#maybe then people who give their money to vote for this whole thing wont feel like they are getting scammed next year.
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Obsessed with like the three people ive seen who pull the "why are you hating on a woc" card on loreen like. I cannot express to you how non-personal this whole thing is. People don't hate on her because she is loreen, they just rightfully hate everything she stood for this year (unjust jury votes, undeserving wins, beige boring songs, the entire country of sweden).
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my-evil-brain · 1 year ago
I am so tired of all this bullshit. I'm starting to feel like an old Russian dude or some fkin shit.
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Im tired of arbitrary bullshit rules (because of a lie). Recycle, but 95% goes to landfill anyway. You cant do this or that because of one idiot in (place state or city here). Cant say or talk about shit because it "COULD" offend. I'm sorry if you're offended suck it the fuck up. It's not my lifes ambition or job to give a shit about EVERYONE'S feelings.
I'm tired of not being able to trust ANYONE in this fucking world. I can trust maaaybe 4 people, 2 absolutely. Everyone else can suck it. People ask me why, and i ask them stuff like, "vote for trump?" If the answer is yes, i can't trust you. January sixth? "Didn't happen", equals Surprise, i cant trust you. Flat eather, nope. Christian "in todays market" nope. Republican? Then fuck no i cant trust you. Doctors? I cant trust them to know how to do their jobs with what ive seen n heard. By this i mean literally dr. saying things like "dont know what it is, if you find out let me know". Pertaining to? It was a fucking podiatrist looking at toenail fungus. Then theres trust the vaccine commercials right aftet pharma lawsuit compensation commercials.
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The worlds on fire. Nobody in power gives a shit about the environment, doesn't matter their words n proclamations mean shit compared to actions n actual words spoken in meetings n hot mics about how it doesn't matter cutting back wont help so keep going as is. Everybody hates everyone right now. These idiots around here actually side with Putin because "trump liked him." Siding with Hitler (yes, actual hitler appologists) because of what's happening with Israel right now, "maybe Hitler was right with the genocide n all that.
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Everything is getting so arbitrarily compartmentalized to such an ineffective way. That nobody knows whose job it is to do what job, for who n when , in government offices and organizations.
Then the whole "women afraid to have a child" for fear of ANYTHING needing immediate attention because of the lack of dr.s an doctors afraid to treat women for fear of legal troubles if anything they do happens around the womans miscarriage or causes it. Women can't even save their own lives or go to a Dr. in some places because the doctors won't see the women without a husband/mans approval.
This world, these people, the willful ignorance, the hatred on women and foriegners, and anyone that happens to be different. The out right "fuck you" from corporations openly admittedly screwing over people n nobody cares to do shit about it. Congressman n women, believing their constitutes shouldn't get what they (as a body) ask for, because would you (paraphrase) "give a child cake for breakfast if they asked? Sometimes they don't know whats good for them n you gotta just say NO. You cant just GIVE them what they (collectively) want." Politicians and private citizens with so much fking money n public persona that they're untouchable with their crimes and offences. Lets be real, to many i know personally say Bill clinton should be locked up for that blow job. But trump paying off porn stars after they sucked him off n continuously lying about a defamation case a woman brought against him n she won on rape allegations, while making fun of her and keeping up his lies about her. Even after getting slammed again right after for claiming the same lies against the woman, Trumpers believe and republicans that THATS ALLLL OK but Clinton must suffer legally for a bj. Uuuuug
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orsuliya · 4 years ago
Song Huaien is a good boy!
Book spoilers did me dirty. That’s a fact. Ever since I peeked at the last chapters of the novel, I’ve been convinced that Song Huaien was going to go rogue sooner or later. And so I looked upon him as one does upon a ticking bomb, watching him closely for any signs of rot and obvious mwahahahaing.
And that… might have been wrong of me. It’s not like The Rebel Princess ever treated any character’s novel journey as sacrosanct (see: Su Jin’er, Wanru, even Zitan). So what gives? Well, just look at the ever-precious Liu Duanduan. Wouldn’t you want to steel your heart in advance…?
And then the supremely astute @dangermousie came along and made me reconsider what could be done in the scant remaining number of episodes in order to deliver a satisfying ending. I trust The Rebel Princess, so it will be a satisfying ending, 12 cut episodes notwithstanding, and I’m choosing to ignore any contrary opinions! So what could be done? Well, getting rid of Song Huaien’s rebellion and conflict with Xiao Qi seems to be one of the most viable solutions, whether by design or by leaving it on the cutting-room floor. Okay, I’m sold, I thought at once, jumping without thinking as I’m wont to do. But does the drama itself support that?
Why, yes, I believe it does!
What are the actual visible signs of Song Huaien’s potential villainy? There’s the corruption/negligence thing, a pronounced liking for finer things in life and an unrequited love for Awu. That’s it.
The corruption scandal, if it can even be called such, what with Potato suppressing any further investigation attempts, is the biggest strike against Song Huaien. It’s clear that he’s somehow embroiled into unsavoury dealings, but the extent of his guilt is never shown. While I don’t fully believe his story about the birthday gifts being delivered during his absence and accepted without his express permission and/or knowledge, there is also nothing to suggest he’s been explicitly on Xie payroll, secret documents non-withstanding. The record book alone is no proof of guilt – why, the Xie might have simply noted that gifts of certain value had been given and received, not in exchange for a specific service, but rather as a start of a beautiful relationship. You get the drill. I believe if there was a solid proof of Song Huaien doing explicit harm to his own in exchange for Xie money, Xiao Qi’s reaction would have been much harsher.
As it stands, Song Huaien’s guilt is a matter of conjecture. There’s the birthday gift, which Xiao Qi cottons onto really quickly, which confirms that it may have been noted in the Xie secret books. There’s the fact that he may or may not have known about it and may or may not have chosen to keep it. I’d say he did know, if only after the fact, and that he originally meant to keep it. There’s also the damning fact that Song Huaien was the man taking care of logistics from the Ningshuo side. And he did his job really poorly, since multiple deliveries of substandard grain and clothing somehow made it through. But was it out of maliciousness? Was there ever a conscious decision on his part to let things slip? Not necessarily. It looks bad, sure. But let’s not forget that dealing with the capital sharks may be a first for Song Huaien, regardless of his previous experience as a procurement officer. Whatever his experience, it was either at the very end of the supply chain or it was mainly related to supplies coming from the area closest to Ningshuo. The former wouldn’t have prepared him for his present duties. And as for the latter, I think that the Ningshuo province has its own rules and ways, which are in no way comparable to the shark pond that the capital undoubtedly is. What’s more, Huaien really seems to buy into the illustrious capital life; it would not surprise me if he delegated a few things that should not be delegated simply because he was busy taking it all in!
So, intentional crime or crime of negligence? I’d be inclined to vote for negligence. It just fits what we know about Song Huaien up to that point, it fits his current circumstances and it makes Xiao Qi’s reaction quite reasonable.
The second strike against Huaien’s integrity is his love for the finer things in life. But then, is it really such a damning thing? Many of the Ningshuo soldiers must have experienced the same thing upon their arrival into the capital. Here they are, heroes and patriots all, having spent their whole life either on various battlefields or in decidedly non-luxurious circumstances. Why, they must be quite happy if they get enough to eat, which they do only because they have an honest general who cares about them very much. Other armies are not as lucky! And then they are shown all those useless noble scions, some of whom might nominally be officers despite barely knowing how to hold a sword (and even those swords would be ceremonial ones, so mostly useless). I don’t know about you, but I’d be bitter. Some of Xiao Qi’s closest clearly are, although he tends to shut that down very quickly. Also, covetousness is not a crime as long as Song Huaien is not actively taking bribes or jockeying for profit. And there is no proof of that. His manor and his title are both given to him without him ever asking for them. If he appreciates that… well, that is also not a crime and he doesn’t even gloat openly! As it later turns out, he took both as his due, believing that his talents were seen and duly appreciated outside the Ningshuo army.
Sooo… Nothing out of ordinary on that count. And seeing that at one point Song Huaien offers to use his savings to repair the ailing military budget – whether from guilt or from sense of duty – speaks to his advantage.
Now, let’s take a look at his unrequited love for Awu. I mean, is it any wonder he falls for her? I am half in love with her myself, so I totally get it! What matters is what he does with this love. Quite surprisingly, there is no attempt at coming between her and Xiao Qi. Why, Song Huaien actively tries to help their marriage by convincing Awu to return home from the temple. No hesitation there! And while he might realize he’s actually in love very late in the story (by this point it’s obvious to everybody), the realization itself changes very little. He gets very determined to go through with marrying Yuxiu, that’s it. Still no attempts to make a move on Awu. Even that flower he brought back from the Imperial Mausoleum was not an overly romantic gesture – she asked and he did as she asked in order to make her happy, nothing more. There’s also a genuine attempt to get over her. He goes to Yuxiu on their wedding night and despite the initial haziness on the matter, he seems to know quite well she’s not Awu and does his best. Although that bro slap in the morning… Let’s believe he did his best there too, the poor awkward thing. He gives her an actual hug when he comes back from Jiangnan! Progress!
What finally buried the theory that Song Huaien might rebel in order to take Awu away from Xiao Qi was his convo with Wang Su in episode 55. I was so afraid (just as I was afraid on his wedding night) that he might do something stupid. Like asking for Awu’s hand or betraying his romantic intentions towards her. But no. While Song Huaien tells Wang Su that he wants/needs to find Awu, there’s no romantic intent there, only duty towards Xiao Qi’s wife and respect towards a woman who has earned it many times over. If there is anything else, I just can’t see it! Why, during this whole conversation Song Huaien is more broken up about Xiao Qi than about Awu!
Whether Song Huaien manages to get over his love or not, there is no sign he was ever going to do anything about it, not while Xiao Qi lived and perhaps not even now that he’s supposed to be dead. Moreover, he made every possible effort to suppress his emotions out of sheer guilt and feeling of brotherhood towards Xiao Qi. Marrying Yuxiu might have been a bad, bad choice (although I still hope for the best), but it was a choice made for the best of reasons.
So that’s it, right? Well, wrong. Even with all of the above there was still a possibility for him to go the villain route. Except… he actually seems to be redeeming himself in leaps and bounds. Once away from the capital, Song Huaien seems to throw off the capital’s thrall and becomes the best version of himself. Jumping into stormy waters in clear disregard of any danger? Working tirelessly towards a common goal and for the good of the people? That’s pure Ningshuo stock, no moral rot in sight! Now, why would the narrative have him getting back to his old self only to make him regress again?
There’s also no real reason for him to ever go against Xiao Qi. If that was going to happen, I’d have expected at least some signs of bitterness and jealousy to have shown up by now. And yet there’s nothing, at least not towards Xiao Qi. Who, might I add, really does his best to mitigate any potential bitterness in the bud. Just look at the way they resolve the corruption scandal! And I’m not talking about Xiao Qi burning (or not burning?) the incriminating page. What got my attention is what their conversations over the matter boil to. Which is: Listen, brother, I get that you’ve been having some issues, but get your shit together. And please, take care of yourself. I don’t want you to get in trouble, so please remember that there are people watching your every step. No overt accusations, no anger in sight, maybe the slightest bit of sternness, but heavily undercut with roughly expressed care. And it’s the same with their confrontation over Awu. I know what’s going on with you and my wife, but I 100% get it, mate, so take a moment and decide how to proceed from here. Even if Song Huaien was actively seeking a reason to hold a grudge, it would take a truly rotten seed to find one. And a rotten seed Song Huaien is not.
Now, let’s wrap it up by going over Wang Su’s suborning of Song Huaien in episode 55. It’s really something special, as well as the main reason I’m choosing to reject any possibility of SHE/XQ showdown.
Wang Su waylays Song Huaien on his way out of camp. Song Huaien is clearly very emotional at this moment and not really inclined to stop for anybody. Why, I think that he was fully prepared to go through Wang Su if needed. It is also quite probable that his decision to leave for the capital was made on the spot, once he heard about what happened to Xiao Qi, Awu and his comrades. Yet he stops and listens, if only because Wang Su – Awu’s brother and Xiao Qi’s brother-in-law - should be his natural ally in his quest to clear Xiao Qi’s name. As he proclaims to be by announcing his willingness to join Song Huaien on his journey to the capital.
Wang Su (or rather Daddy Wang possessing Wang Su’s body) takes full advantage of Song Huaien’s state. First he breaks out a prop, Awu’s favourite wine. It does not work as well as it could have and I’d say that at this point Song Huaien remains quite astute as to Wang Su’s weird behaviour. His first outburst shows he’s got little patience for games. Awu is your sister and Xiao Qi your brother in law, he reminds Wang Su, who seems very controlled for a man with much more obvious ties to this whole situation than Song Huaien. Wang Su skips around the issue by taking out his ace card, the Empress Dowager’s order. Predictably, it takes Song Huaien off-balance and incites a sense of debt, if not gratitude. An excellent opening from the shapeshifting Daddy Wang! Then Wang Su makes an attempt at aiming Song Huaien at the Empress Dowager… and it doesn’t work. Song Huaien doesn’t care about his own life half as much as he cares about Xiao Qi. Cue a mournful soliloquy! There is no way a man this broken about his brother’s death is going to try to kill said brother in the 13 episodes remaining (less, in fact, since they will not meet until 59 or 60 at the earliest). There would be no build-up! The only way I can see this happening is if Xiao Qi went against Song Huaien first and in a deeply personal way. Which we know he would never, so...
Wang Su makes a brave attempt at corralling Song Huaien’s grief and turning it to anger, for all that he may say that anger will not help anyone; it doesn’t work and self-blame enters the picture. If only I was with him leads to a startling realization: all those honors and the brand new posting were just a ploy. Now, this realization could lead to two different results. Song Huaien could plausibly become bitter towards Xiao Qi –  because of whose very existence his own talents weren’t truly recognized and he himself became a pawn. But there’s nothing to suggest that’s true. It’s more likely for Song Huaien to turn his bitterness over his wounded pride towards the Empress Dowager in particular and scheming nobles in general. Which is what I think he does. There is also a possibility of guilt: he bought into this whole noble life fairytale… and this is what partially facilitated him being turned into a pawn. It may be just wishful thinking, but I expect that in the future Song Huaien will be more wary of unexpected meat pies falling from the sky, however tasty they may be.
Just a moment later Wang Su offers him a meat pie. He’s going to help him take revenge! And Song Huaien swallows it whole – at least for now. This is where a truly interesting thing happens. Song Huaien, a general in his own right, a true hero and a man who’s been acting as Wang Su’s equal while in Jiangnan… folds and takes to a subordinate position like a duck to the water. Tell me what to do, he seems to be screaming with his eyes. And when Wang Su starts to use the word we, there’s a palpable sense of relief in Song Huaien’s whole demeanor. What’s more, he’s not reacting to the idea that he still needs to jump through some hoops in order to become a Wang minion. I’m not sure you’re ready to become my ally, lies Wang Su, knowing very well Song Huaien’s is already in his palm. Where’s the ambition? Where’s the slightest sign that this man may be capable of going for the throne for his own sake and against his brother? I don’t see it!
The Wang family is used to needing to pay their allies in hard coin (or titles, or favours), that much is clear, because that’s what Wang Su tries next. The title of a count is too lowly, he says and then dangles a princely one in front of his victim. If Song Huaien was really as hungry for honours and wealth as some of us were expecting him to be, he’d be all over that. But he’s not. He gives it due consideration, but, if anything, this proposition seems to bring him back to reality. There are no free meat pies to be had and he’s just remembered that. But since this is the best – and likely the only – proposition/offer of help he’s going to get, he seals the deal anyway.
There’s still some reluctance, though. Why, Song Huaien needs to rationalize this decision by reminding himself that Wang Su saved his life and that there’s revenge to be taken since he’s alive (as Xiao Qi is not). Not very eager to take part in a coup, is he? And then he actually makes getting justice for Xiao Qi a condition of this alliance! Finding Awu is the second one, but as I’ve already said, there seems to be no romantic intentions there.
And that’s it, the deal is done. So now, can anybody tell me how is this Song Huaien supposed to go against Xiao Qi? He’s more likely to go for a hug once he sees him alive!
There is no reasonable way to leave in Song Huaien’s conflict with Xiao Qi. There’s just no time and no real build-up to that! The only way to have him go rogue is to have a timeskip with Song Huaien doing a 180 in the meantime. And somehow I just can’t see it happening. But I guess we’ll have to see about that!
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yakumtsaki · 5 years ago
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Alright you guys, sorry for the delay, I’ve had to restart this post 20 fucking times because my changes weren’t being saved in the draft and then I kept getting the ‘upload failed’ error. In case you don’t remember wtf is going on you might wanna re-read the last update (I certainly had to) which is apparently from JUNE 2018. Jfc I suck so hard. Now this was gonna be really long but tumblr wouldn’t post it so I’m breaking it up in 3 parts, part 2 to be posted tomorrow. For those that don’t feel like reading back, general recap of the last couple updates:
Jojo cheated on Wyatt with Max Flexor and my solution to that marital crisis was to adopt our first dog ever, a puppy hilariously named Maxx.
The puppy grew up to be an asshole and is constantly beating up the cats, who have turned into giant pussies (no pun intended) and are losing every fight to him despite the fact they’re named after Mortal Kombat characters. They’re a fucking disgrace to Alegra’s/Victor’s/Ronroneo’s memory and I haven’t settled on a cat heir yet because they both suck.
Jojo is perma miserable, I don’t even remember how much money away from his 100k LTW, and still not a werewolf despite my pathologically persistent attempts to make him friends with the wolf.
Fucking useless Wyatt didn’t get promoted while Komei was alive providing us with his 100 townie friends, we spent 20 updates befriending every rando that crossed our lot to secure his promotion, and then finally on the day he was supposed to become Captain Hero, Wyatt got, of course, fired and is now on track to take longer to complete his literal career based LTW than Komei took to get 6 pets on the top of their careers.
Absolutely everyone hates noogie addict Shajar, she got a Kylo Ren makeover, and we still don’t know what her sexual orientation is thanks to her ridiculous fitness/fatness turn ons and cleanliness turn off.
Golden child/10 nice points freakshow Cyneswith grew up, rolled romance with the most disturbing turn-ons/offs possible (grey hair/mechanical & charisma turn off) and the 20 simultaneous lovers LTW.
Wulf grew up into a kid, got an Amadeus makeover, is officially a Wyatt clone and the only member of this family I don’t completely hate yet.
Now I’d like to begin the first Union post in more than a year by requesting you do me a solid and lower your expectations for this thing as far down as humanly possible. Like really try to recreate the Jules Verne classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” with your expectations here, because my brain is so fucking fried that there’s a 20% chance I randomly start citing sources at some point during this post. This grad school crap has seriously been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. And speaking of bad trade deals, let’s get this update rolling with the man, the myth, the legend, the husband who managed to make Komei look like a dreamboat in comparison..
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..Wyatt fucking Union, née Monif. It’s been a long time, but I’m not gonna lie to you Wyatt, not nearly long enough. Looking good man, just one small question, where the fuck are your eyebrows?
-You àccidéntally deléted thém, imbécilé, et I cannôt exprèss my irritatiόn prόperly becausé I hàve non eyebrôws!
Did your selective French accent get thicker this past year or is it just me?
-It géts thickér whén je suis distrésséd, givé moi mon eyebrôws bàcc!!!
No can do, brother. Actually can do, but I think the Mona Lisa look is working for you, and more importantly I still hate you, so I’m just gonna hardcore ignore you for the rest of this post if that’s ok. Talk to me when you finally get promoted, aka never the way this shit is going.
It’s been lovely catching up.
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Jojό I mean Jojo, goddammit Wyatt, is spending most of his time building robots in the mausoleum (sweet hipster band name alert)..
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..giving financial advice in Shajar’s room (inb4 what’s the difference between the mausoleum and Shajar’s room)..
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..building evil snowmen alone in the middle of the night, like all mentally healthy middle aged men with 3 kids are wont to do..
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..and getting the piss harassed out of him by the cat ghosts in the bathroom (sweet hipster band name alert #2). How is this like the fourth time this happens in the exact same spot, will you just stop autonomously cleaning the bathroom after midnight? It’s obviously where the cats hang out, give it the fuck up already.
-I’m actively TRYING TO DIE you absolute moron, what does a guy have to do to get killed around here?
Yea can’t say that I blame you but not happening, you can commit suicide by Ghost Alegra after the kids fuck off to college, ok? I promise.
-Oh like you promised me being heir was a route worth pursuing??
Um obviously you too need to go back and re-read your own life story, because I spent the entirety of our “““cherished””” time together telling you heirship is a shitty gig at generation 2. And then to top it off you went and married Wyatt to ensure maximum shittiness, so there you go, fucking enjoy. God I am so sick of both of you losers and we’re only 5 pics in. Let’s check in with your spawn, I’m sure they can’t possibly be more annoying than their parents-
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-oh right, I forgot, this is the generation with 10/10/9 active points where the party never stops. Cyneswith are you somehow twerking to classical music?
-How else am I gonna attract all those hot senior citizens per my grey hair turn on and 20 lovers LTW?
Ok great yea I see how this is gonna go, you’re trying to entice people into voting you for heir based on how torturous playing this fucked up LTW is gonna be for me, well forget it, my readers are intellectuals and completely above such petty entertainment. (istg mofos, don’t even think about it, i already did Komei’s 5 pets career shit, i will burn this place to the ground if you saddle me with Cyneswith banging the elderly for 30 years)
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-No need to worry your stupid little head, I will beat Cyneswith for HEIR just like I beat her HAIR up daily! HAHA!
Shajar no offense but you’re a fucking war crime of a sim, nearly everyone who’s ever met you hates you including your parents, and the fact that you’re the alternative here is really not helping my situation in any way. Also how the fuck are you gonna be heir when the only thing you seem to be attracted to is giving noogies, you’re like one week away from college and I still don’t even know if you’re str8 or gay or bi or w/e the fuck you are. You have Jojo’s personality combined with..
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..yes exactly, DANIEL’S SOCIAL ABILITIES. I mean I was joking with the whole ‘Shajar’s the spawn of Satan’ thing, but this combo of traits was clearly drawn up in Hell’s boardroom.
ANYWAY. It’s a snowy Sunday morning, and anyone who has been a teen knows what that means:
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Time to go clubbing! Man I remember being like 15, waking up on a freezing Sunday morning and my mom making me a cup of hot chocolate before I drove off to the club. Those were the days.
-Uh, Shaj, when did you learn how to drive?
-Don’t be stupid, Cyneswith, people don’t need to ‘learn’ how to drive.
-They absolutely do, actually.
-Well what can I tell you, the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
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-Here we are, safe and sound! Celebratory noogie!
-How many times to I have to explain this to you, Apartment Life townies are not people.
Can’t argue with that logic. Let’s just go in and find out what Shajar’s sexual orientation is once and for all so I can spend the rest of this update aggressively promoting Wulf’s candidacy.
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Now I consider ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ one of the dumbest sayings there is, but even I have to concede that this particular picture truly is worth a thousand words. Quick poll, what is more horrifying, Shajar’s literal Joker face or Cyneswith, whom I’ve never seen read a book ever, autonomously pulling one out in the middle of the dance floor, in what I can only assume is an attempt to attract old perverts with the schoolgirl routine?
And I know what some of you are thinking, you’re like ‘bro, you’re just reaching to make a bad joke bro, Cyneswith is just a sweet nice introvert and not like other girls, she doesn’t feel comfortable in the club’, well to that let me reply with another picture that is worth a thousand words:
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Yea that’s right, on the first minute of our first time out WE RUN INTO THAT ONE ELDER TOWNIE THAT HAS WRINKLE MAKE UP ON. GODDAMMIT CYNESWITH
Do you guys remember how Jojo was obsessed with Stephen Tinker as a teen? Are you seeing the connection here?? Those kids have literally inherited the worst possible traits from both their parents turned up to 11, it’s fucking unreal.  
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Right after I get over Wrinkle’s presence I turn around and what do I see, those 2, who have never had a non-noogie physical interaction, autonomously doing the family kiss thing. I didn’t even catch it on time because I was loling irl, we came out here so these assholes can find age-appropriate partners, and instead they’re kissing each other. Seems about right with this family, and clearly Striped Scarf’s dumb ass ships it.
-They look so much alike, it’s meant to be!
Yes, and they even share the same last name! Talk about written in the stars.
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Thankfully Abhijeet is here to save us from incest by perving on Cyneswith. GTFO ABHIJEET. Anyone like ‘bro townies just autonomously come to greet your sims on community lots regardless of age, stop calling them perverts’, see you in about 5 pics down.  
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I try to have Shajar chat up Striped Scarf and suffice it to say Shaj ~stole her heart~ and presumably put it on this stick to wave around.
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NO. CYNESWITH NO. I’m seriously having déj�� vu of all the times I was like ‘NO. JOJO NO’, jfc.
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Shajar is unsurprisingly exhibiting no interest in socializing with anyone around her, instead she’s trying every activity this terribly lit place has to offer, and she looks demented while doing it:
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I’m feeling a primal urge to photoshop Darth Vader’s melted helmet on the bowling ball here, someone please remind me to do it for the heir vote photoshoot.
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That’s Denise Jacquet?! I can’t tell who anyone is for shit anymore. The default replacements are a scourge upon premade brands, I’m getting rid of them pronto. Speaking of scourges, where the hell is your sister?
-Who cares?
I wanna say ‘me’ but we both know that’s a lie.
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-So you see Cyneswith, just because something is technically ‘illegal’, doesn’t mean it’s morally wrong-
Yea yea fascinating stuff, now get out of the hot tub or I will fucking neuter you, I don’t know if a eunuch mod already exists for medieval games but I will make one if it doesn’t.
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Here, Cyneswith, drink some water, have a nice G-rated convo with your sister about violins and stop pissing me off. 
-First of all this is straight vodka.
-Secondly Shajar is talking about Mozart’s coprophilia.
-I sure am.
Amazing. Well, I guess it’s at times like these when you need to look inside your heart and truly ask yourself, what did you expect from Jojo’s children.
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-Ha, I went home and put on my most elderly-looking formal wear!
-I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave Ab <3
CYNESWITH SHUT UP. I can’t believe you people are actually making me miss Gunther’s teenage whoring, at least he kept it age appropriate.
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-Is some random lady pressing her breasts against my head?
She most certainly is, Shajar, because it is now crystal clear that this bowling alley doubles as the site of annual perv townie convention and we walked right into it-
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-and it’s also clear we have serious issues and are enjoying ourselves. Shaj I legit don’t know what to tell you, this is the first time you get along with someone right away and it just had to be the adult with the bad haircut and the flasher’s trench coat???
-You’re damn right it did.
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Alright then, I’m officially going to nope out of this situation, safe in the knowledge you’re a noogiesexual and nothing will actually happen with this freak, so I’ll focus on Cyneswith instead who is much more of a loose canon. 
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Here Cyn, talk to this guy, who I’m 90% sure is the same guy your father rejected in favor of stalking Stephen Tinker when he was your age.
-Ohhhh, he’s dreamy!
Omg really?? Halleluj-
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-oh never mind, you were of course referring to adult ass Brandon Lillard. I do like that our townies have recurring roles each generation, we should make rejecting Blondie a rite of passage in this family. We should also officially gtfo because this is happening:
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-Um, now that I’m looking at you in harsher lighting, it’s gonna be a no from me dawg. 
Oh, thank the fucking lord.
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-Let’s celebrate the fact we didn’t get hopelessly obsessed with any adults here by doing the traditional Dance of Normality!
-We beat Dad’s genes, we beat Dad’s genes!
-We’re normal!
Yes, and we’re definitely showing it. Can we please leave now so I can make sure I’ve uninstalled Inteenminator and turn off free will? 
-Nop! Venue change!
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-Got-out-of-the-car celebratory noogie!
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-Made-it-to-the-door celebratory noogie!
Shajar you unironically have a noogie addiction, I’m not kidding in the slightest, you need to see a doctor.
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Great, great, not another teen in sight and to top it off Denise followed us here to ensure maximum elder presence. I feel comfortable officially declaring this day a complete waste of time.
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God, the vintage pink dress and the pink alcohol combo is some straight up current era Taylor Swift nonsense. That’s it, we’re outta here, back home where no one is lurking, waiting to strike at us-
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-The Lord is my shepherd.
-Nop, I’m over it. Goodbye heathens, it’s been nice, hope you don’t find your paradise. 
UGH SOPHIE, my beloved Westboro lunatic, the last gangsta generation 1 cat we had.. I can’t believe you’re gone and all I’m left with is stupid Goro and D’vorah who can’t even beat up the fucking dog. This is truly painful.
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Yes, pets, I agree, Kaylynn is completely to blame for Sophie dying of old age. The time has now come to decide on a cat heir-
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-and since Goro ran away like a little bitch after Sophie’s death despite the fact he didn’t even like her, he’s automatically disqualified and will be going off to live on Melody and Daniel’s farm once returned to us. Congratulations to D’vorah I guess, on being the least terrible of two terrible options. 
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On the topic of terrible heir options, Cyn has non-stop wants to go on dates and have her first kiss and all that crap, and since our Sunday morning clubbing was a bust we invite over the matchmaker.
-Hello there young Union, I see your house has been upgraded since I was last here.
Oh right we haven’t required your services since Daniel was a teen and we lived in a trailer, well we are flush with cash now!
-Hopefully your payment reflects that.
It will!! Just please give us someone good, I can’t deal with single teen Cyn for one more second.
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-Oh my, what a beautiful BLANK PIECE OF PAPER.
-What do I look like to you, a money thawing service?
Does such a service.. exist??
-It does not, so I have to go home and use a hairdryer on this!
Just come inside and we’ll give you non-frozen money!
-No, no, you’ll get what you paid for..
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-Have a magical time!
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Lakshmi this was so fucking evil that I almost want to age you down and see if you and Shajar hit it off. 
-As if, the whole neighborhood knows what you did to Komei.
Helped him achieve his insane 6-pets-career LTW?
-Turned him into a servant while your sim was lounging around all day!
Oh yea I did do that. But Wyatt was also a townie and he does literally nothing, Jojo is the servant now!
-Only because Wyatt is too fucking stupid to do things! Word has gotten out, no townie will ever marry in this family again unless they’re brain dead, so it’s Wyatts only for you from now on, sister!
Well this has been a complete fucking disaster. It was great seeing you again, Lakshmi, thanks for the dream date with the adult farting machine, 5k well-spent.
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Pretty sure it was you bro, and yes, how about we don’t do that again.
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Wyatt has brought over Amanda from work! (Aka Victoria’s only friend and subsequent lesbian lover, who is really pretty and is definitely getting married in at some point, preferably after the brown hair genes have been weakened so we can go back to being gingers.)  
-Wow Shajar, your grandmother, God rest her soul, mentioned you were her favorite and now I can see why! Loving the Kylo Ren look!
-Is someone being genuinely nice to me?! What is happening?
-Yes, please stop being nice to her, Amanda, we don’t want her getting used to it.
Jojo istg.
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-Cyneswith dear, tell Amanda all about how much money your grandmother left you so she can stop being nice to Shajar. 
-Soooo much money, Miss Amanda!
-Ah, what a polite child I’ve single-handedly raised.
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-Now, Cyneswith, you really need to get back on the dating scene so you have ample time to find the perfect spouse and continue our line, since you’re clearly the only one of my children that is remotely heir material. 
-Dad, Shajar and Wulf are right next to you.
-Oh they are? I’m wearing my special contact lenses that make those disappointments invisible to me, but even better, they need to hear this. Shajar is a noogiesexual and thus incapable of reproduction, and Wulf is not even a Union, I mean have you seen that kid? Wyatt reproduced by himself like the amoeba he is. Now, your grandmother-
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OH FUCK VICTORIA, deleting the default replacements gave you base game hair!!!!
-That’s the part you’re scared by, not my Beetlejuicesque entrance?
There’s literally nothing scarier than your ghost sporting this haircut for all eternity, I’m re-downloading that default immediately. 
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-Oh mom, so good to see you! Let me just hug my beloved child, Shijer-
-Shajar, dad.
-SHAJAR, let me hug Shajar, like I do all the time. 
-I’m glad to see you’re not picking favorites among your children like I did, the way I treated David-
-Daniel, mom.
-DANIEL, is the one thing I’ve truly been regretting in the afterlife. That and not skinning Marisa Bendett alive when I had the chance. 
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-Well, as you can see by Shajar’s totally normal and not at all shocked reaction to my hug, I am a wonderful, fair, and emotionally available father. 
(Bruh this freaked me out so much when it happened, I mean I KNOW it’s an animation glitch but I was convinced my sims had become sentient for a good while after)
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-Is your grandmother’s ghost still on the premises?
-When will this nightmare end, paying attention to you is the worst. 
-Ok she’s gone.
-FINALLY. Now it’s back to the crypt for you, and don’t you dare go complain to her urn!
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-Ah, Stephen, Stephen, my life is crap and I can’t even🎵
And with the knowledge you have composed a theme song for Stephen Tinker, part 1 of the Union comeback update is concluded. Will Shajar’s sexual orientation reveal itself? Will Cyneswith find true love? Will Jojo become a werewolf? Will Wulf continue to be the only dignified member of this family? Will D’vorah have kittens? Will Wyatt do literally anything worth mentioning? Tune in for parts 2 & 3 to find out, unfollow button on the upper right corner for those who need it. 
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stozkpile · 5 years ago
i accidentally lost my entire essay that i was writing abt biden and bernie but nothing can stop me so im doing it again.
the only reason biden got this far was due to a bunch of "coincidental" drops from the race RIGHT before super tuesday, and because the red scare tactic american politicians still hold onto make bernie (who is, for most of the world, a center left candidate at most, as american politics is skewed to the upper right) seem unreasonable. let's go over some of the common arguments against him:
1. BERNIE IS A COMMIE: bernie is a self proclaimed socialist. ok. do you really think he, as president (not as king of america. or as dictator. did we all forget what the president does?), will seize the means of production and sentence everyone to work in the gulags? what the hell is wrong with people? he wants to give people free healthcare and free education. and he wants to tax the ULTRA rich into helping/cut military funding.
1. why cant we create more tax brackets? people who make $520,000 a year, $100,000 an HOUR, and $60,000 a MINUTE, are all supposed to pay 37% of that money in taxes. make more tax brackets. tax capital gains more. close tax loopholes. ANYTHING. so much money is being spent on nothing.
2. military funding gets around 685 BILLION dollars a year. if we HALVE that, it'll still be hundreds of billions more than what China (which has over a BILLION people and is the second largest economy in the WORLD) spends on military, which is around 181 billion. that, simply put, is a fuckload of money. we could easily still have the biggest fucking military in the world and provide more help to the people, which i still don't agree with (america feels like a warmongering state to me), but compromises have to be made, right?
BERNIE HAS NO PLAN: and biden does? do you think every american president had a dissertation written about what they would enact if the got the office? bernie, if he wins, will hire cabinet members and staff, who will be better at certain things than he is. bernie is also an experienced politician who has worked multiple blue-collar jobs and was politically active as a youth.
1. bernie is campaigning and trying to win votes. being a president is about representing your country as much as it is having a working brain on your shoulders, which means you have to have a semblance of charisma and marketability. bernie isn't throwing facts and plans at people because thats not what most people want to hear. in fact, that was a weakness of warren's campaign. and any good plan wont be easy to explain during a short speech where youre supposed to rally people, or on a podcast, or on tv. he's passionate and empathetic, which is refreshing, considering how sociopathic politics are in general.
which leads to part 2. bernie probably has a better idea of his plans than people think. hes been doing politics for a long time. he was able to pass a lot of favorable policies as mayor, and has consistently been on the right side of history, even when it wasnt popular. and honestly, even if he's not able to pass as much as he would like as president (because i know american politicians/people who keep american politicians in their pocket are determined to stop him), it will at least represent a change in the american pathos, and itll show them that the disenfranchised finally have power. this scares dems as much as republicans.
BERNIE/HIS SUPPORTERS ARE TOO ANGRY: do you think they're mad for no reason? it's easy to think everyone is too emotional when you don't have to care about politics to survive.
are you five? do you think everyone has to be nice all the time? do you think that if someone has feelings about their argument, that renders their argument invalid? being nice doesn't change things and recent events prove that. trump bullied everyone and became the sole republican candidate.
just because something is legal or illegal doesn't mean it's right or wrong. do you think the civil rights movement was everyone being nice and putting together nicely-worded arguments? do you think stonewall was a fun little party? do you think the civil fucking war was a bunch of people talking to each other very politely about whether black people deserved freedom or not? people died. people were beaten. people were furious. and because of their fury, and their actions, we live in a better time. it can still get better. progress doesn't end. it doesnt have to come to blows anymore, but it wont be nice.
BERNIE HAS NO CHANCE AGAINST TRUMP: "vote blue no matter who." bernie is the only candidate that has a real chance against trump, and we know this because a sizable group of voters who would've voted for him voted for trump instead/didn't vote at all because hillary is so violently unlikable. and hillary still eeked out the popular vote, although she lost the electoral college. we can complain about the electoral college being a thing at all but if hillary still almost won, bernie would do better than she did. if people would vote for ANYONE over trump, then be willing to vote for bernie, because even republicans like him. bernie has working class clout. and nothing infuriates a poor white more than the intellectual elite flaunting their money at them all the time.
trump doesnt have a lot to say about bernie either. trump might think theres no way that bernie would make it to november, or maybe he's "supporting" him in an attempt to drive a wedge between him and the democratic party, or maybe he actually likes him (which would be fucked up lol), but one thing's for sure: bernie will not choke. trump would try to stir him up or attempt to make fun of him, as he does (and let's be honest...trump is very good at bullying people), and bernie would just take it and throw it all back at him. bernie has hutzpah, which is what none of the other candidates have, and what trump's whole campaign is. bernie is also cool, which biden isn't.
biden is:
a well-documented creep
a faux-progressive with a history of repugnant political decisions, including the 1994 crime bill (he changed his reasoning for it later to seem less racist), gutting welfare, opposing school integration in the 70s, and voting for the iraq war
a plagiarist
the kind of guy who lies about his son's death to get an inch (multiple counts, but the most egregious is when he implied his son was killed because of the iraq war in an effort to defend the vote. although he was there, beau biden died of a brain tumor and complications.)
losing his brain faculties, which is very easy to see. he's old. bernie is too, but at least he can string together a sentence.
is winning in states that will ultimately vote red. and republicans hate him.
tl;dr if you dont give a shit, vote bernie. if you give a shit, think critically, and then vote bernie. it isn't over yet.
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myblckcty · 3 years ago
Bryant Perryman
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Join My Black City in Celebrating and Supporting Bryant Perryman. We Shine Brighter Together. #MyBlackCity https://myblackcity.org/bryant-perryman/?feed_id=9795 >> A Special Education Math Teacher/ Assistant Basketball Coach in Harrison District 2. "Teaching is something I do in order to inspire a lower income community in which I went to school. >> So what is your name? And what role do you play in education? How long have you been in education?  My name is Bryant Perryman. I’ve been in special education  and math for 5 years now. I am currently at Panorama middle school, But started at Spring Creek Youth Service Center; which is a Juvenile detention center. I’ve done 12 years in coaching, 6 seasons at sierra high school, and 5 seasons at Wide field high school and 1 in my own club organization. Math became my favorite subject, it felt like my calling. There is always a right or wrong answer, And I feel that it is important to learn lessons that teach you financial literacy. To often people mess up on finances and don't know how to come back from it. Which causes a lot of trauma which leads to depression.  Why do you think education is important? Education  is the pathway to the future, you know, especially, with what we're going through right now with the whole pandemic. Without an education, people wont know about the things going on around them.  People should educate themselves on stuff like vaccines, and the Corona Virus. Even, when it comes to our democracy. Educate yourself on who and what you're voting for, Instead of going out and just voting for anything. I mean, not only that but on Financial stuff in terms of money and you know, I just think if you're not educated properly ,your life could be a disaster. So I think education is the key to success. It's the key to our future. With all of this new technology, things change every day, and so there is always something new to learn.  What do you love most about your role in education?  What I love most about it is just building relationships. Building Positive relationships and meeting other people that you can build relationships with, those that you know you can achieve a lot of things that nobody thought they were capable of. What is the best advice that you received about impacting the education sector?  The best advice that I received is about improving, and how You have to stay with people. When things are looking bad at first it's not always going to be that way. Don't give up on somebody because you never know when they're turning point maybe.  What advice would you give to the younger generation about their education? The best advice I would give is about their future. With the proper education, your future can look better than what your present situation may look like. I would say that education can pull you through any situation. With  the proper education, life is a lot easier, and enjoyable, and with it things don’t look as bad as they would if you’re not educated. We really appreciate all your hard work in the community Mr.Perryman. we are looking forward to seeing your impact on our youth as you continue to teach and develop them. Written by: Camiio Patton ------ Self Submission Teaching is something I do in order to inspire a lower income community in which I went to school. Allowing these students who come from a low income community with a lot of single parent households enables them to see hope. Hope that their current situation does not have to and will not always be. Coaching a High school in the same community, allows me to get to know older students and set up opportunities for them to mentor the younger generation. It also enables me to help them build confidence in themselves.
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thewul · 4 years ago
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This is bound to be one of those long posts that we had every now and then because they are central subjects of BCS and important matters. So this actual post might be very long because it focuses on different subjects that are key to what we are trying to accomplish within BCS
There are many different subjects which are all intricate and revolve around a large and integrated industrial group and an investment bank that is the Gunray Bank in order to usher in a space age economy, that is able to propel Groupe Bombardier into a not so far future where it becomes a space industrial and transporter
So transport is one of the things that Bombardier does, we needn’t overlook how making the whole planet more prosperous has a direct lever on our profitability and that of the BPN and the BGP again in order to make our strategy more viable, but we are going to focus in this post of the mergers of Bombardier, Airbus and Boeing into one, and how we can make Air Bombardier that is the group’s airliner an everyday reality, in the foreseeable future and in a not so long term
When you want to cover a large merger there are many things that are relevant and that are, can be, no doubt the subjects of tens and tens of pages if not hundreds of them, the main subject being resistance to change. Resisting change in how we do things, clinging to what we had, doubting the new venture and its people, fearing for our futures within the newly merged company, and plain nostalgia of a name its image and brand
But we are going to brush all that aside, because if you went over it once then you went over all of it, try changing how people are used to do things, how they work, the name of the company they feel they belong to, who are their new colleagues or bosses and you are going to face resistance to change at corporate level which can translate into society at large, the media and so forth
What we are going to focus on rather is the conduct of change, because there is such a thing as resistance to change and the more established a company is and the larger its name and the more resistance you are going to face. But there is such a thing as conduct of change that revolves around how do you conduct change at corporate and managerial, also employee level, to smooth your merger and make it a success and not a failure
Reducing them to bullet points might seem obvious but, so
Putting value into what you do
Giving meaning to things and people
Being transparent and accountable
And so now we are going to skip on the management talk, talk like real people to other real people, the larger and more established a company is the less likely you are to run into idiots who don’t know what they’re doing else the company wouldn’t have been successful for so long or if things are really bad it would be on its way out from the market and stores
Because when customers buy and airliner from Boeing or Airbus they don’t just buy the plane, they buy into the expertise, skills and know how of the people that make them. Try selling a plane tomorrow it’s not easy building trust and those things carry hundreds of people and can put the customer, an airline company, business at risk
Which when you know how hard it is to attract and keep a new customer losing them in troves is akin to jumping from a cliff for a business
Then when you flip the situation around you see that because these are well reputed and well established companies even more so for Boeing, and because Airbus has been a success too and because Bombardier has that fascinating story as well of having been started by an inventor, you realize that you have the opportunity of capitalizing on assets
The question is what do you gain and what do you lose, because you don’t just gain from mergers, the merged companies lose things in the process or rather they shed them, so how do you sweeten that part within the conduct of change
First you don’t make things sour by laying off people rather you give them new things to do, second these are now your people for which you have to care and provide and that means more not less pay and benefits, last you have to make your move a positive thing within the public eyes meaning buying off as much media as you can, and if you are going to run into a sense of patriotism because its that country’s or that country’s success you make your success their success, better yet you make it a collective success, a win win for everyone and by that I mean everyone even the security at the door and the office cleaner
Because its people you are managing not dummies, and people well they talk
Bombardier USA
Bombardier Europe
Bombardier Canada
No Boeing no Airbus name anywhere anymore, more pay more benefits, transparent processes and accountability ie letting people that work with you know what is happening to their source of income, their livelihoods and careers within the newly merged entity, throwing money at journalists to get them off your back not become their bread winner for months, did we just sum up the conduct of change maybe, there is one other thing that is important, giving meaning to what you do
And that relies on putting value in people we covered that part with pay and benefits
Giving meaning to what you do, if you round up people at Boeing, Airbus and Bombardier and look them square in the eye tell them that to become a great transporter and industrial of space we need to become one company not three and that it starts here and now with this merger, they will either get it and transform your goals into an everyday reality, or they will not get it and you don’t need them on board in that case 
And they ought to know it concentrate on working with the willing not dragging and convincing the wont’s rather get them escorted to the door go work somewhere else where they can have it their way if they can. That is because you are being their boss and employees ought to follow suit with what their bosses tell them to do merger or no merger
Although seemingly infeasible it is a simple nominative vote where employees and executives agree or disagree with the merger after having taken considered act and notice of all its different aspects for the company and for themselves, we cannot simply make things move forward with people who disagree and in that instance the business can cut you off its workforce, because it is a workforce not an impediment 
Not every single thing is pleasing about mergers, it is a fact of life that people disagree about things and they are bound to disagree about that also, the real job in conduct of change is communicating effectively, giving people time and consideration in one to one meetings even to explain things and answer the worries that they may have, in short treat them like people. After all of that is done it is fair that those who disagree should leave or be forced to leave
Now let us go back to the bright side of things, because you are now with people that get it. Executives at Boeing, Airbus and Bombardier who spend their time competing and cutting profit margins to attract new customers, who spend their time worrying about losing the ones that they have should get it, that now is not the time to compete against each others anymore, that now is the time to focus on making the newly merged company that bigger success
When you’re like that competing for clients, each is going to have their own that you instead call a loss, this merger’s win win is a new and improved client pool for all, and executives well they will get it and workers too will understand that the top management is bringing margin cuts to an end which may well have translated into workers lay offs
For a fact Bombardier is bringing back on board the workers that it lost recently and we all should do the same, do more not less, certainly not more with less people, and certainly not parting with people who have the skills and expertise in the field that is aviation which skills are after all construction skills, engineering skills that can translate to other fields than aviation and we are going to cover that aspect further down the road
Patents and technologies are costly to acquire and develop, same as a new and extended client pool we are now considering a wider patents and technologies pool, a pool that is put to common use for the benefit of all tree merged companies and that is a big and unexpected cashback for all tree right off the box because you have this many patents and technologies that took you time and resources to develop or acquire and put together and now you are tapping into that much larger pool for no money down
Another thing that top executives and just about any other employee or worker with an interest in corporate mergers and strategies will understand is that the move had to come from the little guy with capital influx. Because Boeing and Airbus have been at odds with one another, because they have build up competing corporate cultures, because that culture more likely than not has translated into negative advertising and calling the other guy’s products overrated or rubbish or don’t know what they’re doing
Which is not the way you conduct your business, the way you conduct your business is that you sell your goods to your customers because you know the intrinsic qualities that they have and the efforts skills and know how that you put in them, you don’t have to belittle the competition to sell your stuff, it’s bad for image and bad for business
And so the move had to come from the little guy that is Bombardier rather than from Boeing buying Airbus or Airbus buying Boeing because both have large market caps and their own customers and both are set up against one another, the little guy instead had everything to win from buying the two of them providing his pockets got much deeper
Even more so now that Airbus reached its present size, it is more interesting now than buying Boeing and a smaller Airbus rather the little guy has two large prizes instead of one. In a set between two dominant companies capital influx changes everything for the little guy who can now profit instead of fighting for his own market share, and that is often the case in corporate acquisitions and mergers that capital influx changes things, your competitor today might become your owner tomorrow providing he secures the means for it
Because the little guy has everything to win and because the cost of inaction is too high and might even put in jeopardy its own future. Neither Boeing nor Airbus are known for making the smaller executive and midsize jets that Bombardier makes, but what if they started making them tomorrow to diversify their revenues lines, what is stopping them and what would happen to Bombardier own’s benefits in that case
The time for action is precisely now both to preempt and to take advantage of them fighting one another, one might even say being distracted in doing so thus the move that fulfills many things for Bombardier while securing its own future
When you meet professionals like that who many of whom devoted their lives to what they do and are doing the best that they can everyday you do not start by questioning their work or abilities. You do not start your speech at Boeing by telling them you know in the end well you’re going to drop what you’re doing because we know better, and you don’t go to Airbus tell them well it’s nice efforts that you made becoming a large plane maker but you know in the end it’s not going to cut it. And certainly you don’t tell both well you’re going to make Bombardier planes now period forget about the rest
What you do instead is propose something new, and better, that is the Gunray and that is not an improvement for either but a new breed of plane, a supersonic plane even a stratospheric one that is going to change this business for good and we are going to build it together while phasing out the older models little by little
What you do is put forth the challenge that the Gunray constitutes because professionals like to be challenged and winning at it, and the Gunray with its different set of technologies and its build is a formidable challenge, it is even a challenge for the air transport industry as a whole with journeys that take less than half the time, it is not only a plane, it is a new way of living and of travelling with new conceptions of air travel and the comfort and space and privacy that a plane has to procure 
Not only to its first class, any seat aboard the Gunray is worth it, the whole plane is much more than what we have right now, it is more for the air industry, and more for its tens of millions of passengers each day
When you bring up a new breed of plane you have to look into what happened in such instances, and the Concorde stands out, it didn’t work because of its loud engines and noise levels that are sustainable at airports, atleast that is the official story, ok we can buy into the fact that it was noisy but we don’t have to buy into the fact that our plane is going to be noisy
In fact the Gunray can approach a runway and land using only its electrical engines, its much more silent then the most silent plane all tree companies are able of producing right now. Are we going to end like the Concorde no, not in a million years
Is it safer, well its got 4 engines not two to start with, is it safety we are selling yes that is what passengers in air travel are buying when they buy a ticket, they want to buy safety and making it safe to their loved ones, and the Gunray can provide much more of that and that is what we ought to be selling, because the Gunray can still land with a catastrophic failure of 3 engines, only one functioning engine even an electrical one is enough to land it
As a courteous reminder to oneself it needs a valve that allows an electrical engine to split its draft between the two belly vents in case the other one has failed, there landing on a single engine, and safely 
Now few planes can do that in such an evenly manner commands wise because what happens usually when you lose an engine is that you have to balance the plane as best as you can to keep it even, but the Gunray can do it each time in an even manner because of its evenly split belly draft and that’s a big seller safety wise
We have now to go back to the topic of that much wider pool of technologies and patents and that of workers with new things to do, Bombardier doesn’t only make planes it also makes trains unlike both Boeing and Airbus, and in BCS it makes many more things ranging from superstructures to cars, SUV’s and even airships, ships and submarines, it also operates a satellite fleet as well as proprietary internet network, and is present in the exploration of minerals and hydrocarburs not only on the seabeds of this planet but also in space
And that means workers with new things to do, that tap into that wider pool of technologies and patents, some might say competing to which the logical answer is best in class, and more of them to pursue that greater range of products and applications, which is wealth in itself for the merged companies that it can tap into or sell, and which is a vector of growth both in terms of revenues and workforce cap, why Bombardier is calling back its workers to the workforce is because not only they are needed but more are needed to pursue these new industrial fields and that stands correct for both Boeing and Airbus
People like to have goals, executives even more so as they have to put them on paper with a deadline, and these mergers in fact have a single goal with no time limit, it is a permanent goal, a strife one might say against time, and in it there is a sense of destiny for both Bombardier, Boeing and Airbus, and accomplishment not all at once but stride by stride both diligently efficiently in terms of time and resources and significantly in terms of facts on the ground not only on paper
And that goal is to become the largest integrated industrial and transporter in space, yes there are exoplanets, yes there are other systems that can sustain human colonies, yes we do believe in evolved and cognizant alien species with which we can trade and that can be our customers and no time will not prove us wrong, next question 
To reach that goal we have to become an actor of the space age economy, meaning we have to build it with our combined efforts and with our partners, a space age economy doesn’t know the woes that we know, nobody is illiterate or hungry or without an income and people do not live on 2 Dollars a day. Which is not what we have right now, and to be successful in our efforts we need a base that is this planet 
And that we have to propel into the space age economy as a precondition to becoming an integrated industrial and transporter of space, which to become the largest or one of the largest we need also factor in our ability to replicate our success here elsewhere, in many elsewheres across trillions of other systems and billions of other galaxies and it starts here and now
Thank you for reading so far, and best wishes for this new year
0 notes
milaleah · 7 years ago
Top Clinton Donor Quits Party, Won’t Fundraise For DNC
Wealthy trial attorney John Morgan officially announced that he won’t run for Governor in Florida, is becoming an independent, and will withhold his millions from the Democratic National Committee.
By Jacob Engels
After months of toying with the idea of running for Governor on the Democratic line, Lake Mary based trial attorney John Morgan announced he would not run for Governor on Twitter earlier Friday morning.
“Spent all of Thanksgiving with my whole family. While it’s amazing to be leading the polls for Governor without being a candidate I can’t muster the enthusiasm to run for the nomination,” Morgan posted on Twitter in a two-part statement.
While Morgan’s decision not to run for Governor is already front-page news, the fact that he is bolting the Democratic Party could be the story of the year.
His second tweet…
“And I can’t muster enthusiasm for any of today’s politicians. They are all the same. Both parties. I plan to register as an Independent and when I vote, vote for the lesser of two evils. And if I ever ran, run as an Independent.”
This means that Mr. Morgan, who has spent decades raising millions for the Democratic Party and their candidates, has closed his checkbook on a political party he built. Morgan was known for his lavish parties with top-billed guests like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other liberal elites like musician Jimmy Buffet.
Just under a year ago, he hosted a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at his Heathrow home that cost over $2,500 for an entry-level ticket. Over the years, Morgan cemented himself as the go-to-guy among aspiring candidates and Democratic fundraisers looking to raise coin.
He made sure the 2008, 2012 Obama campaign was flush with cash, allowing the former President to win his first election and secure a second term. Though she was unsuccessful in beating Trump, Morgan also made sure the Clinton campaign was not hurting for cash.
Now, he is refusing to give money to the Democratic National Committee, and called out the corruption occurring within the organization. When asked by Politico about the DNC, Morgan referenced former DNC Chair Donna Brazile’s book, where Brazile documents massive corruption at the DNC.
“F— no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile’s] book”
A Morgan bid for Governor would have been the most exciting things to follow in 2018, and I think he would have won. Unfiltered and authentic, not one candidate on either side would have been able to stop him. Maybe in a political world pre-Trump, but not in the post-Trump victory era.
There were even rumors that he was going to partner with millennial Republican Tax Collector Joel Greenberg of Seminole County as his running mate.
Greenberg says party politics are becoming a thing of the past, and that he plans on raising $20million in the next 6-months to support upstart candidates around the state.
“I think John has a lot to offer. I’ve known his family my entire life, and they are some of the finest people I’ve ever met. Partisan politics are becoming a thing of the past. John sees it, I see it too.
There is a lot more happening behind the scene, this much I can assure you. My goal is to raise $20M over the next six months, and that’s all I am allowed to say,” Greenberg texted the Central Florida Post.
Trump advisor Roger Stone even praised Morgan’s chances.
“I really like John Morgan. He’s a straight shooter and his advocacy of medicinal marijuana is nothing less than heroic. Partisanship aside, he would have been a strong candidate and good Governor. I’m glad he has recognized the idea-barren bankruptcy of the Democratic Party. “
Morgan ranked first in nearly every poll done on the Democratic primary for Governor, thanks to his aggressive marketing for his law firm (Morgan & Morgan), that put his face in front of millions across Florida each day.
Jumping out of the running as a candidate for Governor in Florida as a Democrat, and his switching to Independent is a big problem for Democrats, both statewide and nationally.
The fact that he is taking it a step further to trash the DNC’s rigged election and overall incompetence, is a direct slight at his pal Hillary Clinton, for whom he raised a small fortune.
Since announcing his break from the Democratic Party, Morgan has been lambasting party operatives… providing vicious and memorable quotes to any news outlet that asks.
This is a threat level “midnight” scenario for the Democratic Party, both the statewide and national Democrats are already dealing with a never-ending saga of scandals.
From charges of cronyism and corruption, to sexual harassment and coverups, it looked to be the proverbial “rock-bottom.”
But it wasn’t.
November 24th of 2017 is the day the Democratic Party hit rock-bottom. They have lost one of their biggest donors and a candidate built perfectly for this political climate. It wasn’t even on good terms.
Ask yourself, how horrific and deep are the problems within the Democratic Party? Bad enough for one of it’s biggest investors to jump-ship and pull the rug out from under Democrats the day after Thanksgiving.
That’s how bad it is.
Imagine putting MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS over decades of time into a political party and it’s candidates? That’s not an investment you walk away from unless it has become fundamentally broken, beyond repair.
And given his singling out of the rigged convention process orchestrated by Team Clinton, Morgan is making himself very clear about how he feels the Clinton campaign was run.
The takeaways for the Democratic Party are obvious…
1). Hillary Clinton was an insanely flawed candidate.
2). She stole the primary and scrubbed out in the general.
3). Clinton morally and ethically bankrupt Democrats.
4). Stop blaming Trump, pick yourself up, chart a new course (w/o Clinton).
Ignoring the meaning behind Morgan’s departure will equal an almost sure defeat in 2018 and 2020 for the Democratic Party.
I’m betting they will not read the writing on the wall, which is sad. Voters deserve a real completion, one that the current Democratic Party can’t give them.
Jacob Engels is an Orlando based journalist whose work has been featured and republished in news outlets around the globe including Politico, InfoWars, MSNBC, Orlando Sentinel, New York Times, Daily Mail UK, Associated Press, People Magazine, ABC, and Fox News to name a few. Mr. Engels focuses on stories that other news outlets neglect or willingly hide to curry favor among the political and business special interests in the state of Florida.
from Roger Stone – Stone Cold Truth https://stonecoldtruth.com/top-clinton-donor-quits-party-wont-fundraise-for-dnc/ from Roger Stone https://rogerstone12.tumblr.com/post/167912144468
0 notes
ariaanna27 · 7 years ago
Top Clinton Donor Quits Party, Won’t Fundraise For DNC
Wealthy trial attorney John Morgan officially announced that he won’t run for Governor in Florida, is becoming an independent, and will withhold his millions from the Democratic National Committee.
By Jacob Engels
After months of toying with the idea of running for Governor on the Democratic line, Lake Mary based trial attorney John Morgan announced he would not run for Governor on Twitter earlier Friday morning.
“Spent all of Thanksgiving with my whole family. While it’s amazing to be leading the polls for Governor without being a candidate I can’t muster the enthusiasm to run for the nomination,” Morgan posted on Twitter in a two-part statement.
While Morgan’s decision not to run for Governor is already front-page news, the fact that he is bolting the Democratic Party could be the story of the year.
His second tweet…
“And I can’t muster enthusiasm for any of today’s politicians. They are all the same. Both parties. I plan to register as an Independent and when I vote, vote for the lesser of two evils. And if I ever ran, run as an Independent.”
This means that Mr. Morgan, who has spent decades raising millions for the Democratic Party and their candidates, has closed his checkbook on a political party he built. Morgan was known for his lavish parties with top-billed guests like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other liberal elites like musician Jimmy Buffet.
Just under a year ago, he hosted a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at his Heathrow home that cost over $2,500 for an entry-level ticket. Over the years, Morgan cemented himself as the go-to-guy among aspiring candidates and Democratic fundraisers looking to raise coin.
He made sure the 2008, 2012 Obama campaign was flush with cash, allowing the former President to win his first election and secure a second term. Though she was unsuccessful in beating Trump, Morgan also made sure the Clinton campaign was not hurting for cash.
Now, he is refusing to give money to the Democratic National Committee, and called out the corruption occurring within the organization. When asked by Politico about the DNC, Morgan referenced former DNC Chair Donna Brazile’s book, where Brazile documents massive corruption at the DNC.
“F— no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile’s] book”
A Morgan bid for Governor would have been the most exciting things to follow in 2018, and I think he would have won. Unfiltered and authentic, not one candidate on either side would have been able to stop him. Maybe in a political world pre-Trump, but not in the post-Trump victory era.
There were even rumors that he was going to partner with millennial Republican Tax Collector Joel Greenberg of Seminole County as his running mate.
Greenberg says party politics are becoming a thing of the past, and that he plans on raising $20million in the next 6-months to support upstart candidates around the state.
“I think John has a lot to offer. I’ve known his family my entire life, and they are some of the finest people I’ve ever met. Partisan politics are becoming a thing of the past. John sees it, I see it too.
There is a lot more happening behind the scene, this much I can assure you. My goal is to raise $20M over the next six months, and that’s all I am allowed to say,” Greenberg texted the Central Florida Post.
Trump advisor Roger Stone even praised Morgan’s chances.
“I really like John Morgan. He’s a straight shooter and his advocacy of medicinal marijuana is nothing less than heroic. Partisanship aside, he would have been a strong candidate and good Governor. I’m glad he has recognized the idea-barren bankruptcy of the Democratic Party. “
Morgan ranked first in nearly every poll done on the Democratic primary for Governor, thanks to his aggressive marketing for his law firm (Morgan & Morgan), that put his face in front of millions across Florida each day.
Jumping out of the running as a candidate for Governor in Florida as a Democrat, and his switching to Independent is a big problem for Democrats, both statewide and nationally.
The fact that he is taking it a step further to trash the DNC’s rigged election and overall incompetence, is a direct slight at his pal Hillary Clinton, for whom he raised a small fortune.
Since announcing his break from the Democratic Party, Morgan has been lambasting party operatives… providing vicious and memorable quotes to any news outlet that asks.
This is a threat level “midnight” scenario for the Democratic Party, both the statewide and national Democrats are already dealing with a never-ending saga of scandals.
From charges of cronyism and corruption, to sexual harassment and coverups, it looked to be the proverbial “rock-bottom.”
But it wasn’t.
November 24th of 2017 is the day the Democratic Party hit rock-bottom. They have lost one of their biggest donors and a candidate built perfectly for this political climate. It wasn’t even on good terms.
Ask yourself, how horrific and deep are the problems within the Democratic Party? Bad enough for one of it’s biggest investors to jump-ship and pull the rug out from under Democrats the day after Thanksgiving.
That’s how bad it is.
Imagine putting MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS over decades of time into a political party and it’s candidates? That’s not an investment you walk away from unless it has become fundamentally broken, beyond repair.
And given his singling out of the rigged convention process orchestrated by Team Clinton, Morgan is making himself very clear about how he feels the Clinton campaign was run.
The takeaways for the Democratic Party are obvious…
1). Hillary Clinton was an insanely flawed candidate.
2). She stole the primary and scrubbed out in the general.
3). Clinton morally and ethically bankrupt Democrats.
4). Stop blaming Trump, pick yourself up, chart a new course (w/o Clinton).
Ignoring the meaning behind Morgan’s departure will equal an almost sure defeat in 2018 and 2020 for the Democratic Party.
I’m betting they will not read the writing on the wall, which is sad. Voters deserve a real completion, one that the current Democratic Party can’t give them.
  Jacob Engels is an Orlando based journalist whose work has been featured and republished in news outlets around the globe including Politico, InfoWars, MSNBC, Orlando Sentinel, New York Times, Daily Mail UK, Associated Press, People Magazine, ABC, and Fox News to name a few. Mr. Engels focuses on stories that other news outlets neglect or willingly hide to curry favor among the political and business special interests in the state of Florida.
from Roger Stone – Stone Cold Truth https://stonecoldtruth.com/top-clinton-donor-quits-party-wont-fundraise-for-dnc/
from Roger Stone https://rogerstone1.wordpress.com/2017/11/26/top-clinton-donor-quits-party-wont-fundraise-for-dnc/
0 notes
averyella · 7 years ago
Top Clinton Donor Quits Party, Won’t Fundraise For DNC
Wealthy trial attorney John Morgan officially announced that he won’t run for Governor in Florida, is becoming an independent, and will withhold his millions from the Democratic National Committee.
By Jacob Engels
After months of toying with the idea of running for Governor on the Democratic line, Lake Mary based trial attorney John Morgan announced he would not run for Governor on Twitter earlier Friday morning.
“Spent all of Thanksgiving with my whole family. While it’s amazing to be leading the polls for Governor without being a candidate I can’t muster the enthusiasm to run for the nomination,” Morgan posted on Twitter in a two-part statement.
While Morgan’s decision not to run for Governor is already front-page news, the fact that he is bolting the Democratic Party could be the story of the year.
His second tweet…
“And I can’t muster enthusiasm for any of today’s politicians. They are all the same. Both parties. I plan to register as an Independent and when I vote, vote for the lesser of two evils. And if I ever ran, run as an Independent.”
This means that Mr. Morgan, who has spent decades raising millions for the Democratic Party and their candidates, has closed his checkbook on a political party he built. Morgan was known for his lavish parties with top-billed guests like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other liberal elites like musician Jimmy Buffet.
Just under a year ago, he hosted a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at his Heathrow home that cost over $2,500 for an entry-level ticket. Over the years, Morgan cemented himself as the go-to-guy among aspiring candidates and Democratic fundraisers looking to raise coin.
He made sure the 2008, 2012 Obama campaign was flush with cash, allowing the former President to win his first election and secure a second term. Though she was unsuccessful in beating Trump, Morgan also made sure the Clinton campaign was not hurting for cash.
Now, he is refusing to give money to the Democratic National Committee, and called out the corruption occurring within the organization. When asked by Politico about the DNC, Morgan referenced former DNC Chair Donna Brazile’s book, where Brazile documents massive corruption at the DNC.
“F— no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile’s] book”
A Morgan bid for Governor would have been the most exciting things to follow in 2018, and I think he would have won. Unfiltered and authentic, not one candidate on either side would have been able to stop him. Maybe in a political world pre-Trump, but not in the post-Trump victory era.
There were even rumors that he was going to partner with millennial Republican Tax Collector Joel Greenberg of Seminole County as his running mate.
Greenberg says party politics are becoming a thing of the past, and that he plans on raising $20million in the next 6-months to support upstart candidates around the state.
“I think John has a lot to offer. I’ve known his family my entire life, and they are some of the finest people I’ve ever met. Partisan politics are becoming a thing of the past. John sees it, I see it too.
There is a lot more happening behind the scene, this much I can assure you. My goal is to raise $20M over the next six months, and that’s all I am allowed to say,” Greenberg texted the Central Florida Post.
Trump advisor Roger Stone even praised Morgan’s chances.
“I really like John Morgan. He’s a straight shooter and his advocacy of medicinal marijuana is nothing less than heroic. Partisanship aside, he would have been a strong candidate and good Governor. I’m glad he has recognized the idea-barren bankruptcy of the Democratic Party. “
Morgan ranked first in nearly every poll done on the Democratic primary for Governor, thanks to his aggressive marketing for his law firm (Morgan & Morgan), that put his face in front of millions across Florida each day.
Jumping out of the running as a candidate for Governor in Florida as a Democrat, and his switching to Independent is a big problem for Democrats, both statewide and nationally.
The fact that he is taking it a step further to trash the DNC’s rigged election and overall incompetence, is a direct slight at his pal Hillary Clinton, for whom he raised a small fortune.
Since announcing his break from the Democratic Party, Morgan has been lambasting party operatives… providing vicious and memorable quotes to any news outlet that asks.
This is a threat level “midnight” scenario for the Democratic Party, both the statewide and national Democrats are already dealing with a never-ending saga of scandals.
From charges of cronyism and corruption, to sexual harassment and coverups, it looked to be the proverbial “rock-bottom.”
But it wasn’t.
November 24th of 2017 is the day the Democratic Party hit rock-bottom. They have lost one of their biggest donors and a candidate built perfectly for this political climate. It wasn’t even on good terms.
Ask yourself, how horrific and deep are the problems within the Democratic Party? Bad enough for one of it’s biggest investors to jump-ship and pull the rug out from under Democrats the day after Thanksgiving.
That’s how bad it is.
Imagine putting MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS over decades of time into a political party and it’s candidates? That’s not an investment you walk away from unless it has become fundamentally broken, beyond repair.
And given his singling out of the rigged convention process orchestrated by Team Clinton, Morgan is making himself very clear about how he feels the Clinton campaign was run.
The takeaways for the Democratic Party are obvious…
1). Hillary Clinton was an insanely flawed candidate.
2). She stole the primary and scrubbed out in the general.
3). Clinton morally and ethically bankrupt Democrats.
4). Stop blaming Trump, pick yourself up, chart a new course (w/o Clinton).
Ignoring the meaning behind Morgan’s departure will equal an almost sure defeat in 2018 and 2020 for the Democratic Party.
I’m betting they will not read the writing on the wall, which is sad. Voters deserve a real completion, one that the current Democratic Party can’t give them.
 Jacob Engels is an Orlando based journalist whose work has been featured and republished in news outlets around the globe including Politico, InfoWars, MSNBC, Orlando Sentinel, New York Times, Daily Mail UK, Associated Press, People Magazine, ABC, and Fox News to name a few. Mr. Engels focuses on stories that other news outlets neglect or willingly hide to curry favor among the political and business special interests in the state of Florida.
from https://stonecoldtruth.com/top-clinton-donor-quits-party-wont-fundraise-for-dnc/ from Roger Stone http://rogerstone1.blogspot.com/2017/11/top-clinton-donor-quits-party-wont.html
0 notes
rogerstone12 · 7 years ago
Top Clinton Donor Quits Party, Won’t Fundraise For DNC
Wealthy trial attorney John Morgan officially announced that he won’t run for Governor in Florida, is becoming an independent, and will withhold his millions from the Democratic National Committee.
By Jacob Engels
After months of toying with the idea of running for Governor on the Democratic line, Lake Mary based trial attorney John Morgan announced he would not run for Governor on Twitter earlier Friday morning.
“Spent all of Thanksgiving with my whole family. While it’s amazing to be leading the polls for Governor without being a candidate I can’t muster the enthusiasm to run for the nomination,” Morgan posted on Twitter in a two-part statement.
While Morgan’s decision not to run for Governor is already front-page news, the fact that he is bolting the Democratic Party could be the story of the year.
His second tweet…
“And I can’t muster enthusiasm for any of today’s politicians. They are all the same. Both parties. I plan to register as an Independent and when I vote, vote for the lesser of two evils. And if I ever ran, run as an Independent.”
This means that Mr. Morgan, who has spent decades raising millions for the Democratic Party and their candidates, has closed his checkbook on a political party he built. Morgan was known for his lavish parties with top-billed guests like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other liberal elites like musician Jimmy Buffet.
Just under a year ago, he hosted a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at his Heathrow home that cost over $2,500 for an entry-level ticket. Over the years, Morgan cemented himself as the go-to-guy among aspiring candidates and Democratic fundraisers looking to raise coin.
He made sure the 2008, 2012 Obama campaign was flush with cash, allowing the former President to win his first election and secure a second term. Though she was unsuccessful in beating Trump, Morgan also made sure the Clinton campaign was not hurting for cash.
Now, he is refusing to give money to the Democratic National Committee, and called out the corruption occurring within the organization. When asked by Politico about the DNC, Morgan referenced former DNC Chair Donna Brazile’s book, where Brazile documents massive corruption at the DNC.
“F— no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile’s] book”
A Morgan bid for Governor would have been the most exciting things to follow in 2018, and I think he would have won. Unfiltered and authentic, not one candidate on either side would have been able to stop him. Maybe in a political world pre-Trump, but not in the post-Trump victory era.
There were even rumors that he was going to partner with millennial Republican Tax Collector Joel Greenberg of Seminole County as his running mate.
Greenberg says party politics are becoming a thing of the past, and that he plans on raising $20million in the next 6-months to support upstart candidates around the state.
“I think John has a lot to offer. I’ve known his family my entire life, and they are some of the finest people I’ve ever met. Partisan politics are becoming a thing of the past. John sees it, I see it too.
There is a lot more happening behind the scene, this much I can assure you. My goal is to raise $20M over the next six months, and that’s all I am allowed to say,” Greenberg texted the Central Florida Post.
Trump advisor Roger Stone even praised Morgan’s chances.
“I really like John Morgan. He’s a straight shooter and his advocacy of medicinal marijuana is nothing less than heroic. Partisanship aside, he would have been a strong candidate and good Governor. I’m glad he has recognized the idea-barren bankruptcy of the Democratic Party. “
Morgan ranked first in nearly every poll done on the Democratic primary for Governor, thanks to his aggressive marketing for his law firm (Morgan & Morgan), that put his face in front of millions across Florida each day.
Jumping out of the running as a candidate for Governor in Florida as a Democrat, and his switching to Independent is a big problem for Democrats, both statewide and nationally.
The fact that he is taking it a step further to trash the DNC’s rigged election and overall incompetence, is a direct slight at his pal Hillary Clinton, for whom he raised a small fortune.
Since announcing his break from the Democratic Party, Morgan has been lambasting party operatives… providing vicious and memorable quotes to any news outlet that asks.
This is a threat level “midnight” scenario for the Democratic Party, both the statewide and national Democrats are already dealing with a never-ending saga of scandals.
From charges of cronyism and corruption, to sexual harassment and coverups, it looked to be the proverbial “rock-bottom.”
But it wasn’t.
November 24th of 2017 is the day the Democratic Party hit rock-bottom. They have lost one of their biggest donors and a candidate built perfectly for this political climate. It wasn’t even on good terms.
Ask yourself, how horrific and deep are the problems within the Democratic Party? Bad enough for one of it’s biggest investors to jump-ship and pull the rug out from under Democrats the day after Thanksgiving.
That’s how bad it is.
Imagine putting MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS over decades of time into a political party and it’s candidates? That’s not an investment you walk away from unless it has become fundamentally broken, beyond repair.
And given his singling out of the rigged convention process orchestrated by Team Clinton, Morgan is making himself very clear about how he feels the Clinton campaign was run.
The takeaways for the Democratic Party are obvious…
1). Hillary Clinton was an insanely flawed candidate.
2). She stole the primary and scrubbed out in the general.
3). Clinton morally and ethically bankrupt Democrats.
4). Stop blaming Trump, pick yourself up, chart a new course (w/o Clinton).
Ignoring the meaning behind Morgan’s departure will equal an almost sure defeat in 2018 and 2020 for the Democratic Party.
I’m betting they will not read the writing on the wall, which is sad. Voters deserve a real completion, one that the current Democratic Party can’t give them.
  Jacob Engels is an Orlando based journalist whose work has been featured and republished in news outlets around the globe including Politico, InfoWars, MSNBC, Orlando Sentinel, New York Times, Daily Mail UK, Associated Press, People Magazine, ABC, and Fox News to name a few. Mr. Engels focuses on stories that other news outlets neglect or willingly hide to curry favor among the political and business special interests in the state of Florida.
from Roger Stone – Stone Cold Truth https://stonecoldtruth.com/top-clinton-donor-quits-party-wont-fundraise-for-dnc/
0 notes
csadby88js · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
by mrwonderfull69
"My” Ideology
This entry wont relate to my topic of Photoshop use and photo manipulation as much as earlier blog posts. This time I will focus on Ideology and what that means in my own terms or would I say in Finnish terms. Also I will explain the chosen picture a little bit later on this post so bear with me from the beginning.
For long as I remember my parents have taught me to study hard and push forward with good grades, graduate, to finally end up having a good job. Yet during the years, as I set out to study in University in Finland, I started to wonder that did I really pick the right profession to go with and is this all I want to do. I didn’t find the construction ( as I was to graduate to be construction engineer ) as interesting anymore. It started to feel like that it was just something familiar that I chose when applying for the university as I had been working in construction for years before that. Plus my father was working in construction as well, so it was like following his footsteps with the choice of going for construction engineering. Nevertheless I went on with the studies and graduated, though at this point I was sure that I wouldn’t just start working and continue my life almost like it was planned through. I stepped on a plane and left.
As this is my story, partly and shortly, it resembles the usual way how we Finns tend to live. We study, graduate, start working, once we find a nice person to be with, we settle down, have a dog, car, few children and a own house. The happy end. This is the most basic story behind many of the people that I know and many of my friends are there already. I’m not saying that the plan is bad, no, but I think its part of our ideology that most of us don’t even seem to think that much and they aim for that. For me this was maybe too sudden, and I wanted a little bit more, I needed to see how the world works and widen my opinions. I have never regretted that I left, because now I see how good the place I was born into, was. This also reflects on the fact that maybe we, Finns are too focused on living just in Finland and go through with this process instead of throwing ourself outside of the comfort zone.
We tend to criticise everything that is new and coming from somewhere else, we like our old custom ways even if they don’t tend to work as good as the new. It usually takes some time for us to adapt and after all people start to see how the new things are actually better. Also we seem to be critical about other people and their ways of doing things even if it is proved to be a better system. We also don’t appreciate our own system enough, even if there is a lot of people under the Finnish level of poverty, that level is absolutely one of the highest in the world. Even if it is tough to have a salary that is under the poverty level, we tend to have more than most of the people in the world. Proper home, supports from government, food and even money for many different consumables. Our kids have a change for education, etc, etc.
We should open our eyes a little bit more on what we have than just continuously complain what is wrong with every other thing. Of course we have to push forward in fixing problems but also remember what we have, coming out of our box of being too Finns I would say and think that some people don’t have the same backgrounds or opportunities that we have.
This brings me more to another topic that we Finns tend to have. It is called *Sisu* and there is no definitive way to explain that word. I think I can have few examples but you need to be Finn to properly understand the meaning behind it.
“Extraordinary determination, courage and resoluteness in the face of extreme adversity. An action mindset which eables individuals to reach beyond their present limitations, take action against all odds and transform barriers into frontiers. An integral element of Finnish culture and also a universal capacity, which we all share”
“Sisu begins where perseverance and grit end. It is the “second wind” of mental toughness, after the individual has reached the limits of their observed mental or physical capacities”
The word itself also resembles the mind state that our veterans had when they fought against Soviets during the second World War. It resembles how they stood up against an enemy which was one of the biggest military powers in the world and over 10 times stronger in numbers. It also resembles the resolve we had after the war, that we build everything a new and creating a country that we are now and during this process we even manage to be only country in the world that paid their war depts to the winning side. This is something we share in Finland, a mindset that goes through the hard rock even if we have the smallest of changes and I think everyone of us can relate to this meaning of word “sisu” in some ways during our lives and know what the meaning behind the word is.
The word “sisu” also relates to the image I have chosen, it is a picture of our most successful president and it pays a humble tribute for him. The image follows the style that was used in Obama’s presidency campaign and how that image became known around the world. I’m not totally sure what the artist wanted to tell by implementing our president into this style, maybe to give a certain resolution of the importance of this man as it seemed to sky rocket Obama’s to be a president to bring great change and hope. It is a little hard to say now, as the image seem to have different opinions about it and the message of it has changed from 2008 when it was firstly published. Yet in this photo the artist has made lines or linear shading on our presidents forehead, possibly to represent the wrinkles, as having this suffering or thoughtful expression on his face. I think it represent the burden Kekkonen had on his shoulders during the time he was our president.  Also his name, Kekkonen is written 3 times under the image, to connect to the fact that when he was first time chosen, he won by 2 votes and the whole country was listening on the radio as the commentator was speaking out the names on votes of the last two candidates.
After Kekkonen was elected, he was also elected for second and third terms. During the third term, emergency law was enacted to let Kekkonen stay as a president. 1978 Kekkonen was again elected to be president by winning 260 votes out of 300. He had build such a strong relationship with the Soviet Union that were extremely important for Finland during the Cold War and by doing this he was approved to continue his work and to use the influence he had created. As the tension between east and west were at the highest peak, Kekkonen maintained to keep both sides under control, keeping Finland as neutral player between the powers. Also the political work that Kekkonen did to improve relations to east, allowed Finland to do business which helped us to rise to be one of the top development countries in the world.
As such, and not to go too far into the history here, I earlier mentioned the linear shading on his forehead ( wrinkles that he used to have ) to resemble the burden. He was a man to make choices for our country under the situation where two huge powers were in a brink of a war. Any mistake could have lead Soviet Union to push their frontiers forward and take over Finland to be part of SSSR. Kekkonen earned the respect of his people and showed where the “sisu” can lead a man with determination. 
As I think that Sisu is part of our ideology, something that pushes a man out of their limits and can stand humble before everyone even after doing the impossible, is something we relate to and give our utmost respect. And as this chosen picture of a man, who had “Sisu”, it is good example of an attribute that we Finns know and share. It fights against the idea that Karl Marx’s had about ideology, because even during the year, we Finns have been under many influences, but we haven’t forgotten the meaning of “sisu” among other important things for us. It stays there with the Finns, nevertheless of the changes. We tend to follow the world as it change and we are also part of changing it in many ways, putting us close to the world we live today, following different social medias which tend to be global rather than specific to certain country or location. I would say that we adapt to the world, hanging on some of those old customs we have at the same time. Thus I would say that Althusser’s concept of ideology is more to the point “By living in society we live in ideology.” but here the society can be a little bit more than just us, Finns.
Taking the topic even further, I would like to view this through the  theory by Antonio Gramsci - Hegemony. This theory sets ideology to be something that no one has but it’s constantly changing with the balance in the society. The disadvantaged people tend to fight the dominant ideology. I wonder if this is the reason for having small factions in Finland who have more extreme point of views and if this hegemony is the reason for so many people in Finland resisting immigrants for example. As the people who are already struggling financially, they tend not to understand why we keep putting so much effort and money for people who are only causing trouble. Yet of course the situation isn’t that simple and media focuses on constant bad news what certain people do.
Hegemony also states to be the “dominant ideology” and represented as common sense. But as in Finland the society is quite balanced and the problems that could be viewed as different ideologies, fighting others, doesn’t fit the idea of common sense completely. I understand the frustration of people who would put Finland first and helping next, when they see only the problems caused by immigrants. It seems that our government tend to have way too complex and unsupported ideas of resolving the issues that are created by taking immigrants in to Finland. Or maybe it is that the common people are waiting to have more common sense actions to be taken to resolve the problems as the government seems to solve things way too politically and by means that the citizens can’t relate to. So if I understand the concept of hegemony right, the people of Finland tend to have the need for more common sense kind of actions than our government is currently responding with and it seems that the people have the dominant ideology. Yet I believe that we also cannot be too blind for these issues as there are so many different people in the need of help and we, who have a lot, should also be in a position to offer that help for them. There might be way too many different problems that our government understands but common people don’t see or understand the importance of those relevant problems, which aren’t solvable by just “common sense”.
Immigrants also have their own ideologies and as they move to Finland, they bring them with them. This causes another “power play” when thinking about the hegemony. Now the immigrants are disadvantage people and their ideologies start to fight with ours. More problems emerges and the balance of hegemony is again thrown off. This is also something to be considered with our “common sense” and that we should see problems a little bit further than just going along with our common sense.
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Dont freak out, itss just writing
i grew up fast (so fast) (too quick nigga) (wish i went through when i was just a bit bigger) can you tell me who the parent is uh ya the first time i drove a whip i was a fuckin kid, (96 suburban nigga) (yo yo, did you tell em why) oh ya shit my fault my mom was bleeding from her chin i dont know what from or what about, scared to death i took that drive to the ER (Medical SHIIIT) (mom got too drunk again and feel out) (wheres dad? in his room his doors locked, figures i dont expect, as i try to knock (no answer nigga) i dont blame em he removes himself from the sitiation so he dont hit her) ya i fucking grew quick, ya i fucking tryed some shit, the first time i dropped out and took some shroomies i was age 6 plus 6, thats 12 for the illiterates, actually aas a matter a fact it was fuckin pleasant as fuck as i drew back the droe and took another hit. now that i think that was the day, older brother came and gave me cig i obliged no way to say nay, i was still trippin and it was a sensational feelin, it left me stumblin and dizzy a head rush like no other i was hooked for live to the day and i dont blame him, i dont think he knew what he had started, adding to the compilation of the monsxter inside that took refuge and started, poison in his mind, the drugs altered his brain activity but he was buckled up and commited to the ride.Shit i just said in third person let me apologize to yall sometimes the ideas flow together like two fortune five mergin, these feels of hate be strong ya im hurtin, i cant blame no one, i cant choose the family i was birthed in, started sniffin ups felt my blood surgin, gotta big head but my nemisis, the evil inside myself was bigger aboutt the size of a white sturgeon, like some northern ish that canadain shit like british columbia or somethin idk, alls i can say is that BC bud out that bitch is my fav to blow, the sour D, diesel to be exact for you niggas who waana try to nit pick or correct my personal facts, let me just speak at you,  all the hatin niggas tryin bring me down, bad news, i do drugs like steve from fuckin blues clues, but my rents always on time when that xshits due, any ways i side tracked speaking of tracks just lined some shit up did with speed did with need i did it with tact, im dextrous and shit i always have a unique train of thought oh shit trains again trains derailed at this point hhaaha i crack myself up sometimes with the wit in my words leh-let you in on the pun so you can join in my fun, about the lines the lines are no more you didn arrive in time i promise these raps have rhythm they have rhyme i aint spittin to waste your time, i aint spittin to catch a dime, bag or bitch, it really dont matter, niether last long but they are still my niche, come here bitch come hit this shit, this time dont have a fit, mind over matter just stick yuh nose in these rails sit down for a bit, drink some wata, go to your happy place we are gettin to old for me to have tote on yuh just from hitten lines but i put up wit it, you got that 50 thou boat on yuh, not to mention your ride, that shit is so sweet i cant decidddee which id rather seed, as in inseminate with my seaman as i play the part as a seaman workin for seimans on a marine voyage i aint like you im a higher being, i dont know whatchu talkin whatch your eyes be seein i am a divine heathan i really cant fucking believe a niggas still breathin im a florida boy born and raised, i sit the fuck back drink my beer in the shade, high as i usually am a rinny tin tin rinscotts tale \down the rintin like a shark fin poatched by commercial fisherman thrown in a bin, no regard for life the human race is so greedy, people just aint my type, say what you want i know me best and i know im right. my creative talents on the other hand be outta sight, im my own worst enemy to cross the bridge pay the fee, trollin in the hood for that g, withdrawin, shakin i drop to my knee look up to the sky ask god if he sees. hear the sound of humming, huh must be bees, or im trippin out maybe its a flash back i dont remmember. whats th-this street, tremblin think my heat skipped a bit, or a couple shakinso bad my knes begin to buckle, anxiety can be dibilatated held me back from so much in life thers no debating. unfamiliar route. made it to this bar ordered a stout got to thinking, you may ask what about, this is why i like solitude to be on my own to answer to noone to depend on myself and live it to the fullest while im yung, my mind will reel, replaying all i know every single memory, that im capable of bringing back, i compare my brain to a file cabinet, i keep it hidden like in an office towards the back. A photographic memory is a gift and a curse, ill tell you whatat, if you dont keep it in check you will end up in a herse, sure you can remember the happy shit the good things in your life but you cant fucking forget the huge hits the fucking bad bitch the one who broke your heart? dounno how to forget you but i think i know where to start, i thought it was drugs, i numbed my body with chemicals little did i know with every shot the metaphorical shovel scooped out some more dirt from the inconcievable whole i fuckin dug. my life has been weird kinda like an opriental from a flee market an awkward rug, with no real spot in the house, was always the black sheep in the fam i tryed to tip toe as quiet as a mouse, some tom and jerry shit my mistakes and regrets cbhasing me around like tom the cat from that shit, I hide in my hidey whole, disconeected from any social environmeent i often found myself cryin, but self loathin is kinda like being a a gay with some dicks hes blowin, givin a ski job pitty is the lube hatred is the tube the vessel to carry out a deed the fags not sure about, hes experimentin comparable to some situations in my life cept wont catch me with two dudes in a shower, that was just a metaphor. you feel me? im sure the haters will hop all over that verse but just fuckinh hear me. I got my shades on and these bitches special, haters they block, they keep you no fun, sticklers out of sight out of mind like spf 75 sun block, that industrial shit, factory born hear the lunch bell on the horn, an  hour passes the busy bees come back to the floor to join the others to join the masses; the hoard., here the hum of the worker bees at work as they sneek rum in there flasks stuck it in to the hive got it past the queen time to catch a buzz to make this pain stop while i avoid the fuzz the narks at work, cant control it even if they wanted to stop. i dont want to hurt. this was a metaphor for the endless rut of a reality ive become accustomed to; succomed too, the low of the low. comparable to a german trench on the frontlines., my life feels like a conveyer belt, makin the same product running the same direction never really goiong any where, now thats was an analagy, keeping up? yung unsensitive how many? 0 fucks, 0 fucks giveen, 0 blights forgiven, spiteful to death and mornful for noone, nothing left inside just another no-go, malfunctioning product family be like feeling “ i feel like they robbed us” of our brother our son and our friend , dont worry fam im still with you in your hearts up to the end. im tired of our society with all its malice and fallacy, thinking to my self how sad it must be, to be washed in the brain to be hypnotized, this shits so insane.you want that shit super sized? of course nigga watchu you sayin. A glutonous society obsessed with self indulgence people actually still believe good people are in abundance. Speaking of which, fuck the people for a tec, have you looked around lately, this earth is a wreck, mark my words we headin straight for destruction, We are not being good care takers, we fuckckin actin so careless what doesdo the opeople in power really expect?? just pass it on to the next generation “ohh, its not our life time we will leave it for you” Thats a big fuck you to the generations after you undeserving self entitled fucks finallyy croak. get the fuck outa here, tell me when you sold your sold, you heartlesxs bastards would give anything for xsome more of that paper thgat rules all, the pressure you have put on everyone, no one is an exception, to support ourselves and loved ones to provide for our own and multiple other peoples nees, the urge to make money looms over our heads like a pestiliant storm cloud of angst and uncertainty, boreing a fucking whole in our moral, making peoplpe desperaate rising crime rates because people get desperate, people need to survive and they will do dam near whatever it takess to make the money they need, for whatever purpose.  ill whipe my ass with it throw in your cards i will win you better fold. i have freeedom, you ask what? anominity you fuckers, i can moldd my own life i have the freedomm of choosing, i certainly dont have to wait for legislation to pass a bill which you bribed for votes to do so anyways, to do something something much worse than im capabloe of ever doing, intentionally ruining the environment and turning our planet to mars just for paper with and idea (with a “hey, take our word for it, its worth something “””WE PROMISE”””” fucks) behind it not even gold bars, fuck you niggas mark my words illl bring all you mother fuckers down, ill run you fucks out of town, you hear that sound? its a train. its my passion and my determination to take you out, maybe ill use a fuckin plane? i mean its o.k. for the CIA to do it, right? Create this ridiculously elaborote ruse this plot, thyat fucking fooled all the ignorant and brainwashed americans you have already sucked in with your cancerous propaganda, kids lost to your bullshit through social media and the fucking criteria you make teachers teach young minds, we are taught from a very young age that “ huraaahh america is number one! Terrorists bad! Environmental destruction of a planet good!” how about we help some of the third woorld countries (which you know we wouldnt have to be gunning down women and children in the streets) we could just like give them the water they need? help them gentrify there communities teach them how to develop better skills, teach them more efficient ways to take advantage of their land, maybe bring some seeds to food sources that can be grown creating a bit of self sustainability that may not be indigenous but would grow in their country?? you greedy fucks just want oil, when we have enough in our reserves in alaska/canada to last north america 500 years falsey blame others, create an imaginary war “the war on terrorism, which infact is a fucking cover a false entity, to entice patriotism to loosely keep this crumbling empire together the last attempt, the only thread left in the button holding up the pants we call america, you forgot to tell the word all that shit is just whack  [ simply a meticulously pplanned and executed ploy to spur interests in the middle east, control the oil and power will return back east, return to u, Cause god knows you tax the fuck out of us for EVERYTHING especially mnother fucking gas, so we can pay for wellfare and pay for fucking solar power for rich fucks who e==inherited wealth, people who hdont know what working a day means and never will be, never had a problem, never been broke “oh shit my fucking croket set is missingg a ball” lose the pretense fuckers, you cocksuckers, arrogant low lives.. Money makes you any better then the hard working man that cover your tax breaks pay like our fucking ppolice forces (who are a bunch of ROTC drop outs with a badge and sense of power nnow being unfair and crooked taking some kind of revenge on the idea of the kids who picked on them all through out school” Motherfucker its harder to become a plumber, the learning and process is longer/more rigorous then a 6 month police academy which is fucking my lil pony world ( ith ink there is a fantasy kids show for my lil pony with their own fantasy dimension/world)compared to a military bootcamp.  A doctrine instilled to stop the spread of communisim wherever and whenever it may presenet itsxelf? when is the fighting going to stop in that area of our dying earth, thjey have been fighting eachother since lifes initial birth, what whoever was in power or in charge of trading the petroleumn to us wanted to charge an extra dollar 4 dollars  aBARREL instead of 3??? whaa you fucking greedy cunts,? so we invade and take control put there people on dog collars?? for wshat a dollar difference in productionfreedom of speech as you mothers suck the livlyhood from our home like a blood sucking leech, so careless, you know exactly what your doing, you just dont care it aint your problem your headin towardcs the end your death is brewin, well im the reaper of death cloaked in black i always get my man like a cold inwe can hardly co-exist and efficiently function. We are on world one love bob marley shit im getting tired of going throught the motions im all fucked up inside and shit. Early development can be a lynch pin. to either set a strong first corner stone, ceremonial placement of the first corner stone, free mason shit, corn and vegetable oil, so many customs and traditions are goin down a fuckin hill catch em rollin. Early  life is so fucking critical for a young kid, childrens minds are like a sponge they are looking up to their elders they are developing mentally they consume everything around them and retain more than you know, give your kids a healthy and stimulating environment and they will let there talents grow let there talents show let there brilliance flow let there inhibitions go, gone like dust in the wind, never catch em in trouble nothing, not one sin. They will begin to get older, be super organized, super focused for school, every class haxs a folder. As you watch them grow you will feel it in your heart you will fuckin kno, atleast you did this at least you used your parental guidance for good. when you die you know youll be missed, your kid dont throw fits, not one bit, hes such a chip off the old block that was cliche as fuck haha tuck em inh for bed his forhead you kiss. I just might fucking shed a tear, I cant fight this urge to drink a beer. I cant deny this fucking fear, I must look like just like headlights shinin onm a deer, jock strap aroun d my ankles, dumbfounded, look in  my eyes, perplexed, look on my face as it hits, you get a certain taste in your mouth this race is coming to a close suddenly your filled with doubht, seriously you should be care free, yuou did your duty as a parent, im jealous wish that was me, chill the fuck out go drink some fucking relaxing tea or something, sobrietyy seems to be a good mixture along with love and rationality to make a family function like a well greased machine, like a mechanisim freshly whipped down with some white lithium grease. tuned and ready to go, temped to huff the fumes and left everything go, turn your car on shut the garage door, let death grip  you, dont seem to care anymore, I cant change the past and i have no regreats, will i make it to thirty? “right over here people!” “place your bets!”, ill take my tickets to my Life Show and just scalp em make some extra cash, im already absent, so detatched;incapable of feeling. even if im there aint nothing going on emotionally in there (guarantee you im smilin an nodding i really dont give 2 fucks no more”, take that money right to the plug i promote fucking drugs not hugs, or why not both? why does the saying have to be one or the other when sxometimes its both you desire the most. Take the scalpin’ money from the tickets to the play of my life, go on down to the hood, pick up some bags mis amigos habla “Drogas” los hermanos tambien, this urge is hard to fight. Its a romance [a ritual of being, so0mething un explainable i wish i was never a part of, im always metaphorically bleeding. My poker face is strong, fuck showing weakness i alwayxs thought it was to show emotuion. wrong....... but its not, it can save your life, can \get you through, throw you a life jacket, get you out of that tide you fought, that frigid water no warmer than dry eyes.. Ive always been a loose cannon, I go with the flow, not lookin back, been chillin with the old heads they were suprisxed i could hang and, back to the point haha literally or figuratively is the question... im not gonna keep you waitin or leave yall hangin, i hate cliff hangers, make me wait 45 five minutes leave me jonesin’ its slow goin like grindin that ‘crete in the hangers polishin’ that baby out and coatin with some apoxy, its a process, i just get my drugs, whate=vers around and hit bangersz til i pass out, thatsx how my life has been goingg, i feel like im in the chambers just waiting to be gassed out. Flip the fuuckin switch you fuckin pussy end all this malcontent and hate, make itt black, eternal reest at loast.. dress me up real nice maybe a sharp vest, go through the processions and go through the motions fucking burn my body bitches, i want to be in the ocean ive always felt drawn to it, like an unexplainable,, unatainable unfakeable feeling or notion. im happiest sippin a coctail right by the ocean,  thats where you put me to rest... ill be pissed as fuck dont treat me like a fucking ruck; i beenn aroound, age is but a number, my knowledge is  vast and profound, ya thats right bitch im fuckin educated, know more tthan you will learn in your life time and im 20 years, old get what im sayin? i dont got a big heaad im actually humble,  just at my  breaking point. if i was a volcanoe you would feel the rumble; the pre-emptive signs of an eruption pre-determineed in the creator’s mind he took his divine time to find a wayy to grin away the time it took to find the book i bind when al i want is to be stress free and unwind but im the opposite wound up liike the grandfather clock i wish i could stop , the wheels are in motion the gears are set to full speed the feels keep comin i got this itch; this notion, this inkling to stop minglin, stop wastin my time with u useless fuccks. i think its time, its not the end my journey, just started this epic tale of sorrow, my feelings have departed, im fuckingg frozen over colder than ice, dry ice. cant touch me im full of hate and vice, addictive personality on a suicide mission like a ffucking missionary willing to die for his faithh,. i wish man willing to be a martyr for his religion.. ya bitch i smoke stoges in the hotel room just send the  bill to him if it comes to me itll end up in the fucking rubbish bin with a looggie on top coughin up brown shit to young for that talk, to young for heart disease pack and a half a day to try to keep my miind at ease, the stress is buildin im like a tickin time bomb, im so wound up like a clock rigged to blow mount vesuvius, a test nuke... the alarm is soundinn off. A  bright flash like a million lightning strikes, bout to pop off.. but atleast with style got my limited eddition nikes, listen to me i soound like them, listen to me bitching like a fucking fem, bottle it up, thats what society saays, male suicide is at an all time high like two polar opposites due to wed, its never gonna work im always going to be sad im always going to hurt, no fuck it, im a lock it up and throw away the key, im gonna forget about all this shit and be a fuckin G, be hardcore like the brothhers, leave bitches cryin in the street like aall our fuckin mothers, 32 degrees ferenhiet tatted on my left pec it signifies the tempture of my heart no longer warm and red, its frozen over, it hardly beats, that shit is smaler than the grinches, i turned into what they want me to be, a danger to society, getthe fuck outa myface before i shoo,t b, I got nothing to lose, living for nothing, nada, goose eggs nigga dont give a fuck reckless, no regard for life i dont give two fucks a partridge in a ghetto street, aint no merry christmas song, i like my biches thick and dirty wearin'n some fesh tomy thongs, i use em abuse and enthuse them then ruse thm excusse them fuckin confusethem "why you so distaant all of the suden" keep the vow of silence, like a monk on a holy missio, a friar on a divine quest, sending telepathic messages look into my eyes and see, get the fuck out i was never real these feelings meant nothing to me manipulator, manipulationist making up woprds never been a relationist, the masster of his craft a ventrilliquist or a puppet master you were to blind to see, mama was right just a socio path, ya bitch tell your 7 year old child that; see how long his chipper attitude lasts, im lower than nothing, not even a worm maybe i could bbe a fucking tick suckin blood, noting left of the kid i used to be, no more self worth, i cant love you when i cant love myself, how you expect me to support you when all i do is grab a spoon andd melt all the money thaat comes my way, a junkie, bum destined for an early  death and you think yous my bride to be, sorry hun you reaad me wrong, i know its hard cause bitches never know whats goin on inside my head, as i lay in bea,d staring off to somewhere, anywhere but next toyou, staring off into space thinking about my drug abuse, asking myself why, but i know the answer ready to die, but i think ill get a lapper frm one more danceer, i wanna go out in style, not som lame shit maybe go up to a mountain and stand on a cliff, look down, see wher im destined to end up as i take the safety off, finger carressing the trigger, a cool wind blows as i prepare to leave my loved ones bitter, surprised they sstayed aound thislong only ever let em down ever since i was young, never good enough always disappointing this rap comes so easily writing it like noothing, to get this off my chest as theend comes near, i shaped my own destiny i chose to die, now i chose to die here, fuk your beliefs and your faith in gods plan i took my life intomy own fucking hands, i think we all know einstiens theory of insanity, i been doin the same shit fr so long now exspectin shit to change and, i guess im insane.. i took my brilliiant, my sharp mind and put it to waste. its time to pull the inevitable, the good die young idk in this case if thats viable, im scummy i did whatever it took to get my fix to kill that pitt  in my tummy. i hurt people close, i stole from my famil.y.. its time to end it, like i caqme into the world, by myself always alone, soemthing that my father toldme that really stuck, its cynical as fuck, but he was right. he said stay out of the bullshit the groggy muck. Only lookout for yourself son, ive been arounnd awhile, [people dont give a fuck about anyone else they care only for themselves, in the end at the most critical time they will always choose them instead of some one else. We are alone in this wrld and its the hard truth jut learn not to ddepend on others while you are still in your youth, ive been fucked over to many times by people i thought i was very close to. now im out to get mines me and only me you and only you, get that fucking look on ur face sorry for beeing real and telling the truth, im trying to prepare your for whats ahead, im tryig to prevent you from depending on a brutus who will fill you with lead, stab you in the back for their own personnal gain, being to trustworthy is a heroic flaw like being egotistical, wanting to help your friends to much, being aragont ect. kryptonite to super man pease dont be batman and let it be yourr bane, bane as in the villian to let you know. im back, here are my words again not my dads, ji really do miss all the relationships i had, havent spoken to my dad in years tookk one for theteam stayed with mama dukese inj the ssplit to save faace, foir my innocent younger brothers. you know what shes also my motheer, shes not capable of surviving alone i didnt think i would abandon her ever i thought id never do that, i stuck with her out of evveryone, a family oof six she looked out for me in times of strife wish i could give her one last kiss, just shot my last 20 and i fucin missed, absesses dont matte any more i bet this 45 shoots true time for the finale,  no way i can miss, as the curtains close on my young life one last thought people really took to me, like white on rice, women were drawn to me the mystery i had them enticced, June baby as a cancer i am hard to understand i met a chick once who had a spot in my liifes bnd, she knew me we had a connection so much love we were never disrespectin im glad i could atleast i could teach hersome shit before she ripped my beeating heart out of my chest and stepped on it. Loved hermore than life and i still do i promised her one day i would find her and marry her, walkher down that isle say the words ido, she felt what i felt i know its tru, wasnt ready fgor commitment baby i wil alwayslove yo never orget you if i can i connect with you, like a disease i infected you i aways broght you downi was just baggage extra wait holing you down dragging around im glad youo saw through my snake charming ways saw me for who i was a bumm who couldnt change noot in a short number of days, someone so crippled by pain and grief it was beyond belief, she was the only one i wore my heart on my sleeve for , she lef me sobbinig, crrying violently without end in the door the doorway to more pain. i know she had no choice she had to live her lifee i was just in he way, i was obscuring her focus. eye on the prize isthe only way to achieve your goals and tnt them fuckin boulders, in your way, today i die babe, long time comin bet yall thought i was here to stay. baby l dontshed a tear kno i died drinkin a beer haha but nah you were my last thoughts thinking about all the time we spent getting lost in eachothers eyes and gettin so close we read eachothers thougts, illl miss or idk if ill be concious or just nothjingness, i guess ill fnd out when i finally stop being a pussy and proced with this, see ya velma ill always be your shaggy thinka bout me and dont forget what i made you see, in your self im just another memory on our shelf but let it bbe one thaat sticks we had somethingthat made ssense just clicks somethin that felt so right im really gonn miss, everythinig abnout you im sorry you couldnt trust me but i dont doubt why. i know the truth ive never denied a thing in my life, dont getme wrong everybody tells a little white lie, but you know what its a sign of intelligence not to be afraid to say idk not to lie for the hll of it. Ill see you soon in the nxt life or two i hope reincarnatiuon has a possibility of being true, godbye cruel world th ride is over it was a hell of a whirl, i leave you with absolutely nohing conntributted i was just a part o the cancer people had to live with, butnever acknowledgedd, acted ignoant to ther surroundings as daddy paid for college, i burned bright and hot and had a lot of fun, i had alot of life experienc got alot of shit done, nothing productivee of course in ssocieties eyes but i did fullfill atleast some personal goals, important things in my eyes, the curtains are almost done descending as my pittiful life is ending, but keep your pitty mother  fuckers i dont want shit from any of you i dont give yoou nothin dont be so self righteous you look like a bunch of fools, greive for me or celebrate my life i guess its on you how you chhoose to rfemmeber a nobody that nobody knew, a couple feet before the curtains drop, is that? myy eyes decieving? me? no i do see that a single rose descends from the skies, i stare intently at the work of art, a rose is soo beautiful, a representation of love, from the heart, so delicate with its velvet petals, easily ruined a boket wouldve been nice, but who am i fooling, thats a beautiful thing, that was really nice. the product bubbles as i take my last hit of ice, cant takemy eyes off that rose.. its so beautiful... the gun on my forhead now, looking at each individual pedals.. dew from the early mornin forming a small puddle around that naturral phenom, that iconic organic, spectaacular symbol of sometthing real, somethin that matters, something sensual. 
As the bits of his brain splatter behid him, arms spread; with grace, almost angelic.he falls off the ciff a hundred feet now for falling, weird but there was a look of peace in his eyes; on his face, maybe he wll finally find happiness.. he fell with nobility and so much grace the floor he hit, his finall restingplace, what cuold be a better box then a natural setting, a  beaauty of nature, crawling all around and he will return to the earth, the mother wll  take him back just as she gave birth, i thinnk this shit is over now its not my story to tell, inside voices kids no reason to yell. shhhhhhhhhhh. 
dont depend dont believe the [enter here]
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