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sarcasticace · 7 years ago
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This could be the start of something new It feels so right to be here with you
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thesadboy · 6 years ago
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“Wakey wakey sweetie~” “Huh? Oh, it’s just you, you’re here. You’re really here.” “I am. And I’m not gonna leave your side” Quinn is such a sweetheart like the moment I sat beside her before the crash landing just made me treasure her. And the moment she gave Taylor (my MC) a lil kiss during the chicken game at the pool, I fell in love with her. This Lil drawing is after the events of everything going to batshit hell. They’re now living together and although Taylor suffers from PTSD, Quinn will walk by his side and help her boyfriend through.
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mechaspirit · 7 years ago
Canoeing Adventure
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Author’s note: This is a request from @blightarts for the summer prompt drabble and his M!MC name is Casey in this fanfic. I know it’s late, but Happy Birthday, Blight! 
Tagging: @princesstopgun , @itsagoodluckkiss ,@sophie-summer , @xo-endlessmayhem-xo , @endlessly-searching-for-you , @sceptilemasterr , and @daniela2510 !
Disclaimer: Definitely do not own any of the Choices books down below. Those are rightfully owned by Pixelberry.
Rated: T
Pairings: MCxQuinn
Summary: Casey takes Quinn to canoeing for her first time in their camping trip.
Both Casey and Quinn could only muster sheepish grins as they held onto their towels and shivered. Apparently, the couple were on the camping trip along with Sean and Michelle. Keep in mind that this is Quinn’s first time going camping (if you don’t count the times they have to camp out in La Huerta) and one of the things she had in her camping bucket list is to go canoeing. So after everyone found their camping spot and set up the tent, Casey grabbed the oars and canoe and start the canoeing adventure with Quinn while Sean and Michelle decided to do some hiking. At least, they were able to have a camping experience that doesn’t involve getting chase by sabertooth tigers and fighting sea monster.
Unfortunately, it did not turned out the way they both expected.
Few hours ago...
“So...you sure you’re up for this, Quinn? I want you to have a good time and all, but it can be tricky especially with the river this rough-“
“Casey, I’ll be fine,” Quinn told him as she straightens up her life jacket, “Michelle already checked my health to make sure I’m good enough to do this. Besides, we’re not in La Huerta anymore. What’s the worse that can happen?”
“...Fairpoint,” Casey kiss his wife on the cheek and help her dragged the canoe to the river with Furball joining them. Their boat gently sailed through the river stream and despite doing canoeing for the first time, Quinn got the hang of it. Even Furball was enjoying the canoe ride.
Eventually, they rowed along the river stream where they can see all the pretty fishes swimming and Quinn would sometimes run her hand through the running water. Overall, it was pretty fun.
...Until something bad happens to them.
“Casey, do you hear something?” Quinn asked, “It sounds like a roaring water coming by.”
Casey looked up from his map and looked around. It was as Quinn says, there was sound of roaring water nearby and it is getting louder every second. The male adventurer squinted his eyes to get a better look until he saw something that made him panicked from the inside.
“Quinn, don’t freak out now but there’s a waterfall underneath us!”
The redhead looked over from where her husband is looking and gasped. “Oh my god! What are we going to do?!”
“Try to steer towards the dry land! We might have to abandon our boat and whatever we have in here!”
The couple grabbed their oars and quickly and desperately rowed their way to the nearby dry land, but the current was proven to be too strong and there were too many rocks blocking their paths which force them to avoid the obstacles.. Furball did use his ice powers to create some sort of path to safety, but the currents are too much for the tiny fox to handle.
And then the worse case scenario happened. They fell into the waterfall, screaming, and were nowhere to be seen…
...Until someone’s head pops out and squirted water out of his mouth. Realizing where he’s at, he looked around, desperately searching for his wife and their fox.
“Quinn? Furball? Where are you?!” Casey shouted in a panic-filled voice. Just then, he saw a familiar redhead popped out from the water and swam to him, much to his relief.
“Casey! I’m here!” Quinn yelled and kept swimming until she’s in Casey’s arms, “But where’s Furball?”
On cue, the blue fox popped out from the water between the couple and started spewing out some water. They sighed in relief and started laughing.
“Well, looks like the three of us survived,” Quinn said.
“Yep,” Casey agreed, “Now the question is how do we get back to the campsite?”
Present time...
“...And that’s what happened,” Casey finished the story and sipped his warm, coffee Michelle made for them. His hands are still shaking from the freezing water.
“I’m glad you and Quinn, but you had us worried by the time we heard you two screamed. Nearby the waterfall, nonetheless,” Sean told him.
Casey sighed and turned to the red-head woman, ashamed of himself. “Sorry, Quinn. Turns out that our canoeing experience ends up being a disaster.”
Quinn laughed and gave her husband a reassuring kiss. “It’s alright. Honestly, this is the most fun camping experience I’d ever had so far. Because I get to share it with you, Casey.”
That drew a smile on his face and the couple giggled before letting out cute sneezes.
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jakemckenzie · 8 years ago
Moving On (CANA)
Title: Moving On (CANA: Endless Summer Set 1: Part 2
Pairing: MCxQuinn (can be either platonic or romantic, up to reader!)
Word Count: 878
Warnings: I can’t really think of any!
Author’s Notes: wow! i haven’t updated this in a while. well ya’ll voted and i have delivered, this mc decided to talk to quinn! i wrote this under the assumption that none of the LI have told mc their secrets! please vote for what will happen next!!
***During this series, I try to keep everything gender neutral to enhance the experience for everyone. If I miss something, please tell me!
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The second you opened the door, you were greeted with Quinn’s unmistakable hair in the afternoon light.
“Oh,” You started, blinking in surprise. You wiped your eyes, you finger trying to remove any trace that you had been crying.“Hey, Quinn.”
Quinn offered you a shy smile, her bright eyes fixed on yours. Her hands were behind her back, and she bit her lower lip, “Hey, can we talk?”
“Of course,” You answered, opening the door wider and letting her in. Her hair blazed a bright red as the light from your window flirted with it, making her look electric. She looked at you and softened, noticing that you had been crying. From behind her back, she pulled out a frosted cupcake, handing it to you.
“It’s for you,” Her lips curled into yet another shy smile, “I know that everything that’s happened in the past few days have affected you the most, so I thought making cupcakes would help a little.’
You looked into Quinn’s eyes, noting how bright and innocent they were. Though it was a small gesture, you could feel a flame in your chest from the look of her eyes. After a moment, you wordlessly pulled her into a hug, burying yourself in the warmth and comfort of her hair. She didn’t say anything, but instead hugged you back tightly, her small arms wrapping around you.
“Thank you,” You whispered, “It means a lot.”
“It’s nothing,” She replied, pulling back to meet your eyes, “How are you holding up?”
“I-I’ve been in shock of the situation.” You admitted, taking a deep breath to steady yourself, “I think I just refuse to believe that he’s really gone. It scares me that maybe not everyone is going to make it out alive. It scares me that I can’t save everyone.”
You turn to Quinn, studying her soft features and porcelain skin. “It scares me that I may not be able to save you.”
Quinn’s lower lip trembled, and she took a step closer, looking up at you. “I’m not worth it.” She said softly, and you blinked in confusion. Something seemed to change in her face, in her expression. Her kind, comforting features turned serious for a moment, and you could sense a deeper agony in Quinn than she let on.
“Don’t say that.” You snapped, a lot sharper than you intended.
“I’m honestly not.” Quinn’s eyes seemed glassy, and you could notice the tears forming.She turned  away from you, hiding the raw emotion in her eyes.. You paused, hearing her small sniffs.
“Don’t say that, Quinn,” You insisted, resting your hand on her shoulder, “We’ll get off this island, don’t worry.”
She turned to you, tears threatening to spill over. She took a deep, shaky breath, gripping the edge of the dresser. “That’s the thing. Even if we get off this island...I won’t live for much longer.”
You could see the tremble in her lip, and you could hear how her voice was quivering. “What do you mean?”
“I...I have this rare autoimmune disease.” Quinn confessed, not meeting your eyes and instead looking at the carpet. “It’s called Rotterdam Syndrome. My parents used the last bit of their savings to heal me, and I thought I had finally gotten rid of it. But...it’s back.”
She lifted her hand daintily, and your eyes focused on it. For the first time, you could see it. Her tiny hand was trembling unnaturally, “I had a seizure right before leaving for the trip in my dorm bathroom. I...I thought that I only had six months to live, but that was before you shot the portal gun. I don’t know what will happen now.”
That sick, twisting feeling came back to your stomach, her words hitting you. “It’s all my fault.” You gasped, putting a hand on the wall to stabilize yourself as the room started to turn. “The portal gun was my idea; I was the one who thought it would work. But because of me we left Grace and Raj and Diego alone with god knows what for six months.” Even you could hear the panic rising in your voice, “Because of me you might die. Because of me-”
“MC, please.” Quinn rushed over to you, her hands gently rubbing your back, “This wasn’t your fault. Without you, we would have all been killed or tortured. You didn’t know that it would launch us six months, and even if I die I’m forever grateful for the time I spent with you on this island.”
Tears fearlessly spilled from your eyes, streaming down your face as you sobbed. They were huge, wracking movements that you couldn’t control, and you gave in and allowed yourself to empty out all the tears you had been keeping in. “First Grace, then Raj, then Diego, and now you.” You muttered, more to yourself then to Quinn. “I’m so sorry.”
Quinn pulled you into an even tighter hug, just holding you and running her hands across your back. You surrendered yourself to your warmth, allowing yourself to just feel for once.
Finally, she pulled back, and you could see the tears streaming down her face too. She offered you a weak smile, and you couldn’t help but smile back.  
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