maypearlss · 5 months
🎧 blog re-intro!
so i remade my entire blog, so what!
to freshly introduce myself, i go by may on here! i'm still a writer, just not as frequent of one. i like 90s grunge bands, weird fucking literature, and the color red. i like to get a little stranger every day, so if you want to help me out with that, this is definitely the place. expect general textpost absurdity and vague references to stories that only exist in my head.
i love receiving asks, but there are some things i'm not comfortable with having in my inbox, so please don't ask me anything related to...
1. overly personal information (like where i live, my real name, invasive questions about my identity, etc. if you think there's a chance i'll be uncomfortable with it, err on the side of caution and just don't send it.) 2. self-promotion—i love meeting new people, but i'm much more likely to check out your blog if you ask a question or something genuine to spark a conversation rather than just saying "check out my blog/work." 3. asking if we can be friends with no prior interaction. it's hard for me to consider myself friends with someone if i've never even talked to them before. if we're going to be friends, it'll happen naturally!
this all goes for dms as well, because i've gotten some really awkward dms. i love dms, i just don't like when they make me feel uncomfortable for no reason! also, please note that tumblr is REALLY FUCKING BAD at notifying me when i get dms, so sometimes i just straight up don't see them, so apologies in advance for that!
so, that's me! stick around, or don't :)
- may
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magscrane · 3 months
oc interview
I was tagged by @thebouda and @emabatis thank you both!!!
I'll be doing this for Iris of course!!
Are you named after anyone? 
Not that I know of. Unless a flower counts as "someone"
When was the last time you cried? 
Quite recently. I saw a cute baby bunny.
Do you have kids? 
Not at the moment, no. I might like to adopt in the future, though.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
What's the first thing you notice about people? 
Their physical appearance, I guess? Isn't that how it is for most people?
What's your eye colour? 
It's a drak brown, very warm. Almost close to crimson, I suppose.
Scary movies or happy endings? 
What's a movie?
Any special talents? 
I've been told that I have a strong sense of duty, if that counts?
Where were you born? 
In a small village near the edge of Sterra.
Do you have any pets? 
No, but once I settle down, I might like a cat or two
What sort of sports do you play? 
I've never been overly active, but I enjoy running.
How tall are you? 
Five feet and eight inches!
What was your favourite subject in school? 
Commoners don't really get to go to school.
What is your dream job?
Being able to be a guard for Sterra's God is such an honor! I can't think of anything I'd rather do.
Blank version:
Are you named after anyone? 
When was the last time you cried? 
Do you have kids? 
Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
What's the first thing you notice about people? 
What's your eye colour? 
Scary movies or happy endings? 
Any special talents? 
Where were you born? 
Do you have any pets? 
What sort of sports do you play? 
How tall are you? 
What was your favourite subject in school? 
What is your dream job?
Tagging @robin-red-ethanol @maypearlss & an open tag for anyone else who want to join in!!!
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kaatiba · 2 months
Six Sentence Someday
tagged by: @tabswrites a looong time ago woops. see her snippet here!
tagging: @spideronthesun, @writewithfire, @maypearlss, @malimaywrite and anyone who wants to play, no pressure ofc!
Ilyas looks at her again, and this time his gaze lingers on the strange material of the clothes she’s wearing. The tunic looks like silk, only it’s too rough and—somehow and simultaneously—too slippery to be like any silk he’s ever seen. His sister is a great admirer of fine clothes—he’s learned much about fashion through her and by working in the palace, even if only as a guard. Halah’s tunic also lacks seams entirely, or else was so skillfully made the stitches are invisible. Granted, the campfire is not the best light to see by, but still...the seams should be visible somewhere. And her trousers, besides being much more fitted than he’s used to seeing anyone outside of Diaran fashion, are made of a complex, tight weave pattern unlike anything he’s seen before. 
(Halah's wearing jeans and a shirt made of polyester. Neither of them know what this is. They live in a fantasy world roughly analogous to the golden age of Islam.)
lofm taglist (ask to be +/-): @poetinprose, @jellybeanswriting, @treesandwords, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama, @thelittlestspider
general (ask to be +/-): @muddshadow, @lockejhaven, @tracle0, @anonymousfoz
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eldritch-flower · 3 months
get to know me tag game!
thanks for the tag @maypearlss <3 love random shit like this
favorite color: GREEN!!!
last song listened to: Fear of the Dark by Iron Maiden
currently reading: Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh! Alas, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would
currently watching: Stuck between fixations at the moment </3 pls give recommendations, am very desperate
currently craving: idk but I wanna go swimming
coffee or tea: tea [coffee is gross]
Gonna leave this as an open tag because it's just a fun & easy thing to do
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magscrane · 4 months
hello!! this is @maypearlss on my main blog, you seem really cool! your wip sounds really interesting, what's it about?
aaaa thank you!! Okay so, on the most basic level it's a tragic fantasy about Iris (my mc) losing her humanity as she also makes connections and maybe even finds love while traveling around on a little quest!
The quest itself is to make sure the continent's Gods are protected after Iris' God is killed (which she blames herself for of course) Also! The gods are like giant bivalves (that don't need water) with magic lol
I've got a whole little world set up and everything with different Queendoms and stuff; a little bit of history to go with it, and a handful of major characters besides Iris!
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maypearlss · 5 months
URL CHANGE!!! wipsbymor -> maypearlss
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eldritch-flower · 3 months
One to Five tag!
I was tagged by @maypearlss (<3) a while back, so gonna do it now! Doing this for my wip "The Art of Deterioration" because i'm hyperfixating on it rn
1 word to describe your wip
2 favourite lines
She was in the nicest day-dress she owned; a pretty pastel yellow to reflect the spring in which she had died. The low droning of malignant, bubbling frogs croaked in his ears, keeping the beat to the choking tempo of his mother’s final breaths.
3 things I love about this wip
1. The tragedy of it all. It's a rather sad mess of emotions and thoughts all shoved into a word document, but I'd never ask for it to be anything else. 2. The prose! I've only just come back around to writing the second draft, and rereading my first attempt I was struck by how smoothly it flowed. 3. The protagonist (& his own antagonist) Joseph Hastings. The tired-dad energy, the sarcasm and brittle nature, the way he interacts with his environment... he's fascinating. I wanna study him under a little microscope.
4 feelings from characters
exhaustion, defeat, duty, obsession
5 tropes features
The "MacGuffin" The grizzled detective The double agent Self-sacrifice Above Good and Evil
So there! I'm not gonna be tagging anyone just yet because I've only just come back to tumblr & idk if my prev mutuals even still exist </3
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magscrane · 3 months
Get to know me :)
Thanks for the tag @mk-writes-stuff
Favourite colour: pink!!!
Last song: Helena by MCR
Currently reading: Wuthering Heights & re-reading Nona the Ninth
Currently watching: re-watching Killing Eve <33
Currently craving: s o u p
Coffee or tea: Iced tea :)
tagging: @robin-red-ethanol @maypearlss @theres-bees-in-my-head
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