while there i got this superrr cute like, cloud like cardigan thats white and soooooo soft. and then i went to like one of the bigger more corporate thrift shops and THEIR HALLOWEEN STUFF WAS IN (in fall they like double as a halloween store selling a bunch of like brand new packaged halloween stuff) and i got these tights with a spiderweb pattern and these neon green legwarmers that match this like 2000s-y icarly wardrobe looking shirt thats like a tight black tshirt with a neon green plaid collar thats literally like one of my fave shirts. anywayz baiiii ^__< ^3^
HIIIII I was only just abel to reply to this because i only saw it in the morning and didnt want to post it when u were probs asleep so . IM SO FUCKING JEALOUS OF THE STUFF U THRIFTED im going hunting tomorrow to perhaps some of ur prosperity will rub off on me . the mauve button up sounds sooooo 😭 WANT. can hugely relate to the shoes thing i wear cowboy boots to school and they KILL . HALLOWEEN STOCK THE MOST GORGEOUS last year i bought like 5 pairs of £1 fishnets and turned them all into tops and stuff gonna do the same this year ……… gawsh . tomorrow im going to try and find some leather or imitation trousers because i had some old ones but they are too small 😢 and also a new scarf because i have been so so brave at school
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