#mba from germany
cinderella-ish · 2 months
Adulting: What did everyone do after the curse broke?
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So, I have a LOT of headcanons as to what the different characters did after the curse broke. We do get several answers in Another, but for the answers we don't get, here's what I think happened!
Tohru: I don't think the specific nature of her job would be terribly important to her, so much as just entering into the workforce. From her outfit in the Prelude epilogue, it seems like she's not doing manual labor (like cleaning, which was what I initially thought she'd be doing, since she had experience). I wonder if she's an employee at a school; her colleague kind of looks like an elementary or middle school teacher to me. I don't think Tohru would be able to teach without further education, and she was very clear that she did not want to pursue further study. I'm not sure if Japan has classified staff/paraprofessionals or an equivalent, but I think she'd be amazing at that job. I also think she probably became a stay-at-home parent as soon as she and Kyo had the means for her to do so.
Kyo: we know he became a karate instructor, and I just bet he's a fabulous teacher. I think him eventually taking over the Sohma dojo would be a full circle moment for both him and the Sohma family.
Saki: I can honestly see a lot of different jobs for her. Some favorites that I've seen in fanfic are art gallery employee, ghost hunter, and food critic. I have her becoming a hairstylist in Bloom Within Us, after attending beauty school through correspondence. Her clients ADORE her and she uses her wave-reading to make sure they're satisfied and tell them anything they really need to hear. It's common for appointments to end with her clients crying and hugging her because she's just healed some childhood wound of theirs. I could also see her becoming a ritual mortician, preparing the departed for their funeral (which would include hair, makeup, etc...) I think she'd be really good at working with grieving families and getting the deceased to look just right.
Arisa: she worked to put herself through junior college after she moved in with Kureno (though they had the money, she insisted on doing it for herself), and became a nurse in elder care. She makes friends with the crankiest old folks and cries like a baby when one of them dies.
Yuki: I shared in my Yuki headcanons post that I see Yuki going into politics and eventually working in international relations. I see him wanting to see the world far outside of the Sohma estate.
Machi: I always pictured her becoming an accountant.
Kakeru: we know he goes to college, and that he wants to help Komaki's family with their business, so I always assumed he'd major in something that would help with that. Maybe business management?
Momiji: we know he went on to take over his father's corporation. In my Momiji headcanons post, I shared that I see him going to university in Germany, and getting his MBA (or the equivalent). I think he'd need to know this before beginning his third year, so I suspect his father sat him down at some point during his second year to bring up the possibility of taking over his business, and told Momiji of his intent to "adopt" him so he could officially be part of their family again without raising his mother's suspicions (in Japan, it's common for CEOs to adopt their successors). I think this is what would've led Momiji to pursue business instead of music. I do think music is probably still a huge part of his life; I suspect he still plays violin casually, and he probably has a season subscription to orchestras in both Tokyo and Berlin (or wherever the German branch of his father's company is).
Kagura: she studied childcare, and I actually think that's a spectacular fit for her. When she's not being a total yandere over Kyo, she's a very nurturing and big-sisterly character.
Rin: so, I think Rin would continue to have major health problems for the rest of her life, and would probably struggle to find work that accommodates her needs and doesn't trigger any of her stress-related symptoms. I think she'd have short stints in a few jobs, like maybe retail, or modeling, or something artistic or design-y, but eventually I could see her just taking commissions for her own artwork when she feels like it. She seems like someone who wants very badly to contribute, and I think it would take a lot for her to accept that her body won't let her work full-time or on someone else's schedule, but Haru (and all her friends) would gently encourage her to take better care of herself, and at some point I think she'd accept that working for someone else just isn't sustainable for her long-term. (Though, pregnancy would also be extremely risky for her, and I'm surprised they had kids, let alone TWINS.)
Haru: I love that he does metalwork and makes most of his own accessories, so I always imagine him continuing that. I could also see him picking up odd jobs (like dog-walking? why does that seem like something he'd do?) from time to time. I think an independent, artisan-type job would suit him best.
Kisa and Hiro: most of the fandom seems to have Kisa becoming a teacher and Hiro becoming a lawyer, and those are absolutely perfect jobs for them.
Ritsu and Mitsuru: I like to imagine that Ritsu goes to work for Ayame, specializing in styling traditional clothing. This is how Ritsu comes back around to wearing whatever tf he wants, which ends up being a mix of "women's" kimonos and more flamboyant menswear (like his idol, Ayame). He and Mitsuru do eventually get married, and Mitsuru's the one who ends up running the onsen, because that girl deserves to relax!!!
Ayame, Mine, Shigure, Akito, Hatori, and Mayu: we mostly know what these characters do as of Another, and I don't have a ton to add except for Mayu (see below).
Megumi: Since we know Megumi becomes a teacher at Kaibara, I also headcanon that Mayu's still a much-loved teacher at Kaibara in Another, and that she and Megumi are work besties who like to mess with Makoto Takei when he's being especially obnoxious. I also headcanon that Mayu eventually introduces him to his future wife, since we know he likes older women.
Kureno: I imagine he'd become someone else's assistant; even better if he can work from home.
Yusuke and Hiroshi: In Bloom Within Us, Yusuke helps his dad run a grocery they own, and Hiroshi becomes a doctor (GP). I think, if I were only going off canon and not the elaborate backstories I created for them, I could imagine Hiroshi being someone who emcees events (almost a la Ryan Seacrest? but on a much smaller scale) and Yusuke I could see working at a University as like, a freshman advisor or residence life director. Basically someone who makes sure everyone's adjusting well to the campus and who people can go to with questions. I could actually see both of them doing this.
Kimi and Nao: side note, I kind of ship these two? But anyway, I can see Nao becoming a very stressed out CEO or (more likely) director of a non-profit, and I can totally see Kimi as someone whose job it is to secure donations for that non-profit, which she absolutely does by flirting with prospective donors. They'd be almost frighteningly effective when working together...
What do you think? Did I miss anyone?
Also, I almost used the scene where Tohru imagines their future together while at Kyoko's grave for the header image, but it made me cry, so...
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ptseti · 9 months
THE MOORS By: Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA. A Dynamic, Honest and Powerful View of Black History.
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During the European Dark Ages, between the 7th and 14th century AD, the Moorish Empire in Spain became one of the world's finest civilizations. General Tarik and his Black Moorish army from Morocco, conquered Spain after a week-long battle with King Roderick in 711 AD. (The word tariff and the Rock of Gibraltar were named after him). They found that Europe, with the assistance of the Catholic Church, had returned almost to complete barbarism. The population was 90% illiterate and had lost all of the civilizing principles that were passed on by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Moors reintroduced mathematics, medicine, agriculture, and the physical sciences. Arabic figures including the zero and the decimal point replaced the clumsy Roman numerals. As Dr. Van Sertima says, "You can't do higher mathematics with Roman numerals." The Moors introduced agriculture to Europe including cotton, rice, sugar cane, dates, ginger, lemons, and strawberries. They also taught them how to store grain for up to 100 years and built underground grain silos. They established a world-famous silk industry in Spain. The Moorish achievement in hydraulic engineering was outstanding. They constructed an aqueduct, that conveyed water from the mountains to the city through lead pipes from the mountains to the city. They taught them how to mine for minerals on a large scale, including copper, gold, silver, tin, lead, and aluminium. Spain soon became the world centre for high-quality sword blades and shields. Spain was eventually manufacturing up to 12,000 blades and shields per year. Spanish craft and woollen became world famous. The Moorish craftsman also produced world-class glass, pottery, vases, mosaics, and jewellery. The Moors introduced to Europe paved, lighted streets with raised sidewalks for pedestrians, flanked by uninterrupted rows of buildings. Paved and lighted streets did not appear in London or Paris for centuries. They constructed thousands of public markets and mills in each city. Cordova alone had 5,000 of each. They were also introduced to Spain's underwear and bathing with soap. Their public baths numbered in the thousands when bathing in the rest of Europe was frowned upon as a diabolical custom to be avoided by all good Christians. Poor hygiene contributed to the plagues in the rest of Europe. Moorish monarchs dwelled in sumptuous palaces while the crowned heads of England, France, and Germany lived in barns, lacking windows, toilets, and chimneys, with only a hole in the roof as the exit for smoke. Human waste material was thrown in the streets since no bathrooms were present. Education was made mandatory by the Moors, while 90% of Europe was illiterate, including the kings and queens. The Moors introduced public libraries to Europe with 600,000 books in Cordova alone. They established 17 outstanding universities in Spain. Since Africa is a matriarchal society, women were also encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and it was only in Spain that one could find female doctors, lawyers, and scientists. Moorish schoolteachers knew that the world was round and taught geography from a globe. They produced expert maps with all sea and land routes accurately located with respect to latitude and longitude; while also introducing compasses to Europe. They were such expert shipbuilders that they were able to use their geography expertise to import and export as far away as India and China. It was not by accident that a Moor named Pietro Olonzo Nino was the chief navigator for Christopher Columbus on the flagship Santa Maria. He is said to have argued with Columbus as to who really discovered America. One of the worst mistakes the Moors made was to introduce gunpowder technology from China into Europe because their enemies adopted this weapon and used it to drive them out of Spain. #Africa
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killa-trav · 2 years
Vettel leads race in sports nutrition
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Sebastian Vettel has become the lead investor in a British sports supplement brand that has raised £1.2 million to commercialise its plant-based formula.
Bill Ronald, chairman of the Fever-Tree drinks mixer brand and a former Mars executive, is also investing and is becoming chairman of BACX, which is based in Oxford.
Vettel, 35, the four-time Formula One world motor racing champion, said he had been introduced to the supplement two years ago by Antti Kontsas, his long-time performance coach, as they explored ways to improve the driver’s hydration and energy levels during races.
“We were always looking for the next thing to get fitter and in terms of supplementation,” Vettel said. “A big one has always been fuelling during a race because it’s quite complicated in the car, you have all the G-forces. Antti brought this product along. I tried it out at home first, during exercising and training, and it worked. I felt good and energised and shortly afterwards put it in my drinks bottle.” Unlike with other products, Vettel had no stomach pain later.
He said the consumer market for BACX was broad: “It is not like this is the perfect product for Formula One drivers. This is the perfect product for anyone who cares about their wellbeing, who is active. It doesn’t need to be extreme sports.”
BACX was founded in 2020 by Jason Baits-Tomlin, a former Gallaher and Japan Tobacco International executive, who came up with the idea after breaking his hip during an endurance bike race in South Africa in 2016. He developed the formulation as part of studying for an executive MBA at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School.
Baits-Tomlin, 49, said that like Vettel he had suffered side-effects from using existing sports drinks and powders and had decided to develop a natural formula using plants.
The brand’s “Performance Fuel” concentrate is sold via its website and soon will be available on Amazon. “We will then transfer the tech into a sports drink that will be launching in the summer,” Baits-Tomlin said. He expects to the product to be launched in Germany, Italy, France and Spain this year and hopes to raise another round of investment from venture capital in 12 months’ time.
Other sports stars to have gone into business have included Chris Froome, the cyclist and four-time Tour de France winner, who has a stake in Hammerhead, an American start-up that makes cycling computers, and Chris Smalling, the former Manchester United defender now playing in Italy, who co-founded ForGood, an investment firm backing environmental start-ups.
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doomsdev · 4 months
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In Greek mythology, Moros /ˈmɔːrɒs/ (Ancient Greek: 'doom, fate') is the personified spirit of impending doom, who drives mortals to their deadly fate.
name: dev krishna rajput age: soon to be thirty-eight
parents: vedant rajput, human journalist & the greek god of fate and doom moros
traits: fearless, selfish, determined, arrogant, cunning, moody
alignment: chaotic neutral
profession: former economist & investor
education: graduated in economy & philosophy, mba in investment management
former place of residence: london, uk
As Dev knew it his parents had met in a divided Germany, an assignment foolishly cooked up to keep his father from angering more people in both Britain and India with his writing. It did not work.
His father–the mortal one, that is, had always called out disaster before it struck. Call it foresight, or just reading the fucking signals. Whenever he went, whatever he wrote, disaster soon followed. They never did listen…That’s what attracted him. That’s how their love came to be.
Dev was not his father. Cursed with his foresight, blessed with visions of doom, he stopped talking when people would not listen. Should he be surprised by his godly parent, when he heeded the call? When he saw what was coming for him? The impeding doom that haunted him made real…
Unsettling. Weird. Head in the clouds. The gift left by the god of doom to a man haunted by the future who could do nothing to save himself or anyone else. Shadows that haunted Dev Krishna, child of fate, harbinger of doom, from day one… He grew up watching it all, death and misery, broken dreams, broken lives. Fate wasn’t cruel he thought–it was worse than that, fate didn’t care.
From Germany, to Palestine, to India. Wherever his father went there was doom, hanging like a veil of pain and misery in the faces of people Dev would never see again. His father was an idealist, his father wanted to save the world. Dev wondered if it wanted to be saved.
Haunted by dreams of ruin, it seemed like there was nothing capable of thriving under his hands. Was it following him, or was he the one causing it? Wherever they went, chaos followed, either by the hands of his journalist father or a disaster that happened to hit. Another death, another coup, another people starving. Each city, each country, nowhere was safe. No one was safe. Relationships fell apart as easily as broken promises, as easily as a panic attack, as all the possibilities of suffering–car accident on a monday, earthquake on a tuesday, heart attack on wednesday, drowning, crushed under a building, terrorist attack on… breathless, gasping for breath, watching them leave, watching them die. Nightmares… that followed. Warnings, never heeded, always resented, pain never avoided, advice never taken. Until he stopped talking, listening, dreaming. Wake up, drive, ignore it ignore it ignore it. Isolated, afraid but safe. Safe?
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Get money, make yourself comfortable, easy to take the money from warning unheeded from his father and make it grow, watch the world burn knowing the flames will get you eventually, eventually, not now. Not yet anyway. Sometime, known it the whole time, didn’t he? Almost a relief when the calling comes, when the monsters are made real, when there is something to punch and kill. He gets an axe, easy to hold, easier to throw, gets a bow. He gets another father, one that was never there, one that–it seemed–had always been close in a way, almost like they kept chasing each other. One that is cruel, or uncaring, or too fucking busy, but one that gives him power now. 
Is that enough? Will it save him? Can he save anyone, even himself? Well, he’s going to fucking try. 
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MBA in Germany in English
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Pursuing an MBA in Germany in English is a rewarding experience that offers a world-class education, international exposure, and excellent career opportunities. Germany is known for its high-quality education system and innovative business environment, making it an ideal destination for aspiring business professionals.
Benefits of pursuing an MBA in Germany in English
Studying for an MBA in Germany has several advantages. Firstly, the country is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities and business schools, known for their rigorous academic programs and experienced faculty. Secondly, studying in Germany provides international exposure, allowing students to network with professionals worldwide and gain a global perspective on business. Lastly, completing an MBA in Germany opens up a wide range of career opportunities, both in Germany and internationally.
Requirements for studying MBA in Germany:
To study for an MBA in Germany in English, students typically need to meet certain requirements. These include having a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as business administration or economics, and demonstrating proficiency in the English language through tests like the TOEFL or IELTS. Additionally, many MBA programs in Germany require applicants to have relevant work experience, usually a minimum of two to three years.
RECOMMENDED:- Germany Student Visa Requirements for Indian Students
Top universities offering MBA in Germany in English
Germany is home to several prestigious universities and business schools that offer MBA programs. Some of the top institutions include PFH University, ESMT Berlin, which is known for its focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, Mannheim Business School, which offers a range of MBA programs tailored to different career goals, and WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, which is known for its strong international focus and excellent career services.
Cost of studying MBA in Germany:
The cost of studying for an MBA in Germany in English can vary depending on the institution and program. On average, tuition fees for MBA programs in Germany range from €20,000 to €40,000 per year. In addition to tuition fees, students will need to budget for living expenses, including accommodation, food, and transportation.
RECOMMENDED:- Part-time Jobs in Germany for Students
Scholarships and financial aid options:
There are several scholarships and financial aid options available to international students studying for an MBA in Germany. These include scholarships offered by the German government, as well as scholarships offered by individual universities and private organizations. Additionally, many MBA programs in Germany offer financial aid packages to help students cover tuition and living expenses.
Application process:
The application process for MBA programs in Germany typically involves several steps. Firstly, students will need to research and select the programs they wish to apply to, taking into account factors such as program curriculum, faculty, and location. Next, students will need to gather the necessary documents, which may include academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose. Finally, students will need to submit their application by the deadline specified by the university.
RECOMMENDED:- Scholarships in Germany for Indian Students
Job prospects after completing MBA in Germany:
Completing an MBA in Germany in English opens up a wide range of career opportunities in both Germany and internationally. Germany is known for its strong economy and innovative business environment, making it an attractive destination for business professionals. Some of the growth sectors in Germany include technology, finance, and healthcare, where MBA graduates can find lucrative career opportunities. Additionally, the average salary for MBA graduates in Germany is quite competitive, making it a financially rewarding career choice.
In conclusion, pursuing an MBA in Germany in English is a wise investment in your future. Not only does it offer a world-class education and international exposure, but it also opens up a wide range of career opportunities in Germany and internationally. Whether you're looking to advance your career or start your own business, studying for an MBA in Germany can help you achieve your goals and set you on the path to success.
RECOMMENDED:- Masters in mechanical engineering in Germany
Q:- Can I work while studying for an MBA in Germany?
Yes, international students in Germany are allowed to work part-time while studying, usually up to 20 hours per week.
Q:- Are there any English-taught MBA programs in Germany?
Yes, many universities in Germany offer MBA programs that are taught entirely in English, making them accessible to international students.
Q:- How long does it take to complete an MBA in Germany?
Most MBA programs in Germany are designed to be completed in two years of full-time study.
Q:- Is German language proficiency required to study for an MBA in Germany?
While some knowledge of the German language may be helpful for daily life in Germany, it is optional to study for an MBA, as many programs are taught in English.
Q:- What are the career prospects like for MBA graduates in Germany?
MBA graduates in Germany have excellent career prospects, particularly in sectors such as technology, finance, and healthcare, where there is a high demand for skilled professionals.
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Reasons to get an MBA degree in Germany
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Are you contemplating pursuing an MBA degree abroad? Germany might not be the first country that comes to mind, but it's gaining recognition as a top destination for MBA studies. Here are some compelling reasons why getting an MBA degree in Germany could be the right choice for you.
For More Info Visit: MBA in Germany for Indian students  
1. Renowned Business Schools:
Germany is home to several prestigious business schools renowned for their quality education and international recognition. Institutions like ESMT Berlin, Mannheim Business School, and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management offer world-class MBA programs that attract students from around the globe.
For More Info Visit: Best Business School in Germany for MBA  
2. Diversity and International Environment:
Studying for an MBA in Germany exposes you to a diverse and multicultural environment. With a significant number of international students and faculty members, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate with peers from various backgrounds, enhancing your global perspective and cross-cultural communication skills.
3. Affordable Tuition Fees:
Compared to MBA programs in the US and UK, obtaining an MBA degree in Germany can be more cost-effective. Many universities offer competitive tuition fees, and some public institutions even provide tuition-free education, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious students without compromising on quality.
For More Info Visit: Cost of Masters in Germany for Indian Students  
4. Strong Job Market:
Germany boasts a robust economy and is home to numerous multinational corporations and thriving industries. Completing an MBA in Germany can open doors to a plethora of job opportunities, especially in sectors such as automotive, engineering, finance, and technology. The country's strong focus on innovation and entrepreneurship further enhances career prospects for MBA graduates.
5. Post-Study Work Opportunities:
After completing your MBA in Germany, you have the option to extend your stay and seek employment opportunities in the country. Germany offers various visa options, including a job seeker visa, which allows you to stay and search for employment for up to 18 months after graduation. Additionally, the German government encourages skilled professionals to contribute to the country's workforce, making it easier for international graduates to secure job offers.
For More Info Visit: How to Get Admission in Germany  
Choosing to pursue an MBA degree in Germany can be a strategic move for your career advancement. With renowned business schools, a diverse learning environment, affordable tuition fees, abundant job opportunities, and favorable post-study work options, Germany emerges as an attractive destination for aspiring business leaders seeking a transformative educational experience.
1. Are MBA programs in Germany taught in English?
Yes, many MBA programs in Germany are taught entirely in English to accommodate international students.
2. What are the entry requirements for MBA programs in Germany?
Entry requirements may vary depending on the university and program, but typically include a bachelor's degree, relevant work experience, GMAT/GRE scores, and English proficiency (for non-native English speakers).
3. Can international students work while studying for an MBA in Germany?
Yes, international students with a valid student visa are allowed to work part-time up to 20 hours per week during the semester and full-time during semester breaks.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 1 year
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Berk Atan as Prince Hamid Osmanoğlu
Disclaimer: this character profile was created specifically to fit Prince Hamid on Meant To Be universe . I unfortunately don't own the character, I don't assume to know everything about him and I have no intention to affirm this is exactly who he is and how other people should write him. I'm merely a hardcore enthusiast of this lovely character and I do my best to keep his essence while adding a few headcanons of my own.
Name: Hamid Osmanoğlu
Nationality: Turkish
Birthdate: December 3, 1991.
Hometown: Istanbul, Türkiye
Current Residence: Ithaca, NY, USA
Occupation: Envoy of Türkiye in the United States of America, graduate student of MBA Economics and Management at Cornell University
Talents/Skills: public speaking, a knack for languages, charm, cooking, self-defense and combat skills.
Parents: Murat Osmanoğlu and Raisa Doğan-Osmanoğlu
Siblings: Nesrin Osmanoğlu-Aksoy, Malak Osmanoğlu, Sevim Osmanoğlu.
Closest relatives: Ahmet and Halime Osmanoğlu (uncle and aunt), Osman Osmanoğlu (grandfather - deceased), Kaan Aksoy (brother in-law).
Background: First born of Ambassador of Türkiye in Australia Murat Osmanoğlu and prosecutor Raisa Doğan-Osmanoğlu, Hamid is easy going, perceptive and polite, has the ability to make friends everywhere he goes and charms everyone with his sense of humor and kind heart. With an impressive wit and knack for languages, he's fluent in seven languages (Arabic, English, French, German, Hindi, Mandarin and Spanish) aside from his native tongue. He fell in love with International Relations when he was nine and studied Economics and Finance at Bahcesehir University (2008-2011), hoping to follow his father's footsteps and become a diplomat.
To please his mother, he studied Law in Cambridge (2012-2015), worked with her for six months and quit to spent a month traveling with his father. He returned to Cambridge to get a Msc in International Relations and Politics (2016-2018), getting his first job at UK Parliament, where he worked with Earl Vincent Foredale.
He enrolled in MBA Economics and Management at Cornell University (2018-2021) and now works as an envoy of Türkiye in the USA, taking a job as legal advisor right after that.
What's his family like?
The Osmanoğlu family (on his father side) is composed by direct descentants from the House of Osman. When the Ottoman Empire fell, his grandfather Sehzade Osman was exiled in the UK with his family, then moved to the United States, where he married and lived most of his life. Most of his relatives live in Germany, UK or USA, but they still gather every year for festivities. All Osmanoğlu members follow Muslim traditions, but living in western countries made them inclined to a modern lifestyle.
The Doğan family (on his mother side), however, is more traditional. Mostly composed by women, they live in the same neighborhood and gather around at least twice per month. Filthy rich, pragmatic and meddlesome, they often interfere on younger relatives career choices, friendships and relationships, calling family meetings and interventions whenever they see fit. Though Hamid loves his mother and aunts dearly, their intrusive habits are among the reasons why he moved out of his family's house and doesn't have plans to live permanently in Turkiye again.
Favourite childhood memory: sailing with his father, grandfather and uncle.
Nicknames: Aslan (among the men in his family), Osman (among friends at school/university because of the name on his football jersey), Hamidciğim (most women in his family call him that, but according to him, this petname sounds more endearing to him when Daphne calls)
Astrology sign: Sagittarius sun, Aquarius rising, Cancer moon
Hobbies: Driving, fishing, reading, cooking, MMORPG
Relationship status: In a relationship with Daphne Wang
Top 5 songs:
Burcu Güneş - Sen Benimsin, Ben Seninim
Emre Aydın - Hoşçakal
Paul McCartney - My Love
Coldplay - A Message
Norah Jones - Come Away With Me
Favourite books:
The Twenty-One Balloons by Pene du Bois
The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk
Poems of Nâzım Hikmet (1986 edition)
Favourite movies:
Psycho (1960)
Spirited Away (2001)
Sonbahar (2008)
Favourite TV shows:
He likes most cooking TV shows, but his favourite is Masterchef Kids (he is amazed by talented children). From Netflix, his favourites are Sex Education, Aşk 101 and The Crown. But his all time favourites are period dramas (Magnificent Century, Magnificent Century: Kösem, The Great Seljuks: Guardians of Justice, Kuruluş Osman, Reign, The Tudors, The Spanish Princess...), He is also into K-Drama and Chinese drama because of Daphne and his sisters, but he only watches with them.
Biggest guilty pleasure:
watching Daphne's trashy TV reality shows while eating greasy food. He's not entirely ashamed of the greasy food and says it motivates him to exercise more in the next day, but will blantantly deny liking Love Island, Love is Blind and Say Yes To The Dress.
Sweet or savoury?
Normally he says both, but when push comes to shove, he'll choose savoury.
Favourite food:
Menemen, kofte burger, ramen, baklava
Favourite drinks:
Non-alcoholic - Turkish coffee, cappucino, Turkish tea, pomegranate juice, strawberry daiquiri mocktail
Alcoholic - Irish coffee, rakı, wine
Most treasured possessions:
A Ducati Panigale V4R and A. Lange & Söhne Lange 1 Zeitzone watch with his initials engraved in the back.
Close Friends:
Sevim Osmanoğlu (OC), Yusuf Konevi, Ali Koveni (OC), Sanem Konevi (OC), Veronica Dantas (OC), Bartholomew Chambers.
Goals for the future:
Travel to Sub-Saharan Africa, take Daphne to travel with him more often, buying an apartment in London.
Dog lover or cat lover?
Both (don't expect him to choose)
Early bird or night owl?
Early bird (unless he's jetlagged)
How does he relax after a bad day?
When he's alone, he goes jogging or driving to clear his head then finds something to eat. When he's with Daphne, he stays home with her, preferably resting his head on her lap as they watch movies.
Personality: ENFP-A (Assertive Campaigner)
Campaigners (ENFPs) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, Campaigners don’t just care about having a good time. These personality types run deep – as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people.
One random headcanon:
During his teenhood, he used to play MMORPG with then Prince Liam of Cordonia and Drake Walker during late nights. He's not as close to the King of Cordonia as he used be, but they're still good friends. He attended the King's coronation, the King's engagement parties to Lady Madeleine and Lady Jade, the bachelor party in Paris and wedding to Queen Jade. He was also invited to the bachelor + bachelorette party in Vegas, but politely declined because he was preparing himself for the interviews for the MBA at Cornell University.
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aryann1456 · 2 years
The life of Indian students in Germany
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The life of Indian students in Germany can be a lot of fun as there are many opportunities to explore and enjoy the country's vibrant culture. Whether you're into sports, music, or festivals, there's something for everyone. German cities are known for their nightlife, and students can take advantage of the many bars, clubs and pubs that are available. Many cities also have a variety of cultural and historical sites to visit, such as museums, castles, and landmarks.
Germany is also known for its festivals and events, and students can take part in many of these throughout the year. Oktoberfest in Munich, for example, is a famous beer festival that attracts visitors from all over the world. There are also many music festivals such as Rock am Ring, Wacken Open Air, and Melt! Festival which are popular among students. 
Mba in Germany for indian students  
Additionally, Germany is well-connected with many other European countries, which makes it easy for students to take advantage of their free time and explore other parts of Europe. Whether you're interested in visiting the beaches of Spain or the mountains of Switzerland, you can easily take a train or bus to get there. In cities like Göttingen, also called as a university town in Lower Saxony, Germany, known for its picturesque old town and lively student population. Stade is a small town in Lower Saxony, Germany, located on the Elbe river. It is known for its historic old town and the Stadium cultural centre, which hosts concerts and theatre performances. The students of PFH German University which is located in Gottingen provides MBA in Germany for indian students and Stade MS in Industrial Engineering in Germany provides have the opportunity to learn, relax and enjoy.
Students can also take advantage of the many outdoor activities that Germany has to offer, such as hiking, biking and swimming in lakes. The country also offers great opportunities for skiing and snowboarding in winter. With all these mentioned activities student life in Germany for an Indian is fun-filled.
However, Indian students in Germany have the opportunity to experience a high-quality education and a unique cultural experience. University life in Germany is known for its strong focus on research and academic excellence. Classes are often taught in small seminar formats, and students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions. Indian students may find that the teaching approach in Germany differs significantly from that in India, but they will also have access to some of the world's greatest academics and resources.
You should be aware that the cost of living in Germany for students can be a little more, and they may need to budget carefully to cover expenses such as rent, food, and transportation. It should be noted that unlike other countries, PFH German university provides scholarship to the students, which makes studying in Germany more affordable for Indian students.
One of the main challenges that Indian students think they may face in Germany is the language barrier. Studying in Germany as an Indian student can present a unique opportunity to learn and improve your German language skills. However, it must be taken into account that many German universities, like PFH German University, have a trend of offering English-taught programs to minimize the language barrier with the increased flow of international students in the country.
Additionally, it's important to note that Indian students will also have to face with the different culture, customs and way of life, which may be challenging. However, with an open mind and willingness to adapt, Indian students can have a truly enriching and fulfilling experience in Germany.
It also must be noted that universities like PFH German university, also offer scholarships and confirmed admissions to Indian students, which is an attractive offer always. Try to avail such offers which will add to your convenience.Overall, the life ofIndian students in Germany can be challenging, but it is also a unique and rewarding experience. Indian students will have the opportunity to gain a world-class education, and at the same time, experience the culture and lifestyle of Germany.
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love-bookrelease · 2 years
Behold the Lion of Judah Which Cometh to Rule the World  by Tom Watinga
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About the author
Tom Watinga is an Assemblies of God Church, PNG ordained Pastor who has ministered the Gospel of Christ since he was born again in 1985. He has been serving as an associate Pastor at the AOG Cornerstone Gateway Church in Port Moresby, under the leadership of Reverend Anthony Dalaka since 1996. Tom and Gouli, his wife of 32 years have six children and 2 adopted sons and one son-in-law. He has in the recent decade, traveled the world in search of biblical prophecies fulfilments. Some of these places include the Great Wall of China, Poland’s Auschwitz and Treblinka Concentration camps, and the Lake Wansea conference room near Berlin, Germany. Tom also traveled to Turkey to see the seven churches in Asia Minor and passed through Jordan’s Mt. Nebo where Moses died. He has made seven trips to Israel between the years 2009 through 2020 combing almost the entire land of Israel. Tom’s education qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree in Science (BSc) from the University of Papua New Guinea, a Master’s in Business Management (MBA) from Southern Cross University, Australia, and a Diploma with Distinction (Dip-AM) from IATA, Geneva, Switzerland.
About the book 
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internsipgate · 2 days
How to Find Your College Abroad for MBA & Masters: A Comprehensive Guide
Pursuing an MBA or Masters abroad can be a life-changing decision. Not only does it enhance your academic credentials, but it also opens doors to global opportunities. With thousands of universities across the globe offering top-tier programs, finding the right college can seem overwhelming. Don't worry, though! In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to find the perfect college abroad for your MBA or Masters.
Why Pursue an MBA or Masters Abroad?
There are plenty of reasons to consider earning your MBA or Masters degree abroad. For starters, studying in another country exposes you to a new culture, broadens your perspective, and challenges you in ways that local institutions may not. You’ll get a taste of global business practices, learn from diverse peers, and gain insights into international markets—all while improving your problem-solving and leadership skills.https://internshipgate.com
Additionally, many students find that a degree from a foreign institution dramatically boosts their career prospects. Top universities abroad are often well-connected to global corporations, offering you a chance to network and secure higher-paying jobs upon graduation.
Factors to Consider Before Choosing a College Abroad
Before you start your search for the perfect MBA or Masters program, it’s important to have a checklist of things to consider:
Accreditation and Ranking: Make sure the school is accredited by recognized bodies (such as AACSB or EQUIS for business schools). Check global rankings like QS or Financial Times.
Curriculum and Specializations: Look for programs that align with your career goals. Whether you’re interested in finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, or healthcare, ensure the college offers relevant specializations.
Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate how much the program will cost, and weigh it against your potential earnings post-graduation. This includes tuition, living expenses, and the opportunity cost of leaving your job (if applicable).
How to Identify the Best Countries for Studying Abroad
When deciding where to pursue your MBA or Masters, the country you choose matters just as much as the college. Some factors to consider:
Job Market: Research which countries have a strong demand for graduates in your field. For example, tech-related Masters programs might be more beneficial in the USA, while management roles are highly valued in the UK.
Post-Study Work Visas: Some countries, like Canada and Australia, offer generous post-study work visas that allow you to stay and work after graduation.
Cultural and Language Preferences: Think about where you’d feel comfortable living for an extended period. Would you prefer an English-speaking country, or are you open to learning a new language?
Top Countries to Study MBA and Masters
Some countries stand out for their world-class MBA and Masters programs. Let’s take a look at the top contenders:
USA: Home to top-ranked business schools like Harvard, Wharton, and Stanford. The USA offers a vast array of specializations and strong job opportunities post-graduation.
UK: Known for prestigious institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, and London Business School. The UK also has shorter MBA programs, typically lasting one year.
Canada: Affordable tuition and post-study work visas make Canada an attractive destination. Schools like Rotman and Ivey are highly regarded.
Germany: Offering affordable education, many German universities like Mannheim Business School provide high-quality programs with a focus on engineering and management.
Australia: Boasting schools like Melbourne Business School, Australia combines strong education with work-study opportunities.
Researching Colleges for MBA and Masters
Start by checking global rankings such as the QS World University Rankings or the Financial Times MBA Ranking. While rankings can give you an idea of a school’s reputation, don’t rely solely on them. Look at alumni success stories and job placement rates. Visit university websites, take virtual tours, and attend online information sessions to get a feel for the campus.
Using Online Platforms and Resources to Find Colleges
There are several online platforms where you can search for colleges based on location, tuition, and program. Websites like QS Top Universities, US News, and The Economist offer detailed reviews and rankings. You can also use forums like The GradCafe or GMAT Club to get firsthand reviews from students.
How to Evaluate MBA and Masters Programs
Once you’ve narrowed down a list of schools, evaluate their programs based on:
Program Length: Full-time MBA programs typically last two years, while some countries like the UK offer one-year programs. Decide what suits your timeline.
Internship Opportunities: Does the program offer internships or corporate projects to help you gain practical experience?
Industry Connections: Check if the school has partnerships with companies or if they host recruitment drives on campus.
Financial Considerations for Studying Abroad
Studying abroad can be expensive, so make sure to budget accordingly. Tuition fees vary by country and school, ranging from $20,000 to over $100,000 for top MBA programs. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of living—housing, food, transportation, and personal expenses. Many students secure scholarships or financial aid to help reduce the burden.
How to Apply for an MBA or Masters Program Abroad
The application process for MBA or Masters programs typically involves:
Entrance Exams: Most business schools require a GMAT or GRE score. Additionally, you’ll need to take language proficiency exams like TOEFL or IELTS if English isn’t your first language.
Statement of Purpose (SOP): Write a compelling essay explaining why you want to pursue the program and what you aim to achieve.
Letters of Recommendation (LOR): Secure strong recommendations from professors or employers.
Importance of Networking and Alumni Connections
Networking is key when applying to international schools. Use LinkedIn to connect with alumni and current students. Attend virtual open houses or alumni events to get insights into the school’s culture and career services.https://internshipgate.com
How to Secure Scholarships and Financial Aid
There are various scholarships available for international students. Some are offered by governments (e.g., Fulbright, Chevening), while others come from universities or private organizations. Craft a strong scholarship essay that highlights your achievements, ambitions, and how you’ll contribute to the program.
Visas and Immigration: What You Need to Know
Once you’ve been accepted, the next step is securing a student visa. Requirements vary by country, but you’ll likely need an acceptance letter, proof of funds, and health insurance. Prepare for visa interviews and ensure all your paperwork is in order.
Balancing Personal Preferences with Practicality
While prestige and ranking matter, you should also consider personal preferences like the size of the campus, city life vs. small town, and available extracurriculars. Think about where you’ll feel comfortable living and studying for the next one to two years.
Finding the right college abroad for your MBA or Masters is a process that takes time and thorough research. By considering factors like ranking, curriculum, job prospects, and financial aid, you can make an informed decision. Remember, this is a life-changing experience, so choose a program that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations.
What is the best country for an MBA abroad?
The USA, UK, and Canada are among the top destinations for MBA programs due to their strong economies and top-ranked business schools.
How much does it cost to study abroad for a Masters?
The cost varies widely depending on the country and institution, ranging from $20,000 to over $100,000 for top programs.
How can I find scholarships for studying abroad?
Scholarships are available through governments, universities, and private organizations. Start your search early and apply to as many as possible.
Is it better to study MBA in the USA or Europe?
The USA offers a broader range of schools and industries, while Europe typically has shorter, one-year MBA programs. It depends on your goals.
Do I need work experience for an MBA program abroad?
Most MBA programs prefer applicants with 2-5 years of work experience, though some may accept fresh graduates for specialized programs.https://internshipgate.com
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maharghaideovate · 6 days
Prepare For International HR Management With Dy Patil Online
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Managing people across borders is much more than checking the boxes of HR. The game really does change when you're moving across countries, time zones, languages, and legal systems. DY Patil Online MBA specialty in HR understands this shift and gets a person ready for the reality of international HR. It's about more than just managing employees; it is about leading a global team.
Why is International HR Such a Big Deal?
Ever wonder how you can manage a team spread across five countries? It is not as easy as hiring a few people and dialing into Zoom for a virtual meeting. Countries have different labor laws, cultural expectations, and workforce dynamics. For example, how do you balance out a company policy on paid vacation when one country mandates six weeks, and another will only give you two? DY Patil’s HR program answers all of these questions and teaches you how to approach these with confidence.
Learning How to Manage a Diverse Workforce
Suppose you have a team in India, Germany, and Japan. That is three thoroughly different approaches toward work culture, right? The HR specialization at DY Patil Distance Learning MBA ensures that you are not only aware of these differences but also know how to manage them accordingly. It’s more than knowing the facts; it’s learning how to lead people who see work, communication, and even feedback in completely different ways. The DY Patil program ensures that you are prepared for all these.
Recruitment: Hiring abroad is no ‘ad posting’ job. What works well in the U.S. may not work in India, and even Europe has its own set of expectations. DY Patil teaches you on techniques of recruitment from abroad.
Remote Work: Let’s face it-remote work is here to stay, and managing global teams remotely is a whole different ball game. Time zones, communication barriers, and even the technology people use can vary. DY Patil’s HR program helps you craft strategies that work, no matter where your team is located.
Coming to Grips with International Labor Laws
Let’s now look at something sure to get complicated in this case, international labor laws. Every country has its mix of regulation regimes covering contracts, rights of employees, and what happens in the case of not complying. But you don’t want to get the wrong end of the stick-penalties can be nasty. That’s where DY Patil steps in by equipping you with know-how on how not to lose your way in this sea of complexity.
And then there is employee rights. Do you know that some countries have much more employee rights than others? For instance, the EU is much more strict with regulations towards, for example, parental leave and working hours compared to, say, the United States. DY Patil’s HR major teaches you all such nuances so you’re always best prepared.
Creating a Global HR Strategy
The complexity of managing a global workforce cannot be matched by any juggling act. However, the proper strategies in place do not necessarily make it that challenging. DY Patil’s HR specialization allows you to come out equipped with the tools to design an all-encompassing global HR strategy that is inclusive, compliant, and effective.If cultural fit came to mind, that’s correct, but there is much more to it.
Policy Formulation: You will be learning how to design inclusive HR policies considering cultural, legal, and business practices that exist across countries. It all depends on being adaptable.
Talent Development: It is hard to keep the best people, but when they are spread across the globe, it gets difficult. Talent at DY Patil will teach you how to develop applicable development programs for different employees. Learn about mentorship programs to leadership and everything in between in how to keep people engaged and growing and, regardless of their location in the world, moving forward.
The Bottom Line: Why You Should Care About Global HR
You might ask, “So what’s the big deal for HR?” Here’s why. Business isn’t shrinking; it’s becoming more connected. And if you want to stand out in HR, then the ability to manage a global workforce is highly crucial.
If you want to make a mark in HR and manage teams across borders, then there is no better place than DY Patil Distance MBA specialization in HR. It’s not just theory; it has the potential to become a global skill delivery system that will equip you to face whatever HR global challenge comes your way. And no, managing global teams isn’t all Zoom meetings and time zone headaches — although there is a bit of that, too! With the right training, you’ll know how to handle it all and more!.
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higherstudy · 13 days
Apply For Studying MBA Course in Germany
MBA Course in Germany
Pursuing an MBA in Germany offers a unique opportunity to gain world-class education in one of Europe’s strongest economies. Known for its innovation, technological advancements, and business-friendly environment, Germany is home to some of the top MBA programs globally. Many German universities and business schools offer MBA courses in English, attracting students from all over the world. With a focus on practical learning, industry connections, and global perspectives, an MBA in Germany not only enhances your business acumen but also opens doors to a thriving job market. 
Benefits of Studying MBA From German University
World-Class Education: German universities offer highly ranked MBA programs in Germany with a strong emphasis on quality and innovation in business education.
Affordable Tuition Fees: Compared to many other countries, Germany provides MBA programs at relatively low tuition costs, with some public universities even offering free education.
Strong Industry Connections: MBA students benefit from partnerships between universities and leading companies, offering networking opportunities, internships, and job placements.
Global Recognition: An MBA from a German university is recognized globally, increasing your credibility and marketability in the international job market.
English-Taught Programs: Many MBA programs are offered in English, making them accessible to international students without the need to learn German.
Diverse Learning Environment: Germany’s multicultural landscape allows you to interact with students and professionals from various countries, enhancing your global business perspective.
Access to Europe’s Largest Economy: Germany’s strong economy and vibrant business landscape provide ample job opportunities, particularly in industries like engineering, manufacturing, finance, and tech.
Work Opportunities: Germany allows international students to work part-time during their studies and provides post-graduation work visas, making it easier to stay and build a career.
Jobs Opportunities After Studying MBA From Germany
After completing an MBA from a German university, graduates have access to a wealth of job opportunities across various industries. Germany, being Europe’s largest economy and a global hub for industries like automotive, engineering, finance, and technology, offers a thriving job market for MBA graduates. Many multinational companies, as well as innovative startups, are based in Germany, providing roles in management, consulting, finance, marketing, and operations. Additionally, the country's strong focus on research and development opens doors to leadership roles in tech and industrial sectors. With Germany’s post-graduation work visa options, international students can easily transition from academic life to professional careers, making it an attractive destination for MBA graduates seeking long-term career growth.
In conclusion, studying an MBA in Germany presents an exceptional opportunity for students seeking a high-quality, globally recognized education in one of the world's most robust economies. With affordable tuition, cutting-edge programs, and strong ties to industry, Germany offers not only a rich academic experience but also a pathway to a thriving career in business and management. The multicultural environment, work opportunities, and post-graduation visa options make Germany an ideal destination for those aiming to build a successful international career. An MBA from Germany equips you with the skills, knowledge, and network to excel in the competitive global business landscape.
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anaadworldwidellp · 15 days
How to Choose Right Study Abroad Program
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Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity that offers more than just academic growth; it fosters personal development, cultural immersion, and global networking. However, choosing the right study abroad program can be overwhelming, given the vast array of options. This guide will walk you through the critical factors to consider when selecting a study abroad program that aligns with your goals, needs, and interests.
1. Identify Your Academic and Career Goals
The first step in choosing a study abroad program is identifying your academic and career aspirations. Ask yourself what you aim to achieve from studying abroad. Are you looking to:
Gain specialized knowledge in a particular field?
Develop skills that enhance your career prospects?
Broaden your perspective in a global context?
For instance, if you're a business student seeking international exposure, you might want to consider MBA programs in countries with strong economies like the U.S., U.K., or Singapore. On the other hand, students interested in environmental studies may benefit from programs in countries like Norway or Australia, known for their commitment to sustainability.
Look for programs with a curriculum tailored to your academic goals.
Seek faculty who are experts in your area of study.
Consider the opportunities for internships, practical training, and networking in your chosen field.
2. Choose the Right Destination
The location of your study abroad program is more than just a backdrop to your education; it can significantly influence your overall experience. Factors such as culture, language, lifestyle, and career opportunities should play a role in your decision.
Cultural Immersion
If cultural exploration is a priority, choose a country that aligns with your interests. Europe offers a rich tapestry of cultures within close proximity, while Asia presents a unique fusion of ancient traditions and modern innovations. Latin American countries provide vibrant cultural experiences, often in more budget-friendly environments.
If learning or improving a foreign language is one of your goals, immerse yourself in a country where that language is spoken. For example, Spanish learners may consider programs in Spain or Latin America, while French speakers could look at France or French-speaking regions of Canada.
Career Opportunities
Certain countries are known for offering strong post-graduation career prospects in specific fields. For example, Germany is a hub for engineering and automotive industries, while the U.S. and U.K. offer expansive opportunities in finance, technology, and healthcare. Study in Australia for International Students and Study in Canada for International students also have favorable policies for international students seeking post-graduation work visas.
Research the local culture, cost of living, and safety.
Consider the language of instruction and whether language barriers might affect your experience.
Look into the country’s visa policies and work opportunities during and after studies.
3. Evaluate the Academic Structure
Different countries have varying academic structures and teaching styles. Some education systems may focus heavily on theoretical knowledge, while others emphasize practical skills and independent learning. Understanding how a country’s educational philosophy aligns with your learning style can make a big difference.
Flexibility vs. Structure
In some countries, such as the U.S., students have the flexibility to choose their courses and explore various subjects before specializing. In contrast, programs in countries like Germany or the U.K. might have a more structured approach, where students are expected to focus on their specific field from the outset.
Academic Resources and Facilities
Make sure to research the academic resources available at your prospective institution. Libraries, research facilities, labs, and digital resources can play a crucial role in enriching your academic journey.
Consider your preferred learning style (e.g., lecture-based vs. hands-on).
Research whether the program’s structure supports your academic goals.
Check if the university offers strong academic advising and student support services.
4. Consider Program Duration and Timing
Study abroad programs vary in length, from a few weeks during the summer to a full academic year or more. The ideal program duration will depend on your personal circumstances, such as your academic schedule, career plans, and financial considerations.
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Programs
Short-Term Programs: These are typically summer programs or semester-long exchanges. They are perfect for students looking for a quick international experience without committing to long-term stays. However, short programs may offer limited academic depth and cultural immersion.
Long-Term Programs: A full academic year or multi-year programs offer more substantial opportunities for academic growth, language acquisition, and cultural integration. Long-term stays also allow you to build a more comprehensive professional network.
Consider your academic calendar and how a study abroad program fits within it.
Decide whether you prefer a short, intensive experience or a longer, more immersive one.
Check if credits earned abroad will transfer to your home institution.
Also Read- Top university in Germany
5. Financial Considerations
Studying abroad can be costly, but with proper planning, you can manage your budget and find a program that fits your financial situation. Start by calculating the overall cost of the program, including tuition fees, living expenses, travel, and additional costs like insurance and visa fees.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Many study abroad programs offer scholarships, grants, or financial aid for international students. Research all available options, including merit-based scholarships, need-based grants, and country-specific funding programs.
Cost of Living
The cost of living varies significantly from country to country. For example, studying in cities like New York or London will likely be more expensive than studying in smaller towns or countries with a lower cost of living, such as Poland or Thailand.
Look for programs that offer scholarships or financial aid.
Calculate the total cost of living and compare it to your home country.
Consider part-time work opportunities and post-graduation employment options.
6. Accreditation and Reputation
The reputation and accreditation of the institution you choose will have a long-term impact on your career. It’s essential to verify that your chosen university is accredited and recognized globally.
University Rankings
While rankings shouldn’t be the sole factor in your decision, they can provide insight into a university’s reputation, academic quality, and resources. Some well-known ranking systems include QS World University Rankings, Times Higher Education, and U.S. News & World Report.
Program-Specific Accreditation
If you’re pursuing a specialized field, ensure that the program is accredited by relevant professional bodies. For example, MBA programs should be accredited by organizations like AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS.
Verify the accreditation status of the university.
Research the institution’s global reputation and ranking in your field.
Look for alumni success stories to gauge the long-term value of the program.
7. Seek Student Support and Extracurricular Opportunities
Adjusting to life in a new country can be challenging, so it’s important to choose a program that offers robust student support services. This includes orientation programs, academic advising, and counseling services. Additionally, extracurricular activities such as clubs, sports, and cultural trips can enrich your experience and help you build lifelong friendships.
Look for programs with strong international student support.
Consider the availability of social and cultural activities.
Explore opportunities to engage with local communities and other international students.
Choosing the right study abroad program requires thoughtful consideration of your academic goals, personal preferences, financial situation, and long-term career aspirations. By researching and evaluating each aspect of the program—from location and academic structure to financial aid and student support—you can find the perfect fit that will lead to a fulfilling and transformative international experience.
A well-chosen study abroad program can be the gateway to a brighter future, equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and global perspective needed to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. Take your time, do your research, and make a choice that will serve your personal and professional goals for years to come.
Also Read- Top universities in Ireland for Masters
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nimilphilip · 28 days
Top 10 privet universities in Germany
Germany, a powerhouse of innovation and a leader in higher education, offers a plethora of options for international students seeking a world-class education. While public universities are renowned for their affordability, private universities in Germany provide a unique and enriching alternative. This blog post from Cliftons Study Abroad unveils the top 10 private universities in Germany for 2024. We'll explore a diverse range of institutions, considering factors like program offerings, research strengths, international student support, and career prospects.
Advantages of Studying at a Private University in Germany:
Smaller Class Sizes: Private universities commonly boast smaller elegance sizes, making an allowance for extra customized interest and interactive knowledge.
Focus on Innovation and Specialization: Many personal universities provide specialized programs in emerging fields, catering to college students looking for unique and enterprise-relevant training.
Modern Facilities and Resources: Private universities regularly make investments closely in current facilities, modern-day technology, and specialized sources to beautify the gaining knowledge of enjoy.
Strong English-Taught Programs: A growing variety of personal universities offer packages taught totally in English, catering to global college students.
International Exposure and Networking: Private universities appeal to a numerous pupil frame, fostering a globalized getting-to-know environment and treasured networking opportunities.
Top 10 Private Universities in Germany (2024):
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht (EBS University of Business and Law): Located near Frankfurt, EBS is renowned for its excellence in business and law programs.The university offers a robust awareness on real-international applications, international internships, and career guidance.
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management: Situated in Vallendar, WHU is a prestigious private business school with a global reputation. The college offers loads of bachelor's, grasp's, and doctoral packages in business management, with a strong emphasis on leadership and entrepreneurship.
Jacobs University Bremen: This private research university in Bremen offers a unique international learning environment. With English as the primary language of instruction, Jacobs University attracts students from over 100 countries. The university offers several bachelor's and master's packages across various disciplines.
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management: Located in Leipzig, HHL is a prestigious business school with a focus on international management education. The university offers MBA programs specially designed for skilled specialists looking to advance their careers.
Technische Universität München (TUM) School of Management: Part of the renowned Technische Universität München (TUM), the TUM School of Management offers exceptional business education programs. The faculty emphasizes innovation, generation, and entrepreneurship, making ready graduates for fulfillment in the global business.
University of Potsdam: The private University of Potsdam offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.The college boasts a strong international focus and encourages interdisciplinary gaining knowledge of.
Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI): Located in the heart of Berlin, BSBI offers innovative business and management programs with a focus on practical application and global perspectives. The university affords a dynamic studying environment and robust professional guide services.
CODE University of Applied Sciences: With campuses in Berlin and Hamburg, CODE University offers unique bachelor's programs in fields like digital business and information technology. The university emphasizes venture-based totally mastering, entrepreneurial thinking, and getting ready graduates for the virtual age.
Bard College Berlin: This private liberal arts college in Berlin offers a unique American-style education in Germany. Bard College Berlin emphasizes crucial wondering, interdisciplinary getting to know, and a robust foundation in the humanities and social sciences.
Munich School of Management (MSM): Located in Munich, MSM offers bachelor's, master's, and MBA programs in various business disciplines.The college provides a robust worldwide consciousness and prepares graduates for successful careers in a globalized global.
Choosing the Right Private University in Germany:
Academic Focus and Program Offerings: Carefully remember your educational pursuits and professional aspirations when selecting a university and program.
Faculty Expertise and Research Strengths: Research the school's knowledge and the college's research attention to ensure alignment together with your educational dreams.
International Student Support: Evaluate the university's guide offerings for global students, which include language help, visa steering, and social integration applications.
Location and Campus Environment: Consider the college's place, campus centers, and universal learning surroundings to discover the first-class suit for you.
Cliftons Study Abroad: Your Partner in Your German Study Journey
At Cliftons Study Abroad, we understand the intricacies of navigating the German higher education system, including private universities. Our dedicated advisors can help you:
Compare different private universities based on your academic background and career goals.
Identify programs that align with your interests and provide strong career prospects.
Navigate the application process and ensure you submit all necessary documents.
Explore scholarship opportunities to reduce the financial burden of studying in Germany.
Assist with visa applications and guide you through the immigration process.
Embrace a World-Class Education in Germany!
Studying at a private university in Germany opens doors to a world-class education, personalized attention, and valuable industry connections. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and strong economy, Germany offers a unique and rewarding study abroad experience. Contact Cliftons Study Abroad today for a free consultation and let us help you chart your course toward a successful academic journey in Germany!
Germany awaits, with its prestigious universities, innovative spirit, and exciting opportunities. Are you ready to embark on your German private university adventure?
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pratiksha-more · 1 month
Success Stories: Indian Alumni Who Made It Big in Germany
Germany has emerged as a top destination for Indian students seeking high-quality education and global career opportunities. Many Indian alumni have leveraged their education in Germany to achieve remarkable success across various fields. Their stories are a testament to the quality of education in Germany and the potential for international students to make significant strides in their careers. This blog highlights some inspiring success stories of Indian alumni who made it big in Germany, showcasing how study in Germany can open doors to remarkable achievements.
1. Sandeep T. – A Pioneer in Renewable Energy
Sandeep T., an alumnus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), has made a significant impact in the renewable energy sector. After completing his Master’s degree in Renewable Energy Systems, Sandeep joined a leading renewable energy company in Germany. His innovative approach to solar energy technology led to the development of several successful projects, including advanced solar panel designs that have been adopted across Europe.
Sandeep’s achievements are a testament to the high-quality education and research opportunities available at German universities. His success story underscores the potential for Indian students to excel in cutting-edge fields by leveraging the academic resources and industry connections provided by institutions in Germany.
2. Aarti G. – From Student to Successful Entrepreneur
Aarti G., who graduated from RWTH Aachen University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, has become a successful entrepreneur in the tech industry. After completing her studies, Aarti founded her own startup focusing on artificial intelligence and automation solutions. Her company quickly gained recognition for its innovative products, leading to partnerships with major tech firms and significant investments.
Aarti’s journey from a student to a successful entrepreneur highlights the entrepreneurial spirit nurtured by German universities. The exposure to advanced technology, coupled with the support of an international network, played a crucial role in her success. Indian students aspiring to start their own ventures can draw inspiration from Aarti’s story and utilize the resources available in Germany to achieve their goals.
3. Rajesh M. – Leading Innovations in Automotive Engineering
Rajesh M., an alumnus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has made a name for himself in the automotive engineering industry. After completing his Master’s degree in Automotive Engineering, Rajesh joined a prominent automotive company in Germany, where he contributed to the development of next-generation electric vehicles.
His work on improving battery efficiency and vehicle performance has garnered widespread acclaim, leading to several patents and industry awards. Rajesh’s success exemplifies the opportunities available in Germany’s robust automotive sector and the potential for Indian students to make a significant impact in engineering and technology.
4. Nisha R. – Achieving Excellence in Biotechnology
Nisha R., who earned her PhD in Biotechnology from the University of Heidelberg, has achieved remarkable success in the field of medical research. Her research on genetic therapies and personalized medicine has led to several groundbreaking discoveries, significantly advancing the field of biotechnology.
Nisha’s accomplishments have not only earned her recognition in the scientific community but have also led to collaborations with major pharmaceutical companies. Her success story highlights the research opportunities available in Germany and the potential for Indian students to contribute to global advancements in science and technology.
5. Vikram S. – Advancing in Financial Services
Vikram S., a graduate of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, has become a prominent figure in the financial services industry. After completing his MBA, Vikram joined a leading investment bank in Frankfurt, where he rose through the ranks to become a senior executive.
His expertise in financial analysis and strategic planning has contributed to the success of several high-profile projects and investments. Vikram’s success underscores the strength of Germany’s financial sector and the opportunities for Indian students to excel in finance and related fields.
6. How Overseas Education Consultancies Can Assist
An overseas education consultancy plays a crucial role in helping Indian students achieve success in Germany. These consultancies provide guidance on:
**1. Choosing the Right Program: Consultancies help students select programs and universities that align with their career goals and interests, setting the stage for future success.
**2. Application and Visa Assistance: They offer support with the application process, visa requirements, and pre-departure preparation, ensuring a smooth transition to studying in Germany.
**3. Career Guidance: Consultancies provide insights into career opportunities and industry trends, helping students make informed decisions about their career paths.
**4. Networking and Internships: They assist in connecting students with industry professionals and potential employers, facilitating internships and job placements that can lead to significant career advancements.
The success stories of Indian alumni in Germany highlight the immense potential for international students to achieve their career goals and make a significant impact in their respective fields. By studying in Germany, Indian students gain access to world-class education, cutting-edge research opportunities, and a supportive international community. With the assistance of an overseas education consultancy, students can navigate the process of studying abroad, paving the way for a successful and fulfilling career.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
COMMENT: Marty, I have been attending your conferences since 2011. What I have learned from you is far more than my MBA. You are a world teacher paving the way for a new age. I am glad to hear they are making a movie about your efforts. The world needs to know. I was in Rome when Nigel Farage said that you were the alternative to Davos. What these academics from Davos have done to the world is the total destruction of our values and culture with this open border pushed by Soros.
I know you say you are waiting for Scotty to beam you up. Given what these people have done to suppress you over the years, I don’t think anyone can blame you for that. You are the first victim of cancel culture. Let me speak for your selfish followers. We hope you are here until 2050.
I think it’s in the Bible: blessed will be the peacemakers.
REPLY: I hope that this Hollywood movie shows the world that there is a better way to live simply with the cycle rather than having these academics ponder how to reconstruct the world. Hence, they constantly think they can make it better and, in the process, destroy the very foundation of civilization. Karl Marx did not understand how the economy works but focused on wealth and labor. He saw capitalism as an extension of ancient slavery, then serfdom, to labor for the capitalist. He tried to change the world, and in the process, hundreds of millions died. His ideas killed more than Stalin, Mao, and Hitler combined.
My father was with General Patton from North Africa to Berlin. He told me that Patton believed he had been sent back from above to win the war. He had wanted to go straight into Moscow back then and told my father that the real enemy was Communism. My father told me that Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower because he publicly said that America had been fighting the wrong enemy—Germany instead of Russia. He died in a car accident, and in his last words, I was told: “This is a hell of a way to die.”
I was raised with that sense of duty because I was always taught we are here for a purpose. Some have told me my father taught me to speak the truth like Patton, even if it angered those in power. Perhaps. I guess just like Patton knew that the real enemy was Communism, I see the real enemy as being these academics who pretend to know how to reshape the world and never understand how it truly functions. So, to me, the enemy remains Davos, Soros, and his legions, as well as Bill Gates. Stop messing with nature and live with the cycles rather than ignoring them or manipulating them to eliminate the business cycle. There is a cycle to the rise and fall of civilizations, and they are fulfilling the destruction of Western society with their open borders that cannot be reversed.
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