#mayne tomorrow everything will have calmed down and itll all be rainbows and sunshine and also i need to do scary adult letter things
mymagnificentself ยท 6 years
also, k is really starting to piss me off with her constant complaining and stubbornness, and i get that its part of mental illness but she needs to get off her damn arse and Do something to make her situation better because i KnOw the only thing keeping her is HErself, and i get, from the bottom of my heart i do get, all the self hate and depression and feeling worthless, but im not gonna sit idly by and watch my friend slowly kill herself without doing SOMEthing.
and well i know im no therapist and maybe im mostly just a nosy bitch but its obvious that SOMETHiNG needs to be fucking done, and first and foremost that CONVERSATION.
maybe i have an issue with always trying to fix everything and everyone (and so far i dont think its ever worked on anyone..) but Fuck That (i can fix Things at least.. and maybe it would indeed be better to leave it at that...
but at this rate im probably gonna cut ties with her sooner or later anyways, bc and i guess you could actually argue its taking a fucking emotional toll on Me as well, having her whine and bitch about all of her issues to me when i am apparently unable to help her.
bah i hate people, stubborn people especially (and i knOw im one of them) but im really running out of patience amd sympathy, especially for k.
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