#mdm security
infosectrain03 · 4 months
In today's mobile-centric world, smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices have become integral in our personal and professional lives. As efficient workstations, they enable easy access to sensitive information, business operations, and collaboration with colleagues while on the move.
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richardmhicks · 1 year
Always On VPN and Interface Metrics
In Windows, each network interface identified by the operating system is assigned a metric value. Interface metrics are settings that determine the priority or preference of network interfaces when there are multiple active network connections. The Windows networking stack uses these metrics to determine which network interface should be used for routing traffic when multiple network interfaces…
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phoenixtekk · 1 year
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ccdynamic · 2 years
The Importance of IoT Device Management Platform for Businesses
The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way businesses operate by enabling smart devices to collect and exchange data. As the number of IoT devices continues to increase, businesses require an IoT Device Management Platform to manage and control the devices effectively. An IoT Device Management Platform is a software solution that allows businesses to manage, monitor, and control their IoT devices from a centralized location. It helps businesses streamline their operations by providing real-time insights into the status of their devices, improving security, reducing downtime, and increasing efficiency.
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Benefits of IoT Device Management Platform
The benefits of IoT Device Management Platform are numerous. It allows businesses to manage their devices remotely, reducing the need for physical maintenance and reducing downtime. It also enables businesses to detect and fix issues with their devices quickly, improving efficiency and reducing costs. Additionally, IoT Device Management Platform provides businesses with real-time insights into their device's performance, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve their operations.
Features of an Effective IoT Device Management Platform
An effective IoT Device Management Platform should have the following features:
a. Device Monitoring and Management: The platform should be able to monitor and manage a wide range of devices, from sensors to complex machines.
b. Firmware Updates: The platform should be able to update the firmware of devices remotely to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest security patches and features.
c. Data Collection and Analytics: The platform should be able to collect data from devices and provide real-time analytics to help businesses make data-driven decisions.
d. Security: The platform should have robust security features to protect devices from cyber attacks and unauthorized access.
e. Integration: The platform should be able to integrate with other systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, to improve operational efficiency.
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Challenges of IoT Device Management Platform
IoT Device Management Platform also faces several challenges. The main challenge is the compatibility of devices, as IoT devices come from various manufacturers and use different communication protocols. Another challenge is the scalability of the platform, as it needs to handle a massive amount of data from multiple devices. Additionally, security is a significant concern, as IoT devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches.
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Conclusion: Investing in IoT Device Management Platform
In conclusion, businesses must invest in an IoT Device Management Platform to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve security. An effective IoT Device Management Platform should have robust security features, device monitoring and management capabilities, data collection and analytics features, and integration capabilities. While there are challenges to implementing an IoT Device Management Platform, the benefits outweigh the costs, as it enables businesses to take advantage of the benefits of IoT technology while minimizing the risks.
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the-delta-42 · 3 months
Wealth & Influence
Wealth and Influence
Marinette nervously bounced her leg, she felt out of place at the fancy party Adrien had invited her to. She could hear the laughs and jeers the other guests were sending in her direction. With a sigh, Marinette stood up, carefully adjusting the white dress Adrien asked her to wear, and had a bowl of liquid poured over her head.
The resounding laughter nearly deafened her.
“Perhaps, Ms. Dupain-Cheng requires a towel.” Drawled Gabriel Agreste, smirking down at the girl, “Or maybe she shouldn’t impose herself on her betters.”
Adrien started to storm towards the culprit, only to have someone grab his arm in a vice-like grip. Marinette took deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm.
“Have security remove her.” Ordered Gabriel, turning to Mdm. Tsurugi.
“Lay a finger on her and your family will be arranging your funeral.” Came a cold, imposing voice.
Everyone immediately stopped laughing, an elderly Chinese woman strode forwards, with a man with black-hair, grey eyes and a black beard.
“Mdm. Cheng,” Greeted Gabriel, “I’m just making sure we no longer had an unwanted guest making a mess of herself.”
“Insult my granddaughter one more time and you won’t have enough money to afford clothes.” Snapped Mdm. Cheng, “Qiang, take Xuiying and find her some clean clothes.”
The dark-haired man nodded, removing his trench coat and draping in over Marinette’s shoulders, “C’mon, Little one.”
He guided Marinette in complete silence, while Mdm. Cheng glared at Gabriel.
“You may refer to me as Ma’am or Mdm. Cheng.” She snapped, “You have the gall to insult my granddaughter, my family, and think you can address me by my name? Remember who made you, boy!”
Gabriel paled, “M-maybe I was acting rashly.”
“Your pathetic attempts at grovelling aren’t doing you any favours.”
“Perhaps we could come to an agreement?”
“Unless that agreement starts with you cleaning your house with your tongue, I’m not interested.”
Adrien watched his father and Marinette’s grandmother, he didn’t know why his father was so scared of her, but it was a bit refreshing. Shaking his head, Adrien managed to pull his arm from the security guard’s hand. Quickly slinking out of the room, as a man with white-streaked brown hair drew level with Mdm. Cheng.
Adrien ignored them and poked his head into rooms as he passed them while looking for Marinette, until he reached one door, poked his head into the room and was greeted by a scream. Adrien’s face went red, “Sorry!”
He heard a rustling sound, before Marinette called out to him, “Okay, you can come in now.”
Adrien slowly entered the room, “So, um, w-why were you… you know…”
“In my underwear?”
Adrien nodded.
“My dress was stained.”
“R-ight!” Adrien’s voice broke.
“Adrien, are you okay?”
“Yep, totally, definitely not thinking about your-”
“Adrien, stop.”
“Did you not understand who that girl was?” Asked Giovanni, glaring at Gabriel.
“Mdm. Cheng’s granddaughter.” Coughed Gabriel, getting a harsher glare from Giovanni.
“That girl is also my great niece.” Growled Giovanni, “And even if she wasn’t, the Dupain family has more wealth than you have in every way possible.”
“I understand-”
“No, you don’t.” Stated Mdm. Cheng, getting Gabriel’s attention, “As of now, I am withdrawing all the investments I have placed in your company.”
“As am I.” Said Giovanni, “I expect to see the reimbursed investment, and the included interest, in the morning. I’d hate to involve my legal team.”
Gabriel swallowed thickly, before nodding. Giovanni threw one last glare, before spinning on his heel, let out a short, sharp whistle and left.
“Don’t make a fool of yourself, boy.” Sneered Mdm. Cheng, before snapping her fingers and leaving.
Audrey looked at Gabriel, who looked like a ghost, threw back her martini and walked out of the door.
Marinette pulled her shirt on over her head, Michael had taken Adrien outside so she could have some privacy while she dressed. Personally, she thought Adrien looked a little cute when he blushed, but she didn’t to be that intimate with Adrien just yet. Maybe in a few years, after they were done with school. She felt the back of her neck and winced at the sticky feeling of the drying punch.
“Is it safe to come in?” Called Michael, making Marinette jump.
“Almost.” Replied Marinette, quickly grabbing her jeans and hurriedly pull them on, “Okay, you can come in now.”
Michael walked in, with Adrien shuffling in behind him. He kept looking at the floor and wouldn’t look at Marinette.
Marinette opened her mouth, when Adrien looked up, blushed and looked back at the floor. Michael noticed Adrien examining the floor and rolled his eyes.
“Uncle Gio and Zumu are waiting for us outside,” Said Michael, “Maman said to bring the wimp.”
“He’s not a wimp.” Protested Marinette, moving over to stand with Adrien.
“Yeah, he is.” Grinned Michael, “He’s a big ol’ scaredy cat.”
Marinette glared at Michael, before kicking his shin. Adrien watched the two interact, confused why they were hitting each other.
Sabine quietly scribbled out the bakery’s expenses, frowning at a few of the numbers, before grabbing her phone and opening an app.
“Everything alright?” Asked Tom, putting a basket of laundry down.
“One of the American branches is operating at a loss.” Said Sabine, “I’m trying to contact Javier, but he’s been unusually quiet for the past few weeks.”
“Maybe he’s been sick.” Suggested Tom, “Seattle’s going through a bug, right?”
Sabine hummed, before dialling a number and placing her phone to her ear. She frowned again, before hanging up, “The number’s saying it’s invalid.”
Tom hummed, before freezing, “What?”
“The phone said it’s invalid.” Repeated Sabine, “I’m going to try and contact the branch itself.”
Tom nodded and hummed, before going back to the laundry, “Oh, Michael’s bringing Marinette and Adrien here with my mother.”
Tom looked at Sabine, “I thought it was Skye travelling with your mother.”
“She’s dealing with a case.”
“No, no, Signore Ricca,” Nathalie rubbed her forehead, “I’m sure we can reach an agreement.”
Gabriel silently watched her pace around his office, trying to convince at least one of their investors to stay.
“I understand what Monsieur Agreste did was unforgivable, however,” Nathalie froze, “Signore? Hello? Hello?”
Putting the phone down, Nathalie paced around, while Audrey and Tomoe sat across from Gabriel.
“They’ll be back,” Dismissed Gabriel, unbothered, “once they see the trash that child-”
Nathalie slammed a document and a book in front of Gabriel, before stalking out. Almost dismissively, Gabriel picked up the paper and almost dropped it in shock, “She’s handed in her notice.”
“Then she’s not worth your time.” Dismissed Tomoe, oblivious to Nathalie going into Gabriel’s lair, collecting the rings, Kwami and tome and leaving through a concealed exit.
“Nathalie knows too much.” Stated Gabriel, getting to his feet and advancing towards the door, only to run into Amelie, “What do you want?”
“How the hell did you destroy my sister’s company?” Demanded Amelie, seething at Gabriel.
“They’re no big loss.” Dismissed Gabriel, only to get a full-on punch to the face. Amelie grabbed his arm before he hit the floor and buried her knee into his gut.
Amelie discreetly slipped the Adrien’s amok ring into her pocket, while her other hand gripped the back of Gabriel’s head and slammed his face into the wall. Breathing heavily, Amelie glared at Gabriel and slid onto the floor.
“This house is in my families name.” Growled Amelie, “You have a day to leave.”
Turning, Amelie stalked away, heading for the front door, intent on finding Adrien. When she reached her car, she looked at Felix and his new friend, Kagami, “Where does Adrien’s girlfriend live?”
Lin looked around Qilin’s living room, Qiang and Suyin were arguing about the course of action, while Xuiying was curled up next to her boyfriend.
“Gabriel’s stock price has tanked,” Said Michael, as their mother placed a tray to tea on the table, “we should wait until it’s lower before going forward with the suit.”
“The longer we wait, the greater the chance of Agreste getting off.” Argued Skye, “He’ll have time to concoct a version of event that paints him in a positive light. He could then use that to sue both Zumu and Zio for damages against his brand.”
“I’m with Skye on this one.” Called Toby from the kitchen, talking around the sandwich in his mouth.
“Toby, swallow your food before you speak.” Reprimanded Sabine, sitting next to Tom, “I agree with Skye, the longer this carries on, he’ll believe he’s gotten away with it.”
“Ya’ know,” Toby swallowed, “I thought you’d know this, since you’re a cop and all.”
Michael threw him a glare, before glancing at Adrien, “Did you know?”
Adrien violently shook his head, “No.”
Michael frowned, before sighing, “Alright. Why were you moving so quickly?”
“Mike, Mari had someone dump a bowl of punch all over her, and she was wearing white.” Sighed Skye, rubbing her brow.
“I saw them drop something in Marinette’s drink.” Said Adrien, making them freeze, “It looked like a large clump of salt.”
“But, you don’t think it was salt.”
“It could’ve been anything, thallium, potassium cyanide, various pest poisons.” Adrien nervously looked around, “There aren’t any bugs, are there?”
Michael frowned, glancing around, “I’d hope not, most insects don’t make it past Marinette’s fly traps.”
“That’s not what he meant.” Said Marinette, speaking for the first time, “He means surveillance devices.”
“Why would there be surveillance devices here?” Asked Skye, frowning.
“Father has them put everywhere I go, but he mostly keeps me inside,” Said Adrien, “He’s tried pulling me out of school and banning me from leaving the house.”
Skye leaned back, before grabbing her phone and dialling a number, “Hi, Malcolm, I think we might need to get the police to search the Agreste home.”
Roger frowned as numerous guests were spoken to, while Detective Jonas examined a broken glass with what looked like salt in the bottom. Roger could hear Gabriel Agreste yelling at the two officers questioning him.
“Bag this.” Said Jonas, pointing at the glass.
“Ma’am?” Said Roger, frowning.
“I want everything to be gone over with a fine-toothed-comb.” Said Jonas, glancing at Roger, “Where’s the culprit?”
“He ran off,” Answered Roger, “As soon as he saw us. Jared’s chasing him down now.”
“Who the hell runs from Police after a prank?” Jonas frowned, “Especially since we didn’t know who it was.”
Roger shrugged, as his radio went off.
“This is Officer Bordeaux,” Came the voice of one of Roger’s colleague, “be advised, the culprit has been apprehended. He also mentioned something about potassium cyanide.”
Roger and Jonas stared at each other, before Roger grabbed his radio, “I’m sorry, could you copy that? I thought I just heard you saw he’d admitted to attempted murder.”
“He mentioned the Potassium Cyanide after we cautioned him.” Said Bordeaux, over the radio, “He said his boss told him to poison someone.”
Roger and Jonas stared at the radio, just as they heard Gabriel Agreste’s shouting get louder, before they heard a loud thud. A minute later, a screaming Gabriel Agreste was being escorted out of the hall.
Glancing around, Jonas sighed and walked after the fashion mogul, leaving her colleagues to direct the rest of the scene.
Detective Jonas did her best not to yawn, she’d gone to the intended victim’s home in an attempt to break the news, that someone made an attempt on her life, as gently as possible. She hadn’t expected to see a former colleague, a lawyer, the suspect’s son and a minor celebrity eating cheese puffs with chopsticks.
She also didn’t expect the suspect’s son to yell, “I knew it!”
“You’re,” Jonas paused, “taking this better than I expected.”
“W-well,” the Intended victim, Marinette, said, “Hawkmoth’s still out there.”
Jonas nodded, “Normally, we’d ask if you’d want to press charges, but, given it’s likely to be considered attempted murder, we’re going to be pressing charges anyway.”
“W-why did he change his mind?” Asked Marinette, looking confused.
“He didn’t,” Said Jonas, “his… ‘fall guy’ had a change of heart after spiking your drink and chose to prevent you from drinking it in a fashion that wouldn’t cost him his job.”
Marinette gave a shaky nod, making Jonas stand up, “I’ll have a colleague come over in the morning to collect a statement.”
Marinette glanced at her parents, before giving a shaky nod.
Lin glared at Amelie Graham de Vanily, the woman had arrived asking to see Adrien.
“Whatever defence you have for Gabriel can wait.” Snapped Lin, shortly.
“I’m not here to defend him.” Stated Amelie, wincing, “I know we haven’t had an official meeting, but I have more contempt for him than you’d believe.”
“I had to watch him destroy my parent’s life work, drive my sister in an early grave and-” Amelie’s voice cracked, “and emotionally abuse my son because he was too incompetent to produce a child of him own!”
Lin levelled Amelie with a stoic look, “The British branch still exists, does it not?”
“It does.” Amelie replied, stiffly.
“Then re-expand to France.” Lin turned and stalked back into her daughter’s bakery, as a tired looking police officer left, “Suyin,” the woman jumped, “I need you to contact all my investees, if any of them support or agree with Gabriel Agreste in any way, they will have all of the funds we have supplied rescinded.”
Suyin nodded, pulling her computer out and started typing up an initial email. Lin frowned as Tao moved on from cheese puffs to mustard covered bread sticks.
“You okay, Toby?” Asked Qiang, frowning at his brother.
“Yeah,” Grumbled Tao, “apparently Jack’s not allowed to adopt, something about a stipulation in his modelling contract. So, after a fuck-”
“Language.” Scolded Qilin, frowning at him.
“-ton arguments, discussions and yelling, I’ve agreed to temporarily stop my treatments so we can try for a kid.”
“…Okay?” Said Qiang, frowning.
“And, thanks to the stop in the treatment, I’ve gotten this really shitty cravings.”
His family looked at him, “Tell me, before these started, did you throw up really easily?” Asked Suyin.
“Skye, how do you know that?” Asked Tao, through a mouthful of food.
“I think you should get yourself checked.” Suggested Qiang, before looking around the room, “Where’s Marinette gone?”
“She went up stairs with her boyfriend.” Said Suyin, not looking up from her laptop.
Marinette gently stroked Adrien’s head, he’d overheard his aunt, mother, speaking with her grandmother. His panicked breaths had started to even out, he’d tried to move, only to slump against her.
“I’m sorry.” Adrien’s voice was small.
“You haven’t done anything to apologise for.” Soothed Marinette, “You’ve just had your world destroyed. Twice.”
“…I love you.” Marinette sighed, wrapping her arms around Adrien.
“I love you too, Chaton.”
Jonas quietly tapped her arm, waiting for Ladybug to arrive. The duty sergeant had noticed Gabriel Agreste’s broach had changed when he touched it and alerted her to it. The sound of someone landing on the roof, skidding, hitting something and cursing told her that Ladybug had arrived.
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Asked Jonas, frowning at the teenager.
“Sorry.” Apologised Ladybug, straightening up, “You said you had a lead on Hawkmoth.”
Jonas held up an evidence bag and showed Ladybug the broach.
Ladybug let out a small gasp, “Holy shit.”
“It’s been quite the turn of events, hasn’t it?” Said a Talk show host. They had the tv on as back ground noise as they redecorated Adrien’s room, “Gabriel Agreste had been confined to prison for the rest of his life, for being Hawkmoth, kidnapping his nephew, attempting to solicit the murder of said nephew’s girlfriend. And, to cap it all off for the deplorable human being, his company has gone bankrupt.”
“That’s not all, Tom.” Said the co-host, “Emilie Agreste has been laid to rest, his house has been offered to Ladybug as a base for her and her team, should they accept it, and sixteen of his previous employees had come forward alleging that he harassed them.”
“Ooh, the tea keeps getting sweeter-” Amelie turned the tv off, “Those idiots are going my head in.”
“I quite liked it.” Sniffed Felix, as Adrien tried to unscrew a bolt on the bed, “You need to turn it the other way.”
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makur0 · 2 years
I really need to request for a reader comeback for your recent work, "I'm sorry for leaving," like can we have reader come back to the idol industry and what would their reaction be when they see them perform in another unit. Thank youuu!!!
“Why not me first?”
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synopsis — a little part of them wished they could see you again. they got what they wanted… but not the way they intended. [ex-fine x amab! reader]
content warnings — sfw, angst, fluff, inaccurate lore on nagisa’s part (Spoilers of Ariadne)
author’s note — 🙏 you read my mind. thank you anon. [note: spinoff of last ex-fine work. NOT sequel]. i altered it a bit so they’re all entirely different
word count — 1732
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Eichi Tenshouin - UNDEAD
Was it his fault that he wasn’t able to secure you a spot in heaven? Is that why you were dancing with the demons?
And how did all of this happen under his nose?
Eichi watched in disbelief when a fifth member of Sakuma’s unit walked up onto the stage, welcomed quite warmly by the crowd. It was none other than you, [name], being all buddy-buddy with the one man he rather disliked- Rei Sakuma.
An ugly emotion filled the blonde, staining his perfectly-kept persona. It took him forever to earn your trust, even more just to get a real smile. And yet here you were, grinning crookedly as you were embraced by the other unit members. 
What did he do wrong? What didn’t he do right?
That look Sakuma shot him; he could’ve swore it was haughtiness. It couldn’t be anything else.
“Eichi,” A gruff voice sounded from behind him, and half-glaring cyan eyes turned to see Keito Hasumi standing near the exit, his arms loosely crossed.
He gestured over to him. “Come on. Wallowing over your regrets won’t you do any good.”
Although the leader of AKATSUKI was slightly thrown off by Eichi’s coldness, he nonetheless followed him out of the auditorium, shutting the door behind him and cutting off the crowd’s cheering. The walk was tense, quiet. 
What did I do to deserve this?
All I wanted was to have you on my side. And you left... because of my foolishness.
Next, I wanted to see you again. I did, but with the wrong people.
What’s... what’s next?
“Keito,” Eichi murmured, grabbing the other male’s attention.
The leader of fine opened his mouth to begin, but shut it instantly. How foolish of me to think I could tell him.
“Ah, nothing,” He managed a smile. “Thank you for picking me up, but I can manage from here on out.”
Keito shot him a disbelieving glance, but seeing that he needed some space, he said his goodbyes and walked off, likely towards the Rhythm Link building. Eichi was left alone right outside of the auditorium, the night spring air chilling his thin bones.
Two strikes, [name]. First abandonment and now favoritism.
After my unit destroys your... ‘temporary’ one in the upcoming MDM, we’ll see if you’re smart enough to choose the right choice with the gratefully-given second chance I will bestow. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to take care of Sakuma and his other hellbent idols.
After that, if you don’t comply... you’re nothing to me.
Tsumugi Aoba - Alkaloid
Tsumugi was all in it to help the newly-hatched unit that Natsume proposed an offer to. But he didn’t expect to see you there with them.
The air was awkard between the two, but it was only noticed by the leader of Switch himself and that tall teal-haired man, Tatsumi as he called himself. The blue-haired idol resorted to staring at the couch, whereas you stood behind Hiiro as if he was a helpful barrier. The other present boys payed no matter to the elephant in the room, instead talking about their present predicament.
“Well, it seemS to me thaT we have ourSELVES a deaL,” Natsume huffed, pleased. “PleaSURE to be workING witH you, AlkaLOID.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Sakasaki!” Hiiro nodded, grinning. “Thank you so much for this!”
“Well, it seems it’s going somewhat smooth,” Tatsumi sighed out in relief. “Now if you would excuse us, we would like to start training-”
“Ah aH,” The red-haired male stopped, ignoring Tsumugi’s pleading glances.
Natsume crossed his arms. “I woulD like to borROW [name] here foR a minUTE. I do hopE you don’t minD.”
“Uh...” Hiiro shot you a worried glance, taking in your stiff smile. After a few seconds, you nodded hesitantly.
“Yes, that’s fine...”
“WonderFUL. Off you gO then,” He waved off the rest of your unitmates, shutting the door behind him. As soon as they were gone he stepped in between you and Tsumugi, scowling.
“If we’RE going to worK this out, theN you two arE going tO have to fiGURE out your... situaTION.” He huffed. “Come oN, soRA.”
And there they left, leaving you and Tsumugi alone.
“Nice seeing you again, Tsumugi,” You finally said, managing a smile. As soon as you gave that heartwarming expression, the male felt unknown anger melt away.
He realized that he was surprisingly mad at you ever since you left. How come he didn’t realize it sooner? Why was he? Then again, he took the childish promise to heart and you broke it. Not only it shot down his confidence, but he closed off doors open to only you.
Now you were back, and he should be happy for you. But a little selfish part of him wanted you to be with him, be on his side. Of course you should choose for yourself, but to think that maybe, just maybe you could have joined Switch...
“Ah- sorry,” The idol chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck. “Uhm, nice to see you too, [name].”
“It seems like you’re doing good,” You observed, giving him another kind smile. “I’m glad that I’m seeing you once again.”
You... really do?
I guess... I guess I wouldn’t mind if you’re on another unit. For now...
Nagisa Ran - Crazy:B
Nagisa was perfectly aware that Ibara was off doing his own thing. He didn’t care as long as it didn’t affect neither him nor the people he cared for.
But of course he doesn’t have eyes on everybody.
So to say the least he was astonished when he saw that Ibara had elected you for Crazy:B.
the leader of Eden knew that this newfound unit was being created in order to raise the popularity of their unit. They were just scapegoats.
It couldn’t be that bad. Ibara wasn’t that cruel.
Still, he kept an eye on you as you got used to the idol industry once again, but it did hurt him. Seeing you so comfortable around those unorthodox idols, laughing so easily... you never were like that with him.
How come?
Guess it didn’t matter... as long as you were fine.
MDM was sketchy though. He didn’t like the fact that you had to fight your way in order to survive, otherwise you would have been fired forever. He actually despised that fact... after not seeing you for so long, the idea of you leaving again crushed him. It was close, but you guys managed to pull through, thank goodness.
Until Ibara sparked the idea of a variety show challenging the idols of Crazy:B. That was the limit.
He never found out what type of ‘treasure’ you seeked, so you, along with HiMERU, Ibara provided both ‘past’ and ‘future’ treasures.
Nagisa remembered how... constricted you felt when you were part of fine. He never wanted to see you like that again, and yet it might happen because of this.
He can’t let that happen.
“Ibara,” He had mentioned one day, his voice quiet.
The male perked up. “Yes, Your Highness-?”
He stepped back a bit in surprise, staring at Nagisa who walked up to him with a dark gaze. “Yes...?”
“I have warned you before, and I didn’t think I would have to again. You have proven me wrong.” Nagisa said condescendingly.
“May... may I ask what you mean?”
“Don’t pry into other’s past,” He hissed, his calm facade dropping as he glared at the latter. “I cannot overlook that anymore.”
“Leave [name] alone.”
“The Crazy:B kid?” Ibara muttered, his voice faint. “Does he mean something to you?”
“I wouldn’t be saying anything if he didn’t,” Nagisa glowered. “And because we are here right now, don’t try to create trouble for them or I personally will take care of you.”
Saegusa was shellshocked. Of course he had people he cared for, but never had he witnessed him get so protective over somebody.
And he never wants to again.
“U-understood, Your Highness.”
After clarification, Nagisa calmed down, his usual demeanor returning. “Good.”
Not under my watch will you be harmed by anyone.
Hiyori Tomoe - Valkyrie
Hiyori always enjoys the meetings with the Pretty 5- they were always endearing discussing new shops, fashion trends and such.
But he wasn’t sure whether to be happy or horrified when Mika brought a visitor.
“Guys, meet [name],” Mika patted your shoulder, and you waved your hand. Of course Arashi and Aira fell all over you, Tori bombarding you with questions, as Hiyori stood rooted in your position.
“He’s a new member of Valkyrie.”
No. That’s impossible.
“What?” Hiyori yelped quite loudly, catching the attention of the others. “[name]?!”
After seeing a familiar face, your expression brightened. “Hiyori-!”
“You came back but never bothered to see me first?” The male surged forward and shook you violently, causing Mika to panic. “Not only that, but not join Eden?! [name], what the hell happened to our promise?! You said you would come back for me!!”
“Hiyori-chan,” Arashi soothed the male, trying to pull you away from him. “Calm down. You’re worrying our poor guest.”
They were worried that he had unfortunately had fallen into a sour mood, but that didn’t seem to be the case. The idol was genuinely shocked.
“Hiyori, just let me explain,” You rushed out, afraid for another outburst. “I was anticipating greatly to see you and Nagisa once again, but I thought it would be quite rude to intervene such a tight group...”
“Isn’t Valkyrie a tight group?” Tori muttered under his breath.
“No, only me,” Hiyori corrected you, grabbing the sides of your face and pulling you closer to him, a pout evident on his face. “Only me, right?”
The male hmph-ed at your lack of response. “Fine, be like that. I apologize, Mika, but I will be stealing [name]. My condolences to Itsuki.”
“You can do that?”
The other idols had to thoroughly convice Hiyori to at least take back that proposal, but they only succeeded in you not being forced away from Valkyrie. Thank god, Itsuki would have had an aneurysm. But you were still in his arms, no chance of running away.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t have you right on his side, just like Jun-kun. But during his free times... like hell he’s going to attach you to him like a brooch on his jacket. Yes, you are his most precious treasure in the world.
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prolificsinsights · 3 months
Harnessing the Power of Data and AI for Digital Transformation
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the synergy of data and artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing businesses across various industries. Digital transformation with Data AI is not just a buzzword; it's a strategic imperative for organizations aiming to stay competitive and innovative. 
The Journey of Digital Transformation 
Digital transformation begins with a robust data strategy. Companies like Prolifics emphasize the importance of managing, analyzing, and uncovering value from enterprise data. A well-defined data strategy ensures that data is not just collected but also effectively utilized to drive business outcomes. For instance, a banking client of Prolifics realized continuous value by leveraging advanced analytics to enhance their decision-making processes. 
Unleashing the Potential of Data Analytics and AI 
Data analytics and AI play a pivotal role in transforming raw data into actionable insights. Prolifics' expertise in data validation, modeling, and visualization enables businesses to predict future trends, optimize operations, and uncover transformative patterns. Consider the case of an insurance provider that strengthened its data analytics capabilities, leading to improved claims processing and customer satisfaction. 
AI for Data Analytics 
Artificial intelligence for business is a game-changer, especially when integrated with data analytics. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, providing deeper insights and more accurate predictions. This capability is crucial for businesses looking to innovate and stay ahead of the curve. For example, a gaming company reduced its reporting time from days to minutes by adopting AI-driven data analytics solutions. 
Ensuring Seamless Database Migration 
Database migration is a critical component of digital transformation. Migrating to modern data platforms allows businesses to take advantage of advanced analytics and AI capabilities. Prolifics offers comprehensive data and AI services that ensure smooth transitions, minimizing disruptions and maximizing data integrity. This process involves meticulous planning and execution, ensuring that the migrated data is secure, consistent, and readily accessible. 
The Comprehensive Approach: Data and AI Services 
Prolifics' data and AI services encompass a wide range of solutions, including data governance, data privacy, master data management (MDM), and data hubs. These services are designed to ensure that data is accurate, secure, and readily available to drive business insights and innovation. Effective data governance, for instance, not only improves data quality but also enhances decision-making and operational efficiency. 
Stories of Success 
The true impact of data and AI is best illustrated through success stories. A notable example is a gaming company that leveraged Prolifics' data and AI services to drastically reduce its reporting time. By implementing advanced analytics and AI solutions, the company was able to streamline its operations and make faster, data-driven decisions. 
In conclusion, digital transformation with Data AI is a powerful enabler for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. By harnessing the potential of data analytics and AI, organizations can unlock new opportunities, enhance their operations, and stay ahead of the competition. Prolifics' expertise in data and AI services offers a roadmap for businesses to navigate this transformative journey successfully. 
For more information on how data and AI can transform your business, visit Prolifics.
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clothyume · 5 months
Colourful Good Job Episode 1
Episode 1
Season: Summer 
Characters: Sora, Tsumugi
Tsumugi: …Yes. I’ve received it securely. Once I’ve put a stamp on I’ll take care of it.  
No, I’m grateful that you’ve helped me get this far, despite all the work I’m doing.  
Rather, really I should be the one apologising for increasing the work of all the staff!  
Ah.  After this you have a recording to attend? I’m sorry for holding you back.  
 If there’s anything I can do, please get in touch immediately.  
 …Ye~ah. The staff really bear a heavy burden. What other jobs can I be involved with.  
Sora: ……… 
Tsumugi: Oh, Sora-Kun. What are you doing peeking through the doorway? Aren’t you going to come in?  
Sora: …! HaHa~. Good morning, Senpai!  
Tsumugi: Yes. Good morning~ ♪ 
That’s right. We got a box of cakes from the suppliers. They’re really delicious, would you like one, Sora-kun?   
Sora: Yay, Sora’ll have one, since Sora was just getting hungry♪ 
Tsumugi: Go right ahead. Anyway, are you here on an errand?  
Sora: Nope. I have a little time before my next job, so I came to see senpai!    
HiHi~. Senpai seems busy, so should Sora give you some energy~?  
Tsumugi: Fufu. Thank you very much~ ♪ Thanks to Sora I can give it my all until the afternoon. 
Sora: Is Senpai busy again today? Do you want to play with Sora when you’re next off work~?  
Tsumugi: That’s all the more reason I have to work hard so I can be done with quickly.  
Please don’t worry. My workload has been increasing recently, but I should be able to relax a little in no time.  
Sora: Sora will worry no matter what. Not just Senpai, but isn’t Master busy too~?  
Even though “MDM” is over, why is everyone still busy?  
Tsumugi: Ah, I see. To Sora-kun it looks like ES has regained their composure as a whole…  
Sora: Yeah. Before, everyone at ES was tense… The ‘colour’ of suffering and weariness was everywhere. Sora was suffocating~…?  
Now that “MDM” is over that painful ‘colour’ is going away little by little.  
But, like Senpai said, does it just look like it’s regained its composure?  
Tsumugi: In reality, it seems as though an increasing amount of staff are taking leave at other offices.  
Unlike other places, we don’t have a lot of funds.  
Operations that could normally be made more efficient if we had the money to do so, we have no choice but to steadily handle with the people we currently have.  
Sora: But, isn’t it bad to push yourself too much?  
Tsumugi: That’s right. A lot of staff are burdened with the current situation.  
In reality, it’s apparent that everyone here seems exhausted. I’m also getting myself involved in all the work I can… 
Sora: HuHu~. If you do that, won’t Senpai just get really tired~?  
Tsumugi: Fufu. Sora-kun is a good kid. But, I still have some flexibility, so I’m fine.  
But, I’d like to relax soon. As the deputy director, if I work hard, then everyone else can take a break, right?  
I wish I could use this opportunity to hold a staff appreciation party.  
Sora: A staff appreciation party?  
Tsumugi: Yeah. It would be difficult regarding the schedule to suddenly increase the number of days off… 
I was wondering about holding a party to thank everyone for their hard work thus far.  
Sora: HeHe~! Sora agrees! Sora thinks it would be good to reward everyone for their hard work~?  
Tsumugi: Fufu. I’m not sure if it will be a reward though. But, if we hold a staff appreciation party, we’ll need manpower and funds.  
We would need to reserve a venue and prepare meals.  
But, if we allocate too much staff for that, it’s possible that people will think they should be diverted to work.  
Sora: ………? People will get angry even though you want them to relax at the staff appreciation party?  
Tsumugi: I’m not necessarily saying that anyone at New Di thinks that way. I think they would be happy that we even held a party at all.  
I’m just saying it might be a possibility. When it comes to balancing plans… I can’t do everything the way I want so it’s difficult to make arrangements. 
That’s why I’m thinking I could plan to avoid any thorns… But considering the work I have, it might be difficult for a while.  
Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t plan on telling Sora-kun such a heavy story…  
Sora: No, Sora doesn’t mind~!  
In fact, Sora is happy to know that Senpai is thinking of everyone♪ 
Sora will work hard so that Senpai can take it easy~! 
Tsumugi: Ahaha. Sora-kun has already helped me a lot. So please don’t worry about it.  
Sora: Well, Sora had better head off, see you later Senpai~♪ 
Tsumugi: Yes. Take care, Sora-kun.  
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indizombie · 2 years
The National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (MDM Scheme), launched in August 1995 emphasises on the provision of cooked meals with a minimum of 450 – 700 calories and 8-12 grams of proteins and was further converted by the National Food Security Act (NFSA) 2013 into a legal right upto Class 8. Over 94% of the children in government and government aided schools come from Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes and minority communities. For a majority of children in government schools who are from marginalised communities and malnourished, garlic, onion and eggs form an important part of their diets, limited only by the factor of affordability. Eggs have been denied to children as part of the mid-day meals in schools for several years. Described as the ‘menstrual discharge’ of the hen, eggs are labelled as ‘sinful’, ‘violent’, and agitating the senses, with egg eaters deserving to be ‘destroyed’. If, instead of this unscientific propaganda, the nutritional value of eggs had been the primary deciding factor, children would have been given eggs as part of the mid-day meal scheme on 5 days of the week.
Dr Sylvia Karpagam, ‘A critical look at Indian healthcare‘, Aura
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daydreamersana · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐌𝐌 & 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐃𝐌?
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Businesses that have a large mobile fleet workforce often find it challenging to manage and control their mobile devices. It is imperative that a company has an efficient system to monitor and operate their mobile devices, confined within their corporate policies, in order to have productive growth.
There are various tools that companies use to manage their mobile devices, like 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐄𝐌𝐌), unified endpoint management (UEM), and mobile device management (MDM). These tools have varying features, although their basic operations revolve around the security and privacy of mobile data, and strive to increase employee productivity.
Often people mistake 𝐄𝐌𝐌 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 and MDM software as one and the same thing. Let’s take a look at each and see how they differ from each other.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐃𝐌?
MDM is the remote management of mobile devices, enabling users to engage in preset tasks on their mobile devices. MDM software carried a few useful features like security measures, location tracking, and enrolment.
Moreover, if a device under the MDM software went missing, the IT department is able to wipe the data remotely. This ensures the data is not stolen or misused.
MDM is a good way of keeping mobile devices under an enterprise managed efficiently. When employees started carrying two different devices, BYOD came into being, and employees could shift between personal and work data seamlessly.
This transitional management gave rise to mobile application management. MAM focused on specific applications on the devices, rather than targeting the whole device.
When it started, MDM didn’t have the ability to manage content and apps. But since, it has evolved and grown with more features like installing apps, configuring different profiles for BYOD, wiping data, and enforcing passwords. Additionally, it could manage and secure mobile devices running on different platforms through one console.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐌𝐌 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬?
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 is software that enables the user to control and monitor their employee’s mobile device behaviour securely. This is especially true of those businesses that house BYOD ecosystems.
EMM has its roots in MDM. MDM could only focus on the control of mobile devices and their security. EMM is a combination of different security solutions like MDM, MAM, MCM, and IAM. While these four started out as individual products, they are now part of the 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 suite.
The 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 are those that work as a unified endpoint management system. This allows the company to manage various devices from one central server.
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐄𝐌𝐌 & 𝐌𝐃𝐌?
When you are out looking to secure and manage your mobile workforce, the most confusing question would be which to choose – EMM or MDM. There’s one way to deal with that question, and that’s checking how the answer to the following questions fulfils the requirements of your company.
· How difficult or easy is it to manage the privacy and security of your employees?
· How many endpoints are there for you to manage, and which of them need to be managed?
· Are you looking for a cloud-based deployment or an on-premise deployment? Which one would suit you best?
· Are you looking for protection against online security issues and data breaches?
· Do you need to add new applications or technologies for management?
· How big is your organization?
· Does your business host BYOD or are there corporate devices?
· Which management features do you need for your employees?
· Would you require tech support to deploy endpoints?
· Does your company need to scale the 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 system to accommodate the requirements of businesses?
As you can see, 𝐄𝐌𝐌 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 and MDM solutions are all different levels of mobility management that are designed and deployed to take care of any security or privacy concerns. The primary difference between the two is the level of management these systems require.
While MDM is focused on the management of smartphones, 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 is an expansive system that comprises MAM, MDM, MSM, MCM, MEM, and identity and access management. Additionally, EMM software can act as a unified endpoint management system that enables the management of various endpoints and mobile devices in one place.
Once you understand what these two management tools comprise and the fine line of differences between them, you will be better equipped to select the right one for you.
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What is Microsoft Intune and Business Problems Intune Helps Solve?
Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based service within the Microsoft Endpoint Manager that focuses on mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM). It enables organizations to manage and secure their employees' devices, applications, and data.
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richardmhicks · 1 year
Always On VPN Masterclass at ViaMonstra Online Academy - September 2023
I’m pleased to announce that my popular Always On VPN Deep Dive Workshop training event is coming to the ViaMonstra Online Academy! Many of you have requested a virtual, live, online training event for Microsoft Always On VPN, so here’s your opportunity to learn all about this secure remote access technology without having to leave the comfort of your home or office. Live and Online This live,…
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schnelltechno · 7 days
Why Choose Microsoft Intune Consulting for Secure Cloud-Based Device Management 
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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, secure and efficient device management is crucial for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing use of mobile devices and cloud-based applications, organizations face growing challenges in managing and securing their devices and data. Microsoft Intune consulting services offer a comprehensive solution to help businesses streamline their mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM) while maintaining the highest levels of security. 
In this blog, we’ll explore the key reasons why choosing Microsoft Intune consulting can enhance your cloud-based device management strategy and strengthen your organization's security posture. 
1. Enhanced Security for Cloud-Based Devices 
Microsoft Intune allows organizations to manage devices from a central cloud-based platform, offering robust security features that protect sensitive data. Through Intune, administrators can enforce security policies, configure device settings, and manage access to corporate data, all while ensuring compliance with industry standards. Intune consultants are well-versed in optimizing these features to meet your business’s specific security needs, ensuring that mobile devices accessing the cloud are secure and compliant. 
2. Streamlined Mobile Device Management 
Managing a growing fleet of mobile devices can be daunting for IT teams. With Microsoft Intune, organizations can streamline their device management by enrolling, configuring, and updating devices from a single platform. By leveraging Microsoft Intune consulting services, businesses can customize their device management processes to meet their unique requirements. This ensures that all devices, whether corporate-owned or BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), are securely configured and managed. 
3. Seamless Integration with Microsoft 365 
One of the standout features of Microsoft Intune is its seamless integration with Microsoft 365 services. This allows businesses to manage their devices alongside tools like Office 365 and Azure Active Directory, creating a cohesive ecosystem. Intune consultants can help businesses take full advantage of this integration, enabling smooth collaboration across devices while maintaining stringent security protocols for cloud-based environments. 
4. Flexible BYOD Management 
The rise of remote work and BYOD policies has increased the complexity of managing different device types and operating systems. Microsoft Intune provides the flexibility to manage multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows, ensuring that all devices are secure and compliant. Intune consulting services can tailor the platform to create flexible BYOD policies that protect corporate data without infringing on personal privacy. 
5. Cost-Effective and Scalable Solutions 
For businesses looking for a scalable and cost-effective solution, Microsoft Intune offers a pay-as-you-go model that allows you to adjust your service levels based on your organization's needs. By consulting with experienced Microsoft Intune professionals, businesses can ensure that their device management infrastructure is scalable and cost-efficient, adapting to future growth and technological advancements without significant investments in new hardware. 
6. Expert Guidance and Customization 
Every business has unique device management challenges, and a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short. Microsoft Intune consulting services provide businesses with expert guidance on customizing Intune's features to address specific operational requirements. Whether it's creating role-based access policies, designing custom compliance rules, or integrating third-party applications, Intune consultants can develop tailored solutions that meet your organization’s exact needs. 
7. Comprehensive Reporting and Insights 
Monitoring and reporting are critical to maintaining a secure and compliant device management strategy. Intune provides advanced reporting features that allow IT administrators to track device compliance, application usage, and security incidents in real-time. With the help of Intune consultants, businesses can leverage these insights to proactively identify potential security threats and compliance issues, ensuring that they remain ahead of any challenges. 
Microsoft Intune offers businesses an unparalleled solution for secure, cloud-based device management. By choosing Microsoft Intune consulting services, organizations can enhance their security, streamline mobile device management, and create a scalable, integrated solution tailored to their specific needs. Whether you’re looking to secure BYOD devices or integrate with Microsoft 365, Intune consultants can help you implement a strategy that keeps your devices and data safe in today's cloud-first world. 
Let Microsoft Intune consulting guide your organization towards better security and streamlined device management in the cloud. 
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beauty4care · 8 days
The Future of Master Data Management: Trends and Innovations
Just like everything else, as organizations and companies start to realize the importance of having and securing information that matters to the company, master data management still continues to develop and adjust for the new digital world. The prospect for MDM remains bright, particularly in the aspects carried by trends and innovations set to advance its function in achieving business goals. In this article, the author discussed current issues and developments that warrant further attention to the future of MDM.
1. Integration with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Data Efficient: Reduces storage space, increases accuracy, and maintains optimal data quality.
Building on these ideas Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are emerging as key enablers for the modern MDM. Through such applications like AI, ML and other algorithms, it is easier to recognize patterns, to identify abnormalities in a dataset and even to rectify such errors at the blink of an eye, hence leading to more accurate and consistent datasets.
Predictive Analytics
The inclusion of AI and ML into MDM results in the provision of analytics, which in this case would be predictive since they help organizations estimate future trends. This capability results in the ability to anticipate future shifts in the market, thereby enabling businesses to address operational inefficiencies as well as improve the delivery of services to the consumers.
2. Cloud-Based MDM Solutions
Scalability and Flexibility
Some of the benefits that come with using cloud-based MDM solutions are considered to be rather unique and include scalability and flexibility. With cloud solutions, there is no issue in relation to the capability to meet the growing data requirements and demands to deal with bigger data as a firm expands and as data management needs transform. This flexibility enables organizations to address changing business needs since a new process module can be easily designed and incorporated.
Cost Efficiency
Cloud MDM solutions thus do not require huge outlay in the hardware and other support infrastructure. However, an organization does not have to commit to a large-scale project and can use cloud computing as a subscription-based service, where the organization pays only for the used computing resources. Closely related to the subject matter, MDM is affordable which enhances uptake by businesses regardless of their size.
3. Data Governance and Compliance
Enhanced Regulatory Compliance
As data requirements increase due to new regulations on data privacy and protection, strong data management practices are crucial. The best following MDM solutions will be even more compliant in ensuring future compliance with rules such as GDPR, CCPA, and long on.
Data Lineage and Auditability
Currently, MDM solutions are gradually expanding their capabilities to offer solution data lineage and audit capability. These capabilities facilitate the identification of origin, the flow and processing of data, and accountability for activities that are related to data.
4. Real-Time Data Processing
Immediate Insights
The claims for immediate information require the advancement in the field of MDM solutions that can analyze data within a short span. The real-time MDM is capable of offering a competitive edge because of what it can offer in real-time that is the capacity to proactively address the new trends, customer behaviors and operative problems on the go.
Event-Driven Architecture
Implementing event processing concepts in MDM means that event-oriented architectures allow for efficient data event processing in real-time. This architecture allows data to be refreshed to all systems used by stakeholders in real-time, which means that all the information being processed has to be up to date to meet the needs of those using it.
5. Connecting it with Big Data and IoT
Managing Diverse Data Sources
Social, mobile, cloud and information big data analytics increasingly collect and process big data and IoT information. Subsequent versions of MDM solutions will work with big data and other IoT devices that will be used in a number of organizations, and help in managing as well as leveraging data from a variety of sources.
Enhanced Data Analytics
As for extending to big data and IoT, it can enhance the overall data supporting MDM with more extensive and profound data feed. Thus it makes possible the discovery of valuable patterns and aids in decision making processes based on outcome analytics.
6. Managed Interfaces and Do-It-Yourself MDM
Empowering Business Users
Subsequent editions of MDM solutions will entail easy-to-navigate graphical user interfaces that enable business consumers to steer data administration and management with minimal support from the technical IT personnel. This shall be done on a self-service basis hence allowing users to engage in data cleansing, enrichment, and integration amongst others thus resulting in improved data democratization.
Intuitive Data Visualization
Additional data visualization has been included in the system to improve the graphical representation of data and its usability by the users. NCs will be clearly presented and with easy to use dashboards and visual analysis, users would be able to easily spot trends, outliers and potential growth areas.
7. Collaboration and Data Sharing
Breaking Down Silos
New elements in future MDM solutions will involve more advancement in collaboration in sharing and disseminating data in different departments and business. The dismantling of data silos will ensure that all human parts of the organization can get hold of important data and use them to make decisions in unison.
Secure Data Exchange
New advances in secure information transmission will enable organizations to transfer information to external affiliates, suppliers and consumers whilst ensuring that the information is sound and secure. The former will form the basis of broader, more robust data environments.
As with any relatively young field, Master Data Management is likely to soon experience radical development due to artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, real-time data processing, and tighter links with Big data and IoT. Future advancements mean that they will be more effective in terms of data quality and compliance, MDM can scale much further, and it will grant users more control. These trends and innovations will allow organizations to effectively capitalize on all of the available data at the right time to fuel greater levels of business success as the world continues to become more data-intensive. In this way, it can be kept in mind that these features of MDM are optimal to be adopted by the businesses to establish MDM as a strategic business tool of the future.
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systemtek · 14 days
What is omadmclient.exe [RESOLVED]
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The file omadmclient.exe is a system process related to device management on Windows operating systems, specifically tied to the Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (OMA-DM) protocol. OMA-DM is a protocol used to remotely manage mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Here are some key points about `omadmclient.exe`: 1. **Purpose**: It is used for managing settings and configurations on devices. IT administrators or mobile carriers often use this for tasks such as configuring device settings, applying security policies, or pushing software updates remotely. It's common in enterprise environments where devices are managed centrally using tools like Microsoft Intune or other Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems. 2. **Location**: It is typically found in the `C:WindowsSystem32` directory, as it's part of the Windows OS. Since it is a system process, it should not be tampered with unless you have a valid reason. 3. **Behaviour**: In most cases, it runs in the background and doesn’t require any user interaction. You may notice it in the Task Manager or if you're tracking system performance, but it shouldn't consume significant resources unless device management activities are happening in real-time. 4. **Is it Safe?**: If found in its usual location (`System32`), `omadmclient.exe` is a legitimate system file and is safe. However, if it's found outside the typical system directories, it could be a sign of malware trying to disguise itself as a system process. In such cases, scanning the file with antivirus software is recommended. In summary, `omadmclient.exe` is part of Windows' infrastructure for remote device management and is generally harmless as long as it’s running as expected. Read the full article
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