#maybe theres nowhere i can go. maybe im searching for a relationship scheme with God that doesnt even exist.
wakemeupfrommyslumber ยท 2 years
Post written at 9h50AM, as I waited for the friar
I'm here. I came to talk to the friar and I'm freaking out a little bit.
It's weird, it feels like I'm a criminal. I'm literally trembling.
My points today are:
I have been a protestant for a long long time, but now I feel like I fell in a limbo between catholicism and protestantism. H E L P
Can I do the catechism to see if thats what I really want?
What about the spiritual gifts and stuff?
The purgatory!?!?!?!?!?
It feels so weird to be here :/ Even though I got happy when I scheduled it, I feel so worried.
Pray for me.
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