#mc mary frances garratt
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Incorrect Hogwarts Legacy quote 9/?. Ft. Hufflepuff MC, Mary Frances.
Frances: Professor Fig, is this legal? Professor Fig: Anything is legal when there's no aurors around.
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Incorrect Hogwarts Legacy quote 12/?. Ft. Hufflepuff MC, Mary Frances. Or, why you shouldn't take your overdramatic Hufflepuff child to a magical aquarium without clarifying a few things.
Professor Fig: Frances, get up. Frances: Leave me alone to die. Professor Fig: Mary Frances, what in Merlin's name did you think a tiger shark was?!
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My MCs + textposts. Hufflepuff: Mary Frances Garratt Gryffindor 1: Daniel Harper Gryffindor 2: Cassandra "Cassie" Murphy Slytherin: Tzipora "Tzipi" Strausser Ravenclaw: Esther Han-Ostberg
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Incorrect Hogwarts Legacy Quotes, 5/?. Ft. Hufflepuff MC, Mary Frances.
Professor Fig: Frances -- I'm bleeding -- Mary Frances: Quick -- what's your blood type?! Professor Fig: B... Positive. Mary Frances: I'M TRYING TO, BUT YOU'RE BLEEDING!
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This has been living rent free in my head for too long. Based on this.
Yes I know the hand is the wrong color, pretend it's Poppy's.
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Can you tell I like Hebrew names far too much? Presenting my four MCs.
GRYFFINDOR: Daniel Harper Hebrew "God is My Judge" SLYTHERIN: Tzipora Strausser Hebrew "Bird" HUFFLEPUFF: Mary Frances Garratt Hebrew (Mary)/Latin (Frances) "Bitter"/"Free One" RAVENCLAW: Esther Ostberg Hebrew "Star"
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My HL MCs and their problems.
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Hogwarts Legacy MC Ask Game Pt. 2
Was bored so I decided to do @sweetnsourdoh's MC ask game. No particular order, just having fun!
3. Where is your MC from? (England, Scotland, Ireland, France, etc. The more specifics, the better!) DANIEL: Daniel grew up in Woking, Surrey, in England. He's spent a majority of his life in this region. Both of his parents, and his stepfather, were from this region. ESTHER: Esther grew up in Inverness, Scotland. However, her mother is from South Korea and her father is from Sweden. TZIPORA: Tzipora was born in Düsseldorf, Germany to German Jewish parents. At age five, she immigrated to Wales. English is her third language, with German and Welsh being the first and second. MARY FRANCES: Frances was born to a northern English father and a southern Irish mother, and grew up in London. Specifically, she grew up in Croydon.
17. Tell me about your MC's family. Do they have parents? Siblings? Cousins? What's their relationship with them like? DANIEL: Daniel is the youngest of six children, all boys -- Samuel, Morgan, Graham, Martin, and Jonah. He has a very strained relationship with them, as several of them were physically and emotionally abusive to him growing up due to his gentle and shy demeanor + lack of magic. The relationship with some of the brothers he's closest in age to, Martin and Jonah, are improving, but there's always a nagging feeling in the back of his head that this is conditional. As for his mother, Daniel often feels that he doesn't have one; she is an incredibly narcissistic woman who puts her image before her children, and oftentimes tells people that she only has five children, and not six. As his father walked out on the family when Daniel is was very young, his primary father father figure is his stepfather, Eric, who like his brothers, was a bully of a man. Even though Daniel is 5'11 by the time that he gets to Hogwarts, and is much taller than his stepfather, he still very much fears him. Truthfully, he wishes Professor Fig were his father.
ESTHER: Esther is an only child, and had a great relationship with both of her parents. Though her parents came from very different backgrounds (her mother was Korean-Scottish and half-blood, her father was a Swedish muggle), they both agreed on one thing: their number one priority was making sure their daughter was happy and well-cared for. They were truly very good parents, and Esther always felt as if she could tell them anything at all.
TZIPORA: Like Esther, Tzipora is an only child. Her mother, Hilda, passed away in labor, leaving Tzipora and her father, Josef. Tzipora always loved her father, and considered him to be her personal hero. When he passed, however, she was six years old and was sent to an Orthodox Jewish orphanage where her primary parental figures were the rabbi who ran it and his wife, whom she had generally positive relationships with; when not at the orphanage, Tzipora was in one of twelve foster homes for the next nine years, leaving her with a very nervous and anxious attachment style as nothing seemed to ever be permanent. Due to long-term abuse faced by a male caretaker in the orphanage, Tzipora has a very difficult time with authority figures, but eventually begins to come to terms with what happened -- and that it wasn't her fault. Nowadays, she considers Professor Fig to be the closest thing she has to a father, and trusts him with her life. In a timeline where Fig dies, she would be taken in by Professor Weasley.
MARY FRANCES: Frances is biologically an only child. She was born to two squibs, Maureen and Sterling, both alcoholics at the time; though her mother eventually got sober, her father never did. Due to this, Frances and her mother were often physically abused and she was exposed to a lot of domestic violence that left her with serious emotional issues. Though Frances loved her father, she always blamed herself for his violence of her and her mother; on the other hand, Frances's mother leaned on her as moral and emotional support from a very young age, severely straining their relationship. When both of her parents passed from Scarlet Fever when Frances was ten, she was taken in by her father's former business partner, Irving, and his wife, Sophia, who had two children, Amos and Audrey, and would later go on to have a third, Olivia. Despite being given a job (as a maid and nanny) and a place to live, Frances was only ten years old and was never truly treated as a part of the family by her foster parents. She did, however, form an extremely close bond with all three children and openly refers to their Amos as her brother and Audrey and Olivia as her sisters. Professor Fig is her closest parental figure.
37. Silly bonus question #1: Who does your MC fancy? 👀
DANIEL: Sebastian. He melts under the glance of those big brown eyes.
ESTHER: Amit. She finds his enthusiasm cute, and loves his passion for learning.
TZIPORA: Natty. Tzipora thought for a bit that she was just getting overly attached to one of the first people to treat her with kindness; instead, she realizes that she's a lot gayer than she originally thought she was.
MARY FRANCES: Sebastian. Not only does she melt, but she lives for his approval and attention.
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Accidentally caught this pic of Frances the last time I was doing my gifing and I just
*freeze frame* yes, that's me, you're probably wondering how i got myself into this situation
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Messed around and gif'd my MC after finally installing some mods, notably the smaller jaw edit mod and the Grey Lady's Hair.
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Mary Frances Garratt · Hufflepuff · Aquarius · Rowan + Unicorn Hair · 5'0
Known primarily as Frances, she was born in 1875 to Maureen and Sterling Garratt and was their only child. Growing up working class Catholic in a primarily Protestant region, Frances never questioned her parents' alienation from their own families after being told that her Irish Catholic mother and English Protestant father were disowned by their own families for marrying outside of their faith. Unbeknownst to her, the actual reason was that both parents were Squibs born to intolerant families who couldn't bear the embarrassment of non-magical offspring.
Frances grew up severely nearsighted to the point of legal blindness, which affected her developing ability to read and severely impacted her perception of herself. Without money to fix her vision and a lack of understanding, Frances often believed she just wasn't smart enough or educated enough.
At the age of 10, her parents succumbed to Scarlet Fever, leaving Frances in the custody of her father's business partner, Irving Sullivan, and his wife Sophia. For the next five years, Frances would work as a maid for the family and a nanny for their three children, whom she formed close bonds with. Despite never being outright cruel to her, Frances never felt fully accepted by her foster family as their own child; while Irving was kind if dismissive of Frances, Sophia could be quite mean and emotionally abusive.
("No," Irving Sullivan would say when he first met Eleazar Fig, "You must be mistaken. Mary Frances... she is a sweet girl. A good girl. And she may make a fine housewife one day. But she is no student.")
Mary Frances Garratt was legally blind without glasses, and may have had a bit of an undiagnosed learning disability. But she was far from stupid, far from lazy, and far from disloyal to her loved ones. And she loved caring for her loved ones, especially her young foster siblings, but being assumed to be nothing more and to be left without a choice was something that hurt her to her core.
At Hogwarts, Frances is a bit of a busy body. She can't sit still in class -- she hasn't been in a formal education setting for over five years, after all -- and she wanders just a bit too far from the castle while digging in the dirt, looking for cool rocks and plants and potions' supplies while maybe neglecting some of her other classes a bit too much for Professor Fig's liking, but she works hard. Strives to move forward. Learns a lot. Catches Sebastian Sallow's eye. Makes friends. Progress is progress, she tells herself each and every day, and moves on to the next river bank to search for rocks in.
Format inspired by @fe1ixfe1icis's post on his MC. **Updated photos. Mods used are the paler and darker skins mod and the smaller jaw edit mod.
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A little introduction to my MC, Mary Frances Garratt.
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Hogwarts Legacy MC Ask Game Pt. 1
Was bored so I decided to do @sweetnsourdoh's MC ask game. No particular order, just having fun!
1. What's your MC's name and house?
Mary Frances Garratt - Hufflepuff Daniel Harper - Gryffindor Tzipora Strausser - Slytherin Esther Ostberg - Ravenclaw
2. Were they a hatstall or easily sorted? All four of them were hatstalls! DANIEL: Stalled between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Daniel is the "cowardly lion" in a very Neville Longbottom way, and grew up in an emotionally and often physically abusive home -- he's also the youngest of six children and, as he was thought to be a squib, he was not treated well. He has internalized a lot of it, and has sworn to be kind to the world when the world was nowhere near kind to him, and works hard to make things better for others than they were for him. He isn't even sure why the Sorting Hat went for Gryffindor, as he feels that he is the furthest from brave and courageous -- until a lot later, when he realizes that bravery and courage isn't the absence of fear, it's doing the right thing in spite of it. ESTHER: Stalled between all four houses. Esther is the only one of the four who grew up in a fully functioning household with kind, loving parents; she was born to two researchers, a half-blood Korean mother and a Swedish muggle father, who loved her no matter what. She's overcome a lot of challenges in her, such as being born deaf and being thought to be a squib, and pushes on and works harder and harder every day. She is a very ambitious young woman with a thirst to prove herself, and a thirst for knowledge -- but overall, her passion for learning and creativity won her into Ravenclaw. TZIPORA: Stalled between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Tzipora had perhaps the roughest upbringing of all four MCs; she was born to a muggle coal miner and his muggle wife, who died in labor with Tzipora, in Germany. At five, Tzipora was uprooted when she and her widowed father immigrated to Wales, where he was killed in a mining accident the year following. Tzipora bounced between foster homes and an orphanage for nine years, where she was abused severely, leaving her as the orphanage's resident "troubled teen" with multiple behavioral issues. When Fig first met her, he was blown away with how incredibly intelligent and hardworking Tzipora was in her attempts to get herself out of the orphanage and foster care, and immediately assumed that she would be a dead ringer for Ravenclaw. However, the Sorting Hat had other plans when it saw Tzipora's incredible ambition and heart in her plans for the future in law, and in child, animal, and wizarding welfare, and instead placed her in Slytherin. MARY FRANCES: Stalled between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Frances had a turbulent upbringing with two squib parents, especially growing up without knowledge of her parents' true nature as squibs. She grew up in London with an alcoholic father who drank to quiet his own combat-induced PTSD symptoms, but became extremely violent to her and her mother. Frances often became her mother's shoulder to cry on and her caretaker, and was often neglected. At the age of ten, Frances was orphaned when both of her parents succumbed to Scarlet Fever, a disease that almost took her life and left her with a fear of crowds as a vector of disease. She spent the next five years working as a maid and nanny for her father's former business partner and his wife, also an alcoholic, while caring for their three children. Frances, despite being legally blind and borderline illiterate, never stopped working for a better life for herself -- and despite her feelings of inequality and anger at how the world treated her, Frances internalized her feelings and swore herself to patience, kindness, and hardwork, ultimately being placed in Hufflepuff.
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I kind of wish the HL budget had been big enough to get multiple voice actors for the MCs, because I would have loved the option to have non-RP English accents, or even Irish, Scottish, Welsh, etc. accents. Like the only one of my MCs I would even headcanon as having an RP accent is Daniel, my Gryffindor MC. Tzipora (Slytherin) would have a South Welsh accent (she's German, immigrated to Wales when she was five), Esther (Ravenclaw) would have an Inverness accent (Scottish-Korean mother and a Swedish father, raised in Inverness), and Frances (Hufflepuff) would have a bit of a mix (South Irish mother, North English father, raised in London) between an Irish and English accent.
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Making OCs is so addictive
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Headcanon for that scar on the bridge of Frances’s nose: She ran into the side of a table when she was five. Hard.
Her mother made chocolate cake.
It was a very good chocolate cake.
(She was very excited and because her depth perception sucks, didn’t know she was that close.)
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