#maybe we'll finally get a Spanish translation
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fallloverfic · 2 years ago
Germany to get a physical/ebook ENNEAD release in Spring-Summer 2024 via Panini Manga
Panini Manga will be putting out a German physical/ebook of ENNEAD by Mojito in Spring-Summer 2024! It's currently unclear which, since the announcement is pretty vague, similar to Panini's announcement for the November 2023 Italian ENNEAD release, but Panini does physical and ebook releases, and Tappytoon is putting out the German online ENNEAD translation, so we'll see :D (The Tappytoon German release is behind the Korean by 8 episodes. If you'd like to read ENNEAD in Korean, English, or other languages, I've got a guide here!)
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skylarbee · 1 year ago
What really happened between Alex and Miles in 2017? I discovered their story and events that year are often mentioned, I heard about depression about Alex and it's true that he changed a lot (physically too) from this period...
I love your blog ;)
aw thank you so much! <3🥰
tbh i don't read too much about what might've happened between them, it just makes me really depressed lmao. no one really knows, except them, and if you know the main things, then your guess is as good as mine, and i probably won't be saying anything new.
you might know already, but the general idea is that everything seemed to go wrong in the summer of 2018, specifically july, when alex and taylor break up and he gets a new gf. now, i think it's pretty clear that LV and miles don't really... get along/like each other? not sure what the right words would be. there might've been more going on, but i think that miles must've known/found out that alex was cheating, and we all know that miles and taylor were really good friends. so, maybe miles didn't really like what alex had done to taylor, and also didn't like LV? the question is whether they (alex and miles) had a fight about this, did miles call alex out and tell him he's a prick (it's what i would've done), or was there something more going on on top of all this, something between them that had nothing or little to do with any gf. i don't think we'll ever know. there could be a chance that the eycte tour had certain aftermaths that they didn't thing it would have, and maybe they messed around too much and thought that they could get away with it and it wouldn't change anything between them, when in fact it did.
this twitter thread from 2019 sums everything up pretty nicely: them performing 505 together for the last time (where everything seems to be okay still), miles saying that tlsp3 will come "very soon" in september 2018 (which it didn't, so something had to happen - covid, but maybe other things too...), new gf alert (things are wrong), la cigale (thing are very wrong), miles opening for am but not doing 505 with them, them being at the same fashion shows and apparently not meeting up, some of miles' lyrics that he could've written about them from coup de grace, and then them eventually being seen together again finally towards the end of 2019 (things seem to be okay-ish again?), and then in 2020 and 2021. it's in spanish but google translate should do the job: https://x.com/drunkkatemoss/status/1150079970951094272?s=20
if someone knows more though, feel free to tell us. it looks like they weren't on the best of terms for about one year, from july 2018 to september 2019, but again, we don't know. things sure are different than before, but i think their love is still strong, or at least it's what i hope it to be. they're definitely okay compared to a couple of years ago lmao
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moku-and-his-madness · 1 year ago
First few pages of Ghost Stories (by me) is Out!!! Enjoy!!!
!heads-up! i put any other language in red for it to be easier to read, the story basically self explains the sentence and translates it for you so need to worry about language!!!
Languages Contained: Spanish, Portuguese. (more but we'll have to see how the story progresses)
                                               By  Unt1t3d
                    Position for Hire: “J”
I don't like offices. I don’t know if it's because they mean that something uncomfortable is being discussed or that I didn’t organize anything myself, knowing that contents are probably where they don’t belong. This tossed here, That cast aside there. But this office I hated the most. Not only was I uncomfortable, I was being pestered about “How I felt” and, “What I should do to get on a healthier path in life”. I’ve never liked the ‘this is a safe space’ shit they rant. 
I didn’t need to get healthier mentally, I needed to get better physically. I needed money. “Justice, are you alright?” The Therapist was nagging me, I noticed. “Huh? Oh, Yeah. I agree.” I spaced off a lot so I just pretended I knew what anyone was saying in a conversation. “ I was just saying that you should get your work papers in order. I think a job might be just what you need to get yourself in the right headspace.” She said like she was talking to a toddler, writing notes on her notepad. Wow, I’m touched, she’s concerned. Aren't they all? I’ve had enough of the sympathetic 'Are you alright?’s Honestly, a ‘you're a crazy mother fucker’ once in a while is perfectly fine to balance out the chaos.
“So is your medication working? Do you still see…them?” She's talking about the shadowy friends of mine! Yeah, I still fucking see them even though you have me on enough meds to call me a drugaddict! In fact, I saw one on Tuesday, SUSAN. I’ve always been able to see them, even when I was younger, and they blamed it on a very rare, very young case of dementia. But these…things, aren't just figments of my imagination. They have minds of their own, taunting me all the time. It's the reason he’s gone. 
“Yeah, I haven’t seen them in a while.” I say with a smile, so that she won’t prescribe me another pill. “Don’t we end in a few?” I say to hurry her along. She taps her skull, as if she’s just now remembering I have a life. “Oh, you’re right! Then we’ll pick this up next week.” Ew, I didn’t want to pick this up again next week. “Um, I’m going to get my papers organized, remember? I’m getting that job. So, if I just notify you, I don’t think meetings will be necessary as of right now.” I say impatiently with a weak smile, tapping my foot at godspeed. Man, she’s slow on the update. Maybe if She's smart enough she’ll realize what I’m trying to say. 
She gathers her things, clearly not in her right headspace as she throws it all recklessly in a tote bag. My OCD impulses twitch. “Oh, wow. Yeah, that is right! You have a way better memory than me!” she said over-enthusiastically. No wonder she was alway re-scheduling. “I suppose that’s alright, but if you're ever stressed, or need someone to talk to, call my number.” She said with a deeply concerned look. To be truthful, I lost her Number, but that’s just between you and me. “Yep. In fact, I’ll have you on speed-dial, just in case.” I tell her, my enthusiasm weak and my social battery draining fast. “Okay! You have a good rest of your day then!” She says with a cheery smile. Right, like hell I will.
  Yup. Sure will. Time to go home to Mamá and step-daddy and scrub the house clean, and cower away from David’s leather belt. I hate to be brutally honest like I always am, but they’re half the reason I’m in debt for these damn medical bills. I walk down the long flight of stairs and out of the building. Ugh, finally, I’m free.
I hung my keys and walked into the kitchen and shouted, “I’M HOME!”.  No response, of course. I opened the door to my room and took a deep breath. Now I’m home. I closed the door because, privacy ya’ know? I hung my messenger bag on a decorative rung I had 3-d printed in sophomore year of Computer Design. I glanced at my neat wall of vinyl records with bands like “Nirvana” and “Los Campesinos”, right next to the picture of me smiling with my father. On my desk was a stack of books, things I was borrowing but now belong to me, a cup of pencils, and my PC setup I made myself, stickers plastering the frame.
I flopped on my bed, tired as hell. I pulled out my phone and selected a playlist, closing my eyes and drifting in and out of sleep. I dream of the shadows and VHS tapes changing and a loud static in my head. Everything is so unilluminated, and I’m scared, frightened out of my wit at whatever could come out of the wispy darkness. “Jay '' someone says. I look in the darkness, trying to detect where the voice is ringing from. “Jay” I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jolt awake and rub my eyes. When my vision focuses, my mom is standing in the middle of my room, cigarette in hand. “You were screamin’ again. Did you take your damn pills?” No, I hadn’t. I was supposed to take them even if I took a two minute nap. Or else I screamed like a madman.
“David isn’t coming home tonight.” She said, taking a drag of the cancer creator. “ ‘Work’?” I say, not looking at her. She breathes out. “Yeah, ‘work’. I figured you could use the stove tonight then.” She takes one last look at my room and walks out, her shirt askew across her small curved shoulders. She’s not the same anymore. After my dad died in that plane crash, she’s been doing all the wrong things with all the wrong people. I don’t understand why she would want to be in a relationship with that abusive fuck ‘David’ or whatever anyway. 
But she still does little things like this, letting me know if and when David’s going to be home, and letting me use the stove to make my empanadas and arroz Rojo or ‘foreign food’ as David calls it. He doesn’t let me cook because it’s too ‘spicy’ for him. 
I pull out all my spices and ingredients, ‘Summerland’ by Half Alive still playing in my ears. I’m in the zone, everything how I want it. Cooking the arroz and frying the meat and sauce for empanadas, carefully avoiding the paper cuts on my hands when dicing the jalapeno and cilantro. In the midst of cooking, I decide to make dessert, having a hard time picking either Tres Leches or Concha Bread. I would ask Mamá, but she was half asleep on the tattered La-Z-Boy in the parlor. So I just decide based on what we have the most.  A few hours later, mom wakes up, the smell of authentic Mexican food calling her. “Gracias por la comida hijo.” She says, eyes only half open. “De nada mami.” Spanish is another thing David doesn’t like. He can’t understand ‘taco bell’ as he calls it. “Pronto conseguiré un trabajo.” I’m getting a job, I tell Mamá. “¿un trabajo?” she says with no surprise. “¿Sabes cuál?” Do I know which one?  I was so focused on getting out of my meetings for a bit,that I hadn’t actually thought of what I would do. “Quizás algo en informática. Se paga bien.” I told her about my computer science classes and how the area of work paid well. Well enough to finish paying the debt to the bills I owed. 
“¿Cuándo te convertiste en un hombre tan adulto?”  When did I become such a grown man? She looks at me. “uh, el mes pasado mamá.” I had just turned 18 last month on November 7th. I was already an adult, technically. Mamá just looked at me and shook her head. “Ya sabes a qué me refiero, joven.” She said sassily. I laughed, enjoying our little corner of the universe, where we were safe. I brought out the Concha Bread and Mamá’s eyes lit up. “Mi Favorita! ” I smiled at her happiness, “¡Solo para ti! “. Just for you! “Hijo, ¡me estropeas!” You spoil me, She says with a laugh.
We finished dinner, and I tucked Mamá into bed. I piled up the dishes, planning to do them tomorrow, and pulled out my phone to look at available jobs in my area. I pulled up Yelp and look for an IT job. No such luck. I tried Indeed next, again, nada. The hours passed, websites were searched, and still, no IT or Cyber Security jobs in my area. 
I give up and try to find a decent paying job not too far from home.There are some alright ones and then there's the ones that look a little shady. I filter out my results so I don’t wish myself an early funeral. And then I found it, THE GOLDEN JOB!!! The golden job is this thing me and my computer friends would do when we were job hunting. You search for a job, filter it, and whoever had the best job at the end could dare anyone to do anything (within reason of course). One time, my friend Alex won and he got everybody to buy him something from DQ.
But this job seemed too good to be true. Just down town in the suburbs, away from the city, is a fancy estate house. The owners died a few years ago and this little old lady is looking for someone to clean it up for resale, as she is getting on in her years. The pay is good enough to pay for my bills though. All that's left now is to make the call…
  Question Everything: “Wil”
Do you ever get that feeling that you’re constantly being watched? Like eyes are constantly trained on you? As if existing is a cause for concern. “Hey Wil,can you pass me the arroz?” I snap out of my daze, “Huh? Oh sure, Tio.” The house is hectic today, cousins running around and Aunts and Uncles drinking and talking. Nobody in the family liked to be around me and Tio Hector felt bad about that, so he sat with me at all the family meets.
“Ei, você está bem?” Tio says, I smile dancing on his lips. I play along, “Sim, só pensando... e você?” I’m just thinking, what about you? I say this with the same smile playing on my lips. Tio just laughs, “You silly, I’m always fine! Como foi a terapia hoje?” He asks about therapy. He cares but I don’t need therapy. We’re just wasting money we don’t have. “Ah, o mesmo de sempre. Ela apenas traz à tona as mesmas coisas…” Same old, Same old. The lady doesn’t even have a plan for me to get ‘better’. Tio just smiles and says, “Talvez ela esteja louca!”. He bursts out with laughter, making the house feel a little more homely.
Some more family members enter the kitchen, filing up on more drinks and food. I feel so uncomfortable around them, as they do around me. A hate/hate relationship, I guess. Tio sensed my unease and acted as necessary. “Ignore-os, eles estão aqui apenas para ficar bêbados e conseguir babá de graça.” He said they’re alone at the event to get drunk and get free babysitting. He knew this would make me smile, because not only was it funny, it was true. 
I stand and push in my chair. “Vejo você mais tarde, tio. Tenho que ir para casa. Trabalho ocupado para ser feito.” Tio stands, “Trabalhar? OK, te vejo mais tarde. But don’t stress yourself! Or else you’ll end up like Aunt Maria!” He laughs. We hug and I leave, off to drive to my small apartment.
I got in and locked the doors and tossed my keys anywhere, I didn’t care at this point, my stuff was already everywhere. Boxes were still piled up from a month or two ago, from when I left the family house and moved out on my own. I toe my way on my cold floors, slowly inching my way to my room. LED lights are strung up, drawings and sketches hung up from AP Art classes. A picture of me and Tio sits on my nightstand. We were at a fair, eating bad funnel cakes and playing games. He won me the very avocado plushie that rests on my bed right now that day.
My laptop rests on my desk, covered in stickers I had designed myself, still open on my DAW program with a music track in queue. I slam it shut, too tired to even think about any actual work. I collapse to the bed. I don’t fall asleep, but just lay there. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with more scars. I lay horizontally, drinking in the late afternoon sunlight, absorbing all the details of my room. It’s kinda like when you’re waiting for something but can only leave at a certain time, so you wait and actually notice all the little things in your life.
A boom rings from upstairs. Ugh, the neighbors. I finally decided that I had rested long enough and had to do something productive. The therapist said something about getting a job or whatever, so that I could ‘get myself in the right headspace’. I already had a job, but it was one my family didn't approve of, and if I mentioned that to the therapist we would have a WHOLE discussion about ‘how that made me feel’ or, ‘what I could do to change their perspective’.
I didn’t have the time for that, and hell, I needed a buck. So, restlessly, I snatch my laptop and open Yelp and Indeed and other numerous job websites and applications. Hours later, you would think I would discover a decent art job! Even a graphics designer looking for an assistant in the heart of New York! But Nada. I gave up a half hour later, deciding to just filter my results for easy, high paying jobs in a calm area (so that way I wasn’t lost in Time Square).
What comes up is some crack-head craigslist kinda shit but some of the jobs are promising. I filter again to get rid of the cuckoo's and 9-5 jobs, settling for something more temp style. This narrows down my search even more, drastically not giving a fuck about my opinion, and only showing one or two results. Eenie Minie Moe later and I found the thing to shut Susan up about the job. A cleaning job, high pay, pick my own hours, AND! When the estate sells I get 2% of the profit sold. It’s this little old lady, selling the home and land of her dead son and daughter-in-law, just wanting to get it in shape before resale. 
I applied for the application and got it sent. I go to the kitchen to eat some trashy dried ramen in a bowl I haven’t washed in a week, and decide what time my body wants to deal with sleep and pain.
I woke up late that morning, my knees bloodied. Fuck. I tip-toe to the bathroom and get out my huge first aid kit. I disinfect and clean, avoid infection and patch it all up with a huge band aid. I've learned the art of self-aid with my eyes closed and hands tied by now. Fixed, for now.
I checked my phone, surprised to see a notification from the lady with the estate this early. She says my application checks out and that the latest I can start today is 11:30 am. Well, at least I can choose when I leave. I glance at the clock, gauging how much time I get to blow before leaving to find the property. 10:29…okay. Shower, skip breakfast today, and attempt to clean. Like hell I'm gonna clean. It’s just not in my nature anymore.
Flashforward and I’m running to my car to get there on time because my sense of time is horrible. I showered and barely had time to get my boxers on. So, looking like a lunatic, brandishing my disheveled hair and soggy bandaids barely hanging on by a thread, I booked it to my car.
more to come soon!!
tagging:@thinkingaboutctommy @paldeanbooper (my writer buddy:@wiblursaystuff) @vibestillaxxx @gay-mooshrooms @colleenispunk @wormsinsdirt (another writer buddy:@teagica)
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hotcheetohatredwastaken · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged on this by @unexpectedstormy ! I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to respond like it was a chain or make my own post, so I just went for it
1. How many works do you have on A03?
Two. There will be more coming, because Blood Drops on Roses is just arc one of this story, and there's a lot of snippets for Prologue floating around.
Blood Drops on Roses: Linked Universe
BDOR Prologue: The Yiga and The Sheikah
2. What's your total A03 word count?
51,493 words since mid-August, when I finally got an account XD I've been a lurker for YEARS ya'll.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Linked Universe only, so far.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
See above XD I hope to get enough fics out there that I can sort my work like that, but for now it's just those two.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I respond as soon as I can, they are like crack to me. Maybe because I'm new to sharing my work or something, but I would die for each and every one of you that leaves even as much as a <3
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
NONE OF MY FICS ARE FINISHED YET AAAAAAAAAA. Arc 1's ending is going to be pretty angsty though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm, I see that this questionnaire is not meant for me. There is a Prologue section "The Trap" that I'll be putting out soon through, its ending is pretty sweet I would say.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. I am afraid that it's gonna happen, but so far everyone has been so nice, so I hope not D:
9. Do you write smut?
Nah. Don't really read it either. Just not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I mean unless you count LU as a crossover between all the Link's respective fandoms, no
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Gosh I hope not. How does one steal a fic?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. If I ever get good enough at Spanish, I would like to take a crack at translating my own fic once its all published, but it would probably be laughably terrible. Eh, practice is practice.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. Hey @needfantasticstories, I think Clippy Wind and Pug Sky need to go on some adventures together, don't you?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Tbh I don't really ship. I do think Malon/Time and Legend/Ravio are cute though. I'm just not really interested in exploring the romantic side of stories, even in published literature.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Geez I hope that I finish all of Arc 2 at this point. But I may be too early into the game to answer this.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Heck if I know. I had someone say in my comment section that they liked how I characterize people, so we'll go with that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I write too much and probably in too much detail. Sometimes it would be better to say "They crossed the bridge and set up camp" but nooooooooooo lets add 7,000 words to this already bloated fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Italics. I was about to whip out my decade of Latin for part of this fic, but I decided against it because I'm pretentious but not that pretentious. Also because I still don't understand word order at ALL.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I have some fanfic from the dog series of Warrior Cats lurking somewhere that I wrote when I was like 12. Survivors, or something? I should probably go delete it, I'm sure it's trash. I'm scared to even look, it probably hasn't seen the light of day since I wrote it.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Well I've only got one big fic out right now so let's go with BDOR
@needfantasticstories and @somer-writes I'm kicking this your way.
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theladyofshalott1989 · 7 months ago
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for the tag @heyitszev, @thetotomoo, and @infernalrusalka! It was so fun reading all of your answers, too <3333
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Eleven!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 220,491 posted currently (about 60k more written but not posted yet).
3. What fandoms do you write for? Hogwarts: Legacy (10 works) and Bridgerton (1 work).
4. Top five fics by kudos? "Like Moths to a Flame", "Burning Bright", "The Reynolds Dilemma", "Heart's Pleasure First", "Love's Not Time's Fool".
5. Do you respond to comments? In the words of Severus Snape, "Always." <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My Sebastian Sallow/You one-shot "What Was I Made For?"
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Nearly all of my fics end happily, but I think from a "wow, the characters went through hell and back and yet they somehow got a happy ending" perspective, I would probably say "Burning Bright."
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not directly on them yet (thankfully), but I have definitely received anonymous hate here on Tumblr and Reddit. Those people can suck it. Affectionately. 🙃
9. Do you write smut? Yup.👍
10. Craziest crossover? No crossovers yet, although I'm hoping to write a Hook (the 1991 movie) & Peter Pan (the book by J.M. Barrie) long-fic someday. That's not all that crazy though...haha.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of, but I don't go looking. Eek.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but that would be very cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I'm currently co-writing an MC x MC fic with heyitszev. Someday we'll (hopefully) finish it because it's SO FREAKING GOOD ALREADY. AHHH.
14. All time favorite ship? I have consumed many ships over the years, but the one that always sticks with me is Cassian/Jyn (aka Rebelcaptain) from Rogue One. My own ship (Sebastien, Sebastian x Damien) may also be added to this list soon as these boys have consumed my every waking thought for nearly a year and a half now. Lol.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't think I've ever not finished a WIP? Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself...
16. What are your writing strengths? Banter, emotional whiplash (sorry lol), foreshadowing, and plot twists. At least I think so. Haha.
17. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I like it! I minored in Spanish in college and have always wanted to use Spanish in a fic, but haven't really had the opportunity to yet. Maybe if I ever get around to writing a Cassian Andor-centered fic, I'll finally do it. We'll see.
18. First fandom you wrote in? Star Wars! I wrote a shit ton of Anakin/Padme when I was a young teen.
19. Favorite fic you've written? If you had asked me a few months ago, it would have been "Burning Bright", but it's now my current WIP, "You Cannot Put a Fire Out." I put a lot of myself and my insecurities into these two fics, and they were both written at a pretty emotionally turbulent time of my life, so they have a special place in my heart.
20. There's no twentieth question, so take this as your cue to give yourself a hug. (Yes, I'm talking to you!) <3
No pressure tags: @morelikeravenbore @endless-starlight-legacy
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feekins · 2 years ago
depression still sucks but I stay sillay🤞
meanwhile, looks like shit's kicking off again at the start of ch 5 of Trigun Maximum vol 2, so let's get into my thoughts and things and translation weirdness I find as I re-read it!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
SO. first page. Brad's shoving Jessica into an escape pod. when Jessica tries to insist on staying, Dark Horse has Brad replying with "Get in the 'shell'!! We're at low altitude, we'll touch down soon!" which. always confused me. until I read the Overhaul's translation, which has Brad saying "Get in the ship! We're at a low altitude, so it'll land quickly!"
moving into Wolfwood's...flashback? dream? thing? we see this habit Dark Horse has of keeping in honorifics. I've noticed this throughout my re-readings (like Milly saying 'sempai' where, in the Overhaul, she says 'ma'am'...and they pretty consistently keep the '-san's and '-kun's and whatnot), but...idk. this is one of the more interesting instances to me. Dark Horse has the kids calling Wolfwood "Nico-onii-chan" and "Nico-nii" whereas the Overhaul translates these things as "Big Brother Nico" or just "Big Brother".
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
...I mean, okay, Dark Horse?????
on the next page...idk, kind of context-changing translation discrepancies? at least, it changed my understanding of this bit. Dark Horse has Wolfwood saying to the kids "It would appear...I'm no longer fit to hold you guys..." and you can see his bloody hands as he says this, so previously, I interpreted this bit as metaphorical blood on his hands and/or maybe his hands are physically fucked up? but in the Overhaul, it's "It seems...I no longer have the right to hold ya..." and that drives the visual metaphor home way better imo.
which leads to...
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
I MEAN??? OKAY?????
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here's a translation discrepancy I'm attributing to Dark Horse doing weird localization things (again). it completely changes the context, messing with this recurring theme we see across vol 1-2 of how ordinary, nonviolent folks will turn to violence when their family is hurt or in danger. to quote Wolfwood in ch 4 of vol 1 of Trigun Maximum (Overhaul translation), "Even people who would never fight will pick up a gun if their loved ones are killed." I'm p sure I've said it before, but that goes all the way back to Vash going against Knives for causing the Fall (killing humans, whom Vash basically considers extended family, as Sensei explains in ch 6 of Trigun Maximum vol 1) and killing Rem (closer adopted family). so yeah, that thing Wolfwood says...that's something Vash knows intimately. so I don't think it's a stretch to say that perhaps that's a big part of why Vash keeps intervening (even when he's hurt or sick as hell;;;;;)...
something interesting I noticed about THIS freaky s.o.b.:
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in this panel, Dark Horse has him saying "And lost property is lost property, right? Am I wrong? Hmm?" meanwhile, in the Overhaul...he has a pretty distinct Spanish accent? like, saying "Lost property is lost property. Am I right, or am I right, jefe? Comprende?" and that accent goes beyond this panel, so. THAT'S interesting. 🤔
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and, once again, the Overhaul's translation makes more sense, as we literally just saw this guy light his cigarette with this thing.
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good wordplay in both translations! I'm not sure why Dark Horse leaves out that one bit, tho 🤨
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and again, Dark Horse! ya really need to stop leaving out these vital bits...
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my guy.
you were LITERALLY THERE at Fifth Moon.
...then again, this bit isn't about the big things, I don't think. it's about the little uncanny things Wolfwood's noticing about Vash as they continue to travel together...
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mickvalencia · 1 year ago
Devlog #001 - Summer is here and there's ice in the cooler
Hey Dear Reader! Here we are again, on our second week of the project being out in the open, and I must say that it has been absolutely delightful. The whole team has been hard at work on their own duties, writing, setting up things, discussing new and old ideas, editing, translating and mostly having a blast with this new working schedule we've developed so far. This whole policy of "Trade Perfect for Done" has done wonders for us, this week we've tackled some ideas we had in the backburner for a while, and I'll tell you what do we have in store for the next few days and weeks:
• DGS Podcast: Our Project Manager "elSolar" and I, just finished recording the raw audio for the first episode of what will be our bi-weekly (I'm not sure if it's the right term, maybe is bi-monthly, when you do it every other week, I get confused with those sometimes) official podcast, in which we'll talk about mechanics, lore and the development process of DGS, it should be out this week, and we'll release it as soon as it's done. It was a fun experience! We were a little bit nervous at first, but we got into it and let ourselves loose after a while, all in the spirit of doing things instead of overplanning. This episode we talk about the origins of DGS, we unveil some of the lore and have fun with some random questions, stay tuned for when it comes out! • Detrayan Prism Takes Off: We posted one of our main stories the other day, "The Myth of Creation", which will be part of our narrative series as a way to flesh out the lore and share with you some of the non-mechanical aspects of DGS. This week we're working on the translation of "Miracle - Losing Doesn't Halt the Bet", a beautiful story about empathy, forgiveness, and gambling, written by our Narrative Director, Mr. "R. Ursus". We hope that these stories not only help you understand more of the lore of our world, but also leave you with a message of hope and resilience. • DGS Annex: As you might have noticed, the manuals need some elements that are not available yet, like our continent map, the character sheet, a GD reference sheet and the script for the Prologue Episode. We're putting the final touches to these elements, and they'll be published very soon as well, which will takes us to a point where we can concentrate more on the lore, by having the mechanics already established in their basic sense, leaving us free to work on lore and subsystems! • Community Space Tidying Up: As you already know, social spaces are a difficult area for me, so our Subsystems Manager, "Kitt", is giving me a hand with the social and the construction of spaces to grow a community, play the game and discuss the lore and stories around it. We're aiming to have a presence on most socials, but we'll concentrate mostly on Discord (Which is where our sessions usually take place) and we've also made a Subreddit (r/Detrayan) as well.  • Green Book: We keep our progress on our third manual, we're taking it easy with this one a bit, so we can push the final parts of the playable stage, but it should be out pretty soon. This one will be a glimpse into the world in a general sense, we'll talk about the Planes, Ages, Species, Landmarks and Deities, among others.  Besides that, there are lots of other things we have planned for the upcoming weeks, like the Spanish versions of the manuals and stories, the construction of our own Discord Bot for DGS sessions, and the implementation of our Subsystems once the three main books of the "Detrayan Colors" series are finished (I want to get to the Yellow Book so much! Can't wait to talk about our moving cities and Behemoths!)
Anyway, I hope you're doing well, that your family, friends and pets are healthy and happy, that your today pales in comparison to your tomorrow, and that all your projects and ideas get to safe harbor. We want to thank everyone who has shown interest in the project and our ideas, we really appreciate your support, we hope you see us as friends you can reach out and talk to. Throw a message our way, let's have a friendly chat, talk about the project with your friends, clean up your cat's litter box and take your dog for a walk, call your mom and tell her that you love her, drink water, drive safely and enjoy life as much as you can. It seems I got sidetracked, anyway, have a most excellent day, and it would mean a lot to us if you can do the whole "like, share, subscribe, engage and comment" that everyone talks about, your support is the fuel that keeps this TTRPG vehicle going forward. As always, very big hugs from your friends at the Detrayan Team! Mick Lead of Detrayan Team
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finsterhund · 5 months ago
so you have any info for an english translation of the original french heart of darkness? you did mention some diffrences in what andy says and id like to know more about it!
I've been on and off looking for a professional translator or dedicated fan who's first language is French to pay to create a transcript and then making a subtitled video of all the cinematics, possibly even modifying the PAF file to create a fanmade English subbed install of the game that properly runs. But finances and stress has put that on the back burner. It is very much planned though. I fully intent to make this a resource available online when I get there.
My French is poor enough that I cannot do this by myself but good enough that I can notice differences and in slower sections pick out specific words and understand the meaning. From what me and other people have said, there's a more serious tone in the general cutscenes with Andy being presented as more younger and naiver and with dialogue that is less "of the time period." Knowing that there was a large cardboard cutout of arnold schwarzenegger in a tv interview that showed a bit of Eric's studio at around that time, the inclusion of a Terminator reference at the final confrontation for the English dub makes sense. Particularly in that scene, it would not make sense for a direct translation. As in French the Master essentially goes "We'll all die" and Andy says "No, you'll die" which sounds more like a meme sort of joke line directly translated into English where as in the English dub the Master goes "You'll kill us all" to which Andy responds with the comeback. Andy being a bit spicier and quipping with the big bad being the ultimate result of the change.
Contrastly, Andy actually swears in the original. In the opening cinematic he says "merde" several times, which in the English dub is translated as "shoot" as oppose to the more correct "shit"
There's some figures of speech that weren't directly translatable. the "sleeping in class" is basically "head in the clouds" in the original French and from what I can tell the Teacher's rant is more along the lines of "if black holes are so boring maybe you'll be more entertained by the black of the cupboard" as black/dark are both "noir" and that's a bit of a word pun with black hole and the dark.
Other notable differences that I can confidently point out are what appears to be a political joke in reference to the European Union when Vicious is first thrown against a wall (this scene due to a mixing error is almost impossible to hear in the English dub so it was a point of focus when trying to listen and understand what the lines were in the original French), and the Ami/Friends/Amigos not being speakers of another human language. They simply speak broken French. Which I think makes more sense that their species is called "Friends" and the one that Andy befriends is called "Friend" because it's them using a human word they know. It's not their actual name. Just something they hope Andy will understand. Interestingly, the English dub and the Spanish dub are the only ones that changed this, instead having the Friends be shown to speak one human language better than that of Andy and the viewer. It's common knowledge for the English dub that Spanish was chosen for the language of the friends. In the Spanish dub, it's English! Not related to the French dub itself, but I found that fun.
Additional fun fact about things lost in translation. Maître (Master) has a dual meaning. It's also the title given to what's the equivalent to primary school teachers by their students. So hahaha the teacher and the master are the same entity hehehe.
There's probably more word puns. I'd argue that if there's any more significant differences it'd be more lost in translation stuff.
Oh, also my current blog title is "Send the Flying Spectres" because that's what the Master says in the original French where in the English dub he just says "Get him"
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condor-solaris · 6 months ago
crap I forgot to post here
Mysterious Golden Cities
"The 16th century was an era of great geographical discoveries, when many people dared to challenge the unknown world for the sake of wealth and fame"
Chapter 1 
- Esteban, there is a place to land.
- All right, Tao.
The Condor was spotted from the ground.
- What is it? The Golden Bird?
- If so, then surely it will lead to the golden cities. Follow her, now!
- Yes, sir.
The Condor landed and Esteban, Zia and Tao got off it
- Where do you think we have arrived? - Esteban asked when he got off the Condor.
- I think we got to Mexico. - Zia replied - and as I heard at the palace in Barcelona, Hernan Cortez is now the governor of Mexico.
- CORTEZ!? - Tao shouted.
 - Of course – Mendoza said that Marinche and the Doctor are Cortes’ friends! - Esteban snapped his fingers.
 - And if Marinche could read manuscripts like me, then surely Cortez has a manuscript! - Tao said
 - Maybe it says where the next golden city is located? Surely we can find your father there, Esteban.
 - If he's still alive.  
 - Of course he's alive, Esteban, we'll definitely find him. 
 - If only I had the same relationship. - Tao shook his head sadly.
 - RUN!!
- Stand still, damn Indians!!
The children ran away who went where
- Yes, Esteban.
- Gotcha.
They were brought back.
- Who are you and what are you doing here?
- And who are you? And why did you catch us?
- I'm Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, and I'm looking for escaped Indians here. Now answer my question!
- I won't tell you.
- Well, then you will be beaten up just like this Indian. 
The Indian was completely covered with abrasions from the whip, which made the children very scared:
- No, don't do this! I'm Esteban, she's Zia, and he's Tao. We are here on behalf of the Doctor and Marinche! We need to see Cortez right away!
- Yes? Good. A couple of people will stay here to guard this golden bird, and everyone else will escort the Indian and these children to Mexico City with me. Lucas, come here. (in a whisper) Will you tell His Excellency everything that they said, is everything clear?!
- Yes, sir.
After a while, a group of soldiers with children came out of the forest and they were incredibly surprised -
- Look at what a huge city!!!
- Aren't there such big cities in Spain?
- No, Barcelona is much smaller than Mexico City. And what is it?
- These are chinampas, floating gardens.
- Is this dam needed to prevent Mexico City from flooding?
And finally they arrived in Mexico City, at the Spanish fortress, where Cortez was already waiting for them
- Hello, Your Excellency.
- Hello, Coronado. Well, what do these traitors need? And where are they?
- They're dead, sir. The Indians sacrificed them to their gods.
- Serves them right. And what did they want from me?
Tao stepped forward.
- So that I can translate your manuscript!
- Then read it.
- Well?
- "Aztlan is the ancestral homeland of the Aztecs, it stands on a small island in the middle of the lake. One day, the Aztecs escaped from there for an unknown reason. It is located **north** of Mexico City." That's all it says here.
- You lied - Marinche said that this city is located in the NORTHWEST! Immediately tell me what it says.
- But that's all there was!!
- Coronado!
- Yes, Your Excellency.
- You know what to do with liars. 50 lashes for him.
Esteban stepped between the Spaniards and covered Tao with his hands.
- What are you doing?
- I don't want you to get beaten up.
- What do you want?
- Tao is my friend. Give him time until morning so he can translate everything. I promise he will do it.
- All right, but if he doesn't make it, then I'll execute you all. Coronado, take this boy to the tower.
- I'm listening. But what about the others?
- Lock them down with the Indians.
- Yes sir.
They were captured.
- NO!! LET US GO!!
They were taken downstairs. When they were thrown into the dungeon, Esteban and Zia saw a group of Indians sitting in the middle of the cave.
  - Zia, are you okay?
  - Yes, thank you. Why are they so?
Meanwhile, Tao was taken to the tower and closed it.
- TAO!! TAO!!
- Pichu, fly here quickly, and don't shout so loudly! Bring me the rope and now!
- Well done, you're a good bird! (Tao went down the rope.) Pichu, can you find a powder magazine?
Tao and Pichu suddenly came across an Indian whom Tao had already seen, he was being carried and beaten to the cell where Esteban and Zia were. He was thrown right at their feet
- OOH!
Several Indians took him to the center of the cave, and Esteban ran to help him, but one of them pushed him away and said:
- Go away, white devil!!
- What did I do? I just wanted to help!
- Stay back!
- Calm down, he didn't do anything to you. Forgive him, we are all on edge right now because of... (Here the elder notices that Esteban and Zia are wearing medallions) - Incredibly, you are wearing medallions symbolizing the arrival of our god Quetzalcoatl, who sailed a long time ago to the west!
- But it's not like that! I'm an ordinary boy!
- It can't be! My people have exactly the same legend! But Esteban, it's true!
- I still can't believe it.
- That's right, because you look very much like him, otherwise we would be doomed. After all, earlier we took Cortez for a god (here the flashback Cortez rides horses with Marinche and the Doctor, and the Indians clap for them) and accepted him as a god, but he looted our temples and killed us, he did not bring anything good. That's why you have to get us out of here!
Esteban sighs. Meanwhile, Tao took two barrels, but the Spaniards noticed him.
- No way.
Tao pushed the soldier off the dam and ran on. There he lit the barrels and ran to the prison.
- Esteban, Zia!
- Tao, how did you get here?
- Pichu brought the rope up to me, but it doesn't matter, we need to leave urgently! The dam is going to explode here soon.
Tao opens the bars, and Esteban calls the Indians -
- Come on, we need to leave. 
- Only I do not know where.
- Come on, I know there is a passage to our village.
The elder pointed to a large hatch and two Indians opened it. They all went down and the sewer appeared in front of them.
- This place was abandoned, and I doubt the Spaniards know about it. 
- And what is there?
- An abandoned temple. There is an exit to the other side of the lake.
- That is, we can return to the Condor along this path!! Tao, I hope you understood what the Cortez manuscript was about?
- Of course. We need to fly northwest from Mexico City. The next golden city is located there - Aztlan.
- This is wonderful news!!
- Do you understand our language?
- Just a little bit. These pictographs are similar to the language of my people from Mu.
- As the old legend says, a stranger who understands our language must take the treasure of the temple.
- The treasure of the temple? What a…
Suddenly, a terrible roar was heard from above.
- The gunpowder exploded!! 
- Then we need to run!
Two Aztecs lifted the elder in their arms, and the children joined hands and ran. At that time, water was already gushing through a hole in the dam and into the sewer. The Spaniards are trying to escape from the stream of water, but they are still washed away.  And finally they all came out of the sewer and found themselves in a small village near Mexico City.
- We got out!
- Yes, but how do we get back for the Condor?
- It doesn't matter now. Take a break, and tomorrow I'll tell you how to get there.
- Thank you very much.
Meanwhile, in Mexico City.
- I'm sorry, Your Excellency, we lost them.
- You stupid fool, they couldn't just disappear like that. Find them. We really need them!! Especially this Tao!!!
- I'm sorry, Your Excellency, but you remember we talked about Sibol. 
- About this stupid gossip?
- One person has already been there, he said that the whole city is made of pure gold. I would like to go on an expedition to find him. 
- Find these children first, and don't come back without them!
- Yes, Your Excellency.
The end of chapter 1.
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dreamerofthewinds · 1 year ago
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« The Dust Devil » [Fanfiction in Naruto Universe]
Chapter 6: "Ryou's Choice"
The bell rang, signaling the end of their shift. The prisoners lined up to receive their piece of shokupan. She discreetly saw Ryou take a second one, and then they left the room. As they walked through the corridors toward their respective cells, Hatsu, unable to wait any longer, gently grabbed the boy's arm as he walked in front of her and whispered to him:
"Ryou, you don't understand! You could be our only chance. Maybe we can finally get out of here. You know this place, these corridors..."
"Stop it, Hatsu! Let go of me!" he urged, without even looking at her.
Surprised by his reaction, she released his arm. He moved further ahead in the line. It was the first time she had seen him so distant and irritated with her.
They reached their separate cells. Despite the shokupan that Ryou shared with her, a heavy silence had settled between them. Hatsu was convinced of what she had witnessed, and that thought consumed her. Giving up was not an option for her. The lights went out.
"Ryou, I swear! I saw it! Why won't you believe me?" 
"You're out of your mind! Stop with these crazy stories!" he said, giving her a reproachful look.
She stood up and approached the bars separating them. Whispering to remain unheard, her trembling voice betrayed her frustration, "It's you who refuses to open your eyes, Ryou! If you have even the slightest abilities of a shinobi, I can help you develop them. I can teach you to mold and control your chakra, just like medical ninjutsu requires! Why don't you try instead of denying it? " 
"Shut up!" was all he responded with.
Hatsu felt a rush of hope and anticipation once again. In all this darkness, she felt that things might finally turn in their favor. She was bursting with eagerness.
"We'll improvise based on what you can do and your affinities. And then, no matter how long it takes..."
"Shut up!" he yelled, getting up. "I'm not from your world, Hatsu, and you know it! Look around you! Your view of reality is not ours! And you should quickly change yours if you care even a bit about your life instead of daydreaming all the time!" he said, pointing an accusatory finger at her.
Ryou's words struck her like a slap, sharp and unyielding. Hatsu struggled for breath. Facing each other, with palpable tension between them, only the cell bars separated them.
"It's precisely because I value my life that I refuse to give up! I will not end my days in this mine!"
"Face it, we'll never get out of here!"
Available on Wattpad : The Dust Devil
In the following versions: 🇫🇷 French (original), 🇬🇧 English, and 🇪🇸 Spanish.
🇫🇷 Chapitre 6 - Le Choix de Ryou
🇬🇧 Chapter 6 - Ryou's Choice
🇪🇸 Capítulo 6 - La Decisión de Ryou
Please forgive any translation mistakes. I sincerely hope you’ll enjoy this story!
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twentyfunnybunnies · 1 year ago
Lol it's been a fat minute but here we go!
1: How many works do you have on ao3?
76 currently but i round down to approximatly 4 when i don't count the cringy ones.
2: What's your total ao3 word count?
124,120 and it scared me
3. What fandoms do you write for:
I do mostly Star wars, then some marvel, and I've done three from the rookie, and some ninjago in a weak moment, and one for harry potter that I like to pretend doesn't exist
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Datapad - (sabine and ezra find a datapad full of pics of ahsoka, anakin, and the 501st)
Chocolate - (Anakin unintentionally poisons Ahsoka by feeding her chocolate)
Can We Keep Her Forever (and Ever Again) - (the bad batch runs into Ahsoka after order 66 and takes her in)
The Death of Kix - kix swears that anakin's padawan is going to be the death of him
Define Okay - (Ahsoka recovers after being kidnapped and experimented on by an evil space scientist)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It depends. I usually do, since comments on ao3 are rarer than some other sites, but if it's the kind of comment that doesn't need a response, or it feels forced, i just leave it
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably And the War Drags On where the ending isn't so bad, but I ruined it in the authors note and someone left a comment saying the a/n made them wanna dive off a cliff :)
Or "unafraid" where i killed the pov character
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe datapad? Or Anakin the Limp Noodle. Basically any of my fluffy ones
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet, but I still don't get many comments in general. I did recieve one comment with a ton of ✨spicy✨ words in it and I didn't really understand it so it might've been hate but we'll never know
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! I can't even handle kissing scenes at this point so there is no way
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've done one crossover that I published and it was a very sketchy star trek star wars crossover and i was pretty sure i was gonna have some angry readers ranting in my comments, but everyone was super chill
i basically really liked a star trek scene and put star wars characters in it instead. It's "One Question: What's your Favorite Color" and surprisingly one of my favorites.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not yet but it's one of my fears
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I know some of my readers translate my fics for just themselves, and once i popped one into google translate to see if I could read it in Spanish when i was learning (i couldn't lol)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, but only with people I've been sitting in the room with, and it was just mad chaos that was hilarious but made no sense so it's buried in my google drive.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
if it has to be romantic definitely obitine, and honestly i dunno why but they always make me so happy
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Basically any fic i start writing these days lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know if it's actually a thing but it's like my brain superpower when i don't really know what a word means but I know I NEED it in the sentence so I look it up and it turns out it was exactly the word I was looking for.
Don't know if that counts but I doubt myself in every other area so...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Chaos and indecisive-ness.
I've been writing some og works lately for some contests and i swear i started three different works and stopped all of them before I finally settled on one, and even now I'm really wanting to burn it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do not trust myself or google translate enough for that. Once I put "Crystal" in and translated it to another language. I did it back and forth a few times and it ended up being "onion" so that's nice
19. First fandom you wrote for?
star wars the clone wars for my queen Ahsoka Tano
and i owe it to @anxiety-banana and @ashgryff cause I saw their one shot fics on wattpad and it inspired my little baby nugget of an author brain to write my own <33
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'll chose one from each fandom:
Star Wars: As stupid as it seems I really like Aw, dang it, I chipped a nail
Mavel: No Hospital Can Hold Her just because of babysitter fury
The Rookie: probably Stay Still for Me but only the first chapter
Ninjago: I don't really remember them lol but Light up the Sky for the complete angst
For my tags, i know basically no one so @cc-cobalt-1043 but literally anyone, and i'll tag you if you let me lol
20 questions for fic writers
y'all i'm so happy i haven't done one of these in forever :')
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
93, but that doesn't count my 49 anon works lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
252,902, and i'm still disappointed by that number, because that means i could have written multiple novels by now lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
oof uh lets start the list: star wars and marvel (and like three of its subcategories lol) are the current ones, but including past ones: white collar, psych, warehouse 13, almost paradise, and leverage!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
so apparently most of my best fics are anon,,, i guess stick around for the official release of those?? but yeah the first three are anon
when it matters (white collar)
inevitability is a stupid, stupid, thing (penny parker fic!)
if you're so smart tell me why are you still so afraid (this is my one and only suits fic, i also hate it, but feel free to check it out lol there's not enough content in the fandom to keep it anon)
and home isn't quite the same, but it's far from unachievable
big brothers make it okay
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
uh YEAH unless you're writing in a language google translate doesn't understand or you made me so mad i'm avoiding giving my phone a smackdown, i'm replying to your comment
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
browski my fics are either fix its or "hey you know what would be fun? killing plo koon" so uh i did some digging and i think it might be call me what i am, call me a monster. that one was,,, a lot lol i have no idea where my headspace was when i wrote that. a lot of my angsty fics end somewhat hopeful but this one legit is angst all the way through
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ooh!! lose ourselves in the moment is one of the fluffiest endings i can think of. i write quite a bit of fluff, but my main fandom also occurs during a war so it's a delicate balance lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
kind of?? i've never had someone comment "u suck" on a fic, but i've had a LOT of passive aggressive stuff telling me i'm writing a character wrong, or that I write a fact wrong (i usually get these when i actually wrote something into a fictional universe with fictional, non canonical facts lol so i do get a little pleasure responding to those kind)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol nope. i have an appreciation for certain kinds of smut in writing, when they're tasteful, but even then i typically don't read far into it before wimping out
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i haven't, but i've written references to them into fics for people to find haha
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yes, but basically my entire wattpad fic era was stolen on one of those weird bootleg fic websites?? honestly it was all crap they can have it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but i'm hoping to translate all my fics into legible english prose one of these days. when will this clown figure out how to write is my question
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i had one (1) fic in the works between @ashgryff and @ljbrary once like two years ago that never even got close to completion, i'm not even sure what happened to that thing?? but i remember panicking because i was terrified of messing up something and we were all kind of new friends at the time so it was mortifying ahaha
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
team "i crave familial affection" i literally took to scrolling my bookmarks to find one i love :') i might have to go with kanan/hera?? i just never get tired of them they're some of my favorite characters as it is
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mmm so I Know, I'm Sorry (But You Can Do Better) is technically an ongoing fic, it's just a one-shot sort of thing that I'd really like to either give a full plot or just continue indefinitely but at this rate i have no idea if it'll even get another chapter
16. What are your writing strengths?
when i get into it, i pride myself on inner emotional prose, also people have complimented me on my dialogue before so i guess dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plotting, pieces longer than 10k, sticking through rough patches to finish a draft
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
personally i only trust myself to do it in a tiny bit of french, but if it's done correctly i think it can be really cool
19. First fandom you wrote for?
sooo technically that would not be star wars even tho that's the first of mine on the internet, it would be Marvel, in which I wrote three paragraphs of a random movie ten years in the future after Endgame came out. it sucked, but look what it started i guess??
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
we've already established that i have a total 142 fics on ao3 so this is a struggle uhhh maybe Eternal, i was really proud of it when i posted it, also you didn't put those bones in the ground, because it took me a really long time to post after i finished it. i find most of the fics i hesitate to post are my favorites, because i don't want them to be harshly judged haha
that was long, thank you for sticking around!!
no pressure tags! answer any or none of these questions haha
lilly and ash who i already tagged and feel bad for double tagging, @ahsokryze @dashedwithromance @armchairaloof @twentyfunnybunnies and all who wish to join! i see this a lot but honestly if you want to join this, please take this as your permission! i will literally tag you if you ask me to so you feel better about participating
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corrodedseraphine · 3 years ago
dreamland | eddie munson x harrington!reader #11
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pairing: eddie munson x harrington!reader
summary: After breaking up with Jason, you end up in a pretend relationship with Eddie to piss your ex off. The more you know each other the more the pretending dissappears.
the story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
Songs which I mentioned: Queen - I Want to Break Free | ABBA - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! | Bryan Adams - Heaven
The story which y/n was reading to Eddie was 'The Kiss' by Kate Chopin
Also if you are curious about the sequel, which y/n wrote, I wrote one myself and you can find it here
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Eddie managed to beg the teacher for another chance to improve his grades. The list he got seemed endless. Having seen it and shown it to you at one of the breaks, he immediately wanted to give up. You couldn't let that happen. He had two weeks to prepare. The deadline was the day before the charity ball you were supposed to go to together. The first days of studying passed terribly reluctantly for you. Eddie's uncle, seeing him over the books, could not get out of admiration. When you first went there to study he sat there impressed for the first fifteen minutes watching you and listening as you began to explain the rules of pronunciation. Unfortunately his presence had a bad influence on Eddie, he couldn't concentrate. On Wednesday and Thursday you studied with him, and when you left you always left him a few sentences to translate for the next day. To your surprise he always got everything done, not necessarily well, but it was the willingness that counted. You appreciated how he exemplified himself. When Friday came your house was in chaos. Everyone was getting ready to leave. Suitcases and bags were literally banging everywhere.
"Does it always look like this?" asked Robin sitting down next to you on the couch.
"It's always much worse." You rolled your eyes "Your presence here is like salvation, at least no one has argued yet."
"Nothing like a good old argument before you leave, I think it happens in every house" she laughed.
"It's good that you understand me. What are your plans?"
"Two days at the lake partying and getting drunk to the point of unconsciousness."
"Just don't drown, I want to have you both back whole and healthy!" you leaned your head against her shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" she asked.
"You know Steve doesn't like me spending time with your friends" you said.
"I think he wouldn't mind if all his buddies didn't drool at the sight of you" you snorted with laughter. "And do you have any plans for the weekend?"
"Eddie is coming to study."
"Munson? To study? I thought you were better at making up excuses." She looked at you with a grimace on her face.
"I'm helping him with his Spanish so he can finally pass school." You explained.
"I'm able to believe that... And after learning, what will you do? Practice the language in a slightly different way?" she laughed.
"Robin!" you patted her forehead. "After learning I don't know, maybe he'll go home, maybe we'll watch a movie. Certainly nothing of the things that have been born in your sick mind!"
"Say what you want, but one thing I am sure of, Edward Munson will not leave this house for another two days." She replied giving you a pat on the forehead.
The sound of a bell rang through the house. You looked at your watch. It was too early. Steve, standing closest to the door, opened it.
"Oh, hi Steve." Eddie said. "Is y/n home? She was supposed to help me today..."
"...with studying. I know, come in." finished Steve.
You walked up to him and introduced Munson to your parents. They cared little about it. As a rule, they cared little about anything. They shook hands with Eddie and went back to packing. Slightly embarrassed he sat down next to you on the couch. He probably didn't expect such a crowd. Rather, he certainly wasn't expecting anyone here but you. Looking at his watch, he realized he had gotten the time wrong. He was too early, but there was no turning back. You sat in awkward silence and watched as your parents and Steve gathered to leave. Robin came to the rescue by chatting with you about the latest movies that had come out in the rental store. In time, even Steve joined you and they began to talk about various situations and very strange customers who showed up at their place. The atmosphere began to relax, and you saw Eddie become again the confident and talkative charming Eddie you knew. Seeing him get along with your brother made you feel warm in your heart. You could stop time and admire that view forever more. Steve got along with Jason, but you never saw them joking around together and having such a casual conversation.
As your parents left the house and drove off in their own direction, Steve and Robin also started to leave.
"Remember what I told you, Munson." Said your brother, standing on the doorstep. "Also remember that I have my eye on you, don't think I won't know what's been going on here."
"Does your eye have curly hair and his name is Dustin Henderson?" laughed Eddie. Steve reciprocated the smile by shaking Eddie's hand in greeting.
"Have fun!" You shouted as they packed into the car.
"Have fun learning!" exclaimed Robin and winked at you.
When you finally closed the door you breathed a sigh of relief. Finally alone. You thought.
"Go unpack your things in the living room and I'll be right back." You said going upstairs. In the room you took all the necessary notes and books. Before leaving the room you noticed a small bottle of perfume. After a moment's thought, you sprayed yourself with it. Just In Case. With a quick step you moved to the living room. You caught Eddie looking through the box in which you kept the music tapes.
"Are you looking for something specific?" you asked coming closer.
"Queen?" he looked up fondly. "A little different vibe than ABBA." He remembered.
"Weren't you the one who said that music is too beautiful to be limited?"
"Point taken. Shall we listen?"
"Spanish first, pleasure later Mr. Munson." You replied, pointing your finger at the table. Reluctantly Eddie sat down on the seat, and you sat right next to him.
"You smell nice, Mrs. Harrington." He smiled.
"If you think that giving me compliments will make me ease up on you, you are sorely mistaken."
He rolled his eyes and sat up straight. He began to show you the translated sentences you asked him last time. Checking them out went on in silence. While you were busy, Eddie started looking at you. The hair gently falling over your face and the focused look on your it caused, in his mind, a truly charming sight. He took a deeper breath and the scent of the perfume you had just used reached his nose. It's perfect. He thought. He also thought about how strange it was for him to sit with you in your big house. He was already used to your presence in the trailer. He liked it. Your Company always made him feel comfortable and at ease. Even on the first day when you unannouncedly barged into his room completely stood up he didn't feel bad about it. On the contrary, that night he felt something he hadn't felt in a very long time.
"Eddie, are you okay?" you asked seeing his thoughtful face.
Snapped out of his reverie, he shook his head. " So, how is it, everything needs to be corrected again?" he asked resignedly looking at the tasks.
"Actually, you only made three mistakes, congratulations." you said with a smile on your lips. You were proud, finally the progress of your study was visible, and his reaction was the best reward for you.
Full of self-confidence, Eddie straightened up in his chair, grabbed the list of topics and started looking for information on the next item on the list himself. He was so motivated that this time he was the one who spoke more than you. You were just a little help in possibly explaining again the information he didn't understand, or in checking tasks. Seeing his progress propelled himself, he was already able to see for himself what mistakes he was making and find explanations for them. After a few hours of studying, you had had enough. You needed a rest, and despite his desire, Eddie needed it too.
"I'll write you a few sentences for tomorrow and that's it for today. You did a great job Mr. Munson." You ruffled his fringe. "I think you've earned your dinner."
"I feel honored!"
"What are you in the mood for?" you asked, opening the refrigerator, where there wasn't much of anything interesting. "How about pizza?"
"Sounds great!" he exclaimed from the living room. "Can we listen to music now?"
Moments later, Freddie Mercury's voice filled the entire house. After ordering the pizza, you reached for two glasses, and from the refrigerator well-chilled alcohol and something to mix it with. You both deserved a reward.
"I don't know if I should drink, I came by car."
"You can always stay the night" you said remembering Robin's words.
After a moment's thought, he grabbed the bottle and poured you Both equally into glasses. The time waiting for the pizza passed you very pleasantly, you talked about everything that had happened in the last few days. Eddie joked about his uncle, who still did not accept the fact, about his studies, and about more situations with Dustin and the rest of the club, he also mentioned the band and the concerts they played.
"You absolutely must come and see us sometime!" he said, refilling his drink.
"I'd love to! But how will I deal with this crowd of your female fans? They too must think that we are a couple, after all, if they find out they will tear me apart!" you laughed.
"For such a special person there will be a throne waiting where you will be safe and no one will be able to touch you. Well, except for me, pretending to be your boyfriend, who is a star."
"It will look like this like the throne on which you sit as Dungeon Master?" you grinned.
"Whatever you wish m'lady."
When the food arrived both of you were already terribly hungry. While you were preparing plates, Eddie poured more drinks. You ate in silence while Freddie continued to sing to you in the background. When the first notes of I Want to Break Free came from the speakers, you clapped your hands and got up from the table. You loved this song. It put you in a very good mood, now especially after the few drinks you had.
"I want to break free, I want to break free I want to break free from your lies You're so self-satisfied I don't need you I've got to break free God knows, God knows I want to break free"
You started singing and pretending to play the guitar. Eddie just watched you with a wide smile on his lips.
"C'mon Munson! Perform with me!" you said walking up to him.
"I've fallen in love I've fallen in love for the first time This time I know it's for real I've fallen in love, yeah God knows, God knows I've fallen in love" 
You kept singing, unfortunately Eddie was still sitting in his seat watching you with a wide smile. You took another sip of your drink, and another and another. You could feel the alcohol warming you from the inside putting you in an increasingly goofy mood. 
"In two weeks we have Ball Eddie! If you don't dance with me there, I won't forgive you!"
"I'm sorry to say, but I can't dance." He replied.
"You don't have to know how to dance" you replied walking around the room to the rhythm of the music. "Dancing is all about having fun! What did you do at all the school dances?"
"I've never been to any."
"Unacceptable!" you shouted. "You can't invite me to a ball where we won't dance a single song together!" You walked over to the tape recorder and rummaged an ABBA cassette out of the box.
"Get up handsome, it's time for a little practice!" The change in repertoire had an even better effect on you. As soon as Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie! began to play you grabbed him by both hands and pulled him into the middle of the room. At first he stood beside you motionless watching you move to the rhythm. His thoughts were swirling in his head not knowing what to focus on. Standing there and fooling around in front of him. You looked unreal. Unreal to him. He couldn't believe what was happening and that it was happening to him. He wanted it to be like this forever, happy you singing and dancing to your favorite songs in his presence and he can only admire how beautiful and carefree you look then. He wanted to remember every detail of that moment, praying in his soul for more of those. Seeing that you would not persuade him to go crazy you went to change the tape. Since fast jumping rhythms were not his style you will try something slower. Eventually, as a couple, you will have to dance a slow one.
"Oh, thinkin' about all our younger years There was only you and me We were young and wild and free Now nothin' can take you away from me We've been down that road before But that's over now You keep me comin' back for more"
Hearing the first stanza echo from the speakers, you approached him. You placed his hands on your waist and hung yours around his neck. You began to move slowly in rhythm. You felt his body relaxing with each note.
"When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe We're in heaven And love is all that I need And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see We're in heaven"
"Better?" you asked, lifting your head up and looking into his eyes. He was much taller than you, but because of that, when you hugged him you could hear his heartbeat.
"By a lot," he replied, pulling you close. 
"Oh, once in your life you find someone Who will turn your world around Bring you up when you're feelin' down Yeah, nothin' could change what you mean to me Oh, there's lots that I could say But just hold me now 'Cause our love will light the way"
One hand was still on your waist, the other was playing with the ends of your hair, while gently riding your back with it. Nothing could ruin this moment for you. You took your arms from around his neck and embraced him at the waist resting your head on his chest and he rested his cheek on the top of your head.
 "Baby you're all that I want When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe We're in heaven And love is all that I need And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see We're in heaven
I've been waitin' for so long For somethin' to arrive For love to come along Now our dreams are comin' true Through the good times and the bad Yeah, I'll be standin' there by you"
It was heaven. Your little heaven together. You begged in your mind that the song would never end, you felt so good. The happiness and peace. The tranquility you found in his arms was something still unknown to you. You had hugged many times, but this time you both knew it was different. In that moment, you knew that Bryan Adams was singing the words you wanted to say to him in that moment. Eddie felt exactly the same. He had a hard time believing it. He couldn't accept how good he felt right now. In the right place, at the right time and most importantly - with the right person. From the moment he saw you in the cafeteria in your T-shirt with a bandana wrapped around your wrist, he knew that no one else would fit the spot. No one but you.
"Baby you're all that I want When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe We're in heaven And love is all that I need And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see We're in heaven"
When the song ended and another began neither of you moved. Neither of you wanted to lose this moment. You could have stayed like that forever, hugged tighter than ever. Your hearts beat at the same pace, as if made for each other they wanted to jump out and merge into one. At some point, unfortunately, reality got to you. One thought that sent to both of you at the same moment. It's all a fake. Eddie moved away first.
"I think it's time to sleep," he said yawning. "I'm going to jump in the car, I have some clothes there to change into."
You just nodded. You didn't want to say anything. You felt sad. Sad that the beautiful moment was gone. You desperately tried to remember and recreate at least a little of that feeling. Tiredness was also getting to you. While cleaning up, you heard Eddie coming home.
"Come on I'll take you to the bathroom."
You led the way upstairs to where the bathroom you shared with Steve was located. You pulled a fresh towel from the cabinet under the sink and handed it to him. In the meantime, you used your parents' bathroom, which was downstairs. Feeling the warm drops of water on your body, you wanted to feel the same lingering warmth that you felt standing in his embrace. Unfortunately, it wasn't the same.
When you returned upstairs, you saw Munson looking at the bookshelves in your room.
"Big selection," he commented upon hearing you enter the room. "Which is your favorite?"
"I mean... It's not a book, it's a short story that I was obsessed with when I was younger." You laughed. You reached for one of the copies. It was a collection of short stories by Kate Chopin. Along with the book, you lay down on your bed.
"You're not going to stand like this, are you?" you said patting the spot next to you. Feeling the mattress bend under the weight of Eddie laying down next to you, you started looking for the right page. He was lying close enough to you that his hair, wet from the shower, touched your hand. It was cold, but you didn't mind.
"Here it is." You showed your finger and handed him a book.
"Will you read to me?" he asked unexpectedly "I think I deserve some kind of bedtime story. " He smiled.
He returned the smile. "It was still quite light out of doors, but inside with the curtains drawn and the smouldering fire sending out a dim, uncertain glow, the room was full of deep shadows..." you began in a low voice. Eddie listened to your voice more than the story. The way you changed the intonation to best convey what was written impressed him. Your voice had a soothing effect on him. So did the sounds of his song on you. "...Well, she had Brantain and his million left. A person can't have everything in this world; and it was a little unreasonable of her to expect it." finished closing the book.
"What do you think?" you asked after a while.
"I already know what you dreamed about before you went to sleep a few years back." He laughed. "Mr. Harvy must have turned your head quite a bit" he said.
"So much so that I started writing my own sequel, because I couldn't get over Natalie's choice!" you replied.
"May I see?"
"I have two conditions."
"I'll do anything."
"You read quietly and if you don't like it you won't tell me."
You got up from the bed and pulled your rosy notebook out of your backpack.
"There is still one more condition." You added. "You read only this and nothing else."
"I promise."
You handed him the notebook open on the appropriate page and lay down facing him. He sat leaning against the bed frame. His hair, already a little less wet, fell over his face, obscuring it so that from this perspective you couldn't see his reaction. He was right, a few years back you were lying in the same bed dreaming of having Mr. Harvey come into your life to make your head spin. Now you knew that Mr. Harvey's real name was Eddie Munson.
"I like the flow of events, do you have a follow-up?" he asked handing you back the notebook.
"Not for now, maybe one day I'll come back to it." you replied yawning.
"You should, but now we need sleep, sleeping beauty, can I steal a pillow?"
"Stay." you asked. "The bed is big enough. Besides, I can't let you sleep on an uncomfortable couch." you added recalling his words.
Eddie turned off the lamp and lay down next to you.
"Can I hug you?" you asked after a while. Instead of hearing an answer, you felt his arm wrapped around you. Satisfied, you began to play with the rings on his fingers. You slowly twisted them enjoying the moment. After a while you both fell asleep. You fell asleep being convinced that it was all pretend. Unaware that you both prayed that the morning would never come.
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maybeimavillain-byleif · 2 years ago
New blog to talk about Eldarya
Let's begin with a little presentation
Hi, this is a new blog to talk about Eldarya (as I said) because I really need and want to share my thoughts on it! I'm Italian and I play Eldarya on the Italian server even though the whole story is in English (and it won't be translated in Italian). I'm 22 years old, I like music and in particular K-pop and my favorite band is SHINee (I have another blog where I post about them). I also like NCT! I like reading and I can speak different languages: Italian (mother tongue), English, Spanish, a bit of French and now I'm studying Korean and Japanese. Plus, even though I didn't study it, I understand Portuguese. And that's it!😊
About the game:
I have two different accounts. I've played, on the first one, The Origins completely and I did Nevra's route. Now I'm playing A New Era but I'm still at the beginning. On my second account I'm playing The Origins again but on Leiftan's route. I decided to play, on my first account, Nevra's route because I like vampires. On the second one I decided to play on Leiftan's route because I've always felt he had something but, of course, at the beginning I didn't know what it was. After discovering his true nature, how cute he is when he blushes or gets jealous (yes, I really like when someone shows how jealous they are🙂), I decided to play his route. Of course, because not every episode has him for the illustrations, I'm playing with Ezarel for the other illustrations (that elf is evil but he's so funny so that's how I ended up doing it😆).
About my blog name, colors and profile picture
First, I've took inspiration from SHINee's Key new album "Gasoline" (I really recommend it) and the name of my blog is a line in one of his b-side songs named "Villain" in which he says "maybe I'm a villain" and so I thought about Leiftan in The Origins when no one knew he was actually one of their enemies😆 and also when he tells Gardienne that maybe he is also a pest after she returned him Amaya. The colors are also inspired by one of SHINee's Key's outfits which is in black and green. I found that those colors really suit Leiftan (as he also wears it even though his outfit is mostly white). The profile picture is one of the illustrations (episode 17) and is actually one of my favorite from him! The header imagine is a edit of mine as I couldn't find something that would match the rest.
Final speech:
And that's all! I hope we'll have fun all together talking about Eldarya here! I'm a nice person so don't be shy if you have any questions or just want to talk to me!😊 Have a nice day and let's have fun!
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It took Lilith five hours to fly from California to New York, she got on the first flight once she heard all about everything.
In the time Lucifer had been trying to communicate with other things. He never realized just how much body language helps. He showed Adam that he was calm and worth trusting. He tried to get him to laugh again but it didn't happen.
Lilith walked in and she was in awe, this was so worth being pulled away from her studies for.
Lilith: Oh my god, if this is a prank I swear-
Lucifer: It's not. Can you talk to him? He only speaks ancient Egyptian.
Lilith went over to Adam who eyed her warily.
Lilith, in Egyptian: Hello and who might you be?
Adam perked up: Finally, someone who knows what I'm saying. Where am I?
Lilith: New York City.
Adam tilted his head, he didn't know where that was: Who's the cute guy?
Lilith smiled: That is Doctor Lucifer Morgenstern, he found you. I'm Dr Lilith Mange, what's your name?
Adam: I'm Prince Adam Kadmon, where is my family?
Lucifer watched and he saw Lilith get a little tense.
Lucifer: What's he saying?
Lilith: His name is Adam and he is a prince....... How do I break it to him that it's been at least a thousand years and everyone he knows is dead?
Lucifer winced: Well not like that. Ease him into it.
Adam: What are you two speaking?
Lilith to Adam: It's English, we'll have to teach you. No one speaks Egyptian anymore.
Adam: What!?
That made Lucifer jump: What's wrong? Did you tell him?
Lilith to Lucifer: No, just that no one really speaks his language anymore. Poor guy.
Lucifer: Teaching him English is going to be an uphill task.
Alastor came in with new clothes for Adam, Lilith explained that he needed to put them on and although reluctant Adam did. He was surprised how comfortable they were. Lucifer took his Egyptian clothes and folded them neatly. Those could go on display.
Adam: These are so different.
Lilith: You'll get used to it. There's a lot to cover.
It was easier to tell Adam that he had been stuck in the amber behind him for many years, he looked down sadly. Lucifer wanted to hold him, he couldn't imagine going through something like this.
Adam: Why won't..... Lucifer talk to me?
Lilith: He only speaks English, Spanish, Norwegian, and Chinese.
Adam didn't know what two of those were, he looked to Lucifer who had an inquisitive yet gentle look in his blue eyes. They reminded him of the clear skies above the pyramids.
His favorite.
Adam: Can I talk to him with you?
Lilith: Sure.
Adam: Is he seeing anyone, he's rather attractive.
And being a prince he deserves the best.
Lilith snorted and turned to Lucifer: Lu are you single?
Lucifer: Piss off you know I am.
Lilith: Don't be rude! He was asking.
Lucifer blinked: No he wasn't.
Lilith: Yes he was he thinks you're cute and wants to know if you have a partner. Existential crisis or not he's still a man thinking with his dick.
She turned back to Adam: No he's not seeing anyone.
Adam nodded and smiled, good.
Lucifer: I need to figure out how to talk to him....... Are there any apps that could translate for us until he learns English?
Lilith: Maybe? You'll have to look. Nothing free if that's the case.
Lucifer took out his phone and started looking, it took a while but he found something.
Lucifer: Okay let's try this....... Hello?
Speech in ancient Egyptian: Hello?
Adam smiled: Hello!
I know we have many but I have an idea!
Archeologist Lucifer x Prince of Egypt Adam
Adam was preserved in amber when Lucifer found him in Egypt and brought him back to New York where he breaks out of it due to the change in atmosphere.
Lucifer then has to take care of him and teach him about modern day culture and how to adjust.
Yes! I love this! Poor Adam has no idea what the fuck is going on lol
And honestly, neither does Lucifer.
Lucifer watches as his team pulls up a huge chunk of what seems to be amber.
Lucifer: How... is this even possible...?
Alastor: Professor, shall we take a sample?
Lucifer nods: Good idea, Al. Get sampling. And come get me if anything interesting happens.
Five hours later-
Alastor: Sir?
Lucifer sighs: This better be good, Al. I'm busy talking to my most darling daughter! Look, she's doing a science fair project on me! Isn't she sweet?
Alastor: ...There's a man in the amber.
Lucifer: ...What?
Alastor: A man... what uh... what should we do?
Lucifer beamed, this was surely the find of the century!
Lucifer: Take a sample, man! Drill into the material and take a dna sample! Then, get it loaded- carefully- on the back of the truck, were heading home!
Alastor: ...This is such a bad idea...
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bitty-bits · 3 years ago
The First Post Always Sucks
The humble beginnings of a fucking blog in the year 2022
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Welcome to Bitty Bits! This will be a blog for basically posting about what I have been up to, without having to dig through my Twitter for it. Essentially a small "digest" type thing, with some personal thoughts as well.
Oh yeah, this is also still Tumblr which means you can do all the... Tumblr things.
Finally, regarding the newsletter button at the bottom - I have no idea if that will even work. Not many people want to do that these days. But if you'd like to help me figure that out... subscribe to it and next month we'll see.
That said you can still use the RSS feed with no problems.
Now on to today's topics...
Ninjin Cartoon In English - Preservation Efforts
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(Image: Pocket Trap/Cartoon Network LA)
Alright, so who or what is Ninjin, and why should I care?
After only having known the series because of it being of brazilian origin, I finally decided to see what it was all about this year, and maybe have a hyperfixation on it as it usually happens. It all started with a humble little indie game, called Ninjin: Clash of Carrots (available on most platforms).
It managed to be enough of a hit that an animated series even got picked up by the Latin American division of Cartoon Network! Things were getting exciting. It would take a while for the show to solidify itself though - starting slow with 1-to-3 minute shorts, then later having "full episodes" each with 7 minutes, consistently. The first five of them are publicly available to watch for free on the official CN LA/Brazil YouTube channel, much like the other shorts. The rest of the series, now also known as "Corta Essa, Ninjin!" (which roughly translates to "Cut It Out, Ninjin!", and can) would then air on Cartoon Network, and be streamable on HBO Max. But there was something curious that I noticed at the end of some of these episodes - dubbing and voice acting credits (much like most streaming services), and that included an American English dub.
Curious about it, I tried to find any information about it online, but got nothing out of it. This was starting to look like a lost media case. But once I figured that there was more to this series than just the content posted on YouTube, I knew I'd have to do one thing - get an HBO Max subscription... and that's what I did. Not to my surprise, the English dub was there... ...but who in Latin America would be watching it over the Spanish dub or the original Brazilian Portuguese audio? That was the question I had, and still have. But at least, the dub was found.
...now whether or not it was worth finding it is probably something you can draw your own conclusions about. But efforts have been made into preserving this dub, and making Ninjin media in general more accessible, all right here in this MEGA folder. It's still, of course, highly recommended that you (if you have an HBO Max subscription) just use a VPN instead to get access to the show legally, but there are also no subtitled versions so...
Startpage vs. DuckDuckGo in 2022
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"Online privacy is but an unending pissing contest." -Me (Images: Startpage.com/DuckDuckGo.com)
I am very much not a "privacy neat freak" like many people when it comes to , but alternatives are always welcome.
So it was pretty cool to know that Startpage.com was basically Google without... the not so great aspects of Google. To be fair I knew nothing about that website period, and thought it was some sort of homepage speed dial/link collection thing that you'd see in the 2000s, maybe I was getting it confused for something else entirely.
I've also heard elsewhere that DuckDuckGo was basically the same but with Microsoft Bing. Now I'm not sure how true that is, but it would make sense too.
But of course, having used Google for the longest time, I was more inclined to go for Startpage.com - and having tried to use DuckDuckGo before, I would definitely miss some of the more "convenient" aspects of Google search, even if it meant being tracked in a very not "Don't Be Evil" manner - But then I quickly started to have problems regardless.
As a researcher of lost content and more specific things in general, using search operators (such as using quotation marks) was essential. But Startpage would always, and it still does, to this day, prevent me from doing so. I'd be greeted by a quite threatening looking screen, misidentifying me as some sort of robot, or search request abuser. All I did was add quotation marks to my query... Filling in the help form or reaching out to them on Twitter did nothing to help.
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(Image: Startpage.com)
I really don't know if I am the only person having this issue. I am not doing anything that is listed over there. It also does not seem to be an issue with my Wi-Fi connection, as this still happens to me with mobile data, and in every browser I've tested.
It is probably worth mentioning the controversy that DuckDuckGo got into fairly recently, when they decided to downrank "russian disinformation" from the search results, which made all the heavy users of linux and wojak memes (this very specific demographic) very upset. #StandWithUkraine
What can be upsetting to me about this though, is the inconsistency with claims, as DDG had flexed their "unbiased results" feature in the past more than once.
I could also go on for quite a long time talking about how the heavily advertised "Brave Browser" is probably one of the worst and most shady things that the internet of recent years has seen (and why Vivaldi is much better in every conceivable way, not sponsored btw) but that might be a topic for another day...
My April Fools Thing Will Probably Be Very Predictable
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You and your April Fool jokes. I don't think that's funny! (Image: Popeye - Cookin' With Gags/Famous Studios 1955)
And very hexagon shaped. That is all.
End of Post
Initially I wanted to have a lot more in this post but quickly realized how tiring it is to write all of this, so I'm going to try to summarize a lot of it.
Paused Gaming™
For most of my teenage years the times I actually sat down to play a video game were not many. Most of the time I'd play the games I already knew, and newer things would usually just be "one-offs", and I'd also playtest stuff I'd make myself more too. Not a lot of "unfamiliar games" that I've finished. And during the pandemic that got worse. As such the last "actual game" that I still haven't finished was... SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom. Hopefully that changes this year, and after that I'm playing OMORI. I'm not a real gamer. I only play mobile games
New Snap On Redbubble Soon
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Enjoyed this one for whatever reason? I'm adding it to my redbubble shop... eventually. Not now.
A.I. Voices - Where Are They?
I still do want to bring more fun text-to-speech voices to Uberduck but my focus and priorities kinda shifted a bit as I got tired of going through the entire process of training voices. Sorry. It's a neurodivergent thing. One day the interest will be reignited.
Content Creation
If you haven't heard, I've reopened my music commissions on YouTube. That's one thing. But as said in many wall of text™ videos that I posted on my main channel, I want to do more varied stuff, and especially use my voice more. But it's hard as an autistic individual and "vocal underdoer", who speaks for probably less than an hour total in a single day.
One day I just hope to get just enough motivation to step out of my comfort zone!
As rough as life is right now, especially in my country, especially in my position, I've been having some small victories here and there, and making this blog was probably one of them. (Either that or a mistake)
Bitty's Message of the Day
Keep on dreaming! ...I couldn't think of anything better
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piracytheorist · 3 years ago
(laa) am back! rewatched the Japanese lp and yup the Duke only ever refers to Ethan as 'Winters-sama' and the others as just Miranda, Mrs. / Lady Dimitrescu ドミトレスク夫人 , 'puppeteer who lives in the valley of fog, Donna' 霧の谷に住む人形使いのドナ, (Mysterious person?) Moreau 怪人 モロー, and Sir/Lord Heisenberg ハイせンベルク卿 (there are so many ways of addressing people asdfghjklñ I want to understand Japanese ;_; but it'd take me like 10+ years and lots of money so these translator + dictionary searched stuff will have to do for now...
speaking of languages! ...I'm not sure if I like the way the russian version almost seems to make Heisenberg a somewhat decent? person by apologizing a certain way (something along the lines of 'sorry, I lost my temper'), not exactly mentioning the very important point of USING Rose to kill Miranda (he says 'together we'll save Rose and with her we'll finally grind Miranda into powder!' to which Ethan says 'listen you asshole my daughter is not a weapon!') thus making Ethan seem almost unreasonably angry (this is just me though!!) next up will be spanish :>
With Japanese it's not just that it's a whole other language, it's also very differently built than most European languages and that makes direct/automatic translations very hard and inaccurate. Especially if you don't know the characters, like, I was watching the end of RE7 in Japanese and I was trying to type the hiragana on gοοgle translate (from what I could make out from the Japanese subtitles), and there were a few ones that I was either typing wrong or that gtranslate couldn't recognize for some reason. And it struck me so weird that in Japanese, when Ethan sees Mia in the helicopter, he says something like "Mia, you made it. We both did." And I wonder what was the creative decision to change the last part to "I'm glad" in English. Cool thing that about the Duke, though. He's the bro in this game.
That said, making that choice for the Russian dub is... certainly a choice. Maaaaayyybe this is why I've seen a lot of Russian people shipping Wintersberg on twitter? I don't know, I don't wanna make assumptions, but with those differences, Heisenberg does kinda look a little redeemable... or at least, from Ethan's point of view, a little less undesirable for a partner. You still can't change the fact that instead of outright giving Ethan his Rose flask, he has him go through the Stronghold to test him, but with those changes in dialogue he has a bit of a different vibe to him. And maybe indeed Ethan sounds a little too hasty to get defensive, especially if Heisenberg doesn't mention using Rose.
I've watched a bit of the Spanish dub, and the main thing that has stuck with me is how they pronounce the names... like Ethan Winters, I almost laughed when I heard Heisenberg say it, because it's 100% similar to how a Greek person would say it, and it felt so jarring that I almost laughed at it. I feel that way with Spanish (European, at least) most of the time, because they sound so similar, even though they're barely related as languages. Let me know if you find anything new or interesting in the Spanish dub :D
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