#maybe the real mafia is all the men we kissed along the way etc
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Taiwanese bl has never once taken the mafia concept seriously and I gotta respect it
#it always starts with someone almost getting killed and then by episode 7 there's smooching and a found family#not that I'm complaining tho#maybe the real mafia is all the men we kissed along the way etc#kiseki: dear to me#see your love#history 3: trapped
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Killing Eve 1x03
Wow. The ending of this episode was expected from the moment at the train station, but it was still really sad. And this episode was a real game changer, things are personal now! Reaction and thoughts under the cut.
The opening scene was beautifully shot with Eve in a trance describing Villanelle as the camera slowly turned around her, and I was totally enraptured, until the reveal of her surroundings and then it just became a lol moment. “She had a lost look in her eye that was both direct and also chilling. She’s totally focused… yet almost entirely inaccessible.” “So, is that like a square face or an oval face?” haha then Bill’s face, and Eve’s face in response. I’m also impressed by how much she got from a single interaction of like 30 seconds.
So now we get to see Berlin. I love how we travel all over Europe with Villanelle! And we’re at a kink clinic lol, I love this. So it was obvious the cover nurse would be Villanelle but how great was that shot of her turning around all “Take off your clothes” ! And her voice got so hot when she said “Hot Medica” and “Nobody gets special treatment” ! That close up of the man dying was creepy though and now we’ve officially established that she likes to look into her victims’ eyes when they die. I also love the little details that show she really doesn’t care about them like when she lets go of the man’s arm and it just falls back with a thump. So disrespectful to the dead!
Back with Eve and her husband, they have a hilarious conversation about their chicken’s egg and her new job. “I don’t think we should eat it.” “Risky?” “Yeah” “Is the job risky?” “Oh, it’s about as dangerous as eating that egg would be.” “You just said the egg was too risky!” “No, no. Wait, no. I mean, the worst that could happen is I would get the shits at my computer because of a bad sandwich.” Lmao! They have such a great dynamic.
Eve’s team finds out about 2 new murders. Carla’s induced asthma attack from last episode “Let me guess. You think it was a woman.” “Well, she was found in the ladies. So, yes, she’s going on the wall, you ass.” Hahaha. And now Zhang Wu. Chinese colonel visiting Berlin. Hacker for the Chinese military. So, so far most of the murders have been political. And Villanelle now left another witness behind her (first the mafia boy from episode 1 and now the receptionist who signed her in as a temp). This leaves me to wonder if she has stopped being careful recently or if there are rumors all over Europe of a fit woman in her mid-20’s linked to all sorts of murders. After all, maybe Konstantin was only angry about Katsia still being alive in episode 1 because she actually witnessed the murder whereas with the others there are only suspicions? Or was the boy a one-off and now she doesn’t care anymore because she knows Eve has seen her and can identify her?
“Why are you all being weird?” Lol! And then they’re all looking at Carolyn. “She said her name was Eve Polastri.” Wow, omg, etc. That was a really smart way for Villanelle to get their attention. So, Eve is understandably freaked out but wants to keep investigating. What I don’t understand is why she isn’t asking more questions about how Villanelle could have learned her name. Like who knows about their investigation? Is it possible they could have been hacked? Maybe it happened and we just aren’t privy to it. Maybe she thinks this has nothing to do with the taskforce and only with their meeting in the bathroom.
“Bill, you’re coming with me.” Bill: “Take Elena.” Elena: “Yes, take Elena!” hahaha I love her. Kenny: “I don’t think Elena should go.” Nobody asked you, Kenny!
“It’s one trip, Bill. Huh? One trip.” “Daddy’s going to die, isn’t he?” damn, Bill! At this point I just thought it was a disturbingly funny line. British humor or something. I should have known they were really going to go there! Also, Bill looks really good for 60. “Oh, come on. It’s not like she’s gonna still be there.” LOL. Oh, Eve.
And guess who’s stalking her own crime scene like they say a killer would? That’s right. Villanelle’s there wearing great camouflage outfits. Lol. And in one of the greatest TV scenes of all time, she’s also picked up an American tourist. “Take your hair down.” “You are sooo sexy.” (side note: I love how positively they portray middle-aged women on this show, making them desirable, same for curly hair) “No, no. Keep your clothes on, your bag on your shoulder.” “I’m going to call you Eve, okay?” OMG WHAT? LOL “Why?” “It’s just a little biblical fantasy thing” HAHAHA “Do you want me to call you Adam?” at this I just D-I-E-D. “No, no. That’s okay” hahahahahaa and they kiss and it’s super hot omg “Now I am going to hide and you are going to find me.” LMAO and that tourist is just like. What just happened? The whole scene was so unexpected and so delightful.
And then of course Villanelle steals Eve’s suitcase. Is she also eating Eve’s risky egg sandwich? Aww she’s so disappointed by her boring clothes. The scarf is nice though. “Poor baby” ha! Is that something she’s heard being said before? And was that some sort of cream? And of course Konstantin is there! I love them so much “I thought I could smell something.” “Sorry, are you having a nice little holiday here?” “Are you?” Lmao. “I booked you in for one night.” “So? I like Berlin. Have you been before?” “Yes” “Have you seen the Wall?” “Yes” “The Jewish Museum?” “Listen” “That is massively poignant.” Hahaha
“I have a job for you. Off the record. The woman, Eve Polasi” “Polastri” “She’s here. She’s investigating your work.” “Did you see where I did it?” “Very cute, yes.” So this means that she receives general intel along with her target’s identity and then she can choose how/where/when to kill them. Although looking back I guess it was established in episode 1 when he congratulated her on no CCTV at the crime scene.
“Why are you so worried?” “Aren’t you?” “No! I don’t even think about her.” “Why does she think it was you?” she shrugs. But she’s such a bad liar?! It’s like she’s not even trying to convince him. “I want you to watch her. I need to know who she meets. This is me asking you. Not them, okay?” And watch her, she does! She stalks her across town and in a clothing store and even picks out a belt for her lol. She sure has an eye for style.
Meanwhile, Eve has investigated the Chinese’s death. Poisoned with carbon monoxide. And his balls were clamped. Of all the tool Villanelle had at her disposal, she kept it quite clean. I was expecting something way sinister when we got that first shot of her at the clinic scrubbing the instruments clean. They meet with the Chinese attaché on the case, Jin Yeong, who’s a big deal within Chinese Intelligence. He gives them intel on the dead Chinese. “Internally, the guy was known as ‘Fat Panda’, which is a little racist. Fattist, come to that. But I hear that he started it so, you know, we went along. “ lol! This was a nice surprise to hear a seemingly traditional older Asian man mentioning racism and fattism. But that’s pretty much the only positive thing I can say about him.
“What’s the Chinese story?” “The new autopsy concludes that he took the initiative himself when the covering nurse left the room, working the forceps to experience a shock of pain that triggered a cardiac arrest. Not my thing.” “Not his, either.” “Why? He’s a masochist.” “Look, kinks are totally specific. It’s not just about pain, it’s a contract. It’s about someone else taking control. A ‘spankophile’ wouldn’t just spank himself, would he?” lol Eve’s face. But I love how respectful they are in their portrayal of kinks and that they keep calling the workers nurses.
Later on in Eve’s hotel room. “Have you ever fancied me?” “Uh… no.” “You me?” “No.” I love it! Male/female friendships are real! “So, tell me what happened in Charlottenburg.” “Everything happened.” “Wait. Men?” “Yes.” “Were you gay?” Well, I didn’t like that line, they could have used something more appropriate like ‘Are you bi?’… “Uh… I just fall in love with whoever I fall in love with.” “Does Keiko know?” “She’s got her own thing going on.” Incredible! “Wait, so you guys… “ “Well… I really wanted a baby, and she was rich and ovulating, so…” “But you guys are like the perfect couple.” “We’re a good team.” I loooved this exchange. Way to go, Bill! I’m all about convenient arrangements and friends raising kids together. Although I’m not sure how I feel about the show bringing up personal stories about him this whole episode to make him more likable and make us feel more for him knowing he’d die. And maybe also making Eve a little less guilty about the whole Keiko raising a baby by herself since she ‘has her own thing going on’.
“Do you want to hear something really freaky?” “What?” “The conditions have to be just right, but sometimes… we have sex.” Hahaha “You ever been interested in women?“ “Uh, no. Not like that.” “Not even ones with delicate features, sort of catlike eyes that are completely inaccessible?” LOL I love how he calls her out on her earlier description. “That is horribly unprofessional! Do you want to hear about her tits?” lmao
So before this scene Eve skyped with Niko. She’s so taken with her new job that she kind of neglects him and forgot about their plan to host their friends. It’s kinda sad. Hopefully they can get past this. But also, can I just say that I loved their earlier exchange : “You’re so strong.” “All that math.” Hahaha.
And Villanelle listens in to the skype call! Did she hack into Eve’s computer? And how did she know what computer to hack into since Eve is in a hotel? (I obviously know nothing about hacking lol) Or is it their home computer in London that’s tapped into? How many skills does Villanelle have? And she rewound the tape when Bill arrived… to know his knocking pattern? So she could maybe visit Eve later? And could she hear the rest of the conversation when the skype call was finished/the laptop was shut down?
Then at the train station, Villanelle is there!!! Wearing a suit. Lol. Dressing up for Eve! That silly cap she wore all day wasn’t going to do. And omggg Bill stops her from getting on the train. What are you doing, Bill??? So, was Villanelle planning to follow Eve to the restaurant and just watch her like Konstantin instructed? Also, I would be much more pissed if I were her, and had my arm grabbed like that. “Excuse me. May I ask where you got that scarf?” “Oh, my mother has a shop in Munich. I can give you the address if you like?” Now, that was an excellent lie! I envy her ability to improvise. And she speaks German! Another language to add to the list. So she leaves the train station. And Bill fucking follows her. And so horribly at that. She leads him to a club and of course the bouncer lets Villanelle go in without waiting… she hot. Bill… not so much lol.
So Eve meets with Jin. I did not find him funny. And unfortunately, I have this nagging feeling that he’ll be back on the show sometime. But for the moment, I’m glad Eve was equally annoyed with him and I loved that she did not play his game ‘however gross’ to get information which is what Carolyn would have wanted (although thankfully Eve missed that instruction due to her earphones falling out lol such a great detail). “Last week, Fat Panda hacked into the account of an agent of the Chinese Intelligence. An organization has been paying him millions. We don’t know what for, but a week later, both Fat Panda and the agent were dead. You might have a little creature yourself. Think of this as a friendly, little mole trap.” So there is a mole in the British Intelligence! And probably some Chinese agents as well or how would they know? I guess we’ll find out next episode what’s on that USB key.
Now, at the club, Eve is let in after speaking German (and sounded really good to my untrained ears). Villanelle managed to be spotted by Bill and lured him to the front. He looks pretty proud of himself to have found her. Oh, Bill. And then… she just turns around. And she smiles this terrifying smile at him. It is super creepy. And then the chase is on. Lmao you can see the exact moment he realizes this was a mistake and how much he’s screwed. Scheisse is right. So she catches up to him and stabs him like 20 times in the chest. Overkill much? And Eve, who’s found him pretty quickly considering how packed the club is, arrives just too late. And she just can’t get to him!!! I was so frustrated that she couldn’t get through and was left there screaming at him! And that’s how the episode ends. Wow. I swear the last 10 minutes or so were so stressful. Why did Bill decide to follow her like that? What did he think was going to happen? I guess we’ll never know.
So let’s talk about Villanelle’s motivations for luring Eve to Berlin. Even before knowing who Eve was, she looked thrilled that someone had taken an interest in her. Is she bored with her life because her kills are too easy? Is she ‘lonely’ because the only person she seems to interact with is Konstantin? Is she flattered that there is a whole taskforce with the sole purpose of finding her? Does the fact that they’ve already accidently met and that Eve has curly hair (that reminds her of Anna?) heighten her excitement? Probably. So, since she knows that Eve is investigating her, Villanelle could want to figure Eve out first to win some sort of internal game. She could be curious to know how someone who looks like Eve, someone seemingly innocuous from their meeting in the bathroom, could catch her and be curious about her skills. Maybe she wants to know about Eve’s psyche and what motivates Eve to find her. I was actually surprised at how fast the show moved and had them in the same place again. It was super bold of Villanelle to use Eve’s name to lure her in. Despite her talks of the trip being safe, did Eve subconsciously suspect that this was a trap but decided to throw caution to the wind because of her own curiosity to learn more about this female assassin?
Anyway, so Eve arrives in Berlin and Villanelle just wants to play a little so she steals her suitcase and wears her scarf as some sort of trophy or something. And it’s so funny how she just can’t help herself and has to bump into Bill on the streets to get attention. And she looks so thrilled to have succeeded. So, at this point it’s all fun and games, but then she decides to kill Bill! I guess it’s still all fun and games to her, but she has to know that this will change things for Eve. Did she just act impulsively and want to punish him for being annoying and stopping her from following Eve? Or to prove that she was not someone to underestimate? Was this something planned and she wanted to make this personal to make sure Eve would pursue finding her?
In any case, this fundamentally changes things for Eve. Until now all of Villanelle’s kills were people she didn’t know and she could admire her genius from an outsider’s perspective and be ‘just a fan’ as she said in the second episode. But not anymore. Now that she’s somehow responsible for a death, having decided to go to Berlin and pushed Bill to come with her, she’s directly involved. She’ll have to confront her conflicting feelings of admiration and guilt/anger.
Anyway, that’s it for episode 3! Thanks for reading!
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