#maybe they can see our invisible stripes like cats can?
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I find it so hilarious how the wider universe views Earth as a primitive backwater populated by barely sentient primates, yet pretty much every Green Lantern from that planet has gotten it on at least one alien baddy.
Like, you got Kyle x Soranik, John marries Katma and later dates Merayn, Simon has a fling with Ungara's biggest rock star, Jo boinks both men and women while in the Far Sector...
Either the GL uniform is doing some serious heavy lifting, or 2814's officers just have so much rizz it overcomes intergalactic prejudice. And I think we all know which option is funnier and thus correct
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twstedstoryshop · 3 years ago
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Sorry I couldn’t add Rielle into this! I want to have more information on him before I can try to think of ideas for him. But for now, please enjoy our other two RSA boys! -Shopkeep
Che’nya and Neige Love Language Headcanons
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The mischievous soul of Royal Sword Academy. Being in a relationship with Che’nya would be a fun ride from the get-go. He’s always bringing something new in your life so you better get used to surprises! Be they pranks or heartfelt gestures.
Che’nya shows his love the best through Physical Touch and Gift Giving!
Che’nya’s touches are gonna be surprises half the time. You might feel a teasing poke at your side, a swipe of a tail tickling your nose, and suddenly his head pops into existence to give you a quick kiss on the nose!
He often likes to play this game of disappearing and reappearing to pepper kisses all over you before finally he relents and holds you into a tight hug.
There are times where he does want calm, intimate moments though. He’d sweep you up into his arms and steal you away into the high branches of a nearby tree. Since you’re so high up, you have no choice but to hold on tight to the catboy. Something he may or may not have planned from the beginning.
He’d happily entwine you in his arms, his fluffy striped tail coiled around you too. All the while, he hums one of the many jaunty tunes he knows.
As a whimsical cat, Che’nya cannot help but to act on feline instincts. One of those instincts being to bring gifts to his beloved partner.
He tends to give surprise gifts around special occasions or when you feel glum. He wants to see you light up and turn your frown upside down.
The gifts come in a variety of objects, from candies suddenly raining above your head or your boyfriend’s head popping up with a freshly picked rose between his teeth. Maybe throw in an eyebrow wiggle for good measure~
He may even gift you a song if he feels extra chipper that day! You’ll feel an invisible force take your hand and you’re spinning in the middle of the rose garden. Bit by bit, Che’nya reappears, crooning as he slyly dances with you between the roses. 
“ ‘Twas brilling and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe! All mimsy were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe~!” “What silly song are you singing to me, kitten?” You laugh. “A mad song, my fishlet! But if it makes you happy, is it all that bad?”
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Oh, you’re lucky dear reader, if you happen to have Neige as your fated partner! Because your romance would be on par with a fairytale love story. It feels like the world gets a bit more rose-colored and the birds sing even sweeter whenever the two of you are together.
Neige shows his love through Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service, but really that boy could show his love through all the love languages.
I feel it in my bones that Neige would absolutely be the kind of guy to say the cheesiest, most sappy, lovey-dovey stuff to you with such an earnest look on his face. He seriously means every single word and you’re gonna have to sit through it all.
He’s saying stuff like, “I always knew we’d meet someday and I’m so happy that it’s you, my love,” or “Every time I look at you, it feels like spring has come again!”
If you ever feel grumpy or sad during a bad day, Neige is there to comfort you with a gentle hand. If it makes you happy, he’d be more than willing to maybe sing a sweet, romantic song or offer comforting words with that endearing voice of his.
His favorite moments are when you and him can relax on a nice, sunny day, your head in his lap while he sings to you. His hand brushes gently through your hair and a few animal friends come close to enjoy the peaceful scene.
Also, congratulations, you also managed to score a boyfriend willing to do any chore or service out of the goodness in his heart. TREAT HIM WELL!
A messy room? Dirty clothes? Haven’t had a hearty meal in a while? Neige is on it! He is whistling a happy song as he takes care of all your needs should he notice you’re too busy to take care of yourself properly.
He’d insist for you to relax while he does the chores and it makes him feel accomplished that he can provide for you.
What he loves the most though is when he can cook for you and see you eat away with gusto. He makes a mean gooseberry pie that’s simply to die for. Neige secretly also adores the image of your cheeks full of food. You remind him of an adorable chipmunk~
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grav3yardbb92 · 4 years ago
ALL THE BEST PEOPLE ARE ( once upon a time)
Jefferson (Mad Hatter) x OC
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Previously on once upon a time....
Jefferson was miserable and conflicted. He has stood in this enormous mansion, all alone, looking out this window. He had decided long ago that his daughter was better off where she was, with her new, better life, new family, new memories. It hurt him, but he could accept that. What he couldn't accept was the woman in the alley, beside Granny's, accepting scraps that Ruby handed her. It concerned him that she was only in a dirty purple dress, though it was at least forty degrees out, and the fact that she was also barefoot and was sleeping under a table on the patio of the diner. But what concerned him most was that he had looked over this town for the past twenty something years and hadn't seen her before. Not until the yellow bug pulled into town and stayed. All these years she was invisible to him and everyone else, but not anymore. Not ever again. He can't get his daughter or her memories back, but he can....no he will get you, his wife, back.
****Your pov**
" Kat?"
A male voice boomed amongst the silence that consumed the night. But it wasn't the voice that startled me, but what was said.
" What, where? I hate cats, I'm allergic to them" I studdered out, panic clear in my voice, causing the voice's owner to rush to my side.
" Whoa. I'm, I'm sorry, I was mistaking I guess" he looked shocked, and maybe a little nervous as he lifted me to my feet off of the dirty, wet concrete.
" Who are you? What do you want?" My questions are rushed out, curious as to why this stranger is here, talking to me. No one has been able to see or talk to me for long. Only recently has the pretty waitress been coming out of the diner with hot food, but she still doesn't say much.
" The name's Jefferson. I saw you here in the cold, thought you could use some help, maybe a place to stay, my house has more than enough room" he takes my hand, and we began walking amongst the empty streets.
" And what would your name be?" He ask, the look in his eyes almost saying he knows the answer, but how could he.
" Maddie" I answer, causing him to stop and give me another confused look, mixed with a bit of anger.
" Nope, that doesn't suit you"
*****A few days later*****
" That's her" Jefferson whispers into my ear as he directs the microscope as I look through it. I smile at the beautiful girl playing with her friends at school.
" If you know where our daughter is, why not get her back?"
" we can't" there is sadness in his eyes as he moves across the room.
" Why not? You came to me?" I push the subject, following him to the couch.
" You were alone and scared, she's happy, Kat" Apparently, that's my real name, and I've gotten used to hearing him say it. " You don't think she'll be happy with us, with her real parents?"
He answers me with a story, of us, a real family, happily living in the woods, selling mushrooms and hand-knit gifts at the market. But the money we made was barely enough for food and our Grace deserved more. His deal with the queen went wrong and I was left to raise her alone.
" She'll understand J. You were doing it for her, for our family" He nodded, but he still wasn't convinced. I could tell, he said that I always could, that my crazy matched his crazy.
'That's probably the reason that we get along'
I'm stood at the window, like I do every morning. I watch as Grace exits the bus and enters he school building. It hurts to watch. It was more bearable when she was happy, even if it was from fake memories, a fake family, she was still happy. WAS.
Two days ago, the curse was lifted, I could remember everything. My memories, crashed through my head like a flood. My first encounter with my husband, donning black leather and a top hat, venturing through wonderland. I hissed out as a sharp pain shot through my fluffy black tail, I glance upward as the man apologizes, scooping me into his hands, patting my glorious striped fur. " Well hello there"
" Meow!"
Along with my memories, came everyone else's. The entire town now flooded with fairytale characters, lost and confused, and missing their loved ones. Including my sweet Grace.
After countless hours of begging and pleading with my stubborn husband, I still could not talk him into reuniting with our poor girl. If I can't do it, who could?
" Of course, Henry”
It's so comforting to be in my animal form again, laying in the sunlight, cleaning my fur with my paws. I mew and stretch as I here the door click open and Jefferson enters. I rub my face against his shoes and he picks me up.
" Let's get our girl"
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fallenrepublick · 4 years ago
Hi Miss Republick, I don’t know if you wanted more info on the human stripes thing, but here’s a link that explains them in a little more detail:
Basically, they’re called Blaschko’s Lines, and they represent the cellular growth of a person in utero. They can really only be seen under UV lights, and of course by cats :)
Okay so first of all, those diagrams look like the lines on those maps that are designed to show the land's elevation, which is fucking rad
And second of all, I just imagine having this conversation with your zabrak love, likely Feral or Sunder, your fingers running along the paths drawn by his markings and tattoos, while his own hands trace what you think is nothing in particular.
"Your markings are so beautiful," you tell him softly, marveling at the intricasies.
"So are yours," he says in return.
And for a moment, you laugh. "I don't have markings like this."
"But... you do." He looks at you quizzically. "See? They're so elegant... and they swirl all the way up, just like this." Yet... he points to nothing. And in your silence, his face falls. "Can you not see them...?"
You shake your head, feeling almost as if you're missing something, as if you're being barred from some important piece of your existence. "I guess humans can't see them."
"Then..." he begins, gently guiding you to lay down fully across his lap, "May I describe them to you?"
And he starts pointing to places on your skin, or moving his finger pads up your back or your stomach, smiling and admiring each unique mark. "And you've got a heart shape right here, so now you have two hearts altogether! Or... maybe this is just the one I gave you."
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anhed-nia · 4 years ago
BLOGTOBER 10/28/2020: HOCUS POCUS (sigh)
I knew that I would not like this movie. I didn't see it as a kid, because we didn't have cable, but it's hard for me to imagine that it would have struck me positively. It's not that I was so sophisticated, but I liked my children's entertainment with a dash of darkness, or at least something challenging--especially if it was supposed to be somehow horror-adjacent. For me, things had to be at least on the level of  LABYRINTH, with its various ambivalent creatures and monster sexuality in the person of David Bowie, or LEGEND, with its various ambivalent creatures and actually-monstrous sexuality in the person of Tim Curry, or...whatever other children's fare there is, that expects a little extra substance from its child audience, that's a little sexy and a little scary, and basically, at least kind of cool. And I'm not being a snob; you can say these same things about a lot of classic Disney movies. But in spite of its dual status as both a Disney- and cult classic, HOCUS POCUS is not at all cool. Just because it's such a Halloween thing for people, I figured I would watch it for Blogtober this year, and I have to say...I still don't get it.
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I do not often feel my age, as my continued presence on Tumblr attests. There are just a few things that starkly separate me from my near-peers. One of them is Pokemon; when someone who seems like they're more or less my contemporary starts speaking in a personal way about Pokemon, I know that they're on the exact other side of some invisible dividing line in time. Another sign is enthusiasm for a certain stripe of Nickelodeon production, that mainly seems to feature a lot of shrill screaming and strobing lights and baby talk, in shows I didn't grow up with so I'll never understand what's good about them. It appears to me that HOCUS POCUS is part of the trend here: folks slightly younger than me, who saw it every October on the Disney Channel, seem to really get whatever the appeal of this is.
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It is somehow telling that nearly every screencap I could find from this movie is just of these three standing in a row and filling the screen. Like it’s basically the entire visual character of the movie.
What "this" is, is a movie about a kid from LA (Omri Katz) who moves to Salem, Mass, just in time to unwittingly light a ceremonial candle on a Halloween full moon (which we are about to have BTW!), which brings the evil Sanderson Sisters back from the dead. These villains (not victims, VILLAINS) of Salem's witch hunt era can't understand really basic shit like whether plastic tubes are "snakes" or whether asphalt is black water or various other things that should be pretty visually obvious even if you're from the 1600s, but the truth is that it doesn't really matter what they think or feel, because they're just here to shriek and mug and jiggle around and do unwelcome musical numbers. At this point, I really have to apologize; I usually harness myself to the task of thoughtfully describing whatever movie I've assigned myself, no matter what I expect from it, but this was just really difficult.
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I've read that this movie was originally conceived as more of a kid-friendly horror movie, but it eventually morphed into something more satisfying to the Mouse. Various themes emerge and evaporate, expressing nothing. The "cool" LA native is actually a virgin, which is why his lighting the candle resurrects the witches, but instead of this triggering a coming of age narrative, it just becomes a reason to awkwardly repeat the word "virgin" over and over. Nothing in particular is contributed to our understanding of this character, and I had to wonder if some christian parents' group threatened to picket Disney's witch movie unless it harped on a random virtue like virginity. That would actually follow, given that HOCUS POCUS is a movie that casually sides with witch hunters whose religious mania and misogyny caused the deaths of at least 25 people during the era in which the hilariously kooky Sanderson Sisters are meant to have terrorized the town. Meanwhile, in modern times, their goal is to "steal the lives" of children to create an immortality potion. I don't know why they have to keep saying "steal their lives". It makes no sense to me. I get that maybe they can't say that the Sandersons KILL children--I know this isn't WARLOCK. But it's not even THE WITCHES, in either the Roeg or Zemeckis version; you have little idea what they do to the children. You'd think they could say "steal their souls", or something else that we vaguely understand from watching a lot of movies, but no. HOCUS POCUS just asks a lot from me, in terms of my ability to find it interesting that witches are running around and they must be stopped.
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The witches’ grimoire, the best part of the movie, doesn’t have nearly enough to do.
The witches, Kathy Najimy, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Bette Midler, really just run around screaming for most of the movie. I would agree that this must be stopped, and I only regret that it took like 96 minutes for this to happen. I don't even blame the ladies for this movie's lack of charisma; it's pretty clear that they're just doing what a movie this loud and tacky requires. And at my most open-minded, I can acknowledge that it's good for little kids to see female characters who are wacky and confident, and not at all sexy or romantic. But I don't find any of this at all fun, personally. I don't care about the LA virgin who is dressed as a "rap singer" for Halloween, even though he looks more like a white separatist in his fatigue green bomber jacket and dad jeans. I don't care about the talking cat, voiced by Disney standby Jason Marsden who is not really up to the task of doing a british accent. I don't care about bland hot chick Vinessa Shaw, or the cool kid's spunky kid sister, even if she is played by Thora Birch. Doug Jones makes an appearance as a friendly zombie, which could have been fun, but...I shouldn't be surprised that it isn't.
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Actually, the only thing I found at all provocative about HOCUS POCUS was the bullies. At first, I did not understand that they were supposed to be bullies. Wannabe rapper "Ice" and his buddy Jay, who by all appearances should be looking around for a church to burn, are unlikely friends and even unlikelier neighborhood threats. When I first saw them, I thought maybe they were going to be the hero's new pals--misfits like himself who have nothing in common but their misfit-ness. But then they shake the kid down for money, and ruin Halloween for little trick-or-treaters, and it's like...oh, these are "bad guys"? Why? Who would ever put up with them? I was alive in a small town during the time that this movie is supposed to take place, and I was very aware of scary teenagers then. The guys in this movie would never have been taken seriously, regardless of physical ability, and worse than that, they do not serve any purpose in this purposeless narrative. Anyway, it's pretty obvious that I don't have much to say about HOCUS POCUS, and watching it was basically a mistake. However, I do have one nutritious morsel to leave you with, courtesy iMDB's trivia page. You can all take heart in the fact that even a really dumb, useless movie can sometimes reveal something about life that you never imagined:
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thepurplebutterflythings · 5 years ago
Kitty Cat and Tweety Bird (Part 2) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Dxnninja on Tenor
Word Count: 3.5K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Jason Todd likes both sides of Y/N Kyle, civilian and alter-ego. Bruce can’t help but think there is something familiar about his new intern.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterizations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36
Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 1 | Masterlist | Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 3
Jason loved hanging out with Y/N, both versions of her – civilian self and alter-ego. Of course, he knew Y/N Kyle was Lynx, there was no way two people in Gotham were that incredible, and he would recognise those Y/E/C eyes everywhere. He loved that she was cheeky and playful and always grinning – like the cat that got the cream! If only he could tell her that she knew she was Lynx and that he was Robin, but when Jason first became Robin, Bruce warned him to never tell anyone who he was, never put anyone in danger, protect them, so that’s what Jason did – he kept the fact he was Robin to himself and didn’t even let himself hint to Y/N that he knew she was Lynx. In fact, Jason hadn’t even told Bruce he knew who was under the mask of Lynx. It was better to be safe than sorry, he decided, and anyway Jason could deal with keeping the secret, it meant he got to spend more time with Y/N, in a sense, like now, when he was on the phone with her as she was trying to find an outfit for her first day at her internship.
“Okay, how about a blouse?” Y/N asked through the phone, “its vertical black and white stripes.”
“Y/N, I honestly don’t think Bruce will care what you wear.”
“I know,” she whined. Jason could just imagine her huffing and throwing the blouse on her bed, then pushing her hair back. “This is just so important to me – I don’t want him or anyone else to think I’m a charity case.”
“No one will think that,” Jason assured her in a gentle voice, “and so fucking what if they do?”
“Cause my whole life as always been ‘oh, you’re the daughter of a single mother who was a street kid?��� and it’s exhausting to deal with,” Y/N explained. “They seem to think that because of Mum’s background that they know me, and my mother. Mum isn’t a street kid anymore, she’s worked hard to give me a good life. Just once I want to be able to go into something without someone judging me beforehand.”
“Bruce would never judge you,” Jason said firmly, “he might be a billionaire but that doesn’t mean he’s heartless – Alfred told me that there was a girl Bruce was like totally in love with growing up who was a street kid, he took in Dick Grayson, a circus kid, and me, who spent all his time jacking cars and grew up on a barstool, there is no way Bruce will think you aren’t worth his time, and there is certainly no way he will judge you before meeting you. Anyway, all I’ve told him about you is your first name and what you’re like and how you’d be perfect for this internship. It’ll be fine, trust me.”
“Okay…” Y/N sighed, seemingly calming down, but Jason knew her better than that, he knew that she was chewing on her thumbnail from nerves.
“How’d you mum react when you told her?” Jason asked her as he laid back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“Took a bit of convincing to get her to agree, but she’s sort of onboard now, or at least has made her peace with the fact I want to do this.”
“Why was she against it?” Jason asked. Y/N’s end went silent for a minute.
“It’s Bruce Wayne,” Y/N said carelessly, “The Womanizer of Gotham.”
“Come on, I know Bruce’s type,” Jason laughed a little, “No offence Y/N/N, but ‘old enough to be her father’ isn’t really up Bruce’s alley.”
“None took – kinda flattered really,” Y/N teased, “but you can’t blame her for being a little concerned. How many women has he left heartbroken?”
“I’ve never met your mother,” Jason said, changing the subject, wanting to stop Y/N from worrying about the start of her internship, “what’s she like?”
“Protective,” Y/N said.
“That’s a given.”
“I don’t know, Jason,” Y/N said, “she’s my mum… she’s loving, and she’s someone I can rely on, and that I know I can talk to. Hard-worker. She’s so strong, the toughest person I’ve ever known. She wants to keep me safe.”
“Your mother sounds nice,” Jason said smiling at the description of Y/N’s mother. “What’s her name?”
“Selina Kyle,” Jason repeated to himself, “cool name!”
What Jason didn’t say was that the name sounded familiar to him. Selina Kyle. Maybe he read it somewhere. Maybe Alfred said it once in passing. Maybe he met her once and had forgotten, but the name was familiar to him somehow.
The first day of Y/N’s internship was one which filled her with nerves. In the end, her mother helped her find the perfect outfit – a black dress and a blazer with flat black shoes. Armed with a notepad and a pen, Y/N waited at Bruce Wayne’s office to greet the man. She tapped her pen against the pad as she waited. She occupied herself with looking up and down the corridor, trying to spot her new boss, then, there he was.
Bruce Wayne was exactly as she imagined him to be and wearing a crisp expensive Italian suit and shoes. Bruce was about the same age as her mother was, and now Y/N knew he was Batman she noticed smaller things that many people wouldn’t – there was a scar on his chin, small and almost invisible, and there were a few grazes on his knuckles. There were other things too. Yeah, now Y/N saw it, how Bruce Wayne was Batman. He walked down the hall, talking with an executive of the company as he did, clearly not paying attention for he did not see Y/N standing there waiting for him and glided right past her. Y/N started jogging to catch up with him.
“Mr Wayne! Mr Wayne!” Y/N called as she jogged.
“Not now,” Bruce said, barely glancing at her, “busy.”
“Yes, I do understand that, Mr Wayne,” Y/N said, “but I’m the new intern, technically your assistant.”
“That’s nice,” Bruce waved Y/N back.
“And I wanted to introduce myself,” Y/N continued, “I’m the girl Jason Todd recommended, Y/N, his lab partner.”
The mention of Jason Todd caused Bruce to stop walking; the executive walked forward two more steps before realizing Bruce wasn’t by his side. Bruce turned to Y/N and walked up to her, studying her closely. He took in her hair, her face, her clothing, the manicure her mother insisted on treating her to before her first day, and her shoes. He looked at the pad and pen in her hand. He leaned down a little to get a closer look of the young woman, frowning a little as he did, as though trying to place his finger on something but couldn’t. Bruce decided it was all in his head and stood up as he smiled a little at his new intern.
“You’re the lab partner?” He stated. His voice lifted a little as though there was a chuckle in his throat. Bruce looked at Y/N again, softer this time.
“He’s told you about me?” Y/N rose her eyebrows in shock.
“Yes,” Bruce chuckled a little, “all good - I can assure you, Y/N.” Bruce turned to the executive and waved him off. The executive nodded and walked off. “According to Jason, you are smart, independent, charming, strong-willed and stubborn, and also very pretty.”
“Oh…” Y/N blushed and coughed, shocked to hear Jason’s description of her, “didn’t think he was such a sap,” Y/N faked a laugh, trying to play off her reaction. Her cheeks were still a bright red and she was biting back a small smile. It felt nice to know that Jason looked at her in such a good light, that he held her in such high regard. Bruce just looked at her and smiled, laughing to himself.
“You’re an incredible young woman, Y/N,” Bruce nodded, “I’m not surprised in the slightest that Jason holds you to such high accord.” Bruce offered his hand out to Y/N to shake, which she took. “It will be an honour to work with you, Y/N.”
Y/N was taken back at the words said by Bruce. Bruce Wayne thought she was incredible, that it would be an honour to work with her.
“Thank you, Mr Wayne,” Y/N blurted out, “I cannot wait to work with you either.”
“Bruce, please, Mr Wayne was my father,” Bruce smiled.
“Yes, sorry, Bruce.” Y/N apologised.
“Nothing to apologise for, Y/N,” Bruce waved it off. “It’ll be nice to have you around. There is something about you that reminds me of someone I used to know – I just can’t place my finger on what it is or who it is though.”
“Well, things like that happen,” Y/N said, it being her turn to wave a topic off. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was thinking about her mother, but then decided no, however, Selena did say that she knew Bruce was Batman – how could that be if they didn’t know each other? ‘Later’ Y/N thought ‘that’s a problem for later’. Right now, Y/N had to worry about her new internship, and not about her mother and Bruce’s past together, if there even was a past together.
“I have a feeling you will fit in at Wayne Enterprises very well,” Bruce assured her with a firm nod.
“Surprise!” said a voice behind Y/N. She turned with a small jump to see Jason standing there with a large, stupidly happy grin on his face. Y/N laughed and hugged Jason, who engulfed her in his arms, swaying her back and forth before letting her go.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked him.
“Well,” Jason said, shoving his hands in his pockets, “I know it’s our lunch break so I wanted to come by and see if I could buy you something to eat, can you spare a minute?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Of course she can,” Y/N and Jason turned to see Bruce standing in the door of his office, looking at the pair with a faint smile on his lips. “Go and have lunch on me,” Bruce said as he pulled some money from his pockets, “I insist,” he said as he saw Jason and Y/N both start shaking their heads at the money. Bruce put the money into Jason’s hand and ushered the pair towards the lift, pressing the button and pushing the pair into the lift when the doors opened. When the doors closed on them, Jason pushed the button and they started laughing like crazy.
“Oh my god,” Y/N gasped for air, “what’s with him?”
“The subtly of a blow torch, right?” Jason laughed.
“Tell me about it.”
“So, what’s Bruce been like so far?” Jason asked as he leaned against the wall of the elevator, looking at Y/N.
“Nice,” Y/N nodded, “good.” She grinned a little, “so, I’m pretty, huh?”
“Oh god, he told you that!” Jason groaned, closing his eyes and leaning his head back, “I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be,” Y/N chuckled as the doors opened on the ground floor. She walked out and called over her shoulder as she did, “you’re not too bad yourself, Jason Todd!”
Jason blinked and stared after her, rooted to the spot for a second before running after her.
Jason and Y/N strolled through the park, stopping at a hot dog cart where Jason bought them lunch – a hot dog and a pretzel each. They ate as they walked, eventually stopping at a bench and sitting down.
“I like your dress,” Jason said gesturing to her outfit. “Good choice.”
“Thanks,” Y/N smiled, “my mum and I spent ages tearing through my wardrobe trying to find something – couldn’t find anything that went with this blazer or my shoes, so Mum found this old dress from her wardrobe.”
“It’s nice, fits you perfectly,” Jason nodded. “You look really nice… pretty…”
“That’s sweet of you, Jason.” Y/N said allowing her hair to hide her face, which was turning red. Never in her life was Y/N ever this shy around a boy, but Jason wasn’t like the other boys she knew. Jason was kind. Jason was honest. Jason knew what it was to be a vigilante, even if she couldn’t tell him. Jason listened to her, understood her. Jason was a rarity in this world.
“Look, about what Bruce told you,” Jason sighed, “I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
“It didn’t,” Y/N assured him, “I like you too,” she confessed.
Jason smiled and slowly slid his hand into hers, rubbing his thumb over the back of Y/N’s hand. Y/N didn’t hide her face this time when she blushed, she met Jason’s gentle gaze and smiled back.
“So… now what?” Jason asked quietly.
“I don’t know,” she said in a small voice, feeling strangely vulnerable, “but I want to know.”
“Me too.”
“Hey there, Kitty Cat,” Robin grinned as Y/N looked up to the ledge where he was perched, watching her. Y/N rolled her eyes as Robin back flipped and landed in front of her. He stepped forward looking at her from under his fringe.
“Why are you chirping, Tweety-Bird?” Y/N teased as she drifted by.
“No particular reason,” he shrugged, jogging to catch up with her. “Just happy to see you tonight.”
“It’s nice to see you too,” Y/N smiled as she looked at Robin. Her mind was screaming with joy, like a child who had just been given the present at Christmas they had been begging for all year – Jason Todd was such a genuinely good guy and all she wanted to do was take off her mask, grab him by the stupid cape and kiss him. She holds herself back though. “I like it when you drop by, Robin.”
“Oh my god,” Robin exaggerated a gasp, “Did the infamously cold Lync just say something nice?”
“Don’t make me regret it,” Y/N playfully groaned.
“No take-backs,” he said, tapping her nose with his gloved finger, “I like seeing you too,” he confessed when Y/N swatted him away. “You’re a cool chick.”
“You’re a sweet guy,” she admitted, “even if you are a bit of a pain.”
“Aw, shucks,” Robin teased, “you’re making me blush here, Kitty Cat.”
“I know, I know, I’m liquid sugar,” Y/N hit his shoulder, “so sweet I cause cavities, call the dentist.”
“Amazing how even when you’re being nice, you’re still insanely sarcastic,” Robin chuckled with a shake of his head.
“It’s who I am, Tweety Bird,” Y/N flashed a grin, “and you love me for it.”
“Yes I do,” Robin smiled. Y/N didn’t notice Robin watching her closely, smiling at every little thing she did, every time she brushed her hair back, every time she turned her head, everything she did made him smile. He was a sucker for her, no denying it.
When Jason returned to Bruce’s side after leaving Lynx, Bruce didn’t have a chance to interrogate him over where he had been. Bruce had no clue his newest intern was a vignette, and Jason hoped to keep it that way, at least for a while.
“Quick,” Bruce said gesturing for Jason to climb into the Batmobile, “Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn are at the Gotham City Vaults.”
“Robbing the place?” Jason asked as he buckled up and Bruce hit the gas to speed off.
“No, renting a vault,” Bruce snapped, “what’d you think, Jason?”
“Alright, alright,” Jason rolled his eyes as Bruce, as Batman sped through the streets of Gotham.  “Any idea what they’re going after or just a general robbery.”
“Joker, reportedly, keeps a lot of his funds there,” Bruce explained, “and since Harley and he split and now we’ve got an alert his ex is robbing the place, I’m going to assume that those reports are right and Harley and her gal pals want a piece of his stuff.”
“Well,” Jason pondered, “why not let them? Joker’s an ass, at least those three have a bit more of a moral code than him, and well not like those two can go through divorce court to split custody of things.”
“It’s not about that, Jason,” Bruce sighed, “this could lead to two things, firstly, those girls aren’t causing problems on the street, second, this could bring us closer to taking down Joker once and for all.”
They pulled up to the vaults and jumped into action, running to find the three women, The Gotham City Sirens. The women in question were ransacking a large vault filled with jewels, gold, cash and more.
“Holy Crap,” Catwoman said as she filled her bag with emeralds and gold chains before grabbing a stack of cash and running her thumb over the edge of the money. “Why did we wait this long to rob your dumbass ex?”
“Gawd knows,” Harley called out as she pulled out a fur coat and draped it over her shoulders, turning to Ivy, her new beau, and grinning wildly, “how’d I look, hun?”
Ivy at first attempted to keep a cold appearance with a sigh and roll of the eye, but gave up quickly when seeing the grin on Harley’s face. Harley had struck a glamour pose and turned to Ivy with such a look of pride on her face for finding the coat that Ivy couldn’t resist but smile to her love.
“Just lovely, Harley,” Ivy nodded before going back to stuffing her bag, “now, quick, we don’t want to get caught.”
Harley huffed and pouted before grabbing other things to throw in her bag. Stupid police always ruin their fun, and if not the stupid police then stupid Batman with that stupid sidekick of his. Stupid people ruining their fun!
Catwoman, however, was nervous. Y/N would do anything to keep her mum and aunties safe, and Catwoman did not want her daughter to get wrapped up in her messes. Selina chose to be Catwoman, and she was prepared for the risks that came with that.
“Hurry,” Catwoman said, “they’re here.” She heard them running down the hall towards herself and her friends. The Sirens ran from the room and headed the other direction, with Batman and Robin hot on their tails. They managed to get outside of the building only to find themselves in a dead-end. “Shit!” Catwoman huffed as she looked around to try and find a way out of their trap. The three women turned around to see Batman and Robin approaching them. Selina sighed and thought of Y/N – she would be home by this time and wondering where her mother was.
“Don’t move,” Batman called. Selina met his eyes and thought of the boy she once knew, Bruce Wayne, and the promise he made upon returning to Gotham that he would never leave again – to her surprise, he kept that promise. Suddenly a smoke bomb dropped down from above and Batman and Robin couldn’t be seen.
“UP HERE!” Called a voice. Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn all peered up to see the face of Y/N in the disguise of Lynx, grinning proudly down at them, “you wanna hang around for the smoke to clear and get dragged to the police, or you wanna come?” Y/N said throwing her claw hook down for them to climb up. They all did, one by one, and by the time they had reached the top, the smoke had cleared. Batman and Robin stood and stared in shock as the Sirens dropped to the other side of the high wall and Lynx gave them both an awkward wave before disappearing herself.
“What the hell?” Said Robin, staring after Lynx and her uncharacteristic move to help criminals rather than stop them.
“I thought Lynx was on our side,” Bruce said as he and Jason sat in the Batcave. Alfred had decided to join them and listened closely to all the conversation.
“She is,” Jason assured him, “I don’t know what possessed her tonight, really I don’t. I tried to find her afterwards to talk to her about it, but I couldn’t catch up with her – she and Catwoman disappeared together.”
“Catwoman?” Alfred frowned, “Strange pairing.”
“We’ve found Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn going on a date nights, the fact that two alter-egos who go by feline names ran in the same direction is nothing,” Jason said, although he was still confused as to why Y/N helped an infamous jewel thief escape capture when she had such a strong sense of justice. 
“I know I was supposed to be home,” Y/N said to her mother once they got home, “but I saw a message Jason got as Robin about helping Batman capture you and I knew I had to do something.”
“Baby,” Selina took off her mask and cupped her daughter’s face, “Kitten,” she sighed, “that was very reckless, so stupid if it went wrong,” Y/N looked down, ready to be scolded, “but I am so grateful that you were willing to rescue me and your aunties,” Selina said. Y/N looked up and met her mother’s gaze, “thank you Y/N that was very brave, but please don’t put yourself in danger unless absolutely needed.”
“I won’t, mum,” Y/N promised, “I promise.”
“Good,” Selina sighed with relief “Kitten, you mean the absolute world to me, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
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boundinshallows · 5 years ago
Peaky Blinders Exchange Season 5 Masterlist
Here’s the fic roundup for the Peaky Blinders Exchange Round Two: Season 5 Edition hosted on AO3. Many thanks to ashling for organizing and hosting the exchange! 
A Good Story by Emjen_Enla
[Gen] Pre-Series. Tommy, Ada and petty theft.
A Knight on the Rim by deadendtracks 
[Gen] She’d thought maybe after he joined Parliament she’d see him more than she had when he’d lived full time in Birmingham, but now he had an office and flat in London, she hadn’t seen him at all except on company business or to pass information for Ben Younger.A game of chess, an unanswered question, a proposition.
As much what it is as what it’s not by deadendtracks
[Tommy/Lizzie] “Is that what you think, that I’d only be marrying you for the politics?” A rocky start and some tender moments between Lizzie and Tommy.
Eight for a Wish by hrafnsmal
[Tommy/Alfie] « Well, the elastic, you know, you can pull it, in every direction, straining it, and you can pull it back, and back, and back, until the thing is just about to break. The two extremities, yeah, apart from one another, on a veeeery long distance. But then, at some point, you have to let go. And when you stop pulling, these two sides of the elastic, they collide back on each other with as much force than you put in before. Mh. » He nodded, then looked at Tommy. He was listening, face impassible as always, holding his cigarette between his index and middle finger, thumb resting slightly at the bottom. Blue eyes unreadable. If you didn't know him as deeply as the other gangster did. « What is pulling the extremities apart, Alfie ? »
Families are like Fudge - mostly Sweet, with a few Nuts by vamillepudding
[Tommy/Alfie] John meets Alfie in a bar, and promptly goes home with him.Tommy meets Alfie the next morning, though he does not yet know the man’s name – he only sees him as Guy Who Is Standing Naked In My Kitchen. Or: Five times Alfie met a Shelby family member before he met Tommy, and one time Tommy had him all to himself.
Golden Years by shoshe_anders
[Johnny/Aberama] A young Johnny Dogs comes across Aberama Gold bathing at dawn. Johnny assumes that he has Aberama wrapped around his finger, though being twelve years Aberama's junior, he soon discovers that that's not necessarily the case.
Gone A Bit Wild by itslaurenmae
[Esme/John] It was the morning of her marriage. Esme rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sighed softly, blinking at the roof of the rickety wagon. It had been a cold night, and it was an even colder morning. She was nervous, the way any bride would be the morning of a wedding - what if she tripped on the cold, stone cobbles? What if the overwhelming stench of salt and smoke was all she would remember of this day when she got old? She wasn’t worried about her husband.
Heart-to-Heart by queuebird
[Gen] “Can we talk?” Ada says.
I Want A Cat by birdywhistle
[Tommy/Alfie] Tommy is feeling a bit under the weather, Alfie is The Best Boyfriend.
Ink by mintjam
[Tommy/Alfie] “Fucking hell, Tom, you always did fight like a ferrett,” says the voice of a ghost behind him. Tommy freezes on the spot, heart thundering like a hammer in his chest. It can’t be. It fucking can’t be. He turns slowly, trying to straighten up to face the man he last saw five years ago. His shoulders look broader, the beard heavier but there’s no mistaking the intensity of those eyes. “Alfie?” he gasps, incredulous.
It’s still you anyway by weeo
[Tommy/Lizzie] Lizzie makes an important phone call.
Left Alone by Emjen_enla
[Gen] A morning during s4. Tommy hates the Watery Lane house. Charlie wants his dad.
Missed shot by darkandstormyslash
[Tommy/Alfie] Two shots that didn't kill, two little vignettes at Margate.
my boy builds coffins by turquoisetumult
[Gen] for better or worse...---As you inhale deeply, forcing the oxygen back in you, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry when you realize Tommy took his own advice from all those years ago. (Your neck suddenly tight now, an invisible noose of paralyzing fear and worry around you.)Tommy had used a gun.---Tommy's at an all-time low.--- Arthur finds him at the end of S5 and gets to play the role of big brother.
Never Moved Away from Here by Veneredirimmel
[Tommy/Alfie] “Should have killed you that first day in my bakery,” he says and means it. He would have gotten less grief, more sleep. Kept his eye.
No One That Charlie Can See by impala_chick
[Gen] Charlie doesn’t think it’s fair that his father gets to speak to his Mum when he can’t.
Numb me down to the core by Emjen_Enla
[Gen] On Christmas Eve Finn Shelby had three brothers. Now he had one. Or Finn and Tommy in the aftermath of Arthur’s “death.”
permutations by boundinshallows
[May/Tommy/Alfie] Tommy meets the loves of his life in a stable and a pub when he's nineteen.
Real Live Wire by veneredirimmel
[Gen] It was a very nice spring day, very nice. Blue in the sky, striped with the bars from the gate from where he was looking at; stark against it the two sculptures at the sides had features twisted with pain and bald heads and empty holes where the eyes should have been. He stood there looking at them, head up in the sky, and wished he was somewhere else. In a different fucking life, where his kid brother was not inside a fucking asylum. And he had not been the one who’d put him there.
Ribbons by convenience
[Gen] Ada knows Tommy is sinking.
Sleeping Beauty by weeo
[Tommy/Alfie] It's hard to wake up from a long slumber, even with the kisses of your prince.
Stare from each side by deadendtracks
[Gen] He didn’t get many calls, did he, being dead, so whoever it had been must have actually wanted to reach him. Missing scene from "Mr. Jones." written as a treat
the blindfold by ashling
[Grace/Tommy] In which Grace and Tommy have a disagreement about parenting.
The Rich Eating the Rich by cheeky_blinders
[Gen] ---
The way our family operates by convenience
[Gen] Tommy has to rely on Ada, who is pregnant and ready to shoot someone to prove a point.
Things Unsaid by HazelNMae
[Tommy/Alfie] When Tommy receives a letter from (the presumed dead) Alfie Solomons, he attempts to write a reply.
Trinitrotoluol by vamillepudding
[Thomas Barrow / Tommy Shelby; Tommy/Alfie] It was late afternoon in the Downton Estate, and Thomas Barrow felt rather proud of himself for having finished his duties for the day: He had conducted not just one (1), but two (2) evil plots that would serve to humiliate Mr Bates and possibly land Thomas either an exciting new position with better wages, or a prison sentence. Finally, Thomas had spent the rest of the day mentally preparing for the arrival of today’s visitor, one Tommy Shelby.
Your Meal Tonight Is Memories by cheeky_blinders
[Gen] ---
Please don’t forget to leave the authors kudos and comments! 
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venusxxlangdon · 6 years ago
“hope is a dangerous thing for a man like me to have”
Lana Del Rey — hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it
Word count: 2974
Summary: a heart-to-heart talk with Outpost Michael in a bathtub. He doesn’t understand why the love of his life believes that he deserves salvation
A/N: this is my first fanfic, and there’ll be a nsfw part 2, if you guys find this part interesting! English isn’t my first language, but I have so much to say to Michael that it was impossible not to write this one shot. I hope y’all like it (because I’m super nervous and tried my best)! I’m also looking for the kind angels who could help me out with making a masterlist because I’m clueless when it comes to tumblr settings. Please, message me ❤️
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The background thoughts of hers that he always had a track of suddenly went off, making Michael stop typing on his laptop. It was too quiet. He couldn’t hear her. She was supposed to be in the west wing of their mansion taking care of the work, and all this time the frequency of her thoughts was like a radio wave in the ballroom of his mind, keeping him company while he was going through the endless list of emails from the Cooperative. He concentrated on his lover’s energy and sensed how enormously tired the girl had got. Having worked for several hours non-stop she stopped even though she wanted to proceed and finish as much work as she was able to. Michael chuckled. His over-productive girl. So competitive with her own self. Always eager to achieve more and to be the best one. Silly girl, to him she was always the best, his favorite, the one and only love of his life.
He knew she was in the bathroom. He could sense how tense her body was, covered with cherry-sent foam. Well, Michael thought to himself, maybe he had enough work for today and could relax a bit, too. He closed the lid of his laptop and concentrated on the place he wanted to appear in. It took him mere seconds and a tiny bit of his powers to find himself in a marble bathroom, where behind the closed door he heard the splashing sound of water. Noiselessly he approached the door and carefully pushed it. His heart started racing as soon as he saw her laying down in the bathtub filled with pinkish foam, with her eyes closed as she let her body relax and thoughts wonder away. His eyes traced to her locks, now wet and resembling snakes curled on her breasts that were always sensitive to his touch. Oh, he knew that for sure. Her lips parted when she raised her hands to stroke the braids of hair and wipe the bids of water off her cheekbones.
“I heard you,” she said slowly and opened her eyes meeting Michael’s heavy gaze.
The corners of his mouth twitched in response.
“I lost track of your thoughts for a second and decided to check on you,” he replied.
He put the tips of his fingers into the warm water, brushing the skin of her belly.
Her breath hitched as she watched him go down to her thigh sending electric impulses down her spine, and making her shiver.
“Maybe you shouldn’t listen to my thoughts in the first place,” she noted playfully, automatically spreading her thighs. She thought he would touch her right where she wanted him the most, but Michael’s touch went up to her bent knee, tracing random patterns on the wet skin. He hummed thoughtfully admiring the softness of her flesh. He heard how fast her heart started beating, saw the rosy flowers blooming on her cheeks, and sensed the arousal pulling between her legs that she willingly had spread for him a moment earlier.
“You think too loud,” he said, his voice calm and deep, cutting her bratty attitude, “especially when it comes to working.”
She sighed remembering the struggle.
“Yes, right. Could you please order our lovely members of the cooperative to fire everyone on their advisory team? The graphs these morons sent to me were horrible.”
Michael took her face with his right hand making her look up at him.
“I will, if it means that from now on your thoughts will be loud because you think of me, not work”.
A wide smile spread across her lips. She nodded enthusiastically.
“You exhaust yourself, love,” his tone was serious, “we agreed that you could help me, but only if it doesn’t drain you out, remember?”
She knew that he cared about her, and he was right, but how could she promise not to work hard when it was all about building the new world? The stakes were high, and even though Michal had all the responsibility, he did not know much about politics, the architecture of the world order etc. He needed help with that, and she was the one who volunteered to take care of it.
“I do remember,” she said focused on his touch, “ but I also promised you to do my best.”
Michael’s face was inches away from her. His golden locks framed it beautifully, cascading down his broad shoulders. He watched her face attentively, absentmindedly petting her flushed cheek.
“You are so power-hungry,“ his hot breath across her left cheek, lips ghosting over the sharp line of her jaw. She sighed holding into the edge of the bathtub, “ so greedy,” his intoxicating scent was everywhere mixing up with the cherry sent of the bubble foam. Michael’s free hand traveled down her breast, cupping the flesh and ridiculously slow circled the pink nipples with his thumb. She whimpered under his touch and leaned closer. His lips continued leaving traces of feathery light kisses across her jaw and neck, never meeting her parted lips, so eager to be kissed. “And I like that about you, my love...”
His mouth finally found hers, kissing greedily and making her moan into their kiss. Her hands found their way to his hair to pull the silky locks and make the man growled in response.
“ C’mere,“ she pleaded, breaking the kiss. Michael admired her glossy eyes, bright pink lips, and flushed skin of her cheeks and neck. Her breasts moved up and down above foamy water, forcing him to cup them with both hands.
“Not right now, kitten,“ he murmured.
She frowned, not clearly understanding what he had in mind. Michael stepped aside and under her pouty gaze started unbuttoning the cuffs oh his designer shirt to roll up the sleeves.
“I thought you wanted to take a bath,“ he answered her silent question. She bit on her lower lip and nodded. She curiously watched his every movement. Michael moved so slowly as if he was testing her patience, making her burn in her desire and lust for him. He grabbed a wash cloth and kneeled before the edge of the bathtub to make it soapy and wet.
“Just relax,“ his voice was soothing. She felt the familiar knot tightening at the bottom of her stomach, “your muscles are tense.”
She thought she was gonna cum right when his skillful fingers touched her neck to cover it with a thick layer of shower gel. He started massaging lazily, every movement of his fingers caused goosebumps on her tender skin. She nuzzled into his touch almost like a cat. A low moan escaped her lips when he slightly pinched the pink buds of her nipples.
Michael’s face was so close to her ear. He wrapped his full lips around her earlobe and bit down causing the girl whimper in anticipation.
“ Michael,” she whispered brokenly.
Her knuckles turned white: she was holding onto the edge of the bathtub as if her life depended on it.
“ Shhhhh, my love,“ he soothed her, his tongue leaving a wide stripe from her ear to her jawline. His lips finally found hers, and the girl hungrily kissed him back, their tongues fighting for dominance. She felt like she was floating in this pure ecstasy of uncontrollable desire for the men on his knees before her and unconditional love that was filling her heart with Michael’s every touch. “You smell so divine,“ he whispered in her ear, breathing in her scent .
His hands continued their journey down the valley of her breasts. The girl started to relax under his touch, her head was now thrown back, small moans occasionally escaped her lips. Her thoughts were slowed down now, intertwining with Michael’s ones, coating them like the sweetest honey. His heart flattered when he realized that he was the only thing on her mind. Just like he wanted.
Frankly speaking, he still couldn’t believe that someone like her could love him. She was no angel, but she saw the best in him and didn’t turn her back on him like other people in his life. She believed that he deserved salvation, and Michael found it extremely amusing.
He carefully started washing her hair. His fingers massaged the scalp of her head. The girl nearly purred under his touch. Michael thoughts that he might have understood her body, but when it came to her mind he found himself lost. Sometimes he believed that he knew everything about her thanks to his supernatural powers, but every time he reached the new conners of her subconsciousness, he realized that he understood nothing. She was like a river: always in a flow, 100% mutable. Never the same. “Only fools don’t change” she once told him. “The Universe itself is a flux, so why I should be different when I’m a part of it?”
Michael thought that the most important thing that he learned from her was that the world wasn’t black and white, and the light couldn’t exist without darkness, but for some reason she started laughing at him, when he told her that.
“The dependability of light and darkness doesn’t matter at all, Michael, because it will never describe how things truly are,“ she hurried to elaborate, “ Let’s say the invisible electromagnetic waves strike your retina, so the cascading complex of neurons light from the incoming stimulus is just your perception of this experience that we call a yellow brightness. The existentialist thinkers can throw stones at me, but whatever.”
“ So you are telling me that you know that the world is different from what you see? Because I understand what you are talking about, but just because I exist in multiple dimensions, but how can you?”
She shrugged.
“ I can only imagine it.”
So how was it all connected to Michael? She believed that he could be good as soon as he would stop considering himself bad, because it was all superficial constructs after all. Life would be easier if everybody realized that it didn’t have any purpose.
“Please, come to me,” her needy voice brought him back from his thoughts.
Michael put the wash cloth aside. Under her heavy gaze he stood up and started undoing the pearl buttons of his dress shirt. She squeezed her thighs when his hands moved to the belt. Long fingers discarded the slacks along with the underwear. Michael fixed the strand of hair behind his ear and came closer to the bathtub. The girl leaned forward to give him space behind her so he could settle comfortably with his thighs bracketing her miniature body. She hummed happily at the feeling of his bare chest against her back. His arms were carefully wrapped around her waist, hands peacefully rested on her creamy thighs.
“ Better?“ he asked pressing wet kisses on her shoulders. The feathery touch of his lips was so light, almost tickling. She smiled and laced their fingers together.
“ Much better.”
For a while the sound of splashing water was the only thing disturbing the comfortable silence between them. Michel closed his eyes letting him wonder in this sweet bliss. Their connection was the most mysterious thing to him: he remembered the first time he saw her he thought that his world shuttered into million pieces. His powers scanned the girl in front of him in panic since he thought she wasn’t a human being. Why there was a feeling that he had known her before? And her thoughts were so loud!
She felt the same way and the wave of her delight at the sight of him washed over him, making him gasp quietly. As if all the feelings suddenly crushed into him. Never in his life he felt that lonely. After his family rejected him he hurried his sorrow and pity deep inside him, but it seemed like the presence of the girl literary brought it all to the surface. It was unbearable and took him a while to calm down.
“Why do you think everyone deserves salvation?“ Michael broke the silence. The tone of his voice was serious.
The girl sighed. So was it the time for a big philosophical discussion?
“ Not necessarily everyone,“ she noted, “the guy from the bakery is a jerk. I doubt his chances, to be honest.”
She laughed, obviously kidding, but Michel didn’t appreciate the joke. HIs arms were still embracing her. He hugged the girl even tighter, resting his chin on top of her head.
“I still don’t understand,“ he whispered, “why do you believe that I deserve it?”
He knew the answer, but he needed to hear it once again. Under the facade of a strong and confident Antichrist there was a vulnerable boy, who needed love and recognition. The thought that he wasn’t enough had been bothering him for ages, and having such a great girlfriend by his side added to his list of worries. He wanted to be good enough for HER, but he didn’t know how. He was trying to learn every day.
She understood where it all came from. The only person who‘d been supporting him was a psychopathic Ms. Mead who worshipped him blindly. Michel never learned what it was like.... to be loved. It seemed like everyone was using him to fulfill their own egoistic desires: the warlocks wanted him to become the next Supreme, so they could reign the witches; the satanists wanted him to be their puppet, and none of them had ever asked what Michael heart truly desired. He was the victim of other people’s manipulations, they decided everything for him.
“Because you are misunderstood,“ she finally muttered, “people manipulated you when you were in the most vulnerable state during your identity formation...”
“I’m the part of the universal evil, love“ he interrupted, “what kind of identity are we talking about when I was born cursed? I tortured, killed, and betrayed, and it was natural to me.”
The girl cowered uncomfortably. She didn’t expect the discussion to become this serious. However, she knew it was going to take her ages to prove to Michael that he wasn’t a failure. And today was just another try.
“Remember when we talked about light and darkness?” she asked, “and you agreed that things are different from what they are. It depends on the dimension, perception and number of other factors, so why on earth can’t you let yourself think that you can be good at least in this lifetime?”
“ Because I know myself. I know that I’m a monster in every reality, you humans, haven’t even discovered yet.”
She turned around in his arms to face him. Their faces were on the same level now. His eyes were on her, searching in her face for any sort of doubt.
“How come I know absolutely different Michael then?” she arched her brow, “Michael who loves me, who takes care of me, who’ll never hurt me? Michael who’s been trying to be the best version of himself despite all self-hatred? You are the most powerful creature in the world, and you can use your energy for the inner healing instead of constant self-destruction.”
As she spoke, the tips of her fingers traced Michael’s brows, nose, and the sharp lines of his jaw. He didn’t say anything, hypnotized by her words.
“You think too much, my love,“ she smiled sadly, “you know I’d kill everyone from your past who made you this way, but at the same time I think that the wait for the Antichrist who’ll walk into their lives and appreciate their pathetic existence is quite a punishment itself.”
Michael sighed.
“They all are rotten to the core,“ he said closing his eyes.
“I just wish you stopped punishing yourself. Only the Universe is perfect, and you and I are just the parts of it, so it’s okay to make mistakes,” it was some sort of a mantra that she kept telling him every time he started doubting himself, “I want you to forgive yourself. You are the first person I know who wants to be good so desperately. But Michael, love, what doesn’t it mean to be good? Nobody knows it.”
He wished his heart didn’t ache at her words. He wished everything was as easy as she made it sound. The bubbles around them were gone, water in the bathtub got cold long time ago. The girl sighed. Who knew taking a bath together would lead to all that self-reflection? But at least, they had eternity to figure Michael’s traumas out , and she was ready to do it with her bare hands, but for now, she wanted him to relax and stop overthinking.
“Thank you,” he told her sincerely.
“Alright, let’s go,” she finally said and placed a quick kiss on his parted lips. She stood up, but before she could awkwardly step out from the tub, Michael wrapped his hands around her ankles. She smiled down at him and lovingly brushed the strands of his hair off his forehead. He let her go and followed her a moment later.
Michael wrapped a fluffy towel around her narrow shoulders not forgetting to place kisses on them. She squinted happily with a broad smile on her lips.
It was already dark outside. A silver of moonlight spilled into the room enough to ignite the chiseled features of Michael’s face. She crawled into bed and called him over with a beckoning sign. Michael sat down on the satin mattress and let her lay his back down on her lap. His hair resembled liquid gold, melting on her thighs. Just like she did in the bathroom, the girl touched his face lovingly, thinking that only angles could sculpt it. She leaned down to kiss him.
“Let me make you feel good”
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theseanceandthekraken · 6 years ago
Our Secret
A little young Hargreeves fic based on an absolutely adorable prompt from @kaytikitty. I switched up the characters a bit but the story is the same.
Summar: Vanya rescues a kitten and brings him home. She tries to keep it a secret, but with Klaus, Five, and Diego around, things don't go as planned.
Vanya crept through the house as quietly as she could. She didn't know if today she'd be invisible or an open target, and she just couldn't risk it. She checked first for her father, then Grace and Pogo. They must be in a meeting, or they've gone out for the day. Didn't matter. She rushed to her room once the coast was clear. She shut the door, and sat on the side of her bed, hoping that if anyone did walk in, it would block their view. Finally she was safe enough to let it out. It was a cute little thing. It was brown with black stripes covering its tiny body. She found it on her way home and it looked so helpless she couldn't bare to leave it alone.
She held it in her hands, it was so small, even when she held it. She smoothed a gentle hand along its fur. It was still trembling. "It's ok." She whispered. "I'm going to take care of you now. You're safe." She heard footsteps outside her door and prayed they were just passing. Of course she'd never have that kind of luck. "Vanya" She heard Klaus knock. She didn't even move, maybe he'd think she was still out. "Vanya have you seen my slippers I don't know where I left them and Diego and Five are no help." She groaned. There was one just in the corner of her room. "Vanya I know you're there come on I heard you come in. Can I please just check in there. I'll be quick, I just don't want Dad to know I lost them again he's gonna be so mad" She sighed, there was no other option. "Just a second" she called out. She put the kitten back in her bag and got up to open the door. "There's one right there" she pointed. "Oh! Thanks, I must've left it here. Can I look for the other one?" She fidgeted a bit. "Maybe later, Klaus, I'm kinda tired I might take a nap." He raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you take naps?" "Why does it matter? I'm tired" she started to get paranoid and agitated. "Well if Dad sees you just laying around, he'll lose it" "Well he's not here right now" "Come on, it'll just take a minute" "No, Klaus, go away" she started to push him out but they both heard it. The tiniest meow coming from under the bed. "Vanya what was that?" Her eyes widened with shock but only for a moment. "What was what?" He stared at her. "You're hiding something" he said. She shook her head. "I'm not hiding anything, what would I possibly have to hide?" "So let me in" "I told you I'm about to take a nap." "Vanya" his voice was stern now. She didn't really know how to react to a stern Klaus honestly so she gave in pretty easily.
She pulled him inside and quickly shut the door. "Ok I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell Dad ok?" "Well what is it?" He asked. "Promise!" He held up his hands "Ok ok I won't say anything." She thought about it for a moment, contemplating whether or not she could trust him. But they had already made it this far. "Come here" she took his hand and led him to where she had been sitting before. They sat, legs folded, directly across from each other. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands" she said. He did as he was told and Vanya hesitantly placed the kitten in his hands. Klaus let out an audible gasp "I knew it!" He said. "It's so cute." His voice got soft and Vanya couldn't help but smile as she watched her brother pet the kitten, clearly in just as much awe as her. "But you can't tell the others" she warned. "Tell us what?" She cursed under her breath when she heard Five's voice through the door. "Nothing" she called back. "Yeah, we both know that's not true." He said. "He's gonna tell Dad" Klaus whispered. "Relax, just hide it." They put the kitten back where it had originally been. "Vanya. Klaus. Let me in" he knocked again. "I'm just looking for my slippers." Klaus did his best to cover up. "Bullshit" Five shot back. "I'm coming in." And sure enough he zapped himself in.
He saw Vanya and Klaus hiding behind the bed. "What are you two up to?" He asked. "You know the door was unlocked right?" Klaus said avoiding the question. "I know you're hiding something I heard you. You know I hate secrets." They were still sticking to their story. "I told you, I was looking for my slippers. If Dad finds out I lost them, he'll actually kill me. So please don't tell him." The three were locked into a stare down. "So why did you say nothing?" Five asked. "Why were you eavesdropping?" Vanya retorted. "I was not eavesdropping you two are just not as good at whispering as you think." The stare down continued. But Klaus was never good under pressure. "Vanya found a cat and now we have to protect it and Dad and Grace and Pogo or anyone can never find out or else we'll have to get rid of it and it'll be all alone and defenseless" he blurted out. "Klaus!" Vanya shot him a death glare. "Really? A cat? All this secrecy for a cat?" Five was not amused. "Correction, a kitten" Klaus said, pulling it back out. Five broke quickly, but he tried to keep up the act. "I guess.. maybe we should do something." He said shuffling his feet. "Wanna hold him?" Vanya asked cautiously. He thought about it for a moment, then held out his hand. Even he couldn't keep from smiling. "I mean at this point, we might as well tell Diego too, he's still here. I'm sure he could help." Five said. Vanya sighed. "Fine. But no one else! Got it?" Klaus and Five both nodded before Five handed the kitten back and ran back to get Diego.
"I've never had to take care of a pet before." Vanya admits. "Well me neither" Klaus says almost as if to make her feel better. It is a quick moment of vulnerability. They couldn't help but feel this sense of responsibility to take care of him. And it scared them. But if the Umbrella Academy could handle the worst criminals, they could surely handle this little guy. At least if they did it together.
Five and Diego came in the room and quickly shut the door behind them. "C-can I see him?" Diego asked. Secretly, he was the biggest softie of them all. He came over and Klaus handed him over. Diego instantly broke out into a smile and his voice got all soft. "Hey there little guy." And they all got up to have a look. Diego set him down on Vanya's bed. "So what are we gonna do with him?" Five asked. "Well maybe he's hungry. We should feed him." Vanya said. "Feed him what though?" Klaus asked. "I think they just drink milk" Five said. "Oh, I'll go get some" Diego volunteered. A softie. But it brought about a special kind of bravery. So his skinny legs crept quietly throughout the house and took a small cup of milk, enough to feed him, but small enough that no one should really notice. He came back in and helped the kitten drink. "We should name him" Vanya suggested. They threw around a few names but nothing seemed to fit. "Michael?" "Henry?" "Frank?" "Peter?" "What about David?" Klaus finally said. They all sized it up. "I like that name" Diego said smiling at him. Vanya and Five agreed. David Hargreeves. A lovely addition to the family.
"You have to promise you won't tell the others ok?" Vanya held her hand out in front of her, signaling the start of a pact. "I promise" Klaus placed a hand over hers. "So do I" Five followed. "Me too" Diego completed it. "It'll be our secret" Vanya beamed, and the rest couldn't help but follow. They knew they wouldn't be able to keep him forever. But they had him for now. They'd do something with him eventually, but decisions just weren't for today, it was just time to enjoy it all. The kitten, the company, and the pact. They played with David for the next few hours until everyone returned. Childish giggles escaped the room, and Vanya's heart had never felt so full.
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lillaxtrigger · 7 years ago
Young hope: Chapter 3
“And how did she go blind again?” Cayenne asks. Both her and Kingsley stared down a Chloe in her bed, who was wearing a blindfold. “Um...Well, she stared darting toward Mom and Dad’s room, when she kicked down the door and saw...Well...she saw them...Uh-” Kingsley tried to explain. “I saw them fucking!” Chloe spurted out. Cayenne drew in air through her teeth and said: “Damn. That sucks. She can’t see at all?”. “Nope. Cornea’s are completely burnt. Too much stimulation at once.”. “Guys. I can’t go blind. I’m too young to go blind now. I have my whole life ahead of me. How I am I going to enjoy it if I can’t even see?”. Cayenne thought to herself for a moment and said: “Hey, I got something. My mom once fixed my aunts eyes with her laser vision. Maybe if I can-”. Chloe stopped her short and said: “Cayenne, listen to me. You are awesome and can kick ass. But I don’t think you can help me there. You have as much grace and precision as a hyped up little kid on the piano. I don’t want my eyes to be melted out of my skull.”. Kingsley took a moment to think and said: “Maybe dad and I can build something that can restore your eyesight. Of course, I don’t know how long that might take. It could take weeks or even months before we could even come up with a prototype and-”. “That’s way too long. Ryu is gonna be at the mall tomorrow and I don’t want Opal out there taking him from me while I’m stuck here in bed. I might know somebody who can help. Her names Serena. She’s a potions brewer that lives on the other side of town. The address is 1134 haunt way. I need one of you to get a potion from her that can restore my eyesight. Look for a house that surrounded by flowers.”. “I’ll go. I can get there faster.” Cayenne said. Cayenne flew through the air, making her way through the city. She made it to the other side of town, where she descended down to the ground to get a closer look. The girl floated above an intersection and said: “What was the address? 1134 haunt way or some shit like that?”. She looks over to the right and sees a house surrounded by trees and flowers. Cayenne floated down made her way through the walk way, passing through a front yard full of trees and flowers. “Damn, these people go all out with the gardening.”. She approached the door and knocked. A young teenage girl with stripes of light and medium brown hair and a dark lavender dress answered the door. “Um, Hey. I heard that there was some kind of potion shop here. Is Serena home?”. “I’m Serena, yes.”. “Hold the fucking phone. You’re Serena? I though you’d be some kind of old bag near her deathbed. You don’t even look like your past 20 yet.”. “Everybody gets that impression their first time. Come on in.”. Cayenne went inside, seeing the interior of the house fitted with natural themed décor. “So, what kind of potion do you plan on buying today? Healing potion, transforming potion, love potion?”. “You sell love potions?” Cayenne questioned. “Yup, their one my most popular items. A big hit with teenage girls. Would you like a sample?”. “Eh no. Not really into that romantic crap.”. “Well if were being honest here, neither am I.”. Cayenne smiles and says, “Neat.”. Both of them start heading downstairs, where Cayenne saw tables of potions bottles and shelves full of books. A big cauldron sat comfortably in the middle of the room. “Anyway, I’m not here for myself. I’m just picking something up for Chloe.”. “Chloe? She’s one of my best paying customers. We even share lunch together sometimes. She usually comes here personally. Wonder why she couldn’t come here herself” Serena says. “She gone blind.”. “Oh...Well, I hope she’s doing okay.”. “She said that you might have a potion that can restore her eyesight. That true?”. “Hmm. I...I suppose I might have something. Give me a minute.”. Serena walked over to one of the shelves and pulled out a musty old book. She flipped through the contest with her finger saying: “Hmm...flight brew, no. Invisibility potion, no. Laser eyes concoction, close. Ah ha, here it is! The ocular remedy. Originally crafted by the Italian witch Aradia, this concoction is said to heal and improve eyesight, making it far greater than ever before.”. “Cool, cool. How long til it’ll be finished?”. “It shouldn’t take too long, provide I have enough ingredients on hand for-...Oh...Oh no.”. “What?” Cayenne said suspiciously. “Well, it seems that one of the ingredients is rather very rare.”. “And I don’t imagine you have it on you, huh?”. “Nnn, no. It’s a rare form of crystal called Aramonius. It’s quite valuable.” Serena turns the book towards Cayenne and shows her a red crystal in the shape of a flower. “I’m afraid without it, Chloe will remain blinded to the world. I’m sorry.”. Cayenne walked down the street from the house, finding her way back to the Spicer mansion. The setting sun dips down in the horizon as she treks back. “God dammit! Of course the ingredients for a potion to cure the blind would be rare. Now what do I do. If I go back home now, I’ll look like a dumb ass...I’ll just say she was out of stock.”. As she passed an alley, somebody said: “Psst.”. Cayenne stopped and looked around, only to hear that sound again. She backed up to the alley way. “Somebody here?”. Cayenne couldn’t see past the shadows of the alley, only being able to make out a black stiletto boot out from the darkness. “I hear you’re looking for rare kind of crystal. Aramonius it was called, right?” a womanly voice mentioned. “Who wants to know?” Cayenne asked. “I think we might be able to help each other. We obviously can’t talk here though.”. “Where do you plan on talking then?”. “Why don’t you come and find out.”. The boot into the shadows retreated into the shadows. Cayenne dashed into the alley after the mysterious figure. She picked up a discarded newspaper and using her fire breath, lit the tip to see in the dark alley. “Where the hell did she go?”. Looking around, she sees something of a black tail scurry around the corner. Cayenne sprints after, going through ally after ally, chasing the alleged figure down. Her chase led her through a door and into a dark room, where the door promptly shut as soon as she entered. “This looks like a good place, don’t you?” the voice said. Two lights came on a pierced through the dark. One of the shined on Cayenne and another across the room. The light revealed a blonde young woman in a black and fuchsia cat suit, complete with cat ears and a bell around her neck. “Whoa! You going to BDSM or furry convention? Probably both from the looks of it.” Cayenne said. “Charming. Like I said, you want to find the Aramonius crystal, right?”. “...Maybe...What’s it to you?”. “I happen to know where one is lying. The problem is that it’s too well guarded for me to just simply take. I can’t do it alone.”. “Why go to me then? What’s your gain?”. “Are those really the questions you want to ask?”. “Can I least get a name?”. “It’s Alisha. Now do want to help me or not?”. “Where’s this gem at?”. “In China.”. “Damn. Other side of the world, huh? Okay, gimme a second and I’ll fly us their in no time.”. “I’m afraid that not gonna be an option. If the Chinese government catches us flying in restricted air space, we could both wind up dead. I have a private airlines that I commonly use for stealth operations we can take.”. “A stealth plane? Who the hell just has that on hand?” Cayenne remarks. The entire room lights up. “Follow me.”. Cayenne follows Alisha all the way to the roof of the building. The only thing she could see was the setting sun in the horizon shining on the building. “Alright, where the hell is this damn plane?” Cayenne said as she floated ahead. She suddenly bumped into something. The girl put her hand and was touching something that seemed invisible. It felt like cold metal. “The fuck?”. She looks over to Alisha as she pulls out a remote and pushed a button. A set of stairs descends out of nowhere, revealing the inside of a cockpit. “Holy shit.”. As Cayenne walks inside the cockpit, she sees how the interior was first class. Shag carpeting, leather seats, plasma TV, and personal bar. “Okay, fess up. You’re some kind of spy, aren’t you?” Cayenne asks as she sits down. Alisha sits in her seat and says: “Something like that.”. The plane takes off, Cayenne stares out the window as it leaves the city, the suburbs, and then the county as the sun sets. “Now, if you want to do this, I need you to not ask any questions from here on out, got it?” Alisha mentions. “Geez, you’re really into this mysterious shit, ain’t ya? You even gonna give me the plan”. The cat girl gives a little smile. “The Aramonius crystal is being held in a monk temple on the outskirts of Hong Kong. The crystal is being held right in the center of the temple. The place is crawling with trained monk guards, both inside and out. With the outside, there’s not really any kind of entry point, so we need to create a distraction from the outside. After we neter through the roof, we are going to sneak through the temple. The crystal might still have some security on it, even with what might be going on outside. Once we get far enough in, you are going to make yourself known and draw the security towards you. While you cause the distraction, I’ll come in and swipe the crystal right from under them. After I give the single, you bail and we make our escape.”. “Hm. Neat plan. How do I know you won’t leave me to die and just make of with the crystal?” Cayenne asks. “Ah ah. No questions. Remember? Just trust me.”. “Gee, that’s fucking comforting. Can you at least tell me how long this plane ride gonna take?”. “Oh it shouldn’t take that long. We’ll be there before you know it. Now come to the back, you need to change.”. “Change?”. “We are robbing a landmark monk temple. Don’t want anybody to recognize you after all this is over, right?”. “This coming from somebody dressed in bondage cat cosplay.”. Alisha took Cayenne to the back of the plane, where the cat girl gave her something she could wear. When she came out from the changing room, Alisha saw her wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. “Nice. Black looks good on you.” she said while handing Cayenne a ski mask with a hole cut in the top. “Meh, more into salmon pink really.” While putting on the mask and bringing her hair through the hole, Alisha asked: “Do you feel ready?”. “Bitch, I came out the womb ready.”. Looking into the front of the plane through the cockpit window, we see a glowing green hand snap it’s fingers. The intercom to the plane came on and said: “This is your captain speaking, we’ve just entered China and shall be above our destination in approximately 10 minutes.”. “Bullshit! We’ve only been on this plane for 10 minutes. There’s no way that we can be in-” Cayenne said as she walked towards the window. She looked outside and saw the city of Hong Kong. The tall buildings light up the cityscape below as the plane flew undetected in the night sky. “Well shit.”. She looks back at Alisha, who says to her: “Get ready. Were coming up on the target.”. The plane goes to the city outskirts, where a giant Chinese temple could be seen below. Alisha opened the cockpit door and dropped downward, with Cayenne following after her. Down below the front gate, two monk guards dressed in orange robes stand position carrying big spears. The guard on the right looks very tired and starts to lull into sleep. A pebble is thrown at the side of his head, jolting him awake. He looks turns to the guard to the left and finds him shaking his head while juggling pebbles with his other hand. The tired guard slaps his face and keeps himself awake. Alisha and Cayenne look out to the gate from behind a nearby tree. “Alright, just gimme a sec to take out both those guards and-” Cayenne said. Alisha stopped her short by saying: “Nope. Look over there.”. Cayenne looked over and saw another monk coming around the corner and towards the two guards. “So. Just take him out along with the others.”. “Not the point. They likely have 3 or 4 more of them patrolling the building. They’ll notice the guards missing.”. “Do you have any other idea’s then?” Cayenne snidely retorted. The cat girl pulled out a little ball out of her pocket and pressed the button on the top. The sound of loud rustling bushes could be heard coming from the ball. Alisha then threw the ball to the side. The three monks heard the noise in the distance and started running after it. Both girls move towards the gate, with Cayenne commenting? “Cute toy. What else you got in there?”. “If I told you that, I wouldn’t be a good spy now, would I?”. When they ran to the side of the gate, Cayenne floated up to the top of the wall. Alisha scaled the wall using her sharp golden claws at the ends of her hands. As soon as she got to the top, she said to Cayenne: “Follow me, stay in the shadows.”. Both of them circled around the temple, behind the towers in the corner, past a vegetable garden. When they made it to the other side, they saw some monks in various places, including inside the temple looking through the windows near the wall and on the ground. “We need to get to the roof, the only way we can is if you fly us over. But there are eyes everywhere. I doubt we’d be able to make it over without getting spotted.”. “Got another one of those noise balls?” Cayenne asks. “Not really. We need to think of something else.” Alisha sees her smile and says: “Got an idea?”. “Hells yeah. Wait here.”. She sneaks over to the garden and spits out a tiny fireball towards one of the vegetables. The fire starts spreading towards the other plants. Cayenne flew back to Alisha, who asked: “What’d you do?”. “3 2 1.”. She points over to where the garden was to see smoke coming from behind the wall. Most of the monks from the outside, including some inside, see the smoke and start racing towards it. “Hop on.” Cayenne says as she points to her back. As they landed, Cayenne whispered: “Okay, let me guess, we’re gonna break in by busting a hole in the roof. Is that it?”. “That’s the plan.”. “Alright, give me a second.” she said as she raised her fist in the air. Alisha showed the girl her hand and pulled out a laser pointer with a cat paw print design from her back pocket. “Is that a fucking cat laser pointer?”. The cat burglar points the laser towards the roof and starts circling one spot, seemingly with nothing happening. “So, why the hell do we have to be all sneaky like this? It’d probably be faster and way more fun just to kick the door down and bust some heads.” Cayenne asks. “Because we don’t know what kind of security measures these monks have in case anybody barges in. In situations like these, we need finesse and careful timing. They could hide the crystal somewhere we’d never find it, making this whole mission a failure.”. Cayenne groaned impatiently as Alisha was halfway done. “Hey, that’s what being a spy is about. It’s unexpected and dangerous. Who knows what might happen while we’re in here. And besides...”. After Alisha finished using her laser pointer, she lifted the part of the roof she used it on with little to no effort. “It’s all part of the fun.”. “Damn.”. Both of them dropped down just as the fire died off. As they descended down, Alisha place the part of the roof she cut off back as if it was never broken into. The cat girl lands down, but doesn’t see Cayenne around. She looks to the right and sees her near an ancient painting of a Chinese man in robes “What are you...” the feline spy said. When she approach, she saw that Cayenne drew a cock on the hand with a marker. “What the hell are you doing!?” she loudly whispered. “What?”. “You’re going to get us caught! Part of a spy’s jobs to leave no trace behind.” Alisha said as she took the painting of the wall. “If your not gonna take this seriously, then I might as well-”. She then saw a monk coming from around the corner. “Hide!”. Both her and Cayenne leaped up to the ceiling and watched as the patrol went by. The guard walked back and saw the painting was gone. He frantically looked around before running off. Both Cayenne and Alisha watched on the ceiling, with Alisha saying: “Great, now he’s going to tell the others and they’ll know we’re here. I told them that bringing you along with me was a mistake.”. “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. If your that desperate for cover, why not just pin it on someone else? That’s what I do.” Cayenne said as she pulled out the marker. The monk came back with others to find that the painting was back where it was. At first everyone was confused, most of them were mad when they saw the cock that Cayenne drew. They pin the crime on the monk that showed them, to which he immediately started denying. Alisha carefully dropped the marker in the monks robe. The other monk saw the marker and pulled it out of the first guards robe. The first monk was surprised that the marker was there. He tries to defend himself, but it’s too late, the rest of them think he’s guilty and make him escort himself out. While the guard runs away crying, the others walk back to their posts. Both Cayenne and her cat burglar companion dropped down after the coast was clear. “Good save. But try to be more careful. We almost got caught.”. “Whatever.”. Both of them managed to sneak through the halls of the temple, hiding behind pillars and tapestry. After sneaking down a flight of stairs, they found themselves facing a tight corridor with one monk standing by, spear in hand. The ceiling was too low to just fly over and there was minimal room for sneaking past. “Hmm...Don’t see anywhere we can just sneak through him. Let’s just fuck him up.” Cayenne said. “Hold it.”. Alisha said. She looks over and sees a vase, some look big enough to crawl in. “I have an idea.”. The guard is looking around, minding his own business trying to keep watch, when he hears the sound of stone grinding. He looks to the side and sees a big vase at the end of the hall. The monk looks away and hears the sound again. Looking this time, he notices that the vase had slightly moved. He starts to be suspicious and slowly looks back. The guard hears the grinding once more and finds that the vase blatantly moved farther away. He throws his spear at the vase and watches as it breaks into pieces. After which, he approaches thinking he’ll find a corpse to only find the shards from the vase. He looked confused, until he felt a cold stinging sensation on the back of his neck. The monk fell down to the ground, with his neck bleeding out. Alisha steps out with her claws stained in blood. “Holy shit! Did you kill that guy!?” Cayenne exclaimed. “Yep, all part of being a spy. Of course, assassin training helps. Now keep it down, your gonna blow our cover.” the cat girl casually said as she stuffed the shards and the body in different vases. She calmly walks past Cayenne as the girl stares at the pot. They manage to make it to the first floor of the temple, only to see a wide hall filled with monks. Some training, some meditating, others pretending to meditate so they can nap. Alisha and Cayenne watched above them all. “Alright, time to liven things up down there.” Cayenne said as she was about to drop down. “Not yet.”. “Fucking! What now?”. “We need to find out where the crystal is at, then you can go nuts.”. “Sheesh. How much longer are you gonna make me wait?”. Alisha traveled along the support beams of the temple to get to the other side of the room. The door to the next room was too well seen for her to simply walk through, so she had to carved a hole in the wall and proceed through there. The cat girl finally found the Aramonius crystal. It was at the end of a hall in with monks meditating on the side and two warriors with spears guarding the crystal in front of a golden Buddhist statue. She turned back to Cayenne and gave her the okay. Cayenne drops down the hall with a mighty crash, shaking the entire temple. All of the monk wake up and see her as she says: “What’s up, assholes!? Let’s party!”. She grabs one of the warriors and throws him into his fellow monks. All of them lunge at her in response, ready to fight. Cayenne started punching them into the walls as they came at her. When she started to become overwhelmed on the ground, she took to the sky and started spewing fire everywhere. One of the warriors ran up the wall with spear in hand and leaped up at the girl. Cayenne managed to turn around in time to grabbed the spear and spin the monk away. Monks from all around started to gather began throwing weighted balls tied together with rope, otherwise known as bola’s, at the girl. She tried her best to dodge them, although eventually one of them got her, and a bunch more following. She was eventually tied up as she floated in the air, barely able to move any of her limbs apart. Most of the monks started to calm down seeing her tied up, until they saw that she was starting to pull the ropes apart. Finally, she broke free of her shackles and dived at the crowd of monks. The fighting could be heard from in the hall of the crystal and all but the two monks on guards ran out to fight. Both of the guards that stayed behind stood prepared at whatever came next. The cat burglar came from behind the golden Buddhist statue and clawed one of the guards on his neck, killing him. The other guard saw his comrade go down and lunged at Alisha, nearly stabbing her with his spear. The cat girl jumped up over head and threw butterfly knives from above. The monk blocked them with his spear and swung them back at her. Alisha spun around as she descended dodging the knives that were sent back. When she landed, the cat girl lunged at him, ready to strike. The monk blocked her attacks as she clawed at him. He then swung his spear at her, making her jump up and land right behind him. The monk was about to stab her, when he felt a sharp pain behind him. The warrior fell to the ground, with the back of his neck cut open. With that fight over with, Alisha approached the crystal flower, gazing upon its red finish. She inspected the pedestal that it was resting on, being sure that there were no traps. “This being a monk temple, they won’t have anything fancy like laser trap, but I can’t be to careful.”. She looked closer at the bottom of the crystal to see anything like pressure plates, thankfully, there was nothing of the sorts. She slowly took the crystal of off its pedestal and awaited in anticipation for something to happen. Nothing did. “Hmm. Guess it didn’t have anything.”. Just as Cayenne finished of the cannon fodder, the girl saw one monk with a white robe come in. “Just one more.” she told herself. When Cayenne took a deep breath and spewed out a ball of fire, the monk clapped his hands together. “Fú, jiè g?i w? n? de lìliàng.” the monk whispers. The fire ball was deflected by a golden hand that sprung out of nowhere, almost hitting Cayenne. After dodging the fireball, Cayenne looks back and sees something coming out from behind the monk. It was a golden figure whose head and hands were attached to nothing. Eight blocky hands sprung forth, coming out from behind one another. The perfectly round head floated above the monks own head, it’s face had rectangles for a mouth and eyes, with it’s eyes being horizontal and mouth being vertical. “Ah fuck me.” Cayenne said. The hands aimed themselves at the girl and lunged forth at her. Cayenne managed to dodge five of them, stopped one in it’s tracks with a punch, but the other three smacked her into the wall. As she regained her senses, she saw two of the hands coming together at their hilts and spin around like a saw blade, spinning it’s way towards the girl. She jumped up and watched as the hands cut through the marble floor. Turning around, she saw three more hand blades coming towards her. She managed to grab one of them and toss it into another blade. The girl fired a laser from her eyes at the monk. The monk jumped high in the air to evade the beam and the head swooped under him. He was standing on the head as it floated in the air. All the hands detached from eachother and returned back to their master. Cayenne dashed at the monk in an attempt to hit him. The head flew around and evaded her attacks as the monk simply stood and prayed. The hands tried to hit her, but Cayenne blocked them. That’s when the hands grasped her by the wrist and held her still. She tried to break free of their grip but proved fruitless. Cayenne saw more hands come towards her and tried kicking them, giving them the chance to grab her legs and hold them down. With all of her limbs held down, the only option left for her was to used her fire breath on the monk. The remaining hands blocked the flames and punched her away, the other hands letting go. The force of the attack sent her crashing through a door and into the other hall with the golden statue. She got up and saw the pedestal that the crystal was on, but no sign of Alisha, only a hole on the side of the room, “That cat bitch ditched me!” she screams. She sees the monk drop down from the hole she crashed into. She waits in anticipation to see what the monks hands might do next. The head floats high above the monk, with all eight hand circling around it. The hands start to glow as they circle, the head gathering the light in front of it. Cayenne looks down and sees the monk defenseless and dashes towards him. The head at fires its laser at the girl. She manages to catch the beam and tries to push it back, the searing light burning her hands. But the force remained too strong, so she instead moves out of the way of the beam. The beam fires again, this time Cayenne evades. The laser cuts through parts of the temple, leading outside, but instead of escaping, she dashes towards the monk. The head fires once more, this time Cayenne ducks under the beam and takes a good swing at him. As he was sent flying to the wall, the golden head and arms disappeared. When he opened his eyes, the girl disappeared. Cayenne managed to get back to Townsville late at night, walking back to Kingsley and Chloe’s residence. “Damn fucking cat bitch. Why the fuck did I think she’d be able to help me? Why the hell did I trust her? Of course I shouldn’t have trusted her? I should’ve just helped Kingsley build his damn machine. That way I wouldn’t have had to go through all that shit.” Cayenne muttered. Just as Cayenne was approaching the doorway she saw something on the welcome mat She picked up from the carpet a shiny red crystal flower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serena and Alisha belong to: @princesscallyie
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forkanna · 7 years ago
"Whew! Holy cats, I thought I'd never get through that Rubik's Cube…"
My hand came up to push into my face. Not that it really mattered; I could barely feel it. "At least I could kinda help with that one. The other two gates were… yeah, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Kniv-"
"Enough," Knives panted as she wiped the sweat from her brow on her striped scarf. It was pretty weird that she was wearing it in the middle of summer, but I had a feeling it was kind of part of her 'battle outfit' or something. "Didn't I… tell you that I'm… doing this for both of us? Not just you?"
"But watching you stare into the mirror… man, I thought you were gonna turn into that other reflection of you with all the purple buffalo in the background…"
The sweet smile made my pulse race. Somewhere. Not in the body I was in within my body, but the body outside of my… body… this is really annoying to explain, as I have just realised while trying to do so. Point is, seeing her smile makes me smile, too. "Anything for you, Kim Pine. Serious and mysterious."
"Alright, alright. Just try not to get killed or then I'll be really hacked off."
The thing I still couldn't figure out was how I guessed all of this so accurately. Probably something subliminal about it; there's no way it was a coincidence. But everything, the three gates, the rhino and warthog, the high-walled chambers we had to fight our way through, came to pass exactly as I snarked in a would-be joking tone. If I made it a reality by saying it… man did I fuck myself royally.
At this point, Knives and I were at the top of a ledge that ran the entire circumference of a round room, closer to the ceiling. It was over a dozen meters to the ground, and another three or four up to the ceiling from where the walkway was positioned. Once she flipped down into that pit, it would be her against the sixteen-eyed monster that stood between us and the final chamber. Maybe we would luck out and it wouldn't really have a laser cannon in its chest, but after everything I'd seen, that felt like a pretty horrible bet to take.
"We don't even know that getting past this thing will be worth the effort," I whispered. "What are we going to find in the sub-chamber? How is it gonna help me at all?"
"Dunno. Just… okay, should I use the save point? Because the room already locked behind us, and if I need some kind of item that we didn't find on our way here…"
"Right, I know. Like, do we really wanna have to go through the gates all over again if we don't use it?"
"Yeah." Glancing back at the closed-and-shut door, then over at the spinning, glowing book that floated above a magic circle on the floor, she flashed me a huge shrug. "I think I can take him, but like, you're right; do we lock down how far we've come, or give ourselves a way to double back for power-ups?"
Facepalming, which didn't do much since I could see through my hand, I sighed, "Whatever. Just please be careful?"
"Okay. Here goes nothing…"
Knives walked over and touched the save point. Now we were committed. Once the glow faded from her skin, she gave me a thumb's up before leaping down to land in front of the beast.
Watching her at work is like watching Russian ballet, only with green blood spraying everywhere. Darting back and forth, hiding behind pillars to dodge the worst of its needle attacks, and then hopping out to slice it up as much as she could. It smacked her around a few times, but she was doing some pretty decent damage… until it got her with the laser cannon. Then she was fried to ash, and there as nothing I could do…
But wait for her to respawn at the save point. I was a ghost; I didn't affect anything, other than to talk to her and give her ideas.
"Whoa, did… that really happen just now?"
"Man, I'm glad that worked," I told her, feeling like years had been shaved off my afterlife. "I… oh Knives…"
That definitely didn't sound like me, and she noticed, turning back from where she had been approaching the edge of the catwalk. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah. Just… just not ready to see you get hurt. Even if you pop right back in, that was still…"
"But you saw me get beaten up by Gideon before, right? So what's the difference?"
I scoffed. "Didn't have much of a personal investment in you then. And that was scary, too."
"He wasn't a real threat."
"He seemed to beat up Scott pretty thoroughly!"
"Yeah." Her smile was pretty confident, yet somehow still adorable, like she was about to break out into the world's cutest maniacal laughter. "But he's got nothing on me. Be right back."
And she was. I could tell it was almost done for, but then it did a stomp move that knocked her onto her butt. The next stomp squished her flat. But she popped back in thanks to our handy checkpoint and jumped straight back down there again. And again. And again. Eventually, I had to stop watching the moment she bit it or I would have been screaming and sobbing, despite having no physical tears to shed. But each time, she got a little better.
"Dude, give it up. Maybe they can figure out a way to pull you out of here from this save point. Do you have a Wing Bottle, maybe?"
"No… way!" she panted, leaning back against the wall as she caught her breath. Apparently, even though the save point respawned her, it wasn't respawning her stamina entirely. She still needed a break before trying again. "I got this! And… I'm not giving up on you!"
"You should! I'm not worth this! God, I know you want to win, and I think you can, but watching you die over and over is… I hate it!"
Frowning, she pushed off and came over to hug me very briefly. By which I mean she put her arms around my ghostly form and kinda held them there, giving the impression of a hug, which was close enough. "Sorry. I'd hate watching you do that, too… but we gotta win this. And I will; I think I've about got his pattern down. I just have to remember not to tuck-and-roll at that moment when I think I need to again, and I'll be good."
"Did you notice what he does before he fires off the canon? The way his top two eyes blink?"
"What? No, I didn't! Okay, that'll really help, because like, I was just waiting to see the chest open and then it's almost too late to duck…" Nodding a couple off times, she then smiled over at me. "Yeah, I'll watch for it. Thanks!"
"What 'thanks'? I'm basically helping you help me. Go on."
The final attempt was a thing of beauty to watch. Knives had that chump on the ropes the whole time, snapping at his tentacles with her blades and ducking out of their reach, away from the needles that shot out of them, and then dodging the laser cannon because of me pointing out the blinking thing. She had a pretty good dodge ratio even before that, but seeing her get out of the way every time was a lot more satisfying. Then, once he did the duck-down halfway through the fight, getting ready to slam, she sliced his stupid wings off and he got pissed the way he does, firing the laser in an up-down pattern that she had to dodge by ducking and then jumping up to grab the ledge. Didn't take much of that for her to wear him down so she could dart in and poke out the last remaining eyes. Once he was blind, all she had to do was stab the crystal on his back and he was down for good.
"YES!" she cheered, falling to her knees. "I… I did it! I did it!"
We both shouted our celebrations for a few seconds as I drifted down, wishing I could hug her. After a few minutes of that I said, "Oh man… what a jerk! If my fist wasn't invisible I would punch him."
"Yeah, now! He messed with my girl!"
Knives's flush took on a different meaning. "Awww, you called me your girl. I'm gonna give you so many kisses when you have a face again!"
"I… just… o-okay," I managed to stammer, ignoring her giggle as she started walking. "Wait, shouldn't you go back to the save point?"
"Nah, it's too far up to get to it without timing wall jumps for hours. And anyway, now that I have the pattern down, I can blow through that boss pretty easy if I have to again. Muscle memory, right?"
So I followed her forward into the next chamber. The innermost one, where the "real me" was supposed to be, if this was all coming true as we went. Crazy, but it was hard to argue with the proof when it was right in front of us like that.
This chamber really did look like the inside of a heart. The walls were a dark red, slick and nasty, and in the center was a cage made of stone. We took a quick look around, hoping to spot any crazy vampires or fire-breathing lizard-turtles that would want to kill Knives — and by extension, my chances of being able to move ever again — and saw nothing. So instead, we rushed to see what was in the cage.
It was me. Or at least, it was some weird version of me that I could only describe as a princess. Her hair was about half a meter longer and done in some kind of gentle wavy curls that I could never pull off in a million hours of crimping, and she was wearing a white dress that showed off the rack that I don't really have. Her upper arms weren't nearly as jacked as mine are from drumming, but they were still toned. Basically, this was what I would look like if I dieted perfectly, had my own stylist and was also on my way to a debutante ball or whatever.
"Oh!" Princess Pine gasped when she spotted Knives. "You have come for me, Prince Chau!"
"Prince?" Knives muttered with a frown.
"Yes! You are the prince and I am the princess, waiting f-"
"She's not a dude!" I shouted in my best heckling voice. What the hell was this supposed to be? I was instantly offended by her very existence.
"I'll not hear a word from you, pretender!" she said, voice somewhere between angry and frightened. "The NegaKim must be vanquished!"
For a few seconds, we just blinked at her. It was me who asked, "The what?"
"NegaKim! 'Tis you who has been in charge of my body, stealing everything I could have done for night a decade of years! A shame and a disgrace to my face!"
"Wait," Knives put in, holding up a hand. The other one was still holding a dagger; she wanted to be at least semi-prepared for a sudden attack. "What are you talking about, 'NegaKim'?"
"She is NegaKim! I am the real Kim Pine, of course! Forced into this Gorgon Maiden by nefarious means, kept prisoner by the evil twin-spirit who took over my physical form! While my prince wasted her efforts on her, when I would have been much more appreciative!" She was still talking with all that righteous fire, but saying that last part I could see her blush a lot worse than I usually did. And it looked better on her. Goddamn it, I couldn't even be the hottest version of Kim Pine, which really rankled.
Knives had a different observation. "Well, at least she's getting the pronouns right…"
"Listen, you," I growled angrily. "Fuck the hell off. It's my body, I've had it for twenty-five years, and I'm not handing it over to some… frilly, froofy cunt!"
That gave her one of those affronted faces you only see in movies set in the 1800s. After she recovered, she hissed, "You'll regret this! I don't know how, but you will, I'll…" There were tears in her eyes. This was pretty legit for a fake-ass bitch trying to steal my spot in life. Her fists were trying to rattle the bars of her little cage as she shouted, "I'm going to get out of here, I swear it!"
"Okay, okay," Knives hissed, raising her hand again to encourage her to calm down. "What if we get you out, and you can go away somewhere else? Isn't that a good, like… compromise? OH! What if we got a robot-Kim, and you could go live in there?"
"My prince… can't you see that I am your intended?" she pleaded with her, leaning so far against the bars that her face was trying to push between them. "Not her, me! She will hurt you, but I would cradle your heart as if a baby bird! I… all I want is to make you happy!"
Everyone was quiet for a few seconds. I turned back to Knives and shrugged. "Well? She's the girl of your dreams. All the freckles, and none of the acid-tongue. Plus she's way cuter."
"Nah," Knives said without any hesitation. "I know who I love, and it's you. This is some other test and I'm gonna pass this one, too. And the next one, and the next, until I break you out and we can both go get sushi or something."
As I was grinning at her, beyond any level of love for her that I had previously thought possible, I dimly noticed Princess Pine collapsing on the floor in a flurry of sobs. Oh well, too bad. Better luck next time. As we were sharing that moment, someone came along to interrupt it…
"How dare you thwart my plans! I've been waiting for this to come to fruition for seven years!"
If my face could have paled any further than ghostly white, it would have.
"Simon Lee."
To Be Continued…
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taintedkibou · 8 years ago
Couldn’t Endure - part two
[part one] 
Everyone parted ways for their respected train stations once they were done with Mementos, Futaba sticking close to Akira’s side. Almost everyone. Ryuji bit back a grimaced when he was jerked to a halt after long fingers curled around his wrist. He glanced over his shoulder to find Akira and Futaba wearing matching frowns behind their glasses. Everyone else paused in their own departures.
“You’re spending the night so I can keep an eye on you,” Akira declared, no room for an argument in his voice. Ryuji found room. “Dude, I can’t.” 
“Your uniform technically only consists of your pants since you refuse to adhere to the dress code.” Ryuji’s head snapped around, his eyes wide and glaring at Yusuke. The student artist smiled. “Put them to wash when you get back to Leblanc tonight and you won’t have a problem in the morning. I’m sure our leader wouldn’t mind lending you one of his uniform shirts.” “Ryuji, in a full uniform?” Ann scoffed, but her grin gave her away. Makoto smiled, “As the Student Council President, it would make me happy to see you in the proper attire.” Ryuji gave them each a hard glare. Traitors. He hoped he got Brainwashed during their next trip to Mementos or a Palace infiltration, if just to know he got to beat them all up. The tug on his hand drew his attention back to the original culprit. Akira arched a questioning eyebrow, his silence as loud as if he’d shouted. Well? Ryuji sighed, defeated, “Let me… contact my mom and tell her. I don’t want to have her worrying.” Almost immediately, the remainder of their group said their “see you laters”, each disappearing in the direction of their destination. Ryuji pulled out his phone, thinking it best to place a call rather than send a text. Akira and Futaba turned their backs to give the semblance of privacy and Ryuji appreciated it. The phone call lasted longer than he would liked, having to reassure his mother that: yes, he was hanging out with friends; no, he wasn’t being blackmailed or threatened, though Akira could come across as threatening, especially when driven by raw determination. The phone call ended and Akira returned to his side, Futaba leading the way to the train that would take them back to Leblanc. x Sojiro gave the blond a once over when the trio walked into his cafe, breathing out a thin cloud of smoke. He never thought he’d see any of them at night. “You keep collecting strays,” he teased. Unlike Ann, his expression did not give that away and Ryuji shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his pants, ducking his head. “Kidding. The more friends this kid has, the less likely he is to get into trouble.” When all three teens failed to look inconspicuous–whistling and looking at the ceiling was too obvious, Sojiro closed his eyes and tried to count to 10. He made it to 5. “Don’t get caught,” he amended. “Okay!” Futaba chirped, making an OK sign with her fingers. “Don’t agree to that!” Sojiro exhaled deeply and decided it was time to leave the café in Akira’s hands. “You know the routine.” He removed his apron, deftly folding it and tucking it away until tomorrow. “Futaba, let’s go home.” He walked out from behind the counter, patting Akira on the shoulder when he passed him. He felt like he owed him congratulations. Akira smiled. Futaba made to slap Ryuji in his back, but quickly remembered his accident and redirected her hand to his shoulder. “Have fun! Not too much fun, though. I’m watching.” With a creepy chuckle, she skipped ahead of Sojiro and out of Leblanc. Sojiro waved over his shoulder, trailing behind his adopted daughter. Morgana jumped out of Akira’s school bag once the door swung shut, stretching his legs on the cafe floor. “Considering the day we’ve had, you both need to hurry and get to sleep. I’m not even sure you should be going to do laundry. Call–” Morgana yowled after being pushed aside by Akira’s foot. Ryuji looked from the cat to the smiling brunet, confusion and questions written across his face. “Call who?” “Nobody,” Akira chuckled. “But Maybe Morgana’s right. Let’s see if you can fit into my uniform.” Ryuji was ushered up the stairs to the attic-slash-bedroom, protests be damned.
Akira carefully set both his regular and spare uniform aside for tomorrow. He found a safe spot, void of dust to hang them up. With that out of the way, both teens began getting ready to sleep. Ryuji carefully pulled his graphic tee over his head, haphazardly folding it and setting it next to the lounging Morgana; it was the only free flat surface. Akira tried not to stare–he’d seen Ryuji in less all those times spent at the beach–and busied himself with searching through his belongings for an extra set of sleepwear. Ryuji’s hands hesitated at his school pants. Unbeknownst to him, he shared the same thoughts as Akira. ‘What the hell… He’s seen me in my beach shorts. It’s just…’ His fingers hooked into the waist of the uniform pants and he tugged, exposing the black and gray striped waistband of his boxer briefs. ’Get over it, you idiot! He’s your friend, that’s it. There’s nothing–won’t be anything–between us!’ With that little pep talk over, Ryuji pulled off the slacks and carefully stepped out of them. He folded them as small as possible and set them on top of the shirt. Morgana cracked one eye open and stared at the growing pile. He gave Ryuji a lazy once over before letting out a yawn. “You’re taking too long,” the cat rumbled. “I want to sleep as much as you do.” “What does your sleep have to do with me?” Ryoji scoffed. “You look comfortable where you are, so go to sleep.” Morgana opened both eyes and managed to wear a smirk on a cat’s face. “I sleep in the bed.” Ryuji looked to Akira for confirmation. The quiet brunet shrugged, already changed into his lounge wear. “The couch is too small for the both of us.” He held out the clothes he’d managed to secure. “He’ll kill me in my sleep!” Ryuji yelled, snatching the offered pile of clothes. “Shh,” both cat and master hissed. Ryuji slapped the clothes against his face to scream into them, belatedly realizing they weren’t his when he breathed in. Akira quickly turned away and walked to the couch. He hoped his cheeks weren’t as bright red as they felt as he busied himself with making his temporary bed more comfortable to his liking. Ryuji’s face was red enough for the both of them, and he tripped trying to put on the borrowed sweats, twice. The third time dislodged Morgana, who impatiently jumped onto the attic’s floor and quietly padded over to the bed. He hopped up onto the futon and sat at the corner, blue eyes boring holes into Ryuji. The blond finally managed to get the pants up, angrily tying the strings at the waist, and yanked the top down over his head. When his arms became tangled, he choked out an annoyed sound. “Dude!” Ryuji flapped the long sleeves at Akira. “You don’t have anything else that won’t make me melt in the middle of the night?” Akira adjusted his own long sleeves and smiled at his guest. “Nope,” he hummed. Grumbling, Ryuji managed to get his arms through and began rolling the sleeves up. He stopped at the first feel of resistance, not wanting to stretch out what had been gratefully loaned to him. He did mutter out loud as he took reluctant steps toward the bed. “I don’t see why I have to be here. My back is fine. I feel fine. It’s like I’m under house arrest, and I’ll probably die again tonight. And the stupid cat that kills me won’t even be able to use the same skill here in the real world.” Ryuji froze right at the edge of the bed. “…it’s not fair we can only use our abilities in this so-called cognitive world.” There were so many people he’d love to fry with his lightning. Morgana noticed the troubled look clouding the boy’s eyes and sighed. He wasn’t the best at comforting, and he learned Ryuji responded better to direct orders. “Ryuji. Stop thinking and go to sleep. I promise I’ll stay right here.” He pawed at his current corner. Ryuji snapped back to attention, looking around the attic. Akira was already seated on the couch, a thin blanket held loosely in his hands as he waited for Ryuji to climb into bed. With a sigh, the blond did as they wanted him to, immediately pushing the covers against the wall as a soft barrier. Morgana made himself comfortable as he curled up, tail idly swishing back and forth. He would keep an ear out for both boys and stay awake until they fell asleep.
His mother’s eyes widened and Ryuji turned into the blow that landed across his face. He fell from the chair and felt hands gently urging him to stand and run. If he ran, then his mother would be the one receiving that man’s anger. The gentle hands were replaced by rough ones that yanked Ryuji to his feet. He stood at the same height as that man, which meant he was stronger now. Or so he thought. Rather than continue to hit him, the man’s face twisted into a dark expression that shook Ryuji’s to his core. Something was different. “You’re pathetic. A useless, washed-up has-been!” Ryuji clenched his fists, wishing he had something heavy and blunt to wield. “But on top of all that… you had to be fuckin’ gay as well?!” All fight left the teen, his eyes wide as he stumbled backwards from an invisible blow. “No…” “No, what?” The shadowy figure stepped forward. “You didn’t think I would find out?! Is that why you joined the track team? You fuckin’ disgust me… There’s no way I would ever claim you as my own.” “Like hell I’d want an abusive deadbeat like you as my dad!” “Shut up!” The blow was delivered straight to Ryuji’s gut, and he sank to his knees. “Fuckin’ faggot.” “I’m… not.” +++
“Ryuji.” Ryuji lashed out at the whispering voice, the power behind his swing and miss causing him to tumble from the futon. He drew himself onto his knees, arms folded on the floor with his head resting atop them. At the sound of dry heaving, Akira scrambled to his feet and rushed downstairs to the café. He apologized to Sojiro for everything he touched, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. Taking the short flight of stairs two at a time had him back at Ryuji’s side in record time. “Ryuji. It’s me. Kurusu Akira. You’re at LeBlanc. Please… drink this.” Ryuji lifted his head from his arms to glance at Akira from the corner of his eye. He could see the panic and worry on his friend’s face, and felt a swell of pride knowing he once again broke that expressionless mask. He pushed himself up enough to reach out with one hand and accept the offered glass. Their fingers touched in the exchange and he heard that man. Faggot. ’I’m not!’ The glass fell after Ryuji snatched his hand back, the distance short enough that it didn’t shatter. How many times had they touched like that before? They were friends. ‘Get out of my head!’ Morgana was quick enough to grab Akira’s forgotten blanket, tossing it over the small puddle. “Ryuji. You need to calm down. We’re not going to hurt you. If you’re having nightmares about the attack…” He trailed off, looking to Akira for help. “It’s not over,” the brunet sighed, idly mopping up the mess. “It won’t be over until the answers to everyone’s questions have been laid out before us.” His hand still, fingers clenching in the damp material. “But you’re not alone now, you know.” Ryuji’s fingers clenched into fists atop the wooden floor. “I’m glad you tried to pick a fight with me on my first day.” “I didn’t try to pick a fight,” Ryuji snapped. Akira lifted his head, eyebrow raised as if to prove a point, and chuckled softly. Even in the darkness of the room, those gray eyes still managed to set Ryuji’s mind alight with desires and questions he wouldn’t have even dreamed of thinking about. The power they had over Ryuji was even stronger now that glasses didn’t hide them, and he felt the urge to confess. His stubbornness was strong, however, and his confession only went as far as the thoughts in his head. And it wasn’t much of a confession than Ryuji coming to terms with the feelings he had for his friend and teammate. His thoughts no longer sounded like his father spitting slurs. Instead, Futaba yelled at him to get on with it. Ryuji smiled sheepishly and ducked his head to hide it, muttering an apology about the cup. Under Morgana’s watchful and glowering gaze, both teens headed downstairs for fresh water. Akira cleaned up the kitchen–Sojiro would still notice something amiss–and everyone headed back to the attic. “Whoa.” Ryuji used both hands, arms fully outstretched, to stop Akira from climbing into the futon with him. “I just want to be close enough so I can help you fight off your bad dreams,” was the innocent response given. “Bull. Shit.” Akira frowned. “It was my bed first.” “That’s your follow up? Mona! Tell him to get back on the couch!” Morgana sighed, already getting comfortable on the abandoned sofa. He yawned, languidly stretching his feline body before curling up. “His argument is quite solid.” Ryuji sputtered indignantly, at a loss for words. He knew he wasn’t on best terms with the cat, but he didn’t think he’d get shot down so easily. Tired of waiting, Akira executed a few simple moves that gave him the upper hand, leaving Ryuji on his back and stretched out lengthwise on the bed.
Akira carefully built up the covers between them as a wall. “Go to sleep, Ryuji.” “Un,” Ryuji mumbled, still unable to process what just happened. When the ceiling grew boring to look at, he rolled over onto his side only to be face to face with the wall. It took several minutes, and a great deal of twisting and turning for him to get even remotely comfortable; the futon was made for one. Akira remained motionless during the entire ordeal. Morgana was finally able to drift back to sleep after making sure the boys had already done the same.
Sojiro was never one to meddle in the kid’s life, but when Akira was late coming down for breakfast, he took the initiative to climb the stairs and find out why; maybe even light a fire beneath the boy. Once he was high enough to see over the top step, he reprimanded himself for bothering.   The blond one had a leg thrown over the transfer student’s thighs, the appendage curled just as tight as the arms over Akira’s chest. Akira’s face was contorted in great distress, and despite not being awake, he still wriggled in an attempt to free himself. The cat was sprawled out over the otherwise empty sofa. Sojiro turned on the stairs and headed back down into the café, ready for a cigarette to start his day.
Ryuji almost smacked his head into the nearest wall after he walked out of Shibuya station with Akira, and into the Square. Ann had no intention of hiding. She stood on the tips of her toes, one arm waving while the other arm rested on Makoto’s shoulder for support. Yusuke looked bored, but anyone with a decent-working brain could tell he was accessing the situation.
Ryuji intended to walk by them all to the Teikyu building, but Ann wasn’t having it. She dashed after him and hooked two fingers into the back of his borrowed shirt and halted his movements. “Makoto, look.” Her free hand was used to indicate to Ryuji’s attire.
Makoto wiped invisible tears from the corners of her eyes. “This is a wonderful day.”
“It is.” Akira’s soft-spoken words took the bluster right out of Ryuji. The morning began with Akira waking when Ryuji attempted to untangle their limbs. After being caught, the blond panicked, and they’d both fallen from the bed when he figured pushing Akira would get the job done quicker. Sojiro yelling threats at them did indeed get them moving. After quick baths, followed by an even quicker curry breakfast, the duo made a mad dash for the nearby station. Which led them to where they all stood now.
Ryuji looked towards the Teikyu building as he remembered the eventful morning. During Ann’s exaggerated display of capturing him—her hand now idly rested on his shoulder as she talked with Makoto and Akira, Yusuke had calmly made his way around the group and was currently smiling proudly at Ryuji. Ryuji’s shoulders slumped in defeat.
“You look like you’ve bested several of your own personal demons. I think this calls for a celebration. Adzuki beans and rice.”
On that note, Ryuji reached over his shoulder and slapped Ann’s hand free of his shirt. “Later, weirdos!” he yelled before bolting for the Teikyu building. His face was flushed by the time he reached the ticket gates and he hoped it passed as exertion from running to catch the train still loading passengers at the Ginza platform. No one needed to know he was blushing because of Yusuke’s suggestion to celebrate his nonexistent relationship. The train doors slid shut and Ryuji fell against them with a soft huff. 
[part three] [part four] [part five] [part six] 
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ganymedeandcallisto · 8 years ago
someone asked me for the 100 questions but tumblr is fuckin up so here u go my friend
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it? a: lea (pronounced lee), it was my grandmas middle name and yes I do love it 
2. are you artistic? a: fuck yeah I am I sing and play instruments and do art 
3. Have you had your first kiss? a: yes 
4. What is your life goal? a: to be happy TBH 
5. Do you have any expieriences with a famous person? a: my dad went to grade school with this guy who won an Oscar! also Bernie sanders came to my high school for a rally which was so so cool 
6. Do you play any sports? a: what is a sport 
7. What’s your worst fear? a: that everyone I love is pretending to like me TBH 
8. Who’s your biggest inspiration? a: Kim from Matt and Kim ngl, also the people in Costa Rica who created the giant dog sanctuary 
9. Do you have any cool talents? a: I play 6 instruments and also I have a really good memory 
10. are you a morning person? a: YES I love getting up early especially when I don’t have to do anything 
11. How do you feel about pet names? a: hate (dyldoge) 
12. Do you like to read? a: YEAH I DO it’s so fun to me 
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life. a: the office, game of thrones, the walking dead (mostly cause glenn and maggie) 
14. Do you care about your follower count? a: nope unless it’s 420 or 666 
15. What’s the best dream you’ve had? a: probably one where I was either flying or hugging someone 
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender? a: I have not 
17. Do you have any pets? a: YEAH I HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL BABIES (dogs) 
18. Are you religious? a: I am not 
19. Are you a people person? a: ahahahahaha noooooooooooooooo 
20. Are you considered popular? a: I’m not sure?? TBH 
21. What is one of your bad habits? a: saying yes when I want to say no, also procrastinating 
22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable? a: showing music I love to people 
23. What would you name your children? a: *dogs I love all dog names 
24. Who’s your celebrity crush? a: Marcos is the biggest celebrity of my heart 
25. What’s your best subject? a: English/history that uncovers how awful white america is/has been 
26. Dogs or cats? a: both!!!!!!!! but TBH dogs more 
27. most used social media besides tumblr? a: I’m not sure but I’m gonna say chat snaps 
28. best friends name a: Marcos and varla ofc <3 <3 <3 
29. who does your main family consist of a: my sister and my mom and dad and my two beautiful dog children 
30. Chocolate or sugar a: chocolate 
31. have you ever been on a date? a: yes! not formally like “would you like to go on a date with me?” tho 
32. Do you like rollercosters? a: I did……but Marcos and I went to the fair last summer and concluded that we are too old for this and our joints are too stiff 
33. Can you swim? a: yes and I love swimming so much 
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse? a: grab everyone I love and live in a Costco 
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder? a: yes ednos, depression, and trichotillomania 
36. Are your parents together? a: yes they are 
37. What’s your favourite colour? a: green forever and ever 
38. What country are you from/do you live in? a: USA :^) 
39. Favourite singer? a: I’m gonna say my favorite artist is Matt and Kim but there are so many other favorites ahahah 
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day? a: no TBH unless it’s for cooking 
41. Do you like dresses? a: yeah I fuckin love dresses but they are uncomfy sometimes 
42. Favourite song right now? a: poplar street by glass animals or vampire money by mcr honorable mention: planetary [go!] by mcr, well it’s true that we love one another by the white stripes, northeast by Matt and Kim, man on the moon by zella day, the way we move by langhorne slim and the law, when you’re young by Edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes 
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? a: no I actually really like talking about sex! I think it’s healthy to 
44. How old were you when you first got your period? a: like 11 I think lmao 
45. Have you ever shot a gun? a: nope and I don’t really wanna 
46. Have you ever done yoga? a: yes 
47. Are you a horror girl? a: hell yeah give me some of that 😩💯😭👌🏽✔️✔️👅💦💦😳👀😍 babadook 
48. Are you good at giving advice? a: sometimes like I know exactly what I wanna say but I talk around it bc I’m bad at explaining things 
49. Tell us a story about your childhood. a: one time when I was 4 my cousin was bothering me and putting a pillow over my face so I bit him so hard it bled and now he’s a trump supporter but I can’t bite him bc I’m an Adult 
50. How are you doing today? a: I’m good!! I had a really great breakfast with my RA Rebecca and my roommate Sydney! 
51. Were you a cute kid? a: there was no kid cuter than me up until like 1st grade when I got glasses 
52. Can you dance? a: when no one is watching TBH 
53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing? a: eating with chopsticks and also wanting to be in love 
54. Have you ever dyed your hair? a: nooooo but I wanna 
55. What colour are your eyes? a: brown 
56. What’s your favourite animal? a: horses and dogs!! 
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself? a: yes I definitely have :^)))) 
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? a: I think so!! they support my decision to change my major and I’m so so happy 
59. Do you have good friends? a: like 3 maybe who I never get to see ://// 
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group? a: ya bich it me (also yes!! many of my friends are) 
61. What’s your favourite class? a: this quarter, Asian American studies 
62. List all the tv shows you are watching. the walking dead, westworld, full frontal with Samantha Bee, daily show, game of thrones, I think that’s it? 
63. Are you organized? a: honey………no 
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion? in theaters I saw rogue one and I loved it so much THERE WERE POC LEADS 
67. Which tv character do you relate to most? a: I don’t know actually but probably Pam from the office TBH 
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness? a: distance :/ and financial instability :/ 
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? a: taking care of dogs 
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die? a: id change the not dying part…….it’s gotta happen sometime just not now 
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you? a: I’d dance all the time in public 
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently? a: stand up for myself 
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one? a: is this even a question of course I would 
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new? a: in August when me and Marcos went to SLO 
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind? a: the living room and my dogs greeting me and getting in n out for dinner 
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today? a: I found out I can change my major really quickly 
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid? a: a paleontologist I loved dinosaurs 
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking? a: not too much actually I dream of being financially stable with my love Marcos and being surrounded by dogs and having my family live not super close but not too far away 
79.When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have? a: in class bc participation is part of the grade 
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence a: I’m going to finish college with a steady job, hopefully travel a lot, and spend all the time I can working towards The Dream™ 
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like? a: me: graduates college and gets a masters degree within a year 
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity? a: looking for a way to make Marcos also live forever and then taking care of all dogs 
83. How would you spend a billion dollars? a: I’d buy a big house that has a lot of land for my dogs to run around in and pay for a bunch of kids’ tuition and buy my parents a bunch of vacations and create spaces for dogs everywhere and donate to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren……that’s kind of a big question 
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future? a: the past so that I can see all the history white people cover up 
85. What motivates you to succeed? a: The Dream ™ of being financially stable in a nice apartment with a few dogs and the love of my life Marcos 
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most? a: I had a nightmare that trump became president 
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why? a: woods bc city smell like pee and is smoggy 
88. Do you believe in life after death a: kinda but I hope it’s a life where I don’t really have to Do anything 
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they? a: my great uncle because he was a professor of English and he loved my great aunt so much and had a house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest and deer and it had a greenhouse and a place for bats to roost 
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory? a: making pillow forts with my sister and then destroying them by jumping on top of them 
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why? a: I wanna have dinner with Donald trump, specifically so I can stab him in his orange face with my fork 
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy? a: not too many things TBH I cry very hard at practically everything 
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life? a: you shouldn’t have to change something about yourself in order to deserve love (unless ur a neo nazi or a mass murderer or something like that obviously) 
94. What do you think happens after we die? a: party in the afterlife 
95. What would you do if you would be invisible? a: probably steal money from trump but make it look like mike pence or richard spencer did it 
96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try? a: whistle ahahaha 
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring? a: all dogs are beautiful 
98. How did your first crush develop? a: my first crush was on Luke Skywalker and it developed by me watching a new hope 
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it? a: it’s the feeling of That Fuck Shit and i ignore it on the daily 
100. Do you live or do you just exist? a: time is meaningless and none of us Actually exist
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animalfactsus · 7 years ago
Top 10 Black Cat Facts and Myths – Cats 101 – Animal Facts
Top 10 Black Cat Facts and Myths – Cats 101 – Animal Facts
No feline is more maligned than the black cat. The black cat along with pumpkins, bats and witches, and spiders … yes and spiders … has become a staple of Halloween imagery.
While black cats are typically associated with Halloween, witchcraft and bad luck, and the #1 Halloween costume choice for both children and women in their freshman year of college… oddly enough… there’s much more to these dark-colored fur balls that you probably didn’t know. [I thought I taw a puddy tat] Let’s take a look at our shadowy feline friends.
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Our Black Cat Binx
Meet Binx. Binx is our resident black kitty in the Animal Facts household. Binx showed up at our doorstep two years ago and well. We can say without a doubt that the only spells he’s ever cast were … [meow] What’s that? Oh right… get on with the list, it’s almost dinner time. OK.
10. Beginning in the Middle Ages, black cats became associated with witches and witchcraft and of-course the Devil. Some people went so far as to believe black cats were cohorts to witches or even witches who had taken animal form.
This widespread superstition resulted in the horrific mass executions of black cats—and sometimes even their wrongfully labeled owners.
The elderly, solitary women who often fed and cared for stray cats were also often misidentified as witches and the cats as their evil conspirators.
Well… Well, we did do the nose and the hat. She is a witch. Burn her.
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9. Maybe these “witches” were onto something.
Forget the stereotypical depiction of the perpetually single crazy cat lady. In some parts of the world, it’s believed that black cats can actually improve your love life. That is as long as you remember to hit your outfit with the lint roller before going out for a date. Or you could just wear that little black dress.
In Japan, for example, single women who own black cats are believed to attract more suitors. And in Great Britain’s English Midlands, a black cat is the ideal wedding gift. They’re believed to bring good luck and happiness to the bride.
If you’re in Germany and a black kitty crosses your path from right to left, good things are on the horizon.
Right to left Binx, Right to Left
8. Not only can a black cat beef up your love life, but they can amp up your good luck and improve your finances, too.
Historically, sailors brought cats aboard ships to hunt mice—and, presumably, for companionship—but British sailors in the Royal Navy believed a black cat, in particular, would bring the ship good luck and ensure a safe return home. A few of these kitties have been enshrined in maritime history, like Tiddles, who traveled more than 30,000 miles during his time with the Royal Navy.
If you were a pirate it became a little more complicated, though.
Pirates believed a black cat walking toward you was bad luck; a black cat walking away from you was good luck; and if a cat boarded the ship, then jumped off, the ship was headed to see Davey Jones.
7. It’s common to think that black cats in shelters are the last in line to find their forever homes, but a recent survey from the ASPCA suggests otherwise.
Although euthanasia numbers for black cats were of the highest, their total number of adoptions was the highest of any hue as well.
But his wicked past does still haunt him.
Aside from continuing to rep all things eerie, the fear of black cats still has some influence today: Many animal shelters won’t place black cats in homes during the month of October, for fear of them being used sacrificially.
Yeah, that’s some bad Joujou.
Many also advise keeping your black cat indoors on or near the Halloween holidays.
6. The black cat is not a breed.
The Cat Fanciers’ Association recognizes 22 different breeds that can have solid black coats—including the Norwegian Forest Cat, Japanese Bobtail, and Scottish Fold—but the Bombay breed is what most people picture: a copper-eyed, all-black shorthair.
The resemblance to a “black panther” is no coincidence. In the 1950s, a woman named Nikki Horner was so enamored with how panthers looked that she bred what we now refer to as the Bombay.
The Bombay’s nickname is the “parlor panther,” because of his resemblance to the big cat.
Many black cats have golden eyes, which is the result of high melanin pigment content in their bodies.
5. Put your lab coat on. Researchers at the US National Institutes of Health discovered that the genetic mutations that cause cats to have black coats may offer them some protection from diseases. In fact, the mutations affect the same genes that offer HIV resistance to humans.
Because cats can experience many of the same health issues as we do—cancer, HIV and Alzheimer’s, to name a few—they make perfect models for studying human disease. By figuring out how cats have evolved to resist diseases, researchers can, potentially, learn how to prevent disease in humans as well.
And we thought the only thing cats ever did for us was to knock stuff off the furniture.
4. Black Cats can “rust”.
Okay, so they don’t actually rust like a tin can or bike. A black cat’s color all boils down to a genetic quirk. There are three variants of the black fur gene (solid black, brown, and cinnamon), and the hue works in conjunction with the pattern. If a cat has a solid black hue, but also the dominant tabby stripe gene, heavy exposure to the sun can make the pigment in his fur break down to reveal his once-invisible stripes. Your once black cat is now a rusty brown cat.
3. They’re difficult to photograph—but it can be done.
The modern-day conundrum black cat owners face isn’t bad luck, but bad lighting. In a world filled with people sharing photos of their pets on Facebook and Instagram, black cats can end up looking like a dark blob in photos. A photographer’s advice? Minimalist backgrounds, so your kitty can stand out, and angling him towards natural light sources (but keep him out of bright sunlight!).
If you’re snapping pics on your smart-phone, tap on your cat’s face, to lock exposure on your cat.
2. A black cat with an arched back and bared claws was used as a symbol by the Industrial Workers Of The World, the US-based labor union known as the Wobblies. It conveyed the idea of a wildcat strike but was also meant to unsettle employers, implying that a black cat was crossing their path and they should watch out.
According to one story, the logo was originally devised during a strike that was going badly. An emaciated black cat strayed into the strikers’ camp, where it was fed. As it grew healthier the strike prospered [and when the workers won some of their demands they adopted the cat as their mascot.]
1. Can’t get enough black cat in your life? You can visit a cat cafe devoted to black cats.
Step through the doors of Nekobiyaka in Himeji, Japan and get ready for your wildest cat lady dreams to come true. Black cats are the stars at this café and visitors are invited to pet (but not pick up) these bewitching felines.
Since it’s hard to tell the cats here apart, they all wear different-colored bandannas around their necks, and their names incorporate their identifying color. The staff will lend you a little book with photos of all the cats, listing their names and birthdays.
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Top 10 Black Cat Facts and Myths – Cats 101 – Animal Facts was first posted on October 13, 2017 at 12:00 pm. ©2017 "Animal Facts". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] from Top 10 Black Cat Facts and Myths – Cats 101 – Animal Facts
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