enchantingmirage · 2 months
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I think I'm inclined to agree with everyone on the forum that this has to be my favorite episode. (That is, until I get to Episode 6 which I'm excited about)
It was interesting to see MC take on this new challenge, which I imagine would've been difficult if she didn't ask for help.
I really adored the scene at the restaurant with Thomas and him getting flustered over the indirect kiss. It was super cute and I didn't expect MC to be such a tease.
The restaurant itself is beautiful, but I could imagine it being quite pricey. I also thought "Eglantine" was a strange name for a child, but I searched it and it's apparently a name for a species of rose. It's lovely, but it sounds difficult to pronounce.
I do hope we get an update about how the birthday party goes in the future.
I also did a replay since Devon and Thomas share the same illustration outfit. I also enjoyed his scene as well; I love aquariums and the background music was very romantic.
While Devon is handsome and friendly, I personally don't feel comfortable pursuing a relationship with her boss. Especially given the context of her last relationship…
Side note, but why did Amanda have an attitude when I told Devon I didn't mind working on the birthday party project? That was really uncalled for…
The dress is my favorite outfit so I was happy that it was for Thomas' route. I had trouble with picking color combos, but the pink and white one looked the best.
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enchantingmirage · 2 months
Let's Play My Candy Love: New Gen [Episode 5 Replay - Devon]
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enchantingmirage · 2 months
Let's Play My Candy Love: New Gen [Episode 5]
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enchantingmirage · 3 months
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Alexa, play Soul Lady by Yukika. I miss her so much omg...
It's been a while since I've last played tbh. Happy to be catching back up.
Now onto my thoughts on the episode:
I will say that the outfits were really nice. The jumpsuit is cute, but I would've preferred a less plunging neckline.
It was interesting to see the MC from the original game; part of me is curious to know who her canon love interest is. Or maybe they didn't give her one as to leave it up to the fan's interpretation?
It was interesting to hear our coworker's thoughts on love and relationships. I know some people on the forums have expressed that it was odd that everyone was being so open about their relationships. I can understand why, as normally I wouldn't say I like talking about myself either. On the other hand, most of my own coworkers discuss their past relationships with each other. I guess it varies depending on the person.
I also got confirmation about Roy and Brune's relationship and... ay caramba! Imagine just casually breaking up in front of your coworkers. That whole ordeal could've been avoided tbh. I'm not going to lie, those scenes really dulled down the episode.
So, I believe that they rushed into this relationship without giving it much thought. I didn't really like everyone's reactions to them confessing that they haven't been intimate after only 2 weeks. Don't they know that not everyone will be into that? And isn't 2 weeks a bit too soon? I'd give it at least, erm I dunno, a month???
What do I know? I've never been in a relationship myself before IRL...
Part of me feels like the writers made them break up so as not to make Candy seem like a homewrecker or something. So now Roy's available for those wanting to pursue him. Ugh, it really could've been handled so much better.
There was also a backstory involving Jason and Devon's rivalry. Ngl, I was expecting some more drama. Jason stealing files and all of that just made him come off as petty and immature. I was expecting something more cunning. I'll admit this made me less interested in getting to know him...
I'd say the one positive in this episode was the moment with the crush of choosing. I chose Thomas and I really loved the "city pop" vibes. Probably not the right adjective to use, but that's what I felt. I could see that in a music video or something.
Now would I personally go on a motorcycle? Absolutely not. But I could see why it's so thrilling to some.
Still hoping for more friendship-adjacent moments as we're still early on. Part of me is a little worried that the romantic feelings will get rushed.
Kind of made my heart flutter thinking that Thomas is curious about MC. Perhaps he's starting to gain an attraction to her?
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enchantingmirage · 5 months
Pop Star! Yvette AU Cast of Characters
Literally, a spur of the moment idea to create an AU for my New Gen OC, Yvette.
Everything is still a work in progress, so do be on the look out for updates!
Yvette Dolga (OC): A rising pop star signed under Divine Media. Quiet with a cheeky streak, she hopes to make her place in the music world. Loves the color pink and enjoys songwriting.
Prunella Reyes (OC): Yvette's best friend and backing vocalist/dancer. Afro-Latina. The voice of reason. Has a level-headed demeanor and usually tries to stop Nikki from doing something absurd.
Nikki Ishida-Verdino (OC): Yvette's other best friend and backing vocalist/dancer. Japanese/Italian-American. She can be ditzy and overbearing, but has a big heart and always wants what's best for Yvette.
Amanda: Yvette's manager.
Devon: Founder/CEO of Divine Media.
Roy: Yvette's personal bodyguard.
Thomas: One of the music producers working with Yvette. Also her love interest in this story.
Jason: Founder/CEO of Goldreamz Entertainment. Wants Yvette to leave her current agency for his, persuading her that she will have better treatment there.
Elenda: Yvette's dance instructor.
Brune: A photographer at Divine Media.
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enchantingmirage · 5 months
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Y'all, I love my Candy too much ok?? 😭😭😭 Lowkey my daughter...
You can add me at: LadyMirage#545
I've also made a playlist for her; give it a listen if you're interested.
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