#mayr method diet
a-dinosaur-a-day · 11 months
Fossil Novembirb 4: The Megafowl
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By @thewoodparable
One of the *most* iconic dinosaurs of the Cenozoic has got to be Gastornis, often referred to as "Diatryma", the giant fowl of the Early Paleogene. This animal first appeared between 60 and 56 million years ago in Europe, and spread to Asia and North America during the earliest Eocene. In the hot temperatures of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, it even lived up in the Arctic Circle, in the Tropical Polar Forests of the period. This single genus lasted a while, living until the middle Eocene, around 45 million years ago.
Gastornis is most famous due to its size, growing as tall as 2 meters height and up to 175 kilograms in mass. This made it one of the largest birds known, with a giant head and extremely tall beak. The skull itself was very powerfully built, with the beak compressed and lacking the raptorial hook of the later appearing terror birds.
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By Ashley Patch
This is important to note, because for a long time - until 2014, really - we thought Gastornis was a predator. Turns out, however, it was an herbivore, probably feeding on a generalistic diet of plants similar to other macroherbivorous dinosaurs. In fact, not only did it not have a predatory beak, but footprints that are probably from Gastornis suggest it did not have talons or raptorial feet adapted for hunting, either.
Feathers of Gastornis are not definitively known, however, a feather impression from the Green River Formation may be that of Gastornis due to its large size, and resembled feathers found on flighted birds, rather than the shaggy feathers of ratites. This is notable, as it seems that Gastornis was closely related to the "Fowl", aka Galloanserae, rather than the modern flightless ratites of today. Whether it's closer to ducks or to chickens is a question, hence the generic moniker of "Megafowl".
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By @quetzalpali-art
Why did Gastornis go extinct? The answer is unclear. It seemed to have disappeared from North America and Asia at the end of the early Eocene, possibly due to the dropping temperatures. It persisted in Europe for longer, which was isolated at the time and may have thus been more habitable for Gastornis. That said, there is some evidence that the Mihirungs of Australia - who we'll get to know later - are related to Gastornis, and they are found in the Oligocene to Pleistocene of Australia - so maybe Gastornis didn't go away quite as soon as we thought!
Unfortunately, the behavior of this dinosaur is not particularly well known - it's uncertain if it lived in groups, how it nested, or what its foraging method would have been, as there are no living animals similar to it. Hopefully, more fossils of Gastornis will paint a clearer picture of the Megafowl of the Paleogene.
Mayr, 2022. Paleogene Fossil Birds, 2nd Edition. Springer Cham.
Mayr, 2017. Avian Evolution: The Fossil Record of Birds and its Paleobiological Significance (TOPA Topics in Paleobiology). Wiley Blackwell.
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arborgoods · 4 years
Rebel Wilson Weight Loss Diet 2021 | How She Did It?
Nutritionists investigate what Rebel Wilson actually did to lose weight & explain the logical fallacies surrounding the messaging that lead to so many controversies. BADASS BODY BOSS Program, now open for enrollment! Schedule a FREE consult to see if we're a good fit! (Spots are limited): https://bit.ly/2KEMJhj Rebel Wilson has reportedly lost 18-20 kg or 40-44 lbs. When you look up "Rebel Wilson Weight Loss Diet" on google, no doubt you've come across the Mayr Method Diet. But what exactly is it and did it ACTUALLY help the actress lose weight? What really was the diet, exercise, and mindset around how she did it? By the end of this video, you'll understand what she actually did to lose weight + our honest thoughts on the controversy surrounding her weight loss. And be sure to watch the whole thing, because I'm also going to be pointing out lots of logical fallacies people make when evaluating and judging celebrity transformations like these throughout the video so that you don't fall into these traps as well.
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wytza · 2 years
Océano Hotel Health Spa Tenerife - FX Mayr Center
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2021 november - Just 2 weeks after my Vinyasa Training, I transferred to Tenerife north to this small but beautiful four star hotel, with a Mayr Health Center. Beside my main profile which was fitness and wellness activities, in group or one on one sessions, I also reached back to my other profession to give massage treatments in the spa.
What I truly loved about that half year was the atmosphere of the place and that I was surrounded with wonderful people. I've learnt a lot of new things from my therapist friends in the spa, and I'm really grateful for them for taking care of me, I never felt left out eventho I was almost the only person in the group, who was not from spain and I still don't speak the language fluently.
Thank you, can't wait to see you again! <3
read more about the Mayr method:
2021 november - Csupán két héttel a Vinyasa tréningem befejezése után, áttelepültem Tenerife északi részére, ebbe a gyönyörű 4 csillagos kis hotelbe, ami egyben Mayr egészség centrumként is üzemel. A fő profilom mellett, ami fitness és wellness csoportos, illetve privát órákból állt, visszanyúlhattam egy régebbi szakmámhoz, és a spa részlegen masszázs kezeléseket is végeztem.
Amit a legjobban szerettem az itt eltöltött fél évemben, az a hely atmoszférája volt, és hogy ilyen csodás emberekkel voltam körülvéve. Rengeteg új dolgot tanultam a terapeuta kollégáimtól a spa-ban és hálás vagyok amiért gondomat viselték. Különösen, hogy soha nem éreztem magam kívülállónak, annak ellenére, hogy szinte az egyetlen külföldi dolgozójuk voltam, és a nyelvet sem beszélem még folyékonyan.
Köszönet, alig várom hogy újra találkozzunk! <3
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claracai · 2 years
Why time-restricted eating isn’t a magic diet trick after all
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It’s the diet beloved of A-listers and Silicon Valley tech bros. One that doesn’t involve luminous green juices or cartloads of cabbage, but something simpler: spending more time each day without food.
Yet time-restricted eating (TRE) – consigning your daily consumption to a six or eight-hour window – has this week been debunked as an effective weight-loss method.
In a year-long study by Southern Medical University in China, 139 participants followed a low-calorie daily diet (1,200-1,500 calories for women; 1,500-1,800 for men) over either eight hours in every 24 or the entire day. All lost just over a stone on average, whichever strategy they followed. From waist circumference to blood glucose levels, body fat, insulin sensitivity and blood pressure, no notable distinction was found between the fasters and fast-nots.
So has intermittent fasting – on which a whole industry has been built – been exposed as a meaningless fad?
The researchers’ conclusion, that there were “no substantial differences” between either diet, does appear to send a wrecking ball through the TRE machine that has sprung up in recent years.
Whether following the typical 16:8 hour pattern, or doing intermittent fasting through the 5:2 (five days of regular eating, two days of minimal calorie intake) or even whole-day fasts, evangelism about the benefits has regularly been provided by the likes of Jennifer Aniston, George Osborne, Coldplay’s Chris Martin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey (who “felt like I was hallucinating” after his first day-long attempt), supermodel Gisele Bundchen… and many, many more.
There have been no signs of it hitting saturation point, either, as luxe fasting clinics continue to pop up all over the world. Austria’s Mayr and Lanserhof Clinics will, for around £5,000 per week, ensure you spend 16 hours a day food-free; there are now retreats across the UK, Portugal, Thailand, Germany and beyond.
Books – many of them bestsellers – abound, too, with fasting guides from the likes of Michael Mosley and Valter Longo spending weeks atop the sales charts. Appetite is now such that hybrid TRE diets have begun to appear, with fasting combined with the likes of keto, veganism and intuitive eating all capitalising on current demand.
Until this week, research had largely seemed to be onside. Conducted primarily in animals, TRE could seemingly reduce weight and improve blood glucose, according to a 2021 paper published in peer-reviewed journal Nutrition & Diabetes; going 12-16 hours without food has also been found to catalyse cells’ autophagy (where cells repair, which happens to a lesser degree when blood sugar is high from eating).
Then there was a 2019 paper from the US National Institute on Ageing, featuring results from around 80 studies, which noted that fasting reduced fat stored in the liver as triglycerides (a type of blood fat), with periods of fasting breaking them down and converting them to energy for other tissues in the body to use, especially the brain.
Intermittent fasting has not only been confined to the pursuit of a more svelte figure, however. As obese research participants lost weight, the associated risks – of type 2 diabetes, inflammation and certain lifestyle-induced cancers – were also shown to drop.
All of this may be explained by two factors. The first is that by reducing a window in which a person can eat, they eat less overall, reducing calorie intake by an average of 300-500 daily, according to studies. Then, there are the health benefits of following your circadian rhythm. Limiting the hours in which you eat may mean fewer late nights, for instance, and thus better sleep – something that helps to keep immune function, digestion, cognition and cardiovascular activity in check.
Visit food paper bag homepage for more details.
“As a consumption-cutting tool, TRE can work, as caloric restriction will be caloric restriction, whatever time of the day you choose to do it,” says Dr Giles Yeo, principal research associate at the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at Cambridge University. “But in terms of time restriction itself, universally, as a solution, it probably doesn’t work for everybody.”
So is it simply a fad worth ditching? This is where things get complex.
“I’m a believer that if you do something and it’s not dangerous, and it actually works for you, then by all means, do it – because the likelihood is, it will work for some people. Just not all,” says Dr Yeo.
The Southern Medical University research is the longest TRE study to date – but Michael Mosley, who runs the popular Fast 800 programme, which combines intermittent fasting and calorie control, is critical. He claims that those following both TRE and a calorie-controlled diet lost more weight and body fat than those only doing the latter, but that “the study wasn’t big enough for these differences to be considered statistically significant”.
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reportwire · 2 years
Rebel Wilson Calls Out "Misleading" Claim About Endorsing Diet Pills
Rebel Wilson Calls Out “Misleading” Claim About Endorsing Diet Pills
Aca-scuse me! Rebel Wilson is correcting claims that she endorsed a diet for her weight loss journey. The Pitch Perfect alum shared an article by the Daily Mail that said she used Mayr Method diet plan to lose 77 lbs. On her Instagram Story, she set the record straight, writing, “This was NEVER my diet, please stop writing this stuff.” “Also have NEVER endorsed any diet pills or magic weight loss…
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updatesnews · 2 years
Rebel Wilson weight loss: What the actress ate at retreat to kickstart 35kg transformation
Rebel Wilson weight loss: What the actress ate at retreat to kickstart 35kg transformation
Rebel Wilson has lost an incredible amount of weight – 5.5stone or 35kg over the last few years. While the Australian actress attributed her slimmer physique to daily walks and a calorie deficit, she is also said to have followed the Mayr Method diet plan when staying at a retreat back in 2020. Here’s what the retreat offers in terms of meals.  According to reports, Rebel jump-started her health…
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behealthy99 · 3 years
Rebel Wilson weight loss: 5.5st weight loss transformation - 'wanted to change'
New Post has been published on https://behealthy99.com/rebel-wilson-weight-loss-5-5st-weight-loss-transformation-wanted-to-change/
Rebel Wilson weight loss: 5.5st weight loss transformation - 'wanted to change'
Rebel Wilson has made headlines over the past two years for losing a whopping amount of weight. The 31-year-old has lost more than five stone since beginning her weight loss journey in 2019.
Rebel Wilson often shares photos of herself on Instagram, treating her 10.4 million followers to snippets of her luxurious lifestyle.
It’s a lifestyle Rebel has changed in recent years as she has undergone a huge weight loss transformation.
The Pitch Perfect actor reportedly lost 5.5 stone after following the Mayr Method.
The plan, which has been around for more than 100 years, has become increasingly popular in recent years.
READ MORE: Kate and Pippa’s ‘very different’ parenting – with ‘a touch of chaos’
The creator of the diet, Dr. Franx Xaver Mayr, was said to believe everything is connected to the gut and what people eat, and do not eat, can affect their overall health and wellbeing.
Followers of the method can eat three meals a day, while sitting at a table with no distractions, and must not snack in between.
It is not recommended that slimmers drink while eating and they must stop eating by 7pm.
The diet consists of eating fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins, nuts, seeds, and healthy snacks.
Rebel visited VivaMayr – a luxury detox wellness centre – in Austria in 2019.
She visited again in 2020 to help her lose more weight.
The actor told People at the time: “I went back because 2021 is going to be an insanely busy year with project after project, so I wanted to come back to VivaMayr.”
As well as watching what she ate, Rebel also began doing regular exercise during the pandemic.
Calling 2020 “the year of health”, she hired a personal trainer who helped her exercise up to six times a week.
However, the actor explained her lifestyle change was more about becoming and feeling healthier, rather than about weight loss.
She added: “You never want it to be about the number, because it really isn’t about that.
“It’s about: I was doing some unhealthy things to my body and just wanted to change it and become a healthier person.”
Rebel is often complimented on her new weight loss transformation by fans on social media, and the comments underneath her latest photo were no different.
Wearing a green sports bra, matching leggings, and pink trainers, Rebel is pictured leaning forwards into the camera with a swimming pool behind her.
The actor captioned the photo: “Rebel Rising #2022.”
Instagram user Kathy McCort commented: “You look fantastic.”
Juliette Gerhards wrote: “Beautiful.”
Tiffany said: “Amazing.”
Annie added: “A true inspiration.”
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mayr method diet menu
mayr method diet menu
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healthcarenewsme · 4 years
How To Lose Weight Well: Chocolate diet plan guide from Channel 4 series! - Reality Titbit - Celebrity TV News
How To Lose Weight Well: Chocolate diet plan guide from Channel 4 series! – Reality Titbit – Celebrity TV News
Channel 4’s weight loss series is back on our screens – and fans want to find out exactly how they can follow the chocolate diet plan. Dr Helen Lawal and Dr Javid Abdelmoneim help participants test out different diets on How To Lose Weight Well. Diet plans have included Sirtfood diet, the Mayr Method, intermittent fasting and the fitness challenge diet – but the chocolate diet plan appealed to…
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tammyearley · 4 years
Mayr Method diet: The secret behind Rebel Wilson’s 18kg weight loss
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REBEL WILSON is the Australian actress who has recently showed off her new weight loss transformation. Crediting the Mayr Method to her staggering 18kg loss, the plan can help slimmers lose weight without calorie counting. from Daily Express :: Diets Feed https://bit.ly/308rysN via Natural Ways To Increase Breast Size Reference:Healthy Food
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starbuzzindia · 4 years
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Mayr Method for weight loss: All about the new diet that helped actress Rebel Wilson lose weight | The Times of IndiaMayr Method for weight loss: All about it #bollywood #news #mumbai #dailyupdates #dailynews #presssangharsh #mumbaikar #viralnews #viral #press #hollywood #headline #starbuzz #story #livenews #entertainment #webseries #youtube Visit www.presssangharsh.com or www.starbuzz.in https://ift.tt/3jKYZd7
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topfygad · 5 years
Park Igls Mayr Clinic, Austria
Have you ever heard of the Mayr cure? I hadn’t, until Park Igls Mayr Clinic came on my radar. Going for a detox in Austria was never on my list – until life changed a bit for us and, in all honesty, it was one of the best experiences I have had to date.
Was it a pleasant one? Well, it depends how you look at it, where you are in your life and how the concept of a full detox appeals.
There aren’t many reviews of the Park Igls Mayr Clinic – I found two which you can read here and here. Luckily for me, I do know Jess and was able to ask her some questions before I made my way to Innsbruck (which is served by BA from both Heathrow and Gatwick). Tatler considered it the most effective medi-spa in 2015 and it remained on Conde Nast Traveller’s Top 35 spas in the world list. Awards aside, here is how my stay at Park Igls went.
  What is the Mayr method
Early in the 20th Century, the Austrian doctor and scientist Franz Xaver Mayr developed a theory that would fundamentally influence the course of preventive medicine. He based his approach on the fact that most common lifestyle diseases originate in the digestive system.
Preventive medicine at the Park Igls Mayr Clinic is based on six principles: alongside Cleansing, Supplementing, Self-discovery and Exercise, Modern Mayr Medicine adds the pillars of Rest and Education to achieve sustainable results and allow guests to enjoy a new and much improved quality of life.
You can read more about it here – but the principle is that you will be going on a detox programme, eating very little (therefore you will lose weight – which is not the goal in itself, but obviously will happen as you will be on a calorie-controlled diet), but the journey begins just there.
  What Park Igls offers
Park Igls operates as a normal hotel (you can just book a room and turn up) but most guests are there to go on a personalised Mayr programme.
There is a variety of options, as derivations of the traditional programme. If you have a look at Park Igls Mayr Clinic website, you will see the various choices you have. I was on the de-stress programme, which included the following:
The Basic Programme
2 craniosacral therapy sessions (50 mins each)
2 talk therapy/coaching sessions (50 mins each)
3 combination heat packs (hay flowers and moor)
4 partial body massages – primarily acupressure & connective tissue massages (25 mins each)
1 metabolic detox bath
The classic programme costs 1254 Euros for a week, and the destress programme costs just under 1887 Euros for a week. Accommodation is charged separately and starts at 1000 Euros per week (and the price is the same almost for single or double occupancy).
Most people go on their own – but you will also see couples and groups of friends, so anything goes. Obviously ‘full board’ is included (!) and there will be no bar bill on check-out.
One thing I would like to make clear is that you are not going on a luxury holiday with a wellness element, like The Golden Door, which I recently reviewed (and thoroughly enjoyed) in California. Park Igls Mayr Clinic is a medical facility (with a rather nice hotel and wellness component) – it offered a truly unique experience which may or not be right for everyone, but for me, at that time and place, was exactly what I needed – and more.
My programme was less medical and more focused on my mental wellbeing – I enjoyed my ‘talk therapy’ sessions, and I was seen by a doctor three times during my 7-night stay. I had daily massage treatments – but again, they weren’t ‘spa massages’. Christine was my therapist for the whole week and she ‘gave me what was required. My reflexology session was incredibly painful – but much much needed. She talked me through all the pressure points like no one has before. I had two sacro-cranial massages included in my package, but they were so good, I added some more. She told me I had to cry, because she could feel sorrow inside me. I had visions of a German-speaking lady beating me up – it so wasn’t like that.
Doctor Kolnig, which was ‘my doctor’ explained to me that the reason why I hadn’t lost the weight that I put on in the last 12 months (I stopped smoking and had 2 rounds of IVF, in addition to the 2 the year before) was because of stress. It didn’t matter how much I was eating or exercising – my emotional side was preventing the physical side from reacting. I wasn’t expecting to hear that from an Austrian doctor – and this is one of the parts of the experience I appreciated the most.
I loved how they were incredibly ‘medical’ – other guests were doing blood tests, MRIs, liver cleanses, pre-diagnosing Alzheimers, getting heart problems diagnosed. But the team at Park Igls believed in alternative therapies – like acupuncture and reflexology and I found the way they combined both to be absolutely perfect. I tried laser acupuncture for my tennis elbow and could not believe it.
You see the doctor the next day you arrive – so whatever you do, do NOT arrive on a Saturday like I have. I was told not to – but I did it anyway and I would recommend you do arrive any other day of the week, so you can actually start your programme when you see the doctor.
You are measured and weighed and put on a numbered programme. The Mayr cure ranges from zero (total fasting) to level 7, where you are combining all sorts of food, and throughout your stay, and depending on your progress, you move up the ladder (and eat more!).
I started on level 3, which is around 900-1000 calories a day, and I stayed there until the last two days, where I was moved on to levels 4-6 (but more on that later).
  A typical day at Park Igls Mayr Clinic
Breakfast is served between 7.30-9am so you wake up at whatever time you want and the first thing you have to do is drink the bitter water, which you take up to your room the night before and mix up with tepid water in the morning.
The bitter water is bitter (duh!), and will make you go to the loo exactly 3 times a day. It took me 2 days to get to that level and you will see people sometimes running from breakfast to the loo. Everyone is on the same boat, so to speak and it does work a treat.
For breakfast, you will be given a stale bread roll, and your choice of one of the Mayr foods as well as 30g or 50g of a protein of your choice – and you can see the list below (on a different image).
You also have to chew every bite 40 times – that produces saliva which then helps digestion. And also tells your brain when you are full. You are encouraged to not speak during meals and/or read or play with your phone. Focus on the food and enjoy the moment. I thought this was a bit weird – but as the days went by, I really did savour everything in a completely different way. You do not drink anything during your meals – interestingly, it wasn’t as hard as I thought.
A tip: have your bread toasted. It makes it a lot more bearable. My strategy was to have foods that weighed less so I could visually have more of it – so I only had coffee on the first day. My typical breakfast was the low fat yoghurt, the bread and alpine cheese or a scrambled egg.
You also have to drink 3-4 litres of water a day, outside of meals. This means a LOT of peeing, namely in the first couple of days, but things go back to normal at around day 5.
You have a daily programme of scheduled activities – like your massage, doctor appointments, beauty treatments (I highly recommend a pedicure there) and you can sign up to various exercise classes, as well as sightseeing activities.
I started each day with a Bath treatment called Kneippen, which involves sitting down with your feet in a bucket of warm water and every 5 minutes go for a lap in a VERY cold mini pool. If this did not wake you up, nothing will.
My programme included some treatments and that meant getting naked every day for those private treatments. I am not a naked in public person and I think more people saw me naked that week than in the last 10 years. These people were the therapists and attendants, who, I have to say, were incredible.
I had an issue whereby the classes I wanted to do clashed a lot with my scheduled appointments. Half the classes are in English, but I wonder if there is a way to make yoga in German work for everyone? I had to compromise and I did yoga once, went for a morning walk twice and for a swim three times.
I also napped a lot (as I felt exhausted on some of the days) and read 3 books and 9 magazines during my stay. Make sure you take these with you (and then leave behind for other guests). There are daily English newspapers and as people shared their reading materials, it made for quite a good selection in English. Naturally, most items are in German.
Lunches and dinners were for me soup, 2 sesame crackers and 50g of protein. Whilst I was hungry for the first 2 days, I did enjoy the selections. I almost always had mozzarella, smoked salmon, cream cheese or the alpine cheese. And delicious hummus.
On the 6thday I was given cooked food (rabbit and fish, I seem to remember) and blimey, it was interesting to go back to it.
By following the Mayr diet you will obviously lose weight – I lost 3kg in 5 days. But the point of the whole exercise is not just that (or that at all). I had been having an issue with my skin due to the IVF drugs – and no matter how many facials I tried, nothing cleared my skin up. My skin was even worse during the first days of my stay – but after I left, I have my face back, so to speak. I get the odd spot before my period as normal, but everything else is gone. I booked a facial too (with proper extraction, Germanic style), and I think it was the best outcome I could have hoped for.
One of the things worth mentioning: you will be caffeine-free, so expect some real headaches on the first couple of days. Everyone has them – this is where I smugly say I did not as I have been caffeine-free (90% of time) for the last year, so I did not have to deal with that. But I still did not sleep well – and the doctor did give me some magic sleep drops.
I signed up to a cooking class one afternoon – the soups they serve at Park Igls Mayr Clinic are outstanding and I wanted to understand how they made them.
I have recently rounded up some healthy cookbooks.
I also went on a sightseeing trip to Seefeld, which was a gorgeous town 40 minutes away. One day, I went to Innsbruck for some shopping – you are given a free return bus ticket a day during your stay, and it takes about 15-20 minutes to get to the city centre.
It was very hard to walk past bakeries – it seemed to be that every shop was a bakery, but I overcompensated with some very good shopping. There aren’t a lot of shops in Innsbruck, but I found a handful of very well curated designer shops (Einswaller) and quite a few great home shops. It made for a nice afternoon, anyway!
    Having the evenings to yourself
  Dinner ends at around 7.30pm and I had a chat with my new friend Carina every evening and we parted ways at around 8.30pm. I never go to bed at that time at home and I was a bit nervous to what I would do each evening.
I will make a small comment on the ‘common living room’ decor which was quite.. strange. The whole facility is quite modern and this room just didn’t flow (in my opinion).
You are encouraged to have a hot water compress (a hot water bottle in other words, but with a bit more skill) on your liver each night – and I really enjoyed it. I took my Amazon Fire and watched some films every night which was lovely. And I read. I read more that week than in a whole year, I think.
I left my phone in the room for a few meals and that was quite liberating!
    The room and bathroom
The rooms are all modern and very functional – everything works well and I would recommend you book the best room you can, as I personally spent a lot of time in the room and loved having the separate seating area.
I had a ‘junior suite’ which came with the most generous hanger selection I have seen in a long time – and of course I took WAY too many clothes and shoes. There are sockets everywhere and I used my desk every day as I did have some work commitments I had to honour.
The bathroom came with a separate bath and shower (with excellent water pressure), and only an organic shampoo + shower gel. You were asked not to use moisturisers during your stay so they wouldn’t interfere with the detox process – and guess what? I did not and did not have a problem. I took make up but I never used it. I also used up some face masks I brought from home (why not) and ordered every pillow from the excellent pillow menu, until I found the perfect combination for me. In Austria, they tend to offer 2 pillows of different sizes and I needed some larger ones. I also gave the leg pillow a try and loved it. There is no turndown service (and definitely no chocolates on your pillow every night).
  The staff at Park Igls
I thought the service was second to none – and I mean it from my heart. You are set up for success – everyone is on your side. But I thought people could be a bit cold and ‘too medical’ – and it was the exact opposite. Anything I asked for, it was always a pleasure.
  What to wear at Park Igls
Things are pretty casual at Park Igls and during the day, most people wear their robe (and also to dinner sometimes).
You take your own workout clothes and people did make an effort for dinner (normal trousers and shirts for men, top and trousers and flat shoes for women). I would suggest taking your own flip flops and, of course, swimwear. Walking shoes (or trainers or something) are highly advisable too. No need for heels either.
  Final thoughts
A medical detox is something that isn’t, of course, for everyone. If you asked me last year, I would very politely decline the invite (or have zero interest). With where I was in my life, I said yes and was on a plane two days later.
As I made my way to Park Igls Mayr Clinic , I was a little bit nervous – I had never been on my own for a whole week, I thought I would be uncomfortable and it did not happen. I loved being on my own, I needed for nothing, and yes I was hungry at times (very hungry some times), but things got better.
I think the fitness aspect of the programme could be improved – you can book personal training sessions, but I personally missed out on many classes. I was unlucky that I went on a week where the Pilates instructor was away – but I think some reformer machines would actually be incredibly popular. If Park Igls is trying to appeal to a younger audience, I think this is an area where there is room for improvement. The daily walks were popular (I went at 7am on the first day, but then slept late on the other days) as were the post lunch nordic walks.
But overall, my body reacted to the treatment and I feel like a cloud has lifted from my shoulders.
We have done a 5-day Mayr cure at home post Christmas and we felt amazing and lost the same weight. But we felt amazing and then resumed normal life with a healthier approach.
Park Igls Mayr Clinic gave me more than just a detox and I will go back. I am making plans to do so, and also for my husband to go. But separately – because in all honesty, I think it is an experience to be enjoyed alone.
If you are considering a medical detox, I do recommend Park Igls Mayr Clinic 100%.
Mrs. O
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  Disclaimer and fact box: I was a guest of Park Igls Mayr Clinic during my stay and opinions are all mine. Whilst not a walk in the park, I did have a life changing experience. 
The classic programme costs 1254 Euros for a week, and the destress programme costs just under 1887 Euros for a week. Accommodation is charged separately and starts at 148 Euros per night, based on double occupancy or 153 Euros, based on single occupancy, totalling 1071 Euros for a 7-night stay. Full board is included, and no bar bills
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/park-igls-mayr-clinic-austria/
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coolsandy8800 · 4 years
What Is the Mayr Method Diet? Breaking Down Rebel Wilson's Reported Weight Loss Program - GoodHousekeeping.com
What Is the Mayr Method Diet? Breaking Down Rebel Wilson’s Reported Weight Loss Program – GoodHousekeeping.com
What Is the Mayr Method Diet? Breaking Down Rebel Wilson’s Reported Weight Loss Program  GoodHousekeeping.com
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todaynewsadda · 4 years
All About Rebel Wilson's Incredible Weight Loss Journey, And The Diet She Followed To Achieve It
All About Rebel Wilson’s Incredible Weight Loss Journey, And The Diet She Followed To Achieve It
Rebel Wilson’s incredible weight loss has stunned the internet.
Rebel Wilson has stunned the internet with her incredible weight loss
The actor-comedian is reportedly following the Mayr Method of diet
She had earlier posted about making 2020 the ‘Year of Health’
Year 2020 has been a year of many ups and downs. While many people want the year to be banished from their memory,…
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Ditch dodgy diets and try the Mayr Method, the 'smart eating' system that focuses on how (not what) you eat
New Post has been published on https://bestrawfoodrecipes.com/ditch-dodgy-diets-and-try-the-mayr-method-the-smart-eating-system-that-focuses-on-how-not-what-you-eat/
Ditch dodgy diets and try the Mayr Method, the 'smart eating' system that focuses on how (not what) you eat
We’ve never been more obsessed with what we put in our mouths. It is ­estimated that 8.5 million people in the UK have gone gluten-free, and regimes such as the paleo diet (a meat heavy, grain-free diet) and the keto diet (a fat-rich, low-carb diet) are commonplace “dietary requirements” rather than brief crash diets.
The number of ­vegans in the UK is expected to rise by a ­further 327 per cent this year, according to research by comparison site Finder, bringing their numbers up to 2.9 million by 2020. And the flourishing British nutritional supplement market is expected to grow 6 per cent to reach £12.3 billion by 2023, with protein supplements taking the highest market revenue.
The modern…
Source link Keto Diet Drinks
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healthcarenewsme · 4 years
What Is the Mayr Method Diet? A Break Down of Rebel Wilson's Reported Weight Loss Program - GoodHousekeeping.com
What Is the Mayr Method Diet? A Break Down of Rebel Wilson's Reported Weight Loss Program – GoodHousekeeping.com
Ever since she’s declared 2020 her “Year of Health,” Rebel Wilson is opening up about how hard she’s working on her goals in frequent workouts, training sessions, and of course, in a brand new diet. The Bridesmaids and Pitch Perfectstar says she’s trying to lose 75 kilograms, about 165 pounds, by the end of the year: “Even if you have to crawl towards your goals, keep going [and] it will be…
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