#mc: amber rosenberg
Be My Superman?
Open Heart/ Rafael x MC (Amber Rosenberg) 
Summary: Amber has a hard time telling a boy that she likes him more then he thinks. Hopefully tonight she steals her chance. 
Authors Note: for a Rafael x MC request! It took awhile to come out and it’s still short but I guess that’s what I get for over thinking everything. Next will be some unfinished stuff I have in my documents including some Ramsey, D&D, TE, and TRR stuff. Requests will be open for awhile if you have anything. 
It was another late night with Doctor Banerji as Ethan walked back to his office. Amber next to him and quickly sent a text to her friends telling them that she’d be home soon. She had been on call for the last forty-eight hours and now that was over for the next day or two she had off.
“Thank you doctor Ramsey,” she said as he nodded at her.
Just about content with her day Amber Rosenberg started heading toward the main hospital doors. It would have been better if she was able to go to the ER and see… Her thoughts jerked from that space in her brain as she saw a face watching her. That was Rafael as a brighter smile lite up on her face. She was hoping to go down the ER today and see him. Looks like she got her wish.
“Rafael,” she called heading toward him as he watched her a small smile on her face. “What are you doing here? Did you just get off?”
He seemed to hesitate before flushing. “I did, but I didn’t know that you were still here though. Was that Doctor Ramsey?” Rafael pointed in his direction as she nodded.
“Yea, he’s my attending physician. Even when I try to avoid him he finds me anyway.” Amber laughed before tossing her brown hair over her shoulders. “He’s been like a mentor, a very prickly mentor, but a mentor all the same. So, what are doing now that your off?”
Amber twisted a piece of her hair coyly hoping that he’d want to spend some time with her. She blinked her hazel eyes up at him. Maybe? Rafael glanced at her as he laughed himself.
“If you want we can go to this Caribbean place I know that’s still open. It’ll be a late dinner.”
Enthusiastic, she nodded and confidently took his hand. They started to walk away from the hospital in a comfortable silence. She bit her lip wondering what she could say to him. Normally she was so good at conversation but with him it was hard. It was hard because she didn’t want to seem like an idiot. However, she did like the way his hand fit with hers.
“So where is this place?” she asked breaking the silence. “I mean I still don’t know Boston very well.”
“It’s not too far from the hospital actually. Are you okay, you seem a little more, I dunno, happier than normal?”
Okay that was all she needed to hear before she awkwardly rubbed her cheek. “I had a really good day because I wanted to run into you and I did. I was thinking about the last day we had and I was wondering if we could do it again. Does this count as a date?”
“We can if you want to. Although I have to admit that I don’t have flowers or anything.”
Grinning they started down the path away from the hospital. Perfect, she thought, gosh he was such a nice guy and she was so bad at flirting. Then another thing escaped her mouth before cringing.  “It’s okay, maybe you could share your jacket or something?” Now that sounded stupid before he stopped and pulled off his jacket. “I was just…”
“No, I want to and you do look a little cold.”
She looked down at her plain white tee shirt and jeans. The weather was dipping slightly causing her to shiver. Rafael slipped it over her shoulders feeling warmer than ever. A flush rising on her cheeks turning back to him.
“Thanks. Listen I’m not very good at flirting or anything so I’m just letting you know that I really like you and I hope we can keep going out. I decided if I saw you tonight it would be a good time to ask. Take that leap of faith sort to speak and maybe be my superman?” It sounded like a question as she remembered what Dolores called him. “I want us to go steady if that’s something you want too.”  
Rafael took her hand and squeezed it. “I hope we can continue seeing each other steadily too. I think your special and I’d like to be your superman.”
“Perfect.” An even wider smile if it was possible on her face as they found the restaurant. She had an hour to be home at this rate before they settled into conversation. It was the start of a beautiful relationship.
Tag list: @queen-among-writers @flyawayboo @fluffy-cat-whisper @adrianadmirer @radlovedreamer @symonde @brightpinkpeppercorn @itsbrindleybinch @universallypizzataco @mfackenthal @darley1101 @mariamulroney @elainew13 @paisleylovergirl @melodyofgraves @am-i-invisible777 
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