#maybe... ill write a little family snippet...
sankttealeaf · 2 days
still rotating the ruetash children around in my head. quick drawing of them to appease the gods
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amira is older by a good few years. rue threatened to kill gortash properly if he put another child in her so he had to Wait.
she gets little white streaks in her hair (thanks rue) and haaaates it. gortash tells her it makes her look "sophisticated". she tells him if anyone should be going grey its him. (shes grounded for a few tendays for that comment)
omar is quiet. keeps creeping up on the maids and servants. sneaking into places he shouldnt. he's overlooked by his sister a lot of the time. however he is the perfect test subject for any of gortashs experiments. (he's compliant and likes to follow rules, what can he say?)
rue thinks hes fine. she lets him sit by her when shes reading and thinks its great that hes not trying to talk to her like amira does (girl doesnt stop chatting) (omar thinks rue is really cool. number 1 rue fan over here)
i also think its fun that they take after gortash more
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
So I think we can all agree that the Archerons were so weird because they didn’t bicker like real siblings, so here’s a snippet of a fic I’m writing where all the sisters are arguing. This takes place during a dress fitting for Elain’s wedding. Warning: lots of inner circle slander
Nesta scowled at her reflection as faeries fussed over her, adjusting the gown she was wearing.
“You look lovely, Nesta,” Feyre said from the seat beside her. “Easy for you to say,” Nesta muttered. Feyre looked magnificent in an electric blue halter top paired with black slacks and boots. A circlet of small crescent moons lay upon her forehead. “I look ridiculous.” Nesta glared at the gold dress she had been shoved into again. “God, it’s the same as my hair. Can’t you get a red dress, at least? This makes my skin fade out.” At last, the dressers obeyed, pulling the ill-fitting monstrosity away from her body. 
“You looked pretty in that dress, Nesta,” Elain said gently, her hair up in a jumbo bun at the top of her head, wildflowers surrounding the band holding it up. She wasn’t getting fitted today, but she had come to see what dresses Nesta and Feyre would be wearing. Not like Elain would have any difficulty with her dress. She looked perfect in everything she wore, except perhaps that black dress she’d once worn in the Hewn City. It was annoying.
“Quit lying Elain, I looked like wallpaper,” Nesta snapped. Then she sighed. “Red is truly my color, but that blonde bitch everyone thinks is sooo beautiful is always wearing it, so I usually opt for black.”
“Don’t speak that way about Mor,” Feyre said sharply.
“I’ll speak of her however I like, little sis. She’s not my friend, and frankly, she isn’t really even yours.”
Feyre glowered at her. “She saved me from Tamlin.”
“Did she do that for you, or for little Rhys-rhys? Has she ever stood up for you in front of Rhysand? She certainly despises me; thought me fit to throw into the court of nightmares. I highly doubt you’re much different.”
“Yeah, I am. Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch all the time, people would treat you differently.”
Nesta laughed sarcastically. “Because 500 year old uber powerful Fae warriors can’t handle a 23 year old formerly human woman handing their asses to them, can they?”
“You’re really going to start this now, with my wedding just around the corner?” Elain complained. Nesta whipped her head around to her. “Oh, sure! I absolutely care about this sham of a wedding! Feyre’s mate is a jackass, my mate is a jackass, but perhaps third time’s the charm with you, huh, Elain?” 
“Lucien is ten times the man Rhysand will ever be,” Elain said coldly, her temper causing her voice to raise volume. Nesta opened her mouth to say that this doesn’t mean much considering Rhysand is a small boy stuck in a man’s form when Feyre interrupted. “Wait a damn minute. You both despise my husband?” she demanded.
“What gave it away, Feyre?” Nesta drawled. “Me constantly insulting Rhysand, resisting his orders, and declaring him not my high lord? Me not wishing to live with the rest of you? Elain literally leaving Night to get away from him?”
“I thought Elain left Night because of Azriel!”
“Azriel?!” Elain let out a snort which turned into such mirth that Nesta stared. “That broody, brainless bat not man enough to speak about his feelings in any capacity? You think I’d leave because of him? As if! I left because I got tired of your fake family’s fake welcome and decided Lucien was better than the lot of them.” 
“Lucien let me get hurt in Spring!”
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Feyre!” Elain shrieked, and Nesta gasped. Elain cussing was something Nesta frankly thought she’d never hear. “Lucien told me his side of the story, and it seems as if your head was too far up Rhysand’s ass to realize everything Lucien has done for you!” 
“Just like Feyre never acknowledged the work we did around the house when we were in the cottage,” Nesta muttered. Elain nodded. Feyre stalked up to Nesta and slapped her face so hard her neck tilted. “Oh no you didn’t,” Nesta snarled, and she shoved Feyre into a coat rack, taking her and the rack to the ground. The two of them began wrestling, Elain crying, “Stop, you idiots, stop!” in the background. “Help, there’s a fight going on in here!”
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karizard-ao3 · 6 months
Hi Karizard! Just finished reading Clueless Teens in like … two sittings - it’s legit the best school caste au fic I’ve come across, i love it so much. I know Eremika is the main focus but holy shit ur Aruani is! So sweet! 😭 Would you ever consider writing more Aruani stuff in the future?
Aw, thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I tend to include Aruani as a side ship in my longer fics. They feature in Anamnesis but I didn't tag them as a ship because they do not have a happy ending together and it's pretty much just solid angst between them throughout lol.
I'm still working on finishing my single parents au wip, but Aruani are the other couple in it. They, of course, don't show up as much as Eremika, but they are in it and they deal with changes to their relationship due to becoming new parents.
I'm going to share a little snippet, as a treat (also, I'm chomping at the bit to get this finished and posted, so I want very badly to share scenes and whatnot).
Here, Armin and Annie bring their baby on his first outing, meeting up with Eren, Mikasa, and their kids at the playground.
Annie made sure Alexander was secure in his sling while Armin grabbed the diaper bag and slung it over his shoulder. 
"Is he okay in there?" he fretted. "You're sure he won't fall out or smother?"
"Maybe the sling wasn't a good idea…" said Annie, looking up at the other families occupying the playground near Eren and Mikasa’s houses. "Maybe bringing him out at all wasn't a good idea…" 
She bit her lip and glanced over towards where Eren and Mikasa were watching their kids play. Mason was running back and forth across the play structure’s bridge, doing spin kicks at each landing, while Adriana squealed and hollered because Eren was wiping her nose when she wanted to play. She had been a snotty, coughing mess all morning, he’d warned them, adding, “But don’t worry. The doctor said she’s not contagious, just gross.”
So maybe Adri wasn't an infection risk, but what about all these other kids? Annie held Alexander protectively against her body. He made a grunting sound, bobbing his fists and looking up at her. She glanced down at him just in time to see his face screw up and relax as he farted. Her heart swelled. "We're going to bring you home so none of these rowdy little shits can get you sick," she cooed. 
Alexander grunted again, not comprehending but pleased to be part of the conversation.
"Armin, we're going," said Annie.
"Sounds good!" said Armin, opening the car door he had just closed and stowing the diaper bag back inside.
Across the park lawn, Mikasa smacked Eren's arm and pointed at them.
"Ope!" he said, setting Adri free and jogging across the grass to the Arlerts. "Don't even think about it!" he said, stopping next to them. "You told us you were going crazy stuck at home. Now that the baby has his shots and it’s warming up, it's time for you two to get out of the house. He’ll be fine. You don’t need to keep him in a bubble."
"Look," said Armin. "I know it probably seems like we're being excessive to you, but you don't know what it's like having a child with medical issues."
Eren gaped at him. “Seriously?”
"What?" said Armin. "You don't."
"My kid literally can't breathe without daily steroids and gets bronchitis multiple times a year," said Eren, his eyebrows dropping into a dangerous line across his face. "What is Alexander's chronic illness?"
Armin averted his eyes. 
"Sorry. I didn't hear you. What was it again?" said Eren. He was in a far worse mood than usual.
"Nothing," grumbled Armin. "The doctor gave him a clean bill of health.”
“Oh!” said Eren. “How interesting!” 
“But his immune system is still immature so we have to be careful with him,” Armin persisted.
Eren held up his hands. "Fine. But if you keep sheltering him from everything like this, Alexander is going to turn out like you," he warned.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Armin demanded. "My parents did a great job!"
Annie reached past him to open the car door and get the diaper bag back out. “I guess a little fresh air and sunshine wouldn’t hurt.”
Armin turned to look at her, the betrayal evident all over his face. 
"I love you so much, baby," she said. "Just the way you are."
"That's not really what it seems like right now!" said Armin.
"No, really!" said Annie. "You're so intelligent and handsome and talented!"
"But?" said Armin, folding his arms.
"No buts," said Annie, heading towards Mikasa. "It's just that my dad didn't coddle me at all and I'm much less…"
"Much less what?" said Armin, scowling and chasing after her.
"Um... Prissy," said Annie. 
“We are talking more about this at home,” said Armin.
“Yes, dear,” said Annie.
“Tan I see the baby?” Adri squealed as soon as she noticed the Arlerts had finally joined them, chugging down the play structure steps as fast as her little legs could carry her and wiping her snot on her pudgy wrist.
Annie closed her eyes, took a deep, stabilizing breath and kneeled down so Adri could see Alexander. 
“Hello little Aleskander!” Adri said, then sneezed in his face, spraying him in spit.
Alexander gasped, his eyes popping open wide and his arms flinging out to his sides. “Oh, god…” groaned Annie.
Armin glared at Eren.
“Sorry little guy! I promise she’s not contagious,” said Eren, snatching his backpack from the ground and pulling out a pack of wipes. Alexander’s fists were bopping a mile a minute. His run-in with Adri had been very exciting. Eren held out the pack of wipes for Annie and she extracted one, using it to clean her son’s face while he aired his grievances in a thin wail. He was no longer enjoying his grand adventure now that it included being subjected to torture. 
“He’s crying,” Mason observed, skipping toward them to see the new baby. “Maybe he’s hungry. Mom, can I have a snack?”
“Tan I have one, too?” said Adri.
“I might have something,” said Mikasa. She hadn’t packed anything besides her and Mason’s lunches because they were going to be eating so soon but she might have a bag of chips or a protein bar in her purse that the kids could split.
“I’ll give Aleskander his bottle,” Adri said, putting her hands on her hips and inspecting the baby with an officious nod. “I’s going to take very good care of him.”
Mason grabbed his hair. “You know what? I can’t take it anymore, Adriana!” he shouted. “It’s I’m! Not I’s! You are saying it wrong! You say everything wrong! How can you be so dumb?”
"Mason!" said Mikasa.
Adriana’s face twisted with rage and she punched him.
“Ow!” Mason yelped. “She hit me!”
“Adriana May Jaeger!” Eren barked.
“I think she gave me internal bleeding,” Mason moaned, doubling over and clutching his stomach.
“He said I’s dumb!” Adriana howled.
“I’m,” Mason screeched. “You’re supposed to say I’m! Did you learn to talk at upside-down school?”
“I’s! Too! Little! For! Stool!” Adriana shrieked, punching him again.
“My organs!” Mason wailed.
“Kids with busted organs don’t get to play at the playground,” said Mikasa, sifting through her giant bag with greater urgency. Maybe if their mouths were occupied with chewing, the kids would stop screaming at each other. “Kids with busted organs have to go to the hospital.”
Mason eyed her, then straightened with theatrical uncertainty, patting his abdomen. “Hey! It doesn’t hurt anymore! ” he said as if he were as shocked by the news as any of them. “I’m okay!”
“A miracle,” said Mikasa.
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hetaphilia · 2 years
England & Canada Fic Recs
my fellow royal red bros fans I am here hot and fresh with some fics about the two or majorly involving their dynamic that I enjoy, mostly from ff.net and ao3 (some are probably crossposted)
Golden Child - drunk England going on about how great little America was to Canada’s silent hurt... except maybe he’s not talking about America at all. Oneshot, ending gives me a nice warm feeling.
Industry and Grandeur - 1800s, France invites England and a colonial Canada to his country for an exposition, lots of lovely interactions between the duo. Just wonderfully written, some great historical Hetalia.
Gift of God - England and Canada head to a restaurant after a meeting to chat when they overhear the plight of a human couple tables away. Canada makes a selfless choice. Very sweet, really like how the author writes them.
The Cold We Hate - ACE family overall, but royal red bros too for sure. Details the North American ice storm of 1998 and how the weather affects America and Canada, staying over at England’s house so he can take care of them.
Teatime questioning - little Matthew asks England how to get a girl to like him, except it might not actually be about liking him, nor how to get a girl to in the first place. Toothrottingly cute, love to think this is how Canada gets into tea.
On Love and Loyalty - a look at Canada’s and England’s relationship throughout Canadian history. Just good sold stuff with a sweet ending.
The Frozen Friend - winter in Canada in the early days after England’s acquired him as a colony. Canada apparently has a strange man as an old friend, but England feels wary for some reason. Then he learns who he really is and oh shit. Slightly spooky and has protective Kumajiro, one of my faves lore wise.
Haunting Echoes - snippet of WW1 with kinda snapped Canada and worried England. Short but dark. Poor Canada.
Feverish - might be if not my fave Het fic, then among my top. FACE family centric, but lots of royal red bros throughout. Canada falls ill, tries to persevere through a world meeting, and things snowball from there as America, England, and France are pulled in to care for their brother that seems to keep getting worse after brief bouts of recovery. And Russia’s there too...? Canada’s failing health may be linked to something more subtle but nefarious than any of them initially thought. Great pacing, characterization, lots of character dynamics, knows when to amp up the tension and when to give it a break. Sadly, this fic remains unfinished and is unlikely to ever be completed, but the 20 chapters we do get are wonderful. I recommend it even if just to enjoy the ride.
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mjjune · 2 years
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Welcome to my writeblr!
Updated 4/4/23
i'm mj or m, or whatever you wish to call me tbh
any pronouns are fine, most people use she or they.
ask and tag games ON HIATUS!!!
i write: fantasy of all kinds, but always with a touch of queerness. i lean towards dark and mysterious with supernatural and magical elements.
i read: anything, really! mostly dark fantasy, but also sometimes short stories, classics, horror, historical, memoirs, sci-fi, and contemporary.
i mostly follow back if you are a writeblr! don't hesitate to reach out or reblog this post to get my attention <3
all ages are welcome! if i do post anything mature, it will be clearly marked but it should be very rare!
my favs: found family, female friendship, fairytale retellings, anything queer (especially sapphic & aroace), neurodivergent & mental health rep, disability rep, anything that's #ownvoices, anything with angst, reluctant heroes, enemies to [insert anything here]
this blog is dedicated solely to my writing, vibes, and inspiration. i blog about my friends' writing on my side blog here: mj-library!
My Projects:
[banner tba]
DS // high fantasy donkeyskin retelling
The widower king has the last surviving dragon, which sheds its beautiful scales every year and provides the nation with wealth and prosperity. However, he promised to only remarry if he could find a wife who was dragon-touched like his first wife. When all the new queens mysteriously fall ill and die, the last dragon-touched person in all of the islands is Hana, his daughter. She must uncover the truth of the dragons' disappearance, the mysterious illness, and how the last dragon is connected—or else succumb to an incestuous marriage.
Status: Drafting / Camp Nano
Rep: sapphic & nonbinary
Blog Tags: #w: ds, #ds snippets
TWTR // little red riding hood retelling
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After ten years, The Wolf has returned seeking Red, and the Woodsman is tasked with finishing what he started. But as he tracks the beast, he begins to realize The Wolf isn't what it seems, and maybe, he shouldn't have interfered. Maybe, he shouldn't have saved Red at all. (banner made by a friend :3)
Status: Draft 3, beta readers in progress
Rep: aro/ace and trans/nb
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Blog Tags: #w: twtr, #twtr snippets
AVOF //dark urban fantasy duology
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When a vampire sleeps with a werewolf to spite the ancient vampire order and homophobes everywhere, they accidentally reveal supernaturals to the human public. As media tensions, protests, and riots rise, the vampire must choose: risk everything to save his new lover, or hunt down the rarest creature in the world in hopes to prevent war. (banner by neapaulatan)
Status: - Book 1 Complete, 102k words, shelved - Book 2 Draft 0, 118k words, editing (slowly)
Rep: unlabeled genderqueer/queer, lesbian/gay, poly, asian main role with multiple latine, black, and jewish supporting roles
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Character Intros
Character Sheets
Blog Tags: #w: avof #avof snippets
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catreginae · 1 year
Me, whenever you offer a morsel of your fanfiction: It is I, a humble peasant, can you please spare me some good food for me and my family? We are in need of your good works.
Here you go! A snippet I don't know what to do with! This was written with "overworked/exhaustion" as a prompt and also writing for the "modern" TSNF (in the future with no Ganondorf but also in the past?). TW: Warriors practising bloodletting on himself.
It was the first time in a long time that Link felt truly exhausted. He was used to sleeping a lot more these days, but even when he was jumping through portals and fighting alongside with people he regarded as brothers, he was still sleeping at least a little bit every night.
At it was currently, he was on his third night of no sleep. Even if Ash was stable, he was too anxious to even sleep. He never turned anyone before. He wasn’t sure if his method was even viable but biting her might result in her death instead of actually saving her. She would die anyway if he did nothing but if he watched her carefully, she would have a second chance at life. If she lived, all of the work and sleepless nights would be worth it.
Link dipped his bowl into a basin of water and scrubbed at it with a clean rag gently to remove the dried blood from the previous session. Once he was satisfied, he retrieved a little brass box, cocked the lever, then turned it upside down and pressed the side with a dozen small lines against his arm. He pressed the button on the side and hissed as the little box did its job of making a dozen small incisions in his arm.
He wasn’t completely sold on the medical benefits of bloodletting but at least the tools were useful for the extremely niche purpose he needed it for. He gently put the box down, turned his arm over the bowl, and watched his blood fill the bowl for a whole thirty seconds before his regeneration kicked in and Link had to squeeze his arm to get a little bit more blood out before the injuries healed enough to stop the bleeding entirely.
At least it was more blood than he got yesterday.
He brought the bowl into her room, walking carefully so he didn’t waste a drop of his blood. If Link felt tired, he couldn’t imagine how Ash felt. If she wasn’t busy coughing up a lung, she was trying her best to sleep for however long she could, which was never more than a couple of hours before her illness woke her up.
“I have more blood,” he muttered as he walked inside and set the bowl down on the night stand. He shifted her to a sitting position, as she was too weak to do so herself, tilted her head back, and when he was satisfied, he retrieved the bowl and slowly tipped the blood into her throat.
Much to his surprise, she drank all of it. That was already better than yesterday where drinking half the bowl made her gag. Maybe feeding her his blood was working after all.
She slumped back into her pillows. “That was... not bad,” she mumbled as her eyes dropped.
“Just try to get some sleep. I’ll be back later with some more blood.”
Ash said nothing, as expected. She was already asleep. Her face seemed a bit more relaxed but maybe that was just his wishful thinking. He pulled her blankets up and tucked them in around her thin body, then stumbled his way back into his temporary bedroom. He collapsed into the chair, even though the bed looked pretty tempting. He didn’t dare fall asleep yet. He would sleep when Ash was better.
So, fun fact! Warriors is using a scarificator on himself and it's purpose was bloodletting. I can't imagine it's easy to clean though.
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Wip Friday (Saturday)
Rules: Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
Tagged by @alyxmastershipper @911onabc
Thank you loves😘😘😘
File names:
Buck tattoo master
Vegas drunk marriage
little brother of best friend
Buck sold his soul for Eddie
part from little brother of best friend
"Can you imagine that they gave birth to Evan, just so that he would be my donor? How does he not hate me?” Dan speaks in a calm but sad tone, but Eddie sees sadness and anger in his eyes. 
He can understand both of these feelings. His parents have made him feel this way more than once, but he can't imagine them using him or one of his sisters to save the other.
“It's not your fault, Dan. Evan knows that. You were a child. There was nothing you could do.” Eddie knows what it's like to constantly blame himself, but he's telling the truth. It's not Dan's fault. “You couldn't control your illness and you couldn't know what they did. What they planned.
“Yeah, but sometimes I think Evan and Maddie would be better off if I died.” It sounds so quiet that Eddie barely hears it, but he hears it. He hears with what sadness and humility Dan says this and his blood runs cold in his veins. 
“Hey, don't say that. Especially when you consider that we are in a situation where people can start shooting at us at any moment. Should I worry about your choice to serve?” Eddie's not kidding. He knows that there are some people who were able to pass a psychological test for service when they shouldn't have. 
He wants to believe it's not about Dan. He should trust him to watch his back. And Eddie doesn't want to see Dan deliberately getting shot at at some point when they have to save other soldiers.
“No. No. I don't want to die, just,” Dan's voice sounds confident, but still sad. He sighs and says, “Evan deserved better from them. We all did.” 
And Eddie understands this better than anyone. 
He deserved better from his parents. He deserved a normal childhood and a father who came to his baseball games. He deserved parents who said, “We're proud of you, son,” not “You're not doing enough.” He deserved a father who would support his passion for dancing, and not punish him for running away at rehearsals.
He deserved praise for wanting to take care of his family, not ridicule and punishment when he was fucking ten. He was just so scared for his mother and unborn sister that he didn't think about the fact that driving cars was much more difficult than it seemed. He just wanted to take care of them like his father taught him, but it didn't work.
Eddie understands Dan's feelings, but he can also say that he had the better of them. He has it.
“And you got it. They gave you all the most important things. Each other. You have Maddie and Evan,” Eddie can tell from all of Dan's stories about his siblings that these two are very important to him. And Eddie can tell that Dan is important to them. Eddie catches Dan's blue eyes so that he knows he's telling the truth. 
“I'm sure they're happy to have a brother like you, too. Especially Evan. I would be very glad and proud to have a big brother like you. According to all your stories, you were a great protector and teacher for him. I'm sure he appreciates it.” 
Dan smiles a little, but Eddie can see from the creases on his face that he probably still doubts, but his posture becomes freer. 
“Thanks, Eddie. You're a great friend,” Dan speaks, and Eddie hears the honesty in his voice.
Eddie just nods. Now it's his turn to smile sadly, “Well, obviously better than a husband.” After this sentence, Eddie contorts his face, as he usually does, and both men laugh.
Eddie thinks that maybe he's found a friend who won't leave him.
Tagging : @usercowboy @jobairdxx @rose-buddie @ebdaydreamer @destielbuddiepipeline @honestlydarkprincess @diazass @loveyourownsmiilee @gaydiaz @buddierights @the-likesofus @rogerzsteven @swiftiediaz they have something to share (sorry if you've already posted)
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Finishing--The Nonfiction Part
I wrote something new today, but not with new characters. The first love story, the first novel length piece, and the first series I ever wrote were all the same story: Building (and its sequels, Community and Growth). When I wrote it, I wanted to tell a love story from start to finish; a complete love story, not the little snippet from meet-cute to secure dating, or meet-cute to marriage, which most romantic fiction with a happy 'ending' tends to do. But secure dating or marriage isn't where my fantasy love story ends up. And so many romances use untimely death as a plot driver. One of the partners is terminally ill or gets in some tragic fluke accident or something. Like real, passionate love can only exist if one or all parties' lives are limited in some way, or are in some sort of grave danger. Like that love doesn't or maybe even can't last a lifetime. Well, I grew up with grandparents that lived a real life love story together right in front of me, and I have a similar love story with J in real life, so I know that trope is bullshit. I wrote (or at least I tried to write) a series where the partners were whole people without each other first, with families and friends and careers and quirks and personalities individually...first. And they meet, and don't rush into secure dating, or marriage, but it does go there. They start their own family together. They maintain those friendships and navigate career changes. Their children grow up and get married and start families of their own eventually. The couple continue to choose each other, every day, through a 50th wedding anniversary and the whole of life that got them there, and (I tried and hope I succeeded at least to a degree) I wanted to show WHY they continued to choose each other every day for all those years.
I ended my series at the 50th wedding anniversary because I didn't want to write a main character death. I didn't want to 'use' that. But over the past couple of years, and particularly today, I couldn't stop thinking about how that story wasn't really finished. So I wrote an epilogue. If you haven't read my Building Series, and would like to, please DM me. The fiction piece that follows won't make sense if you haven't read those books/that story up to this point. But I know a few of you have read them, so rather than email you individually if you're interested, I'm just going to post it here. Maybe it's sad...more sad than things readers of my fiction are used to seeing from me. But today, I suppose I felt compelled to finish the story entirely. Now the 'end' is maybe that real love never actually ends.
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carmenlire · 2 years
AAAA i love love love the first chapter to your parents jangchu series its SO sweet!! their vulnerable and honest talk about having kids was everything. and sangwoo saying he wished he had someone listen to him when he was younger broke my heart a lil 😭 but i love how jaeyoung listens to him always 💕 and the DRAWING at the end im gonna cry!! i have so much more to say about this fic but ill leave a comment on ao3 soon instead. i cant WAIT for more ❤️
ahhh omg thank you so much!!! I'm so happy that you liked this! honestly, idk how many parts i'll actually end up writing but i'm glad that I just went for it lol even if it just ends up being a few little snippets of them as parents!
I do think jaeyoung’s always pictured having kids someday but then he fell for sangwoo and just let go of the idea. like in the fic, kids wouldn’t ever be a dealbreaker and he just assumed sangwoo and kids wouldn’t mesh well lol. but as soon as he sees maybe he was wrong, they do have that conversation-- they live together, they’ve been in a relationship two years and it’s time to just talk about it. (i’d like to think that sangwoo had none of jaeyoung’s uncertainty. he always pictured a family sometime in the future and that necessitates kids-- plus he lowkey has an affinity for them. i hc sangwoo as good with babies all the way up to teenagers. he can relax around kids and they do give him joy. the babies/toddlers/kids for their part like that sangwoo treats them seriously and he’s surprisingly good at just playing with them whether it’s coloring or with toy cars or dolls or whatever).
i think both jaeyoung and sangwoo have extremely loving families but i also think that sangwoo was a kid who got extremely invested into his hobbies and while his parents were patient and handled him well, i wouldn't necessarily say the same about his teachers or peers, which lead to that comment he makes about listening! and yeah, jaeyoung totally reads between the lines and it's another little piece that makes sangwoo what he is though he doesn't let on just how much sangwoo let slip with that one little sentence!
and i really enjoyed that last scene! at the end of the day, jaeyoung drawing sangwoo with seojun and you know he's lost and daydreaming about when it'll be sangwoo with their kid :')
i'm very happy to hear you liked the fic and your message is so lovely and kind and just makes my day! thank you so much!!
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Prompt Previews
So a few of you have been kind enough to send me some prompts, and since they are all still in progress, I wanted to post a couple little excerpts from just a few WIP’s while you’re waiting, to thank you for your kindness and trust in me writing your prompts!
These are heavily shortened, so if they don’t quite make sense, don’t worry, they will be fleshed out a lot more in the real fics, but I didn’t want to spoil too much! Also, if you don’t see your request below, don’t stress! I have others currently in progress not listed below. You can always check out the queue and request or talk about ships here. I love being sent random headcanons if you’re ever looking for an ear to listen!
Below the cut, you will find snippets from:
-Doctors are the Worst Patients
-Stephen Falls Asleep Everywhere
-Tony Has Feelings About Stephen and Thor. He Doesn’t Know What Feelings, But He Has Feelings.
-The Mystery of Stephen Strange’s Daughter
**Titles subject to change
DOCTORS ARE THE WORST PATIENTS (5+1) (Ultimate Supreme Family)
Stephen woke slowly, blinking in and out to America dabbing his forehead and cheeks with a cool, damp cloth, slow and gentle.
It took him a moment to get his bearings, unfamiliar with being doted on. America was sat in the middle of the bed, eyes concerned and concentrated as she tended to him.
He had to admit, he wasn’t feeling fantastic, but it was just exhaustion catching up to him, he wasn’t sick, like Tony had insisted that morning. He just needed to wake up a little more, get moving and he’d be fine.
“Hi, Baby…” Stephen’s voice was a little croaky,
“You have a temperature,”
Stephen reached an arm out of the covers to gage the heat in his face, “I’m just a little warm… nothing to worry about…”
“You need to cool down.”
America persisted with her efforts, and Stephen didn’t move to stop her. Actually, it felt quite nice.
He shifted to reach an arm out to caress the side of her leg, so incredibly grateful that this little angel let him be her Dad. She was far too good for this world.
“Is Dad awake?” Peter peeked around the door frame,
“Hey-“ Stephen greeted, and Peter came in to sit on the bed, the boy reaching out to him,
“You’re warm,”
“I’m fine,” Stephen denied again,
“He has a temperature,” America countered.
Peter moved to brush the sleep out of Stephen’s eyes, and Stephen gave up arguing with them, closing his eyes and instead just enjoying having them close.
He didn’t want them to worry about him- it’s supposed to go the other way, he was supposed to stress over their well-being and helicopter their illnesses.
But maybe just for a second… his muscles were a little achy, come to think of it.
STEPHEN FALLS ASLEEP EVERYWHERE (5+1) (Ultimate Supreme Family)
Stephen was his Dad, through and through, Harley didn’t even think about that other pathetic excuse of a man anymore. This is what family was- falling asleep together on the couch during movie night. Now that Harley was the young man of the family, it was his job to make sure they all made it to bed.
“Come on, Pops…”
“I’m sleeping,” Stephen slurred,
“I know, on the couch, you gotta go to bed,”
“Just leave me here…”
“Your back in the morning’s gonna hate you,”
Harley sighed.
It was a good thing he was bigger than Stephen these days.
He wriggled a hand under Stephen’s legs, and lifted him from the couch as effortlessly as a person could possibly lift a fully grown, 6ft tall man, pulling the exhausted sorcerer close to his chest as he carried him bridal style out of the living room.
“What the…”
“Shh, I got you,”
“Put me down-“
“You can’t even keep your eyes open-“
“You can’t carry me-“
“Well, I am. Shut up and let me do something for you for once,”
“You do plenty of things,”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“You make me happy…”
Harley shook his head, humoured by his fathers delirious rambling, “Let’s get you to bed,”
Tony’s fist twitched, and that was the end of it.
He had no explanation for the heat consuming his body, boiling under the skin as he roughly pushed his hair back, jumping to his feet and storming towards the door.
It was a loud ordeal, enough to startle Stephen awake, but Tony was already half way out the door, ignoring the protests from the other hero’s at the meeting as he raced down the hall, hoping to escape the confusion swirling in his head.
Tony didn’t like Stephen and Thor.
He didn’t like Stephen and Thor.
The thought of them separately was fine. Stephen without Thor was fine. But Thor and his stupid big bicep giving the sorcerer a pillow was-
Tony whirled around to come face to face with the sorcerer, and in that moment, it hit him.
THE MYSTERY OF STEPHEN STRANGE’S DAUGHTER (Doctor Dad and Multiverse Daughter)
When Stephen had asked to bring a plus one to dinner, Christine had pictured a tall, strong, beautiful superhero, or maybe someone he had met through magic. She hadn’t even considered the possibility of a kid at his side on her front step.
“I didn’t know Stephen had a daughter…” her husband whispered once the pair had passed them, down the hall and towards the dinning room,
“Neither did I…”
Her head was spinning…
They were identical.
Their walk down the hall, matching handshakes with her husband. They moved the cutlery the same, sipped at their water glass the same.
America shared his sense of humour, his cockiness, she sat up straight and her eyes owned the world, the way Stephen’s always had as a surgeon. She was intelligent, beyond what her years would allude, and the knowing glances and private jokes between them made it obvious.
America was his daughter.
Christine did the math.
Was there someone else she hadn’t known about? Had she made their entire relationship up in her head? Was there other people he was seeing on the side? Was she flirting with a man who had a partner and baby at home?
Was she a home-wrecker???
“Christine?” Her husband called,
“Should I prep desert?”
“Mhmm,” she nodded to her husband, feigning indifference.
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Hello! Could you possibly write a snippet about the villain catching the hero's sidekick/sibling in a villain fight club/casino? Maybe the villain gets intrigued or something- idk just an idea I had. Love your work! Thanks! :D
I saw the url, and so I made it gay. They said please and everything.
“My, my,” the villain murmured. “You are quite something.”
Cade whipped around. The adrenaline from the last fight hadn’t left yet, and now it ratcheted up another notch. His fingers curled into instinctive fists - but they weren’t in the ring now. He couldn’t just swing.
“Ashford.” It slipped out, curt. 
“Cade.” The villain’s smile was somewhere between delighted and wolfish - big and full of teeth. “I wouldn’t have expected to find you here. Does your sister know you’re out here getting that handsome face all bruised?” 
Cade swallowed, thrown, but he managed a careful smile back. Easy. As if he wasn’t potentially screwed. “Does that sound like the kind of thing she’d be chill with?” 
Ashford laughed. 
Seath Ashford was their family’s - now Cade’s sister’s - fiercest enemy. The man practically ran New London’s underbelly, so really Cade should have expected the possibility of seeing him. He hadn’t. He also hadn’t quite expected Ashton to actually know his name. Possibly he should have thought this out more.
Cade had been swigging water from the bar between fights, a little battered, but with some fresh cash earned for his pocket. He felt, abruptly, distinctly underdressed. He was in sweats and a tank top. Ashford was in an immaculately tailored three piece suit that did nothing to hide the fact that he was about as gorgeous as he was deadly. 
The Diamond in the Rough was a casino well known for its villainous connections, and its fight clubs. The worst of New London and its surroundings would gather in fancy suits and dresses to gamble their ill-earned fortunes from anything ranging between blackjack, poker and the fight cages dropped in the middle of it all because card games were much too civilised sometimes when you could have blood instead.
By rights, Cade shouldn’t have been there. He should have stuck to something a bit more discreet, in some dodgy basement, which didn’t pay as well; but his friend Selene had dropped out last minute and the owners had needed someone. And it really, truly, paid well. Cade could make more winning these fights on one night than he could getting the spit kicked out of him for an entire week somewhere else. 
Not that it was just for the money; he was a Madden, his sister insisted that he didn’t need to learn how to protect himself, but that was blatantly untrue. And what better way to learn then in the cages? Against the very people who might one day try and kill him for his family name?
As it was. 
Now he had to face Seath Ashford looking at him like he wanted to eat Cade right up. So maybe that was karma, bitch.
“I should, uh, get back,” Cade said. He jerked his head in the direction of the ring. He had one more fight left. He took a step away from the bar. 
Ashford’s fingertips brushed along Cade’s bare arm. 
Cade froze, he stopped breathing, and if it was fear regrettably it wasn’t just that. The hairs on his arm rose, goosebumped and tingling, at the light touch caressing down his muscles. 
Their eyes met.
In all of his sister’s rants about Ashford, she’d never mentioned that his eyes were that particular shade of light green. Like broken glass, catching the light. They clearly saw his reaction. 
“You forgot your water,” Ashford murmured. 
His water. Right. His whole reason for being at the bar. 
Ashford pressed it into his hand, and Cade was sure he could drink an ocean and his mouth would still be dry. 
“Oh, and Cade?” Ashford took a step closer still, and the two of them were the same height. He smiled, crooked at one side, roguishly lovely and his sister did absolutely not prepare him for that. “Do try not to die. I’m not done with you yet.”
The last fight was the most vicious so far. The guy was a hulking brute of a man who somehow managed to make Cade feel small. He was fast too. Playing to win. 
Worse of all, Ashford’s words kept ringing through his head.
Cade ducked, he backed off, forced on the defensive again and again. His breathing came heavy and ragged in his throat. 
He tried to remember what Selene had said - winning is great, but all they really want is a show. Do that, and you can fight another day. 
The problem was that he was all too aware of Ashford staring at him, watching his every move. Intent. Amused. Still stupidly bloody immaculate. It was - well, distracting, the way he watched. 
It probably wasn’t much of a show, but at least Cade lasted more than five minutes before he hit the ground. Pain throbbed through his body, more than he would be able to easily explain, and he could hear the crowd cheering and baying for their champion. He could taste blood in his mouth. 
Someone picked him up by the scruff of his neck, like he was a puppy instead of a six foot guy, and dizziness rushed him. He was deposited in a booth, opposite the smiling face of Seath Ashford. 
Cade blinked at him and plucked one of the fancy napkins up to hold to his face. 
“You can’t kidnap me, it goes against club rules.” 
“I’m not going to kidnap you.” 
“The look on your face says otherwise.”
Ashford laughed, once more. He rested his elbows on the table and leaned in. His tongue flicked out, wetting his lips, and it did nothing to dissuade from Cade’s general sensation that the man was going to swallow him whole.
“I do want to take you home for the night,” Ashford said. Blunt. He reached out again, tracing his fingertips along Cade’s bloodied knuckles. “Say yes.”
His sister had said that Ashford had a way of being persuasive. She should have said that he had his own force of gravity, difficult to pull away from. Even knowing exactly who he was and what he did Cade really wanted to say yes. He had to bite back the word. 
“Why?” he asked. “Because I’m a Madden and you want to brag?” 
“I don’t kiss and tell. Unlike in your sister’s profession, in mine you have to be good with secrets.”
Cade stared at him. 
“You are a secret,” Ashford said. “I would very much like to keep for a bit. You intrigue me. I looked up your records earlier - as I said, you’re quite something.” 
Cade was something, sure; he was the screw up of the family. He was a mess, compared to the Madden’s general pristine radiance. He was the disappointing little brother who could never quite reach his potential, who was apparently too stupid to use his words instead of his fists. And even with that...
“I lost,” Cade managed, hoarsely.
“Guy you were fighting is one of my right hands. If you’d won against a trained assassin, I would have had to have you stabbed in the parking lot on principle.”
It would be dumb to say yes. It would be the kind of reckless idiocy that his parents had always tried to train out of him. 
Seath Ashford was the enemy. He was dangerous. He was a bad decision.
“Yes,” Cade said. 
He had always been great at bad decisions.
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tennessoui · 3 years
I absolutely love your KUWSK snippets and had to read them all after discovering the first part on ao3! (I should also work but I'm non stop giggling instead)
May I ask for: anakin being stressed out (big deadline coming up, handling the kids, work & cooking being too much) so obi-wan wants to help him out? Like he tries to cook for the family for once but I remember you saying that he can't cook to save his life? maybe rope the twins into it as well as a nice bonding moment
hello!!!! i've been meaning to write this for ages and i kept getting side-tracked/didn't have the time to sit and write a proper ficlet, but I did today! Here's 1k now, and I'll post the whole thing tomorrow afternoon(ish) on ao3. I mis-remembered the prompt until it was too late to really change directions, but so this is more of a sick!fic than a stressed out!fic but I do promise KUWSK Obi-Wan does step in even when Anakin is not sick to help with the kids, the clean up after cooking, helping them with homework, keeping the house tidy etc etc
anyways here is the beginning of sick fic! (SET about a month before The Kiss, 2 years after Obi-Wan and Anakin and the twins move in together)
It’d be much easier to take care of Anakin when he’s sick if he would actually admit to being sick.
“Skywalkers don’t get sick,” he’d insisted just a day ago. Obi-Wan had raised a very pointed eyebrow towards the twins who are looking quite pathetic, sniffling in their beds and coughing into their fists.
“That’s their Amidala genes,” Anakin had said and then sneezed into his elbow.
Obi-Wan had known at that moment that the next few days would be very awful for everyone involved.
But Anakin is making it much worse than it has to be, he really is. Thank god it’s midterm week, so Obi-Wan can finagle his TAs into proctoring the exams. Thank god he has four TAs for his biggest lecture module, so that they can grade them all too, which means Obi-Wan just has to read through and mark up his capstone students’ midterm essays.
Which he can do from the comfort of his own house turned Emergency Skywalker Walk In Clinic.
The twins had woken up with a fever and a sore throat on Wednesday. They’d never been sick in the two or so years they had all lived together, and Obi-Wan, admittedly, had not known how to handle it.
Anakin, in a surprising twist of fate, had been much more level-headed about the whole thing. He’d called the school to let them know the twins wouldn’t be coming in, and had asked Obi-Wan to run to the pharmacy before his classes to pick up some meds for them. And perhaps a thermometer.
(“I can’t believe you’re forty-four and you don’t have a thermometer.”
“Well, that’s not fair. I have one in the kitchen.”
“That’s different and you know it--”
“Of course it's different, I was just theorizing that perhaps having a kitchen thermometer actually makes up for not having a person thermometer.”
“Yeah, and instead of giving the kids baths and changing their sheets, we can just baste them in their own fever juices too!”
“I’m going, I’m going.”)
He’d calmed down in the face of Anakin’s own composure, but then on the way to the pharmacy he’d listened to a podcast episode about devastating and lifelong effects certain illnesses can have on children, and he had managed to work himself up into a stressful tizzy by the time he parked the car.
The amount of products he’d bought, Obi-Wan can admit now, was a little over the top. Anakin had certainly laughed when he’d come back through the door, not even bothering to take his coat or shoes off--even though the no-shoes-inside rule is his rule--and started unpacking the four plastic bags worth of medical supplies.
“Well, now I’ll feel bad if the kids aren’t sick until June,” Anakin had said, picking up one of the cough syrups to examine the label.
“That kind will make them sleepy, but this kind tastes like grapes,” Obi-Wan had muttered. “And this kind is okay to give to children under four.”
“The kids are--”
“I know how old the kids are,” Obi-Wan had snapped. “This is called being prepared.”
“This is called diagnosable,” Anakin had laughed and then ducked out of the way when Obi-Wan chucks a package of band-aids--he’d panicked, okay--at his head. “Hey,” he’d said after a moment, coming forward and placing his hand on Obi-Wan’s elbow. The contact had burned through the layers of clothing he’s wearing. “They’re going to be fine, Obi-Wan, really. I’ll be home all day taking care of them, and I’ll make chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight.”
“I can make chicken noodle soup for dinner,” Obi-Wan had protested. “You don’t have to do everything.”
“Obi-Wan, they’re already sick,” Anakin had shaken his head with a grin. “The point is to try and feed them something they’d want to at least try to keep down.”
“I hate you,” Obi-Wan had sighed with a quirk of his lips.
“I love you,” Anakin had said, as if that was something he said on the regular, reaching out to take the thermometer from his hand. Obi-Wan’s grip had gone slack though, causing the thermometer to clatter to the counter. “Like a brother,” Anakin had tacked on hurriedly and then winced.
“Right,” Obi-Wan had coughed, wondering why the addendum made his chest feel tight and strange, like missing a step on the stairs. “Well. Yes. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” Anakin had said, looking even more mortified.
“Right. Ah. So. I’m. Going to campus. If the twins need anything else, please let me know. I’ll pick up whatever you need for...dinner on my way home. Just text me.”
“Will do,” Anakin had agreed, staring resolutely at the cabinets over Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “Bro.”
And to his credit, Anakin had texted him with a long list of things they’d need from the store.
He’d just also failed to mention his own rapidly declining health. Obi-Wan had arrived home to Anakin coughing up a storm in the dining room and the twins bundled up and bleary-eyed in front of the television.
The chicken soup had not been made that night because Obi-Wan had not allowed Anakin anywhere near the kitchen. Instead he’d fed the children toast and applesauce and let them keep watching their show until bedtime.
Anakin had been left alone for the most part, as Obi-Wan had been convinced that Anakin would see reason himself and stop working as he started feeling progressively worse.
That had, of course, been too much to expect.
“I can’t believe you’re twenty-eight and don’t know how to listen to your body when it’s trying to tell you you’re sick,” Obi-Wan had said, lowering and slowing his voice in a bad imitation of Anakin.
“I don’t sound like that!”
“You’re right, you couldn’t get through that whole sentence without coughing at the moment."
“I’m going to bed.”
“Please do. And for god sakes, Anakin, leave the laptop down here."
“Good night, Obi-Wan."
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hi!! i recently got into johnlock and the universe has somehow directed me to your blog (which is an absolute godsend omfg). have you got any good possessive!john fics?
Hi Lovely!!!
AHHHH!! I’m so glad you enjoy my blog!!! <3 Thank you so much! <3
AHHH you know what??? I don’t get asked this all that much at all! I think mostly because it’s easier to find Possessive Sherlock fics and people then just... forget LOL
So guess what?? You’re the prompter for any fics I actually tagged or filed with Possessive John! <3 A pioneer you are! LOL I’m combining it with a few of the Obsessive fics as well, since I don’t have many new ones.
As usual, gang, feel free to add your own!! <3
See also: 
Specifically Jealous John b/c of Other People
Jealous John
Jealous John Pt. 2 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 2
Jealous John Pt 3 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 3
Jealous John and Sherlock Pt. 4
Jealous John and Sherlock Pt. 5
Hell or High water by bluefire301175 (E, 2,250 w., 1 Ch. || PWP, Frottage, Alley Sex, First Person POV John, Case-ish Fic, Mutual Pining, Bed Sharing) – John wants. Sherlock wants. Plain and simple.
Display by 221b_hound (E, 2,377 w., 1 Ch. || Post-HLV, Tattoos, Public Hand Jobs, Exhibitionism, Possessive Sex, Possessive Sherlock, Possessive John) – A new client has been flirting with Sherlock and, finding no joy there, with John. John seems annoyed to be second-best, Sherlock thinks, so Sherlock decides to give the departing woman (and maybe also John) a demonstration of who, exactly, John belongs to. But there's more than one level of sexual jealousy and more than one display of possession going on here, outlined in the window of 221b Baker Street. Part 2 of Lock and Key
Apodyopsis by QuinnAnderson (E, 3,347 w.,1 Ch. || PWP, Rough Sex, Table Sex, Anal, Sexual Tension) – Apodyopsis: (æpəʊdaɪˈɒpsɪs) noun. the act of mentally undressing someone. Part 2 of Undressed
Overture by Kate_Lear (M, 4,435 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Angry John, Introspection, Dev. Rel., Embarrassed / Insecure Sherlock, Morning After, Bed Sharing, Cuddles / Limpet Sherlock) – A short snippet on how John and Sherlock might have got together.
Sherlock and John Go Clubbing by wendymarlowe (E, 4,716 w., 3 Ch. || Clubbing, Dirty Talk, Dancing, Coming Untouched, Coming in Pants, Bi John, For a Case, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Sherlock is Lost for Words, Sexy John, Mutual Pining, Possessive John, Floor Sex/Hand Job/Frottage) – John pinched the bridge of his nose - even for Sherlock, this was a new level of no bloody boundaries. “You want me to go with you to a gay club, wait around twiddling my thumbs while I let you get pawed by a criminal, then out-flirt him and talk you into coming home with me instead?” Part 32 of John and Sherlock's Kinky First Times
Caves in the Mountains Are Seldom Unoccupied by starrysummernights & TheMadKatter13 (E, 7,925 w., 1 Ch. || Were-Creatures ||  Werebear John, Pseudo Bestiality, Rimming, Heavy Dub Con, Rough Sex, Come Inflation / Eating, Size Kink, PWP, Bratty Sherlock, Rutting) – “This isn’t something to play at, Sherlock,” he snapped. “If it doesn’t work out- what you’re asking of me- we can’t shrug and say 'oh well, at least we tried'. If we do this… I could seriously hurt you. Do you understand? I could lose control. I could… I could kill you.”
My Life for His by QuinnAnderson (E, 8,816 w., 1 Ch. || Guardian/Protector, Greek Mythology || Growing Up, Sex, Religious Themes, Suicide, Minor Character Death) – It began when Sherlock was eight, and he attempted to climb all the way up to the highest branch in the old willow tree in his back garden. He'd thought he was still small enough that it could support him, but the second he'd grabbed hold of it to pull himself up, the branch snapped, and down he went, plummeting a solid twenty metres. The odd thing was, he never actually hit the ground.
Of Course I Forgive You by allonsys_girl (E, 10,735 w., 1 Ch. || Love Confessions, Canon Divergence, First Time, Frottage, Wall Sex, Infidelity) – What if things had gone differently on that train car?
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
The Kepler Problem by kinklock (E, 24,270 w., 1 Ch. || Sci-Fi AU, Alien Sherlock, Space Repairman John, Alien Biology, Horny John) – Working in uncharted space exploration was not as exciting as John had hoped, especially when it turned out to be mostly bot maintenance on uninhabited planets. However, the mystery of the repeated, unexplained malfunctions on planet BAK 2212 might turn out to be exactly the kind of adventure he'd been craving.
Inscrutable to the Last by DiscordantWords (M, 48,842 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Alternate S3, John’s Blog/S3 is a Story By John, Divorce, Marital Difficulties, John is a Mess, Emotional Reunion, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Grief / Mourning, Pining John, First Kiss, Adorably Clueless Sherlock, Nostalgia, Love Confessions, Eventual Happy Ending, Obsessive John) – He wasn't Sherlock, he couldn't work miracles. All he'd ever been able to do was write about them.
The Hollow Woman by ScopesMonkey (M, 51,335 w., 22 Ch. || Post-TRF, Major Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Friendship, Family, Angst, Crime, Reunion, First Kiss / Time, Nightmares, Doctor John, Jealous Sherlock, Jealous John, BAMF John, Angry John, Dub-Con, Rough Sex, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Villain Mary, Open Ending) – Forced to return to London sooner than expected, Sherlock falls into a case too close to home. Part 1 of the Hollowverse series
Points by lifeonmars (E, 53,791 w., 42 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || HLV Rewrite / Canon Divergence, Married Life, Pregnancy / Baby Watson, Drinking to Cope, Boxing / Fisticuffs, Clueless John, Angst, Minor Medical Drama, Tattoos, Christmas, First Kiss/Time, Eventual Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Doctor John, Sexuality Crisis, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Drugging, Blow/Hand Job, Emotional Love Making, Parenthood, Passage of Time, Obsessive John) – What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror (E, 64,019 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Missed Opportunities, Angst with Happy Ending, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, John POV, Jealous John, John in Denial, Travelling / Holidays, Virgin Sherlock, Wedding Proposals) – It's only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths...
Gimme Shelter by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 159,368 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || 70′s Surfer AU || Period Typical Homophobia, Hawaii, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Professional Surfers, Gay John / Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, John was a Sailor, Misunderstandings) – All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair. That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition. (PUBLISHED AS ‘The Sea Ain’t Mine Alone’)
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
Free Falling by twistedthicket1 (M, 203,574 w., 38 Ch. || Guardian Angels AU || Guardian Angel John, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Kidlock / Teenlock, Light Mystrade, Passage of Time, Possessive John, Drug Use / Overdose, Victor Trevor, Graphic Bullying, Big Brother Mycroft, Hard Drug Use, Depression, Possessive Sherlock, Possessive John, Panic Attacks, Nightmares/PTSD, Pining, Healing Abilities, Kidnapping, Violence, Torture, Blow Jobs, Virgin John, Emotional Development / Attachment, Mortality, Happy Ending) – All Guardian angels are born with a Chosen human. When this child is born, the angel comes into being to protect and care for them during their life on Earth. For John Watson, all he cares about in the world revolves around his Chosen, Sherlock Holmes. Watching him grow up though, the angel soon learns that God must have had a sense of humour the day he decided to make Sherlock, as trouble seems to follow him like a magnet wherever he goes. John can't decide what's worse, the idea of losing his Chosen one, or the fact that he may be breaking the most taboo law of heaven as he disguises himself as a human to better protect and befriend the beloved detective he's always watched from afar. He was meant to care for him. But what happens when caring evolves into something more? What happens when an emotion an angel is supposed to be incapable of possessing comes to life suddenly and viciously inside John's chest?
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purpleyin · 2 years
27, 31, 35
27. Do you agree that one shouldn’t start a story with a piece of dialogue?
I'd never heard of that writing rule before and I don't agree with it. I think starting with dialogue could be confusing when you don't yet know the characters for original fic, or just if it's not immediately clear who is talking in fanfic, but there are ways to make it work. I've definitely done it more recently. Seems there's so many things people get told to never do in writing and I think really the advice there is not that you can't do X, just that you should know why you want to and make sure it does work in that instance.
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
In the last few years, I'd say my Snowest fic "Love isn't a science". It was my first time doing anything more than a snippet for the pairing, which intimidated me to start with, and it also was time limited writing it for an exchange with a lockdown theme in May 2020. Figuring how to incorporate the quarantine to that scenario and also to balance those with more lighthearted elements was tricky. And I ended up working in Caitlin's mom in which possibly made it harder than it could be. But I thought added some interest since it was meant to be 'quarantined with family' and I didn't just want to do the team as family, or simply Iris with her family as part of that, but also Caitlin with some of hers too and there's limited choices there, thanks canon. I think that fic also ran long initially and I struggled with how to finish it in the timeframe but did eventually round it off in time with the help of a couple of betas giving me their notes on it.
35. Thoughts on writing challenges/contests.
I love writing challenges and events with prompts, I often find them good inspiration although I don't ever really lack inspiration. However, I'm bad at finishing things off for them, which is why I tend to prefer open ended ones, though making things for a set week/month is still quite fun when I can. I just always have more I want to do and only ever manage to create a small percentage of my intended stuff. I want to give nanowrimo a go at some point but anytime I resolved to try that life or ill health got in the way so it maybe is better if I don't push myself that hard.
I tend to see contests as being a bit different, like they are more about competition with other people versus challenging oneself. I'm not sure I'd be keen on that, I think I would feel more pressure than I'd generally be comfortable with. I've never really done stuff like that for fic, more for graphics with icontests back in the LJ days. I miss those a little but then I don't think I'd feel so fussed about whether my icons would win or not, I'd still consider the process fun whereas for fic I think I'd feel differently for reasons unknown to me.
From Writing Asks
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milf-harrington · 3 years
okay bc i love tay @babydotcom and also bc i love talking about my original work im gonna talk about my books!!
so at the moment, im writing 2 of them! one of them is Nobodies Hero, a fantasy tale that is mostly narrated by a grouchy side-character and i have a sideblog that's basically a collection of my world building from the past 5 years and any posts i see that fit the characters or the world (@nobodieshero-lore)
the other is much newer (started maybe a month and a half ago) and is more of an urban fantasy called Arson: and other crimes which is basically going to follow the main cast through all the supernatural shenanigans and self growth they go through.
at the moment Arson is more of a concept? i have yet to figure out an actual plot, i've actually been trying a new approach to writing where i build all the characters first! most of my notes for Arson are just short scene snippets and dialogue, such as:
Time seemed to slow as the siren exploded from the flaming water, droplets of fire raining down around her as she reached out her webbed claws and exposed those horrifying needle-like teeth in a shrill scream of rage. It was awesome and terrifying, and Jai was forced to admit that maybe this time they wouldn’t be so lucky, maybe this time he was going down in a blaze of fish-scented glory. And then the scream was cut off as, with a sudden hollow sounding thwack, the siren’s head snapped to the side, the rest of her body thrown off course as she veered to the left and landed with a wet smack against the cement, a trail of slimy fire left in her wake. Kauri was standing in front of him with a thick metal pipe held tightly in their hands, hair a mess of thorns and ash as their shoulders heaved with each angry breath. Flickering orange light danced across their skin, the flames reflected in the dryads furious eyes as a new vine of thorns curled past their cheek. If someone had put a gun to his head, Jai may have been able to admit that he'd fallen in love right then, but there was no gun and no questioning so Jai shoved that shit deep down where he'd never find it.
There are currently 8 characters official characters, but i intend to make more bc 2 out of the 8 are mostly side characters/helpers.
uh we've got:
Jai, who is the quiet but stern researcher teaching himself magic; he mostly communicates through facial expressions and single sentences but if you get him started on whatever he's researching he can go on for ages (trans + gay)
Kauri, who is a dryad with a short temper. they're loud and passionate and also end up naked a lot because the concept of clothing makes no sense to them. my favourite thing about kauri is honestly their hair bc they've got vines that also grow from their scalp, and they grow/bloom/wild/grow thorns depending on their mood (as shown in the above snippet) (nonbinary)
Orli, who's a member of a werewolf pack. not everyone gets the lycanthrope gene, but she's just as snarly and protective as the rest of them. she works as a barista in her families cafe and she's got killer first aid skills. (asexual + lesbian)
Vince, who is Orli's older brother and did get the lycanthrope gene. he's just neat, i love him. he's usually the get away driver, or he'll bring them snacks and shit when they're on big research binges because he cares about them. he's basically a big ol' puppy (trans + bi)
[UNNAMED], who is a telepath with a weird name. her parents gave her up when she was young due to her being a "difficult and creepy child" and she kinda floated through different foster homes before she was tracked down and adopted by her uncle. She's funny and calculating, and in most situations will watch other people to figure out the best outcome for herself. she's almost always wearing a pair of headphones her uncle gave her that are warded against outside sound, so she can listen to music and block out everyone's thoughts. (lesbian)
Seftan, who's unnamed's weird but cool uncle. he's slept his way through half a bestiary and so is generally unphased by most things. he has 2 dogs and lives in a cute little 2-storey apartment/flat thing. he's either magic or knows a magic user bc he's got a lot of interesting books and wards set up and he also squints at Jai a lot. he calls unnamed a series of nicknames which are: nosy-nancy, no-name nancy, miss no-name, or just 'nancy' (inspired by nancy drew) (an opportunist)
Beau, who is a ghost from a circus! he died in the 1890's after getting stabbed to death in an argument with a sword-swallower, and is now stuck on the mortal plane bc he never got to finish his contortionist act. he's tied to a music box and gets handed around to different antique and thrift shops which is how he ends up w the rest of them.
Milo, who is possessed by an Ancient Creature and is therefore unable to stay dead. he has pretty yellow eyes, a hankering for roadkill and a whole other form that he can shift into. he's loyal as hell and genuinely doesn't see what's wrong with dying for someone he cares about, he's also mentally ill bc i think anyone would be if they were possessed and also kept dying. (demi + bi)
i think my favourite thing about Arson is that it's gonna be kind-of-not-really written like a survival guide or a diary? i don't know how to explain it properly but, like, there's gonna be random pages with tips for 'those in danger of kidnapping' or first aid or an info page on the monster/threat they're facing etc
but there's also gonna be other stuff like unnamed's playlists or what Kauri's moods are depending on their vines, or a steadily updated list of weird places Jai has been found sleeping.
uhh that's all i've really got so far without just slapping all my notes into a post so yeah! if you have any questions (or ideas?) please feel free to ask/share bc it can help with my creative process.
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bloody-wonder · 4 years
“i wanna write about neil putting andrews hand under his shirt” here’s your excuse!!
thanks for playing along *wink wink*
so this scene which needs no introduction somehow manages to be overappreciated in the fandom while simultaneously being underappreciated. here’s what i mean. (tw cause i talk about the drake incident)
so there’s context and subtext to this scene. the context is that neil needs andrew to agree to get committed and leave kevin behind so neil must convince him that he would be a satisfactory replacement as kevin’s “bodyguard” - if riko comes for kevin, neil will not budge. so neil decides to show andrew his “credentials” - the scars which prove that so much damage has already been done to him that riko can’t really scare him anymore. however neil can’t just take the shirt off in a room full of people bcs he wants to show the scars to no one but andrew so his next best decision is to take andrew’s hand and put it under his shirt so that he can feel them. for neil, at least consciously, it’s just a perfectly logical persuasion strategy.
that’s the context which in the fandom is readily pushed aside in favor of the homoerotic subtext: “omg andrew touched neil’s naked skin *fans oneself energetically* that’s sooooo gay”. the shitposts about what wymack must have thought at seeing this are an entire subgenre by this point. like, i’m not saying it’s not gay or criticizing anyone for pointing out homoerotic subtext so enthusiastically, but still it’s very interesting to me why people prefer to look at this scene from wymack’s pov - who had no context of what exactly was happening bcs he didn’t know a lot about andrew’s deals and bcs the boys were talking in german. people prefer to strip this scene of its context to the point where neil and andrew are just any two boys touching each other in a mildly erotic way.
now one of the reasons i love aftg so much is that everything in it is very specific to its context and its characters (which is btw probably the reason why we can’t explain or describe aftg to our friends - it’s hard to describe unless you recount everything that happens in it or it would make no sense). so what i propose instead is returning this scene into its context but going deeper - not just looking at it in terms of a given dialogue like neil does but in terms of the tragic sequence of events that lead to andrew having to be committed. 
andrew has just been violently raped, again, by the same abuser he took so much pains to get away from. his deepest darkest secret, which even his closest circle and his therapist didn’t know, has just been disclosed in the worst way possible. now they all know. now in their eyes he has graduated from the resident “sociopath” to the victim of the nastiest kind of abuse. he has been put in the worst kind of spolight. now they all know - his family, his team, neil. what will be their reaction? will their treatment of him change? will they pity him? ugh. 
andrew is in great physical pain and the happy pills won’t let his spiralling mind process what just happened properly. but the underlying feeling, i imagine, is of being found out, singled out, branded as different, alone. kevin and aaron are in a state of shock, nicky is crying and trying to hug him, and wymack is little help.
enter neil. we’re privy to his inner monologue so we know that neil was as shocked as the rest of them and felt nauseous bcs of the horror and pressure of the situation, but he showed nothing of it outwardly. he even found the time and cheek to confront andrew about something while everyone else was treating him like a ticking bomb or fatally ill. neil, who has already sufficiently demonstrated that his treatment of andrew won’t change one bit, then wants to take kevin off his shoulders so that andrew is able to go away to take care of himself, and in order to persuade him he wants to show him his scars - but only to him - so he puts andrew’s hand under his shirt. andrew knew that neil has scars but he didn’t know the extent. “these ouches feel a little rough for a child on the run”, he says. these scars, their number and graveness, show that neil wasn’t just a part of a gangster family or whatever he says but that serious abuse has been inflicted on him personally. that in that regard he has probably been through similar shit as andrew. that he can understand him perfectly. that andrew is not alone. 
so when neil puts andrew’s hand on his scars he says not only “i’m competent enough to look after kevin in your absence”, but also “your secret has just been violently disclosed but i have a similar secret and i will tell it to you - this is a snippet. you’re not alone”. this is what he actually says in the text:
The story I gave you was mostly true. I might have left out some critical details, but I know you're not really surprised by that. If we survive this year and you're still interested, you can ask me for them later. I think it's your turn in our secrets game, anyway.
and andrew agreed to neil’s offer - probably not bcs he deemed him “competent” but bcs he felt the major shift in trust between them. 
i think its one of the key andreil moments and it certainly is brought up a lot but mainly bcs “it’s gay”, apparently. idk maybe i’m just too aroace or something but it makes me sad that this powerful scene gets diminished to just another homoerotic moment. when i was reading the books for the first time, the homoeroticism of this scene didn’t even occur to me bcs i was still very much in the post-drake not at all amorous mindset as i imagine were neil and andrew. so if you ask me, “the gayness” of this scene is overhyped, but its meaning is definitely underappreciated.
tl;dr neil didn’t put andrew’s hand under his shirt - he put it on his scars
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