#maybe the hunters do have a point about werewolves
holylulusworld · 3 days
The inventor
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Summary: You try to make the hunter’s life easier.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x GN!Reader
Warnings: crack!fic, fun, grumpy Dean
A/N: I saw the idea with a hula-hoop on social media and had to turn it into a fic.
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“I got a new idea!” You exclaim as you run inside the library. Since Dean and Sam saved you from a werewolf and took you in, you try to help them. You are their research buddy and their personal inventor.
“Not again,” Dean groans. He rolls his eyes as you carry your invention book, your laptop, and a plastic bag filled with God knows inside the library. “I try to drink in silence. Please don’t let anything explode again.”
“Oopsie!” You giggle. “Dean, that was an accident. It was your fault, though. You tickled me, and I dropped the liquid fire I invented.”
“You didn’t invent anything, Y/N!” Dean mutters under his breath. He wanted to celebrate another successful hunt with booze and watching porn. Now you are placing a construction plan in front of him. “What this again?”
“A salt-filled hula-hoop ring! You know, like a salt ring, but you can carry it around because it’s inside a hula-hoop!” You excitedly tell Dean about your newest invention. “You can put it around a person and keep them safe from ghosts while you gank the monster. “Oh, it will work with demons too.”
Dean snorts. “I don’t think this will work. The hula-hoop will weaken the effect. We don’t put a box of salt in front of a person to protect them, either.”
“But—” You harrumph. Dean just had to ruin yet another idea to improve their hunting arsenal. “A box is not the same as a hula-hoop!”
“I won’t carry that thing around.” Dean points at the construction plan. “We will stick to salt rings.”
“Water—wind—spit. Anything can break a salt ring, but not my hula-hoop salt ring!” You won’t give up. “Maybe we can try it out on the next hunt! OR WAIT!!!” You gasp as the next idea floods your mind. “Let’s summon Crowley. We can check if he can break the salt ring!”
“No.” Dean cuts you off. “This is not handy, and just stupid!”
“Your face is stupid!” You grab your construction plan and storm out of the library, cursing Dean’s birth.
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“SAMMY!” You’re panting while chasing after Sam. He tried to enter the library for research, and now you are hot on his heels. “What do you think about wearing silver rings on every finger to punch werewolves and ghouls in the face? I could make you some. Maybe secret compartment rings. I can put salt inside.”
“You want us to wear rings on every finger? We can’t do anything with rings on our fingers. What if we want to shoot a werewolf, and the huge secret compartment rings get in our way?”
You sigh. Damnit. You worked on the first ring for days and didn’t think about using a gun while wearing it. A fine inventor you are…
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“How about car mats with a devil’s trap? This way, no demon can enter your car,” you proudly point at Baby stand in the garage. “That’s a good idea, right?”
“Uh—I hate to tell you so, but we already have a devil’s trap painted to the roof of the trunk. And trust me, no dirty demon will enter my car on my watch.”
You purse your lips. “Fine, let any demon sneak into your car, Winchester.” You storm off, cursing loudly as you decide to never help them again.
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“DEAN! I got an idea!” You run inside the kitchen, a water gun in your hands. “LOOK! A water gun filled with holy water and some salt!” You grin proudly. This is it, the idea of the century. Even Dean must see this is the only way to defeat demons.
“Hmm…” He grumbles. Dean eyes the colorful water gun. He shakes his head and turns to walk out of the kitchen. “That looks like Barbie’s gun. I won’t use it.”
“I can spray it black,” you offer. “It will look cool. Dean! Wait!” You chase after Dean, determined to convince him to use the water gun from now on. “It will work!”
“Nope,” he shrugs when you tell him he’s a jerk. “I won’t use your toy gun. Just stop inventing shit.”
“One day, I will invent something to shrink your dick!” You yell after Dean, making him chuckle. “You’ll see Winchester. One day you will wake up and whimper, oh no, my dick is tiny, and I need a magnifying glass to find it!”
Dean laughs while walking toward the library. You follow him, telling the hunter how much better all your inventions would make his life.
“If you invent something to turn dust into a pie, I’m game.” He grins when you look at him with glassy eyes. Dean wants you to invent something.
“I’ll turn every dust mouse into the most delicious pie!” You exclaim before storming out of the library. “You’ll beg me to give you a slice.”
Dean watches you leave the library; he cocks a brow, wondering if you can turn dirt into a pie.
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zhoras-bitch · 6 months
It's... interesting how chill Alpha MC is with murder for someone who is supposed to be a regular college student. Of course, the player has a choice in who kills Markus in the finale, but one of the choices literally has MC murdering the guy in cold blood. There is no excuse about him being a monster or anything, he's just a regular human guy (albeit an awful one). It doesn't even happen accidentally in the heat of the battle. MC drives an arrow through his chest while Kala is holding him down and then they go on to have a party and I'm like uuuh are we not gonna address what just happened? Any reflection or repercussions? Like, there is a dead body in the room, are we gonna talk about this or—
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christinesficrecs · 5 months
You may have already done a list like this, and if so I apologize! But if not, do you have recs for cute, fluffy fics where one of them doesn’t realize they are dating? Thank you!
Sure! This tag and this one.
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the engagement by bibliosexual | 1.5K
“Stiles,” Derek growls the next morning, “why did Wanda just call me to congratulate me on my engagement to you?”
“Uh, because we are engaged?” Stiles tries. “We’re having a spring wedding with two flavors of cake, or did you forget? By the way, you still need to buy me a ring.”
Things To Do On The Dates You Aren’t Having by  lielabell | 5.5K
“So are we dating now or what?” Stiles asks the third time he finds himself doing the obligatory postcoital cuddling with a certain sour wolf.
five times Derek and Stiles weren’t actually boyfriends (and one time they were) by  HalfFizzbin | 2.8K
In which Derek and Stiles are essentially a married couple. Except they’re not actually dating.
Inevitability (About Damn Time) by  accordingtomel | 9.7K
“So?” Scott says.
“So?” Stiles sputters, kicking his shoes into the corner and locking the front door behind him. He’d whipped out his phone the second he’d pulled up to the house, and miracle among miracles, Scott actually answered. Of course, he’s not so pleased about that now. “My dad thinks Derek and I are dating, Scott. Did you miss that part?”
The asshole actually has the audacity to laugh. As if this is somehow hilarious to him. Worst best friend ever. “No, I didn’t.”
“This is not funny, Scott.”
“Yeah, it actually kind of is, though.”
big light by  stilinskisparkles | 4.7K
Stiles brandishes a bunch of daisies at Derek, “Saw these and thought of you.”
Derek looks down at the gas station flowers, lifts his eyebrows, “Because they’re dried out and a little wilted?”
How ‘bout them Mets, eh? by yodasyoyo | 1.9K
Derek nods. “‘K,” he says. “Night.” And as he passes Stiles he leans in and presses a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Stiles goes perfectly still, mouth falling open, eyes following Derek’s progress up the stairs. He sees the moment when Derek realizes what he’s done because he pauses, his back to Stiles, hand clenching the rail in a white knuckle grip, posture totally rigid.
“Night,” Stiles says, voice coming out a little hoarse.
Use the Front Door for a Change by stileskolpath | 4K
The one where the Sheriff educates Derek on getting his shit together with dating his son. Derek is dating Stiles, right? Yes? Maybe? He’s really not sure anymore.
Important Things by suzvoy | 71.4K | Mature
Stiles learns that even with werewolves, giant lizards and psychopathic hunters on the loose, life can still find other ways to screw with you. Case in point: everyone keeps assuming he and Derek are a couple. What the hell?
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supercap2319 · 5 months
I was wonder if you could do an x male reader for Peter Hale. Where it’s Young Peter and Peter just realized male reader is his mate after catching his scent. And he just trips on his own face in the middle of the high school halls because that where Peter first caught their scent
Peter learned about mates from such a young age. His older sister, Talia, would tell him stories of what it would be like to have and mate, and when Peter would find his, he would know. He thought that Corinne might be his true mate. She was cute enough, but maybe it was more hormonal than true love.
He pushed his way through the hallways of Beacon Hills. Nothing bad or exciting ever happened here. Peter's family was the only pack in town. Of course, there were the Argents, specifically, Chris Argent, in almost every single one of Peter's classes. Peter knew that he would turn out to be just like the rest of his family. Hunters. Hunters of Peter's kind. Of werewolves.
Maybe Peter would go visit his sister after school and his two year old nephew, Derek. Catch a movie or go for a run in the woods. Whatever Peter's original plans were going to be were put to a stop as he inhaled something sweet and sharp. Almost like a cinnamon scent. Peter felt his inner wolf howl with delight as his eyes flashed gold for a second, and his claws and canines came out. What the hell was going on? Why was he shifting in the middle of the hallway....
Then Peter saw him: Y/N L/N.
Y/N was on the basketball team with Noah Stilinski. He was a golden boy. He was kind to all, and he was fucking burning Peter's nose with his scent. The smell of cinnamon was all over him, and Peter realized that this mortal boy was his mate. A male was his mate? Who would have guessed it?
Peter was so caught up in Y/N's smell that he accidentally tripped over his own two feet and came crashing to the floor in the middle of the hallway. Books, pens, papers, and Peter's Walkman of Nirvana went all across the floor. The sounds of laughter and ridicule were heavy on Peter's ears as the entire hallway saw his little slip up and started laughing and pointing at him.
The young werewolf would have gladly tore through everyone in school, especially, Argent, but the calming scent of his mate filled his nose, and Peter watched as Y/N kneeled down beside him and helped him pick up his stuff. "Shit, man. You okay?" Y/N asked once Peter was on his feet again.
Peter's head was still dizzy from his mate's scent, and it took everything Peter had not to take him right then and there in the hallway. He swallowed. "Yeah. Thanks, man. Guess I slipped on the floor wax." It was a lame excuse, but Y/N didn't seem to be interested in Peter's lies. He was looking at a cassette Peter's Walkman had dropped. "Dude, you like Pearl Jam and Metallica too? I love these guys."
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Peter looked at him and smirked. "Me too. Maybe we should hang out sometime and listen to them?"
"Definitely." Y/N smiled.
The bell rang as Y/N looked at Peter. "Better get to class. Hope you're okay, Peter."
"Thanks for the help, Y/N." Peter smiled as the young man flashed him a smile and left as Peter finally found his mate.
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gamerwoo · 7 days
Bang Chan: The Girl Who Didn't Cry Wolf (Part Two)
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Characters: Bang Chan x fem reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, enemies-to-lovers-ish??, slowburn, werewolf/alpha!chan, (werewolf)hunter!reader, angst, a tiny bit of fluff, mentions that reader moved to korea, if i missed anything lmk!!
Word count: 1,953
Summary: You've learned to do whatever you can to protect yourself after an incident almost a decade ago had your father and brother dragging you to a new country to start all over even though they blamed you for what happened. After finding yourself stuck in a house of werewolves, you're forced to come to terms with your feelings over what happened back home when the alpha imprints on you and his pack claims they're keeping you prisoner. You know exactly how this will end if you give in, and yet you can't seem to get yourself to leave the sweet and charming werewolf who's willing to do anything to make you comfortable. You're just hoping that maybe there'll be a good end this time.
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“So am I your captive or what?”
Chan paused, looking up from his food, “What?”
You looked back at him, still chewing a mouthful of food, sitting criss-cross on his bed while he ate on the bed opposite yours, “Are you holding me hostage here until I… I don’t know, do whatever I’m supposed to do? Succumb to Stockholm syndrome or something?”
It was the next morning when Chan knocked on your door once again, and he didn’t actually expect you to open the door for him. You looked back at him with no expression, just blinking as he stared back in surprise. He was frozen seeing you cooperating even a little bit.
Strange werewolf hunter, was all he could think.
He had told you breakfast was about to be ready, but then you scowled and stated you weren’t going downstairs to eat with the pack. Were you holding a grudge against the two members of his pack that you’d scuffled with? Well, yeah. They both hurt you pretty badly – especially that Seungmin guy. If you had a chance, you’d give him a piece of your mind.
So a few minutes later, Chan returned with two plates of food and with a grin, said he was going to eat with you upstairs. So that’s what you were doing. And, again, he was shocked you were letting him keep you company. You were…oddly nice for a werewolf hunter – or supposed werewolf hunter.
“There’s no Stockholm syndrome if you’re not captive,” he chuckled with a shrug. “I guess…yeah, you could leave if you wanted.”
You were surprised by his answer, freezing mid-bite and just staring at him for a moment. He stared back, raising his eyebrows for your response.
“You’re not gonna force me into being your mate…?” you quizzed slowly, surprised that he was telling you that you had the option to leave.
“I mean, you and I both know I’m a hell of a lot stronger than this door. If I wanted to do anything to you, I could’ve by now, but you survived a night here. Woke up safe and sound,” he pointed out. “Besides…you could probably kill me if you wanted to.”
While that was true, you didn’t know if he could sense you didn’t have any plans to do so – at least not to Chan. You had started out as a hunter, but after fleeing to Korea, your father started training you and your brother to hunt werewolves specifically. And while you might’ve been really good at most parts of the training, it didn’t mean you liked what you were doing. But you wouldn’t let your father or brother know that.
“I don’t really have any weapons that could subdue a werewolf, though,” you reminded him.
“Well maybe if someone didn’t try to pull a knife on one of my pack,” he cocked his head and gave you a pointed smile.
“Nobody got hurt,” you scoffed, going back to your breakfast.
“There would’ve been a round two in my kitchen if I didn’t catch you before you jumped Minho,” he stated.
Okay, maybe he was right. However, the question of if you’d win that fight or not was definitely debatable considering you only had that tiny pocket knife as your weapon. Among…other reasons. But again, you were unsure if he knew that. He must’ve. He probably didn’t sense any werewolf hunter with you in the house, which was actually embarrassing on your part.
You were just grateful your father and brother lacked the senses that werewolves had.
As you settled into a surprisingly comfortable silence as you ate, your mind began to wander as it tended to do since ending up in this situation. And there was a lot to think about considering Chan was a werewolf, and you were a werewolf hunter who had…very strange circumstances.
Despite the fact you were training to be his sworn enemy, Chan didn’t seem to care. It was like he completely disregarded whatever instincts he had, and had given into the mating pull already. How he managed to just let go without a care, you weren’t sure. Your favorite answer was that Chan was just crazy and didn’t know how to be careful. But you figured it was because of how strong the pull was. Because if what the hunters taught you was correct about the strength of the pull, it would lead a person to do some very crazy and dangerous things…
But you were crazy, too, weren’t you? Because you hadn’t threatened him, tried to harm him, or even tried to run away once. You stayed in his bed when you woke up that morning and just thought. You didn’t try to sneak out or scream for help. You were letting this werewolf hold you captive, but he wasn’t even holding you captive. You were just staying at your own will at this point while his arms stayed wide open, giving you an out.
Yes, both of you were crazy. But maybe you were crazier than he was because the pull wasn’t even as strong for you as it was for him.
So, to at least keep a shred of your pride, you broke the silence and said, “Don’t think that this means I trust you now. I only wanted sustenance.”
“Of course,” he smiled, rolling his eyes. “Wouldn’t dream of it, hunter.”
“Your alpha must be angry with you,” you mused, putting a little less food into your mouth this time. “You’re a stupid wolf for imprinting on a– werewolf hunter.”
You hoped he didn’t notice how you hesitated with your words for a split second, the sentence almost flowing seamlessly but not quite as you tacked the ‘werewolf’ on at the last second.
But he didn’t seem to, scoffing with amusement by your comment, but he didn’t say why. Instead, he sat back in the chair like he was becoming more relaxed around you, especially now that your stomach had quieted.
“You’re one to talk. You let a wolf into your room when you have no weapons or defense. I even locked you in here and you didn’t complain once,” he pointed out. “I haven’t even heard you screaming for help up here.”
Your mouth opened, but silence followed instead. You almost gave yourself away, stopping before it was almost too late.
You realized Chan reminded you of him. Actually, the whole scenario did. You weren't sure you liked that, feeling your stomach twist uncomfortably.
“What’s up?” Chan wondered, noticed you staring into space with your mouth open.
Your mouth snapped shut and you quickly shook your head, “Nothing.”
You were becoming too soft around him so quickly. You were getting too comfortable without realizing, and you knew it was because of the mating pull. Suddenly, you could hear your brother and father’s voices in your head.
All werewolves are bad, _____, your father spat in your face during your very first werewolf hunter lesson, Even if you think you know them, they’re evil, horrible creatures! If you don’t kill them first, they’ll turn on you eventually.
But that memory made you think of another…
It’s your fault this happened, Nolan had scoffed at you once after one of your training sessions. You weren’t very good back then because, frankly, you didn’t want to be good, and your brother was pissed at you for not putting your heart in it, If it wasn't for you, we’d still be home and everyone would be happy and alive. Then you act like you don’t even want to make things right? I should shoot you myself, you fucking traitor.
You set the food down and shoved it away from you.
“I think you should go,” you stated coldly.
Chan suddenly sat up straighter, confusion on his face at how you suddenly seemed to just flip a switch, “What?”
“Get out,” you told him, looking across the room at him, dead in the eyes.
“I– What? Wait, was it what I said?” he asked quickly with a twinge of hurt in his eyes that you definitely noticed as he stood from the bed. “_____, I didn’t mean–”
You stood from the bed and pointed at the door, “You just had to feed me. I’m fed. Go. Away.”
Chan stood as well and walked over to where you stood in the middle of the room. Without thinking, he reached out to hold your hand, “_____–”
Immediately, your instincts kicked in. You quickly turned on your heel, keeping his hand in yours while reaching for his arm with the other, holding it over your shoulder. Then you pulled and bent over, throwing the werewolf over your body until he landed with a loud thud on the hardwood.
He didn’t even seem hurt. He just stared up at you in shock. He even seemed…a bit impressed. You’d just flipped him with ease.
You were shocked yourself. Some part of you felt...bad.
But now you could hear multiple sets of feet running up the stairs, and you knew you were in for it if his pack saw that you flipped him on his back. You harmed him. You were a threat to them now. Obviously you couldn’t fight all of them, so you just wanted to keep them all away from you.
“You have five seconds to get out of my room,” you told him, sounding more panicked than menacing.
Instead, he gave you a defeated look and pushed himself off the floor before going over to the bedroom door and unlocking it. He didn’t even look behind him as he left, but you heard the whine come from his chest.
Once the door was closed and you had locked it once again, you waited until you heard the commotion of the pack retreat back down the stairs. Then you sat back down on Chan’s bed and let out a deep sigh. Why did it have to be you? You were going through enough with conflicting ideals that went against what your family wanted you to feel. Now whatever higher power out there had to make it worse and force you to have feelings for a werewolf? Why did you have to be stuck being his mate? Why you? Why you?
You decided you needed to escape. The thought sent a twinge of pain to your heart that reminded you–
You shook the thought from your head, blinking rapidly to fight back tears as you took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Leaving was the only option for either of you to be safe. You wouldn’t tell Chan you wanted to keep him safe, but you knew you felt it and you had to act on it. The alternative was both of you getting killed, and probably even his pack. That wasn’t something you could let happen.
You glanced at the window that was perfectly centered between Chan's bed and Felix's. You stood and went to examine it, seeing a tree not too far from the window. You could probably jump to it and then climb down. Maybe while the pack was asleep.
You’d leave that night, you decided. You felt bad, thinking about leaving without any explanation. Maybe you could find a way to get some paper and a pen or something to leave a note?
No. If there was any evidence that you felt bad leaving…
As much as it hurt, you had to do it. You had to do a lot of other things in your life that hurt, anyway, so this was no different. Suck it up and carry on like always.
You were a strong werewolf hunter, after all. You had a reputation to live up to.
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marvelwitchergilmore · 2 months
Fearless Hunter Saved
Summary: Dean Winchester x Fe!Reader -> You are the most fearless hunter Dean knows. But he also knows sometimes, even the most fearless, get scared.
Disclaimer: This is a lot of Sad-Fluff. Attacked by a vamp, descriptions and mentions of blood, cuts and old scars. This might get a follow-along, maybe. Not proof read.
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Dean had known you long enough to know you didn’t get scared. Ever. 
He might have only known you for six years, but it was longer than long enough to know when it came to Hunting - - you were one of the best. 
But he also knew everyone had their point. Maybe not a breaking point, but a point big enough to scare even the most fearless of Hunters. 
And for you, that was a Vamp hunt. 
You had done plenty of Hunts in your time. Even long before you met the Winchester boys. Werewolves, Vampires, Ghosts, Ghouls…if it was dead, you could kill it. 
But there was something about this hunt. This vampire nest. 
It was a point. 
Going into it, you were fine. You were normal. 
Until Dean looked over and found you gone. 
You had been fighting off a Vamp in the back corner of the barn last he had seen. 
Then he heard a scream. 
It wasn’t long until he found you; fighting for your life, weaponless, bleeding and getting weaker by the second. 
“Beg for your life.” The vamp kept telling you. “Go ahead, beg. No-one will hear you scream. You want to die with dignity? A Hunter, turning into something they fear the most. Go ahead, beg for your life and I might just do you justice and make sure your friends have a quick death.”
You shook your head, trying your best to fight off the tears but clearly losing. “Please…please don’t-”
The vamp laughed, feeling your limbs weaken beneath their hands. Only, as you closed your eyes, expecting death, everything went silent. 
The hands around your arms and the weight above your body became lighter and your chest…had never felt heavier. 
It took three low breaths for you to focus your gaze on Dean who was standing above you, having kicked the decapitated body from yours. 
Then he finally got a clear look at your face. 
The only emotion he could read was
Replacing his blade by his side, he lowered himself towards you, helping you sit up a little. 
“Hey, look at me, you’re okay.” He brushed the stray hairs from your face and tried his best to survey the cut across your head. “We got em’ all. You’re okay.”
Then, you hugged him. Tight. 
You were known to hug both Sam and Dean a lot more often than any other Hunter, but it was never anything longer than three seconds and a quick check to make sure they were okay. 
But this was different. 
Dean could feel your entire body shaking in his arms. Your breathing was uneven to say the least and the grip of your fingers in his back were more than just a warning that you were terrified. 
“Hey, Sweetheart, look at me. Hey,” Dean leaned back a little so he could see your face. “It’s gonna be okay.” 
He brushed the tears from your eyes before pressing a kiss to your forehead and bringing you back to him. 
“Keep your arms around my neck, okay?”
You nodded against him. 
“I need words, darlin’. Need to hear your voice.”
Your voice was quiet. Nervous. Shaking. 
Dean pressed his hand to your head as he held you closer to him and lifted you up. 
“Dean?! Dean! What’s-”
“Get in the car, Sam.”
Sam didn’t ask again. Instead, he packed up the rest of the kit as Dean carried you towards the car, opened up the door and helped you inside. When Sam slid into the passenger seat, he tried his best to gauge his brother’s reaction but couldn’t find an explanation. 
All he had seen was you being picked up by Dean and carried to the car. 
The drive that usually took two hours took far less to get home. And the entire way back, Dean’s gaze kept flicking to you in the rear view mirror. You didn’t look up once, and if you did, he didn’t catch you doing so. 
From what he could see, your hands were still shaking and tears were still silently falling from your eyes. 
In all the years he had known you, he had never once seen you cry. 
It wasn’t an image he wanted to see again. 
Seeing you cry pained him in a way he didn’t know even existed within him. 
By the time he pulled into the Bunker, he rounded the car and helped you out of it, lifting you once more. 
Your breathing had calmed a little against his neck but your body was still trembling. 
“You’re safe, Sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
The next words out of Dean’s mouth felt like they were lightyears away. It was something to Sam, about…you couldn’t work out what. 
And by the time you opened your eyes and looked up, Dean had sat you next to the double sink basin in one of the Bunker bathrooms. 
“I’ll be back in a minute, Sweetheart, stay there.”
And you did. 
Less than thirty seconds later, Dean returned with fresh towels, a first aid kit from your room, a change of clothes and one of his hoodies. 
He had removed his jackets so now he stood in front of you, a little blood-stained, in a black t-shirt, jeans and boots. 
“I’m gonna clean you up, so this might sting a little. But I need you to stay awake, okay.”
You nodded again. 
“Words, Sweetheart. I need to hear your voice.”
You swallowed thickly. “Okay.”
You didn’t know how much time passed. Just that it had. 
“Just count my breathing, Sweetheart.” Dean told you after a while. 
Your breathing was becoming shallow, the longer it took for him to clean up your wounds. He didn’t want you to fall into a panic attack. 
Taking your hand in his, he pressed two of your fingers against his pulse on his neck. “Just follow along.”
By the time he finished, a string of “sorry”’s each time you hissed in pain - though it wasn’t often, Dean turned on the shower. 
“Do…do you want me to help?” 
Any other time, Dean would be thinking less and less with his brain and more and more with another. Except, this was different. 
He had never seen you scared. Ever. 
He’d seen you die. Twice. And each time come back fighting, stronger than ever. 
But, sitting there. You looked like you were two seconds away from collapsing into a coma and waking up with a panic attack. 
He didn’t want to leave you. 
And you didn’t want to be alone. 
Dean nodded and for the following fifteen minutes, tried his best to give you as much privacy as he could despite the fact he was the one lifting the clothes from your body. 
And it just occurred to him that he had never truly seen your skin before. 
Not in a sexual way, or at least, he wasn’t trying to think that way. 
No, you were always covered up. You got dressed inside the bathroom after a shower. It was rare he saw you in something that wasn’t a pair of worn out jeans and a t-shirt. Even when he had seen you in a skirt or dress, it was always floor length or you wore tights. 
But now he was seeing…you. 
From your back alone, there were at least a dozen small scars and half a dozen deep ones that had been stitched at some point or another. 
New bruises were forming on your sides from where you had been fighting against The Vamp. And your legs…a couple of nicks from a razor or two, a couple of bruises mid thigh which he could only guess was from each time you seemed to catch the corner of a table when you walked in the library. And then one large rounding scar that was bleeding. 
Thankfully, it looked like it would heal quickly. It was more of a scar that you would get from a dog. Red, sore for a day or two. But this time you’d have some scabs to go with it where your skin had opened. 
Dean helped you tilt your head back under the water before he washed out the muck and blood with a double shampooing. 
He had removed his boots and socks to step a little further inside the shower with you, the water dampening his jeans a little and the suds from your hair flicking onto his t-shirt every now and again. 
But he couldn’t care less. 
His focus remained on you. You swayed on the spot every now and again, and Dean made sure he kept talking to you, giving you quiet directions on what to do and where to turn so he could wash the suds from your hair and body. 
Once finished, he held out a towel for you which you stepped into and wrapped around your body as he leaned around you and stepped towards the shower to switch it off. 
By the time he was back in front of you, you leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around you without a second thought. 
“You’re safe, Sweetheart. No-one can hurt you. Not here.”
Once more, Dean helped you get dressed, being sure to check over the cut on your leg. He helped pull the last of your hair from down your back as you squeezed what was left of the water into a towel. 
Less than an hour later, Dean was showered and changed and brought a glass of water to your bedside. Except, as he leaned down and kissed the top of your head, you held onto his t-shirt. 
“Stay with me?”
It took him a second to realise you were asking him to stay. 
You never asked anyone to stay. 
He nodded. “Just give me a minute.”
You pulled the cover from under you and scooted down the bed a little, soon joined by Dean. 
As he got in beside you, he pulled you closer to his side. And you both stayed like that for a while. 
“I was so scared.”
Dean stilled for a moment before turning his head to face you. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I think I need to.”
He kissed the top of your head. “Then I’ll listen.”
“I didn’t even see it coming. I just got rid of one of them before I felt someone pull me back. I thought it was Sam, at first. But then he threw me. When I hit the ground, I couldn’t even tell where I was. And then they were above me. They must have hit me with my blade because all I felt was this…sharp, cold air on my head. And it was making me dizzy. I didn’t have time to get on my feet and by the time I opened my eyes…they were there. They just kept telling me to beg for my life. And every time they did, it was seven years ago. I was on my own – just before Bobby called me and said he needed my help.”
Dean could remember that day. Bobby had been talking about some woman hunter he knew about that could maybe help the boys if needed. 
The day he met you, Bobby walked them both through the kitchen and into the living room where you were walking around, running your fingers over a couple of book spines before pulling one out and leafing through it. Bobby called your name and you looked up, replacing the book and walking over, a side-arm attached to your hip, holding out your hand and shaking both his and Sam’s. 
“It was a normal ghost hunt. Easy. But I didn’t count on the ghost coming to defend their own grave. From what I knew, they should have been hunting for their next victim. Either way, I was thrown and I could feel their hand burning my skin, screaming for me to beg for my life. Bobby had asked about the make-up on my neck when he saw me a few weeks later. I said I was fine. And I was. But after today…” 
You shook your head and Dean felt you wipe away your own tears. 
Scooting down a little, Dean turned his body so you were no longer lying on his chest but instead curled into it. 
Dean moved your hand from your face and replaced it with his own, and placed his own forehead against yours. 
His thumb brushed just a little under your eye, catching the tears as they fell. 
“I’m sorry you went through that on your own. You’re allowed to be scared, but you should never be scared alone.”
“T-Thank you, for helping me.”
Dean shook his head. “You never have to thank me for helping you. Even the best of us need help.”
You tried your best to stop them, but they flowed anyway. 
“I’m so sorry,”
Dean’s heart broke. 
Dean shook his head once more, holding you tighter against him and your own hands gripped at his t-shirt. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
That night, Dean held you close to him, not once letting you go. And you fell asleep, crying in his arms. 
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femoso-seben · 8 months
Humanoid Monster
Part 1, Part 3
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Laswell sighed as the delegation dragged on. Of course, neither side sent their leadership only lackeys to demand impossibilities for the others to complete. They still tasted blood in their mouth for their fallen. The human delegation was a man called Vladimir Makarov, a young Russian who led his paramilitary group in deep Siberia.
“Why should we agree to these terms?” Makarov asks, how he knew, or let alone who taught him English was beyond Laswell. Most humans don’t know more than one language. Rarely do they speak the languages of countries far away from them. Humanity is landlocked. It was a way to ensure humanity never teamed up to defeat the monsters.
“Why should we agree to your request either?” Laswell sneers her wings twitching, from her anger. She read about this man, how he slaughtered many monsters and used their pelts as decoration. He was fighting for a greater Russia, with only humans in it, abolishing any monster or hybrid in sight. A human utopia!
They were talking in circles, Switzerland’s military standing at watch ready to shoot both delegations dead if given the chance. They weren’t achieving anything here.
“Since this is a peace treaty give us the names of your task force,” Makarov asks, Laswell knew it was personal for him. 141 and he was in a long constant struggle.
“Give us the files on the Pale Death, White Fang, Angel of Death, and Hunter.” Laswell strikes back. Each one of those women caused so many problems, that they must have been resistance rebels.
Makarov pursed his lips and glared at Laswell, “We’ll give you the files for White Fang and Hunters. As for the Angel of Death, she wasn’t one of us, but as for the pale death? No, we will not.”
“Then you will only get the files on, Roach,” Laswell spoke. It seems like Makarov is only giving information on the dead so she’ll do the same. Makarov frowns.
“Deal.” They both knew a single member of Task Force 141 was far better than any human, dead or alive, all except for the Pale Death.
By the end of the meeting, they had only agreed to share files of the dead and nothing more they merely moved a single inch to the finish post. As Laswell walks out Soap, Price, Graves, and Ghost we’re waiting for her.
“Where’s Gaz?”
“Helping the Hapries to fly,” Soap rolls his eyes, “the human woman can’t even raise a harpy! They should need the least amount of training!” Price touched his shoulder silencing the Sergeant.
“What happened?” Price asks.
“Not much, I was able to get information on White Fang and Hunter,” Laswell sighed.
“Those two are fucking dead, at least get the Pale Death—”
“Their delegate is Makarov,” everyone froze and a low growl imitated from all of them.
“He’s here? That terrorist?” Ghost steps closer to Laswell.
“C’mon let’s review the files maybe their connections, sure White Fang and Pale Death worked together,” Laswell spoke up.
Jezebel reappeared and began to lead them to a place outside of the meeting point, a spacious military camp where they were staying. It was more like Switzerland wanted to watch them, making sure they didn’t unpack them negatively.
Laswell hands over the packet to Price, Ghost, Graves, and Soap. They slowly scan through the files.
White Fang:
name: Belinda Wolf
Age: 23
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140lb
History: grew up on a resistance compound deep in Akaska forest. Grew up hunting animals to survive. Favorite targets were werewolves said they were the apex of trotted a hunter could win.
statue: KIA
The photo was of a plan-looking woman, nothing remarkable, but for Soap he felt a sense of victory over this wretch. He hunted the White Fang down and butchered her like she butchered his troops. He hated her flesh making sure she was truly dead.
Name: Rawiya Abadi
Age: 31
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 120 lbs
History: The daughter of a wealthy (free) man she grew up owning and hunting exotic animals. She soon turned radicalized and began to hunt down every predator species of hybrids for their pelts and horns, wanting to collect every type of monster.
Status: KIA
“We’ll these aren’t helpful.” Price grumbles.
“A bunch of psychos.” Soap drops the file onto the table.
“We’ll theirs one thing for sure,” Graves spoke up, “White Fang didn’t work together, and White Fang came after Hunter.”
“What are you insinuating?”
“Maybe their master and apprentices? After all, they share the same M.O. two hunters, maybe they did meet up but it’s not stated here.” Graves continues.
“We never found Hunter’s body, maybe Hunter set up that compound and trained up an apprentice?”
“What about mother and daughter?” Ghost brought up.
“That could be plausible,” Soap said.
“Makarov said the Angel of Death isn’t connected to the resistance forces.”
“That human is lying.” Soap sneers his sharp claws poking out.
“It could be plausible,” Ghost spoke up. “The Angel of Death was in deep monster territory, to be a resistance force is unlikely as it was hard to pick that human out of a crowd. She acted like one of the enslaved.”
“That one is most likely inspired by the resistance.” Price grunts out.
“The fact Switzerland allowed a killer like the Pale Death to live here is insane,” Soap said.
“Mother Maia… how insulting.” Graves notes, “The Pale Death working with our children?”
“I bet Maia isn’t her real name,” Soap mutters.
“Agree,” Price grunts out smoke leaking from his maw.
“Why don’t we do some recon whilst we’re here” Graves stands up, “Price you stay with Laswell, Ghost asked the young Gargoyles about their life, and I will talk to Mother Maia.”
“What are you planning?” Laswell folds her arms, “Shepard wants a smooth deal where we get our concessions.”
“I know, but something feels fishy about this place.” Graves adds, “It feels… stage.”
“Let me—“
“I want you and Gaz to watch the children, and see if their body languages give anything away.” Sops clenched his fist but nodded and sat down.
—————————— /\ ——————————
Gaz looked at the little harpies their little down feather wings gathered around him like lost chicklings looking for their mommas. He felt himself smiling at the small yet wide-eyed little owls just staring at him.
Pricilla is seventeen, and the oldest person there. She had also spent the longest time at the orphanage.
“So you’ve been an orphan this long?” Gaz asks.
“No, Mother Maia is my adopted Mother,” Gaz eyes widen.
“When did she adopt you?”
“I was eight.”
“Does she have any other kids?”
“No,” Pricilla sighs. “She cannot adopt anymore, in Switzerland only monsters can adopt monsters, same with humans. We came to Switzerland mother and daughter,” Gaz nods and looks at all the little Hapries.
“There’s so many children here,” Gaz mutters there were at least fifteen harpies of flight age.
“Many monsters abandoned their injured kids here, many of them have actual parents who don’t want them, but a small few made it here on their own… the human orphanage is way more kids.”
“Human orphanage?” Gaz questions.
“A lot of humans give up their babies because they can’t care for them, some are given up because their parents died after arriving.”
“how do you know this?”
“We all go to school together.” Gaz’s mouth drops. Humans? Monsters! Together? In school! No way!
“We’re gonna narrow their football field for this flight practice.”
“… you know this land used to not be Switzerland,” Gaz said as they walked a mile to the place.
“I know it was a part of France, right?” Pricilla answer. Gaz nod.
“We monsters don’t use the old colonial name the humans created.” Pricilla nods, she soon arrives at a school and there a few humans are playing.
“Jakob,” Pricilla calls out, a blonde boy, around Pricilla’s age wave.
“We need to barrow your football field.”
“Why?” He asks walking over to the fence of the tennis court.
“Flying practice!” Pricilla cheers.
“I’ll go tell Gramps he can turn on the lights.”
“Thank you!”
“You seem friendly with that human,” Gaz said trying not to growl at her. How could she forsake her kind and be around humans? Doesn’t she know they are destructive and cruel?
“He’s my classmate.” She bashfully said. Cold realization dawned on Gaz this young harpy like that human. He was a decent-looking boy but it made his blood boil.
By the time they reach the football field, the lights turn on.
It was going to be a long night, the sun was setting and they had a few hours to teach them. The wind picked up, his wings flared out and the older harpies watched him, eyes wide and eager to learn.
Gaz couldn’t help but smile at these small harpies taking flight, their wings clumsily flapping in the air.
Taglist: @kkaaaagt, @kaoyamamegami, @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore
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voidscreamintheories · 6 months
Kitten: Theory of a "Hunter"
Spoilers for Hunter The Parenting
So Kitten. He is our happy lil Br*tish hunter. He also is always wearing ski goggles, a sweater, and full face covering. Even in the one flashback image we have of him. As always we must acknowledge the DNA this series pulls from: Kitten was the Captain General in TTS, this is why he uses a spear with a gun and a stake at the end in HTP, it's a guardian spear by way of hunter. It was a running gag in TTS that his helmet was never removed, even all of his other garments were. Side tangent, 1. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING 2. I hope desperately Lockwarden and Santodes return in HTP, because both of those characters were immaculate and we didn't get enough of them. Side tangent complete.
TTS acknowledgement aside, let us consider what Kitten might be. In the audiolog between Kitten and Big D, kitten seems to question the existence of some supernatural creatures, like the witch. Yet two of them he is unphased by them being mentioned: The vampires, which makes sense as the family is hunting vamps and Kitten has fought a vamp (important later). And the werewolves. This is the sticking point to me: Kitten not only is unphased about the existence of werewolves, he in fact says "wait hang on you know about werewolves" to Big D. Now that's a might curious, why wouldn't Big D, master-hunter and well known supernaturalist know about werewolves, and even more so, why would Kitten know and Big D not?
My theory is that Kitten IS a were creature. But not a wolf. In World of Darkness there are a few species of shapechangers like the werewolves. The wolves are the most common, but the other kinds know of each other's existence as well. I propose that Kitten is a werecat. Not only this, I suspect Kitten is a specific kind of werecat, a metis (can someone who knows more about WoD tell me is this is pronounced Met-iss, a made up word, or May-tea, a real word for a real world group of people who this does not necessarily apply to). A metis (in world of darkness, not the real world ethno-cultural group) is a shapechanger born to two shapechanger parents. When they are born they come out in their warform, the half-human-half-animal "hollywood monster" form. These shapechangers often have malformations of some variety, and this can include very obvious animal features even in human form. Say for example, cat ears and fur. I think Kitten wears his ski stuff, and has ears on his hood because he is a lil catboy under that hood. As a werecat he would be familiar with the shapechanger culture and practices, he'd know about other shapechangers (notice in the black shuck story at one point he says "and it is [black shuck]" not "and it PROBABLY is", maybe because he actually knows who black shuck is?), and he'd be supernaturally strong. Perhaps even strong enough to overcome a vampire that just fed. Kitten describes his encounter with the vamp at college, with maybe a Ventrue or Torreador vamp (I think Ventrue because he was charismatic but had a need for a violent feeding), while these clans aren't the normal muscle for the vamps, they are stronger than humans. Yet Kitten managed to beat this vampire, even though he was hopped up on blood. I think our lil cat boy was using his own supernatural strength. Another thing mentioned around this story is the tragedy that befell Kitten's parents, which left him with the house. If they are shapechangers, there is the potential that Kitten killed them during his first change, a not uncommon occurence in Garou families. There's also the possibility that his parents were killed in the war that all Garou are fighting, or because they broke the litany (werewolf mascarade) by having a metis child.
Now. Problems. Both Grimal and Markus have cannonically "broken that boy". Now is Kitten a "sorry babe, the ski mask stays ON during sex" type gamer? Or do Grimal and Markus both know? Not sure! Grimal could probably be convinced he was just REALLY into cosplay, I bet. And Markus may have known about Kitten being a cat from their childhood, depending when they first met.
But! This lets me talk more about garou society as evidence for Kitten being a cat. In shapechanger society, a metis is often hidden from the public until they can control their form, so as to not give the game away on werewolves being real. Maybe Kitten was isolated as a child, making it harder for him to interact with other kids when he did eventually get his form *more* under control. Maybe in the time before he was allowed in public, he became a true gamer. Maybe Markus was one of the few kids weird enough to hang out with him. Maybe those lack of social skills brought him closer to Grimal when they first met, two strange weirdos with similar experiences (please Alfabusa don't make Grimal the ghoul, I don't want her to get Arcanum'd)
Also! The werecats have some characteristics in their culture that might explain why our lil cat friend isn't just vibing with the other werecats. Some of the Bastet (Bastet means werecat, Keikaku means plan) are VERY curious lil fellas. They seek out hidden knowledge and talk to other garou clans to learn their secrets all the time. Maybe Kitten became a hunter because of his in-built desire to be a gatherer of lore. This would also explain how he knows all these stories, and finds secrets in games. He just HAS to know these things. This would further explain why he is SO upset about being blacklisted, he wants desperately to be able to study and learn, but has been cut off.
In brief, I believe Kitten is a werecat and his lil sweater ears are not just a fetish thing. He joined the arcanum/our hunters because it's a great way to sate his innate curiosity.
Now something to consider, as many of us know, curiosity does have a certain reputation regarding cats...
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
Season 2 Sam spends the first four episodes of season 2 scared that Dean is going off the deep end. He knows his brother is not grieving their father in the way he expects by 2.02. By 2.04 he knows Dean thinks he should be dead. By 2.09, Dean plans to off himself imminently.
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All of this concerns Sam. Sam keeps insisting Dean tell him what's wrong. He keeps insisting Dean is not okay and that Dean needs to open up. He keeps telling Dean he can help. Sam can carry part of the load. Sam cares.
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(2.04, 2.09)
Then he finds out why his brother is depressed and contemplating suicide. John told Dean he had to save Sam—it was all on him—and if Dean couldn't, he's gotta kill Sam.
Of course Sam is gonna have feelings about that. It's a horrible fucked up thing to hear your dad said about you. It's awful and horrible and Sam has every right to be upset and freaked out and he has every right to be mad that Dean couldn't bring himself to repeat what was said for so many weeks.
That said. My guy. Spends the rest of the season. Regurgitating John's words back at Dean. The words that made Dean want to kill himself.
Because Sam knows Dean will not do this. He knows Dean will not kill him. He knows that from the very first episode he finds out. He knows Dean will not kill him with such confidence that he jokes about it in the same episode where he finds out.
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But after 2.10... Sam starts to get scared. He isn't scared of what Dean will do to him. He's scared of what Dean won't do.
He's scared Dean will never be able to bring himself to kill Sam—to do what's necessary. So Sam needs to find a way to make Dean follow through on John's dying wish. So he gets drunk in the next episode—in 2.11. And he plays out Dean's conversation with John from 2.01.
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(2.01, 2.11)
Then he follows it up the next morning, basically saying, "It doesn't matter that I was drunk and grabbing you and wouldn't let go and that you didn't mean it and only promised to placate me (something I clearly know otherwise I wouldn't bring the conversation up again). You made a promise. Are you going to make yourself a liar now? Are you going to lie to me?"
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The problem is, this doesn't work. Dean isn't going to be coerced into a promise, and the ramifications of breaking this "promise" for Dean are so much smaller than the fall out on keeping the "promise" it's not even funny.
Meg tries to make Dean think that Sam's gone off the deep end in 2.14—tries to hold him to the "promise" he made—also tacks on a promise Dean never made to John either on top—trying to guilt him into executing his own brother.
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Sam gets his body back, and at the end of the episode... he pounces.
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"Are you going to be able to do this? It's your job. Dad told you to. You have to. It was an order."
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You're a hunter. It's your job. Sometimes the job is ugly. But it's what you were meant to do.
GORDON This isn't personal. I'm not a killer, Dean. I'm a hunter. And your brother's fair game.
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And Sam... Maybe he is this ruthless himself. Maybe he isn't demanding something of Dean that he wouldn't be willing to do himself (at least not at this point in time).
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Dean doesn't want to do what Sam can. He can't.
2.17 is named "Heart" because it's about werewolves who eat hearts. But it's also about the show's fracturing narrative heart facing his own impending demise... because Dean's heart will rupture in two if he follows through with Sam and John's wishes—that he become Sam's executioner.
The embrace of death at his own hand seems ever sweeter—ever more deserved—ever softer and kinder than dying the way Sam and John are asking him to without even seeing it.
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Death is the light at the end of the tunnel that absolves Dean of Sam and John's expectations. It's the way he makes their family's mistakes right—how he takes his body that's supposed to have given out 12 episodes into season 1 and then again in 2.01 and makes himself the sacrifice he was supposed to be—already was—always has been.
SAM So, what, now I live and you die? DEAN That's the general idea, yeah. SAM Yeah, well, you're a hypocrite, Dean. How did you feel when Dad sold his soul for you? 'Cause I was there. I remember. You were twisted, and broken. And now you go and do the same thing. To me. What you did was selfish. DEAN Yeah, you're right. It was selfish. But I'm okay with that. SAM I'm not. DEAN Tough. After everything I've done for this family, I think I'm entitled. Truth is, I'm tired, Sam. I don't know, it's like there's a, a light at the end of the tunnel. SAM It's hellfire, Dean. DEAN Whatever. You're alive, I feel good – for the first time in a long time.
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gyummigon · 9 months
watch him burn, let him die | part I
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werewolf!beomgyu x hunter!reader
synopsis: in a world where werewolves and humans coexist in a fragile peace, Beomgyu, a werewolf, is drawn to you, a hunter of supernatural creatures. ୨୧ word account: 2.3k ୨୧ genre: fantasy, romance, strangers to lovers, angust, soulmate. ୨୧ warnings: suggestive thoughts, violence, weapons, threat of death. ୨୧ note: i'll probably open a taglist, if you're interested, leave me a question or comment and I'll add you.
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"The way you flirt is embarrassing," you spat from inside your motorcycle helmet, the tinted visor and lack of light making it impossible to see any trace of your identity other than the petite silhouette of your body and the dangerous barrel of your gun.
Beomgyu suppressed a grimace, he had been told the same thing... how many? once? twice? three times? Now he knew that his mother was right when she told him that being so flirtatious would lead to his downfall.
Under normal circumstances, he would speak his mind (not to defend himself, but to reinforce the sabotaging behavior and express his absolute approval and pleasure in badmouthing himself), but with a gun pointed at his head, he could hardly give his voice enough stability to say anything coherent. Oh... his dear mother must be turning in her grave with laughter; even he felt like laughing at himself, but he suppressed any hint of a smile that might further endanger his life and looked at you with a kind of quiet desperation. He was an unlucky guy, no doubt. Rough girls always brought out the worst in him.
"Not so talkative now, are you?" There was no mockery or sarcasm in your voice, and Beomgyu almost wet his pants when you brought the gun close enough to feel the cold of the stainless steel against his skin.
"Why so much abuse, sweetheart?" he muttered, trying to look away with a pout on his lips. "If you didn't want to come here with me, you should have just said no. You're humiliating me and making me uncomfortable for nothing. Maybe if..."
Intending to take away his chance to keep talking, you elbowed him in the ribs and Beomgyu immediately shut up, forcing his lungs to catch their breath. "Ouch... Bitch, that... hurt."
"What am I supposed to do when you talk out of turn?"
Beomgyu closed his eyes and shrugged with his most dying expression. In the dark solitude of the parking lot and the palpable tension, your figure remained unperturbed, sheltered behind the motorcycle helmet and the deadly weapon you held. He had seen you hold a gun many times, but that night was the first time you threatened his life with one. God, how he wanted you.
The encounter had not been a coincidence. It wasn't the first night he'd followed the trail of your motorcycle and the addictive sweetness of your scent. Hell, it was becoming a crazy habit. Something about you appealed to him, which was why he had dared to approach you a few minutes ago, when you had made that stop for fuel at three in the morning, alone and unprepared. The two of you alone, face to face, he would have sworn that you made other parts of his body besides his heart beat with intensity. But when he invited you to join him in a more private place, and you dragged him into a dark alley, it was not exactly the outcome he had been expecting.
"What?" Your voice broke the sudden silence and made Beomgyu sigh.
"Nothing, your razor-sharp gun intimidates me," he smiled weakly. "Could you at least uncover your face and lower the gun to my neck? With the gun at my neck and your beautiful face in my face, I can tell if you're smiling at me or if you're about to shoot."
"Are you making fun of me?" you asked, and with a mixture of fear and sincerity, Beomgyu tried to explain, "Yes, I'm sorry. It's just that you make me nervous."
"I am not here for you to make me laugh at you. Your pack is not around to save your weak hide, I have no problem shooting you" you declared. You had a tough temper, he didn't doubt you or the certainty with which your fingers curled around the grip of your pistol.
"Why did you leave your territory?"
That was the question Beomgyu had been waiting for. A novice hunter might not have even realized that he didn't naturally belong in that place, with the humans, but you weren't just any hunter, you were experienced; despite being mortal, you had an innate knowledge of the supernatural world and survival instincts that, used in an appropriate manner, reached levels similar to those of a non-human creature. He had seen some of that, your body in action, the power of your weapons and the control you had over them... But he had also seen your other side, in the periodic visits the hunters made to his village, always watching you from behind a tree as you negotiated and secured peace treaties with his pack. He saw a woman of character, reasonable and firm, a leader.
"Those were orders."
"From whom?"
"Soobin. With rumors of a clan of vampires running amok on the outskirts of town... we must be on our guard."
He heard you let out a strange laugh, but instead of laughing with you, he did his best to keep a serious expression on his face. The pain of your blow to his ribs was still fresh in his mind, and the fact that your laugh sounded so sexy didn't help.
"He sends you alone, into hunter territory? As if you could do anything if a vampire got in your way," you scoffed, a little incredulous at the situation. "God, I shouldn't even be surprised. Stupid werewolves. Tell Soobin if he ever sends one of his dogs to stick its nose in my stuff again, I'll..."
A roll of his eyes interrupted you, "Sure, I'll be glad to pass on your kind words to him. Can you..." he hesitated for a second. "Can you put your gun away now?"
You fluttered your eyelashes and looked at him wordlessly, as if you were debating whether to put a hole in his skull or just let him go. Beomgyu still couldn't see your face, but he could perfectly imagine you thinking under the helmet, with your full lips between your teeth and that hard stare that almost made his legs tremble. The image itself was enough to disorient him, barely making him aware of the choice you had made. You took two firm steps back and he, expectant and nervous, almost knelt down and kissed your boots when you finally lowered your pistol and lifted your helmet visor to reveal your eyes.
With a dramatic expression, he placed a hand on his chest and leaned back against the wall to keep his balance and catch his breath. "Wow..."
"Usually guys like gun games."
"I don't know, when I was little I just played spin the top."
He caught your eyes glancing sideways at him as you tucked your gun into your belt holster. A silly grin spread across his face at your blank expression and, to his satisfaction, lack of contempt, but it faded the moment you turned your back and began to walk away from him. "I don't want to see you here again."
Beomgyu separated his back from the wall with a jump and licked his lips in anticipation. "About the vampires..."
"Go home."
"There are hatchlings at home," Beomgyu took quick steps to catch up with you and stepped in your way to meet your gaze. "It's the end of the year, so many lycanthropes that have reached sufficient maturity have left the territory and probably won't return if they manage to mate. Most of our other lycans are still puppies and our alpha female is pregnant, so we are in a very vulnerable and dangerous position, even if we are talking about a single vampire."
Your look remained impatient and bored.
"What about your Alpha, is he as weak as you?"
A spark of embarrassment flashed in Beomgyu's eyes, but it didn't last long. "No, smartass, Soobin is skilled and influential, he's very intelligent, patient and... Well, those are the qualities that made him a leader, but..."
"But he got where he is by fighting battles he didn't win. He hides behind a wall of ass-kissing wolves." You crossed your arms with a smug expression. "He's a weakling."
If you hadn't looked so pretty in the light of the street lamps, with that ridiculously large helmet on your petite body and the outline of your breasts marked by the pressure of your arms underneath them, Beomgyu was sure he wouldn't have bothered to sound kind.
"Honey, a good Alpha is not the brute who has the physical strength to kill or win a fight," a snort came from your mouth at the nickname, making him smile, "but the one who has the ability to listen and earn the loyalty and respect of the pack."
"If your Alpha is so capable, what are you worried about?"
Beomgyu hesitated for a moment before answering. "No wolf, especially an Alpha, will hesitate to give priority to his litter."
"And you want...?"
I want to live, he thought, unable to get the words out of the back of his mind. Even if his pack meant everything to him, there was no one with whom he shared a blood bond or a bond other than that of unconditional loyalty. He couldn't shake that feeling of not belonging, that made him feel like he was no one, just a burden, condemned to serve and give his life for belonging. He wanted to be a priority.
"I want the assurance that no group of vampires will invade my home tonight or the next few nights," he replied with a firm slowness.
"It's not like vampires are interested in the lives of useless wolves like you."
"That… that wasn't very nice of you." Beomgyu grimaced and looked at you with growing frustration on his face. "I'm a hunter by nature, if there's one thing I can smell, it's approaching danger."
Your long and sudden silence confirmed Beomgyu's suspicion: something was wrong. He had noticed it during his last visits to your territory, people who exuded fear and anxiety, the smell of fresh blood and gunpowder in the air that could not pass unnoticed, lights that never went out to prevent the darkness from spreading; even at this very moment, you were alert and hunting.
"They're already here, aren't they?" The question sounded more frightened than Beomgyu would have liked to admit, but even with the neutrality of your expression, your lack of response spoke volumes. "And if it was just one, you would have taken care of it by now, how many are there? Look, we don't have weapons, we don't need them, if only..."
"I don't ally with wolves," your answer was so simple and short that he didn't know what to say or how to react.
"And wolves don't ally with humans."
"To be more precise, I'm a lycanthrope," he muttered with an irritated expression that made you snort. 
"I'm sure your wolf pack doesn't know you're here, do they? What will happen when they find out that you're violating one of the most important rules that keep the peace between the two species? Will your Alpha be willing to pay for your treachery with your life?" 
"You're talking about your rules," Beomgyu's answer was dry. Like a scolded dog, his eyes dropped until they were fixed on the ground, but not for long. When he raised his face again, his eyes seemed more angry than concerned. "What I do is for them. There's nothing treacherous about it. Nor in being here. It's my job, my duty."
"Your duty is to die for them" A sneer crossed your face as you spoke and Beomgyu felt you looked at him as if he were an unbearable fly in the middle of the night, like an insect waking you from sleep in the middle of a perfect sleep cycle. "You know the truth of the alliance between our species, which allows us to live apart, to have peace and security. The agreement has the terms it has for a reason. It is not an agreement about power or domination, but about respect and the logic of survival. What you are doing is an act of treason and war."
"It's not treason if you say nothing...," Beomgyu said, speaking more to himself than to you.
"Leave this ground. I must not tell you why. I must have no reason. Just go." Your gaze became hard as you looked at him from head to toe. "Vampires are vampires, it takes more than a pair of claws or fangs to get rid of them. A weak body puts you at a disadvantage, but a foolish mind is guaranteed defeat."
You put your hand on his shoulder and pushed him out of the way with a firm motion. For some reason, when Beomgyu felt your cold touch, the word vampire and his intense hatred for them resonated in his mind. "Want some advice? You help more if you don't get in the way." 
Beomgyu stared at your silhouette, helpless at your refusal. Your head was already turned when you took a step out of his reach. He didn't dare to take another step towards you, as if your words still echoing in his head were an obstacle. 
He sighed in defeat as he watched you get on your motorcycle. The tension in the alley faded with each roar of the engine as you rode away. He stood for a few minutes, taking in the situation, before making his own way, thinking that if Soobin found out everything that had happened that night, he wouldn't even have the physical ability to move an inch away from your territory.
The only thing he was supposed to do that night and the nights after was to watch you from a distance. But Beomgyu never learned to take the easy way out.
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© gyummigon | all rights reserved. copying or adaptation prohibited
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marigold-hills · 2 months
Dunes & Waters, part 20
“Werewolves?” Sirius asks, and there’s nothing in his voice.
This is the moment, Remus thinks. A fraction of what Sirius thinks about people like – monsters like him. But Sirius shows nothing, doesn’t flinch, doesn’t react, doesn’t respond.
And Sirius turns to him and swings the world on its axis: “neat,” he says. “Why?”
“What do you mean?”
“That I think it’s neat? Or the why?”
“Both, I suppose.”
“Well, it’s cool, isn’t it. Werewolves. How they’re perceived through history. Not something I thought about studying, and especially not in Egypt… Norse history, maybe. So: why?”
It’s on the edges of his tongue. Because I am one. He wants to say, but doesn’t. Sirius it taking this remarkably well, but this is academia, and he has a curious mind. There probably isn’t much he’d object to studying if it could further his knowledge.
“Like you said,” Remus lies, “it’s cool.”
Sirius grins so brightly it rivals the false sun. Turns back to the board. “Alright. Now we can work.” Writes WEREWOLF? In big bold letters at the top. “That makes so much sense now. See I told you, you should have just told me from the start, we might have been here weeks ago.”
Sirius’ demeanour doesn’t change an iota. Like he really doesn’t mind. Like he doesn’t care that they’re studying a XXXXX-class monster. He’s just happy to have a breakthrough and he’s humming to himself while he stares down his board with a renowned wind.
“So Lupus makes sense. It’s always a wolf, sometimes a dog-man. Wepwawet, same thing. Wolf god. But the falcon? I’m not sure how that lines in. Nor Anubis. He’s not a wolf as well, is he?”
“No. Just a dog.”
“Just a dog, he says. Nothing just about dogs. They’re magnificent creatures, you know?”
ANUBIS he writes on the board, cheeky smile and aura of elation. Academic excellence never looked so hot on anyone. Protector of graves, a bullet point, then another: usher souls to the afterlife.
“I’m not very familiar with Wepwawet,” he says in way of explanation, looking embarrassed. It makes a blush spread under his eyes and its so lovely Remus has to look away.
“What do you need to know?”
“What’s his role?”
Remus tells him, and Sirius writes it down. Wolf-god, opener of ways, hunter.
“He opens the way to, and through, Duat. In the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, he guides the deceased.”
Sirius adds to the board. Writes DEATH under Anubis and under Wepwawet. A series of question marks next to the Falcon and the Wolf. “I’m not sure how all of this goes together.”
“You’ve gotten a breakthrough today. Sleep on it,” Remus checks the time, “Merlin, it’s two in the morning. Let’s leave it here for today, alright? Shall we aparate back to the hotel?”
“Let’s walk,” Sirius looks at his board like it will be physically painful to step away from it. “I need to clear my head.”
They walk. It’s quiet. Sirius is deep in thought and doesn’t point out any stars and he’s just as lovely now as when he was animated.
sorry for spamming today! Apparently so her thing is working, but I always feel weird posting more than one part in a day
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged!)
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chocol4tte · 18 days
Werewolf!Kakashi with creature!team 7 pt. 2
This is what it was owed, I apologize for the lack of activity for this silly idea! Here is the part 1 if you are confused!
So, Kakashi, unaware that the arrow he was shot with was filled with werewolf poison and was slowly becoming one himself, he finally drops the crying children when they are in a safer distance from any potential hunter following them and errases any tracks he left to delay them a little longer, knowing very well that they'll continue looking for them when the sun rises.
Kakashi starts calming the children, they were crying because the only person who was kind to them in that prison, abandoned his family and people for them. Kakashi knows that he is being consoled by the children and he calms them down, saying that he was doing the right thing. They continued to cry for the next hour or so.
Its just after the children are curled up behind him, sleeping, that Kakashi continues treating his wounds, when he takes the arrow out, he recognizes the point of the arrow's color liquid and fears the worst. He thinks it may be the exhaustion of the day and addrenaline lowering down causing him to missdiagnose himself... its not until he sees and FEELS the arrow wound closing. Well shit. Just what he needed.
Kakashi was close to have a panic attack, to stand up and commit what he was trained to do in situations like this, to end his own life for the sake of humanity from an aberration like him, yet, he was stopped by hearing the quiet breaths of the three children he risked his life for, that needed to go back to their own homes and families. For now he will live, until they were safe and sound back at their families.
They travel, of course they do, Kakashi does buy, and sometimes steal, some clothes and food for their survival. Kakashi just now has a higher sense of smell, rappid healing factor, and incredible hearing... for now. Its not until the full moon, when Kakashi hides them in a cave and waits for the worst, which, funnily enough, the trasnformation was just the worst thing that happened, from man to wolf, he just gained another form and hunger for bloody meat... but to his relief, he was hilself, a little wilder, true, but himself. He could protect the kids. However, this raised another question: all werewolves are as luccid as him every full moon? If that's so, are they hunting humans for their blood or for the sake of enjoying the human suffering?... or maybe something more was happening behind scenes.
The white furball of the man-now-wolf stayed the entire night adapting to his new body and try to hunt something, he can't help but think a little of what the fuck was his own village hidding from everyone.
Morning arrives, the children woke up to a bunch of cooked rabbit and some veggetables that Kakashi stole, and the man himself, with elongated ears and a new wilder smell. (Underneath his mask, he has sharper fangs and stronger sense of smell, now stronger than the first days, thankfully he is surrounded with little to human civilization smells).
The kids of course ask him why he was so different than before, Sakura and Sasuke get it before Naruto, who was told in 4 different ways how Kakashi is now a supernatural being like them and the different ways one can become a werewolf without being bitten by one on a full moon. They do feel guilty that the human who saved them now not only left his human group, but even stopped being human. Again Kakashi calms them down and said that things like that tend to happen to hunters like him... well, now Ex-hunter?
Anyway, they continue their journey, and Naruto is the happiest little fox in the continent! Kakashi not only saved them, but is also teachign them about survival skills and hunting skills than their own parents, who often said that they were too young to do adult stuff! He could see how Sasuke was also happy to learn more things that his older brother was stopping him to learn from until he was older. Sakura was still shy about it, but absorbing every sort of information that Kakashi provided to them. At some point of their journey, they began calling Kakashi, Sensei, much to his dismay.
As they travel, every full moon, Kakashi continues adapting to his wolf transformation and even his... companions/students(?) cuddle with him in those nights, even sometimes Naruto and Sasuke in their naimal froms wrestle around him, and sometimes, when he is up to it, he plays with them as well, being a wolf... brought some freedom that he never expected to have.
Not only in the full moon, but in some parts of the way, when they were taking their time to set up a small camp, Naruto and Sasuke used it to continue wrestle following their instincts. Sakura observes them, given that she is not a magical beast like them, Kakashi uses the time to teach her basic combat training... and eventually this gains her the ability to fight agains the other two kids... and heal them, thankfully.
Kkashi also learns more things from them as creatures, not much, given that they were too young when they were taken away from their families, but he learns enough to start questioning the reality that he had been taught.
There are closer moments where the hunters were closer to them and began notifying another hunter villages to keep an eye in their surroundings and forests, which, in fact they do multiple times, however when it became known that Kakashi, THE KAKASHI, was a traitor, some hunters paled enough to be compared as ghosts and just, ignored the message, thank you very much. Others saw it as a challenge, a way to prove that they were better than the so called Best Hunter and found this hunt as a way to obtain more fame.
Kakashi just took different and a longer way to their goal. Long enough that it took them almost 5 months to arrive at the border of their homelands. (I would love to put more adventures here and character growth but this ain't the platform for it).
It became something bittersweet for Kakashi, and the kids, Kakashi became to know them for the past 6 months and began seeing them as something similar to a family pack, while Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, couldn't think of a life without their teacher.
He has teach them things that eaither they were going to learn in the next years to come, or never, given that they were just a Kitsune, a panther and a fairy, why would they need to learn to hunt like humans and track like them if they had their senses, only to have an ex-human/ex-hunter teaching them that every sort of knowledge is essential, no matter the species and to not trust just one sense only when hunting. Or a different fighting style that they were accostumed to use or see. Every meeting must have its good bye though.
Once they arrive at the entrance of the creatures territory, Kakashi is surrounded by different creatures, threaten him with claws, magic and even other sort of sharp weapons made of wood and stone, while the kids were taken away from him. All three of them screamed in surprise and were hidden away from the werewolf.
Kakashi knew that they were being observed from affar, and yet the sight of having his students pack-cubs taken away from him, almost made his instincts jump and attack them. That would be a death sentence for him, and the last thing he needed.
As a hunter, there is something that is taught to every hunter, was that, different creatures do not ally themselves, and if they do, it only meant the worst possible news any human could ever have: they would be at war against humans, and right now? Kakashi could see different creatures than the ones he accompanied for almost half a year.
Some of them began yelling orders to call their leaders, while those who took his students pack, began looking at them to see any injuries or signs of poisoning, Kakashi in the meantime, just continued staying in his calm demeanor, fighting against any instinct to go see the kids and calm them down, as they continued pleading to let him go. In fact, Kakashi just says that everything was ok, and to calm down, all while ignoring how the sharp weapons got closer to him, enough to make him bleed, and yet, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke got to calm down... a little bit.
In a matter of minutes, a group of people of different species, just by the mere aura, clothes, and smell, they were the leaders of their packs, he knew of them by the reports in the hunter community and there were clear orders for anyone, including elite hunters: "Flight on sight."
With every step towards them, there was a clear expression on them, fury in its purest form, and all directed to Kakashi. Well, he was fucked.
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wyrmswears · 4 months
Alr here comes the "long" ask ig
Thanks to you bringing back my wolf children/werewolves/wolves brainrot, my brain brained a weird lore in my brain about your inhuman thundersnow au.
Remenber this guy? Well yeah, he was the EM of lightning before Libber (also her dad), during the Serpentine War he used his raijū form to fight, even if he was one of the less powerful lightning EM ever seen (based off the color of his lightning being yellow, yellow lightning is less hotter than blue lightning) he took many serpetine down and in general it was like brining a crazy new weapon to the war that suddenly gives certain side a great advantage, ya know, war stuff.
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After the war finished, despite him being a good guy. Raijūs started to be seen as horrible bloodthirsty creatures just because of what he did during the war, which wasn't too different to what other EM did is just that he did it as a wolf, even Garmadon thanks to the Great Devouerer venom did worse.
Anyway, people started to get paranoid about raijūs and this caused to some people dedicate most of their time to hunt them down, not all hunters did it because they were corcened or smth but because they simply wanted to have fun killing an exotic species, or simply capturing them for who knows what (maybe using them for taxidermy?? spooky experiments??? biological weapons??? idk)
Slowly the individuals of this species were less and less, until there was only one left, Libber. Her father died and she almost did too, in and the rest is history she leaving Jay with the walkers, etc...
One more species that got extinct thanks to humans.
(this is not my last ask 👹.)
yo this idea is dark af... hell yeah im using it, with some amendments. be warned i also used this ask as an opportunity to do some lore dumping
first of all, not all other raijū are gonna be extinct, but their population numbers have dwindled and most of them now avoid interacting with humans. i think it'd be interesting to have the gang meet other raijū at some point so i want to keep the opportunity open :D since they stop interacting with humans though, they are thought to be extinct and aren't really common knowledge among jay's generation.
both raijū and dragon will share this stigma of being dangerous bloodthirsty creatures, given that wu and garmadon also fight in the serpentine war (oni kinda have the stigma engrained in their identity in the ninjago series already ghsghsh and aren't really present in ninjago to most people's knowledge). dragons get off slightly easier however, being considered noble creatures in other legends, but raijū don't have the same reputation and are easier to hunt than dragons so they suffer a greater impact. this stigma is the cause for cole's fear of dragons in s1!
raijū don't make great taxidermy (their corpses eventually dissolve into lightning; full raijū aren't so much comprised of your typical things like flesh and bone), but i can imagine some being captured as living batteriess, although they only have enough power for about a single household, so it would work on a more individual basis than imperium's dragon energy scheme...
i've been having the idea that libber's dad isn't a wolf for his raijū form, but instead a snow leopard! you see, there's not a lot of mythology on raijū recorded online so i'm trying to fit in actual mythos where i can, and raijū aren't limited to a wolf/dog form, but have many four-legged animal forms recorded. i also like the idea of jay and libber's raijū forms looking similar, despite them not looking that similar for two canids, so related raijū in my au don't often have similar animal forms. libber's parents take the form of a snow leopard (in reference to ice who later takes a guardian role of sorts in place of libber's actual father) and a japanese serow.
furthermore, i mentioned this idea in the tags of one of my past posts but for raijū that are elemental masters of lightning, they often die when their child inherits their element. raijū are creatures made of lightning, but for those born with the element of lightning, they don't develop their own lightning because the element more than compensates for the power they need, so when the element is suddenly removed... yeah. so libber's dad is dead Before the main impact of the serpentine war, but perhaps her mother is killed as a result?
jay doesn't have the issue of dying when he loses his element like the bajillion times they do in the series because he's half human! it does mean that the first few times he loses his powers (including contact with vengestone), it feels Extra bad to him because it's literally part of his life-force taken away (i imagine lloyd has a similar effect but by nature of his element instead of his blood), but the longer he is without his power, the more chance his natural lightning has to develop, so by crystallised he can function pretty well without them :]
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blackjackkent · 7 months
OK, time for another boss battle report, Cazador Szarr edition. This one got pretty elaborate. XD
Opening state of play:
Enemy list is Cazador plus two ghasts (labeled "Fallen Gur Hunter," upsettingly), four werewolves, a skeleton named "Chatterteeth," and six bats. The bats have one hit point each but I'm making no assumptions at this point.
Cazador starts out with seven stacks of a buff called "Ritual Sources" - corresponding to the seven spawn currently being held in magical fields around the arena - which gives him 70 temp HP, 7m extra movement speed, and extra necrotic damage. He also gets an individual unique buff for three of the spawn (For "Yousen", he gets an extra 2-16 hitpoint regain every turn, for "Violet" he gets a +5 to AC, and for Astarion himself, he gets an extra bonus action.)
All of this also means we are shorthanded by one person because Astarion is currently being used as a power socket. (On the bright side, despite the cutscene, he still has all his armor and stuff on, so maybe we can get him back into the fight and let him get the killing blow.)
Cazador can apparently use Call Lightning for ten turns without using a spell slot, with which he immediately beats the shit out of Jaheira on his first turn.
He can turn into vampire mist and run around the arena which makes him immune to non-magical damage. "This status is removed by sunlight," says the description of the form. Well, this at least is good news, because guess what Jaheira has:
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The spawns themselves all have a "sacrificial lamb" condition which states: "If Cazador draws power from all the spawns bound this way three times, he will ascend." So we're on something of a time limit.
By the way Cazador has 270 hit points, including the 70 temp HP he's getting from the spawns. O.O;
We do get a bit of a hint to kick things off.
"Those runes," Karlach says. "Cazzy's using them to suck the power right out of those poor fuckers."
"If we can reach the glowing sigils, maybe we can redirect that power from him to us," says Hector.
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First of all, I love that Karlach calls him "Cazzy". Second, I can't imagine Hector is much more thrilled about taking that power for himself, even temporarily, than he is about Cazador getting it, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
I think our top priority here is as follows:
a) Get everyone onto one of those sigils (ideally Astarion's? maybe we can get him back into the fight?) to start disrupting Cazador's power sources. b) Get Daylight cast on as much of the arena as possible. c) ????? we'll figure it out from there.
Let's go.
Combat report:
Getting Karlach onto one of the sigils on her first turn passed one of the "Ritual Sources" buffs from Cazador onto her, so that seems like a good start. The problem here, though, is that stepping back OFF the sigil immediately gives the buff back to Cazador. So the utility here seems a bit limited since most of our squad is kinda up close and personal.
Not entirely clear on whether I am supposed to be trying to kill the non-Astarion spawn, although that does seem like it would certainly remove the buff more permanently. They're basically resistant to everything so it doesn't seem like a GREAT use of our time, but options feel really limited.
The ghasts are surprisingly annoying as they all run straight at Hector and cast Stench to make him nauseous, meaning he can't take actions. He's so powerful tho that he kills one of the werewolves with bonus actions alone.
Karlach meanwhile gets surrounded by all five bats and bit a whole bunch and Jaheira gets downed by the second round of Call Lightning. This is off to a great start.
The one spore zombie that was still following Jaheira around from the fight earlier misses every single one of its attacks in this fight, bless its heart.
Hector manages to take out all the ghasts by turn three but is now the only good guy conscious on the field as Karlach has gotten bitten into unconsciousness. More bats have spawned at the start of the round. Cazador has managed to avoid starting his turn in the Daylight spell repeatedly so he has not yet taken any damage from it yet. All the bats have now come over to surround Hector instead. This is going terribly.
DISCOVERY: When Jaheira's spore zombie kills something (in this case, a bat) it turns into a new friendly spore zombie! That's nice! Everything else, however, is terrible.
At this point, Cazador ascends. All of the spawns, including Astarion, explode into a giant pile of wet meat. Astarion's personal quest is marked complete. I sigh, very heavily, and reload. Yeesh.
Attempt 2!
I feel like there's a trick here that I'm missing, but the second pass does start off much more optimistically; Hector and Karlach are able to take out all three ghouls immediately and Jaheira gets Daylight up again.
Once again Jaheira gets wrecked at the top of the second round when Cazador gets his next turn. She really is squishy as fuck and I am not sure why I suck so badly at playing her. :( I love you, Jaheira, I'm sorry I keep getting you killed.
Eventually I got frustrated and sent Hector over to just whale on Cazador, and he's such a battering ram that he did manage to get him all the way down to 100HP. However, it was on turn 3 and so Cazador promptly got up afterwards and turned everyone into marinara sauce.
Realistically, Hector and Karlach are powerful enough between them that I'm pretty sure we can cheese this fight but just going straight to Cazador on turn 1 and beating the shit out of him; however, I would kind of like to figure out how to do this fight the "correct" way. Reload.
Attempt 3!
New strategy - what if we ignore all the enemies and just run all three of us onto three of the sigils immediately? (Specifically, the three sigils for the spawn that are giving him extra buffs. Unfortunately, they're of course the ones furthest away from us but we have dash actions for a reason.)
With this in mind, backing up an extra save and doing some pre-work. Jaheira gets the Misty Step amulet back, ritually casts Longstrider on everyone which will give them extra movement speed until long rest, and precasts Conjure Elemental, Conjure Woodland Being to get more bodies on the field, and Heroes Feast too, why not (immunity to the Stench poison for one thing), then casts Protection from Energy on herself to help offset the fucking Call Lightning that's wrecking us right out of the gate.
While I'm doing this, @ryssabrin comes in clutch with some advice in the replies in my previous post, pointing out that we can use the Help action on Astarion to pull him out of the ritual and back into the fight. "cazador will focus fire on him but he won't do the ritual." This is HUGE because that three-turn limit was what was really fucking things up.
So that's our new priority. Jaheira and Karlach go to stand on two of the sigils, and Hector books it towards Astarion to free him. Ryssabrin also pointed out the utility of Sanctuary in this case - presumably to put on Astarion if Cazzy is gonna focus fire him - so I have Hector load that up too, and cast Protection from Evil and Good on himself.
Heroes Feast is fun. It also gives us a big hamper of camp supplies in addition to all the buffs. Please fill in your own joke:
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Mad prep, let's go:
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OK let's give this another try. I'm not scared, what are you talking about.
In addition to all the buffs, we also luck out here somewhat in that on this run, all three of the team get top initiative (second only to Cazador himself). Jaheira's concentration on Protection from Energy gets broken INSTANTLY but she does take less damage than she did previously.
Jaheira misty steps onto Yousen's sigil, stealing Cazador's per-turn heal and one of his ritual stacks (and casts Daylight). Karlach goes to Violet's sigil and steals Cazador's extra AC and another ritual stack (and rages for extra DR). Hector as planned beelines straight for Astarion, Help-actions him into the fight, casts Sanctuary on him, and barrels towards one of the other sigils. Cazador is now down to four buff stacks and no special buffs, and cannot ascend. QUICKSAVE.
"YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID TO ME!" Astarion bellows, and then I have him stand absolutely still and not do anything, because he can't be targeted by attacks in Sanctuary but only while he doesn't attack anything. I like to think he is debuffing Cazador with the pure power of his ANGRY GLARE, though.
Jaheira once again gets fucking trounced immediately but at least her unconscious body is on top of the sigil so it's still debuffing Cazador.
Round 2 - Cazador's out of mist form and I could keep Hector on the sigil removing the extra stack from him - but realistically the dangerous ones were the two that Jaheira and Karlach are on. Hector is best served barreling straight at Cazador and battering ram smacking the shit out of him. So that is what he does. For a total of [does quick math] 183 DAMAGE! :D Cazador lost Call Lightning concentration too. Big moves from Team Juggernaut and this is all looking much more manageable. (For insult to injury he still had enough movement left to go and stand on the nearby sigil again too. XD )
Karlach hurled two separate health potions at Jaheira, using up both of her actions, and neither of them did anything useful for some reason. Very annoying. So now I just sit here while the 513451345 enemies on the field take their turns and hope for the best.
Time for some roleplay choices. Cazador is down to 65 HP and still prone, which means Astarion can get a sneak atack on him. So I make the executive decision to SCREW SANCTUARY because Astarion needs this killing blow.
Jaheira dies. Again. And, again, from a story perspective, we are pretending this didn't happen. XD
Round 3 - Cazador once again mists up, so I spend Hector and Karlach's turns taking out some of the adds. Astarion tries to take a stab at the mist form just to see if it works. It doesn't.
Round 4 - Hector flattens Cazador down to 13HP and positions himself to give Astarion sneak attack. Karlach stares menacingly at everyone...
And Astarion gets the killing blow.
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And then we killed the 113451324 bats that had spawned during this whole process. Victory!
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notanettelmao · 1 year
The Tell pt. 1
Also on AO3
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(A Teen Wolf Rewrite)
Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Supernatural Warnings: usual TW and SPN stuff Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x reader Words: 1,8k
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Tags: @venomsvl  @celestair  
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Y/N was with Derek when he heard about the attack at the video store. He took off in the direction of the store, leaving her behind. She swore, looked around, and started running after him. 
When she finally got there, he and Scott were climbing the rusty ladder on the side of the building. Y/N rolled her eyes and climbed after them. Scott said hi to her while Derek stared at her as if he wasn't expecting her to follow him. He then turned to Scott.
"Starting to get it?" He asked, leaning over the edge to look down in a way that didn't make him visible to the people on the ground under them. Scott did the same.
"I get that he is killing people. I don't get why." Scott mumbled. Y/N walked a few steps toward the edge to take a look at the scene. 
"I mean, we don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone, do we?" Y/N turned to look at Scott. 
"Werewolves are predators. Not killers." She said. Derek agreed, not looking away from the people on the street.
"Then why is he a killer?" Scott asked looking at his friend and then at the older werewolf.
"That's what we are going to find out. Y/N, how does this look like from the perspective of a hunter?" Derek turned towards her. The youngest Winchester took a deep breath and stepped away from the edge of the roof.
"It must have been a rogue omega. He killed Laura to get the alpha power, which we already knew. We know that he wants to build a pack, and that's why he bit Scott. But something isn't right here. Why didn't he bite anyone else? I'll need to do some research on my own, maybe I will take Stiles with me because he can get us the police reports. I need to know if there were organs missing or if he is just killing for the fun of it." Y/N looked at her phone, texting Stiles to meet her a few blocks away from the video store.
"You do that. I'm gonna take Scott to the house for a bit. I'll see you later," Derek waved a hand her way and then ran off the roof, Scott following him. Y/N groaned when she realized she will have to climb the ladder down
The youngest Winchester got to the meeting point at the same time as Stiles parked his jeep on the side of the road. She quickly jumped into the passenger seat and told him to drive to his house. She needed his whiteboard for this.
"So, what are we going to do now?" Stiles asked as they got into his room. He sat on his bed and watched Y/N pace around the room picking different stuff up and then wiping his whiteboard so she had a clean space to work with. She ignored his question and wrote 'THE ALPHA' in capital letters in the middle of it, then drew lines around it and started writing everything they knew already.
"I need you to look in your dad's files to see if there were any bodies found dead with their heart missing in the towns around Beacon Hills." Y/N turned to look at Stiles who was reading the words on the board, looking really interested. 
"You think it could be the bad kind? The one you told me about?" He was suddenly up, looking worried. Y/N swallowed and nodded. 
"I have a bad feeling. And I need another wolf to talk to about it. Not Derek. And not Scott, Scott hasn't been a werewolf for long." She ran her fingers through her hair. 
"I guess we have one more Hale we can visit." He said quietly. Y/N nodded. 
"I'll go see him. I need you to go look through the folders. Look for the missing hearts and anything that could be a clue." She quickly dropped the parker on Stiles' table and turned to walk out, but stopped in between the door.
"I don't have a car." She turned back to look at Stiles. He let out a laugh and then motioned for her to follow him.
"Come on, I'll take you there."
Peter lived on the side of Beacon Hills where Lydia did. The rich part of town. He moved into his house right when he was let out of the hospital after his miraculous recovery. Y/N actually helped him and Derek to pick the place and get him used to being around people again. No one really recognized Peter in town, which saved them a lot of explaining about how the hell he was walking and talking after spending six years in a coma.
Y/N thanked Stiles for the ride and closed the car door. She watched him drive away and then let herself in through the gate. She walked up the stone steps towards the front door and knocked. She didn't have to wait long before Peter opened it, frowning. When he saw her he smirked.
"Ah, Winchester. What can I do for you?" He asked, moving to the side so she could walk in. 
"Hi, Peter. Nice to see you too. Are you doing better?" She lifted an eyebrow at him and took off her shoes. She put them on the shoe rack in the huge hallway. 
"Did you come over only to ask me how I was doing or do you actually need something?" He led her towards the kitchen. 
"Oh, I just wanted to talk." She sat on one of the chairs at the kitchen island and put her phone in front of her.
"Talk? About what? And where is my nephew? Does he still refuse to buy a normal living space and tortures himself by sleeping in the burned-down house?" He pulled out two cups and started the coffee maker. 
"Derek is currently at the old house with Scott. And yes, he still lives there. He is way too stubborn to listen to us. Even though it would be safer for him to move somewhere else now that Kate is in town. That woman is a whole new level of crazy. But that's not why I'm here. I need to talk to you about werewolves. And about how they go rogue." Peter turned to look at her. 
"Why don't you ask your uncle about it?" He asked and placed one of the full coffee cups in front of her. 
"My uncle was in an accident a few days back. I don't really want to bother him now, as I am sure he and my brothers have a lot of stuff to do because the Leviathans are getting all around the USA." 
"Yes, I remember you telling me about him being shot. What do you need to know?" Peter sat down on one of the chairs on the other side of the island.  
"How does a wolf go rogue?" Y/N asked. 
"Depend on the situation. You can be kicked out of the pack, and then if no other pack wants you in, you lose it. You start going more and more feral. That's how omegas are made, but omegas are usually born wolves that go feral. The bitten omegas are more..." Peter stopped talking, thinking about how to say it correctly.
"They're the worst kind, right? The ones that feed on the hearts of humans?" Y/N asked quietly. Peter nodded.
"Yes, they are the worst. I don't know how, but they actually became weak to silver. Us born wolves aren't." 
"I know. It is a myth connected to the Argents as they are the oldest line of hunters ever." Y/N agreed. She then pulled her father's journal from the bag she had brought with her. 
"Can you look over this to see if there are correct facts?" She pushed the journal towards Peter, who took it in his hands carefully.
"It was my father's and my brothers left it with me just in case I needed it. And I know you know a lot of stuff about the supernatural as you yourself are supernatural. Also, Derek told me you used to have a lot of different bestiaries and other books before..." Y/N didn't finish the sentence when she noticed the pained look on his face. 
"Why are you asking me all this? You think the alpha is a bitten wolf?" Peter asked. The girl nodded. 
"If it was a born wolf someone would know something. There are not that many of you anymore and my brothers keep tabs on all of the packs with born wolves. They would know if one of them went rogue." Y/N explained.
"Did you tell any of this to Derek?" 
"No, are you crazy? You know him. He would go right after the guy and get himself killed in the process." She took a sip of her coffee and watched Peter as he agreed.
"If you are right, and you probably are... We are going to need all the help we can get. Derek is not as strong by himself, your friend Scott still doesn't really know how to have control over his shift, and the sheriff's kid is a skinny human who talks too much. Even with the help of your angel friend, my wolf is not healed fully yet. You are probably the strongest of us right now with your hunter training." Y/N knew what Peter wanted her to do. 
"I can't call them here Peter. They have a lot of stuff going on, I told you the Leviathans are everywhere-" 
"Y/N, you are creating a pack around yourself. The alpha is going to see you as a threat." Peter said as if it was nothing. Y/N froze in her seat.
"I'm creating a pack around myself? How is that possible? I'm not an alpha, not even a werewolf." The youngest Winchester looked so confused Peter had to laugh.
"It is possible. You have to have the right amount of Spark to pull it off. You are a Winchester. You and your brothers stopped multiple apocalypses. The angels watched over you. You went against multiple gods and came out alive. There is no one else that could do all that."
"So what, I'm an alpha, but not really?" Y/N cringed as she said that. It sounded ridiculous.
"Something like that." Peter shrugged and got up from his chair with her journal in his hands.
"If you'll need me I'll be in the library." With that, he walked away.
"Okay, hold up. You can't just drop that and walk away! Peter!" Y/N yelled as she watched his back disappear up the stairs. 
"You son of a bitch." She let out a sigh and put her empty cup in the sink. Her phone buzzed at the same time. She quickly picked it up and looked at the new text. 'There are at least 4 cases where bodies were missing hearts' was all it said. 
"Shit." She let out as she grabbed all of her stuff and ran out of the door. 
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
Dadrius Week 2023, Day 1: Father's Day
“Hold these please.”
Hunter stood bemused just outside of a supply closet while Gus loaded his arms up with paper, markers, and scissors. “What’s all this?”
“I’m making a card.”
Hunter ran through a list of their mutual friends and their birthdays. The only one close was Amity, and her birthday wasn’t for another two months. “…For who?”
“My dad. For Father’s Day.”
He’d never heard of this holiday—not the biggest surprise, but still. “For what?”
“Father’s Day. A day to celebrate our dads. Similar to, but separately dated from, Mother’s Day, Parent’s Day, Spawner’s Day, and last, but certainly not least, Sire’s Day, celebrated mostly by vampires and werewolves. I’m making an illusion card that sings when you open it, and I am also! Planning on making breakfast for my dad. And you, too, I guess, but the point is that I make it, rather than my dad.” Gus took the paper and scissors out of Hunter’s arms, folding up one piece and snipping at it expertly so that it was shaped like a heart.
“Oh. That sounds… nice. When is it?” He probably needed to plan something for Darius. Sure, he’d just moved in this year, and they were still getting used to being in each other’s space, and the adoption papers sat on the counter, unsigned by either of them as they debated back and forth if they were ready to take that step, but “Father’s Day” seemed like a good chance to develop… whatever this was. Maybe move more towards something more official.
“Tomorrow. Hence you being here for breakfast.”
Hunter dropped the markers. “Tomorrow?! That’s not enough time! I can’t make anything, or—it’s too late to go shopping! All of the stores and stalls will be closed! Except the Night Market, but I doubt there’s anything there that—”
 “Hunter! Whoa! Hey!” Gus held out a piece of paper. “I don’t think Darius will care if you don’t go all out for Father’s Day. Oof, I should have thought of that before inviting you over. It’s okay! You can make him a card like I’m doing, and maybe just ask if he even wants to do anything tomorrow? I know some dads just sort of want to have the day to themselves, and that’s their gift. So, before you freak out, ask. You can at least get some idea of what he thinks about Father’s Day.”
“Okay. Okay, yes. I can make a card.” Hunter took the paper. “A heart is too much, right?” It certainly felt a bit corny to him. At least for Darius, for where they were at the moment. Gus’ heart for his father seemed entirely reasonable and fitting.
“I’d stick with a rectangle for now,” Gus agreed.
Hunter nodded, folding the paper in half and uncapping a marker. “What do I put?”
“Happy Father’s Day. Then draw a picture. Just write something nice on the inside and sign it. It’ll be easy once you start, I promise.”
Hunter focused on his handwriting, making it as neat as possible and filling out the front of the card. He drew an abomination on the bottom, filling it in with Gus’ purple marker. After a moment of consideration, he added a blobby bun to the top of his head. The inside of the card stared up at him, as blank as his mind. Hunter tapped his marker against his lips.
“Hey, Gus? What are you putting in yours?”
Gus swept his card up so that Hunter couldn’t see it. “Nuh-uh, no cheating. You have to write something for you and Darius, not just copy what I’m saying to my dad. Just say something you appreciate about him, you know? Something you’re glad he’s in your life for.”
“Oh. Okay.” Hunter tapped a pen against his chin, then wrote, Thank you for letting me live with you. –Hunter.
That had been easier than expected, but would it be enough? Should he write more?
Hunter closed the card before he could think about it for too much longer.
“Do you need help with yours, Gus?”
Gus waved a hand. “Go talk to Darius. Let me know what he says! I can help if you need an extra set of hands for something, or I can check to see if we have an ingredient you’re out of.”
“Thanks, Gus. You’re a lifesaver.”
Hunter flash-stepped all the way home, appearing in the middle of the living room. “Darius!”
The older man jumped, spilling a mug of tea all over himself. “Augh! Hunter! I thought you were spending the night with Gus?!” He shifted into his abomination form, squeezing the tea out and settling back into his witch form. “What? What’s on fire?”
“Nothing!” Hunter said quickly, “Nothing is on fire! Sorry! I just had a question. Um. So—tomorrow is Father’s Day, and—”
Darius jumped out of his chair with a curse. “It’s tomorrow?!”
“You’re sure?”
“That’s what Gus said.”
“Bones, dirt, and muck! Why did no one warn me?!” Darius paced back and forth. “Too late, it’s too late. Dessert. I can do dessert. Yes.”
Darius disappeared into the kitchen with a wave of his hand. “Can’t talk! Need to make a cake!”
“Cake,” Darius repeated.
Hunter followed him into the kitchen, ducking under a bag of flour that flew across the kitchen. “I just wanted to ask if you—”
Sugar hurtled towards him on its way to the counter, but stopped and delicately skirted around him before it made contact.
“I just wanted to know if you wanted to do anything for Father’s Day!”
The ingredients flying around the kitchen halted in midair, and Darius looked up from his recipe book. “Oh.” He nodded a couple of times. “Oh. I hadn’t…”
The cake components slowly floated to the counter, and Darius moved across the kitchen to face Hunter. “I do not expect you to do something for me, little prince. Thank you for asking. However, I do need to get this cake baked and cooled, and it will go faster if I do it by myself.”
Hunter nodded and left the kitchen, his throat closing up.
That’s that, then. He didn’t know why Darius was suddenly in such a frenzy, but the dismissal was clear enough. He didn’t expect anything from Hunter for Father’s Day. The unsigned adoption papers would remain unsigned, and Hunter would remain a houseguest. Hunter tucked the card he’d made into his belt pouch and curled up in bed, watching the clock tick down until midnight.
Happy Father’s Day.
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