#maybe that Wallace one so he can match Steven’s shiny Ray
alphakuriboh · 2 years
The updated list!
Stuff I want to see in Masters. Didn’t add new combos, just added more details.
N and Zoroark - Dark tech pair. Dark zone. Special sync, Dark Pulse special move but also Foul Play physical. Trainer move buffing both his attacks. If he doesn’t buff crit, it’s an excuse to use Piers and Obstagoon. Win-Win.
Piers and Toxitricity (Low Key Form) - Poison Special Strike. Give him the one ability that changes move types so he can have poison type Boomburst. Maybe an option for poison zone if they don’t give it to eventual Oleanna. Go Viral Toxic if you’re feeling adventurous.
Leon and Dragapult - Ignoring that another Leon might cause a revolt, I’d love this for Halloween. Honestly not too fussed about what he does.
Raihan and Goodra - Alright, we got the Flygon covering two of the weathers, now give me Dragon Support Goodra that can set rain please and thank you.
Volkner and Regieleki - Electric Support but like I want this to be flexible because of his other electric appearances. Give me something that buffs speed and something else and let it be gimmicky enough to flex off type.
Volkner and Galarian Zapdos - In a shift away from my previous one, I want this to be Fighting Tech. Physical sync, Fighting zone, Thunderous Kick with its guaranteed defense drop. Would be nice if they made it a two charge move since the fighters I use most are 3+.
Caitlyn and Espeon - Psychic Tech. I want big nuke. Ignore MewTwo submit to Espeon.
Grimsley and Galarian Moltres - I wanted big dark tech nuke but now Cyrus and Darkrai exists so. Uh. Dunno. Just think it’d be a fun pair.
Cheren and Ditto - Normal tech, something gimmicky.
Lana and Wishiwashi - Again why wasn’t this the base? Water Strike, not picky. Maybe give her some rain buffs to go with that rain setting Goodra mentioned above, heh.
Gladion and Umbreon - Dark support would be fun, since Umbreon is so bulky. Maybe another dark zone setter, if down the line they decide to release more for the same type. Perhaps another potion bot that can be someone I like more than Sidney (who I am in fact still incredibly salty about being the one to have Absol despite knowing it makes sense).
Riley and Lucario - Still waiting guys. Steel tech or support, please. Play to the variety from Korrina’s mega.
Wallace and Mespirit/Azelf/Uxie - Still have no explanation for this. Any combo would be fine. Maybe Dynamax for giggles. This one is just really out there.
Silver and Weavile - Ice Physical Strike. Give him all the crit gimmicks. All of them.
Bede and Galarian Rapidash - Listen I know he’s gonna have Hattrene or whatever but since I don’t like that thing I’d rather see big Fairy Tech rainbow horse. Our non-seasonal Fairy options are still uhhhhhhhh not ideal attackers (Sycamore being a fantastic tank more than DPS, Lillie’s support, and Valerie and Mina are a struggle).
Bede and Galarian Articuno - This is indulgent because both this Articuno and Bede feel like the kind of smug I’m-Better-Than-You types and I think it would be funny. Another one I’m not to picky on combo.
Roark and Dracovish - Actually narrowing down which fossil, this would just be so goddamn funny. I dunno what combo.
Honorable Mentions to the two that have come true from the original, Raihan and Flygon, Cynthia and Giratina
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