chasedmistakes · 3 years
"I want you, and only you." and killervibe 🥰
I ... haven't written either character in over a year so ... their voices are probably rusty af and I'm sorry for that. But enjoy! @mazyeve
It’s been weeks since she’s heard from him. The texts and calls are far and few between. It had been expected that he would be too busy for her once he moved and started his new job, but Caitlin had hoped it would be something better than this. Something more concrete to solidify that their friendship wouldn’t be one of those that drifts apart and loses contact. To be fair, it’s not like she hasn’t been trying to keep them together. He just either won’t respond and when he does? It’s with an emoji reaction or one word response. And Caitlin is growing tired of it.
Heels click against the floor of the medbay as she walks back and forth, stocking up on medical supplies. Anything to keep from watching Chester entirely change the very room that had been Cisco Ramon’s workshop just weeks before. It was hard enough losing him to begin with but watching the changes that come with it, right in front of her eyes? It brought more than the kind of pain she could handle.
She may have lost her cool after the arcade game set foot inside of STAR Labs. It reminded her that Chester was like this whole other version of Cisco. And while she loves him, he’ll never exactly be Cisco. The person she loves more. So with every bit of change that came to Cisco’s workshop, the more she distanced herself from it unless circumstances demanded her presence.
Which led her to pulling unopened boxes of supplies from storage, dragging them up to medbay in the off chance that they have a quiet afternoon without some metahuman crisis in the process. Sure, the shelves may be over stocked at this point, but at least it kept her mind busy. At least it kept the pain and tears at bay with the welcomed distraction.
“Need some help with that?” The familiar voice catches her off guard, making her drop the boxes of gauze pads she was carrying over to the shelf. “Or not…”
Caitlin spins around on her heels, tears welling in her eyes as her mouth hangs slightly open. “Cisco.” Thoughts are racing through her mind and she almost doesn’t catch the soft ‘Hey Cait’ that comes along with that ever so familiar gentle smile. The kind that always meets his eyes. The very smile she still hasn’t realized is always reserved for only her. The one he finally realized is. “I’m surprised you have any time to visit Central City with your new job and all. It’s not like you have time to text me back.” She doesn’t mean the harsh tone and she goes to apologize, but the words never make it out over his quick response.
“Come on, Caitlin. Don’t be like that.” He steps into the room, eyes never leaving her as she kneels down to pick up the small boxes she’d dropped. They’re piled in his arms as he comes back up, dropping them onto the exam bed before stepping back in front of her. Despite her tone, his own gentle one never falters. “You know I’ll always have time for you.”
Her hand reaches up to brush a few strands of hair behind her ear, head tilting as she watches his movements. Especially when his hand moves to touch her arm. “I’m sorry. It just doesn’t seem like it. I always text or call you and you don’t—”
He wants to deny what she’s saying but he can’t. And he doesn’t because she’s right. He’s spent so long in his own little bubble, trying to figure everything out and trying to adjust. Trying to move on and figure things out but that never should have come in the way of his friendship with Caitlin. He’s just hoping she hasn’t figured it out that he’s been texting Barry back this entire time. “I know. It’s been a rough couple of weeks. With the move and the new job and not having you guys around all the time when I need you there.”
The little interrupted response of ‘I’ve been here, Cisco. I’ve always been here.’ from Caitlin doesn’t go unnoticed by him but it ignites something in him. Something he’s been trying to push down since the moment he actually left. Maybe even before that. And the next thing he’s blurting out is, “I broke up with Kamilla.”
Her eyes went instantly wide, it wasn’t something she’d ever been expecting for him to say. She thought Kamilla Hwang had been the one for him. Even if she wanted otherwise. “Why? I thought everything was perfect between the two of you. You were so happy.”
“I don’t know.” He steps back, spinning around with his back now facing her as hands go up to the back of his head. It looks like he’s in the middle of his own little crisis that she’ll let him go through. Anything to be there for him. “We were! I was. But something still felt so wrong about all of this. The move, the job, settling down with Kamilla. I want the dream job and the dream life. I want the wife and kids. The family. I want to move on from this place and be happy. But I don’t think it had to be that way. I don’t think it was meant to be with her.” “Cisco…”
“Let me finish. Please. You always made me feel at home from the first day I started here at STAR Labs. Always. Because you are my home and I’m never going to be home if you’re not around. Not really anyway. It’s you, Caitlin. I want you and only you. And if that makes me insane, then so be it, I’m insane. But I love you and I think I always have.”
“Cisco…” He tries to wave her off to keep talking but she’s spinning him around before he can even get another word out. Lips are pressed against his lips and without a second thought his hands are snaking around her waist, pulling her closer. It’s only when they need to pull back for air that she’s speaking again. “I love you too. Always have. That’s why it hurt me so much when you shut me out these past few weeks.” He nods, the reserved smile sneaking back onto his lips. “Well, lucky for us we don’t have to worry about any of that anymore. I’m here. I’m staying. I pretty much gave my two weeks notice as soon as I started which, I know, is insane, but I did it. A Central City based Ramon Industries sounds really good right about now.”
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spookys · 3 years
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as most of you know, i remade my blog after i spontaneously deactivated back in february and lost around 2.5k followers, so i’m shocked that i’ve reached this milestone already 😭 i wanted to do something fun for a celebration to thank everyone for such endless support and love from u cuties 💗
-must be following
-rb this post to spread the word
-send me 🦋 and I will make you a special gifset based on your interests!
if you want a specific type of gifset then you are welcome to add a topic you’d like me to make for you, but it’s not necessary! also please make sure we have at least 1 fandom in common! (a list of fandoms)
thank you all so so much and im looking forward to creating for you ❤️
taggin some mutuals ❤️ @fitzs @markcallans @donnaamoss @starkozova @tabitha-tate @hopeslegacies @paceyjoeys @deckerschloe @grimreaper @mazyeve @oliviasrodrigo @olivia-rodrigos @rue-bennett @damnsarge @youngsamberg @sambergscott @nathanhaley @lorelaileighs @josephinespotter @chloexdecker @sallysimpsons 
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killervibe · 3 years
The Early Morning Plan
Happy birthday @mazyeve !!!! 
Killervibe fluff ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Caitlin stared at Cisco’s picture lit up on her vibrating phone. It was nearly six in the morning. He’s never up so early unless he never went to bed. Her eyebrows furrowed with concern at that thought. After the last meta attack last night, he’d better have gone to bed. She picked up her phone. “You better have had 6 hours of sleep last night.”
She could hear his grin from his voice. “And good morning to you, my beautiful girlfriend and favourite meta-human partner in the world—Don’t tell Barry.”
“You didn’t sleep,” Caitlin deadpanned.
“I didn’t sleep.”
Caitlin opened her mouth to relaunch this 7 year long debate but he cut her off before her breath ever properly left her lungs.
“But hey! Before you lecture me with your Dr. Snow—I didn’t go to bed for good reason! This day is important so I had to prepare.”
Caitlin sighed. She put her phone on the table so she could walk around her kitchen. She needed coffee and she hadn’t decided if she wanted to do something with her hair yet, so she had to get going. Still, she felt her mouth begin to curve up, warmth spreading in her chest as she answered, “It feels like we just celebrated this last year.”
“Funny,” Cisco said in a teasing tone. “That’s the thing about birthdays, they happen every year.”
“Do they?” she played along.
“So, what are you doing right now?”
Caitlin looked down at her unstirred coffee and began to tell him when a blue flickering light glinted off the stainless steel toaster.
She dropped her spoon and turned around just in time to watch Cisco jump out a breach.
“—Because I’ve got plans for breakfast.”
Caitlin folded her arms over her chest, appraising his disheveled yet sexy tousled hair as it blew into his face. “Like what?”
Cisco pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, wrapping his arms around her. She melts immediately, whatever hesitation she had fading away.
“You know how Barry likes to take Iris to Tahiti?” He kissed her again.
“Mhmm.” Caitlin let him steal a few more kisses. She thought about abandoning the Med Lab for a day in the hazy sun with Cisco. She didn’t even remember the last time she had even worn her bathing suit. It was a wonderful thought. They could skip meta disasters for beaches and drinks and maybe a hotel with a suite and a jacuzzi— Caitlin gripped onto the table edge behind her, the wood against her palm grounding her back. The fantasy sizzled away like the heat of hot pavement she’d never get to feel on bare feet.
 “Wait—“ She pushed back against his shirt. “No Tahiti. We have things to do at Star Labs.”
Cisco didn’t even frown. Caitlin blinked.
“No Tahiti,” she said again, in case he hadn’t heard.
“Don’t have plans for that,” he said. “I’m thinking bigger. Better.”
Cisco took her hand and tugged her into a new breach. She followed along, abandoning her coffee and phone in her kitchen. They stepped out on a bright afternoon in the middle of a buzzing plateau. Caitlin squinted at the signs for les patisseries and acknowledged the Eiffel Tower looming in the background and —
Wait. She gasped, tuning in to the French and the busy chatter of a city much larger than her own and let her mind rewind back to les patisseries and the Eiffel Tower.
Cisco shrugged. “I may have a reservation for that bakery you still rave about that you went to on that trip with your dad when you were seven. For nous.”
He grinned at her, almost bouncing on his toes. He lifted a hand. “Though it’s like you said, we have work and it’s just a birthday totally not like I spent all night refreshing the site hunting that bakery down based off your distant croissant memories—Which was very hard by the way—for an online cancellation and we can just come back ano—”
“No!” Caitlin yanked on his hand hard to interlock his fingers with hers, refusing the possibility of any breaches or cheeky exits to be made to go back home. Cisco twists around with a smart-alecky smirk, but she wipes that off his mouth with a kiss of thanks that makes her own knees weak.
“I love you,” she said much more softly at a somewhat dazed Cisco, staggering along as she pulled him down the street. “And you’re right. It is my birthday.”
“It is,” Cisco agreed. His preen rivals those of the cats Caitlin occasionally caught with stale granola bars that Barry forgot to finish that she dumped in the trash outside Star Labs. Caitlin wiped some of her lipstick from his mouth. It was then she remembered she didn’t even check herself in the mirror or double check on that outfit she was going to wear. Oh well.
“And after this, I have an even better idea?”
“We get you a nap.”
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joey-potters · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @creativexdreamer <3
• love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone? • love letters or mixtapes? • hand kisses or kisses on the cheeks? • understanding each other without words or finishing each others sentences? • gazing into each other’s eyes or looking away blushing? • longing to be with someone again or spending every second together? • laughing together or crying together? • someone running their fingers through your hair or gently playing with your hand? • surprise kisses or long tight hugs •
I’m tagging @maya-matlin, @dejau, @josephinespotter, @scullys, @fredsythe, @lorelaileighs, @scarlettcarlyle, @mrs-storm-andrews, @mazyeve and anyone else :)   
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chasedmistakes · 3 years
🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Send this flower to 10 accounts to let them know you love them 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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thank you, angel. i was having a really bad day and i needed this. i appreciate you. <3
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chasedmistakes · 3 years
Answer 10 Questions.
Tagged by: @thatkillervibe
Relationship status : single.
Favorite color : pastel pink, mint green, and gold.
Favorite food : Food and I have a bad relationship so I don't have a favorite atm.
A song stuck in my head : Traitor by Ol*via Rodr*go because I just told @hteldiablo he was a traitor for changing his guinea pig's name after I gave it the cute nickname Maximo.
Last song I listened to : The Hardest Thing by Ty.ler W.ard.
Last Thing I googled : lyrics to something.
Time : 3:25 AM
Dream trip : California.
Anything I really want : Happiness. Season 2 of JATP.
Tagging : @lakemeriwehter @mazyeve anyone else who wants to do it.
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