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madamairlock · 1 month ago
Major Crimes: Best of Dark and Bright
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madamairlock · 1 year ago
We can add silver-blonde hair to this post now, boys.
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Sexual orientation: a middle aged woman in position of power
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madamairlock · 2 months ago
The Wicked Witch Returns: A fic I wrote and apparently never posted to AO3, so enjoy!
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raindrops-and-tubestops · 7 years ago
FF trope. The cliche hallmark-y bit where they are not friends, but forced undercover or on a trip together. Shandy
Thank you for the ask Anon!
In fact this isn’t a trope I’ve written but I would love to write it! I love all the pent up anger and spiciness between Sharon and Andy, in the Closer era anyway. During their stint in Major Crimes could be fun too…especially if, to make it more hallmark-y, they are pissed off at one another and it’s a complete misunderstanding 😊
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holdontohopelove · 7 years ago
Well, that was...
Let me explain (lots of spoilers and not one bit of brevity):
- Okay, so the funeral was beautiful. And brief. Which is almost just as well because I could not have handled much more than that even though Sharon deserved whole episodes dedicated to mourning her. I wanted to see more familiar faces in the crowd. Pope. Brenda. Fritz. Morales. Jack. Gavin. Judge Grove. I know, I know, schedules and guest stars are hard, but it lost something without them.
- Emma Rios bit the dust. I’m not surprised. The foreshadowing was on point. Mostly, I’m glad it wasn’t Brenda. Sorry, Emma. ALSO, off topic, but homegirl is 35 and has that kind of house with a pool in LA? Man, I love subtle reminders about how underpaid my profession is. Also, this means she was prosecuting the Stroh case at 30 so damn.
- Andrea Hobbs losing her shit was all of us. That was the one moment that I nearly lost it. I wanted to hug that woman so badly.
- I did have a moment when I envisioned Taylor and Sharon greeting Emma in heaven and I had to start reciting multiplication tables to not cry.
- The wedding photos. God. Just make it stop. I want to be free of this pain. I think I said motherfucker about 50 times during these episodes and at least 10 of them were that scene. More on when I said the other 40 coming up...
- Was I the only one who disliked Sharon’s videos? I mean, I loved seeing Sharon, but...I was just like meh about them. I feel like those things are good in theory and bad in practice. It never sounds as heartfelt or genuine as an actual conversation and then that’s all you have left of your loved one. For me, it seemed very rehearsed and un-Sharon. Her last words to everyone just seemed so weird and not her. I also was a bit disappointed that Rusty got his own and no one else did. I almost feel like a letter to each person would have been more Sharon’s style (but of course not dramatic enough for TV or Duff).
- I’m glad Andy had a moment of actually showing minor anger towards Sharon.  I still think she put herself in harm’s way - #sorrynotsorry. To quote Brenda, “you didn’t have time to call it in, but you had time to take pictures?!” Sharon, you were too busy to go home even though you were sick but you had time to make videos in case you died? (And also, we later found out that Gus got the call about Sharon being in the hospital between 8pm - 9:30pm. So Sharon was working that late for that confession after being told to calm the fuck down?Great).
- I literally wanted to punch someone when Sharon called Ricky her firstborn. THEY COULDN’T EVEN GET HER POST-DEATH LEGACY VIDEO RIGHT? God, Duff, what the fuck. Do you even watch your own show?
- Okay - the Stroh case. I was almost glad to have something else to focus on instead of the grief, but what a fucking anti-climatic shit show. 
- I don’t give a damn about the hacking accomplice. I’m mostly mad no one’s caught onto him yet and the scenes where we had to watch him watch the squad annoyed the shit out of me. Are we supposed to feel bad if he dies? Because I won’t. 
- I really don’t give a good golly fuck about Stroh’s backstory. I would have, perhaps, if we’d gotten one on Sharon or Andy or even Amy or Tao or ANYONE or even Sharon AND Andy as a couple, but since we didn’t, then I don’t want nearly two hours of TV devoted to Stroh’s sociopathic past. Probably 20 of the roughly 40 remaining motherfuckers I said were directed at various parts of this storyline.
- Phillip Stroh became the “Red John” of this show (heyyy Mentalist people!), but instead of devoting seasons to developing the story line, we get it pelted at us in four episodes, on top of grief and wrapping up the series and the minor fucking relationship story lines. Joy. 
- Thank God they caught onto the whole “Gus saw Stroh at his restaurant.” That was perhaps the only redeeming thing in the case that happened.
- Chief Mason is a fucking idiot. It’s like literally everyone else in the free world is aware of the threat of Stroh BUT him. Half of the time tonight was spent with basically everyone trying to convince Mason to give out protective details. ARE YOU SERIOUS? The rest of the motherfuckers I said were devoted to Chief Mason...what an honor.
- I swear to God, the promos that ran during 24 Hours of A Christmas Story for tonight’s episodes had a part where it showed “Rusty is next” scrawled on a wall in what looked like Sharon’s condo. Or somewhere. And that did not appear once in tonight’s episodes so WTF.
- I’m over Rusty and Gus and Cami and Wes. I don’t care. DON’T CARE.
- Is Wes the guy on the motorcycle? Because Provenza clearly sent him uncover to do whatever the fuck needed to be done and I’m pretty sure that’s him and not Stroh on the bike in the episode and in the elevator with the helmet on in the promo. I don’t want Wes to be the hero of this story. I barely want Rusty to be the hero of this story and he’s been around since Day 1.
- Can we talk about how Tony Denison got fucked over? He said himself in his Facebook live that he doesn’t do much in the final 3 episodes except look in Sharon’s office and look sad and damn if that isn’t the truth. He said in the vid that most of his role lately had been about being with Sharon and since she’s gone, he has nothing to do. That’s fucking sad. Andy was a prominent figure on TC and MC and Duff reduces him to this? This is EXACTLY what we complain about with female characters. Tony Denison also deserves better. And I don’t think, from the looks of it, he’ll be a major figure to take down Stroh and that sucks. I’d love to see Andy take him out for Sharon and to protect Rusty for her dying wish.
- ALSO, Duff said we would know what Sanchez wanted to ask her AND IT WASN’T SAID TONIGHT. More lies. I can’t.
- And, finally, it KILLED me when they ran the opening credits for 6.10 and Mary’s name had been removed. Ugh.
So, in closing, I did not find tonight nearly as traumatizing as I did annoying and somewhat offensive. I want these next two episodes to be over. I need closure and good fanfiction in which Sharon does not die. And please, I need Brenda not to die so that I have something left to cling to when the final curtain falls. #PrayersforBrenda #YouCanNeverHaveTooManyAngels
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madamairlock · 2 years ago
I know I’ve seen this post before, but it just occurred to me all these years later that it could’ve been my fic that triggered this 😅
Sorry about that one!
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You know the “characters X and Y are stuck in a hotel, one room, one bed, what will happen next? Nobody knows…” type of fanfiction, right?
Loved the fanfiction, hoped for a different ending. Still happy though. I don’t remember the name of the story but I liked it. 😂😂
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angleofmusings · 3 years ago
we’re staying across the water from a coast guard base so. there is some loud bugling rn
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madamairlock · 2 years ago
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I stumbled onto an incorrect quote generator and now you're all going to spiral with me. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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holdontohopelove · 7 years ago
I just want to say thanks...
It’s been a rough two weeks for all of us, both in Major Crimes world and probably in everyone’s actual lives too. Thank you to everyone who’s liked my posts, followed me, sent kind and funny words, posted fics and pics and gifs and their own musings and rants, and put up with my comments, ranting, and swearing.
I’ve never been really out there on this site until the past week. I’ve always watched the fandom drama unfold from the sidelines over the years, but I am so grateful to you guys for how you all have welcomed me in and how supportive everyone has been to each other. I can’t talk about this with anyone in real life and I truly have been grieving, so I’m so thankful for you guys and your reminders that I’m not alone.
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madamairlock · 1 year ago
Ohhh more fic title asks! May have stolen one of those from TayTAY....
Cat's in the Cradle
No Body, No Crime.
The Compass Points North
Oooooooooooooh oh boy. Oh. Hm. Okay, hang on.
Cat’s in the Cradle: In the wake of another frustrating whirlwind of a visit from Jack and a canceled visit from Ricky, Sharon contemplates the similarities between father and son.
No Body, No Crime: Following Billy’s death, Laura begins to collapse under the bodies that have fallen before her—starting with her mother—and the denial she protectively shrouds herself in.
The Compass Points North: Kobol’s magnetic field renders Colonial compasses useless, but Bill knows exactly where to find Laura anyway.
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movie--posters · 6 years ago
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holdontohopelove · 7 years ago
Well, okay.
God, I don’t even know where to start. Spoilers, read at your own risk:
That’s about what I expected and also hoped wouldn’t actually happen. We had a crazy hour in which the accomplice died, they had to race to save the accomplice’s girlfriend, they found Stroh after a long, stressful, time consuming, search and, oh, Rusty Beck, junior detective saves the day.
Duff said in an interview that Sharon had to be out of the way for what was to come in By Any Means because it wouldn’t have worked with her there. NO FUCKING KIDDING. Because she wouldn’t have let Rusty out of her sight? Because she wouldn’t have let a 22 year old involve himself in an investigation at the highest level of law enforcement? Because Rusty NEVER would have been at that scene in the first place, let alone wielding a gun and acting like a junior cop? Because Sharon would have put him in his place and he wouldn’t have DARED defy her? Pick any of the above.
It’s a nice gesture on Andrea’s part to say that Sharon would be proud. And for Provenza to secure him a job with the DA’s office (gag). But, like Rusty, I also wonder because the Sharon we knew would have been devastated. (The Sharon we knew also would have done everything possible to stay alive so SHE could take the final shot if needed to protect her son and spare him the agony, but I’ve ranted that rant already so I won’t digress.) He knew damn well that it would ruin his life if Stroh came in alive...he’d always have to worry for his safety and his past would come out and ruin his chance at a law career. And Sharon wouldn’t be there to help with damage control. His mind was made up that if he had the chance, he was going to kill Stroh. Maybe it was justified, but it was also a deliberate choice. And that is a heavy fucking burden to live with.
Rusty actually did the complete opposite of Brenda. Brenda was beat down by the system and her colleagues and the Johnson Rule by the time Stroh attacked them in her kitchen. She didn’t want to hear his confession and she didn’t want to become what she would have been if she shot him in cold blood. She knew better than anyone how dangerous he was and she sacrificed her career and her name to bring him down. She would have sacrificed her morals and everything else, too, had Pope and Gabriel and even Sharon to a certain extent not emphasized how much she fucked up with the lawsuit and her methods and her ethics. Rusty told her to shoot Stroh and she wouldn’t. She didn’t. Because she believed that if she did, it would be crossing a line and undoing all the hard lessons she learned. She would be irredeemable. Rusty didn’t fucking care. Sharon’s entire journey with him was to ensure that he was kind and stayed safe. She worked so hard to keep him on that path and he didn’t really stray, apart from being a self-centered piece of work. Brenda “redeemed” herself after a series of poor, borderline unethical choices by refusing to shoot a man in cold blood. A man that would then turn around and make Rusty Beck’s life hell. An irony that perhaps Sharon may have reflected on, considering she played a role in “redeeming” Brenda to such a point that she wouldn’t shoot him...even though shooting him would have meant that Sharon’s now-son would be safe. And then that boy, that Rusty Beck, turns around and shoots Stroh without provocation five times in the chest. Rusty became what Brenda had redeemed herself from. And Sharon would be fucking heartbroken over that. Brenda NOT shooting Stroh was probably the most shocking moment of Sharon’s career...all of them would have bet that Brenda would have killed him if she had the chance. Conversely, Sharon would have been shocked, horrified, and devastated that Rusty shot Stroh...and not just shot him, but shot him in the manner and under the circumstances in which he did.
To be honest, it sucks for Rusty because he knew Sharon better than nearly anyone. He knows that it’s questionable that she’d be happy with him and he will have to live with that doubt for the rest of his life. He went to a place that Sharon never wanted him to go. He defied everything she taught him in six seasons in that one scene. And nothing, NOTHING in her final video stuck or helped him beat Stroh. Again, like always, Rusty Beck steered the fucking ship all on his own. I also sort of suspect that Andy would also be aware of Sharon’s feelings on the subject and not be too pleased with Rusty after all this. That could also be a damn hard thing for Andy to live with.
I wish it wasn’t all so damn predicable. Did a franchise known for its strong female leads see the main villain taken down by said strong female leads? No, one leaves the LAPD of her own choosing, but in disgrace and with doubt cast on her accomplishments, and one dies of an unnecessary often nonfatal heart condition. The golden writer’s boy turned lead character saves the day, despite literally being a child among the most seasoned detectives in the LAPD. Most of the other characters barely got a mention. Andy barely had any lines. Sharon was mentioned twice. Brenda’s big moment was a single name drop. It was underwhelming while being sickeningly melodramatic at the same time. 
I’m going to collect my thoughts on the ending of the franchise outside of this episode and post them at some point, but this is where I’m at right now. I’m a little nostalgic, but a lot disappointed. And losing Sharon, for me, was losing the show. These were just four additional episodes to put the nail in the show’s damn coffin. Congrats, Duff, you got your wish.
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madamairlock · 2 years ago
Ahhhhh holy shit this is hot! I fucking love the idea of Sharon asking while they’re already in the middle of sex and not even able to get the whole question out—that’s fantastic! I can’t wait to read the rest!!! And the details about her Catholic guilt???? *chef’s kiss*
I’m also happy to read over it before you post to AO3 if you’d like! :)
29 from Sharon, please! 💜
It's been a while and since I'm not sure what the 29 stands for, either "I doenst have to be hard" in the deep feels thing or "Acting out fantasies", you all understand what I chose, hehe. It's just the beginning, i'll post the rest on AO3 and if anyone was kind enough to read it before i post, that would be lovely. It's my first time writing something so naughty and i'm a bit concerned about my (lack of) vocabulary.
Here's the beggining:
Trusting, for Sharon, came in different shapes and forms. There were certain aspects of her life where she could trust her partner without seconds thoughts and some where it was absolutely impossible. 
Given their very tentative beginning and her reserved nature, Andy feared intimacy would be difficult. He was afraid she would not trust him enough to share her most inner thoughts, or at least what she liked. He was very pleased to discover that as long as their finances remained separated, she was quite trusty, especially in the bedroom. 
He would never tell her but he found it funny that she could only share her most intimate thoughts behind closed doors, in the most complete obscurity. Catholic guilt was well anchored within her. He just hoped she would never ask him to wear a cassock. 
It was after some particularly intense and satisfying sessing of lovemaking that she was the most talkative. He loved that aspect of her personality. He loved to get to know her like that. Sometimes she would start sharing her most secret desires while still moaning, aftershocks still ripping through their bodies. 
Tonight, she didn't even wait for them to finish. She was wanton in a way he rarely saw her and was enjoying every minute of it. He slowed down his pace when he first heard her talk, her voice muffled by her pillow. his hand on her hips, he withdrew until only the tip was still in, his shaft glistering in the candlelit room. she pushed on her hands, rising her upper body but angling her pelvis toward him, moving back, encompassing him in her wet and hot body in an agonizing slow movement. 
“God, that’s so good.” He could only grunt in approval while his member drew back before moving in again, filling her inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt. she moved her right hand, grabbing her sweating long hair, moving it over her right shoulder before looking back at him. She maintained eye contact while he slid slowly into her once again, her lips parting in a long sigh. “ You know what I’d like?” She asked breathlessly. 
She moved her forehead down, resting it against her pillow, moving down her upper body while rising her hips, letting him slide deeper and reaching her G-spot with the perfect amount of pressure. “No, Baby, tell me. Anything.” She could ask him whatever she wanted at that moment, he was in no position to deny her anything. 
“I…” She moaned loudly. “I’d like you to tie me down next time.” She pushed back her pelvis against him. “Oh yes, Andy, like that.” 
He continued his slow thrusts, knowing she loved when he filled her like that. Plus it gave him a respite and a chance to have some blood to flow back to his brain. Tying her, ok, no problem, he was very ok with that. In fact, it was one of his fantasies too but he could feel there was something else, something she was not telling him.  “Just tying? Is there something else you’d like me to do?” He panted. not able to concentrate on both tasks at the same time, he pushed more forcefully into her, eliciting a cry from the woman in front of him. 
“I…” She moaned again, moving her hips back faster while one of her hands sneaked between her legs. “I want you to…” He could see she was losing it but so was he. “Oh my God, Andy, yes!” He grabbed her hips firmly and moved within her more vigorously. She was making all kinds of sounds: sobbing, groaning, muttering unintelligible words that sounded like “yes” and “Andy”. She was lost and so was he.
Within seconds they both came before falling in a bundle of sweaty limbs, all thoughts of Sharon’s fantasy temporarily gone. 
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madamairlock · 1 year ago
112.) “I’ve never seen someone look so cute & ridiculous at the same time.” For Shandy. Please & thank you.
Also, adding your prompt to my ever-growing list of fic prompts. So, it may be a while before I get it written & posted. Lol!
Sharon had grown used to the silence in her condo and had quickly learned to value it. The silence only made the noises of her children more special when they visited. It had been an adjustment after Rusty moved in, then Andy, and now she had adjusted to the new normal in her condo, only for changes to loom in the new year as her and Andy prepared to sell it and buy a home together. It gave her one more Christmas in the condo with her family by her side.
"Ricky, if you steal one more piece of cookie dough, you won't be getting any done ones later!" she threatened, watching her sons from the corner of her eye as she rolled out the gingerbread dough and second-guessed her decision to have everyone in such a small space for the week.
The kids had gotten a hotel and Rusty had opted to stay with them, leaving Sharon and Andy alone at night. They had returned early the next morning and she had fought to get them out of the kitchen so she could tackle her baking.
"Mom," Ricky whined, hand already reaching for the bowl of dough she had foolishly left within his reach. "The dough is the best part!"
"You're going to get salmonella." She leaned over and grabbed the edge of the bowl, pulling it just out of his reach before his fingers could snatch more raw dough.
"No one gets salmonella from eating raw cookie dough." He crossed his arms and Rusty mimicked him, but Sharon only shook her head and returned to her task.
"They do," Emily corrected from across the counter. She stood on a step stool, Andy worriedly by her side. "With how much you've eaten in the past five minutes, you're probably well on you're way there."
Sharon hummed her agreement and looked up long enough to smile at her daughter.
"Hey, you've been eating some too, Mom!" Rusty leaned forward with his elbows on the counter and stared accusingly at Sharon.
"Someone has to taste it to make sure it's okay before they go in the oven." She shrugged innocently and turned around to grab the gingerbread cookie cutter.
When she turned back, she found Ricky's arm reaching out for the bowl again. She immediately gave it a gentle smack and shot him another warning glare. He obeyed and jerked his arm back with a dramatic yelp, but his hand caught the open bag of flour and knocked it over. White powder flew into the air, coating his and Rusty's arms, the counter, the cookie dough, and all down the front of Sharon's Christmas apron. She jumped back, hands held up in surrender.
The commotion made Andy and Emily look over and both burst into laughter, Ricky and Rusty soon joining in. Sharon glared at them all, but the layer of flour softened it and only made everyone laugh harder.
Andy quickly rounded the counter and grabbed a dish towel, but quickly thought better of it and instead moved to untie the apron so he could gently lift it away from her and try to limit the flour hitting the ground.
"I’ve never seen someone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time," he commented softly, his hand resting on her hip as he set the dirtied apron aside.
"You're not helping," she warned, but he could see the twitching at the corner of her lips.
"I'm not trying to." He grinned and that was enough to do her in.
She rolled her eyes but started laughing too, leaning back into Andy's arm after he fully wrapped it around her. She stared at the mess her kitchen had become, but shook her head and smiled happily.
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madamairlock · 2 years ago
There is something…. Insanely attractive about Sharon and Brenda Leigh reloading guns together.
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madamairlock · 1 year ago
The hottest thing Mary consistently does while acting is when her characters get really mad or intense and instead of yelling she just gets quieter and calmer. I specifically remember a scene in Major Crimes where she did it to Rusty’s mom in prison…it made me feel things.
Oh, you are so totally right. That and just existing with her hair.
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