#maybe the Magypsies but that's a bit of a stretch
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snakechu · 4 years ago
Mother 3 Post-Game Headcanons
I have a lot of headcanons for what happens at the end of Mother 3, and I want to share these as they have been living in my head rent free for quite a while now.
Now, there is a lot and I mean A LOT of things I wrote down (a total of 39 varying in length) so fair warning it might take a bit to read through them all. They also follow a bit of a narrative.
Obviously spoilers for the entire game, so yeah.
When the final needle gets pulled by Lucas, the world resets back to the day where it all began, so everyone ages back 3 years
Lucas wakes up in Alec’s house with tears streaming down his face, but is not actively crying if that makes sense. Kind of like when you cry in a dream and sometimes your body is actually crying
He is obviously very confused as to why he is in Alec’s house, wearing his pajamas, and has shorter hair (I give Lucas longer hair)
He doesn’t get to wonder for long, because suddenly Claus runs up the stairs and cue the absolutely adorable and heartfelt reunion
Key point here, Claus is alive, yes. But he still has the scars he obtained. One long scar across his left eye, his right arm looks absolutely medullated in scars, and my personal favorite, lightning feathers spreading out from the center of his chest from where the lighting struck him
He doesn’t feel any pain from them, he can still see fine with both eyes and his right arm functions perfectly normal, (no robo arm, I know that’s a popular one) he just has visual reminders
And also, Hinawa is alive too (I’ll get into more detail later, this all makes sense in my head, I promise)
Back in Tazmily, everything is returned to normal and DP and Happy Boxes are no longer a thing
When Flint comes around and puts two and two together that everything reset, he and Boney book it through the Sunshine Forest to Alec’s house
He meets up with Duster and Kumatora as those two also pieced together what has happened and go through the forest together
But not before they run into Leder, who is standing next to the bell like he used to
He doesn’t say anything, but Duster, Kumatora, and Boney could tell he also knew (Flint obviously never talked to Leder and is kind of left in the dark)
Back at Alec’s house, everyone there has a tearful reunion with one another
The Dragos are also nearby, and an adorable reunion happens with them too with the whole Drago family, as well as with Lucas, Claus, and Hinawa
Hinawa is very understanding for the Drago that got turned into a Chimera and doesn’t blame it for what it did (it also seems like she converses with it telepathically)
If Dragos could cry, it would in that moment
Hinawa also decides not to go home right away with her children to be on the safe side, and the Dragos seem to think the same. If they are in a group and stay put, they should be protected, right?
Hinawa never sees that flying porkship flying overhead, and since that never happens, the Sunshine Forest doesn’t catch on fire
Eventually Flint’s party make it to Alec’s house at around sunset. More happy reunions.
Once the sun officially sets, everyone can agree that the tragic events that happened before will not happen again (it still rains though)
Of course everyone begins asking questions as to how and why this happened. They knew it had something to do with Lucas pulling the final Needle, but they never imagined the power of the Dark Dragon would be this powerful
The explanation is that when Lucas pulled the Needle, he had many wishes in his heart mixed with all the tragedy that happened in his life. The Dark Dragon felt this and wanted to right the wrongs that had happened under it (or above it, in this case)
I also like to think that when Claus broke from Porky’s control before his death, his true feelings reached the Dark Dragon in that brief timespan before fading into emotionless once more
The Dark Dragon also believed (whether it was from it’s own intelligence or it’s connection with Lucas) that all the events cause by Porky and his army never should have occurred in the first place, as he and his entire army were from a different dimension entirely and where never meant to set foot on the Nowhere Isles (like how Hinawa’s death was there doing by creating the Mecha Drago, despite it not being intentional)
As to what happened to Porky in the Absolutely Safe Capsule, that I leave to you
What happened to everyone who were living on the isles is their memories, to an extent, where reset once more by the Humming Bird egg
The only ones who were not effected by this was everyone who was extremely close to Lucas and his family, as well as others like Leder and maybe a few exceptions
Evidence of the war against the Pigmasks does exist, like the scars on Claus. And everyone in Lucas’ family has some type of scar from the conflict. Hinawa has a scar where her heart is from the Drago tooth, Flint has some scars on his torso from when Claus struck him with PK Love, and I imagine Lucas has some sort of stab wound from his final confrontation with his brother.
The Magypsies and the Needles are also gone
Now, this may seem like a fix it all happy ending right? Nope. It came with a lot of trauma! Specifically for Lucas and his family
Lucas suffers from nasty separation anxiety for his brother and mother and is terrified he will lose them again, regardless of how things are now
Claus has to live with all of the things he did as the Masked Man and he feels guilty as all get out. He feels especially bad about injuring his own father and brother. Also suffers from phycological effects from being technically dead for all that time, but it’s really hard for him to describe as his body was still moving, kind of like a state of Limbo
Flint also feels terribly guilty for how he treated Lucas the past three years. In his mind, there was no escape from any guilt towards either of his sons. If he spent time with Lucas, he’d feel guilty about not trying to find Claus. If he was searching for Claus, he’d feel guilty about not spending enough time with Lucas. Visiting Hinawa’s grave felt like his only escape from that guilt at the time
As a result, Flint is doing his best in order to reconnect with Lucas over that lost time, and Lucas the same. Lucas understands why he felt the way he did, and tries not to hold it against him
This is also just me not understanding why people seem to give Flint and Lucas a bit of a strained relationship after the end of the game sometimes. Like, I kind of get it why people write them like that, but at the same time in any other circumstances where both Claus and Hinawa stay dead, they are the only family the have left aside from Alec, and I feel neither of them would want further damage their relationship
Also Flint does shield Lucas from an attack from Claus, and Flint seems to be the type of man who’s actions speak far louder than his words ever could, and this moment showed Lucas that his father still loves and cares for him (unlike his hallucinations back on Tanetane island)
Finally, Hinawa also suffers from weird phycological stuff from being dead, but it is far more apparent than Claus. It ranges from sometimes feeling like she isn’t alive and shouldn’t be there to full on mental breakdowns. She does her best to hide it for the sake of her family
Thankfully, the entire family is there to help each other through their turmoil, as well as all of Lucas’ friends loving and supporting them
Everyone also retains all of their experience from the previous events (PSI is at it’s strongest from the ending)
Okay, I think that’s everything. Have a nice day ya’ll.
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