#me acknowledging muses that arent the big three.... big if true! [swimming pool meme.jpg]
widowshill · 10 months
Questions for multimuses: Which of your muses loves winter the most? Which one loves summer the most? (& It's time for a heist! Tell us what role each of your muses has in this operation (name as many as you'd like). if you feel so inspired?) Please & thank you!
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thank you very much for this question :DD
loves winter: elizabeth. this one, to me, is quite easy ––  elizabeth embodies a very wintery spirit no matter the season, but she has a particular fondness for the blistering maine winters at collinwood, and the most used to the cold (having lived there longer than anyone). she loves ice skating: she was excellent at it in her day, and taught carolyn personally. mugs of hot cocoa, elaborate hand-cut pine decorations (courtesy of matthew, or willie) and poinsettias and holly (courtesy of herself from the greenhouse), evenings warming up from the annual collins family snowball fight in front of the fireplace. summer: roger. this isn't so obvious vibes-wise because man always looks like he walked out of a vintage sears catalog with the turtleneck / suit / trenchcoat combo. but, unlike his sister, he's far more sensitive to the vicious seaside winds, as well as chill of the house itself in the wintertime. he loves a warm summertime walk along the beach in the seabreeze, or along the docks of the bay, or skipping rocks off the cliffside. likewise, a pleasure drive with the top down in the convertible, or a jaunt out in the boat. he is rarely happier than he is with a fun little umbrella in his drink and book of Romantic poety in his hand. true at collinwood and especially abroad in england in the summer.
as for the heist! i decided to include everyone even the muses i forget exist on this blog sometimes... lol.
the mastermind: liz. goes without saying. she has the most working braincells at any given time which make her the best choice for organizing/hiring the team/managing funds ... and a way of Authority and fabricating Truth that puts her in an ideal spot to be a heist leader. also, her unique relationship with law enforcement where they greatly respect her / are friendly with her, and yet immediately know if anything shady is going on it's at her house.
the conman: nathan. excellent smooth talker with a great knack for manipulating people, when he's put on the scent of that cold hard cash. he can be either (seemingly) harmlessly charming and flirtatious, or the more ruthless and backstabbing sort, whichever the situation at hand calls for. not bad with a crossbow if things go south!
the hacker: josette. every good heist team needs a ghost to disable locks, bug security cameras, spook guards, etc ! considering this role also usually entails keeping an eye on the rest of the team and keeping them safe / alerting them to danger, my good ghost buddy is particularly suited for that.
the muscle: gore. longest kill streak and the most ruthless with practical weaponry, not the least afraid to get his hands bloody ( they might have more trouble keeping him restrained / not attracting too much attention than anything else ) also just generally the most physically imposing – bulk, scary looking.
the inside man: vicki. no one will ever suspect the harmless little innocent governess :) i don't think she'd really be that good in the active part of a heist because she's a little too Goody Too Shoes for that ( and usually terrible unsubtle) but she is good at uncovering secrets, getting the lay of the place, reading her employers, things of that nature.
the fixer: eleanor. again, not terribly useful in the active, crime-committing part of the heist, but she Knows a Guy and she can absolutely acquire that thing that you need, and will see it done so that you can go out and commit the ultimate crime.
the distraction: lena. my little OH actress that could totally play the ultimate noir femme fatale ( or any other type of part ) depending on what the situation called for. there's definitely something going on there with her and liz but no one is stupid enough to say anything.
the driver: roger. does elizabeth trust her younger brother to take on an important role in a heist? not really. would he insist being a part of it if he knew about it? yes. what she knows he can do and likes to do is drive expensive cars much too fast (and making him stay with the car helps ensure he's not underfoot or interfering in her plans in other ways) i also rag on him for his repeated accidents a lot but generally speaking he's not a bad driver, especially considering the amount of alcohol usually in his system. just triple check the brakes :)
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