#maybe they just didn't wanna have to deal with a giant in combat but. it's very very interesting to me what they chose to exclude
lamortwrites · 9 months
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Oh this is very interesting! I remember him saying about taking his ribs (I think) but iirc that's the only mention of the real Balthazar until Orin's note about him in act iii. I really wish they'd given us something more about bg3 Balth tho, it seems like a weird choice to give him the name and a couple of lines of exposition locked behind a skill check and not give us...anything else? At all? I wonder if this could be another side effect of cut content
I haven't played the ascension mod personally but I'm vaguely aware of it. I honestly had assumed that the reason real Balth wasn't in the tribunal was because they'd given his name to someone else and didn't want to confuse new players, but very interesting to consider the possibility of him getting to escape Bhaal. (It would have been VERY cool for a durge to get an int check or something to be like hey if he managed it maybe I could too)
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