#maybe things will clear up in future inistallments???
taeboos · 7 years
avatar au! waterbender jimin
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sarah is back at it again! i would like to point out that this series is from Avatar Aang era, so there will be no airbenders! 
so i obviously chose water for jimin. he is so pure and he has such fluid motions when he dances !!! he is super soft and caring for others, just like the water tribes. 
jimin would be from the northern water tribe, and I can really see him as yue’s younger brother. 
Since the parting of his older sister, who was supposed to rule the northern water tribe, jimin had to take up her role after she became one with the moon lol 
you, are a water bender as well, but you grew up in the fire nation. 
your parents were killed in the siege of the southern water tribe, and you were taken as a young child to be adopted by a fire nation family. 
you were raised by a good-hearted family, (not all of the firenation people are bad) and grew up to be a beautiful and intelligent young lady. 
However you didn’t have the resources to teach yourself waterbending so you always yearned to go back to your routes and visit one of the water tribes. 
you met jungkook, a firenation general’s son, and you managed to befriend him. (for the sake of this route, you didn’t end up with jungkook) 
jungkook, having ties to the general fleets, he helped you out so that you could go to the northern water tribe for learning water bending! (it wasn’t easy, mind you, because you know, firenation ships are a big no-no when it comes to entering the northern water tribe.) 
you had to make a stop and row the rest of the way on canoe and and jungkook had to dress in apparel that didn’t give away his firenation ties. 
when you approached the water tribe, you could feel this giddyness in your stomach, you were so excited!! 
and the one who greeted you were these guards, they were super skeptical on whether or not to let you in because !! you were strangers and that is really weird for them 
and since they gave you so much hell you were about to loose your temper. (you had a waterbender heart, but the temper of a firebender) 
“look i didn’t freeze my ass off and suffer sea sickness for you lousy good-for-nothing guards to turn me away from learning a skill that was passed down to me through my heritage! are u really going against your own people here??” 
even jungkook was getting uncomfy with the situation 
“calm down,,,you might never get in if you give them attitude,,,” 
“you’re the one to talk!” (jungkook always tended to give you attitude on a daily basis //sigh) 
that is when a voice sounded behind the guards, “what is going on here?” 
the guards turned around rested on one knee in a bow. 
“your highness, these,,,wanderers, were demanding entrance to seek training in the art of waterbending,” 
and jimin is like?? isn’t that why we exist? why are you turning them away lol 
so basically he let both of you in with open arms. (precious bby)
jimin took you by the hand and sent away jungkook (poor boy was left by a water fountain in the cold with small kiddies running around and didn’t know how to act) 
you followed jimin to a room where he sat you down and prepared some calming jasmine tea (he learned how to make some from a friend ;)) 
he asked you about your past and why you are seeking help from them. 
you explained to him about your past and how you were taken from the southern water tribe as a young girl. 
he listened to you without interruption and when you were finished he mentioned how another girl from the southern water tribe came to them when yue was still with them to learn of waterbending as well. 
you were shocked, to say the least because you thought that all the water benders had been taken, or killed. 
you wanted to make it a priority of yours to find this girl, this girl who’s name was Katara. 
a lot of his advisers offered to help you learn, but jimin insisted that he would teach you himself. 
you probably stayed at the northern water tribe for 2 months. 
Every morning and night you would meet with jimin, and he would teach you new water bending steps and waterbending principles 
 At night he would teach you how to observe the moon and how it manipulates the tides 
“Water is the element of change, and the moon is the source of power when water bending,” 
He would show you push and pull movements and the way he let the water flow around him was as if he was dancing with it. 
you couldn’t help to notice how beautiful he was in the moonlight, and how focused he was on his movements. 
“When you waterbend, your movements must be fluid and graceful,” he would explain, “waterbenders deal with the flow of energy; they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents’ own forces against them,” 
he would take your hands and guide them in a similar motion as he just displayed, until you could do it on your own. 
whenever you messed up, he’d help you and tell you exactly how to fix it 
he would come behind you and take your arms and show make them flow up and down and side to side, and his hot breath made the hairs on your neck stick up
(cue jealous jungkook staring at ya’ll hiding behind a snow heap)   
after endless nights of practicing, you became super diverse in waterbending! jimin taught you so much, and even so much as the basics of healing! 
One night, a few nights before your departure, jimin took you to the spirit oasis which held the two koi fish, Tui and La. He told you how they endlessly circle around each other, and how his sister sacrificed her life to them, on the day of the lunar eclipse; the day the firenation attacked them and almost killed the Moon Spirit, Tui. 
he told you that when his sister left him, it felt like everything was off balance, like how it would be if the two spirits of push and pull weren’t together. 
but he feels like since you came, he felt whole again
you felt guilty, because you had to leave him, you couldn’t stay in in the northern water tribe forever, since your family and jungkook both belong to the firenation 
it really hurt you, because you really grew attached to jimin, the way his hands felt against yours, and his sweet smile and the crescents his eyes make when he’s laughing 
you felt at home with him; it was like you belonged there. 
you could even say you loved him. 
Jimin took you to the spirit waters again the day you had to leave him, and took your hands in his. 
he squeezed them tight this time, different from the more gentler times when he was guiding your hands in fluid motions 
“i think i’m in love with you,” he would say softly, “and I don’t know what I’m going to do without you here,” 
your heart would begin to pound furiously, but the only sound that could be heard was the soft swishing of water made by the koi fish
“jimin, i feel the same about you, but what else can I do? I thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and it truly has been a blessing,,, but i have to go,” 
He nodded, he understood you very well, and he knew he couldn’t force you to stay. 
He held out a necklace. It was a choker necklace, that had a charm on it that had the water element symbol on it. He placed it around your neck. “These are usually given out to the woman you will marry, but I wanted to give this to you, as something to remember me by when you’re gone.” 
You eyes gleamed with tears as you threw your arms around his neck and he hugged you in a tight embrace. 
When he pulls away he would kiss you softly on your lips, and whisper that he will never forget you.  
you promised him that you would return. 
and three years later, you did. 
other avatar aus: jungkook
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