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zariasona · 10 months ago
Darkness Sweet Embrace...
Alone in Duskwood is where Zaria wanted to be. And so mote it be, that one night after a fateful encounter in Crystalsong did she find herself there. The large tree she grew fond of that bore the brunt of her rage stood before her and a sadness came over her. The battle worn tree was littered in the cuts, scrapes, missing chunks, and healed over wounds.
Even as she looked it over, she could feel the looming precense overhead. "You know what you must do, Archon." The raven said, hidden within the branches of the trees.
"Yes, I know." Closing her eyes, she's shake out her nerves. The arm wriggle, the shoulder roll, the idle jumping all took place one right after the other. Despite how ridiculous it looked, it certainly did what she needed it too.
"Remember this feeling." The familiar voice came to her as she closed her eyes. That warmth, that happiness came to her with such ease. She could feel the darker tones take hold of her skin, the so dark it almost looked black yet looked as if it held glints of glimmering stars across her. The silken teal locks grew longer, turning to a vibran purple and the tips a sea foam green.
"There you are, Archon." Stolas said to her "I've been waiting to see if you'd embrace her."
"I have no choice. If I am to be the powerful Archon you say I am.. There comes a time when I must embrace the darkness. For so long, I stood on the side of the Light. Trying to embrace the Shadow, the Void-" She slowly opened her eyes so that those vibrant silver eyes could illuminate the darkness around them. "It's been difficult. I understand the necessity of the dichotomy, but that doesn't make it easier to accept."
"You know Archon, I wasn't always this being you know me as today. Perhaps in time you'll learn more about me. But today, This is a grand start."** Stolas said with a lighthearted chuckle. "I figured such." Even as Zariasona stood there, she knew something was missing. She crinkled her nose and glanced behind her. "My wings.." A deep frown came. "Just keep trying. They are apart of you, just as I am. Manifest them, Archon."
That heavy sigh came back to her. "I must embrace the shadows." Silver eyes locked onto the scarred tree, her mind swirling with those familiar feelings of him. She had only just seen him days ago, and yet it felt so long ago. "Wings." She said again. Upon her back was the blinding purple slit that looked as if it were tearing her flesh apart. "WINGS." Her voice cried out, trying to vocalize her desire. Stolas sat in the tree, watching, waiting. He edged towards the end of the tree branch, peaking his head between the branches. "Do it, Archon." His voice was soft, trying not to deviate her train of thought. In Zaria's mind, she saw the being that she had fought mere months ago. The fear that swelled in her upon seeing his lifeless body upon the ground.
Just as quickly as her shifted form came to her, was just as quick as it left her. Breathing heavily, she dropped to her knees upon the damp grass and leaves. "Damn it." Stolas swooped down from the trees, shifting into his human form before her. "Archon, are you alright?" He knelt before her, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
Zariasona gave a faint nod. "I need to embrace her. The shadows. The void." Lifting her gaze to Stolas, he'd see that her eyes had turned purple.
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nafisabast · 3 years ago
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I demand to be seen. Cloth flowing and chiming, bells softly bound against silk. The silk that caresses and swims against sun kissed skin, giving lustful ideations that play behind captured eyes. Observe, but don’t touch. Like admiring a free flying bird, not to be dreamt of being locked behind a gilded cage. As to grab the butterfly would be to crush it against palm and walk away with blood on your hands. A jewel in the desert, one and only, I know. Each step I take sending impossible ripples against the sand. Twirling, and spinning, a dust devil of grace, where black meets gold. You are mine, but I never yours. Captive audience, you will find me lingering like the kiss of desert rose even after you find your wake. Dance, come to close. @daily-writing-challenge Daily Writing Challenge - May 2022 - Day 1 - Chastity/Lust
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zariasona · 10 months ago
The Passing...
"Zari.." The faint voice of a woman rang out. Zariasona's ear flickered as she quickly lifted herself from her chair beside the fire. The book she was reading had been abruptly closed and set upon the table. The moment Zariasona was to the couch, she'd gracefully settle upon the floor beside the weakened woman. "Minn'da.. What is it?" Lifting her scarred left came to push back the black locks that had covered the sin'dorei's face. "You don't look any better than you did this morning, Minn'da.. I'll call the doctor-" "No, Zari stop." Leandra said to her. "I need.. I need you to just listen to me." Zaria wanted to protest. She wanted to find a way to care for her minn'da, but she had a feeling she was not going to be able to say or do anything of the sort. "Minn'da, you don't look well." "I know, child." Leandra's weakened hand came to grab Zaria's hand and held it delicately in her own frail and weakened one. "I want you to know, that your father and sisters loved you very much. And I am so proud of you, Zari. My precious Dal'dinoriel." "Minn'da, you make it sound as if you are going to pass tonight." Zari tried to offer a light hearted chuckle as if to imply it wasn't going to happen. She knew in her heart it was time, for her chest swelled in a way it rarely did.
Leandra's own silver eyes remained fixed to Zaria's scars on her left hand and arm. "I am so sorry you had to endure this pain, all to try and save me." "I would do it again and again if I had to."
"Help me sit up, Dal'dinoriel." Leandra would try and set herself up, and find it hard to do such as she groaned in pain, her body trembling.
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Zaria was quick to move, trying to encourage her to lay down. "Minn'da! No, you must remain laying. You need to rest." "Alright.. but take the pendant off me."
There was much Zaria wanted to say to her about that alone, but something told her not to fight her on this. "If you insist." Slowly, Zaria would come to take the golden crescent moon pendant off from around her neck and place it in her mothers hands. However, the moment that Leandra got the pendant within her hands, she'd move to place it within Zaria's own hands and kept her own frail fingers wrapped around Zaria's. "You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Go, my precious Dal'dinorei. You must live beyond me and your Ann'da, and your sisters." Zaria knew she was right, and hurt far more than she would ever admit. "Yes, Minn'da. I will." She gave the best smile that she could to her mother.
"There she is.. My star keeper. Protect the moon, and know that I love you." Slowly, her eyes closed, and the last of her life faded from her. Her hands went limp, and she had taken her last breath. In the days after Leandra's passing, Zariasona had put on the golden crescent moon pendant, and had never once removed it.
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zariasona · 9 months ago
Unlikely Friends
In the days that came after coming to Stormwind, the Magistrix wandered through the streets and did her best to hold her head high. With the newly created allegiance to the Kingdom of Stormwind, the fresh ren'dorei woman struggled to maintain her nobility. The howling of men and women alike putting down her now 'tainted' form filled her heart even more with bitterness.
Even if she already disliked humans for their destruction, she had even more reason now to be upset. The harrowing sounds of people up in arms afraid that she was going to be the one who would reveal the secrets of the Kingdom. The one who would be the fall of the Alliance as a whole.
Even as a politician, she knew better than to do such an act. To do so would be treason. She was just exiled from her home of Quel'thalas. Why would she dare allow herself to be exiled a second time?
It didn't seem to matter to the people of Stormwind of her plight. Instead, she clung to the dark shadows of the city's buildings and worked to find her own sense of peace within the Stormwind.
In the late hours of the night as she made herself to home to her quaint room in the tavern, the shame and guilt crept into her life. Struggling to feel as if she made the right choice, she'd think of what her Ann'da and Minn'da would think. Would they be proud? Would they be devastated? Would they also cast her aside? Or would they have supported her choice?
The difference was that her parents had passed on, and she went through the void for no other reason than she had nothing left to lose. Surely her parents would understand, right?
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Knock knock knock.
The thud upon the door startled Zariasona, and she looked to the door. "Who is it?" A feminine voice came from the other side. "Agnes Cooke. I am sure you are busy, but I was hoping to see if you had any spare food for an old woman."
With a heavy sigh, Zariasona looked down at her purple fingers. "You wouldn't want anything from me, Miss Cooke. I can assure you of that."
What she heard next startled her. "Are you afraid that as a ren'dorei I will in turn scream awful things at you? I can assure you that I hardly have the time for such things. I'm merely hungry."
Silence fell over the room as Zariasona pondered her next choice of words and actions. It didn't take long for her to push herself to her feet and open the door. The moment the door opened, the Magistrix saw a frail woman with frizzy grey hair that turned blonde at the ends, with dulled green eyes. Wrinkles were not overly prominent upon her face, but it certainly showed her age enough.
"You do not fear me?" Zariasona asked the woman.
"Do you fear me?" Agnes spoke in return.
"Very much so, I must confess. I've been in this city all of a few days and seen such horrors I have never seen in my life. What makes you different?"
Agnes was silent a moment, offering a small smile to the woman. "You at least opened the door for me, did you not? Only you can tell me what makes me different from others." The question struck Zariasona in a way she didn't expect. It was true, she did open the door for her while others she told off in one fashion or another. "Would you be so kind as to join me this evening? I happened to have more than enough food for myself. I fear they brought me a steak I simply cannot eat."
"I thank you for your kindness, Madam." If Agnes were in better health, the bow would have been much better. With her fragility, however, it was hard for her to muster.
Minutes turned to hours, and before either of them knew it the sun was rising up over the horizon of the city. In that time, the two had become well acquainted with one another and a deal was struck between the two.
Zariasona would ensure that Agnes had everything she needed: clothes, food, a home. In return, Agnes would ensure that where every they lived remained clean, tended to, and meals were properly prepared for the both of them.
What was meant to be a means to an end for them both had turned into a lifelong friendship.
@daily-writing-challenge (I'M SO SORRY)
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zariasona · 9 months ago
I'm coming home.
Zariasona had been settled into her home in Duskwood for the night. The hustle and bustle of Stormwind and the political work she had so immersed herself in was relaxing to her, yet it was also taxing. The only thing she had to look forward to was going to the Manor to see her beloved Feylonis, and their precious daughter Leandra. Leandra, who was now age five, still didn't quite understand why her Minn'da was gone all day, leaving her home with Feylonis whom she came to call mom. Feylonis wasn't alone with Leandra all day, for the manor still had the head servant, Agnes Cooke.
Feylonis had just entered into the parlor, having just put the young Leandra to bed for the night. Plopping down on the couch she sighed heavily as she buried her face into her arms on the armrest of the couch. "I am so glad she's asleep now.." The Magistrix chuckled as she set down the book she had been reading. "I know. She was a little terror today. Refused to leave my side even when I came home. I think she's still trying to get acclimated to our life. It's a shame that-" She paused, not wanting to think about the recent passing of her husband.
"Dalah'surfal.. I know. But we will be alright. The person who killed him is in the stockades for life. And thank the Light for that." Fey had been quick to move to the floor before Zariasona, grabbing hold of her hands so that she could offer any comfort she could to her.
"I know, darling. It's just-" She sniffed, her gaze shifting to the ceiling. It was clear she was trying to not cry again. "I need to get back to work. I cannot let this stop me." "Oh come on Zari, You can't bury yourself in work every time something happens like this. You do this every time."
At that moment, a heavy pounding upon the front door was heard. It was loud enough that it echoed in the foyer, and came into the parlor where Feylonis and Zariasona sat. The silence was deafening between them. Thankfully, Agnes was still up for they heard the scurried foot falls heading towards the door.
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The large doors creaked open, and mumbling could be heard between Agnes and another female who stood outside. "I'm sorry, you're who?" Another mumble of words came, and there was silence in the foyer. "Let me consult the Mistress. One moment." The door closed gently and Agnes was quick to stand in the entry-way of the parlor. Clearing her throat, she softly spoke. "M-Mistress. There's someone claiming to be your-" She fell silent, trying to conjure the words. Clear cut confusion was written all over Agnes' face.
"Spit it out already, Agnes. Who is at the door?" It was late, and Zariasona hated late night guests.
"Your sister."
"Impossible. Both of them perished. What is her name?"
"She says it's Kinadra, a sin'dorei of the Ebon Blade."
Zariasona was frozen, her eyes locked to Agnes. Feylonis peered up at Zaria with the same confusion as Agnes. "Surfal.. I thought you said your sisters perished? How is this-" "Send her in. Send her in now." The words were spoken so quick that they cut off Feylonis' words.
Agnes gave a quick bow before scurrying towards the door once more. As the large oak doors creaked open, both of the women could hear Agnes speak. "The Mistress will see you in the par-"
The black-cloaked figure pushed passed Agnes upon hearing it was alright to enter, not giving her the chance to finish. For a moment, a flurry of disorientation filled the woman as she sought out the room with the crackling fire. Within seconds, she was standing where Agnes had just been with her black hood covering her face, and water dripping down her form from the rain that just ended.
Zariasona was quick to lift herself to her feet, eager to see the face of the woman who claimed to be her sister. Feylonis moved just as quickly, planting herself just behind Zaria.
The hood lowered, and the straight black hair fell out of the hood with pointed ears springing to life. Blue lich fire eyes, and the same silken complexion that Zaria remembered her to have always had.
"Kinadra.." Zaria said nothing more and rushed to her sister to hug her tightly. "I thought you died." "I did." Kinadra's cold voice came. "But the Lich King brought me back. I now live under the banner of the Ebon Blade. And Zari.. I've come home. At long last, I have come home."
"Kinnie.." Zariasona hugged her tighter, and together the two sisters sobbed together before the roaring fireplace.
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nafisabast · 3 years ago
@wondroustailsofffxiv Prompt 5: AU - Role Reversal  Daily Writing Challenge - May 2022 - Day 2 (Catch Up) - Gluttony     TW: None? Implied death, nondescript. Notes: Two challenges with one story! Love when that works out. Enjoy this indulgent nonsense. 
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“No more.”  Who was left to even hear her? Some of the Scions were bound to be nearby, but they likely weren’t in range to hear her broken, low tones.  “I said no more!” She roared. For once her emotions were surging through her with such unbound intensity they were making her muscles clench and shake- she felt like she was shivering despite only feeling burning rage. She couldn’t care nor could she stop the spiral- even if she wanted to.  Neither could anyone else, lets face it.  Na’fisa turned, casting her chakrams in ice and chucking them into the piles of boxed crystals that were behind her. They sank in and with a snap of her finger exploded, sending wood shrapnel flying harmlessly into the larger formations that had been set up around the massive offering.  “...what is she doing?” She could hear one of them now realizing something was amiss further down the chamber. Alerted not by her cries, but by the bright light the aether gave off as it disintegrated from the crystals that housed it. Of course they didn’t notice her emotion, nor the destruction, but instead this.  Eikon’s had been summoned before them previously- ranging in aetheric light and fluctuations like glitter to a burst like a strobe. But this was different. Bright, burning, blinding light like the river Styx ran from the disappearing offerings to the Miqo’te woman. It was a massive pile, but the sheer brilliance the life force gave off would be cause for concern to anyone. 
But it was already too late. Much like her spiraling emotions, as soon as Na’fisa consumed the first crystal’s worth, she wasn’t able to stop. Rage and burning hunger would burn her up like her supply before she could quit. She didn’t have experience to compare it to, but she could imagine it was worse than being tempered.  Instead of fighting it, she dug her claws in and pulled the energy to her harder. It only took mere seconds before she could feel everything setting in. Aetheric light coalesced, turning into what could only be described as anti-light. It still shone, but lost somewhere in between UV and darkness, reminding Na’fisa of the space around stars. She also wasn’t sure if her form tore and grew, or if she really did burn up. The ground felt and looked so far away now, and she couldn’t feel the ground beneath her feet. She couldn’t feel her feet at all.  Only burning. Only rage. Only hunger.  She could feel pulses, though. The movement of the others finally jumping into action. Na’fisa’s break clearly left them skeptical- could she really break? It had to be a cruel joke. In a way, it was. Twirling, and pulling as much energy into it, she threw as much force into her step as possible. It came easily, of course. Power like this never graced her tap into mana, but that is only natural considering the difference between the eikon method and that of the average mage or even voidsent. Expecting some sort of physical or perceivable effect, her target drifted to the side out of instinct. Time and space around her felt more like a blur than an actual concept- she couldn’t make out who it was- only that surprise overtook their emotions when there was seemingly no attack. And then again, when instead an intense darkness much like her own rained down- or maybe rose up?- swallowing her target whole. 
The screams she heard, were they real? Herself? Or her enemies? Her loved ones, or the magic pulsing around her?  No more. Make it stop.  It just sent her into another frenzy. Her own howls joined the screams ringing in her consciousness. Then the cracking of bones, too. Blips, blinks, and flashes of life surged and burst all around her. It was all only adding to the overwhelming sensory mess. Somewhere in that mess was presumably a fight that no one had wanted, that lasted much shorter time than expected. But with each motion, with each ounce of effort was a rush of a million sights, sounds, and feelings. It all left her no longer sure of where here was, but she needed out. She needed the earth beneath her, the sky above, and the light and darkness both in sight.  She didn’t have to will her tired, aching body into motion. No power needed to be put behind her muscles. She just went. In a whirl of movement, too fast to be stopped and too fast to notice if the signs of life that were once there still were, or if she ate those up, too. 
Na’fisa wasn’t going to watch the oncoming end, this time. She was going to usher it in. 
Twinkling. Gentle. Melodic.  My child...  Na’fisa could feel again- as much as she usually could here anyway. Refusing to open her eyes because she already knew what would greet her. Endless void of blue and the bright force in the middle trying to either comfort or confront her like she was a child after a tantrum.  Except the force stayed quiet while the sensations of tears burst through Na’fisa. She was tired, so tired. Even more so after that.  No. Why here. Not again. No more. No more... The sensations, the wracking motions of sobbing shook her very being, because that’s all there was to here.  Soon, she would be given back her form. Nothing to do but to start over.  But for now, she would feel, and she would cry. 
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