#mcsm au lucy
magicb0x300 · 5 years
MCSM: Gender Shift AU
Jesse fluttered open his eyes. How long has he been lying here? 
“Huh?” he mumbled, sitting up. His green eyes scanned his surroundings. Everything looked...normal. “Did I fall asleep or something?” he asked himself, placing a hand on his forehead. 
A moment later, the brunette rose onto two feet, and dusted himself off. “Guess it’s time to head home.”
As Jesse was walking, he tilted his head to the sky. He smirked softly, watching as the clouds floated above him. While Jesse was staring at the sky, he didn’t notice someone walking toward him.
Suddenly, his head collided with someone else’s, and he found himself stumbling back, and falling onto his rump. “Oof!” he grunted, wincing in pain. “What the... oh shit, I’m sorry about that,” he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. 
The stranger groaned, but then an airy chuckle left their lips, “It’s alright.” 
Jesse sighed, getting onto his knees, and aimed to grab the book the stranger dropped. Their hand set atop of it first, and the brunette found his hand placed on theirs. He blinked, then lightly pulled it away. 
“It’s fine, I’ve got it. But, thank you,” the stranger nodded, their blue eyes glimmering. There was something about them... something that reminded the male of someone.
The brunette’s train of thought was interrupted as the stranger gave a light gasp, “oh, I’m sorry,” they apologized, brushing a golden strand of hair from their face, “I’m Lucy.”
Jesse felt something click in his brain. Blonde hair, blue eyes, that personality... 
“W-whoa, uhh. My name’s Jesse,” he greeted back after a bit. Lucy giggled, “what? Is this the first time you’ve heard that name?”
Jesse felt his cheeks warm up, “maybe? I just... don’t recall hearing that name last. Kinda forgot it was a name,”  he chuckled nervously, feeling sweat bead on his forehead. Lucy smiled warmly at him, her hair seeming to glow in the sunlight.  “Well, it was nice to meet you, Jesse,” she said, standing up and straightening her leather jacket. The brunette stood up afterwards, “y-yeah.”
“I gotta get back to my cottage though.” Jesse felt something inside him break, but he brushed it aside. Lucy hugged the book in her arms, “hopefully we’ll see each other again?” she asked rather... hopefully. 
The brunette felt a small smile tug at his lips, “if we’re lucky, yeah.” Lucy smiled at him one last time before turning around. As she began walking, Jesse flung himself forward, placing a hand on the blonde’s shoulder, “L-Lucy, wait.”
The girl turned her head to face him, “what is it?” she asked softly. Jesse blushed, “u-uhh...” he then took a breath, “...would it be okay if... I-I walked you back?” he asked, smiling kindly. The blonde smiled, a slight blush coloring her cheeks as well, “sure.”
As they were walking, Jesse felt tears gather in his eyes. This wasn’t his world, it was an alternate universe where everyone’s genders were shifted. Olivia, Oliver. Axel, Alexa. Petra... err, he’s got nothing. 
And Lucy... was this world’s Lukas. “Lukas,” he whispered, the tears in his eyes spilling over. God, the brunette didn’t realize how much he missed him. “Jesse?” a soft voice spoke, snapping him from his thoughts once again. “Are you okay?”
The male sniffed, wiping his eyes with the palm of his hand, “’m just fine. There’s just... a lot on my mind.”
The girl nodded in understanding, a few strands of hair covering her eyes. Jesse bit his lower lip, “h-here, let me,” he said, digging into his pocket. He brought out a rubber band, moving his hands to the other’s golden hair. With care, he brushed it back, using the rubber band to tie the bunch of locks in one place. “The classic ponytail, h-heh,” he chuckled bashfully. 
Lucy smiled at Jesse, a dark shade of pink coloring her cheeks, “thank you,” she breathed. The brunette nodded, returning the smile. Suddenly, he felt soft lips connect with his cheek. He felt his face burst with heat, “uh-- I--,” he stuttered. Did that just happen? Seriously, did that just happen?
A few minutes later, they arrived at her cottage. “We made it,” she breathed, turning her head to face Jesse, “thanks for walking me, Jesse. It’s honestly one of the sweetest gestures anyone’s ever shown me.” The brunette grinned, “no problem, Lucy.”
“You actually remind me of someone else, her name is also Jesse,” she smiled. Jesse glanced to the side awkwardly, “how convenient!”
“Right? You should talk to her, you two would totally understand each other,” the blonde suggested helpfully, twirling her ponytail around blindly. It was super cute. 
“I’ll take your word on that,” the brunette nodded. “Peter would also like to meet you too!”
Ohh, Peter! There we go!  “I’ll think about it,” the male smiled, “he sounds pretty legit.”
“Oh, believe me, Jesse. He’s the whole package. A-anyways, uhm… thanks again for the walk here...” she blushed, putting a hand to her mouth. “Anytime, Lucy. ‘Guess I should take off now, huh? Don’t wanna miss meeting Peter and Jesse.” Lucy hesitantly nodded.
“Welp… hopefully we bump into each other again,” he waved, sadness creeping up on him. With a sigh, he began walking. 
“W-wait...” Lucy whispered, “uhm… if it’d be alright with you... would you like to stay over for a bit? I-I’m planning on making some muffins, and I don’t think Drew my ocelot, and I can eat them alone. Y-you don’t have to! It’s just an invitation,” she offered. 
Jesse blinked before smiling widely, “that’d be great. I am pretty hungry after all,” he pat his stomach, earning a giggle from the other. “I’m sure Drew will grow on you, he’s a clingy lil guy,” Lucy said with a smile. 
“I’m sure he will. Thanks, Lucy,” he said. The blonde nodded kindly in return, blushing wildly.
Jesse didn’t know how long he’d be in this AU, but what he did know was that he’d have to take care, and protect Lucy with all of his life, just as he would with Lukas. 
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